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Grilletes Perno Roscado Crosby®

• Capacidad de 1/3 a 55 toneladas métricas, Grado 6.

• Forjados - Templados y revenidos, con pernos de aleación.
• La Carga Límite de Trabajo y Grado “6” se indica de forma permanente en cada grillete.
• Galvanizado por inmersión en caliente o de color natural.
• Tamaño de 3/8” y menores son galvanizados mecánicamente.
• Los grilletes de 25t y mayores son EQUIPADOS CON RFID.

• Los grilletes se pueden suministrar con certificados de prueba e carga según las normas
requeridas, tales como ABS, DNV, LLoyds, o cualquier otra certificación. El costo de
prueba de carga y de la certificación están disponibles al mome to de hacer su pedido.
• Aprobados para su uso entre -40 grados C (-40 grados F) y 204 grados C (400 grados F). G-210 / S-210
G-209 / S-209 Los grilletes tipo ancla con
Los grilletes tipo ancla con • Los grilletes son templados y revenidos y pueden cumplir con los requerimientos de perno roscado cumplen con la
perno roscado cumplen con la impacto de DNV de 42 Joules (31 pies-lb) a -20 grados C (-4 grados F). Especificación Federal RR-C-271G,
Especificación Federal RR-C-271G, Tipo IVB, Grado A, Clase 2, excepto
Tipo IVA, Grado A, Clase 2, excepto • Cumple o excede todos los requerimientos de ASME B30.26. por las estipulaciones exigidas
por las estipulaciones exigidas • Certificación Aprobación Tipo de acuerdo a ABS 2016 Reglas de embarcaciones de Acero del contratista. Para mayores
del contratista. Para mayores informaciones ver página 452.
informaciones ver página 452. y ABS Guía de certificación están disponibles.
• Busque el perno rojo Red Pin®... la marca de calidad Crosby®.

Para Español:

G-209 / S-209 Grilletes Perno Roscado

No. de Parte Dimensiones cia
Carga (plg.) +/-
Tamaño Limite de Peso
Nominal Trabajo c/u
(plg) (t)* G-209 S-209 (lb) A B C D E F G H L M P C A
3/16 1/3 1018357 – .06 .38 .25 .88 .19 .60 .56 .98 1.47 .16 1.14 .19 .06 .06
1/4 1/2 1018375 1018384 .10 .47 .31 1.13 .25 .78 .61 1.28 1.84 .19 1.43 .25 .06 .06
5/16 3/4 1018393 1018400 .19 .53 .38 1.22 .31 .84 .75 1.47 2.09 .22 1.71 .31 .06 .06
3/8 1 1018419 1018428 .31 .66 .44 1.44 .38 1.03 .91 1.78 2.49 .25 2.02 .38 .13 .06
7/16 1-1/2 1018437 1018446 .38 .75 .50 1.69 .44 1.16 1.06 2.03 2.91 .31 2.37 .44 .13 .06
1/2 2 1018455 1018464 .72 .81 .63 1.88 .50 1.31 1.19 2.31 3.28 .38 2.69 .50 .13 .06
5/8 3-1/4 1018473 1018482 1.37 1.06 .75 2.38 .63 1.69 1.50 2.94 4.19 .44 3.34 .69 .13 .06
3/4 4-3/4 1018491 1018507 2.35 1.25 .88 2.81 .75 2.00 1.81 3.50 4.97 .50 3.97 .81 .25 .06
7/8 6-1/2 1018516 1018525 3.62 1.44 1.00 3.31 .88 2.28 2.09 4.03 5.83 .50 4.50 .97 .25 .06
1 8-1/2 1018534 1018543 5.03 1.69 1.13 3.75 1.00 2.69 2.38 4.69 6.56 .56 5.13 1.06 .25 .06
1-1/8 9-1/2 1018552 1018561 7.41 1.81 1.25 4.25 1.16 2.91 2.69 5.16 7.47 .63 5.71 1.25 .25 .06
1-1/4 12 1018570 1018589 9.50 2.03 1.38 4.69 1.29 3.25 3.00 5.75 8.25 .69 6.25 1.38 .25 .06
1-3/8 13-1/2 1018598 1018605 13.53 2.25 1.50 5.25 1.42 3.63 3.31 6.38 9.16 .75 6.83 1.50 .25 .13
1-1/2 17 1018614 1018623 17.20 2.38 1.63 5.75 1.54 3.88 3.63 6.88 10.00 .81 7.33 1.62 .25 .13
1-3/4 25 1018632 1018641 27.78 2.88 2.00 7.00 1.84 5.00 4.19 8.86 12.34 1.00 9.06 2.25 .25 .13
2 35 1018650 1018669 45.00 3.25 2.25 7.75 2.08 5.75 4.81 9.97 13.68 1.22 10.35 2.40 .25 .13
2-1/2 55 1018678 1018687 85.75 4.13 2.75 10.50 2.71 7.25 5.69 12.87 17.84 1.38 13.00 3.13 .25 .25
G-210 / S-210 Grilletes Perno Cadena
Carga Dimensiones Tolerancia
Tamaño Limite de No. de Parte Peso (plg.) +/-
Nominal Trabajo c/u
(plg) (t)* G-210 S-210 (lb) A B C D E F G K L M G A
1/4 1/2 1019150 1019169 .11 .47 .31 .25 .25 .97 .61 .88 1.59 .19 1.38 .06 .06
5/16 3/4 1019178 1019187 .17 .53 .38 .31 .31 1.16 .75 1.03 1.91 .22 1.66 .06 .06
3/8 1 1019196 1019203 .28 .66 .44 .38 .38 1.41 .91 1.25 2.30 .25 2.03 .13 .06
7/16 1-1/2 1019212 1019221 .43 .75 .50 .44 .44 1.63 1.06 1.44 2.66 .31 2.38 .13 .06
1/2 2 1019230 1019249 .59 .81 .63 .50 .50 1.81 1.19 1.63 3.03 .38 2.69 .13 .06
5/8 3-1/4 1019258 1019267 1.25 1.06 .75 .62 .63 2.31 1.50 2.00 3.75 .44 3.34 .13 .06
3/4 4-3/4 1019276 1019285 2.63 1.25 .88 .81 .75 2.75 1.81 2.38 4.53 .50 3.97 .25 .06
7/8 6-1/2 1019294 1019301 3.16 1.44 1.00 .97 .88 3.19 2.09 2.81 5.33 .50 4.50 .25 .06
1 8-1/2 1019310 1019329 4.75 1.69 1.13 1.00 1.00 3.69 2.38 3.19 5.94 .56 5.07 .25 .06
1-1/8 9-1/2 1019338 1019347 6.75 1.81 1.25 1.25 1.13 4.06 2.69 3.58 6.78 .63 5.59 .25 .06
1-1/4 12 1019356 1019365 9.06 2.03 1.38 1.38 1.25 4.53 3.00 3.94 7.50 .69 6.16 .25 .06
1-3/8 13-1/2 1019374 1019383 11.63 2.25 1.50 1.50 1.38 5.01 3.31 4.38 8.28 .75 6.84 .25 .13
1-1/2 17 1019392 1019409 15.95 2.38 1.63 1.62 1.50 5.38 3.62 4.81 9.06 .81 7.35 .25 .13
1-3/4 25 1019418 1019427 26.75 2.88 2.00 2.12 1.75 6.38 4.19 5.75 10.97 1.00 9.08 .25 .13
2 35 1019436 1019445 42.31 3.25 2.25 2.00 2.00 7.25 4.81 6.75 12.28 1.22 10.34 .25 .13
2-1/2 55 1019454 1019463 71.75 4.13 2.75 2.62 2.62 9.38 5.69 8.00 14.84 1.38 13.00 .25 .25
* NOTA: La máxima Carga de Prueba es de 2.0 veces la Carga Límite de Trabajo. La carga de ruptura es 6 veces la Carga Límite de Trabajo. En referencia a
la reducción de la Carga Límite de Trabajo debido a aplicaciones laterales de cargas, ver página 94.
Copyright © 2019 The Crosby Group LLC Todos los Derechos Reservados 77

03_Cat_Shackles.indd 77 8/8/19 1:29 PM

Crosby® Screw Pin Shackles
• Capacities 1/3 thru 55 metric tons, grade 6.
• Forged - Quenched and Tempered, with alloy pins.
• Working Load Limit and grade “6” permanently shown on every shackle.
• Hot Dip galvanized or self colored.
• Sizes 3/8 inch and below are mechanically galvanized.
• Fatigue rated.

