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Supplement to The London Gazette of Tuesday 11 of July

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SUPPLEMENT to The London Gazette of Tuesday 11 of July (Number 17039); Published by Authority (1815)
Earl Cathcart, K.T. and Lieutenant-General Lord Stewart, G.C.B.

Editorial control over the content of letters in this supplement was light, so the spellings of names and the use of accent marks vary between letters.

Source: Supplement to The London Gazette, of Tuesday the 11th of July. Printed by Robert George Clarke, Cannon-Row, Parliament-Street. pp. 14091415. 

1707150SUPPLEMENT to The London Gazette of Tuesday 11 of July (Number 17039); Published by Authority1815Earl Cathcart, K.T. and Lieutenant-General Lord Stewart, G.C.B.

Foreign-Office, July 14, 1815


Dispatches, of which the following are copies and an extract, have been received at this office, from their Excellencies General Earl Cathcart, K.T. and Lieutenant-General Lord Stewart, G.C.B.

Imperial Head-Quarters, Manheim, June 25, 1815


My Lord,

I acquainted your Lordship, in a former dispatch, of the outline of the dispositions of the armies-of Austria and Russia, oh the Upper and Middle Rhine. As it may be interesting, I shall now enter into more minute details, first premising, that by the information received up to this day, it is most probable that the enemy have retired from the. Vallée du Rhin, Weisseuburg, &c. &c.

Your Lordship will perceive that the additional points of annoyance which the' enemy can oppose to the entry of the armies, besides General Rapp’s corps, which was posted at Weissenberg, and General Lacourbe, by Basle, arise from the fortresses of Huningen, Belfort, New Breisach, Schlettstadt, Landau, Strasburgh, Pfalzbourg, Bitshe, Metz, and Thionville.

According to the arrangements made by Prince Schwartzenbeg and the Russian Field Marshal Barclay de Tolly, the following detail has been resolved on:

Prince Wrede forms with the Bavarians the advanced-guard of the Russian army, and marches from Saaregemines, by Chateau Salines to Nancy, or by Rougemont, or Pfalzbourg and Luneville, as circumstances may require.

On the 24th, the Prince had passed the Saare, and it must depend on events, not yet reported, at what distance the Russian army is to keep from this advance, and whether, after its arrival at Kaiserslautern,it is to move forward in one or more columns towards Nancy. In every case, this army will be, on the 2d, at Kaiserslautern, and the 3d and 4th, at Saaregemines and, to all appearances, the 6th, at Nancy.

Count Langeron's corps of Russians is destined for the blockade of Metz, Thionville, Pfalzbourg, and Bitshe, and a part of the garrison of Mayence, consisting of four thousand Bavarians, some Austrian battalions, and the third corps d’armée, are charged with the blockade of Landau and Strasbourg. These operations are under the directions of his Imperial Highness the Archduke Charles.

The third corps, under the Prince Royal of Wurtemberg, blockades Landau to-day; and, with General Count Walmoden’s division, occupies the Queich and the lines of Weissenburg and Lauterburg.

The communication between these corps and the Bavarian army will be constantly kept up, as well as with the columns on the left.

On General Rapp’s falling back, the Crown Prince and Count Walmoden will invest Strasbourg, the former marching by Weissenbourg and Haganau, the latter by Fort-Louis to Strasbourg. Four thousand infantry aud some squadrons from of Count Wallmoden's corps will be left before Lahdau, and the Lieutenant-General himself will be entrusted with the investment of Strasbourg, with such force as the Prince Royal of Wurtembemberg may entrust to him. The remainder of the third corps will then move forward by Luneville to Nancy.

The Russians are directed to take charge of constructing the bridges at Oppenheim and Mannheim, the Bavarians that of Germersheim, and the third corps that at Fort Louis.

Some battalions of Wurtemberg are destined to the blockade of Schlettstadf; and General Count Hochberg, with General Volckman and some Darmstadt and Baden troops will invest New Breisach. The left column of the armies, consisting of the first and second corps d’Armee and the reserve, under the orders of the Archduke Ferdinand, will throw pontoon bridges over the Rhine at Grenzach, on the night of the 25th to the 26th, and move on Basle, and the second corps will occupy it; and measures must be taken for these three corps to arrive at the same; time in that neighbourhood.

