



Weblio 辞書 > 英和辞典・和英辞典 > Externalの意味・解説 > Externalに関連した共起表現


該当件数 : 2436

It is formed by the external abdominal oblique aponeurosis and is continuo
ng more water, and of using it more freely in external ablutions than we were accustomed to; and, I
It is provided with a jack for an external AC power adapter, supplying 5.0 to 6.5 volts
ment) in the county and provides internal and external access to the system.
ifferent from a feedwater heater, which is an external accessory.
The text provides one of the earliest external accounts of Islam, presenting a significantly
The external accumulator was added about 1920.
pierces the cartilaginous or bony wall of the external acoustic meatus, and supplies its cuticular l
of the auricula or pinna, and the back of the external acoustic meatus; their efferents pass to the
, the eyelids, the frontotemporal region, the external acoustic meatus and the tympanic cavity, poss
ch drew up the proposals for the new European External Action Service (EEAS).
ecific, unpredictable, unusual and unintended external action which occurs in a particular time and
response to the establishment of the European External Action Service (EEAS).
y considered as the future HQ of the European External Action Service, established in 2010, but was
ed as Chief Operating Officer of the European External Action Service (EEAS).
ropean Union's diplomatic corps, the European External Action Service, since 2010.
When writing external ActionScript 2.0 class files the above exampl
External actors
tion of the CPA, (it) is trying to make these external actors to understand that it is not them that
cular scenario of a use case, the events that external actors generate, their order, and possible in
elites", and "intervention of other states or external actors".
batteries or it can be powered by a 3 volt DC external adapter via a socket on the side of the calcu
hemical change of the rock or mineral with no external addition of materials.
Later it was restored and the external additions removed.
In PCs, the CPU's external address and data buses connect the CPU to the
External adopters of the euro
"was 90 feet long, and 60 broad, without any external adornment.
cases, legitimate web pages can be edited by external advertisers via XSS and redirected to promoti
appointed by the Church of England following external advertising.
s of The Big Apple Circus and Chairman of the External Advisory Board of the Undergraduate Honors Pr
ttees, including Prime Minister Paul Martin's External Advisory Committee on Cities and Communities,
ts on Russian/Eurasian affairs and chaired an external advisory panel on U.S. government-sponsored r
double-blind peer-reviewed by members of the External Advisory Group, made up of senior academics f
development of the course and has joined the External Advisory Board for the school's activity at t
Colleges, and Universities works with several external advisory bodies to assist the governance of t
ommittee and benefits from the guidance of an external Advisory Board.
The deal was to be inked by Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee and U.S. Se
He appointed Swaran Singh to succeed him as External Affairs Minister.
Ministry of External Affairs (deals with outside correspondences)
Minister of External Affairs Louis Michel speaks of "a country in
ttorney General of Australia and Minister for External Affairs (d.1931).
In 1958, he joined the Department of External Affairs and served in Geneva, New Delhi, Wash
University as associate athletic director for external affairs and was subsequently named as athleti
ed to Papua New Guinea with the Department of External Affairs to teach women agricultural methods.
Culture was combined with External Affairs and Europe, to form a junior minister
rred to the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs
airs, in a communication with the Ministry of External Affairs here, said: “The present terrorist ac
He joined the Department of External Affairs in 1941.
During his term as External Affairs minister, Clark championed Canada's u
US Secretary of State Colin Powell spoke to External Affairs Minister Yashwant Sinha and condemned
He began with the Department of External Affairs in 1957 after completing his Rhodes S
ed the major role in the building of Canada's External Affairs department.
serve as Chief of Protocol of the Ministry of External Affairs until he was seconded to the newly es
the the Chief of Protocol of the Ministry of External Affairs and Defence of Ceylon.
band Network, as its Government Relations and External Affairs Executive.
h, the newly appointed Secretary of State for External Affairs despite not being an MP could attempt
ersees an Internal Affairs Coordinator and an External Affairs Coordinator, who serves as a CASA coo
City Council, Van Bramer served as the Chief External Affairs Officer of the Queens Public Library.
argely intergovernmental pillars dealing with External Affairs and Justice and Home Affairs.
s created in 1978 when the former Ministry of External Affairs and Defence was separated into two mi
The Ministry of External Affairs and Defence was a ministry of the Gov
the independence of Ceylon as the Ministry of External Affairs and Defence, coming under the direct
ttingham University in 1971, where he was the External Affairs Chairman of the Students' Union.
power in 1949, Spender was made Minister for External Affairs (19 December 1949 - 26 April 1951) an
became the Minister for Education, Europe and External Affairs in the McLeish Government of 2000 to
Internal and External Affairs
New Zealand Department of External Affairs Archives: Report on Arthur Nelson Fie
was Assistant Secretary of the Department of External Affairs from 1939-1946, before becoming the S
He later worked as Head of External Affairs at Kingston University, Director of t
positions held include Secretary of State for External Affairs (1968-1974), President of the Privy C
dox Hebrew Congregation and chairman of their external affairs committee.
