List of furry LiveJournal communities
From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.
Below is a list of furry LiveJournal communities, alphabetical by heading. As of 13 October 2013, LiveJournal's search by interest listed 342 communities interested in "furry". This does not completely overlap with related interests, such as anthropomorphics (173), furries (324), furs (192), fursuits (158), yiff (89), et cetera.
* marks communities are not exclusively furry.
Furry art[edit]
- General
- Anthro/Animal Artists Community: were_art - Anthro/Animal Artists Community
- anthroart - Anthroart
- fantasywildlife - Fantasy Wildlife
- furryanatomy101 - Anthro Anatomy 101
- furryartists - Furry Artists
- furryicons - Furry Icons
- ink-n-paws - Ink 'N Paws
- teenycom - Little Bitty Spiffy Commissions (fantasy & furry art commissions under $10) *
- Adult Material:
- dracophile - Dracophile
- dracophilia - Dracophilia
- erotic_equine - Erotic Equine
- fur_porn - Fur Porn
- furry_pinups - Furry Pinups
- gryphonerotica - Gryphon Erotica
- Artist and Commissioner Discussion:
- artists_beware - Artists Beware*
- artistrecommend - Recommending Artists *
Art exchanges[edit]
- General:
- Anthro Sketch Exchange: anthrosketchxch - Quality Controlled Furry Sketch Exchange
- Fur Art Xchange: furartxchange - Furry Art Exchange (closed)
- furartxxxchange - Furry Art Exchange: Adult Aspects (closed)
- furartxchange2 - Fur Art Exchange 2
- Furotica Art Xchange: furoticxchange - Furotic Exchange
- Species:
- Avians: Avian Art Exchange: avian_exchange - Avian Exchange
- Canines: CanineXchange: caninexchange - CanineXchange (“closed” 2007 Dec)
- Dragons:
- Dragon Swap: dragon_swap - Dragon Swap
- Equines: Equine Xchange: equinexchange - Equine Xchange
- gryphon_xchange - Gryphon Exchange
- ggexchange - Gryphon's Guild Exchange
- hybridxchange - Hybrid Exchange
- lapinexchange - Lapine Exchange
- mlp_artxchange - My Little Pony Exchange
- mythicexchange2 - Mythic Exchange 2
- paleo_exchange - Paleo Exchange
- reptile_xchange - Reptile Exchange
- wolfxchange - Wolf Exchange
- Other specialty:
- 100x100xchnge - 100x100 Icon Exchange *
- Conbadges:
- badgeexchange - Con Badge Exchange *
- Conbadges: conbadges - Conbadges Monthly Trade *
- con_badges - Convention Badge Community
- Exchange Pimpin': exchangepimpin - Exchange Pimpin'
- Exotic Exchange: exotic_xchange - Exotic Exchange
- lulzexchange - Lulz Exchange *
- realmailxchange - Real Mail Exchange
Art projects[edit]
- Playing cards
- The Bestiary: bestiarycards - Bestiary Cards
- Kennel Club: thekennelclub - The Kennel Club
- Pathfinder's Deck: totemcards - Pathfinders Deck
- Cookbooks
- Recipe Portfolio: recipeportfolio - Furry Cookbook Portfolio
- (for cooking, see Interests section)
Art archives[edit]
- ArtVark:
- artvarkbootcamp - Camp Artvark (official community)
- Fur Affinity:
- furaffinity - Fur Affinity
- wtf_fa - WTF FA (unofficial complaints or "horrors" community)
- ftw_fa - Fur Affinity For The Win (unofficial; user-chosen submission highlights)
- VCL:
- vcl_admin_diary - Musings of the VCL admins
- vclpickoftheday - VCL Pick of the Day
- vcl_kink - The Weird, Wild, & Wonderful of VCL
- Yerf (largely historical):
- yerf - Yerf
- yerf_hopefuls - Yerf Hopefuls
- anti_yerf - The Yerf - Non-Yerf Mutual Agree to Disagree Society
- yerf_vent - Yerf Vent
- Anthrocon: anthrocon - Anthrocon (unofficial)
- Anthrofest: anthrofest - Anthrofest (Festivale International de l'Anthropomorphisme)
- Califur: califur - Califur