The Archduke Ferdinand is entrusted with the disposition against General Lecourbe, or any corps of the enemy that remains in this quarter.

The first corps d’Armee will support the second, but the latter and the reserve are to push forward with the utmost expedition towards Nancy, one column by Remiermont and Epinal, the other by Luneville, or, according to circumstances, the whole, by one road.

The first corps will be now directed by Langres, and to it will be left the investment of Belfort and Huningen. This command is entrusted to General Meneassy; for Huningen eight battalions of the regiment of Colloredo are destined, under General Watzel; and two battalions of Austrian, one Wurtemberg, and two divisions of Kaysers Chevaux Legers, under General Callenberg, for Belfort.

The Chief command over the blockades of New Breisach, Schlettstadt, Huningen, and Belfort, is left to His Highness the Archduke John.

The head-quarters of Prince Schwartzenberg will march by Hagenau, Mutzig, and Luneville, to Nancy.

The right of this great march being covered by the Bavarians, and the left by the first corps d’armée, there; is a perfect security for the union of the whole at Nancy, as stated in my former dispatches.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) Stewart, Lieut. Gen. The Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.
&c. &c. &c.

Manheim, June 25, 1815


My Lord

Prince Wrede reports, that the resistance at Saaregemines was trifling,, and the 4th light battalion of Baden troops carried it, by storm immediately, and the enemy had not time to destroy the bridge.

Prince Charles of Bavaria, commanding the advanced guard, pushed on toward Bouckemont.

At Saarbruck there was more opposition, It was defended by a General Menigi, some cavalry, and four hundred peasants or inhabitants.

But equally here the bridge was saved, and the place taken with great vigour. The enemy had one hundred killed and wounded.

Major Bauer, of the Staff, is very much lamented by the Field-Marshal. The Bavarian loss is trifling.

The Prince Royal reports his passage of the Queich, without resistance, this morning. He took some prisoner.

The Mayors of the different villages declare, that they had the strictest orders to sound the tocsin, and make the country rise; but they would not resort to a measure that might prove so fatal to them.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) Stewart, Lieut. Gen. The Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.
&c. &c. &c.

Imperial Head-Quarters, Manheim, June 26, 1815


My Lord,

I have the honour to state, for your Lordship’s information, in addition to my last dispatch, the more detailed reports that have been received from the allied corps in advance.

Field Marshal Wrede reports from Saaregemines, that, according to accounts received, it appears that General Rapp remained on the 20th in the position between Weissenburg and Strasbourg. It would seem as if the enemy did not expect the passage of the allied troops between Manheim and Germershiem.

The fortress Bitshe has been summoned by the Bavarian General Zoller. The Commandant, General Kreutzer, replied, that he should defend the place, in obedience to the instructions received from his Government; but does not mention Napoleon.

The Field Marshal was to advance with fifty thousand men towards Chateau Salines.

The Crown Prince of Wurtemberg reports from Billickheim, dated 25th Juue, that the 3d corps was posted near that place; and that of Count Walmoden by Rheinzabern. He has reconnoitred the position of the enemy, who showed but few men. Lieutenant Lechner, of the Bavarian dragoons, was mortally wounded, and six men, in making the reconnaissance.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) Stewart, Lieut. Gen. The Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.
&c. &c. &c.

Imperial Head-Quarters, Rheinzabern, June 28, 1815, at Night


My Lord,

It appears from Marshal Prince Wrede’s accounts, from Petilange of the 26th, that the French General Belliard made him fresh propositions for an armistice, declaring that peace would be very soon restored to the world. The Marshal referred these propositions to head-quarters, but they have not been attended to.

General Lambert was on the 26th with his cavalry at Bionville ; his advanced guard at Courcelles, and the enemy retired across the Nied.

Patroles were pushed as far as Etanges, on the high road to Metz.

General Lambert states the French General Meriage to be opposed to him with 2000 infantry and four guns.

Field Marshal Prince Wrede was possess himself on the 27th of all the passages of the Upper Moselle, and the Meurthe, and to establish his head-quarters at Chateau Salines, and on the 28th to move to Nancy.

