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David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Escola Politécnica Superior



CURSO 2.015-2016





LLOYD´S REGISTER OF SHIPPING, Solas, Marpol y reglamentación

CARACTERISTICAS DEL BUQUE: Buque remolcador de altura y

salvamento. 85 t. de tracción a punto fijo.

VELOCIDAD Y AUTONOMIA: 12,5 nudos a máxima velocidad

alcanzable y autonomía de 3.000 millas a la velocidad de servicio.


remolque y los específicos y normales en este tipo de buque.



OTROS EQUIPOS E INSTALACIONES: Equipos para extinción de

incendios, salvamento y lucha contra la contaminación.

ALUMNO: David Dopico Saavedra

13 de Marzo de 2016

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual


1. Introducción .......................................................................................... 3

2. Justificación de la elección del equipo propulsor............................... 4

3. Estimación del consumo de combustible. ............................................. 7

4. Sistemas auxiliares de la propulsión................................................... 10

4.1 Sistema de combustible: ................................................................. 10

4.2 Sistema de lubricación: ................................................................... 32
4.3 Sistema de refrigeración. ................................................................ 39
4.4 Servicio de aire de arranque: .......................................................... 47

ANEXO I: Datos técnicos de los motores duales. ...................................... 53

ANEXO II: Carácterísticas de las bombas de los sistemas auxiliares de
propulsión. ................................................................................................... 54
ANEXO III: Características del compresor de aire de arranque................. 55
ANEXO IV: Características del LNGPac. .................................................. 56
ANEXO V: Plano de la cámara de máquinas. ............................................ 57

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

1. Introducción

En este cuaderno se definirá la configuración de la planta propulsora. Esta tiene la

finalidad de alimentar a los motores duales para la propulsión que han sido definidos en
el cuaderno 6, y satisfacer las necesidades eléctricas del buque, las cuáles han sido
descritas en el cuaderno 11.

Una vez definidos los generadores del buque se estimará el consumo total de
combustible y se comprobará la autonomía.

Además se diseñarán los sistemas auxiliares según los requerimientos del reglamento de
la sociedad de clasificación Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, el reglamento SOLAS y los
requerimientos del fabricante. Los sistemas auxiliares definidos serán los sistemas de
combustible, refrigeración y aceite.

Por último se realizará un plano de disposición preliminar de la cámara de máquinas.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

2. Justificación de la elección del equipo propulsor

Nuestro proyecto contará con un sistema propulsor basado en una propulsión dual
MDO/LNG, un sistema muy novedoso y con ciertas ventajas en cuanto a consumo y

En el caso de los remolcadores, la utilización del LNG no está todavía extendida,

habiendo en activo es este momento muy pocos que ya lo empleen. Sin embargo hay
una gran cantidad de nuevos proyectos para la construcción de una nueva de generación
de remolcadores que utilizarán tanto diesel como LNG, según más les convenga,
mediante unos motores duales que pueden funcionar alternativamente alimentados por
gas natural a baja presión o por combustible diesel o fuel-oil y son capaces de cambiar
automáticamente de una forma a la otra, manteniendo en todo momento la potencia

Estos motores presentan las siguientes ventajas frente a los que utilizan solamente LNG:

- Mayor fiabilidad y redundancia.

- Posibilidad de entregar el 100% de la potencia en modo diesel.
- Se puede pasar a modo diesel de forma instantánea sin interrumpir la operación.

A la hora de escoger el motor para nuestro proyecto, debemos tener en cuenta la

potencia que necesitará nuestro en buque en las distintas condiciones en que opere
En base a los resultados obtenidos en los cuadernos anteriores, tenemos tres exigencias
de potencia que deben alcanzar nuestros motores:

Potencia a partir de TPF 5100 kW

Potencia a máxima velocidad en aguas tranquilas 702,1 kW
Potencia requerida por las bombas FiFi
contraincendio 1300 kW

La condición de remolque es de lejos la más restrictiva, y en base a ella tendremos que

escoger los motores que utilizaremos.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Buscando en catálogos de fabricantes de motores del tipo Diesel Dual MDO/ LNG se
encuentra un gran inconveniente, y es que hay muy pocos motores de estas
características, debido a lo novedosos que son.

En base a esto, solo encontramos un motor que encaje en nuestro requisitos, el Wärtsilä
6L34DF, con una potencia de 3000 Kw, que ha sido diseñado por la empresa finlandesa
Wärtsilä para buques de diversa variedad y dimensiones. Así pues, instalando dos
motores como este se obtendría una potencia total de 6000 Kw, más de los que en
principio se necesitaría para el tiro característico de este remolcador.

Con esta configuración se cumple también, como es lógico, la demanda de potencia

para los criterios de velocidad en aguas libres y con las exigencias de operaciones

A continuación podemos ver un pequeño resumen de las especificaciones principales

del motor:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Estos dos motores proporcionarán la potencia mecánica a los propulsores que hemos
escogido mediante una línea de ejes cada uno.
Como propulsores principales, hemos optado por hélices de tipo azimutal tipo Schottel,
debido a que son las que tienen un mayor rendimiento, siendo necesaria una menor
potencia propulsora para obtener el tiro requerido, por lo que utilizaremos una pareja de
hélices de esta clase y del tipo de paso fijo. El modelo escogido es el que más se adapta
al tipo de buque del proyecto y a su potencia propulsora, el modelo SPR 630, con un
diámetro de 3,4 metros.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

3. Estimación del consumo de combustible.

A una velocidad de servicio de 11 nudos, para cumplir la autonomía de 3000 millas

fijada en las RPA el buque necesitará poder navegar durante al menos 272,73 horas,
equivalente a 11 días, 8 horas y 44 minutos.
Sin embargo, debido al gran empacho de los tanques de LNG, al reducido espacio que
presentan los remolcadores bajo cubierta, y al gran consumo de nuestros motores
duales, dimensionando al máximo el volumen de los tanques de combustible, el buque
será capaz de cumplir esta autonomía sobradamente en condición de navegación en
aguas libres, pero no en la condición de remolque al máximo tiro requerido, es decir,
con los motores trabajando a plena potencia. A continuación presentamos los cálculos
de consumo para ambas condiciones y la autonomía que alcanza en ellas.

Los resultados obtenidos al dimensionar los tanques de combustible, nos indican que
dispondremos de unos tanques de LNG con una capacidad de 70 m3 y una capacidad
para tanques de combustible de 168 m3, de los cuales 43 m3 están destinados al
consumo de los generadores principales, por lo que serán 125 m3 los que podremos
aprovechar para la propulsión de los motores.

En la condición de remolque a máxima potencia, para conocer el consumo de LNG por

parte de este motor se debe proceder de la siguiente forma: Conociendo el parámetro
BSEC (7.387 KJ/kW.h) y el poder calorífico del gas (se considerará LHV = 49.165
KJ/Kg), dividiendo el primero entre el segundo se obtiene el consumo en unidades de
Kg/kW.h, que multiplicado por la potencia del motor en esta condición en kW (5.100
kW) dará el consumo por hora de LNG de los motores, que será de 766,27 Kg/h. Se
tiene una capacidad de tanques de LNG de 70 m3, que teniendo en cuenta que la
densidad del LNG se puede considerar como 442 kg/m3 (tras haber sometido el gas
natural a un proceso de licuefacción durante el cual se ha llevado el gas a una
temperatura aproximada de -160º C y se ha reducido su volumen en 600 veces) suponen
30.940 Kg de LNG. Dividiendo entre el consumo obtenemos 40,37 horas de

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Por otro lado, el consumo de diesel de estos motores, según catálogo, es de 190 g/Kwh,
por lo que multiplicando dicho valor por la potencia del motor en esta condición en Kw
(5100 Kw) se obtendrá el consumo por hora de los motores, que será de 969 Kg/h. Se
tiene una capacidad de tanques de MDO de 125 m3, que teniendo en cuenta que la
densidad del Diesel se puede considerar como 840 kg/m3, suponen 105.000 kg.
Dividiendo entre el consumo obtenemos 108,35 horas de navegación.

Por tanto, la autonomía total del buque remolcando a máxima potencia será de 148,73
horas, que suponen 1.636,02 millas con un porcentaje de uso de combustible del 26,7%
de LNG y 73,3% de MDO.

Condición de remolque
Consumo LNG (Kg/h) 766,27
Cantidad LNG (Kg) 30.940
Consumo MDO (Kg/h) 190
Cantidad MDO (Kg) 105.000
Autonomía LNG (horas) 40,37
Autonomía MDO (horas) 108,35
Autonomía total (horas) 148,73
Autonomía total (millas) 1.636,02

En la condición de navegación en aguas libres, para conocer el consumo de LNG por

parte de este motor se debe proceder de la siguiente forma: Conociendo el parámetro
BSEC (7.643 KJ/Kw.h) y el poder calorífico del gas (se considerará LHV = 49.165
KJ/Kg), dividiendo el primero entre el segundo se obtiene el consumo en unidades de
Kg/KW.h, que multiplicado por la potencia del motor en esta condición en Kw (704
Kw) dará el consumo por hora de LNG de los motores, que será de 109,44 Kg/h. Se
tiene una capacidad de tanques de LNG de 70 m3, que teniendo en cuenta que la
densidad del LNG se puede considerar como 442 kg/m3 (tras haber sometido el gas
natural a un proceso de licuefacción durante el cual se ha llevado el gas a una
temperatura aproximada de -160º C y se ha reducido su volumen en 600 veces) suponen
30.940 Kg de LNG. Dividiendo entre el consumo obtenemos 282,71 horas de
navegación, que suponen.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Por otro lado, el consumo de diesel de estos motores, según catálogo, es de 183 g/Kwh,
por lo que multiplicando dicho valor por la potencia del motor en esta condición en Kw
(704 Kw) se obtendrá el consumo por hora de los motores, que será de 128,83 Kg/h. Se
tiene una capacidad de tanques de MDO de 125 m3, descontando el necesario para los
generadores principales, que teniendo en cuenta que la densidad del Diesel se puede
considerar como 840 kg/m3, suponen 105.000 kg. Dividiendo entre el consumo
obtenemos 815,03 horas de navegación.

Por tanto, la autonomía total del buque remolcando a máxima potencia será de 1097,74
horas, que suponen 12.075,14 millas, con un porcentaje de uso de combustible del
25,3% de LNG y 74,7% de MDO.

Condición de navegación en aguas libres

Consumo LNG (Kg/h) 109,44
Cantidad LNG (Kg) 30940
Consumo MDO (Kg/h) 128,83
Cantidad MDO (Kg) 105000
Autonomía LNG (horas) 282,71
Autonomía MDO (horas) 815,03
Autonomía total (horas) 1097,74
Autonomía total (millas) 12075,14

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

4. Sistemas auxiliares de la propulsión.

A continuación se procederá a determinar ciertas características para el conjunto de la

maquinaria auxiliar. El documento project guide del motor propulsor proporcionará los
diferentes consumos del mismo en cuanto a combustible, aceite, etc.
A la hora de determinar el diseño, se toma el criterio de duplicar los equipos con el fin
de dotar al servicio de cierta redundancia que permita tener una aptitud y tolerancia
aceptable al fallo, de tal manera que no se produzca una parada del motor por un fallo
en uno de los equipos integrantes en algún servicio determinado del motor.
Entre los servicios auxiliares de cámara de máquinas se encuentran principalmente:

- Servicios de combustible.
- Servicios de lubricación.
- Servicios de refrigeración.
- Servicios de aire comprimido.

4.1 Sistema de combustible:

- Servicio de MDO.

