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, for their research project, entitled "Space Colonies, A Design Study."
e Iridescent Virus, or IIV6, dealing test bee colonies a lethal blow.
855 was made Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, a post which he held for two years.
The Justice and Policy of Taxing the American Colonies, a criticism of British taxation.
anon and Syria) and its "Punic" Mediterranean colonies a shofet (in Punic, suffet or suffete) was a
and to discontinue the slave trade within the colonies, a step toward phasing out slavery in British
Colonies A and B interact, as do colonies B and C. A a
These characters give colonies a bushy appearance, and they are therefore of
In the 1850s, the Australian colonies achieved responsible government and parliamen
ops had withdrawn from Asia, all these former colonies achieved independence through their own effor
The Act was repealed by the Taxation of Colonies Act 1778, though unable at that point to quel
bers belonging to 52 families residing in two colonies adjacent to the sanctuary.
ated, industrious, and wealthy North American colonies, after a decade's feud with the French, they
een Great Britain and the rebellious Thirteen Colonies after the outbreak of the American Revolution
,000 Black Loyalists to Nova Scotia and other colonies after the war), others took advantage of the
His services for the cause of the American Colonies again brings into prominence Passamaquoddy Ba
f the WIC in Zeeland took over control of the colonies again.
In this area loose colonies aggregate around coastal wetlands.
o Spain further enhanced its ability to build colonies all around the world.
It is found in groups which can be all-female colonies, all-male colonies, and also mixed colonies.
The American colonies ally with France.
Argentine ant colonies almost invariably have many reproductive quee
While it is clear that the Phoenician colonies along the coast had planted vineyards, and th
Chersonesus and other Greek colonies along the north coast of the Black Sea in the
und San Bernardino and were involved in other colonies along the Little Colorado in Arizona.
Nymphaion and other ancient Greek colonies along the north coast of the Black Sea.
Dummies representing people from the colonies, along with weapons and equipment, were the m
Gorgippia and other ancient Greek colonies along the north coast of the Black Sea
s genetic studies have shown that some of the colonies along the border of the two species ranges ar
res have been undertaken at the Anglesey tern colonies along with clearance of vegetation, in partic
Here it forms large colonies alongside mayapple, another spring-flowering
Colonies: Alpha Epsilon Pi.
Ant colonies also provide nutrients to the plants by leavi
Colonies also have some resistance to Varroa.
Colonies also introduces four new single-player modes:
Statute of Anne did not apply to the American colonies, although some scholars have asserted otherwi
flict also occurred in North America in their colonies, although the dates of the conflicts did not
e from spreading into the vestiges of British colonies, amidst the spectre of Cold War politics alre
England Enslaved by Her Own Slave Colonies: An Address to the People and Electors of Eng
He also authored The Other American Colonies: An International and Constitutional Law Exam
dentured labour force from the British Indian colonies and from the Dutch East Indies to keep the ec
ed much of the problems of port cities, penal colonies and the gender imbalance of colonial life.
consolidate the revenue and debts of the two colonies and reduce administration costs.
ricultural Resources of Great Britain and the Colonies, and Observations on the River Plate.
keleton of an Ichthyosaurus, as well as coral colonies and ammonites.
it a British "last minute plan" to steal its colonies, and said that "be[ing] a Nazi province" was
l ferment of Cromwell's England, the American colonies, and the young USA.
d thousands of cell free extracts from E.coli colonies and assayed them for DNA-polymerase activity.
xt year, toured the West Indies, the American colonies, and Canada, looking to invest in land.
nization that had plagued relations among the Colonies and later among the States under the Articles
This was a monumental event throughout the colonies and became the subject matter for the first p
and with his daughter, never to return to the colonies, and became a leading spokesman of American L
to or were generally received in the American Colonies; and includes references to English cases and
he Hornby's Storm-petrel is a mystery, as its colonies and nests have never been found.
been observed among the bees of mite-infested colonies, and among bees who have been dusted with sma
Government Board, Secretary of State for the Colonies and First Lord of the Admiralty.
sition for developing the plan for taxing the colonies, and in return for this service he was reward
British North America consists of the colonies and territories of the British Empire in cont
played some thirty-two matches against other colonies and England.
ch placed minorities in positions of power in colonies, and soon dominated the civil service and oth
s ...administering the Governments of British Colonies and Dependencies be authorised to fly the Uni
Till and McCulloch dubbed the lumps 'spleen colonies', and speculated that each lump arose from a
Rockingham was more favorable towards the colonies and furthermore he was antagonistic towards p
low at the economic foundations of the Middle colonies, and at the same time opened the way for the
s a species of cyanobacteria usually found in colonies and in globose racks.