- Camp Feral!: feral_campers - Feral_Campers (unofficial)
- Cape May Fur Meet: capemayfurmeet - CapeMayFurMeet
- ConFuzzled: confuzzledlj ConFuzzled LJ
- Eurofurence: eurofurence - Eurofurence (unofficial)
- FurFright: furfright - FurFright
- Furry Connection North: fcn_convention - Furry Connection North
- Furry Cruise: furrycruise - Furry Cruise
- Furry Weekend Atlanta: furryweekend - FurryWeekend (official)
- Further Confusion: furcon - FurCon
- Megaplex: megaplex - Megaplex (official)
- Mephit Furmeet: mfm - MFM
- Midwest FurFest: midwest_furfest - Midwest FurFest (unofficial)
- Morphicon: ohiomorphicon - OhioMorphicon (unofficial)
- Oklacon: oklacon - Oklacon
- RainFurrest: rainfurrest
- RBW: rbwuk (official)
- RivFur: rivfur
- Rocket City Furmeet: rcfm - RCFM
- What The Fur: whatthefur - What The Fur
- ZonieCon: zoniecon - ZonieCon
- Operations: furoperations - Furry Convention Operations
- Pictures: furconpics - furconpics
- Proposed conventions:
- gcfc - Gulf Coast Furry Con
Convention events[edit]
- Deaddog!: dead_dog
- The Frozen Oasis Party: thefrozenoasis
- Furry Night Live: furrynightlive
- Happy Naked Land: happynakedland
- Ursa Major Awards: ursamajorawards
- Whose Lion is it Anyway: whoselion
Costuming and fursuits[edit]
- bad_fur - The Horror of Fursuits
- behindtheseams - BehindTheSeams
- bunnysuits - Bunny Suits and Suiters
- candyskunks - The Candy Skunk Corps
- Fandom's Favorite Fursuit Fracas: fursuittourney - Fandom's Favorite Fursuit Fracas
- fdfederation - FDF
- fur_suits - Fur Suits
- fursuit - Fursuit
- fursuit_gigs - Civic fursuiting opportunities
- fursuit_help - Fursuit construction help
- fursuit-macros - Fursuit Macro's
- Fursuit Picture Of the Day:
- fursuitpod - The Fursuit Pic of the day (Syndicated Feed of Timduru website)
- fursuitpodtalk - talkback community for Fursuit Picture Of The Day feed
- fursuit_snark - Fursuit Snark
- fursuit_trades - Fursuit Trades
- fursuit-videos - Fursuit Videos
- fursuitauctions - Fursuit Auctions
- fursuitdancing - Fursuit Dancing
- fursuitlounge - Fursuit Lounge
- fursuitters - Fursuitters
- hi_4 - Hi-4 Entertainment activities
- honestfurcrits - Honest FurSuit Critiques
- ilovetails - I Love Tails
- inside_the_suit - Who's inside the suit?
- Marylen Costumes: marylen-costume - Marylen Costumes (fan community)
- quadsuits - Four legs are good
- rarsuit - Monsters! Rar!
- tallfursuiters - Tall Fursuiters Community
- ukfursuit - UK Fursuit
- see also fitfursuiters in Interests > Health section
- see also fursuitfigurine in Websites section
- Adult Material:
- fursex - Fursuit Sexy!
- fursuityiffers - Fursuit Yiffers
- Furmeets: furmeets - Furmeet Community
- Furloween:: furloween
- Furry Ski Weekend: furryskiweekend
- General:
- furrtive - furrtive (The Furry Community)
- the_fur_pad - The Fur Pad
- Acting: actorfurs - Thespian Furs' Journal
- Alcoholic beverages:
- Drinking:
- drinkingfurs - Furs Who Drink (alcohol and other drinks)
- fursthatdrink - Furs That Drink
- Whisky: whisky_furries - Furries who enjoy the water of life
- Drinking:
- Amusement parks: roller_critters - Roller Critters
- Animals:
- Animal photographs:
- baaaaabyanimals - Baaaaaby Animals
- huskybreak - Husky specific Photos
- wildphotos - Wildphotos
- wolfphotography - Wolf Photography
- Pets:
- furrypetowners - Furries and their pets!
- Animal photographs:
- Astronomy: astrono_furs - Astronomy Furs
- Babyfurs:
- babyfur - Babyfur community
- baby_furs - Babyfurs Playpen
- babyfur_art - Babyfur Art!
