King Arthur: "Old woman?"Peasant: "Man."King Arthur: "Man, sorry, What knight lives in that castle over there?"Peasant: "I'm 37."King Arthur: "What?"Peasant: "I'm 37, I'm *not* old."(Or at least th...ver másKing Arthur: "Old woman?"Peasant: "Man."King Arthur: "Man, sorry, What knight lives in that castle over there?"Peasant: "I'm 37."King Arthur: "What?"Peasant: "I'm 37, I'm *not* old."(Or at least that's the Monte Python quotation I will be quoting ad nauseum, at every opportunity, to everyone possible, for a year beginning in just a few short weeks.)I'm a lawyer (trial litigation state and federal), champion swimmer, decidedly-average cook, former state and federal investigator, very strong chess player, and middling beard-grower at best). But my first passion has always been to reading and writing speculative fiction, and I am in the works to return to doing more of this while balancing the rest of my work-life balance and obligations.Bottom line: I had it all. By this age 10 years ago I had achieved everything I hoped to in life. But as is often the case pride cometh before the fall, and boy was mine spectacular. I hope to translate some of that wisdom, from what proved to be a harrowing set of years, into better written, deeper characters. In my spare time I done where I can, raise my amazing dogs July and Bentley, and of course ride motorcycles as often as possible, year round. Currently I'm the divorced divorce attorney (which is better than the personally injured, personal injury attorney) but that's a microcosm of who I'm involved in and care about, and I have future ambitions--including I t would like to be that family man I wasn't previously ready to be before. If I have gained anything, it is a greater empathy for everyone around me.My official website is www.blackoceanbooks.comver menos