• Shackles 25t and larger are RFID EQUIPPED.
• Shackles can be furnished proof tested with certificates to desi nated standards, such
as ABS, DNV, Lloyds, or other certification. Proof testing and certificati available when
requested at the time of order, charges will apply. G-210 / S-210
G-209 / S-209 G-210 Screw pin anchor shackles
G-209 Screw pin anchor shackles • Approved for use at -40° C (-40° F) to 204° C (400° F). meet the performance requirements
meet the performance requirements of Federal Specification RR-C-271G
of Federal Specification RR-C-271G • All 209 and 210 shackles can meet charpy requirements of 42 Joules(31 ft•lbf) avg. at Type IVA, Grade A, Class 2, except
Type IVA, Grade A, Class 2, except -20° C (-4° F) upon special request. for those provisions required of the
for those provisions required of the contractor. For additional information,
contractor. For additional information, • Meets or exceeds all requirements of ASME B30.26. see page 452.
see page 475.
• Type Approval certification in accordance with ABS 2016 Steel Vessel Rules and
ABS Guide for Certification of Lifting Appliances available. Certificates available when
requested at time of order and may include additional charges.
• Look for the Red Pin®. . . the mark of genuine Crosby quality.


On Page 92 of the General Catalog
Para Español:

G-209 / S-209 Screw Pin Anchor Shackles

Stock No. Dimensions Tolerance
Nominal Working Weight (mm) +/-
Size Load Each
(in) Limit (t)* G-209 S-209 (kg) A B C D E F G H L M P C A
3/16 1/3 1018357 – .03 9.65 6.35 22.4 4.85 15.2 14.2 24.9 37.3 4.06 28.4 4.85 1.50 1.50
1/4 1/2 1018375 1018384 .05 11.9 7.85 28.7 6.35 19.8 15.5 32.5 46.7 4.85 35.1 6.35 1.50 1.50
5/16 3/4 1018393 1018400 .09 13.5 9.65 31.0 7.85 21.3 19.1 37.3 53.0 5.60 42.2 7.85 3.30 1.50
3/8 1 1018419 1018428 .14 16.8 11.2 36.6 9.65 26.2 23.1 45.2 63.0 6.35 51.5 9.65 3.30 1.50
7/16 1-1/2 1018437 1018446 .17 19.1 12.7 42.9 11.2 29.5 26.9 51.5 74.0 7.85 60.5 11.2 3.30 1.50
1/2 2 1018455 1018464 .33 20.6 16.0 47.8 12.7 33.3 30.2 58.5 83.5 9.65 68.5 12.7 3.30 1.50
5/8 3-1/4 1018473 1018482 .62 26.9 19.1 60.5 16.0 42.9 38.1 74.5 106 11.2 85.0 17.5 6.35 1.50
3/4 4-3/4 1018491 1018507 1.07 31.8 22.4 71.5 19.1 51.0 46.0 89.0 126 12.7 101 20.6 6.35 1.50
7/8 6-1/2 1018516 1018525 1.64 36.6 25.4 84.0 22.4 58.0 53.0 102 148 12.7 114 24.6 6.35 1.50
1 8-1/2 1018534 1018543 2.28 42.9 28.7 95.5 25.4 68.5 60.5 119 167 14.2 129 26.9 6.35 1.50
1-1/8 9-1/2 1018552 1018561 3.36 46.0 31.8 108 29.5 74.0 68.5 131 190 16.0 142 31.8 6.35 1.50
1-1/4 12 1018570 1018589 4.31 51.5 35.1 119 32.8 82.5 76.0 146 210 17.5 156 35.1 6.35 1.50
1-3/8 13-1/2 1018598 1018605 6.14 57.0 38.1 133 36.1 92.0 84.0 162 233 19.1 174 38.1 6.35 3.30
1-1/2 17 1018614 1018623 7.80 60.5 41.4 146 39.1 98.5 92.0 175 254 20.6 187 41.1 6.35 3.30
1-3/4 25 1018632 1018641 12.6 73.0 51.0 178 46.7 127 106 225 313 25.4 231 57.0 6.35 3.30
2 35 1018650 1018669 20.4 82.5 57.0 197 53.0 146 122 253 348 31.0 263 61.0 6.35 3.30
2-1/2 55 1018678 1018687 38.9 105 70.0 267 69.0 184 145 327 453 35.1 330 79.5 6.35 6.35