- eu_babyfurs - European Babyfurs
- furry_daycare - Furry Daycare
- furryregression - Furry Age Regression
- lilfurs - Little Furs
- uk_babyfur - UK Babyfur
- Bare paws: barepaws - Furry, bare paw enthusiasts' Journal
- Bowling: bowling_furs - Bowling Furs!
- Burning Man: burningfur - Burning Fur
- Camping and Hiking: wildfurs - Furs in the Wild
- Cars: (see Transport below)
- Cartoons: toonfurs - Toon Furries
- Claiming communities:
- claim-a-yiff - Claim-A-Yiff
- Pokémon:
- claims-pkmnship - Pokémon Shippings Claiming Community
- pkmn-claim - Pokemon Claiming Community
- pkmnmoveclaims - Pokemon Move Claims
- sonic-claims - Sonic the Hedgehog Character Claims Community
- Clothing:
- Leather: gearfurs - Gearfurs
- Rubber: Rubberfur: rubberfurs - RubberFurs
- Spandex:
- slinkyfurs - Slinky Furs
- spandexfurs - Spandex Furs
- Computers:
- Internet:
- Instant Messaging:
- aim_furs - AIM Furs
- icq_furs - ICQ Furs
- google_furs - Google Furs
- msn_furs - MSN Furs
- yahoo_furs - Yahoo Furs
- Instant Messaging:
- Operating systems:
- Linux: linuxfurs - Linux Furs
- Windows: windowsfurs - Windows Furs
- Systems:
- Macintosh: macfurs - MacFurs
- Internet:
- Cowboys & Western Lifestyle: cowboyfurs - Cowboy Furs
- DDR: ddr_furs - DDR Furs
- Doctor Who: whofurs -WhoFurs
- Drugs:
- Cannabis:
- Anti-drug:
- Dopeless Furs: dopeless_furs - Dopeless Furs
- Engineering: engineer_furs - Engineering furs
- Education:
- Psychology: psych_furs - Furries in Psychology
- Erotica:
- furryvore - LJ Furry Vore Community
- lift_your_tail - Lift your tail
- show_yer_sheath - Show Yer Sheath
- show_yer_yiff - Show Yer Yiff
- yiff - YIFF!
- yiffystories - Yiffy Stories Community
- Exercise: (see Health below)
- Fat and weight gain:
- Fat furs: fatfurs - Fatfurs
- Weight gain: gainerfurs - Gainer Furs
- Food:
- furry_foodies - Furry Fans of Food
- furrydining - Furry Dining
- Furs that Cook: fursthatcook - Furs That Cook
- Sushi: sushi_furs - Sushi Furs
- Funday PawPet Show: pawpet - Funday PawPet Show
- Furgonomics: furgonomics - Furgonomics Community
- Gaming:
- Furry Gamers: furry_gamers - Furry Gamers
- furry-rpers - Furry Roleplayers
- gamerfurries - Furry gamers of all genres
- Blizzard Entertainment (World of Warcraft, etc): blizz_furries - Blizzard's furry friends
- ssbb_furs - Super Smash Brothers: Brawl for Furries
- rpgfurs - RPG Furries
- Nintendo DS: ds_furs - DS furs
- Poker: pokerfurs - Poker Furs
- The Sims: furry_sims - Furry Sims 2
- Sociopolitical Ramifications: sprfurs - Furs for Sociopolitical Ramifications
- The Flagon's Tale: flagonstale - Flagon's Tale on LiveJournal
- wii:
- World of Warcraft: fursofwow - Furries of World of Warcraft
- Xbox Live: xboxlive_furs - Furs of XBox Live
- Geocaching: furrycachers - Geocaching furries
- Ghosts: ghostfurs - Ghost Furs (furs into ghosts and ghost hunting)
- Goth: gothic_furries - Gothic_Furries
- Harry Potter: harrypotfurs Harry Potter Furries
- Health:
- fitfursuiters - Fit Fursuiters
- fitnfurry - Fit n' Furry [weight loss]
- furryfitness - Furry Fitness
- Furry Health and Fitness: healthandfitfur - Furry Health and Fitness
- History
- Ancient history: ancient_furs - furries that love the ancient times
- Historical reenactment: renfurs - RenFurs .. for the Furry Faire Goers
- Homesteading: furry_homestead - Furry - Homesteading
- Inflatophilia
- Furry inflation: inflationfurs - InflationFurs
- Inflatable toys: furs_n_floats - furs_n_floats
- IRC: anthrochat - Anthrochat
- Lifestylers (furry lifestylers): homestead - Homestead
- Media coverage:
- furrymedia: Furry fandom in the media.
