Learn about our organisation and join us

Patent examiners work at the forefront of technology, dealing on a daily basis with the latest and most challenging technical innovations. But we offer jobs in a broad range of other fields too.

Legal foundations and member states
Learn more about the European Patent Organisation, as well as its member, extension and validation states

Administrative Council and subsidiary bodies
Gain insights into how our organisation works and the role played by our governing bodies.

Principles & strategy
Learn about our mission, vision, values and strategy.

Find out more about our President and the Management Advisory Committee

Sustainability at the EPO
The European Patent Office is shaping its future around sustainability. This requires the pursuit of environmental, social and governance components, along with financial sustainability (ESG and F).

Services & activities
Learn about our services, how we manage quality and access more information about selected units.

Observatory on Patents and Technology
Driven by expertise, for a deeper understanding of the future of innovation.

Transparency portal
Openness and accountability are essential to our mission. That's why we've created a special portal dedicated to offering transparent insight into our operations, projects and impact.

Statistics and trends
Access interactive charts and graphs, read the Patent Index or browse our latest studies on technology trends and the economic impact of patents.

Check out our procurement procedures and consult our latest invitations to tender.

Take a look back at the history of the European Patent Convention, the Organisation and the Office.

Art collection
The EPO provides the backdrop for a vibrant, multilayered dialogue between contemporary art on the one hand and science, technology and innovation on the other.