appointed Legal Advisor of the Department of External Affairs and rose to become a Deputy Undersecr
vatt & Mctiernan JJ) took a broad view of the external affairs power, and accepted that the Commonwe
descendants gave in 1939 to the Department of External Affairs (now the Department of Foreign Affair
ions contained therein were brought under the external affairs power by virtue of their inclusion in
In 2009 she was appointed Director of External Affairs for Anglo American plc.
oreign Service Officer with the Department of External Affairs working in Ottawa and Kuala Lumpur.
was as Permanent Secretary to the Ministry of External Affairs and Defence, from 1953 to 1960.
s and Forestry, Transport and Communications, External Affairs and National Defence and Indian Affai
ing as a legislator, he serves as the Dean of External Affairs for Ivy Tech Community College of Ind
nda Fabiani the Scottish Minister for Europe, External Affairs and Culture stated that "it is unacce
Previously she was the Vice President for External Affairs and Corporation Secretary for the Uni
The External Affairs volunteers work with their volunteers
for four months at the request of Australian external affairs minister Dr H.V. Evatt, before return
She joined Canada's Department of External Affairs in 1990 and served in the Central and
6, the vessel was loaned to the Department of External Affairs and used for fishery surveys by the P
he Department of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of External Affairs and Defence.
Shagari gave Audu the position of Minister of External Affairs in 1979.
mily and continues to work at the Ministry of External Affairs (India), as a Director of the Legal a
ester B. Pearson who was national minister of External Affairs at that time, assisted by Miss Grey C
Previously, Brown was Vice President of External Affairs at the New York Independent System Op
gh, a former Finance Minister of India and an External Affairs Minister, on Pakistan's founder Quaid
dismissed arguments attempting to exclude the external affairs power from encompassing certain domes
scope of the trade and commerce power and the external affairs power, in sections 51(i) and 51(xxix)
Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee said, "The
Gavin Megaw - Director of External Affairs
ine and Public Health, and Vice President for External Affairs and Public Policy, University of Texa
John Diefenbaker, and Secretary of State for External Affairs in 1959 following the death of Sidney
He became Minister for External Affairs in December 1914 until the Labor Part
ntary Secretary to the Secretary of State for External Affairs in 1963 and 1964, then Parliamentary
rporate Responsibility Director, became their External Affairs and Sustainability Director is now a
st step into diplomacy by adding Minister for External Affairs and Minister for Island Territories t
Permanent Secretary to External Affairs and Defence
Additional Secretary to External Affairs and Defence
er Kaur is married to K. Natwar Singh, Former External Affairs Minister of India.
Prior to that the post of Minister of External Affairs and Defence was held by the Prime Min
became a Director General in the Ministry of External Affairs and Defence and was responsible for o
He then served as India's External Affairs Minister from October 1986 until July
He was Deputy Under Secretary for External Affairs from August 1964 until July 1966.
He re-joined External Affairs in 1948 and was posted to London.
In 1944, he joined the Department of External Affairs and worked in Washington, D.C.
REE” Award from Honb'le Minister of State for External Affairs
Primarily through its Government and External Affairs office in Washington, D.C., the organ
The current Cabinet Secretary for Culture and External Affairs is Fiona Hyslop MSP.
After 2001 the Europe and External Affairs Brief was abolished as a ministerial
from 1975 to 1977, the Minister of State for External Affairs in the Government of India from July
The external affairs power ISBN 0-909536-47-3 / ISBN 09095
He took office as External Affairs Minister, one year after the 30-year-
e wrote to the Federal Government Minister of External Affairs in Salisbury.
On the first ballot, former External Affairs minister Lester Pearson defeated form
and served as the Union Minister of State for External Affairs in the Indira Gandhi Government.
ent, lifelong learning, grant development and external affairs at Bristol Community College.
E. Ahmed, Hon'ble Minister of state for External Affairs and Sudhakaran, former Forest Ministe
s also served as Executive Vice President for External Affairs at CareGroup Healthcare System and pr
Professor Pieris was appointed as Minister of External Affairs during government's second term start
ities would be controlled by the Minister for External Affairs through the Political Warfare Divisio
hearing representations from the Minister of External Affairs of Botswana, the Council condemned at
The Europe and External Affairs brief was instituted in 2000 and comb
o (M.A.), Macpherson joined the Department of External Affairs of the Government of Canada.