Según los requerimientos del SOLAS, en instalaciones de múltiples motores que se

encuentren conectados al mismo circuito de combustible, debe ser posible cerrar el
suministro de combustible y retornar las líneas conectadas al motor individualmente.

El sistema de combustible se divide en el sistema interno del propio motor y el sistema

exterior al motor:

• Sistema interno del motor:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

El esquema del sistema interno para uno de los motores propulsores es el que se muestra
a continuación. Será el mismo sistema para los dos motores a instalar.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

• Sistema externo del motor:

El esquema del sistema externo para uno de los motores propulsores es el que se
muestra a continuación. Será el mismo sistema para los dos motores a instalar.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

• Dimensionamiento de los tanques de combustible.

- Tanques almacén, de uso diario y de sedimentación

El combustible almacenado en los tanques almacén, se transfiere a los tanques de

sedimentación donde se produce una separación inicial de lodos y agua del combustible.
De estos se transfiere el combustible a los tanques de uso diario y estos suministran el
combustible a los motores.

Para el dimensionamiento del tanque de sedimentación se recurrirá al project guide del

motor. Según este, el tanque de sedimentación deberá poseer una capacidad suficiente
para 24 h de operación con el consumo máximo de combustible, de forma que se
asegura un tiempo suficiente para la sedimentación. Al tratarse de MDO los tanques de
sedimentación no necesitan un sistema de calefacción.

Para el dimensionamiento de los tanques de uso diario se requiere de un tanque con

capacidad suficiente para asegurar el suministro de combustible durante 8 horas. La
temperatura del interior de los tanques deberá de encontrarse entre los 20 y los 40ºC.
Además, deberá asegurarse una presión estática positiva en la succión de las bombas de
alimentación del combustible.

Como hemos dicho antes, el consumo de diesel de estos motores, según catálogo, es de
190 g/Kwh, por lo que multiplicando dicho valor por la potencia del motor en Kw
(5100Kw) se obtendrá el consumo por hora de los motores de 969 Kg/h de Diesel. Para
una autonomía de 24 horas necesitaremos pues 23.256 Kg, que teniendo en cuenta que
la densidad del Diesel se puede considerar como 840 Kg/m3, suponen 27,7 m3, que
dividido en dos tanques serían 13,85 m3. Por otro lado para una autonomía de 8 horas
necesitaremos pues 7.752 Kg, que suponen 9,22 m3, y divididos en dos tanques, 4,61 m3
cada uno.

Teniendo esto en cuenta, hemos dispuesto un tanque de sedimentación y otro de uso

diario para cada motor, con unas capacidades mayores a las calculadas, para dejar un
margen de seguridad, quedando de la siguiente forma:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Tanques Capacidad
Sedimentación babor 16,875 m3
Sedimentación estribor 16,875 m3
Sedimentación total 33,75 m3
Uso diario babor 10,125 m3
Uso diario estribor 10,125 m3
Uso diario total 20,25 m3

Por último, los tanques almacén albergarán el resto de combustible dimensionado para
cumplir con la autonomía. Teniendo por tanto un volumen total de 168 m3 de
combustible, de los cuales 54 m3 se encuentran en los tanques de uso diario y
sedimentación, nos quedará un volumen de 114 m3 en los tanques almacén, que los
repartiremos en tres tanques a cada costado de la siguiente forma:

Tanques Capacidad
Tanque de almacenamiento 1 babor 21 m3
Tanque de almacenamiento 2 babor 18 m3
Tanque de almacenamiento 3 babor 18 m3
Tanque de almacenamiento 1 estribor 21 m3
Tanque de almacenamiento 2 estribor 18 m3
Tanque de almacenamiento 3 estribor 18 m3
Total tanques de almacenamiento 114 m3

- Tanque de lodos:

MARPOL ha indicado de forma orientativa la manera de calcular la capacidad de los

tanques de residuos. Así, para los buques sin tanques mixtos, es decir, que no llevan
agua de lastre en los tanques de combustible líquido, la capacidad mínima será
calculada conforme a la siguiente expresión:

VL = K1·C·D

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- K1: 0,01 si se utiliza fuel - oil pesado que ha de purificarse. 0,005 si se utiliza
diesel - oil o fuel - oil que no ha de purificarse. Siendo este segundo nuestro
- C: Consumo diario total de combustible. Contando con el combustible utilizado
por los motores principales y por los generadores, el consumo diario total de
combustible será 23,256 toneladas.
- D: Periodo máximo de travesía entre puertos en que se pueden descargar los
fangos a tierra. Se toma un mínimo de 20 días.

Así pues, teniendo en cuenta esto, la capacidad mínima para lodos y aguas residuales
será de 2,33 m3. En nuestro buque proyecto tendremos un único tanque de 4,29 m3.

- Tanque de reboses:

Los reboses de todos los tanques y las pérdidas en bombas irán al tanque de reboses.
Este comunica con los de servicio diario mediante las bombas de trasiego. Los tanques
de combustible deben llevar su correspondiente tubería de aireación para dejar salir el
aire y evitar un exceso de sobrepresión. En el caso de un sobrellenado el producto se
perderá por dicho tubo, el cual irá conectado a una red de tuberías de rebose que
conducirán el sobrante a otro tanque y evitar así su perdida y derrame. Las tuberías de
rebose de productos similares se pueden unir entre sí y descargar en el correspondiente
tanque de reboses.
Para obtener la capacidad del tanque de reboses se usará la siguiente expresión:

Pt derrames = Cep x BHPs x 5 horas/106

Donde Cep es el consumo especifico por BHP y hora. En el caso que nos ocupa, y
según las especificaciones del motor, será 183 g/BHPh. De este modo, considerando
una potencia conjunta de los dos motores de BHP, se obtiene que el peso de los
derrames que será 4,67 toneladas. Si además consideramos una densidad media de 0,88
T/m3, el volumen de estos derrames será 5,3 m3. Así pues, considerando una
permeabilidad volumétrica de 0,98, se precisa el siguiente volumen mínimo para el
tanque de reboses: 5,41 m3. En nuestro buque hemos optado por un tanque de 6,435 m3.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

• Separadora.

Se instalará una unidad de separación al tratarse de una instalación MDF. Esta se

utilizará para la eliminación de agua y posibles contaminantes.
La capacidad de la separadora será suficiente para garantizar el suministro de fuel a
máximo consumo. Los módulos de separación contarán con los siguientes componentes:

- Filtro de succión.

- Bomba de alimentación.

- Precalentador.

- Tanque de lodos.

- Separadora.

- Bomba de lodos.

- Monitorización del sistema.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Separadora.

A continuación se calculará el caudal Q necesario para la separadora a partir de la

fórmula especificada en la guía del motor:

= · · (24 / · )

= Potencia máxima continua de los motores (kW).
= Consumo específico de combustible +15% de margen de seguridad (g/kWh).
= Densidad del combustible (kg/m3)
= Tiempo diario de separación = 23,5 h según la guía del motor.

P (kW) 6000
b (g/kW·h) 217,35
ρ (kg/m3) 840
t (h) 23,5
Q (l/h) 1585,53191

Se montan dos separadoras para el servicio de combustible, una por motor.

La separadora será accionada por un motor eléctrico, y tendrá una bomba de aspiración
y descarga de flujo constante y desplazamiento positivo. El filtro de succión tendrá un
espesor de 5 mm, común en el resto de filtros de succión de la instalación. La salida de
los residuos se realiza por gravedad al tanque de lodos, tal y como indica MARPOL.

El modelo escogido es el HH 160 MO de la marca Hutchison Hayes Separation, una

separadora de tipo centrífugo con una capacidad máxima de 1,6 m3/h y una potencia de
0,89 kW, que cuenta con las siguientes características:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Precalentador de la separadora y bomba de lodos.

Como hemos indicado antes, el sistema completo de la separadora cuenta con un

precalentador y una bomba de lodos cuyas potencias no se incluyen en la ficha de la
separadora mostrada.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

A continuación se definirá la capacidad de calor requerida para el precalentador a partir

de la siguiente fórmula proporcionada por el fabricante del motor:

= · Δ /(1700)


= Capacidad de la bomba de alimentación de la separadora (l/h).

Δ = Incremento de temperatura en el precalentador (ºC).

La temperatura recomendada después del precalentado es de entre 20 y 40 ºC para el


Q(l/h) 1585,5
T salida (ºC) 40
T entrada (ºC) 20
ΔT (ºC) 20
P (kW) 18,65

Para la bomba de lodos, estimamos una potencia de 2 kW, en base a buques de

referencia similares.

• Bombas de trasiego de MDO.

Para el trasvase de combustible, bien desde un tanque de almacenamiento a otro, o bien

desde un tanque almacén a un tanque de sedimentación, se dispondrá de dos bombas de
trasiego para cada motor, siendo una de ellas de reserva como recomienda el project
guide. Para poder emplear una única bomba para estas tareas se dispondrá el
correspondiente plano de válvulas. También podrán ser activadas ambas bombas
simultáneamente con alimentaciones a distintos tanques.

Las bombas de trasiego deberán ser de desplazamiento positivo, bien de engranajes, o

bien de husillos, con comunicación de aspiración y retorno a través de una válvula de
seguridad integrada.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Se dimensionará la bomba para que sea capaz de llenar los tanques de servicio diario en
aproximadamente 5 horas. A partir de la capacidad de los tanques de sedimentación se
obtiene el caudal necesario para las bombas:

Capacidad tanques sedimentación (m3) 16,875

Tiempo (h) 5
Caudal (m3/h) 3,375
Número de bombas 2 (1 en reserva)

La bomba comercial escogida para cumplir estas características será el modelo Z series
ZC2 11/2x11/4 de la casa AMPCO PUMPS COMPANY, con una potencia de 1,5 kW y
3500 rpm. A continuación se muestra la curva característica de esta bomba:

Para poder llenar el tanque de uso diario, dispondremos de otras dos bombas por tanque
que nos permitan realizar el llenado en 5 horas, quedando de la siguiente forma:

Capacidad tanques uso diario (m3) 10,125

Tiempo (h) 5
Caudal (m3/h) 2,025
Número de bombas 2 (1 en reserva)

Emplearemos el mismo modelo de bomba que el utilizado para los tanques almacén y
de sedimentación: el modelo Z series ZC2 11/2x11/4 de la casa AMPCO PUMPS

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

• Bombas de circulación de MDO.

La bomba de circulación de combustible mantiene la presión en las bombas de

inyección y hace circular el combustible por el sistema. Según la guía del motor se
requiere el uso de dos electrobombas de circulación por cada motor, una de ellas en
stand-by, y deben de cumplir lo siguiente:

- Capacidad: 5 veces el consumo total por motor.

- Presión de diseño: 16 bar.
- Temperatura de diseño: 50 ºC.

Potencia por motor (kW) 3000

Consumo específico (g/kWh) 190
Consumo (m3/h) 0,675
5 x Consumo (m3/h) 3,375

El modelo de bomba comercial elegido es: ITUR KSB RPH mdp 23-230, con una
potencia de 32,77 kW y 1450 rpm.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Servicio de LNG

Este remolcador presenta su gran diferencia con los demás buques de su clase en el
servicio de LNG, que permite al buque la alternativa de propulsarse mediante gas
natural, una combustible más limpio y económico, cuya expansión en la industria naval
está creciendo a un ritmo muy alto, debido a las grandes ventajas que conlleva, llegando
a considerarse por algunos como el combustible del futuro en la comunidad marítima
El uso de Gas Natural Licuado como combustible reducirá las emisiones de NOx y CO2
en más de un 80% y un 25% respectivamente, permitiendo al buque cumplir de manera
más eficaz las nuevas normas de emisiones de gases contaminantes.

