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02 May 1976: The RHC shot dead a Catholic civilian near his home in Thistlecro
13 Sep 1993: The RHC shot dead a Protestant civilian outside his girlfriend's
Appeared on Generation Dead: A Compilation from the Dark Side of Music, rel
He also played Sam Jacobs in Waking the Dead, a season four two-part episode called Anger Ma
volcanic eruption has left at least 343 people dead, a number that is expected to climb.
Once the pet is mysteriously found dead, a series of bizarre murders begins.
8 November 1974: Shooting dead a Catholic civilian on Byron Street, Belfast.
er with canticles and litany, the Office of the Dead, a calendar of East Anglian origin and an incom
anuary 1, 1954) is a pro-life activist who shot dead a security guard in an Australian abortion clin
world where humans have to live with the living dead, a new job opportunity is born: zombie catcher.
The Federal Monument to the Unknown Dead, a 50-foot-tall (15 m) granite obelisk erected
Scene of the crime: Dmitry was found dead a few steps from his residence.
He directed Refused Are Fucking Dead, a 2006 documentary charting the demise of Refu
Things to Do at Horace Hyde When You Are Dead: A prankster ghost named Gilbert haunts Zack.
In Planet of the Dead, a wormhole transports a London double-decker b
He was pronounced dead a few minutes later.
s of electricity were required to render Tafero dead, a process that took 13 minutes and 30 seconds.
But the Angels, left for dead a few innings earlier, were now within striking
13 Sep 2002: The RHC shot dead a member of the Loyalist Volunteer Force as he
27 January 2010, separatists shoot dead a policeman in Al-Ghaydah.
He fled the country, leaving for dead a female rebel that he had slept with.
ood Samaritan Hospital, where he was pronounced dead about 80 minutes later.
He also appeared in the films Slash, Dead Above Ground, Cats and Mice, Rain and Calendar
The rest reported dead, according to their own showing, were colored."
extensive, where 243 people have been reported dead according to United Nations officials.
taken to Klang Hospital where he was pronounced dead, according to hospital director, Dr. Pichaya Na
The parents of one of the dead accused the media of "glamorising ways of takin
1960 Epitaph for a Dead Actor
The final Prolapse LP was Ghosts of Dead Aeroplanes, released in 1999, after which the g
matic incident in which a close friend was shot dead after intervening in a gang shoot-out.
officials say at least 113 people are confirmed dead after tsunami struck a remote area in the count
ate Lawrence "Dago" Mangano and was later found dead after a fire in his home, on April 30, 1931.
Davis was assumed to be dead after going missing on or about July 30, 1945 o
ican boyfriend is also brought in an ambulance, dead after a fatal fall.
He was believed dead after the battle with Gillius Thunderhead, yet
to the Jenin Hospital, where he was pronounced dead after his arrival.
ampaign against Ley, but was subsequently found dead after a fall from the Coogee cliffs.
It is thought that Burns was shot dead after an internal feud within the organisation.
Confederates dead after the Second Battle of Fredericksburg on Ma
nsept was converted into a memorial for the war dead after the Second World War.
pses soon both come back to life; they were not dead after all.
there almost immediately, Krosnoff was already dead after striking the light post.
Civilians lie dead after the My Lai Massacre of 1968.
Alex's wife was found dead after a few days of marriage and they all blame
On the next day, he discovers "Kohle" dead, after he consumed the remains of the beverage.
Fisting the Dead... Again
Dead Again
No Brakes On My Rollerskates and Dead Again, The First Two Singles by Billie Ray Mart
und that was introduced in their previous album Dead Again.
He speaks on Muslims womens' rights and is dead against the disease called ignorance or Jahalla
Ronnie kills the rodent and puts the dead agent in his car, which he sends into the Saint
udiansky both assist the Punisher to rescue the dead agent's family from Jigsaw.
Dead Ahead (2003)
Castle Doom Dead Ahead
s soundtrack (1991) - song: "Danger, Heartbreak Dead Ahead"
wave of about nine Junkers Ju 88s attacked from dead ahead.
Dead Ahead: The Exxon Valdez Disaster (1992) - Gov.
1992: Dead Ahead; the Exxon Valdez Disaster
They Have Come Back from the Dead!! Ahhhh!", words and music by Sufjan Stevens, f
Dead Aim 2004/May
A fourth game, Resident Evil: Dead Aim, was released in 2003.
It was followed by Resident Evil: Dead Aim.
Colorblind can be found as track 1 of the album Dead Air for Radios.
Yorke linked from the band's blog Dead Air Space to a video of clubgoers dancing to th
I am gone!" this was followed by 11 seconds of dead air then music played.
