Contact us
Our website has a wealth of information, but if you have a question or comment, please get in touch with us.
Write to Customer Services
Use the contact form to send your request directly to the designated team.
Get in touch
If you would like to speak to someone from Customer Support, you can call us free of charge at:
Our freephone service is available to callers from 33 countries. If you are calling from Türkiye our freephone number is 00800 491 80 20 20 20. If you are calling from a country where freephone is not available, you can reach us on
Munich: +49 (0)89 2399-4500
The Hague: +31 (0)70 340-4500
Berlin: +49 (0)30 25901-4500
Vienna: +43 (0)1 52126-450
You can also send us an email at:
Other contacts
- Want to file a complaint, give us feedback or contact the Ombuds Office?
Filing a complaint or giving feedback:
If you are not satisfied with our products or services, want to suggest improvements or would like to give us positive feedback, please contact us using the web form:
Ombuds Office:
This is a service for anyone experiencing difficulties in dealings with the EPO. In such cases, we:
- deal with cases informally and confidentially
- take a collaborative and solution-oriented approach
Please note that the EPO Ombuds Office is not a legal instance.
You can contact us via
- Which of the above EPO feedback channels is the right one for my situation?
Depending on your objectives, you may select one of the EPO's feedback channels:
- Formal process with written reply
- May relate to a specific file
- May trigger a corrective action
- Complaint and its reply will be added to the public part of the file
- Formal process with written reply
- Specific or generic observation
- Not triggering corrective action but suggestion for improvement
- Also for a positive feedback
Ombuds Office
- Informal, confidential, collaborative and solution oriented
- Brings the external perspective in
- Exploring available options for resolution together with client
- Organisational Ombuds, not a legal instance
Contact us at
Example 1: Due to different interpretations of a particular word the applicant and the examiner could not reach an agreement.
Example 2: I believe that my search is not complete
- "I seek a consolidated, formal reply from the competent unit."
- "I need transparency – my remark shall be visible on the public file."
- "I wish for a corrective action, e.g. continuation of the search procedure."
- "I want to make the EPO aware of my (positive/negative) client experience."
- "I do not expect a specific corrective action but want my feedback to be considered for future developments.
Ombuds Office
- "A dialogue with the examiner will bring clarification and strengthen the working relationship."
- "I am curious and want to prepare a way forward in an informal setting."
- "I wish to be heard by a neutral person to elaborate on possible options."
- Want to contact the Boards of Appeal?
The Boards of Appeal are the first and final judicial instance in procedures before the European Patent Office.
Richard-Reitzner-Allee 8
85540 Haar
Germany- Need to speak to a member of our press team?
You can reach our media relations team at:
- Need to contact the EQE secretariat?
If you are a candidate for the European Qualifying Examination, you can contact the EQE secretariat at:
European Patent Office
European Qualifying Examination
Examination Secretariat
80298 Munich
Germany- Want to speak to any other department?
If you want to speak to any other department, just call one of our branch numbers and we will transfer your call to the department you want to reach. Please note that calls relating to procedural matters and/or online services will be transferred to Customer Support.
Munich: +49 (0)89 2399-0
The Hague: +31 70 340-2040
Berlin: +49 30 259 01-0
Vienna: +43 (0)1 52126-0
Brussels: +32 (0) 227415-90Monday to Friday,
08.00-18.00 hrs CET/CEST
except for Brussels - 17.00 hrs CET/CEST- Are you an SME wanting to find out how to protect your technology?
Are you a small or medium-sized enterprise interested in a patent or a private applicant? We have dedicated resources available for you.
Find out more or email us at:
- Do you want to visit us?
Addresses and information for visitors to our buildings in Munich, The Hague, Berlin, Vienna and Haar.
Reporting wrongdoing
If you wish to report suspected fraud, corruption, abuse or other integrity issues, please contact us.

Look through the most commonly requested information about the EPO and our services.