The public opinion seems very much averse to Napoleon throughout all the villages where the Allied troops have passed.

The Prince Royal of Wirtemberg attacked the enemy on the 26th, between Selz and Sourbourg, and obliged him to abandon a position he had taken up, and retire through the forest of Hagenau.

The enemy suffered considerably; the Prince Royal lost about fifty killed and wounded, and four officers. The Austrian regiment Reuss Graetz was principally engaged.

At the same time Lieutenant General Count Walmoden’s corps fell in with the enemy on the Selz, the wood on this side being occupied. The enemy’s forces consisted of the division of Rotherbourg, and some cavalry. Major-General Wrede had orders to attack the enemy with the battalions of Lunebourg and Frankfort; this was performed gallantly, and he drove them to the houses on the river, where they defended themselves vigorously, until our reinforcements arrived, when they were driven across the bridge, which they destroyed on their retreat.

General Walmoden took up his position for the night on this side of the liver. He lost about nine officers, and between two and three hundred killed and wounded. The enemy’s loss was considerable. He retired during the night to Beinheim; by the report of the prisoners, the greatest part of the Garde National of Lauterbourg deserted; after having received orders to march to Strasbourg.

The division Rothenbourg, of the enemy, it supposed to have have taken up a position at Drusenheim, but that it will immediately fall back into Strasbourg.

The left wing of the army, under the orders of his Imperial Highness the Archduke Ferdinand, passed the Rhine at Basle, on the morning of The 26th. The advanced guard of the first corps d’armee was pushed on to Altkirch and a brigade advanced to Porentrni, while it took post at Heasingen.

The second corps d'Armee had its advance at Barthensheim on the road to Colmar, and was on bivouacque at Burgfelden.

The reserve will be pushed on, on the road to Mulhausen.

On the 27th, the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg met with a further opposition from the enemy between Haguenau and Brumahl.

Two squadrons of the regiment of the Archduke Louis had an opportunity of making a brisk attack on some cavalry of the enemy, which was overthrown, and they continued their retreat in the direction of Strasbourg, into which place there appears little doubt General Rapp has now thrown himself.

I have the honour to inclose your Lordship a report just received from Lieut.-Col. Jenkinson.

The head-quarters move to-morrow to Weissenbourg; those of Prince Schwartzenberg to Hagenau.

A courier, intercepted going to General Rapp, has brought us Paris Journals and Moniteurs to the 23d, and all the letters depict the great terror and anxiety that reigns in France.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) Stewart, Lieut. Gen. The Viscount Castlereagh, K.G.
&c. &c. &c.

P.S. Gen. Gzernicheff with four thousand horse is on our right, communicating between General Lambert, the Bavarians, and Marshal Blucher.


Head-Quarters of the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg, Wissenburg, June 25, 1815


My Lord

I have the honour to report to your Lordship my arrival at this place.

His Royal Highness passed the frontier of France on the morning of the 24th instant, and continued his march without opposition to Bergzabern, where the enemy opposed his progress; is order to prevent the reconnaissance of their position beyond this town.

The enemy having evinced their determination not to evacuate the lines of Wissenbourg, yesterday evening his Royal Highness made his dispositions to attack them this morning; but their retreat towards Strasbourg during the night permitted us to pursue our march this morning without the slightest interruption. General Rapp's force is estimated at about 11,000 men, and is supposed to have received orders to unite with that of Marshal Suchet Besançon.

Your Lordship is doubtless already informed of General Rapp’s having written a letter to the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg, to make known to him the formal abdication of Bonaparte in favour of, his son, a fact sufficiently established by the testimony of the civil authorities here.

It is worthy to remark, that this notification has been made at a moment, when it is known that orders have been given for the union of Sachet's and Lacourbe's corps Besançon, which gives to it the appearance of a wish to gain time.

(Signed) Geo. Jenkinson, Lieut. Col.
Lieutenant-General Lord Steward,
&c. &c. &c.