- furryspots: Furry characters in news and entertainment.
- Meeting other furs:
- furcollection - Furry Connection
- furry_connect - Furry Connect
- fursonals - Furry Classified Ads
- furryadventure - A fur meet group involving outdoor activities.
- Money: financial_furs - Furry Financial and Investments Discussion Group
- Muscle Furs: musclefurs - Muscle furries community
- Music:
- classical_furs - The Classical Music Furry Community
- DJs:
- furry_dj_mxc - Furry DJ Music Exchange
- furrydjs - Furry DJs
- dnb_furs - DnB Furs (drum and bass)
- furry_musicians - Furry musicians
- industrialfur - Industrial Furs-Community for furry fans of industrial music/ebm/noize/etc
- metal_furs - Metal Furs
- Nazi Furs: nazi_furs - Nazi Furs
- Neopets: furry_neopians - Furry Neopians
- Nudists/Naturists: bare_furs - Nudist Furs
- Paintball: paintball_furs - Paintball Furs
- Pen pals: furrysnailmail - Furry Pen Pals!
- Philosophy:
- furry_thinkers - Furry Thinkers
- Photography:
- camerafurs - Camera Furs
- photografurs - Photographers Of The Furry Community
- pierced_furs - Pierced Furries
- Pirates: pirate_furs - Pirate Furries
- Plushies:
- plush_love - Plush Love
- plushtails - Plush Tails
- Plush Workshop: plush_workshop - Plush Workshop
- Positive works: fursforgood - Furs For Good
- Pow wows: pow_wow_furries - Pow wow furries
- Radio:
- Furry Hams: furryhams - Furry Hams
- Radio Furs: radiofurs - Radio Furs
- Sirius Satellite Radio: sirius_furs - Dogstar radio for dogs, cats, foxes....
- Ranch and Countryside: ranchfurs Ranch Furs
- Reading: furryreaders - Furry Readers
- Redwall: redwallfurs - Redwall Fans and Roleplayers
- Scuba diving: furry_divers - Furry Scuba Divers
- Second Life: secondlife_furs - Second Life Furry Community
- Skinheads: skinhead_furs - Skinhead Furs
- Soviet Furs: soviet_furs - Soviet Furs (+DDR)
- Sports: sportsfurs - Sports Furries
- Football: footballfurs - Football Furs
- Golf: golfurs - Golfurs
- Hockey: hockeyfurs - Hockeyfurs
- Tampons: tampon_furs - Furry Girls + Tampons
- Tapestries:
- tapestries - Tapestries
- golden_lash - Tapestries' The Golden Lash
- Tattooing: furrytattoos - Furry (skin) Art
- Television:
- Tim and Eric Awesome Show, Great Job! taargustaargus - Furs who LOVE Tim and Eric
- Tobacco:
- hookahfurs - Hookah Furs
- smokingfurs - Furries who smoke
- Transport:
- Bicycling: crittercyclists - Furry Cyclists
- Motors:
- atv-furs - ATV Furs
- motor_furs - Motor Furs
- Toyota Scion: scionfurries - Scion Furries
- Car tuning: tuner_furs - Tuner Furs
- Motorcycles: furry_bikers - Furry Bikers
- Old Ships and Planes: waveandairfurs Old Ship and Plane Furs
- Railroads: rails_n_tails Rails 'n' Tails
- Weapons: gun_furry - Furry Gun owners
- Weight Loss: See Health, above
- Wetting and Soiling of Clothing: DirtyFurs: - dirtyfurs - DirtyFurs
- Weight Loss: fitnfurry - Fit n' Furry!