In May of 1761 he immigrated to the American colonies, and became pastor of the Baptist church in P
ed Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland, and the Colonies, and all Dependencies thereof, and Empress of
niversal Century technologies including space colonies and mobile suits are also viewed academically
Sultanpur was evacuated to build residential colonies and offices.
f the naval agreements between the Australian colonies and the United Kingdom (under which Australia
teen stars representing the original thirteen colonies and the crossed American flag and Betsy Ross
ith Yemen would fuel increased trade with the colonies and bring the region under the Italian sphere
fax was the only English peer residing in the Colonies and was proprietor of a 5-million-acre (20,00
Females form small nursery colonies, and the young do not leave the nursery until
e still being imprisoned or deported to penal colonies and persecution only worsened after the Frenc
second German printing press in the American colonies and also published the largest book in Coloni
legislative and administrative reforms in the colonies, and was noted for his attacks on the Roman C
and to others, as in the case of the American colonies and their growth; however, the Laws of the In
t between the different factions weakened the colonies and made it easier for the Irish to unite aga
is a free agreement between the people of the colonies, and these pre-existing rights continued afte
over an eventual partition of the Portuguese colonies and the Berlin-Baghdad railway.
Relations between the colonies and England were strained by this time, but n
, and a Summary of the History of the Several Colonies and of the United States.
They breed in huge colonies and the female lays one white egg.
Charles II to the throne in 1660, all of the colonies, and Massachusetts in particular, came under
t to acquire resources and goods found in the colonies, and they find this facilitated with incorpor
he had overall responsibility for the British colonies and protectorates in the region, namely the S
who transported many to Nova Scotia and other colonies, and some to London.
sh Parliament about his visit to the imperial colonies and expressed his trust to India people and g
ormer cabinet Minister for Welfare, Chancery, Colonies and Consolidation, of the Provincial Assembly
attended negotiations with six other British colonies and around 200 members of various Indian nati
The Suppression in Spain and in the Spanish colonies, and in its dependency, the Kingdom of Naples
sands of people migrate from other Australian colonies and from overseas, the population reached 64,
Cosmids, however, always form colonies and not plaques.
Volume II, Chapter 40, The American Colonies and the War.
at increased hostilities between the thirteen colonies and the British Empire and helped catalyze ev
It breeds in colonies, and has two main breeding areas: one in the
l schools (which became a model for the other colonies) and the provision of evening lectures at the
or the London Company and other early English colonies, and helped balance a trade deficit with Spai
hurst, the Secretary of State for War and the Colonies, and promoted lieutenant-colonel, but Governo
coins, silver coins were made for some of the colonies, and various medals and trade tokens were str
as compiled from the codes of the New England colonies, and it provided for trial by jury, for propo
ica" was the common name by which the British colonies and territories that now comprise Canada were
hich also incorporated representatives of the Colonies and Dominion governments) and gained a reputa
ionary War that occurred between the American Colonies and the British.
Quaker Women Preaching and Prophesying in the Colonies and Abroad, 1700-1775, New York: Alfred A Kno
can also be found in the numerous industrial colonies and masies, or farm houses, within the limits
way in which Europeans viewed the "Other" in colonies and other exotic locations was how the French
The Ethnology of the British Colonies and Dependencies, 1851
outh Delhi, consisting of several residential colonies and multiple markets.
irst Baptist college in the original thirteen colonies and one of the Ivy League universities.
ed Permanent Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies and in 1910 Vice-Chairman of the Development
8th century saw the breakaway of the American colonies and many other unfortunate events in London,
Pneumococcus is characterized by smooth colonies and has a polysaccharide capsule that induces
or War, which now took responsibility for the Colonies, and was renamed the Secretary of State for W
g money to the British forces in the American colonies and the other for victualling the troops ther
al mating spot for these moths is in honeybee colonies, and the males can be seen there anywhere bet
o 1895, notably as Secretary of State for the Colonies and as Foreign Secretary.
all pitted the Kingdom of Great Britain, its colonies and American Indian allies on one side agains
y both the secession of the thirteen American colonies and the publication of Adam Smith's The Wealt
he spread of the Anglican church in Britain's colonies, and as such were primarily composed of theol
e growing bolder and attacking remote Autobot colonies and space bridges.
end, an early settler settler of the American Colonies, and a member of the Quaker religion.
sana was ushered in with the establishment of colonies and forts in Detroit (1701), St. Louis, Mobil
nd to regulate the affairs of the New England colonies and settle disputes among them.
in 1847 as assistant under-secretary for the colonies, and in the next year he became permanent und
ntinued to grow, aided by war in the American Colonies and the ever present threat of invasion from
This play was popular in the colonies and was well-known by the Founding Fathers, w
only archaea capable of forming multicellular colonies, and even show cellular differentiation.
Spain discouraged manufacturing in its colonies and limited trade to Spanish goods handled by
and Townsville, Australia, protecting British colonies and shipping from German raiders.