Head-Quarters of the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg, Sultz, June 26, 1815


My Lord,

I have the honour to inform your Lordship, that His Royal Highness the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg continued his march this morning towards Hagenan, and met with no resistance until his advanced guard reached the heights which conceal the village of Surbourg. There the enemy made a stand with cavalry and infantry, and compelled the Prince Royal to halt until the arrival of his infantry when an Austrian regiment, which led, rapidly drove the enemy from their post, and compelled him to retire. behind the Sur, a little stream, which forms a good military barrier in front of the forest of Haguenau, which the enemy occupied so strongly, that the Prince Royal determined on waiting until he could bring up more infantry, before he ventured to attack it.

Should the enemy maintain his position until to-morrow morning, his Royal Highness will attack it in front, and if the road from Binch to Hagtienau, which latter turns it, and should make it appear, when connected with the movement of General Walmoden from Lauterbourg, to be almost untenable.

The forest of Haguenau is three leagues long, and ten leagues wide, and therefore a formidable obstacle, until a sufficient number of troops can be collected to move upon all the roads through and round it.

General Rapp commands the force opposed to us, and is said to have eighteen battalions, three regiments of cavalry, and a proportionate artillery.

(Signed) Geo. Jenkinson, Lieut. Col.
Lieutenant-General Lord Steward,
&c. &c. &c.

Brumath, June 27 1815


My Lord,

The advanced guard of his Royal Highness the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg has just reached this place, having skirmished with the enemy from Haguenau.

Between Haguenau and the place where this is dated, two squadrons of the Chasseurs de Louis made a brilliant charge against a French regiment, which they overthrew and dispersed, taking many prisoners, and having killed and wounded several.

At Haguenau we were saluted with the cry of "Vive Le Roi," and they hoisted the white flag.

(Signed) George Jenkinson, Lieutenant-Colonel.
Lieutenant-General Lord Steward,
&c, &c, &c.

Haguenan, June 27, Ten o’Clock, P.M.


My Lord,

The short time allowed me for reporting to your Lordship the operations of this day, prevented me from detailing to your Lordship at large, the movements of the different divisions of the corps of his Royal Highness the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg. If I had then been informed of the movements of the left division of this corps, under General Wallmoden, I should have stated to your Lordship, that he moved yesterday morning from Lauterbourg, on the road to Fort Louis, to turn the forest of Haguenau, where it was evident the enemy would endeavour to arrest our progress as long as he possibly could.

On the arrival of General Wallmoden at Sultz, he possessed himself of that village after a trifling skirmish but had hardly secured himself in it, when the enemy made a vigorous attack upon his position, and endeavoured to retake it; he, however, maintained himself against a great superiority of force, but not without suffering considerably, having had about five hundred men killed and wounded.

The enemy retired from before the position of General Wallmoden during the night, and he is doubtless this evening at Dunzenheim, and his advanced posts most probably at Gambsheim, which would place them on a line with ours at Brumahl.

The movement of His Royal Highness the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg have been hitherto made upon the supposition that Prince Wrede was moving a column to intercept the retreat of General Rapp, and compel him to throw his corps into Strasburg, it being impossible that he should continue his retreat upon Colmar, where the Prince Hohenzollern ought to arrive to-day; it now appears, however, that no column is moving upon the road Saverne to molest the retreat of General Rapp, but that Prince Wrede is directing the march of his whole corps upon Nancy, where it is presumed he will arrive on the morning of the 29th.

His Royal Highness's corps is now so concentrated, and the enemy appear to be so appalled by the gallant and well directed cavalry this day; that I should imagine they will not think of opposing us in our endeavour to make Strasbourg to-morrow and it is worth remark that his Royal Highness will then have accomplished that important object two days earlier that was expected.

Never did I see a corps animated with better spirit, or more ably directed than this; and should any important occasion arise for greater exertions, we very justly entertain the most sanguine expectations of their overcoming whatever obstacle may be opposed to them.

(Signed) George Jenkinson, Lieutenant-Colonel
Lieutenant-General Lord Steward,
&c. &c. &c.

Vendenheim June 29, 1815


My Lord,

My letter of the 27th will have informed your Lordship how vigorously His Royal Highness the Prince Royal of Wirtemberg was pursuing the corps of General Rapp, and you will doubtless have supposed that His Royal Highness would not suffer him to place his corps in a position which could for a moment delay the important object of blockading Strasbourg, and thereby ascertaining whether General Rapp intended to enter that fortress, or continue his retreat.