- Wet and Messy activities: furrywam - Furry WAM
- Writing:
- anthropomor_fic - Anthropomorph Romance
- furreviews - Furry Reviews
- The Furry Book Review: furrybookreview - Furry Reviews
- furrywriters - Furry Writers
Languages other than English[edit]
- Interlingua: iala_furry - IALA Furry
- Russian: ru_furry - Русскоязычный портал Furry
- Asia: AnthroAsia: anthroasia - AnthroAsia LJ community
- Singapore:
- sg_furs - Singapore Furs
- singapore_furs - Singapore Furs
- Europe: eurofurs - Eurofurs Community
- Denmark: Danish furries: dkfurs - DKFurs LiveJournal Community
- Norway: Norwegian Paws: norpaws - Norpaws
- United Kingdom:
- ukfurs - UKFurs
- London:
- londonfurs - London Furry and Were Community
- londonfetishfur - Fetfur Flock (London)
- North England: northukfurs - #NorthUKFurs
North America[edit]
- Canada: Canadian Furs: canadianfurs - Canadian Furs
- Alberta: albertafurs - Alberta Furs
- Calgary:
- calgaryfur - Calgary Furs
- calgaryfurs - Calgaryfurs
- Edmonton:
- edmontonfurs - Furries of Edmonton
- Calgary:
- British Columbia
- Vancouver:
- Vancouver Island: Vancouver Island Furs: vifur - Vancouver Island Furs
- Manitoba
- Southern Manitoba: smbfurs - Southern Manitoba Furs
- Ontario
- Kingston: k_town_furries - K-Town Furries
- Northern Ontario: onf - Ontario Northland Furries
- Ottawa: ottfur - Ottawa Furries
- Toronto: toronto-furry - toronto-furry
- London: lononfurmeet - the Furmeets of LONdon, ONtario
- Québec
- Montreal: monfur - Montreal Furries
- Saskatchewan: saskfurs - Saskatchewan Furs
- Mexico: furrymx - FurryMX
United States[edit]
- Carolinas (NC - SC) - CarolinaFurs: carolina_furs - Carolina Furs
- East Coast: eastcoastfurs - East Coast Furs
- Midwest: midwestfurs - Heartland Furs
- New England: newenglandfurs - New England Furs
- Northeast: northeastfurs - Northeast Furs
- South:
- dirtysouth_furs - Dirty South Furs
- Southwest Lake Michigan (IN - IL - WI) - LAFF: lafflist Lake Area Furry Friends
- Rockies: mountain_furs High Mountain Furries
- West Coast:
- pacificfurrs - Pacific Furrs
- Iowa/Illinois/Missouri Tri-State Area tristatefurries - Tri-State Furries
- Alabama: al_furs - Alabama Furs
- AuburnFurs: auburnfurs - Auburn (and East Alabama) Furries' Journal
- North Alabama: North Alabama Regional Furs: north_al_furs - The North Alabama Furs Group
- Arizona: azfur - Arizona Furries
- Phoenix: phoenixphurs - Phoenix Furries
- Arkansas:
- cenarkfurs - Central Arkansas Furs Association
- narfa_group - NARFA Northwest Arkansas Regional Furry Association
- California:
- Northern California:
- Humboldt County: Humboldt Furs: humfurs - Humboldt Furs (inactive page)
- Sacramento and Northern California: Sacfurs: sacfurs - Sacramento Furries
- Mid-California: mid_cali_furs - Mid-California Fur - Scalie - Anthro - Therian Community
- Fresno city: Valley Furs: valley_furs - Valley Furs
- San Francisco Bay: Bay Area Furry: bafur - San Francisco Bay Area Furries
- Southern California:
- SoCalFurs: socalfurs - Southern California Furs
- socalfurryteens - Southern California Furry Teens
- Northern California:
- Connecticut: ctfurs - Connecticut Furs
- Delaware: The Furst State: de_furs - The Furst State
- Florida: floridafurs - Florida Furs
- Orlando: orlandofurs - Orlando Furs
- Jacksonville: jaxfurs - Jax Furs
- Tampa Bay Area: Tampa Area Furs: tampafurs - Tampa Area Furs
- Georgia: georgiafurs - Georgia Furs
- Idaho: idaho_furs - Idaho furs, weres, fantasy lovers, etc.
