Ensayo Que Es El Evangelio
Ensayo Que Es El Evangelio
Ensayo Que Es El Evangelio
José Antonio Sánchez Vilchis
Serie de e-books (Libros electrónicos) para producir videolibros
de la serie Descubre el evangelio.
Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio, porque
es poder (gr. dúnamis - dinamita) de Dios para
salvación a todo aquel que cree; al judío
primeramente, y también al griego.
(Romanos 1:16)
So, the word has reference to the arrival of a king, the ascent of a
king in Jewish usage. What about pagan usage? How would
the Romans understand that word since they didn’t
necessarily have any Jewish history? Well, let me read you an
inscription. This is an inscription from the Roman world. The date
is 9 B.C. Okay? Before Christ. This is the inscription, “The
Providence, which has ordered the whole of our life” –
translated into English, obviously – “showing concern and zeal,
has ordained the most perfect consummation for human life
by giving it to Augustus, by filling him with virtue for doing
the work of a benefactor among men and by sending in him,
as it were, a savior for us and those who come after us, to
make war to cease, to create order everywhere. The birthday
of the god Augustus is the beginning for the world of the
euaggelion” - of the gospel – “that has come to men through
How interesting. They used the word euaggelion on that
occasion, in that inscription, to describe the arrival of Caesar
Augustus. Caesar Augustus is - “by the Providence,” it says
– the one who will bring to us the work of a benefactor, the
work of a savior, make war cease, create order everywhere. It
is the arrival of a god. The good news, then, is that Augustus
Caesar has arrived. That actual inscription was dedicated to
him, apparently, on his birthday. Then, as a technical term
again to refer to the ascendancy of the triumph of an
Salmos 68 (RV1960)
El Dios del Sinaí y del santuario
José Antonio Sánchez Vilchis, nació en la Ciudad de México en diciembre
de 1967 en la cuna de una familia católica Romana tradicional.
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