En cuanto a los motores propulsores, el sistema interno de LNG del motor se muestra a

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Por otro lado, el esquema externo del motor en lo que a LNG se refiere tendrá el
siguiente aspecto:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

El servicio de LNG está compuesto de una serie de equipos que no son comunes en los
remolcadores tradicionales entre los que destacan:

- Tanques de almacenamiento de LNG.

- Estaciones de aprovisionamiento de LNG.
- Sistema regasificador.
- Unidades de válvulas de gas (GVU).
- Sistema de gas inerte.
- Sistema de tuberías y de ventilación asociado a la conducción del gas.
- Sistema de control y monitoreo.
- Válvulas maestra y de parada.

La empresa suministradora del motor dual que hemos escogido para la propulsión,
Wärtsilä, ha desarrollado un sistema pensado especialmente para sus motores duales,
denomina Wärtsilä LNGPac, que integra de forma eficaz todos estos equipos y sistemas
que intervienen en el manejo del LNG dentro del buque en un mismo bloque, de forma
que obtenemos una gran cantidad de ventajas:

- Utilización del espacio bajo cubierta más eficiente.

- Reducción del interfaz.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Reducción de los costes de instalación y operación.

- Mayor fiabilidad.
- Maximización del volumen de almacenamiento de LNG.

A continuación un ejemplo de la disposición de un bloque LNGPac, con la integración

de sus sistemas:

En nuestro buque proyecto, hemos optado por situar los tanques en posición vertical,
debido a que debido al gran empacho de los tanques de LNG, y el poco espacio
disponible bajo cubierta en un remolcador, hace la maximización del volumen de los
tanques un de las máximas prioridades. De esta forma conseguimos adaptar el sistema
LNGPac a nuestro local adaptado para los tanques de LNG y obtener la mayor
autonomía con LNG posible. Por lo tanto el aspecto de nuestro sistema LNGPac será el
distinto, pero contará igualmente con todos los equipos necesarios, quedando de la
siguiente forma:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

El proceso de suministro al motor, básicamente consiste en que el LNG que se

encuentra almacenado en cada uno de los tanques de almacenamiento de LNG es
conducido a un equipo regasificador en donde se vaporiza calentándolo en función de
las condiciones requeridas por el motor, de modo que el LNG aumenta su temperatura
para que esté comprendida entre 0ºC y 60ºC y a una presión comprendida entre 5 y 10
bar. Posteriormente pasa por la unidad de válvulas de gas (GVU), en donde se
controlará tanto el caudal y la presión del gas para que este sea usado adecuadamente
por los motores propulsores en función de la carga de trabajo del mismo. Los sistemas
de intercambio de calor se encuentran dispuestos dentro del bloque de conexión con el
depósito, y el nuevo circuito no requiere de bombas siendo capaz de utilizar
directamente el agua de refrigeración de los motores. Se necesitan por tanto menos
interfaz y menos trabajo de instalación. De este modo, se necesitan un menor número de
consumidores eléctricos, en el que el sistema se estima que consumirá 15 Kw. El peso
estimado de acuerdo a las especificaciones técnicas del sistema es de 18 Toneladas. Se
contará con dos de estos sistemas, uno por cada motor propulsor.

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Tanques de almacenamiento y Estación de aprovisionamiento de LNG.

Como ya hemos expresado en los cuadernos anteriores, dispondremos de dos tanques de

almacenamiento de LNG, que para cumplir con la normativa de la Sociedad de
Clasificación, estarán colocados en un local especial a proa de cámara de máquinas,
separado del resto por dos mamparos Cofferdam de 600 mm, y a su vez colocados en el
local de forma que cumplan con los requisitos de distancia respecto al costado (B/5
mínimo) y al doble fondo (2 metros mínimo).
Los tanques tendrán forma cilíndrica con los extremos cóncavos, con un diámetro de
3,26 metros y una altura de 4,3 metros. Se dispondrán en posición vertical y tendrán un
volumen de 35 m3 cada uno, aunque solo podrán cargarse hasta el 98% de su capacidad
para controlar los cambios de presión ante cambios bruscos de temperatura.

Los tanques están diseñados de acuerdo con el "Código internacional para la

construcción y equipos de buques que transporten gases licuados a granel", y la EN
13458-2 "recipientes criogénicos".

En el caso del buque proyecto, los tanques están diseñados de acuerdo a los
requerimientos de tipo C. Los tanques de tipo C a presión permiten un fácil manejo del
gas evaporado (Boil-off gas), estando diseñado para soportar un aumento significativo
de la presión, al igual que las válvulas de alivio de presión. Hay que tener en cuenta que
los motores duales de Wärtsilä requieren que la presión a la entrada de la unidad de
válvulas de gas GVU sea mayor a 5 bar.

Estos tanques están apoyados sobre unos polines de apoyo de forma cada tanque estará
sustentado sobre dos polines. Se instalará además un dispositivo antiflotación para
mantener el tanque en sus polines en caso de desbordamiento por inundación del local
de los tanques de LNG.
El depósito consiste en un recipiente de acero interior diseñado para soportar presiones
de hasta 9 bares, y un recipiente exterior que actúa como una barrera secundaria. El
material de estos recipientes, de acuerdo con las especificaciones del fabricante, es LT-
acero al carbono 13 Mn Ni 3, DIN Mat-Nº:1.6217. Los tanques están equipados con:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Domos con registros y conexiones de tuberías.

- Anillo de conexión del domo del tanque con pernos de acero inoxidable para la
conexión entre el domo y el tanque, que es estanca.
- Líneas internas de líquido al fondo, adecuadas para la realización de las purgas
- Líneas de vapor y aireación.
- Líneas de purga superior, que garantiza el purgado con los tanques llenos.
- Línea de agotamiento, cuya función es vaciar completamente los tanques.
- Líneas de muestreo, que sirven para poder obtener muestras sin perjudicar las
propiedades del resto de la carga en el interior del tanque.
- Refuerzos estructurales que garantizan la suficiente resistencia para soportar las
presiones y temperaturas de la carga en el interior del tanque.
- Registros para permitir la revisión de los tanques.
- Cáncamos para fijar los elementos al tanque.
- Conexiones a tierra con los polines del tanque, flexibles para que las
contracciones y dilataciones a las que se encuentra sometido no las dañen.
- Apoyos antiflotación, que unidos a los polines van a fijar el tanque al buque de
manera flexible y segura.
- Tubo con flotador para nivel del tanque, que emite una señal visible en las
consolas de control.

Por su parte, la estación de aprovisionamiento es la conexión del buque con el terminal

de LNG en la costa o la barcaza encargada de llevar a cabo el bunkering de LNG. Cada
estación incluye una línea de abastecimiento de combustible (línea LNG), una línea de
retorno, y una línea de purga de nitrógeno con control respectivo y válvulas de alivio
térmico (válvulas de seguridad), y bridas.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Sistema de Regasificación

El sistema regasificador se integra en el bloque de conexión con el tanque. Esto reduce

la necesidad de espacio, aumenta la seguridad y proporciona una instalación mucho más
El sistema de regasificación permite gasificar el LNG que se encuentra dentro de los
tanques de LNG para su uso posterior en los motores propulsores, o bien como medio
para controlar la presión dentro de los tanques combustibles. Dicho sistema incluye
todas las conexiones y válvulas necesarias entre el tanque y la unidad de acumulación
de presión (PBU) y el equipo evaporador.
La misión de la PBU consiste adecuar la presión en el tanque después de abastecimiento
de combustible LNG y para mantener la presión requerida en el depósito (alrededor de 5
bares) durante el funcionamiento normal del sistema.

El circuito del equipo evaporador consiste en una tubería aislada, un intercambiador de

calor, válvulas, una única tubería y los sensores. La tarea del equipo evaporador es
aumentar la temperatura del fluido para que esté comprendido entre 0ºC y 60 ºC, de
igual modo que adapta la presión del gas para que esté comprendido entre 5 y 10 bares.

Unidad de válvulas de gas (GVU)

El GVU se integra también en el bloque de conexión con el tanque.

Las principales funciones de la unidad de válvula de gas o GVU es regular tanto el
caudal como la presión del gas que proviene del sistema regasificador para adecuarlo a
las necesidades de los motores propulsores en función de la carga de trabajo de los
mismos así como para asegurar un cierre rápido y fiable abajo del suministro de gas. El

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

GVU incluye una válvula de control de presión de gas y una serie de bloques y válvulas
de purga para asegurar un funcionamiento fiable y seguro del gas.

La unidad incluye también una válvula de cierre manual, conexión de inertización,

filtro, válvula de control de presión de gas combustible, válvulas de cierre, válvulas de
ventilación, transmisores de presión y medidores, un transmisor de temperatura del gas
y armarios de distribución.

La unidad de la válvula de gas llevará a cabo un procedimiento de prueba de fugas antes

de que el motor comience a funcionar con gas. Esta es una medida de seguridad para
garantizar la estanqueidad de las válvulas y el correcto funcionamiento de los

Se requiere un GVU para cada motor, teniendo que estar situado tan cerca del motor
como sea posible para asegurar la respuesta del motor a las condiciones transitorias. La
longitud máxima del tubo de gas combustible entre el GVU y la entrada de gas del
motor es de 10 m. En el caso del buque proyecto, la longitud del tubo de gas
combustible entre el GVU y la entrada de gas del motor es de 8 metros.
El gas inerte y el aire comprimido deben estar secos y limpios. La presión del gas inerte
debe ser de máximo 1,5 MPa (15 bar)

A continuación se muestra el diagrama interno de la unidad de válvula de gas indicada

por el fabricante en el Project guide:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Sistema de gas inerte

El sistema de purga con gas inerte también se integra en el bloque de conexión con el
Antes de comenzar los trabajos de mantenimiento, el sistema de tuberías de gas
combustible tiene que ser despresurizado e inertizado con gas inerte. Si el trabajo de
mantenimiento se realiza después del GVU y el recinto de la GVU no necesita ser
abierto, es suficiente con suministrar gas inerte al tubo entre el GVU y el motor. Si el
trabajo de mantenimiento se realiza en GVU y el recinto de la GVU se debe abrir, debe
ser inertizada la tubería aguas arriba del GVU también.

Tuberías de gas de doble pared y ventilación.

Según el project guide de los motores propulsores, el espacio anular de la tubería de

doble pared se ventila artificialmente por presión negativa creada por los ventiladores.
La primera entrada de aire de ventilación al espacio anular se encuentra en el motor. El
aire de ventilación debe ser tomado desde una ubicación fuera de la sala de máquinas, a
través de las tuberías dedicadas a tal efecto. La segunda entrada de aire de ventilación
estará situada en el extremo sala de tanques de la tubería de doble pared. El aire de
ventilación se toma de ambas entradas y se conduce a través del espacio anular de la
tubería de doble pared al recinto donde se encuentran los tanques de almacenamiento y
la unidad de la válvula de gas. Se toma como zona de peligro 1,5 metros en la entrada
de aire de ventilación y de salida.

4.2 Sistema de lubricación:

La misión del aceite lubricante es la siguiente:

- Reducir la fricción entre los elementos con rozamiento.
- Eliminar el calor producido por la fricción.
- Sellado entre los aros del pistón y las camisas.
- Protección antioxidante a altas y bajas temperaturas.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Neutralizar subproductos desfavorables de la combustión, reuniendo

propiedades detergentes y dispersantes.

