Matcha 🍵

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How is Matcha Made? From Leaf to Cup
We made the perfect guide for you! In these slides, you’ll see the journey matcha makes from leaf to cup. Small steps in the production process can lead to huge improvements in flavor. If any of these steps are skipped, you will end up with a lower quality matcha with a more bitter flavor.
2 Ways to Make Matcha
Did you know there are 2 ways to make matcha? The one you’re likely familiar with is called “Usucha” and it is made using 1 teaspoon of matcha powder and 100ml of water. There is also “Koicha” or thick tea which is used in special tea ceremonies. This is made using 4 grams of matcha powder and 30-50ml of water, which creates a thick matcha paste with an intense flavor. For this, you’ll only want to use high quality matcha, otherwise it will be quite bitter.
How is Matcha Made? From Leaf to Cup
We made the perfect guide for you! In these slides, you’ll see the journey matcha makes from leaf to cup. Small steps in the production process can lead to huge improvements in flavor. If any of these steps are skipped, you will end up with a lower quality matcha with a more bitter flavor.