Grosbeak Starlings are highly vocal, at their colonies and in feeding flocks.
ith Dr. Johnson on the rights of the American colonies and his Lives of the Poets.
s, Hestia symbolizes the alliance between the colonies and their mother cities.
events loosened Spain's hold on her American colonies, and the movement for Mexican independence gr
It applied throughout India and the Colonies, and elsewhere in the Dominions; in effect, t
These sentiments worked their way over to the Colonies and were implanted after great struggle into
this roof style to survive from the original colonies, and includes a Chinese fretwork balustrade a
ain as a port to serve trade with the Spanish colonies, and constructed in the neoclassical style of
Royal Navy Tacomas were renamed after British colonies and were known collectively as Colony class f
rned to England, and others left for mainland colonies and New Zealand.
in 1871-1872 was successively minister of the colonies and of finance.
find a way to resolve the dispute between the colonies and Parliament.
atically committed the British Raj, the Crown colonies and the protectorates, but the 1931 Statute o
ncluding George Wythe a leading jurist in the colonies and Francis Fauquier, the Governor of Virgini
interpretation of British actions between the colonies and to foreign governments.
airs, work that involved several trips to the Colonies and Dominions.
s set up in New York to correspond with other colonies, and in December an alliance was formed betwe
Prokopovych studied the biology of bee colonies, and strove to improve existing methods of be
Loir, Isambert studied law, was deputy of the colonies and, in 1818 (under the Second Restoration of
ooth, entire, bright orange, scotochromogenic colonies appear after 2 days in GYEA, Bennett's and nu
Colonies appear on 5% sheep blood agar, Middlebrook 7H
Colonies appear as light yellow streaks.
Slowly growing organism, colonies appear after 4 weeks of growth.
Younger colonies appeared slightly transparent.
the English, both at home and in the American colonies, applied the term “cracker” to Scots-Irish an
n Petrels breed colonially on remote islands; colonies are present on Gough Island in the Atlantic O
Male-only colonies are also located on the Cook Strait coast of
Candida guilliermondii colonies are flat, moist, smooth, and cream to yellow
Colonies are encrusting on shells and rocks or upright
Principal colonies are in Solano County, Sacramento County, Lake
Colonies are non pigmented.
These colonies are generally considered to make up a single
e those settlements, are in force, unless the colonies are particularly mentioned.
The scotochromogenic colonies are yellow, moist, and slimy when grown at 37
The ant's colonies are complex.
Echinata colonies are massive and cerioid, with laterally compr
no natural defense against the hornet and the colonies are rapidly destroyed.
colonies are pale brown and circular.
or bipolar polytrichous flagellation, and its colonies are round and grey to greenish black.
Colonies are velvety to the touch.
Colonies are rough and strongly yellow-pigmented.
more, the governments of Earth and its space colonies are at odds and resolve their differences wit
Colonies are attended nocturnally, and the species bre
Space colonies are located at areas of gravitational stabili
ed; for this reason, many queens in non-feral colonies are marked with a light daub of paint on thei
Their colonies are denser than those of any other great alba
native South America about 1-4 % of the RIFA colonies are infested with S. daguerrei.
Colonies are mucoid, convex, round, entire-edged and d
Some colonies are highly perfumed, attractive to day-flying
Humankind has colonized Mars, and space colonies are also set up in orbit around Jupiter.
Colonies are often upright bilaminar branches or sheet
The largest colonies are on the islands of Brava, Branco and Raso,
However, smaller colonies are also found in the Prince Edward Islands (
e when a Nosema affliction occurs because the colonies are already weakened by the Varroa mite or ot
typical in CCD cases that provisions of dying colonies are not being robbed, suggesting that at leas
Bacterial colonies are picked up from a straight wire and inocul
Their colonies are unusual in being far inland and at high e
Maternity colonies are located in caves that range in temperatur
On Middlebrook 7H10 agar, colonies are small, nonpigmented and smooth to rough,
Cheilostome colonies are composed of calcium carbonate and grow on
exercised by the Audiencias of other Spanish colonies around the world, several factors, such as th
ecause of the control they wielded over their colonies around the world.
alactica and the last survivors of the Twelve Colonies around six months after their escape from Rag
Ten years on he migrated to the Australian colonies, arriving in Sydney aboard the William Penn i
ede some of its resources, including overseas colonies, art, libraries, industrial equipment etc.
the Euxine (Black Sea), data on various Greek colonies, as well as information about the ancient Umb
ted to gain control over as many of the Dutch colonies as possible, seizing Sint Eustatius, a vital
In 1928, Nasi was sent to the Italian colonies as Chief-of-Staff for the Colonial Troops and
780-81, the 17th was deployed in the southern colonies as part of Tarleton's Legion, and fought in m

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