El fabricante Wärtsilä recomienda en el project guide que el aceite lubricante debe ser
de la clase de viscosidad SAE 40, que tienen un índice de viscosidad (VI) mínimo 95.
La alcalinidad de aceite lubricante (BN) está ligada a la calidad de combustible, como
se muestra en la tabla a continuación. BN es una abreviatura de Número Base. El valor
indica miligramos de KOH por gramo de combustible.

El sistema de lubricación se dividirá también en un sistema interno y uno externo:

• Sistema interno del motor:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

• Sistema externo del motor:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

• Dimensionamiento de los sistemas de lubricación.

- Electrobombas de lubricación Stand-by.

Se dispondrán dos bombas de lubricación en stand-by, una para cada motor. Se situarán
en paralelo con las bombas principales. Serán de accionamiento eléctrico y empezarán a
funcionar de manera automática cuando la presión en el circuito caiga. Contarán para
ello con una válvula de control de presión.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Para asegurar una succión adecuada de la electrobomba, esta deberá ser colocada en la
posición más baja posible. El tubo de succión debe tener el mínimo número de codos y
ser lo más corto posible. Con ello se previene la cavitación de la bomba. La bomba será
de engranajes.

Las electrobombas deben tener un caudal y presión mínima de de 70 m3/h y 8 bares,

según el project guide, por lo escogeremos el modelo Z 4x3C de la casa AMPCO
PUMPS COMPANY, con una potencia de 22,4 kW a 3500 rpm.

- Separadora:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

La unidad de separación forma parte del sistema externo de lubricación. Sus

componentes son los siguientes:

Unidad de alimentación con filtro de succión y válvula de seguridad.
Cabina de control.

Se montan tres separadoras, dos para el servicio de lubricación, una por motor, y una
como reserva en caso de fallos. La purificadora será accionada por un motor eléctrico.
Tendrá una bomba de aspiración y descarga de flujo constante y desplazamiento
positivo. La salida de los residuos se realiza por gravedad al tanque de lodos, tal y como
indica MARPOL.

El caudal necesario para la separadora se calculará mediante una fórmula que

proporciona la guía del motor:
= (1,35 · · )/ ( /ℎ)
= Potencia del motor kW.
= Número de flujos a través del volumen del tanque por día.
= Tiempo de operación (h/día).

P (kW) 6000
n 4
T (h/día) 23
Q (l/h) 1408,7
Q (m3/h) 1,41

El modelo escogido es el HH 219 MO de Hutchison Hayes Separation Inc, con una

capacidad máxima de 2,5 m3/h y una potencia de 2 kW.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

La bomba de alimentación de la separadora se definirá de acuerdo con la capacidad de

proceso de la separadora. El caudal de alimentación será igual al caudal de suministro
de la separadora, 2,5 m3/h y la presión de diseño viene definida por el fabricante en 8

- Tanque almacén.

La capacidad del tanque, según el project guide, debe ser de al menos el correspondiente
a una carga completa de aceite para poder cambiarlo en caso de contaminación, más las
aportaciones necesarias para compensar el aceite consumido.
Según esto, tal y como recoge el project guide, la capacidad del tanque para cada motor
debe ser de 3 m3. Al tener dos motores el volumen del tanque será de al menos 6 m3.
Sin embargo, la capacidad de este tanque en nuestro buque será mayor debido a que
también suministrará aceite lubricante a los generadores eléctricos, de forma que hemos
utilizado como referencia para el dimensionamiento del tanque el 4% del peso total de
combustible. Como ya hemos calculado en el cuaderno 1, este tanque albergará espacio
para 8,58 m3 de aceite.

- Bombas de trasiego.

Se utiliza para el servicio de vaciado del cárter al tanque de aceite sucio y para el
trasiego desde el almacén al cárter. Debe ser capaz, como mínimo, de reponer en una
hora una carga completa de aceite, es decir, 3 m3/h. Se dispone de dos por motor, una de
La electrobomba comercial escogida es la seleccionada es la Z 2x1/2 de la casa
AMPCO, con una potencia de 1,85 kW a 3500rpm.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

4.3 Sistema de refrigeración.

El sistema de refrigeración estará compuesto por un sistema de agua dulce y un sistema

de agua salada.

• Sistema de agua dulce:

- Sistema interno del motor.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

A continuación se muestra el esquema de refrigeración del motor. Su circuito de

refrigeración cuenta con dos circuitos, uno de baja temperatura y otro de alta:

- Sistema externo del motor.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Dimensionamiento del sistema de refrigeración de agua dulce.

Bomba de refrigeración HT y LT

Estas bombas son accionadas por el propio motor. Las bombas utilizadas serán, de
acuerdo con lo requerido por el fabricante, de tipo centrífugo y de accionamiento
Su caudal y su presión están especificados en los datos técnicos proporcionados en la
project guide del motor y se utilizarán para el dimensionamiento de las bombas de
reserva, siendo 60 m3/h y 2,5 bares respectivamente.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

El modelo de bomba que hemos escogido para este caso es el mismo para ambos
circuitos de HT y LT, variando la potencia, siendo el modelo Z 3x2 ½ de la marca
AMPCO PUMPS COMPANY, con una potencia de 7,45 kW para el circuito HT y 5,96
kW para el de LT.

Tanque de expansión

El tanque de expansión compensa la expansión térmica del refrigerante, sirve para la

ventilación de los circuitos y proporciona una presión estática suficiente para las
bombas de circulación. Los circuitos de alta y baja temperatura estarán conectados a
dicho tanque.
Según el project guide, el tanque de expansión debe dimensionarse en función del
volumen del agua en el motor, que este caso serán 0,41 m3.


David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

El precalentador tiene la función de calentar el agua de refrigeración del circuito de alta

temperatura hasta una temperatura cercana a la de operación.
El tiempo requerido para calentar el motor desde su condición de motor en frío estará
determinada por la potencia de calentamiento, 5 kW/cilindro en nuestro caso.

Para el cálculo del precalentador necesario se utilizará la siguiente fórmula

proporcionada por el fabricante:

) )


= Potencia precalentador (kW).

1 = Temperatura de precalentamiento = 60…70 ºC.
0= Temperatura ambiente = 20 ºC.
= Peso del motor (ton)
= Volumen de aceite lubricante en el cárter húmedo (m3).
= Volumen de agua de refrigeración HT (m3).
= Tiempo de precalentamiento = 12 horas.
= Coeficiente específico del motor (kW)
= Número de cilindros.

T1 (ºC) 20
T0 (ºC) 70
Meng (ton) 60
Vlo (m3) 2,3
Vfw (m3) 0,56
T (h) 12,5
keng 1
ncyl 6
P (kW) 46,61

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Tenemos 46,61 kW por motor, al contar con dos motores la potencia total necesaria para
los calentadores será de 93,23 kW.
Se instalarán tres precalentadores, se utilizarán dos y se dejará uno de reserva. Según la
guía del motor el accionamiento del calentador podrá ser eléctrico, por vapor o por
aceite térmico. En este caso se utilizará un accionamiento eléctrico.

Escogemos el siguiente tipo de calentador, indicado por la Project guide:

Debe haber unas bombas de circulación para los calentadores. El project guide indica
que el caudal debe ser como mínimo de 0,4 m3/h por cilindro. De este modo la
capacidad mínima debe ser de 2,4 m3/h, y tal y como indica el project guide con una
presión mínima de 0,8 a 1 bar.

Las unidades de precalentamiento se pueden suministrar de manera completa. La unidad


- Calentador eléctrico

- Bomba de circulación

- Armario de control para los calentadores y la bomba

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Juego de termómetros

- Válvula de retención

- Válvula de seguridad

• Sistema de agua salada.

Para definir el sistema de agua salada se dimensionará el intercambiador central, que es

donde se consigue la refrigeración del agua dulce procedente del motor mediante agua
salada. Además se dimensionarán las bombas de agua salada necesarias.

- Dimensionamiento del sistema de agua salada.

Intercambiador central

El intercambiador se utilizará tanto para el caudal de agua dulce de baja como de alta
temperatura. La fórmula para el cálculo del caudal que ha sido proporcionada por el
fabricante es la siguiente:


Q = Caudal total de agua dulce (m3/h).

Qlt = Capacidad total de la bomba de LT (m3/h).
= Calor disipado al circuito de HT (kW).
out = Temperatura de salida del agua circuito HT después del motor = 91ºC.
in = Temperatura entrada del agua circuito LT después del enfriador = 38 ºC.

Qlt (m3/h) 60
(kW) 1199
T out (ºC) 91
T in (ºC) 38
Q (m3/h) 79,62

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Operando se obtiene que el caudal de agua dulce será 68 m3/h. Según el project guide, el
caudal de agua salada de diseño de enfriador debe ser de 1,2 a 1,5 veces el caudal de
agua dulce. De esta manera, considerando como caudal de diseño 1,5 veces el de agua
dulce, el caudal de agua salada será 102 m3/h. De este modo teniendo en cuenta un
margen del 15% para el calor disipado, siguiendo el project guide, se tiene:

- Calor disipado: 1378,8 kW

- Caudal de agua de refrigeración : 79,62 m3/h

- Temperatura de salida del agua de refrigeración : 38 ºC

- Caída de presión del agua de refrigeración: 0,2 bar.

- Caudal de agua de mar: 119,43 m3/h.

- Temperatura de entrada de agua de mar: 30ºC

- Caída de presión del Agua de mar máxima: 0,4 bar

Instalaremos dos intercambiadores de este tipo, uno por motor, mostrándose un ejemplo
en el project guide:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Bomba de agua salada

Estas bombas son externas al motor y de accionamiento eléctrico. Se considerarán unas

pérdidas de presión de 1,4 bares ya que es lo recomendado por el fabricante.
El caudal será el caudal de agua salada calculado, de 119,43 m3/ hora, así que optaremos
por instalar tres bombas de la mitad del caudal cada una, utilizándose dos y dejando uno
de reserva.
Serán bombas modelo Z 3x2 ½ de la marca AMPCO PUMPS COMPANY, con una
potencia de 7,45 kW.

4.4 Servicio de aire de arranque:

El arranque de los motores se realiza mediante una inyección directa de aire en el

interior de los cilindros a través de válvulas de aire de arranque en las cabezas de los
Todos los motores se arrancarán mediante aire comprimido a 30 bares. El sistema puede
ser accionado de forma remota o automática.
Dicho sistema de aire comprimido debe permitir el número de arrancadas mínimo
reglamentado por la Sociedad de Clasificación para uno de los motores principales. Para
garantizar la funcionalidad de los componentes en el sistema de aire comprimido, el aire
comprimido tiene que estar libre de partículas sólidas y aceite.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

El servicio de aire de arranque se divide en dos sistemas: sistema interno de aire de

arranque y sistema externo.

- Sistema interno del motor

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Sistema externo del motor

Botellas de aire de arranque

Las botellas se dimensionarán para permitir las arrancadas requeridas en reglamento de

la Sociedad de Clasificación. Están provistas de:

- Válvula de salida de distribución.

- Válvula de purga para la eliminación del agua de condensación.

- Válvula de seguridad.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- Válvula de relleno automática.

- Presostatos para arranque de los compresores en automático.

- Válvula de manual drenaje de condensado. Si las botellas de aire se montan

horizontalmente, debe haber una inclinación de 3º a 5º en la válvula de drenaje para
asegurar un drenaje eficiente.

Para cumplir con los requerimientos de la sociedad de clasificación, se instalarán

botellas de aire de arranque con capacidad suficiente para realizar 6 arrancadas
consecutivas del motor principal sin que sea necesaria la recarga.