Then Minister of State for External Affairs of India, Omar Abdullah, blamed Pakis
were to have full control over the khanate's external affairs and would station troops in Shusha.
as the Senior Associate Athletic Director for External Affairs at Virginia Commonwealth University f
Kathryn is the New Mexico Director of External Affairs for the University of Phoenix; Byron
land in 1959 and worked for the Department of External Affairs as a junior diplomat, with postings a
He added external affairs to his responsibilities in 1986.
The Law School External Affairs Office also publishes the Ave Maria S
Communications Officer (and acting manager of external affairs) for the Middle East and North Africa
s and has handled various portfolios, namely, External Affairs, Tourism, Civil Aviation, Textiles an
Khurshid, Former Union Minister of State for External Affairs, who has distinguished himself for hi
-1980, the other being Secretary of State for External Affairs, the Hon.
diplomat, who was the former Director-General External Affairs, former Ceylon's Ambassador to West G
wife of Doctor H.V. Evatt, then Minister for External Affairs, and was commissioned into the RAN on
1949, he became Under Secretary of State for External Affairs, then Ambassador to the North Atlanti
a, seven Doscos have served the Secretary for External Affairs, effectively the top diplomat for the
n joined the World Bank as Vice-President for External Affairs, which included responsibility for re
utive Assistant to the Secretary of State for External Affairs, Mitchell Sharp.
KISTANI FORCES IN DACCA Hosted by Ministry of External Affairs, India Virtual Bangladesh
Daniels) is nominally the British Counsellor External Affairs, but is a Secret Intelligence Service
As minister for External Affairs, he has toured extensively in the wor
In 1938 he joined Canada's Department of External Affairs, but was recruited for the Prime Mini
to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by common allegiance t
In his position as Minister of External Affairs, Akinyemi headed numerous Nigerian de
ective regions of all powers such as defense, external affairs, communications, customs and such oth
, Information & Broadcasting, Civil Supplies, External Affairs, Parliamentary Affairs and Water Reso
New Delhi : Ministry of External Affairs, Govt. of India, c1976.
diplomat who was the former Director-General External Affairs, Ceylon's Ambassador to West Germany
f the U.S. in 2008; Senior Vice President for External Affairs, The Metropolitan Museum of Art.
tary-General and former Minister of State for External Affairs, Govt of India, Shashi Tharoor (1956-
puty Prime Minister, he held the portfolio of External Affairs, and added Defence in June 1965.
l shifts within the cabinet, taking charge of external affairs, appointing new first and second depu
t of Internal Affairs and a Vice President of External Affairs.
In 1953, Plimsoll returned to Department of External Affairs.
airs and Commonwealth Relations, later called External Affairs.
In 1929 he started with the Department of External Affairs.
of the economic division of the Department of External Affairs.
In 1965, he became head of the Department of External Affairs.
In 1957 he joined the Department of External Affairs.
In 1944, he joined the Department of External Affairs.
ecial Assistant to the Secretary of State for External Affairs.
Peiris current Sri Lankan Cabinet Minister of External Affairs.
1941, he became Under Secretary of State for External Affairs.
ior minister post of Minister for Culture and External Affairs.
From 1977 to 1981 he was an undersecretary at External Affairs.
8 he was Fine Gael's front-bench spokesman on External Affairs.
mics living in ivory towers, unconcerned with external affairs.
ointed Assistant Under-Secretary of State for External Affairs.
He held the position of minister of external affairs.
nce, and was made responsible for defence and external affairs.
minister was also the Minister of Defence and External Affairs.
Secretary of State for External Affairs: Mackenzie King
ding to the statistics of India's Ministry of External Affairs; other estimates of their population
s an assistant athletic director for football external affiars.
nternally by Fujitsu, and also by some of its external affiliates.
rk with pupils, parents, subject teachers and external agencies to ensure that the appropriate suppo
ican University, represents the university to external agencies and constituencies, and engages in A
and approximately 360 government, library and external agencies staff.
me Guards and Civil Defence creditably during External aggression in 1962.
in will guarantee the Holy Places against all external aggression and will recognise their inviolabi
expected to "respect and preserve as against external aggression" the territorial integrity of othe
ses removed from power" and to defend against external aggression.
slem lands, including Arab lands, against any external aggression.".
ntina shifted form defending the country from external aggressions to defending it from its internal
ighting in Iraq - that just as Nasser was the external agitator in Algeria, so Ahmadinejad is the ex
s ensuring secure connections to a variety of external agricultural markets throughout the region.
e to preserve complete autonomy regardless of external aid and to maintain friendly relations with o
ing air into the body without the help of any external aid in the form of a catheter or tube.
firmly to the traditional policy of accepting external aid but refusing entangling alliances.
by the Mukti Bahini, and with the absence of external aid, eventual surrender.
t of its policy of decreasing its reliance on external aid.
he abandoned them and learned to live without external aids.

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