On the arrival of his Royal Highness's corps at this place General Rapp was found occupying a position with his left upon the village and heights of Lambertheim and Mundenheim; and his right appuyante on the Rhine—this front being covered by a small rivulet which cavalry and artillery could pass only at the viilage of Lambertheim and Soffolwegenheim, and by a bridge on the Chaussée.—

On these points, therefore, his Royal Highness directed his attacks, having his cavalry close up, to fall upon the enemy, when he should be driven from the villages, and he also sent a strong column of cavalry and infantry to turn the left of the enemy's position, and, by threatening to push him into the fortress, compel him to abandon that important point of his position, if his object was still further retreat.

The enemy made, as it was natural to suppose they would, an obstinate stand at all those points and kept up a most destructive fire of musketry and artillery; but nothing could withstand the bravery of the troops composing this corps, and without one check, they stormed the enemy's position when the cavalry which was close up, passed at a gallop the bridge of the Chaussée, and took five pieces of French horse artillery with their caissons, and several prisoners, and pursued the enemy until the guns of the fortress were fired upon them.

It would indeed be difficult to say, which one ought to praise most the Austrians, Wirtembergers, or Hessians; for they seemed to vie With each other in rapidity of movement and courage in attack.

The movements throughout the whole day were marked with a coolness and precision, which must ensure success, and the attack was as admirably executed as ably planned.

The division of General Count Walmoden took no part in the action, for they could not debouche on the road they were both marching, opposed as they were, by a well known position, which the enemy occupied, between the Ill and the Rhine.

Thus the superiority of His Royal Highness's corps was not, so great, and the advantage they have gained therefore highly creditable to them.

What General Rapp’s object was, it is indeed difficult to guess, certain as it is that he owes present existence of his corps to the protection the fortress afforded him. It is not quite ascertained what route he has taken and as soon as I hear any account of his movements which can be depended upon, I shall again have the honour of addressing your Lordship.

We discontinued the pursuit at Oberhausbergen, for the more important object of investing the fortress.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) Geo. Jenkinson Lieut.-Col. and Capt. R.H. Artillery.
To Lieutenant-General Lord Stewart, K.B.
&c. &c. &c.

Chateau Salines, June 27, 1815


My Lord,

I have the honour to acquaint your Lordshipi, that the advance of the army under the command of Field Marshal Prince Wrede having yesterday arrived in the vicinity of Nancy, a deputation from the town came forward of them, to assure the General commanding, of the good disposition of the inhabitants in general towards the Allied troops, and that they were only desirous to know at what period the Commander in Chief would arrive in order that they might be prepared to give him and the troops the most favourable reception.

Several mounted National Guards, wearing the white cockade, attended the deputation, and the Mayor has issued a proclamation to the inhabitants, to maintain order and tranquillity.

The small parties of troop which have have been pushed through the town were received with cries of "Vivent les Baurbons" "Vivent les Alliés"

A courier, with the mail from Paris of the 23d, had been taken near this place—many of the letters describe the discomfiture of the French army on the 18th to have been unprecedented. One letter in particular (extremely well written) from Rheims, states several remnants of regiments of all arms to have marched from the field of battle to that place, in little more than two days or two days and a half.

The army under Prince Wrede will march to-morrow and occupy Nancy and Luneville, leaving corps in observation in the direction of Phalsbonrg Blamont and St. Diez. One division between Nancy and Toul, and other corps to observe Metz.

The head-quarters are to be at Naney, and the army will halt where it will be posted to-morrow.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) A. Upton, Br. Gen.
Lieutenant-General Lord Stewart,
&c. &c. &c.

Imperial Head-quarters, Saarebourg, July 3, 1815


My Lord,

The head-quarters of the Sovereigns and the Prince Field Marshal, arrived yesterday at this place; the necessity of the close investment of Pfalzbourg, which is on the grand road from Strasbourg to Paris, and the march through the defile and passage of the Vosges with so large a part of the army, and nearly all the artillery, made the undertaking of yesterday almost Herculean; the guns and carriages were drawn up, by parties of soldiers, rocky steeps, that appeared inaccessible; the road had been made in the space of some-few hours, to avoid the fortress, and to shorten the march; but the difficulties were too great, added to the intense heat of the weather, to get the trains and guns through, and the Field-Marshal has found himself under the necessity of halting this day.