- Indiana: indiana-furs - Indiana Furries
- Iowa: sniff_furry - Social Network for Iowa's Friendly Furs
- Kentucky:
- Louisville: derbycityfurs - Derby City Furs
- Louisiana: louisianafurs - Louisiana Furs
- Maryland:
- md_furs - md_furs
- marylandfurs - marylandfurs
- Missouri:
- Columbia: comofurs - Columbia, MO Furry community
- St Louis: Arch Regional Furs: arf_baby - ARF (Arch Regional Furs)
- New Jersey: newjerseyfurs - New Jersey Furs
- New Mexico:
- nm_furs New Mexico Furs
- nmfurcentral - New Mexico Furry Group
- New York:
- All New York: nyfurries - NY Furries
- Buffalo (and West NY area): buffalofurs - Buffalo Furs
- Interstate 90: nyfurs_of_i90 - Furs of the I-90 (the part of I-90 is in NY)
- Long Island: li_furs - Long Island Furs
- Rochester: rochesterfurs - Area of Rochester Furs (ARF)
- Syracuse: syracuse_fur - Syracuse Area Furs
- North Carolina:
- tafurries - Triangle Area Furry Meetup
- Oklahoma: oklahoma_furs - Oklahoma Furs
- Oregon: oregonfurs - Oregon Furs
- Willamette Valley: wvac - Willamette Valley Anthropomorphics Community
- Pennsylvania:
- Pennsylvania Furries: pa_furry (membership moderated)
- Butler: butlerpafurs - Butler PA Furries
- Pittsburgh: pittsfurghers - pittsfurghers
- Southeast Pennsylvania: pa_furry_se - PA-Furry SE
- Fursuiters: pa_fursuiters - Pennsylvania Fursuiters
- Texas:
- texan_furries - Texan Furry Community
- texasareafurs - Texas Area Furry Friends
- texas_furry - Texas Furries
- Washington: washingtonfurs - Washington Furs
- Puget Sound: pugetsoundfurs - Puget Sound Furries
- Spokane:
- spokanefurs - Spokane Furs
- Whatcom County: whatfurs - Whatcom Furries
- West Virginia: West Virginia Furs: wvfurs - West Virginia Furs
- Wisconsin: wi_furs - Wisconsin Furries
- Madison: madisonfurry - Madison Furry
South America[edit]
- Chile: furrychile - Furry Chile LJ
- Australia: ozfurs - ozfurs LJ
- Brisbane: brisfurs - brisbane Furry LJ
- Perth:
- perthfurs - Perth Furs
- perthfurmeets - Perth Fur Meets
- Melbourne:
- melbournefurs - Melbourne Furs
- furrymelbourne - Furry Melbourne
Occupations and hobbies[edit]
- Emergency medical services (EMS): rescuefurs - RescueFurs
- entreprefurs - Furry Business Owners
- fulltimefurs - Full Time Furs
- furry_farmers - Furry Farmers
- Firefighting: firefighterfurs - FireFighterFurs
- Military: militaryfurries - Military Furries
- Truck drivers:
- trucker_furs - Trucker Furs
- trucking_furs - Trucking Furs
Opinions and politics[edit]
- Being fur-curious: pseudofur - Pseudofurs
- Being open-minded: openpaws - OpenPaws
- Conservatism:
- confurvatives - ConFURvatives
- rightiefurs - Right-paw'd Furs
- furjectivists - Furry Objectivists
- Liberalism:
- leftfurs - Left-Wing Furries
- libmurrals - LibMURRals
- Frustrated with furry fandom: frustrated_furs - Frustrated Furs
- Furries are awesome: furries_awesome - Furries Awesome
- Tired of furry fandom: jaded_furs - Jaded Furries
- Unification of furries: nationalist_fur - Nationalist Furries
- Rants on certain aspects of furry fandom: furryrants - Furry Rants
Critics and anti-furries[edit]
- furrydrama_2 - Furry Drama - A Redux!
- fursecution - Fursecution
- laffdrama - LAFF Drama
- vcl_snark - VCL Snark
- wtf_fap - The Horrors of Furry Art Pile
- wtf_vcl - WTF VCL
Religions, faiths, and spirituality[edit]
- Atheism: Atheist Furs: atheistfurs - Atheist Furs
- Christian:
- Furrs Fur Christ: furrsfurchrist - Furrs Fur Christ News Blog
- christianfurs - Christian Furs
- furrychristians - Furry Christians
- Catholic: catholicfurs - Catholic Furs
- Gay Christians: rainbow_ark - Rainbow Ark
- Furry spirituality
- furrykin - Furrykin
- furspirit - Fur Spirit
- spiritfursuk - Spirit Furs UK
- Jewish: jewishfurs - Jewish Furs
- Paganism:
- Pagan Fur Network: paganfurs - Pagan Furs
- furry_pagans - Furry Pagans
- paganfur - Pagan Furry Community
- Shamanism: furryshamans - Furry Shamans
Sexuality and relationships[edit]
- bound_paw - Bound Paw
- fur-and-leather - Freaky Furres
- Chastity: chastity-furs - Chastity furs
- Fetish and Kink: kinkyfurs - Kinky Furs
- frisky_furs - Frisky Furs!
