Ceceña Territorialidaddelas Corporaciones
Ceceña Territorialidaddelas Corporaciones
Ceceña Territorialidaddelas Corporaciones
Durante los siglos xvi y xvii las grandes compaas navieras comer-
ciales alcanzaban los ms recnditos lugares con los ms diversos y
sorprendentes bienes de intercambio. Entre otras muchas cosas, de
frica trasladaban seres humanos, de Amrica metales preciosos, de
la territorialidad de las corporaciones 109
Fue en septiembre de 1994 que Sutton adquiri los yacimientos de oro muy
prometedores de Bulyanhulu. Las relaciones de su director general, James
Sinclair, con el presidente de Tanzania y algunos de sus ministros, eran muy
Una persona de cada dos padece una situacin econmica desesperada
en Tanzania, el Banco Mundial y el Fondo Monetario Internacional acorda-
ron entonces un prstamo de ayuda al desarrollo al gobierno de Tanzania
con la condicin de que ste privatizara la mina, que finalmente fue adqui-
rida por Sutton, respaldada por el gobierno canadiense.
La Barrick, activa en el Congo Oriental [], en Amrica Latina, as como
en la Indonesia de Suharto, enva a la Sutton al lugar. La Barrick compra
la territorialidad de las corporaciones 119
Rumsfelds small footprint approach opened the door for one of the most significant
developments in modern warfare the widespread use of private contractors in every
aspect of war, including in combat (Scahill, 2007: xv).
When U.S. tanks rolled into Baghdad in March 2003, they brought with them the
largest army of private contractors ever deployed in a war. By the end of Rumsfelds
tenure, there were an estimated 100 000 private contractors on the ground in Iraq an
la territorialidad de las corporaciones 123
That weapon is a $30 000 gps guidance kit that transforms a less-than-accurate
500-pound gravity bomb into a highly accurate smart bomb. Smart bombs, also called
precision-guided munitions or pgms, are capable of killing an individual in triple-
canopy jungle if his exact location can be determined and geo-coordinates are program-
med into the bombs small computer brain (wp, 2013).
The men were part of a team of a dozen or so pilots and technicians overseen by the
American military mission in Latin America, the Southern Command, based in Mia-
mi. Their operation was dubbed the Southcom Reconnaissance System, and Northrop
Grumman held the $8.6 million contract for the work (Forero, 2004).
There are now two dozen American companies here [in Colombia], with the con-
tracts for antidrug programs worth $178 million last year [2003]. They spray coca
fields, operate eavesdropping devices, organize alternative development programs, repair
airplanes, assess intelligence and advise the Colombian Defense Ministry [Juan Ma-
nuel Santos, actual presidente] (Forero, 2004).
The number of Americans working in Colombia for private contractors has nearly
doubled in two years to 400, the congressional limit (Forero, 2004).
In Iraq and Afghanistan, more than 70 American companies and private individuals
have won up to $8 billion in contracts in the last two years, according to the Center
for Public Integrity in Washington (Forero, 2004).
la territorialidad de las corporaciones 125
today, Blackwater has more than 2 300 private soldiers deployed in nine countries
including inside the United States. It maintains a database of 21 000 former Special
Forces troops, soldiers, and retired law enforcement agents on whom it could call at a
moments notice. Blackwater has a private fleet of more than twenty aircraft, including
helicopter gunships and a surveillance blimp division. Its 7 000-acre headquarters in
Moyock, North Carolina, is the worlds largest private military facility. It trains tens
of thousands of federal and local law enforcement agents a year and troops from
friendly foreing nations (Scahill, 2007: xviii-xix).
it recently began constructing new facilities in California (Blackwater West)
and Illinois (Blackwater North), as well as a jungle training facility in the Philip-
pines, Blackwater has more than $500 million in government contractsand that
does not include its secret black budget operations for U.S. Intelligence agencies or
private corporations/individuals and foreing governments (Scahill, 2007: xix).
4 No slo las corporaciones tienen altos dividendos, esto es extensivo a los emplea-
dos que utilizan, muchas veces ex militares. Pretty soon youre exceeding your limi-
tations, said another flyer, who added that the $150 000 annual salary motivated pilots
to accept increasingly dangerous missions. (Forero, 2004).
5 Blackwater cambi de nombre en 2009 a Xe Services LLC. En diciembre 2010,
fuente: Congress of the United States, Commitee on oversigth and government re-
form, Memorandum, 1 de octubre de 2007. Trad. de Ana Esther Cecea.
by late August 1992, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers had selected Halliburton,
soon to be run by Cheney himself, to do virtually all of the support work for the military
over the next five years. That first Halliburton contract burst open the door for the
rapid privatization that would culminate in the contracting bonanza in Iraq, Afgha-
nistan, and elsewhere ushered in by the war on terror (Scahill, 2007: 29).
Around the time Blackwater won its Bremer contract, mercenaries quickly pured into
Iraq. Firms like Control Risks Group, DynCorp, Erinys, Aegis, ArmorGroup, Hart,
Kroll, and Steele Foundation, many of which already had some presence in the country,
began deploying thousands of mercenaries in Iraq and recruiting aggressively interna-
tionally. In a throw-back to the Vietnam War era, the positions were initially referred
to as private security consultants on the job boards. Some companies, like Blackwa-
la territorialidad de las corporaciones 127
ter, won lucrative contracts with the State Department, the U.S. occupation authority,
or the British government buildings; while still others worked for major war contractors
like Halliburton, kbr, General Electric, and Bechtel, or as part of security details for
journalists (Scahill, 2007: 76).
7 En 2009 los datos oficiales de Estados Unidos todava contabilizaban 716 bases
forneas, en las que, ni entonces ni ahora, estaban incluidas algunas con carcter ms
movible o directamente clandestinas. Tampoco se incluyen las bases itinerantes que
aparecen bajo la forma de buques artillados. Las bases no disminuyeron, no fueron
cerradas excepto unas cuantas, pero se cambi la metodologa de registro.
128 ana esther cecea
8 Para el momento en que est hablando Vandana Shiva se seala un total de 284
mil suicidios. Un poco despus uno de los dirigentes de los campesinos indios habla-
ba de 300 000.
la territorialidad de las corporaciones 131
catstrofe ecolgica total. Es una amenaza para la vida bajo todas sus
modalidades. Es el modo de ser del capitalismo. No hay capitalismo
sin corporaciones. Pero no habr vida con corporaciones.