Utilizando la fórmula para el cálculo del volumen de las botellas de la guía del motor:


= Presión normal barométrica = 0,1 MPa.

= Consumo de aire por arranque (Nm3).
= Número de arranques = 6.
á = Presión máxima de arranque = 3 MPa.
í = Presión mínima de arranque = 1,8 MPa.

(MPa) 0,1
(Nm3) 4,7
á (MPa) 3
í (MPa) 1,6

Resolviendo la en la fórmula, obtenemos un volumen de 2,01 m3.

El project guide del motor recomienda botellas de aire de arranque como el de la

siguiente figura:

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

Por tanto, utilizaremos 3 botellas de 710 litros, con diámetro de 650 mm y una altura de
3,128 m.
Las botellas de aire de arranque de los motores principales también serán utilizadas por
los generadores principales.

Compresores de aire de arranque

Se instalarán 2 compresores de aire capaces de abastecer el aire de arranque necesario a

una presión mínima de 1,8 MPa en un tiempo máximo de 30 minutos, para cumplir así
con la normativa Lloyd’s y con el project guide del motor. Su capacidad la calcularemos
con la siguiente fórmula:

P1 · V1k = P2 · V2k


- V1: Volumen que ha de aspirarse en condiciones normales.

- V2: Volumen de las botellas = 2 x 2,01m3= 4,02 m3.

- P1: Presión atmosférica = 1 bar.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

- P2 : Presión mínima de llenado = 18 bar

- K: 1,4 (coeficiente de compresión adiabática).

Tendremos entonces que llenar un volumen de 31,68 m3 en 30 minutos, por lo que la

capacidad mínima de los compresores debe ser de 63,37 m3/h.

Optamos por instalar 3 compresores por tanto, utilizando uno como reserva que nos
perimite cumplir con lo exigido por el SOLAS, Capítulo II-1, Parte C, Regla 26,
Apart.4, y poder poner en funcionamiento las máquinas partiendo de la condición de
buque apagado.
Hemos escogido el instalar los tres compresores iguales, de la marca ATLAS COPCO,
modelo LT 20-30, que nos permite una capacidad de 70,8 m3/h a 30 bares, con una
potencia de 15 kW.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

ANEXO I: Datos técnicos de los motores duales.

© Copyright by WÄRTSILÄ FINLAND Oy
All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced or copied in any form or by any means (electronic,
mechanical, graphic, photocopying, recording, taping or other information retrieval systems) without the prior written
permission of the copyright owner.
Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 1. Main Data and Outputs

1. Main Data and Outputs

1.1 Technical main data

The Wärtsilä 34DF is a 4-stroke, non-reversible, turbocharged and inter-cooled dual fuel engine
with direct injection of liquid fuel and indirect injection of gas fuel. The engine can be operated
in gas mode or in diesel mode.

Cylinder bore ..................................... 340 mm

Stroke ................................................ 400 mm
Piston displacement .......................... 36.3 l/cyl
Number of valves ............................... 2 inlet valves and 2 exhaust valves
Cylinder configuration ....................... 6, 8 and 9 in-line; 12 and 16 in V-form
Direction of rotation ........................... clockwise, counterclockwise on request
Speed ................................................ 720, 750 rpm
Mean piston speed ............................ 9.6, 10.0 m/s

1.2 Maximum continuous output

Table 1-1 Rating table for Wärtsilä 34DF

Main engines Generating sets

Cylinder 750 rpm
720 rpm 750 rpm
Engine [kW] Engine [kW] Generator [kVA] Engine [kW] Generator [kVA]

Wärtsilä 6L34DF 3000 2880 3460 3000 3600

Wärtsilä 8L34DF 4000 3840 4610 4000 4800

Wärtsilä 9L34DF 4500 4320 5180 4500 5400

Wärtsilä 12V34DF 6000 5760 6910 6000 7200

Wärtsilä 16V34DF 8000 7680 9220 8000 9600

The mean effective pressure Pe can be calculated using the following formula:

Pe = mean effective pressure [bar]

P = output per cylinder [kW]

n = engine speed [r/min]
D = cylinder diameter [mm]
L = length of piston stroke [mm]
c = operating cycle (4)

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 1-1

1. Main Data and Outputs Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

1.3 Output limitations in gas mode

1.3.1 Output limitations due to methane number and charge air
receiver temperature

Fig 1-1 Output limitations due to methane number and charge air receiver

1-2 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 3. Technical Data

3. Technical Data

3.1 Wärtsilä 6L34DF

Wärtsilä 6L34DF Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel
mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode

Cylinder output kW 480 500 480 500 500 500

Engine speed rpm 720 750 720 750 750 750

Engine output kW 2880 3000 2880 3000 3000 3000

Mean effective pressure MPa 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2

Speed mode Constant Constant Constant Constant Constant Variable

IMO compliance Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 2

Combustion air system (Note 1)

Flow at 100% load kg/s 4.5 5.4 4.5 5.4 4.5 5.4 4.5 5.4 4.5 5.4 4.5 5.5

Temperature at turbocharger in- °C 45 45 45 45 45 45

take, max.

Temperature after air cooler (TE °C 45 - 45 - 45 - 45 - 45 - 45 -

601), load > 70%

Temperature after air cooler (TE °C 55 - 55 - 55 - 55 - 55 - 55 -

601), load 30...70%

Temperature after air cooler (TE °C - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50 - 50


Exhaust gas system (Note 2)

Flow at 100% load kg/s 4.6 5.5 4.6 5.5 4.6 5.5 4.6 5.5 4.6 5.5 4.6 5.6

Flow at 75% load kg/s 3.8 4.4 3.8 4.4 3.8 4.4 3.8 4.4 3.8 4.4 3.7 4.3

Flow at 50% load kg/s 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.1 3.0 3.1

Temperature after turbocharger °C 362 355 381 381 362 346 381 370 381 370 381 361
at 100% load (TE 517)

Temperature after turbocharger °C 383 327 401 349 383 318 401 340 401 340 386 348
at 75% load (TE 517)

Temperature after turbocharger °C 386 350 402 371 386 346 402 366 402 366 340 333
at 50% load (TE 517)

Backpressure, max. kPa 4 4 4 4 4 4

Calculated exhaust diameter for mm 545 596 553 608 545 591 553 603 553 603 553 605
35 m/s

Heat balance at 100% load (Note 3)

Jacket water, HT-circuit kW 357 410 372 430 357 406 372 425 372 425 372 443

Charge air, HT-circuit kW 601 933 601 933 601 933 601 933 601 933 601 966

Charge air, LT-circuit kW 171 179 171 179 171 179 171 179 171 179 171 184

Lubricating oil, LT-circuit kW 250 252 259 264 250 250 260 261 260 261 260 281

Radiation kW 115 117 120 123 115 116 120 121 120 121 120 123

Fuel consumption (Note 4)

Total energy consumption at kJ/kWh 7470 - 7470 - 7470 - 7470 - 7470 - 7470 -
100% load

Total energy consumption at 85% kJ/kWh 7620 - 7620 - 7620 - 7620 - 7620 - 7570 -

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 3-1

3. Technical Data Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Wärtsilä 6L34DF Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel
mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode

Cylinder output kW 480 500 480 500 500 500

Total energy consumption at 75% kJ/kWh 7850 - 7850 - 7850 - 7850 - 7850 - 7590 -

Total energy consumption at 50% kJ/kWh 8600 - 8600 - 8600 - 8600 - 8600 - 7790 -

Fuel gas consumption at 100% kJ/kWh 7387 - 7387 - 7387 - 7387 - 7387 - 7387 -

Fuel gas consumption at 85% kJ/kWh 7527 - 7527 - 7527 - 7527 - 7527 - 7471 -

Fuel gas consumption at 75% kJ/kWh 7743 - 7743 - 7743 - 7743 - 7743 - 7478 -

Fuel gas consumption at 50% kJ/kWh 8435 - 8435 - 8435 - 8435 - 8435 - 7643 -

Fuel oil consumption at 100% g/kWh 1.9 191 1.9 192 1.9 189 1.9 190 1.9 190 1.9 190

Fuel oil consumption at 85% load g/kWh 2.2 188 2.2 189 2.2 186 2.2 187 2.2 187 2.2 186

Fuel oil consumption at 75% load g/kWh 2.5 188 2.5 189 2.5 186 2.5 187 2.5 187 2.5 184

Fuel oil consumption 50% load g/kWh 3.8 194 3.8 195 3.8 194 3.8 195 3.8 195 3.4 183

Fuel gas system (Note 5)

Gas pressure at engine inlet, min kPa (a) 535 - 535 - 535 - 535 - 535 - 535 -

Gas pressure to Gas Valve Unit, kPa (a) 655 - 655 - 655 - 655 - 655 - 655 -

Gas temperature before Gas °C 0...60 - 0...60 - 0...60 - 0...60 - 0...60 - 0...60 -
Valve Unit

Fuel oil system

Pressure before injection pumps kPa 700±50 700±50 700±50 700±50 700±50 700±50
(PT 101)

Fuel oil flow to engine, approx m3/h 3.1 3.2 3.1 3.2 3.2 3.2

HFO viscosity before the engine cSt - 16...24 - 16...24 - 16...24 - 16...24 - 16...24 - 16...24

Max. HFO temperature before °C - 140 - 140 - 140 - 140 - 140 - 140
engine (TE 101)

MDF viscosity, min. cSt 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0

Max. MDF temperature before °C 45 45 45 45 45 45

engine (TE 101)

Leak fuel quantity (HFO), clean kg/h 2.2 2.3 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4
fuel at 100% load

Leak fuel quantity (MDF), clean kg/h 5.6 11.1 5.8 11.6 5.6 11.1 5.8 11.6 5.8 11.6 5.9 11.8
fuel at 100% load

Pilot fuel (MDF) viscosity before cSt 2...11 2...11 2...11 2...11 2...11 2...11
the engine

Pilot fuel pressure at engine inlet kPa (a) 550...750 550...750 550...750 550...750 550...750 550...750
(PT 112)

Pilot fuel pressure drop after en- kPa 150 150 150 150 150 150
gine, max

Pilot fuel return flow at 100% load kg/h 590 590 590 590 590 590

Lubricating oil system

Pressure before bearings, nom. kPa 500 500 500 500 500 500
(PT 201)

Suction ability, including pipe kPa 30 30 30 30 30 30

loss, max.

Priming pressure, nom. (PT 201) kPa 50 50 50 50 50 50

3-2 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 3. Technical Data

Wärtsilä 6L34DF Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel
mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode

Cylinder output kW 480 500 480 500 500 500

Suction ability priming pump, in- kPa 30 30 30 30 30 30

cluding pipe loss, max.

Temperature before bearings, °C 63 63 63 63 63 63

nom. (TE 201)

Temperature after engine, approx. °C 78 78 78 78 78 78

Pump capacity (main), engine m3/h 78 81 78 81 81 81


Pump capacity (main), electrically m3/h 67 70 67 70 70 70


Priming pump capacity (50/60Hz) m3/h 15.0 / 18.0 15.0 / 18.0 15.0 / 18.0 15.0 / 18.0 15.0 / 18.0 15.0 / 18.0

Oil volume, wet sump, nom. m3 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6

Oil volume in separate system oil m3 3 3 3 3 3 3


Oil consumption at 100% load, g/kWh 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4

Crankcase ventilation flow rate at l/min 840 840 840 840 840 840
full load

Crankcase ventilation backpres- kPa 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3
sure, max.

Oil volume in turning device l ... ... ... ... ... ...

