The University is moving to Condition 1 at noon, Friday, Jan. 10.
As a result of adverse winter weather conditions expected Friday afternoon through the weekend, UNC Charlotte will move to Condition 1, reduced operations, from noon, Friday, Jan. 10, through noon, Sunday, Jan. 12.
While UNC Charlotte remains open, members of the University community should exercise good judgment about their local weather conditions when determining if they can travel to and from campus safely.
Please continue to monitor your local weather conditions and use caution traveling in the days after the storm, as low temperatures and ice may linger in the Charlotte region.
What You Need to Do
- Non-Mandatory Staff: You should report to work as scheduled as long as you are able. If you cannot safely report to work, you may work remotely with the approval of your supervisor and pending all office functions can be adequately met. If you cannot report to work or work remotely, you should discuss with your supervisor how you will account for missed time.
- Mandatory Staff: You should report to work as directed if you are scheduled to work.
- Faculty: Since classes are not in session Friday, Jan. 10, through Sunday, Jan. 12, you do not need to take action.
- Students: Since classes are not in session Friday, Jan. 10, through Sunday, Jan. 12, you do not need to take action. Dining options will continue to be available for students residing in residence halls during this time. The latest information will be available here.
Move-In Information
All residents received an email from Housing and Residence Life (HRL) with information about accommodations that are being made to accommodate new and returning students over the weekend. If you have any questions, please call 704-687-7501 or email hrlmailbox@charlotte.edu.
Next Update
You may continue to receive automatic NinerAlerts as the National Weather Service issues severe weather alerts (e.g. winter storm warning, ice storm warning, etc.). Otherwise, the next update will be issued when the University has returned to normal operating conditions.
The UNC Charlotte Office of Emergency Management (OEM) is an office within the Department of Safety and Security. The office is responsible for coordinating efforts related to the four phases of emergency management: mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery. OEM assists the UNC Charlotte community in preparing for, responding to and recovering from any type of emergency that could negatively impact the Institution.
Emergency Preparedness
NinerAlerts will help keep you informed and safe during an emergency. Make sure you are signed up to receive notifications.
NinerNotices will help keep you informed and safe during an emergency. Make sure you are signed up to receive notifications.
Being NinerReady begins with you. Make sure you know what to do if you receive an emergency alert.
A lockdown is ordered if there is a potential or present threat to campus, like an active assailant. When you get this alert, you will be told to RUN, HIDE, FIGHT.
A building evacuation is ordered for a particular campus building(s) campus. A campus evacuation is ordered during events affecting all or most of campus.
Seek Shelter
Events such as tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, flash flooding or hazardous material releases can all result in a seek shelter order.