G-210 / S-210 Screw Pin Chain Shackles

Dimensions Tolerance
Nominal Working Stock No. (mm) +/-
Size Load Weight Each
(in) Limit (t)* G-210 S-210 (kg) A B C D E F G K L M G A
1/4 1/2 1019150 1019169 .05 11.9 7.85 6.35 6.35 24.6 15.5 22.4 40.4 4.85 35.1 1.50 1.50
5/16 3/4 1019178 1019187 .08 13.5 9.65 7.85 7.85 29.5 19.1 26.2 48.5 5.60 42.2 1.50 1.50
3/8 1 1019196 1019203 .13 16.8 11.2 9.65 9.65 35.8 23.1 31.8 58.5 6.35 51.5 3.30 1.50
7/16 1-1/2 1019212 1019221 .20 19.1 12.7 11.2 11.2 41.4 26.9 36.6 67.5 7.85 60.5 3.30 1.50
1/2 2 1019230 1019249 .27 20.6 16.0 12.7 12.7 46.0 30.2 41.4 77.0 9.65 68.5 3.30 1.50
5/8 3-1/4 1019258 1019267 .57 26.9 19.1 15.7 16.0 58.5 38.1 51.0 95.5 11.2 85.0 3.30 1.50
3/4 4-3/4 1019276 1019285 1.20 31.8 22.4 20.6 19.1 70.0 46.0 60.5 115 12.7 101 6.35 1.50
7/8 6-1/2 1019294 1019301 1.43 36.6 25.4 24.6 22.4 81.0 53.0 71.5 135 12.7 114 6.35 1.50
1 8-1/2 1019310 1019329 2.15 42.9 28.7 25.4 25.4 93.5 60.5 81.0 151 14.2 129 6.35 1.50
1-1/8 9-1/2 1019338 1019347 3.06 46.0 31.8 31.8 28.7 103 68.5 91.0 172 16.0 142 6.35 1.50
1-1/4 12 1019356 1019365 4.11 51.5 35.1 35.1 31.8 115 76.0 100 191 17.5 156 6.35 1.50
1-3/8 13-1/2 1019374 1019383 5.28 57.0 38.1 38.1 35.1 127 84.0 111 210 19.1 174 6.35 3.30
1-1/2 17 1019392 1019409 7.23 60.5 41.4 41.1 38.1 137 92.0 122 230 20.6 187 6.35 3.30
1-3/4 25 1019418 1019427 12.1 73.0 51.0 54.0 44.5 162 106 146 279 25.4 231 6.35 3.30
2 35 1019436 1019445 19.2 82.5 57.0 60.0 51.0 184 122 172 312 31.0 263 6.35 3.30
2-1/2 55 1019454 1019463 32.5 105 70.0 66.5 66.5 238 145 203 377 35.1 330 6.35 6.35
* NOTE: Maximum Proof Load is 2 times the Working Load Limit. Minimum Ultimate Strength is 6 times the Working Load Limit. For Working Load
Limit reduction due to side loading applications, see page 94.
Copyright © 2019 The Crosby Group LLC All Rights Reserved 77

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