3 06 02
3 06 02
3 06 02
06 Exploraciones Prctica
A. Match the following to their most logical answer. _____ 1. Pongo el detergente en _____, _____ 2. Barro el suelo con _____. _____ 3. Plancho la ropa con _____. _____ 4. El cuarto est __________. Hay muchos libros y papeles en el suelo. _____ 5. Seco la ropa en _____. _____ 6. Uso _________ para limpiar las alfombras. _____ 7. Uso ______________ para lavar los platos. _____ 8.Tiro la basura en _________. a. desordenado b. la plancha c. el fregadero o el lavaplatos d. la lavadora e. el basurero f. la escoba g. la secadora h. la aspiradora
B. Dnde estn? Tell where the following items may be found in your house. 1. Dnde est el fregadero? 2. Dnde est el lavabo? 3. Dnde est el cortacsped? 4. Dnde est la basura? 5. Dnde estn los platos? 6. Dnde est la alfombra? 7. Dnde est la ropa? 8. Dnde est la baera? C. Juliana, the maid at our hotel, had an emergency and had to leave. You and your friends were trying to help her out. Tell what the following people did to help, by using the preterite. 1. Ana Mara (lavar) los platos sucios. 2. Yo (pasar) la aspiradora. 3. Pablo y Juan (cortar) el csped. 4. Nosotros (barrer) el suelo sucio. 5. Los muchachos (tirar) la basura. 6. Mi madre (preparar) la cena fabulosa. 7. T (arreglar) la sala grande. 8. Usted (limpiar) y (trapear) el suelo. 9. Ustedes (planchar) la ropa limpia.
10. Pepita, Rosita y Clara (limpiar) las sbanas y las toallas sucias. D. Now that the people in part C have finished their chores, tell where they went afterwards. Use a form of the verb ir in the preterite. Look at the example: ejemplo: 1. Ana Mara / el mercado. Ana Mara fue al mercado. 2. Yo / a las pirmides 3. Pablo y Juan / al partido de ftbol 4. Nosotros / a la piscina grande 5. Los muchachos / al parque zoolgico 7. T / a las tiendas 8. Usted / a los museos 9. Ustedes / al parque Chapltepec 10. Pepita, Rosita y Clara / al restaurante E. Answer the following questions in complete Spanish sentences. Cuidado! Some questions are asking about now (present tense), and others are asking you about past events (preterite tense). 1. Cmo es tu dormitorio? Est ordenado o desordenado? 2. Prefieres barrer o pasar la aspiradora? 3. Hay un lavaplatos en tu casa? De qu color es el lavaplatos? 4. Te gusta limpiar? Limpias mucho? Quin limpia tu casa? 5. Dnde pones el detergente? 6. Adnde fuiste ayer? 7. Adnde fueron t y tu familia durante el verano? F. Te toca a ti! (It's your turn!) Write a short paragraph in Spanish about what a maid does at a hotel. Tell what she/he does to clean the room and bathroom. After completing this assignment, check your answers for Parts A-D. You will submit parts E and F as assignment 3.06 Asignacin. For this assessment you are asked to use what you've learned in this lesson to create your own authentic sentences. Remember, you must complete your own work using your own words.
Simply copying and pasting text that is not your own words is an academic integrity violation and has consequences. Be academic integrity savvy! As always, contact your instructor with any questions.