Larson tried his hand at writing fiction: Dead Air (1991) was largely ghost-written by Lori Bo
Piano solo and dead air [unlisted] - 5:17
track, which must decide whether to accept the dead air or cut it off.
rovided the narration for Mordant Music's album Dead Air.
It goes about greece that buys bones of dead Albanian people.
The Bring on the Dead album was written, recorded and released late 2
Another live Grateful Dead album recorded during this same concert tour is
Grateful Dead album cover.
4 Can Keep A Secret If 3 Of Them Are Dead album cover for the E.P.
This article is about the Grateful Dead album.
Other live Grateful Dead albums recorded during this same concert tour a
It appears on 19 Grateful Dead albums, and 9 more by related acts from the Gra
Work CD/LP (2000) - Dead Alive Records
the horror-comedy film Braindead (also known as Dead Alive, 1992).
rred in the Gaumont Pictures production of "The Dead Alive," directed by Henri J. Vernot.
iven by officials at the time was of 383 people dead, all Egyptian.
6 dead, all members of the Italian crew
Etcitty later turns up dead, along with another pot poacher.
eeks were bombarded and casualties entailed two dead along with eight wounded.
87.1% due to this reason, few birds were found dead along the coast.
me being, it is the major cemetery for military dead along with Stanley Military Cemetery
ain service, suitable for the conveyance of the dead, already ran between London and Woking.
He would have died had he not pretended to be dead already.
ioned in promotional material, the The Grateful Dead also performed.
Million Dead also have a song called Holloway Prison Blues o
As well as joining the Gods, the Book of the Dead also depicts the dead living on in the 'Field o
German radio reported 15,000 dead, although Einsatzgruppe Dirlewanger alone repor
waal disappeared and was believed by many to be dead, although both Pyrem and Orium knew Altwaal is
Given up for Dead: America's Heroic Stand at Wake Island.
ten hits during the encounter and suffered five dead among her crew.
The original chorus was "Doctor Who lies dead among the Cybermen".
, he found another clerk locked in a store room dead, an apparent suicide.
Bury the Dead, an anti-war zombie play.
a and Crown Prince Rudolf of Austria were found dead, an apparent murder suicide, at his hunting lod
eaved down into the landscape to a 'city of the dead', an in between place where the dead and the li
another bite of food because the names of their dead anchored their tongues.”
Her own losses were 12 dead and 12 injured.
The song "The Landlord is Dead" from Goodbye Enemy Airship the Landlord Is Dea
y simply told the crowd that Bonnot was already dead and had been buried in a secret grave.
CBS and produced the miniseries Living with the Dead and The Dead Will Tell, and the CBS drama Ghost
Baran is told that Havin is dead and he is devastated by the news.
Crook reported a loss of 32 dead and 21 wounded and 13 of the Lakota dead.
ia in February and March 2008, with at least 42 dead and 65,000 displaced.
Casualties were 37 dead and 87 wounded.
Nasiriya and Basra in June left two protesters dead and wounded a number of police and civilians.
tnering Shy FX, he released the album Long Time Dead, and also started a record label named Digital
dnesday that 1,072 people have been recorded as dead and more than 600 are missing.
lashes between rival supporters left one person dead and injured 50 others.
During the Warsaw pogrom two people were left dead and twenty-four injured.
monstrations and riots last week left 10 people dead and more than 400 others injured.
ed police, and Woods told police that Sarah was dead and led the police to her body.
Batman is shown apparently dead and the identity of his killer is presumably th
Moore reported three dead and twenty wounded.
We look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.
Moale suffered three dead and twenty-five wounded.
The typhoon left 3 dead and caused US$1.5billion of damage.
Polish casualties were 1,206 dead and lost and 3,000 wounded.
Lazarus there is an abyss between the righteous dead and the wicked dead in Sheol.
The Spanish suffered only 30 dead and 40 injured, while the British lost 250 dead
se when Mildmay Park station closed the NLR was dead and gone.
Both were shot dead and their bodies were discovered inside the apa
of the brigade disentangled themselves from the dead and most of them fled.
However, Beau is not yet dead and manages to spoil Markoff's aim, allowing Jo
Most of the 48 dead and 30 injured were in the first passenger car,
first single by British gothic rock group Play Dead and the group's very first studio recording.
hen the King falls over a cliff, he is presumed dead and Charlie crowns himself King.
The British had three dead and ten wounded, the French had twenty-one dead
etween six and eight people were believed to be dead and 27 wounded.
In all the hurricane left 21-39 people dead and over $1 million (1933 USD, $17 million 2011
Dozens of dead and wounded lay on the field.