Oil volume in speed governor l 1.4...2.2 1.4...2.2 1.4...2.2 1.4...2.2 1.4...2.2 1.4...2.2

HT cooling water system

Pressure at engine, after pump, kPa 250 + static 250 + static 250 + static 250 + static 250 + static 250 + static
nom. (PT 401)

Pressure at engine, after pump, kPa 530 530 530 530 530 530
max. (PT 401)

Temperature before cylinders, °C 85 85 85 85 85 85

approx. (TE 401)

Temperature after engine, nom. °C 96 96 96 96 96 96

Capacity of engine driven pump, m3/h 60 60 60 60 60 60


Pressure drop over engine, total kPa 100 100 100 100 100 100

Pressure drop in external system, kPa 100 100 100 100 100 100

Pressure from expansion tank kPa 70...150 70...150 70...150 70...150 70...150 70...150

Water volume in engine m3 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41 0.41

Delivery head of stand-by pump kPa 250 250 250 250 250 250

LT cooling water system

Pressure at engine, after pump, kPa 250+ static 250+ static 250+ static 250+ static 250+ static 250+ static
nom. (PT 471)

Pressure at engine, after pump, kPa 530 530 530 530 530 530
max. (PT 471)

Temperature before engine, max. °C 38 38 38 38 38 38

(TE 471)

Temperature before engine, min. °C 25 25 25 25 25 25

(TE 471)

Capacity of engine driven pump, m3/h 60 60 60 60 60 60


Pressure drop over charge air kPa 35 35 35 35 35 35


Pressure drop in external system, kPa 100 100 100 100 100 100

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 3-3

3. Technical Data Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Wärtsilä 6L34DF Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel Gas Diesel
mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode mode

Cylinder output kW 480 500 480 500 500 500

Pressure from expansion tank kPa 70...150 70...150 70...150 70...150 70...150 70...150

Delivery head of stand-by pump kPa 250 250 250 250 250 250

Starting air system (Note 6)

Pressure, nom. kPa 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Pressure, max. kPa 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000 3000

Pressure at engine during start, kPa 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 1500
min. (alarm) (20°C)

Low pressure limit in starting air kPa 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600 1600

Starting air consumption, start Nm3 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7 4.7

Consumption per start (with Nm3 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1 6.1

Note 1 At ISO 15550 conditions (ambient air temperature 25°C, LT-water 25°C) and 100% load. Flow tolerance 5%.
Note 2 At ISO 15550 conditions (ambient air temperature 25°C, LT-water 25°C). Flow tolerance 5% and temperature tolerance
10°C in gas mode operation. Flow tolerance 8% and temperature tolerance 15°C in diesel mode operation.
Note 3 At 100% output and nominal speed. The figures are valid for ambient conditions according to ISO 15550 except for LT-
water temperature, which is corresponding to charge air receiver temperature 45ºC in gas operation. With engine driven
water and lubricating oil pumps. Tolerance for cooling water heat 10%, tolerance for radiation heat 30%. Fouling factors
and a margin to be taken into account when dimensioning heat exchangers.
Note 4 At ambient conditions according to ISO 15550 and receiver temperature 45 °C. Lower calorific value 42 700 kJ/kg for
pilot fuel and 49 620 kJ/kg for gas fuel. With engine driven pumps (two cooling water pumps, one lubricating oil pump
and pilot fuel pump). Tolerance 5%.
Note 5 Fuel gas pressure given at LHV ≥ 36MJ/m³N. Required fuel gas pressure depends on fuel gas LHV and need to be increased
for lower LHV's. Pressure drop in external fuel gas system to be considered. See chapter Fuel system for further inform-
Note 6 Minimum pressure for slow turning is 1800kPa.

ME = Engine driving propeller, variable speed

AE = Auxiliary engine driving generator
DE = Diesel-Electric engine driving generator

Subject to revision without notice.

3-4 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

6. Fuel System

6.1 Acceptable fuel characteristics

6.1.1 Gas fuel specification
As a dual fuel engine, the Wärtsilä 34DF engine is designed for continuous operation in gas
operating mode or diesel operating mode. For continuous operation without reduction in the
rated output, the gas used as main fuel in gas operating mode has to fulfill the below mentioned
quality requirements.

Table 6-1 Fuel Gas Specifications

Property Unit Value

Lower heating value (LHV), min 1) MJ/m3N 2) 28

Methane number (MN), min 3) 80...90

Methane (CH4), min % volume 70

Hydrogen sulphide (H2S), max % volume 0.05

Hydrogen (H2), max 4) % volume 3

Ammonia, max mg/m3N 25

Chlorine + Fluorines, max mg/m3N 50

Particles or solids at engine inlet, max mg/m3N 50

Particles or solids at engine inlet, max size um 5

Gas inlet temperature °C 0…60

Water and hydrocarbon condensates at engine inlet not allowed 5)

1) The required gas feed pressure is depending on the LHV (see section Output limitations in gas mode).
2) Values given in m³N are at 0°C and 101.3 kPa.

3) The methane number (MN) of the gas is to be defined by using AVL’s “Methane 3.20” software. The MN is a calculated value
that gives a scale for evaluation of the resistance to knock of gaseous fuels. Above table is valid for a low MN optimized engine.
Minimum value is depending on engine configuration, which will affect the performance data.
However, if the total content of hydrocarbons C5 and heavier is more than 1% volume Wärtsilä has to be contacted for further
4) Hydrogen content higher than 3% volume has to be considered project specifically.
5) Dew point of natural gas is below the minimum operating temperature and pressure.

6.1.2 Liquid fuel specification

The fuel specifications are based on the ISO 8217:2012 (E) standard. Observe that a few
additional properties not included in the standard are listed in the tables. For maximum fuel
temperature before the engine, see chapter "Technical Data".
The fuel shall not contain any added substances or chemical waste, which jeopardizes the
safety of installations or adversely affects the performance of the engines or is harmful to
personnel or contributes overall to air pollution. Pilot fuel oil

The pilot fuel shall fulfill the characteristics specified in table MDF specifications, except that
the following additional requirement is valid for Cetane Index:

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-1

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Table 6-2 Pilot fuel oils

Property Unit ISO-F- ISO-F- ISO-F- Test method

Cetane index, min. - 50 50 50 ISO 4264 Marine Diesel Fuel (MDF)

Distillate fuel grades are ISO-F-DMX, DMA, DMZ, DMB. These fuel grades are referred to as
MDF (Marine Diesel Fuel).
The distillate grades mentioned above can be described as follows:
● DMX: A fuel which is suitable for use at ambient temperatures down to -15°C without
heating the fuel. Especially in merchant marine applications its use is restricted to lifeboat
engines and certain emergency equipment due to the reduced flash point. The low flash
point which is not meeting the SOLAS requirement can also prevent the use in other marine
applications, unless the fuel system is built according to special requirements. Also the
low viscosity (min. 1.4 cSt) can prevent the use in engines unless the fuel can be cooled
down enough to meet the min. injection viscosity limit of the engine.
● DMA: A high quality distillate, generally designated as MGO (Marine Gas Oil).
● DMZ: A high quality distillate, generally designated as MGO (Marine Gas Oil). An alternative
fuel grade for engines requiring a higher fuel viscosity than specified for DMA grade fuel.
● DMB: A general purpose fuel which may contain trace amounts of residual fuel and is
intended for engines not specifically designed to burn residual fuels. It is generally
designated as MDO (Marine Diesel Oil).

Table 6-3 MDF specifications

Property Unit ISO-F-DMA ISO-F-DMZ ISO-F-DMB Test method ref.

Viscosity before pilot fuel pump, min. 1) cSt 2.0 2.0 2.0

Viscosity, before pilot fuel pump, max.1) cSt 11.0 11.0 11.0

Viscosity, before main injection pumps, min. 1) cSt 2.0 2.0 2.0

Viscosity, before main fuel injection pumps, max. 1) cSt 24.0 24.0 24.0

Temperature before pilot fuel pump, min. 9) °C 5 5 5

Temperature before pilot fuel pump, max 9) °C 50 50 50

Viscosity at 40°C, min. cSt 2 3 2

Viscosity at 40°C, max. cSt 6 6 11 ISO 3104

Density at 15°C, max. kg/m³ 890 890 900 ISO 3675 or 12185

Cetane index, min. 40 40 35 ISO 4264

Sulphur, max. % mass 1.5 1.5 2 ISO 8574 or 14596

Flash point, min. °C 60 60 60 ISO 2719

Hydrogen sulfide. max. 2) mg/kg 2 2 2 IP 570

Acid number, max. mg KOH/g 0.5 0.5 0.5 ASTM D664

Total sediment by hot filtration, max. % mass — — 0.1 3) ISO 10307-1

Oxidation stability, max. g/m3 25 25 25 4) ISO 12205

Carbon residue: micro method on the 10% volume % mass 0.30 0.30 — ISO 10370
distillation residue max.

Carbon residue: micro method, max. % mass — — 0.30 ISO 10370

Pour point (upper) , winter quality, max. 5) °C -6 -6 0 ISO 3016

Pour point (upper) , summer quality, max. 5) °C 0 0 6 ISO 3016

Appearance — Clear and bright 6) 3) 4) 7)

6-2 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

Property Unit ISO-F-DMA ISO-F-DMZ ISO-F-DMB Test method ref.

Water, max. % volume — — 0.3 3) ISO 3733

Ash, max. % mass 0.01 0.01 0.01 ISO 6245

Lubricity, corrected wear scar diameter (wsd 1.4) at µm 520 520 520 7) ISO 12156-1
60°C , max. 8)

1) Additional properties specified by Wärtsilä, which are not included in the ISO specification.
2) The implementation date for compliance with the limit shall be 1 July 2012. Until that the specified value is given for guidance.
3) If the sample is not clear and bright, the total sediment by hot filtration and water tests shall be required.
4) If the sample is not clear and bright, the test cannot be undertaken and hence the oxidation stability limit shall not apply.
5) It shall be ensured that the pour point is suitable for the equipment on board, especially if the ship operates in cold climates.
6) If the sample is dyed and not transparent, then the water limit and test method ISO 12937 shall apply.
7) If the sample is not clear and bright, the test cannot be undertaken and hence the lubricity limit shall not apply.
8) The requirement is applicable to fuels with a sulphur content below 500 mg/kg (0.050 % mass).
9) Additional properties specified by the engine manufacturer, which are not included in the ISO 8217:2012(E) standard. The
min. fuel temperature has to be always at least 10 °C above fuel’s pour point, cloud point and cold filter plugging point.

Pilot fuel quality must be according to DMX, DMA, DMZ or DMB.
Lubricating oil, foreign substances or chemical waste, hazardous to the safety of
the installation or detrimental to the performance of engines, should not be
contained in the fuel. Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO)

Residual fuel grades are referred to as HFO (Heavy Fuel Oil). The fuel specification HFO 2
covers the categories ISO-F-RMA 10 to RMK 700. Fuels fulfilling the specification HFO 1
permit longer overhaul intervals of specific engine components than HFO 2.

Table 6-4 HFO specifications

Property Unit Limit HFO 1 Limit HFO 2 Test method ref.

