This user is a former addict of radical emoticons. -O- Dang it! >_<
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/emoticonaddict}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/procrastinates often}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/procrastinates perfectionist}} whatlinkshere
T_h_i_s__u_s_e_r__o_v_e_r_u_s_e_s_ _u_n_d_e_r_s_c_o_r_e_s_.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/_o_v_e_r_u_s_e__u_n_d_e_r_s_c_o_r_e_}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/fartedinpublic}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/believeinfortunecookie paper}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/believeinfortunecookie pastry}} whatlinkshere
This user will not lose the ability to imagine upon reaching the burden of adulthood.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/imagination youth}} whatlinkshere
This user is dead sexy.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/dead sexy female}} whatlinkshere
This user is dead sexy.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/dead sexy male}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/occasional hypocrite}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/still fears e.coli}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/tattoo drunk}} (Note: Use {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/tattoo drunk|not}} if you were not drunk while getting tattoos.)whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/know more}} whatlinkshere
Muscles and grime don't make this user; it's how he uses his god-given {{{1}}}.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/godgiven male}} (Note: This UBX can be customized for any trait. Example: {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/godgiven male|charm}}) whatlinkshere
Hips and kisses don't make this user; it's how she uses her god-given {{{1}}}.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/godgiven female}} (Note: This UBX can be customized for any trait. Example: {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/godgiven male|charm}}) whatlinkshere
This user is allergic to bull.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/no bullshit}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/stronger}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/obsessed superstitions}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/atheist to superstitions}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/enjoys porn extragoodly}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/growing up is scary}} whatlinkshere (Note: Use {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/growing up is scary|not}} if you are really not afraid of growing up.)whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/growing old is scary}} whatlinkshere (Note: Use {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/growing old is scary|not}} if you are really not afraid of growing old.)whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/weird}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/retirement}} whatlinkshere
{{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/enjoys mixing drinks}} whatlinkshere
This user had survived consecutive days without sleep.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/nosleep days}} whatlinkshere
This user had survived a day without sleep but has no plans to do it ever again.
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/nosleep neveragain}} whatlinkshere
This user is aware that his or her eraser always goes missing before it can be used up...
| {{User:Jw21/deUBdomain/eraser}} whatlinkshere