The accounts from Field-Marshal Prince Wrede state his belief of his having some corps of the enemy on his left, or in the direction of St. Diez or Bruyeres.

The Marshal has received directions from Prince Schwartzenburg, in consequence of the joint request of the Duke of Wellington and Marshal Blucher, to advance rapidly.

It appears the authorities at Nancy request Prince Wrede to maintain order in the town.

General Czernicheff fell in with a detachment of the Enemy, on the left of the Moselle, between Matz and Longvion, consisting of between two and three thousand men one squadron of cuirassiers, and some artillery, which he attacked and drove back into Metz.

General Colleredo’s (the 1st) corps was sharply engaged on the 28th ult. between Donnemarie and Befort with La Courbe’s rear-guard, in which affair he took a great number of prisoners, driving the French before him in all quarters: his loss was three hundred men killed and wounded.

The Archduke Ferdinand pushed forward to Remiremont, to operate on the flank and rear of La Courbe, if he should remain near Belfort.

It is reported that Rapp’s cavalry from Strasbourg, with two regiments of infantry, are endeavouring to make their way to La Courbe.

The Commandant of Toul has refused to surrender the place; that of Maresall made a sortie with two hundred men, but was driven back with loss. The communication is completely established between the Prince Royal of Wurtemburg and the Archduke Ferdinand. The desertion out of Strasbourg is very great. The armies will continue their movements forward as rapidly as possible between the Seine and the Marne. The Bavarian army will be directed from Nancy on Ligny, Vetry, Les-Franeves, and Fere-Champenoise.

The Russian army follows in two columns; the right on Chateau Salinet, by Pont a Monsson, St. Michael, Chalons, and Epernai. The left and the head-quarters of the Sovereigns, by Ligny, St. Dizier, Vetry, and Montmiral.

The Austrian or left wing of the army operates also in two columns. The 1st corps d’armée supports the Russian left, and follows La Courbe from Befort towards Langres and Chaumont, or whatever direction he may take.

The 2d corps, as your Lordship already knows, continues its operations in the Vallee du Rhin, and blockades Strasbourg.

The 3d corps, being relieved there, marches by Matzig, Mirecourt, Joinville, Vitry, and on Fere Champenoise.

The reserve from Colmar directs itself on St. Diez and Mirecourt, and unites with the 3d corps, taking care of the blockades of Schlettstadt and St. Maurice Aux Mines.

General Mannassy commands the blockade of Hunningen and Befort; General Count Hoxberg, Neu Breysach; and Count Stuhbaymer, Schlettstadt.

I fear I may intrude on your Lordship’s time by a repetition of detail; but to point out the marches clearly, it is necessary continually to revert to the operations of the main corps.

Your Lordship will observe, that by the separation of La Courbe and Rapp, and the possible detachments that either may have made, as also the uncertainty of Suchet’s line of retreat, together. with the number of strong places we have, to blockade, we shall be liable to have small corps detachments of the Enemy starting up in different quarters; the may even gain partial success in our rear; but the best precautions have been taken by the Prince Field-Marshal, consistent with our scale of operations, and nothing essential can affect the great movement.

The armies will be assembled at Fene Champenoise on the 14th.

I have the honour to be &c.
(Signed) Stewart, Lieut. Gen. The Viscount Castlereagh, K.G. &c. &c. &c.

P.S: Intelligence has just arrived that the Arch Duke Ferdinand in investing Neubreisach, had a sharp action. The village of Wickelsheim was strongly occupied by the enemy, but they were driven out by the Austrian regiment of Wutemberg. The Archduke's advance was to be St. Marce aux Mines, the 1st July, on which day the investment of Schlettstadt was to take place.

Count Colloredo had another shar action on the 29th in the neighbourhood of Befort. In consequence of the nature of the ground, the opposition was great, but the Austrian loss is trifling.