Viscosity, before injection pumps 1) cSt 16...24 16...24

Viscosity at 50°C, max. cSt 700 700 ISO 3104

Density at 15°C, max. kg/m³ 991 / 1010 2) 991 / 1010 2) ISO 3675 or 12185

CCAI, max.3) 850 870 ISO 8217, Annex F

Sulphur, max. 4) 5) % mass Statutory requirements ISO 8754 or 14596

Flash point, min. °C 60 60 ISO 2719

Hydrogen sulfide, max. 6) mg/kg 2 2 IP 570

Acid number, max. mg KOH/g 2.5 2.5 ASTM D664

Total sediment aged, max. % mass 0.1 0.1 ISO 10307-2

Carbon residue, micro method, max. % mass 15 20 ISO 10370

Asphaltenes, max.1) % mass 8 14 ASTM D 3279

Pour point (upper), max. 7) °C 30 30 ISO 3016

Water, max. % volume 0.5 0.5 ISO 3733 or ASTM

D6304-C 1)

Water before engine, max.1) % volume 0.3 0.3 ISO 3733 or ASTM
D6304-C 1)

Ash, max. % mass 0.05 0.15 ISO 6245 or LP1001 1)

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-3

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Property Unit Limit HFO 1 Limit HFO 2 Test method ref.

Vanadium, max. 5) mg/kg 100 450 ISO 14597 or IP 501

or IP 470

Sodium, max. 5) mg/kg 50 100 IP 501 or IP 470

Sodium before engine, max.1) 5) mg/kg 30 30 IP 501 or IP 470

Aluminium + Silicon, max. mg/kg 30 60 ISO 10478 or IP 501

or IP 470

Aluminium + Silicon before engine, max.1) mg/kg 15 15 ISO 10478 or IP 501

or IP 470

Used lubricating oil, calcium, max. 8) mg/kg 30 30 IP 501 or IP 470

Used lubricating oil, zinc, max. 8) mg/kg 15 15 IP 501 or IP 470

Used lubricating oil, phosphorus, max. 8) mg/kg 15 15 IP 501 or IP 500

1) Additional properties specified by Wärtsilä, which are not included in the ISO specification.
2) Max. 1010 kg/m³ at 15°C provided that the fuel treatment system can remove water and solids (sediment, sodium, aluminium,
silicon) before the engine to specified levels.
3) Straight run residues show CCAI values in the 770 to 840 range and have very good ignition quality. Cracked residues delivered
as bunkers may range from 840 to - in exceptional cases - above 900. Most bunkers remain in the max. 850 to 870 range at
the moment. CCAI value cannot always be considered as an accurate tool to determine the ignition properties of the fuel,
especially concerning fuels originating from modern and more complex refinery process.
4) The max. sulphur content must be defined in accordance with relevant statutory limitations.
5) Sodium contributes to hot corrosion on the exhaust valves when combined with high sulphur and vanadium contents. Sodium
also strongly contributes to fouling of the exhaust gas turbine blading at high loads. The aggressiveness of the fuel depends
on its proportions of sodium and vanadium and also on the total amount of ash. Hot corrosion and deposit formation are,
however, also influenced by other ash constituents. It is therefore difficult to set strict limits based only on the sodium and
vanadium content of the fuel. Also a fuel with lower sodium and vanadium contents than specified above, can cause hot
corrosion on engine components.
6) The implementation date for compliance with the limit shall be 1 July 2012. Until that, the specified value is given for guidance.
7) It shall be ensured that the pour point is suitable for the equipment on board, especially if the ship operates in cold climates.
8) The fuel shall be free from used lubricating oil (ULO). A fuel shall be considered to contain ULO when either one of the following
conditions is met:

● Calcium > 30 mg/kg and zinc > 15 mg/kg

● Calcium > 30 mg/kg and phosphorus > 15 mg/kg

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

6.1.3 Liquid bio fuels

The engine can be operated on liquid bio fuels according to the specifications in tables "6-5
Straight liquid bio fuel specification" or "6-6 Biodiesel specification based on EN 14214:2012
standard". Liquid bio fuels have typically lower heating value than fossil fuels, the capacity of
the fuel injection system must be checked for each installation.
If a liquid bio fuel is to be used as pilot fuel, only pilot fuel according to table "Biodiesel
specification based on EN 14214:2012 standard" is allowed.
Table "Straight liquid bio fuel specification" is valid for straight liquid bio fuels, like palm oil,
coconut oil, copra oil, rape seed oil, jathropha oil etc. but is not valid for other bio fuel qualities
like animal fats.
Renewable biodiesel can be mixed with fossil distillate fuel. Fossil fuel being used as a blending
component has to fulfill the requirement described earlier in this chapter.

Table 6-5 Straight liquid bio fuel specification

Property Unit Limit Test method ref.

Viscosity at 40°C, max.1) cSt 100 ISO 3104

Viscosity, before injection pumps, min. cSt 2.0

Viscosity, before injection pumps, max. cSt 24

Density at 15°C, max. kg/m³ 991 ISO 3675 or 12185

Ignition properties 2) FIA test

Sulphur, max. % mass 0.05 ISO 8574

Total sediment existent, max. % mass 0.05 ISO 10307-1

Water before engine, max. % volume 0.20 ISO 3733

Micro carbon residue, max. % mass 0.50 ISO 10370

Ash, max. % mass 0.05 ISO 6245 / LP1001

Phosphorus, max. mg/kg 100 ISO 10478

Silicon, max. mg/kg 15 ISO 10478

Alkali content (Na+K), max. mg/kg 30 ISO 10478

Flash point (PMCC), min. °C 60 ISO 2719

Cloud point, max. °C 3) ISO 3015

Cold filter plugging point, max. °C 3) IP 309

Copper strip corrosion (3h at 50°C), max. Rating 1b ASTM D130

Steel corrosion (24/72h at 20, 60 and 120°C), max. Rating No signs of corrosion LP 2902

Acid number, max. mg KOH/g 15.0 ASTM D664

Strong acid number, max. mg KOH/g 0.0 ASTM D664

Iodine number, max. g iodine / 100 120 ISO 3961


Synthetic polymers % mass Report 4) LP 2401 ext. and LP


1) If injection viscosity of max. 24 cSt cannot be achieved with an unheated fuel, fuel oil system has to be equipped with a
2) Ignition properties have to be equal to or better than requirements for fossil fuels, i.e. CN min. 35 for MDF and CCAI max.
870 for HFO.
3) Cloud point and cold filter plugging point have to be at least 10°C below the fuel injection temperature.
4) Biofuels originating from food industry can contain synthetic polymers, like e.g. styrene, propene and ethylene used in
packing material. Such compounds can cause filter clogging and shall thus not be present in biofuels.

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Table 6-6 Biodiesel specification based on EN 14214:2012 standard

Property Unit Limit Test method ref.

Viscosity at 40°C, min...max. cSt 3.5...5 ISO 3104

Viscosity, before injection pumps, min. cSt 2.0

Density at 15°C, min...max. kg/m³ 860...900 ISO 3675 / 12185

Cetane number, min. 51 ISO 5165

Sulphur, max. mg/kg 10 ISO 20846 / 20884

Sulphated ash, max. % mass 0.02 ISO 3987

Total contamination, max. mg/kg 24 EN 12662

Water, max. mg/kg 500 ISO 12937

Phosphorus, max. mg/kg 4 EN 14107

Group 1 metals (Na+K), max. mg/kg 5 EN 14108 / 14109 /


Group 2 metals (Ca+Mg), max. mg/kg 5 EN 14538

Flash point, min. °C 101 ISO 2719A / 3679

Cold filter plugging point, max. 1) °C -44...+5 EN 116

Oxidation stability at 110°C, min. h 8 EN 14112

Copper strip corrosion (3h at 50°C), max. Rating Class 1 ISO 2160

Acid number, max. mg KOH/g 0.5 EN 14104

Iodine number, max. g iodine / 100 120 EN 14111 / 16300


FAME content, min 2) % mass 96.5 EN 14103

Linolenic acid methyl ester, max. % mass 12 EN 14103

Polyunsaturated methyl esters, max. % mass 1 EN 15779

Methanol content, max. % mass 0.2 EN 14110

Monoglyceride content, max. % mass 0.7 EN 14105

Diglyceride content, max. % mass 0.2 EN 14105

Triglyceride content, max. % mass 0.2 EN 14105

Free glycerol, max. % mass 0.02 EN 14105 / 14106

Total glycerol, max. % mass 0.25 EN 14105

1) Cold flow properties of renewable bio diesel can vary based on the geographical location and also based on the feedstock
properties, which issues must be taken into account when designing the fuel system.
2) Valid only for transesterified biodiesel (FAME)

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

6.2 Operating principles

Wärtsilä 34DF engines are usually installed for dual fuel operation meaning the engine can be
run either in gas or diesel operating mode. The operating mode can be changed while the
engine is running, within certain limits, without interruption of power generation. If the gas
supply would fail, the engine will automatically transfer to diesel mode operation (MDF).

6.2.1 Gas mode operation

In gas operating mode the main fuel is natural gas which is injected into the engine at a low
pressure. The gas is ignited by injecting a small amount of pilot diesel fuel (MDF). Gas and
pilot fuel injection are solenoid operated and electronically controlled common rail systems.

6.2.2 Diesel mode operation

In diesel operating mode the engine operates only on liquid fuel oil. MDF or HFO is used as
fuel with a conventional diesel fuel injection system. The MDF pilot injection is always active.

6.2.3 Backup mode operation

The engine control and safety system or the blackout detection system can in some situations
transfer the engine to backup mode operation. In this mode the MDF pilot injection system is
not active and operation longer than 30 minutes (with HFO) or 10 hours (with MDF) may cause
clogging of the pilot fuel injection nozzles.

6.2.4 Fuel sharing mode operation (optional)

As an optional feature, the engine can be equipped with fuel sharing mode. When this mode
is activated, the engine will run on a mix of gas, main liquid fuel (MDF or HFO) and pilot fuel.
The required gas/liquid fuel mixing ratio can be chosen by the operator. For more info, see

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

6.3 Fuel gas system

6.3.1 Internal fuel gas system

Fig 6-1 Internal fuel gas system for in-line engines, double wall (DAAF283528)

System components

01 Safety filter 04 Venting valve 07 Turning device

02 Gas admission valve 05 Camshaft

03 Cylinder 06 Flywheel

Sensorns and indicators

ST173 Engine speed 1 ST197P Engine phase, primary PT901 Main gas pressure

ST174 Engine speed 2 ST197S Engine phase, secondary CV947 MCC, degasing valve control

ST196P Engine speed, primary SE6##4A Knock, cyl A##

ST196S Engine speed, secondary GS792 Turning gear engaged

Pipe connections Size

108 Gas inlet DN80/125

708 Gas system ventilation DN50

726 Air inlet to double wall gas system M42 x 2

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

Fig 6-2 Internal fuel gas system for V-engines, double wall (DAAF283160)

System components

01 Safety filter 04 Venting valve 07 Turning device

02 Gas admission valve 05 Camshaft

03 Cylinder 06 Flywheel

Sensors and indicators

ST173 Engine speed 1 ST197P Engine phase, primary PT901 Main gas pressure

ST174 Engine speed 2 ST197S Engine phase, secondary CV947 MCC, degasing valve control

ST196P Engine speed, primary SE6##4A/B Knock, cyl A##/B##

ST196S Engine speed, secondary GS792 Turning gear engaged

Pipe connections Size

108 Gas inlet DN80/125

708 Gas system ventilation DN50

726 Air inlet to double wall gas system M42 x 2

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

6.3.2 External fuel gas system Fuel gas system, with instrument cabinet

Fig 6-3 Example of fuel gas system with instrument cabinet (DAAF022750D)

System components Pipe connections

01 Gas detector 108 Gas inlet

02 Gas double wall system ventilation fan 708 Gas system ventilation

10N05 Gas valve unit 726 Air inlet to double wall gas system


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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide Fuel gas system, with solenoid valve cabinet

Fig 6-4 Example of fuel gas system with solenoid valve cabinet (DAAF077105)

System components Pipe connections

01 Gas detector 108 Gas inlet

02 Gas double wall system ventilation fan 708 Gas system ventilation

10N05 Gas valve unit 726 Air inlet to double wall gas system


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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

The fuel gas can typically be contained as CNG, LNG at atmospheric pressure, or pressurized
LNG. The design of the external fuel gas feed system may vary, but every system should
provide natural gas with the correct temperature and pressure to each engine. Double wall gas piping and the ventilation of the piping
The annular space in double wall piping is ventilated artificially by underpressure created by
ventilation fans. The first ventilation air inlet to the annular space is located at the engine. The
ventilation air is recommended to be taken from a location outside the engine room, through
dedicated piping. The second ventilation air inlet is located at the outside of the tank connection
space at the end of the double wall piping. To balance the air intake of the two air intakes a
flow restrictor is required at the air inlet close to the tank connection space. The ventilation
air is taken from both inlets and lead through the annular space of the double wall pipe to the
GVU room or to the enclosure of the gas valve unit. From the enclosure of the gas valve unit
a dedicated ventilation pipe is connected to the ventilation fans and from the fans the pipe
continues to the safe area. The 1,5 meter hazardous area will be formed at the ventilation air
inlet and outlet and is to be taken in consideration when the ventilation piping is designed.
According to classification societies minimum ventilation capacity has to be at least 30 air
changes per hour. With enclosed GVU this 30 air changes per hour normally correspond to
-20 mbar inside the GVU enclosure according to experience from existing installations. However,
in some cases required pressure in the ventilation might be slightly higher than -20 mbar and
can be accepted based on case analysis and measurements.