- furryfemdom - Dominant females and fans
- Gay/Lesbian:
- gayfurries - Gayfurries
- furrybears - Gay Bear Furries
- lesbian_furs - Lesbian Furries
- Genital modification: Fixed Furs: fixedfurs - Fixed Furs
- Relationship status:
- Married: marriedfurs - Married Furs' Journal
- Monogamy: mono_furries - Where Monogamous Furries Unite
- Polyamory: poly_furries - Polyamorous Furries
- Safe Sex (medical education and information): yiffsafely Yiff Safely
- Straight: Straight Fur: straightfur - Straight Fur
- Therian: theriansex - Therian Sexuality
- xenofetish - Xenofetish
- Aquatic organisms:
- Avians:
- featheries - Featheries (birds and gryphons)
- beakies - Beakies
- (also see Gryphons below)
- Bats: bats - Bat Lovers Unite!
- Bears: furry_bears - The Furry Bean Den
- Canines:
- k9furs - Canine Furries
- vulpine4lupine - Wolf-Admiring Fox and Fox-Admiring Wolf Community
- wild_canines - Wild Canines
- Coyotes:
- coyotefurs - Coyote Furs
- old_man_coyote - Old Man Coyote channeled by members
- Dragons:
- alfandria - Alfandria
- art_dragon - Art Dragon
- bad_dragon - Bad Dragon
- dracophilia - Dracophilia
- draconics - Dragons on LiveJournal
- Equines:
- erotic_equine - Erotic Equine
- equine_furs - LJ Stables
- Felines:
- feline_art - Feline Art
- big_cat_anthros - Big Cat Anthro Club @ LJ
- n_e_k_o - Neko
- Chakats: chakatheaven - Chakat Heaven
- Lions:
- lionessfurries - Lioness furry club
- lion_furs - Lion Furs
- Tigers: tiger_furs - Tiger Furs
- Foxes:
- foxfurries - Fox Furries
- the_fox_kin - The Fox Kin
- kitsune_kin - Kitsune-kin
- Gryphons:
- bad_gryphon - Bad Gryphon
- gryphonerotica - Gryphon Erotica
- gryphonguild - Gryphon Guild
- Marsupial species: marsupialfurs - Marsupial Furs
- Kangaroos:
- kangaroos - Kangaroos
- roo_paradise - A Kangaroo's Paradise
- Kangaroos:
- Meerkats: meerkats - International House Of Meerkats
- Raccoons:
- erotic_raccoon - Erotic Raccoon
- raccoon_furs - Furry Raccoons
- Rodents: rodentfurs - Rodent Furs Community
- Skunks: skunkfurs - Skunk Furs
- Ungulates: hooved_furs - Hooved Furs
- Wolves:
- true_werewolf - True Werewolf
- wolf_clan - Wolf Clan
- wolf_eyes - Wolf Eyes
- wolf_lovers - Wolf Lovers
- thewolfpack - The Wolfpack
- wolf_paws - Wolf Paws
- wolfspirits - Wolf Spirits
- _wolf_art_ - Wolf Art
- Abused: woundedpaws - Wounded Paws
- Asperger Syndrome: aspie_furs Apsie Furs
- Diabetes: diabetic-furs Diabetic Furs
- Female: furryfems - Furry Fems
- Furry Grrls: furry_grrls - People playing cross-gender characters
- Geek: geek_furs - geek_furs
- Greymuzzle (over 30 years of age): greymuzzle - Greymuzzles' Journal
- Mental disorders: mental_furs - Mental Furs
- Minority group(s): united_furs - For minority furries!
- Parents: furryparents - Furry Parents
- Ravers: furryravers - Furry Ravers
- Teenagers: teen_furs - Teen Furries
- Transgender: Transfurry: transfurry - Transfurry Community
- Vegetarians: herbivores - Furry Vegetarians LiveJournal (herbivores)
- FurBid-SF:
- furbid - FurBid
- Furbid Horrors: furbid_horrors - Furbid Horrors
- FurBuy: furbuy - FurBuy Auction Community
- WikiFur: wikifur - WikiFur