Imperial Head-Quarters, Nancy, July 6, 1815

My Lord

The Allied Armies of Austria and Russia continue their advance to wards the capital of France; there have been many sharp actions with Generals Lacourbe and Rapp, as also on the side of Marshal Suchet with General Frimont; these I shall endeavour shortly to detail; and your Lordship will perceive, by the vigour and intrepidity with which the detached corps of these armies, and the Austrian army of Italy, have handled the enemy, that opportunity only is wanting for them to emulate the great example of the l8th of June, which will live in the memory of these great military nation for ever.

To commence with the progress of the advance, Marshal Wrede, instead of blockading Toul, threw bridges over the Moselle at Chanelleray, and on the 2nd had his headquarters at Ligny.

The Commanders both of Toul and Marseall refused, on being summoned to surrender those places.

The Field-Marshal has taken measures to invest them; but from these impediments on the great line of road to our advance, and the Corps Francs, which are in movement in different quarters of our rear, and have attacked baggage, &c. &c, with success, the march has been slower and the communications more difficult; however, by military measures which have been adopted here, the lines of communications with the rear will be better secured, and some mobiles columns will be formed, to clear the different passes of the Vosges, and the great forests, and close country.

General Barclay de Tolly followed Prince Wrede through Nancy, and is this day at Pont-a-Mousson.

Generals Lambert and Korff's Cavalry occupy the country, and patrol towards Verdun, Clermont, Dunn, and Montmedy, &c.

General Czernieheff was on the 29th in Rheims, and pushed forward on the 2nd to Chalons; at this place he has had a very brilliant affair. It appears, according to the best information I can procure, that he sent on about one hundred horse, as an advance, under Colonel Nasttez. They charged into the town, when the guard at the gate, assembling, and seeing they had been surprised and forced, immediately shut it, and gave the alarm. The advance who had penetrated, made good their retreat by dashing forward to the Paris gate, at the other extremity. General Czernicheff seeing his advance committed, brought up cannon, and dismounted some Bavarian light horse, battered down the gate, and forced an opening into the place. His cavalry coming then in at a gallop, cleared the streets, and attacked the French infantry assembling in different quarters, completely dispersed them; and this very able partisan exploit was finished by the capture of six hundred infantry, one General, Rigaud, and other officers, six pieces of artillery, and the town of Chalons.

The Archduke Ferdinand reports, that he has found it necessary to leave the whole Austrian division of Mazzuchelly before Schlettstadt, the enemy having a garrison of six thousand men: his imperial Highness's head quarters were, on the 3d, at St. Diez, from which he reports, that Marshal Colloredo carried the town and citadel of Moutbeillard by assault, on the 2d instant: seven guns, and a considerable quantity of stores, have been found in the place; the number of prisoners was great, and they are increasing every hour.

The advanced guard of General Ledener attacked part of Lacourbe’s corps, consistiag of about 3000 men, on the 27th, and drove them before them to Dunnemarie: the Austrian loss is seven officers, and some hundred men. The Enemy assembled on the night of the 28th, 8000 infantry and 300 cavalry, near Chavunnes; they were driven with the bayonet through that place, with little loss on our side.

General Scheitther carried the strong flrtified position near Montbeillard, which the Enemy with great intrepidity, retook.

Marshal Count Colloredo reinforced General Scheitther during the night, and the position was again attacked, and again carried on the 30th.

On the lst of July. Marshal Count Colloredo's corps advanced in three coluums towards Chevremont, Besencourt, and Ruppe: the two former places were carried by assault. The enemy had placed some guns and cavalry and infantry on the heights of Beaumont, which were soon dislodged. It is estimated; that Laconrbe had with him about 4000 men in these affairs, in addition to his corps, from the garrison of Befort. He sent a flag of truce at the close of the day of the 2nd, requesting an armistice; the proposition in answer on the side of the Allies, was immediately to surrender Befort.

General Baron Frimont reports, from Shene, that on the 28th General Creneville attacked Carouge, crossing the Arve near Geneva. The enemy proposed an armistice for twenty-four hours, which, it seems, was accepted, in order to obtain the great advantage of the Enemy evacuating the valley of the Arve. On the same day Geneva was occupied, and the Enemy driven from the heights of Savonen with considerable loss.