In this way we express our mourning for the dead and unite all the people".
the bands …And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead and The AM Syndicate
All of those dead and injured were on the bus; the train passenge
Initial report said 35 were confirmed dead and 44 were missing.
The larvae feed on dead and dying trees such as beech, elm, maple, and
Raggedy Man is found dead and Jeremiah is starting to fall apart.
After losing four of his crew dead and another 20 wounded, Mackenzie surrendered A
gor, who in the year 1500 raised an army of the dead and caused havoc and death in Japan.
There were 25 dead and no survivors.
that are pulled from class get made-up to look dead and become the "living dead".
rces killed about 180 warriors losing only five dead and 41 wounded.
General Luga, only to turn back, leaving their dead and wounded behind.
There were 179 dead and 44 survivors.
Creole had suffered ten men dead and 26 wounded; Astrea lost nine men dead and 3
They mutilated and stole from the dead, and committed atrocities against pregnant wome
But Peter was not dead and Drews relationship with his dad grew.
e result that the landing party suffered 60 men dead and wounded, and 1134 captured.
everal explosions in Algiers, Algeria, leave 23 dead and dozens of people injured.
All of her machinery was dead, and she was receiving steam and electricity fr
The attack left at least 23 dead and injured many others, including Hasina.
at the end of 1991; Henry Kipper was pronounced dead, and Sid went solo.
This means the tree is dying or dead, and the beetles have moved to another tree.
However, he is not dead, and he grabs Chrissie.
reepers, Love & Debate, The Anarchist Cookbook, Dead and Breakfast and The Sick House.
With Alfonso III dead and the kingdom of Asturias divided among his s
In the subsequent shoot-out, Meyer was shot dead and Klump was arrested and was then extradited
The casualties for Korea were six dead and 25 injured.
Rynn is injured and left for dead and Delon is kidnapped.
In 1864 Hong Xiuquan was found dead and the city of Nanjing soon fell to Qing force
between the two candidates' supporters left one dead and 50 wounded.
rushed to the scene and found the two men, one dead and the other seriouly wounded.
didates over the weekend that left at least one dead and dozens injured.
Anthony Cecil - Didgeridoo on Dead And Gone To Heaven
Chandru believes that Aravindan is dead and feels very much for him.
ay conflicted with the Dutch Remembrance of the Dead and as such the Netherlands withdrew.
soldiers died of sunstroke The British had six dead and 38 wounded and one dead of sunstroke.
On 18 January the Police published numbers of dead and missing according to an altered system.
casualties during the siege amounted to only 19 dead and 45 wounded, while Vietnamese casualties ran
The other is an old woman who is believed to be dead and regards herself as being as good as dead.
pulsed and ultimately retreated, suffering some dead and wounded.
A threatened ladybug may both play dead and secrete the unappetising substance to prote
Three were confirmed dead and six are still missing.
The resulting attack left 63 innocent peasants dead and at least 100 more injured.
Toirdelbach, son of Flaithbertach, was left for dead and Concobur, son of Tadhg O'Caiside, (namely,
After Death, the State of the Faithful Dead and their Relationship to the Living (1887)
Kobus Joubert, 67, was shot dead and his wife Mariana, was beaten up by assailan
My Dad is Dead... and He's Not Gonna Take It Anymore (St.
They suffered from the stench of the many dead, and many men became ill through drinking from
d missing in Vietnam she had the navy claim him dead and remarried a lawyer named Dirk.
slides, the earthquake left at least 305 people dead and more than 1,000 missing.
Only Leo is not dead, and he leaves a recording that Lily finds and
of the Mormon doctrine of the redemption of the dead and later establishment of the practice of bapt
ina, a Mediterranean fleet vessel, and about 25 dead and seventy wounded.
At the end of battle the British had only three dead and 18 wounded, whereas the Patriotes had about
lture, Baralku (or Bralgu) is the island of the dead and the place where the Djanggawul originated.
prepared position, accounted for numerous enemy dead, and prevented further friendly casualties.
ainmont, French casualties were around 40 to 50 dead and wounded.
y a tornado on April 16, 2011 leaving 12 people dead and over 50 people injured.
His wife was subsequently found dead, and Chiroto went into hiding.
According to Nimier, French casualties were 6 dead and 29 wounded.
rom zombie films, including Night of the Living Dead and Return of the Living Dead.
It left 7 people dead and enormous damage across the region.
It contains a bronze war memorial to the dead and serving soldiers from World War I (memorial
Santa Claws in Dead and Loving It (2006)
Shaun Of The Dead and the highly rated 2005 horror film The Desce
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