General Count Bubna had passed, on the 28th, Mount Cenis, with the greater part of his corps. On the 29th, the Enemy was found-in position at. the Tete-de-Point of Arly, near Conflans, which he occupied with 3000 men: whilst the Sardinian General Dandesaine, with his troops, and the Piedmontese, occupied the Enemy on their right, General Frank, with the brave Austrian regiment of Duvas, carried the position, and Tete-de-Pont, by assault. After a most obstinate resistance, the loss in this regiment is 16 officers and 300 men; the total loss in this affair was 1000. The Piedmontese suffered considerably, and behaved with very great valour. General Frank’s conduct; has been particularly praised.

The head-quarters of the Sovereigns, and Prince Field Marshal Schwartzenherg, move from thence to-morrow to Void.

I have the honour to be, &c.
(Signed) Steward, Lieut.-Gen. The Viscount Castlereagh, K,G.
&c. &c. &c.

P.S. I have just received the information that General Czernicheff will arrive this day at Maux, where Prince Wrede expects to establish himself on the 9th instant.


Extract of a dispatch from His Excellency General Earl Cathcart, K.T. to Viscount Castlereagh, dated Head-Quarters, Nancy, 6th July 1815


The Emperor of Russia, accompanied by the Emperor of Austria and the King of Prussia (who joined their Imperial Majesties at Spires), and by the Prince of Schwartzenberg, has continued his march to Nancy, at the head of about thirty thousand Russians, by the marches: June 27, to Spires; June 28, to Rheinzabern; June 29, to Weissenburg; June 30, to Hagenau; July 1, to Savern; July 2, to Saarbourg, July 3; to Hall; July 4, to Vick; July 5 Nancy. The fortress of Shulsburg being in the enemy’s hands and garrisoned, it was judged expedient to turn it by moving through the valley of Thumtal, and villages, of Pfultzveyer and Zellingen to St. Jean. In other respects the Russian infantry have made daily long marches from Bamberg to this place, without a halt, the halt at Saarburg being a repose for the head-quarters, but none for the troops, who were in constant movement. A column of Russian troops marched at the same time by Kaiserslautern and Saarbruck, to give detachments for blocking the fortresses on that line, Metz, Thinnville, &c. while the remainder has moved upon Pont a Mousson, the heads of these columns keeping in a line with the head of this.

The Prince Royal of Wurtemberg has, in the mean time, after some gallant engagements, driven General Rapp into Strasbourg, and will march upon Luneville and this place by Ruon d'Etapes, and Baccorat, as soon as his corps is relieved by the Austrians.

Lord Stewart will detail the movements of the armies of the Archduke Ferdinand, and of General Frimont, and of the Sardinian armies.

Some corps of armed peasants and freebooters have established themselves in the woods and mountains which the army has lately passed, and from whence they have committed depredations and robbery upon persons following the army.

To repel these, orders have been given to General Wintzingerode, who is at the head of some divisions of cavalry, to clear the country of these people, and to secure the communications in the rear, until the re-estahlishmerit of a Government.

Field Marshal Count Barclay de Tolly and General Count Platoff met the Emperor at Vic, and the former has marched with the advanced part of this corps. The head-quarters, with the Russian divisions, will pass the Moselle a little below Toul, where there is a ford, and the Meuse at Pagny, and will advance to Void.

I have the honour to inclose a report of the occupation of Chalons upon the Marne by Lieut. General Count Czernicheff, with some Cossacks, and a few other light troupes, where he took from the Enemy six pieces of ordinance, and he has proceeded to connect himself with Marshal Blucher or the Duke of Wellington. Prince Wrede has advanced on the great road from Strasbourg to Paris, and was at St. Dizier when I last heard of him.

Report of the Occupation of Charlons by General Czernicheff


General Czernicheff, after having made several forced marches, arrived on the 13th July before Chalons-sur-Marne, and having learnt that they had a garrison there composed of the 12th regiment of infantry of the line, and six pieces of cannon, under the order of Rigaud, General of division, immediate attack by three different gates. The Enemy defended himself with great obstinacy, but was obliged to yield to the bravery of the troops commanded General Czernicheff. The town was taken by assault as soon as the gates were forced. All the garrison, with the General, were made prisoners.

Printed by Robert George Clarke, Cannon-Row, Parliament-Street

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