Fig 6-5 Example arrangement drawing of ventilation in double wall piping system
with enclosed GVUs (DBAC588146)

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide Gas valve unit (10N05)

Before the gas is supplied to the engine it passes through a Gas Valve Unit (GVU). The GVU
include a gas pressure control valve and a series of block and bleed valves to ensure reliable
and safe operation on gas.
The unit includes a manual shut-off valve, inerting connection, filter, fuel gas pressure control
valve, shut-off valves, ventilating valves, pressure transmitters/gauges, a gas temperature
transmitter and control cabinets.
The filter is a full flow unit preventing impurities from entering the engine fuel gas system. The
fineness of the filter is 5 μm absolute mesh size. The pressure drop over the filter is monitored
and an alarm is activated when pressure drop is above permitted value due to dirty filter.
The fuel gas pressure control valve adjusts the gas feed pressure to the engine according to
engine load. The pressure control valve is controlled by the engine control system. The system
is designed to get the correct fuel gas pressure to the engine common rail pipe at all times.
Readings from sensors on the GVU as well as opening and closing of valves on the gas valve
unit are electronically or electro-pneumatically controlled by the GVU control system. All
readings from sensors and valve statuses can be read from Local Display Unit (LDU). The LDU
is mounted on control cabinet of the GVU.
The two shut-off valves together with gas ventilating valve (between the shut-off valves) form
a double-block-and-bleed function. The block valves in the double-block-and-bleed function
effectively close off gas supply to the engine on request. The solenoid operated venting valve
in the double-block-and-bleed function will relief the pressure trapped between the block
valves after closing of the block valves. The block valves V03 and V05 and inert gas valve V07
are operated as fail-to-close, i.e. they will close on current failure. Venting valves V02 and V04
are fail-to-open, they will open on current failure. There is a connection for inerting the fuel
gas pipe with nitrogen, see figure "Gas valve unit P&I diagram". The inerting of the fuel gas
pipe before double block and bleed valves in the GVU is done from gas storage system. Gas
is blown downstream the fuel gas pipe and out via vent valve V02 on the GVU when inerting
from gas storage system.
During a stop sequence of DF-engine gas operation (i.e. upon gas trip, pilot trip, stop,
emergency stop or shutdown in gas operating mode, or transfer to diesel operating mode)
the GVU performs a gas shut-off and ventilation sequence. Both block valves (V03 and V05)
on the gas valve unit are closed and ventilation valve V04 between block valves is opened.
Additionally on emergency stop ventilation valve V02 will open and on certain alarm situations
the V07 will inert the gas pipe between GVU and the engine.
The gas valve unit will perform a leak test procedure before engine starts operating on gas.
This is a safety precaution to ensure the tightness of valves and the proper function of
One GVU is required for each engine. The GVU has to be located close to the engine to ensure
engine response to transient conditions. The maximum length of fuel gas pipe between the
GVU and the engine gas inlet is 10 m.
Inert gas and compressed air are to be dry and clean. Inert gas pressure max 1.5 MPa (15
bar). The requirements for compressed air quality are presented in chapter "Compressed air

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

Fig 6-6 Gas valve unit P&I diagram (DAAF051037C)

Unit components:

B01 Gas filter V03 First block valve V08 Shut off valve

B02 Control air filter V04 Vent valve V09 Shut off valve

B03 Inert gas filter V05 Second block valve V10 Pressure regulator

V01 Manual shut off valve V06 Gas control valve CV-V0# Solenoid valve

V02 Vent valve V07 Inerting valve Q01 Mass flow meter

Sensors and indicators

P01 Pressure transmitter, gas inlet P05 Pressure transmitter, inert gas

P02 Pressure manometer, gas inlet P06 Pressure transmitter, control air

P03 Pressure transmitter P07 Pressure difference transmitter

P04 Pressure transmitter, gas outlet T01 Temperature sensor, gas inlet

Pipe connections

A1 Gas inlet [5-10 bar(g)] D1 Gas venting

B1 Gas to engine D2 Air venting

B2 Inert gas [max 15 bar(g)] X1 Instrument air [6-8 bar(g)]

Pipe size


P1 DN50 DN80 DN100 PN6 DN100 DN125 DN150

P2 DN40 DN80 DN100 PN7 DN50 DN80 DN100

P3 DN40 DN50 DN80 PN8 OD18 OD28 OD42

P4 DN40 DN50 DN80 PN9 OD22 OD28 OD28

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Pipe size

P5 DN65 DN80 DN100 PN10 10mm 10mm 10mm

Fig 6-7 Main dimensions of the GVU (DAAF020519) Master fuel gas valve

For LNG carriers, IMO IGC code requires a master gas fuel valve to be installed in the fuel gas
feed system. At least one master gas fuel valve is required, but it is recommended to apply
one valve for each engine compartment using fuel gas to enable independent operation.
It is always recommended to have one main shut-off valve directly outside the engine room
and valve room in any kind of installation. Fuel gas venting

In certain situations during normal operation of a DF-engine, as well as due to possible faults,
there is a need to safely ventilate the fuel gas piping. During a stop sequence of a DF-engine
gas operation the GVU and DF-engine gas venting valves performs a ventilation sequence to
relieve pressure from gas piping. Additionally in emergency stop V02 will relief pressure from
gas piping upstream from the GVU.
This small amount of gas can be ventilated outside into the atmosphere, to a place where
there are no sources of ignition.
Alternatively to ventilating outside into the atmosphere, other means of disposal (e.g. a suitable
furnace) can also be considered. However, this kind of arrangement has to be accepted by
classification society on a case by case basis.

All breathing and ventilation pipes that may contain fuel gas must always be built
sloping upwards, so that there is no possibility of fuel gas accumulating inside the

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

In case the DF-engine is stopped in gas operating mode, the ventilation valves will open
automatically and quickly reduce the gas pipe pressure to atmospheric pressure.
The pressure drop in the venting lines are to be kept at a minimum.
To prevent gas ventilation to another engine during maintenance vent lines from gas supply
or GVU of different engines cannot be interconnected. However, vent lines from the same
engine can be interconnected to a common header, which shall be lead to the atmosphere.
Connecting the engine or GVU venting lines to the LNGPac venting mast is not allowed, due
to risk for backflow of gas into the engine room when LNGPac gas is vented! Purging by inert gas

Before beginning maintenance work, the fuel gas piping system has to be de-pressurized and
inerted with an inert gas. If maintenance work is done after the GVU and the enclosure of the
GVU hasn’t been opened, it is enough to inert the fuel gas pipe between the GVU and engine
by triggering the starting sequence from the GVU control cabinet.
If maintenance work is done on the GVU and the enclosure of the GVU need to be opened,
the fuel gas pipes before and after the GVU need to be inerted. Downstream from the GVU
including the engine built gas piping, inerting is performed by triggering the inerting sequence
from the GVU control cabinet. Regarding the engine crankcase inerting, a separate inert gas
connection exist located on the engine. Upstream from the GVU
double-block-and-bleed-valves, the inerting is performed from the gas storage system by
feeding inert gas downstream the fuel gas pipe and out from the GVU gas ventilation pipe.
In addition to maintenance, during certain alarm and emergency situations (e.g. annular space
ventilation failure and/or gas leak detection), the fuel gas piping is to be flushed with inert gas.
The following guidelines apply for flushing the engine crankcase with inert gas:
1 Max filling flow: 100l/min/cylinder
2 A sniffer is recommended to be installed in the crankcase breather pipe in order to
indicate when the crankcase have been flushed from toxic gases.
3 Crankcase size: 0.91 m3/crank (inline) & 0.55 m3/crank (v-engine) Gas feed pressure

The required fuel gas feed pressure depends on the expected minimum lower heating value
(LHV) of the fuel gas, as well as the pressure losses in the feed system to the engine. The LHV
of the fuel gas has to be above 28 MJ/m3 at 0°C and 101.3 kPa. For pressure requirements,
see section "Technical Data" and chapter "1.3.2 Output limitations due to gas feed pressure
and lower heating value"
For pressure requirements, see chapters Technical Data and Output limitations due to methane
● The pressure losses in the gas feed system to engine has to be added to get the required
gas pressure.
● A pressure drop of 120 kPa over the GVU is a typical value that can be used as guidance.
● The required gas pressure to the engine depends on the engine load. This is regulated by
the GVU.

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

6.4 Fuel oil system

6.4.1 Internal fuel oil system

Fig 6-8 Internal fuel oil system for inline engines, LFO (DAAF282780A)

System components

01 Injection pump 04 Pilot fuel filter 07 Fuel leakage collector

02 Injection valve with pilot solenoid 05 Pilot fuel pump 08 Pulse damper
and nozzle

03 Pressure control valve 06 Pilot fuel safety valve

Sensors and indicators

PT101 Fuel oil pressure, engine inlet PS110 FO stand-by pump start

TE101 Fuel oil temperature, engine inlet PT112 Pilot fuel oil pressure, engine inlet

CV10#3A Pilot injection valve, cyl A## TE112 Pilot fuel oil temperature, egnine inlet

LS103-1A Pilot fuel clean leakage, A-bank CV124 Pilot fuel oil pressure control

LS103A Fuel oil leakage, clean primary, A-bank PT125 Pilot fuel oil pressure, pump outlet

LS108A Fuel oil leakage, dirty fuel, A-bank PDS129 Pilot fuel oil filter pressure difference

Pipe connections

101 / 102 Fuel inlet / outlet DN32

1031 / 1033 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel OD28

1041 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD22

1043 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD28

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Fig 6-9 Internal fuel oil system for in-line engines, CRO / HFO / BIO (DAAF283161A)

System components

01 Injection pump 04 Pilot fuel filter 07 Fuel leakage collector

02 Injection valve with pilot solenoid 05 Pilot fuel pump 08 Pulse damper
and nozzle

03 Pressure control valve 06 Pilot fuel safety valve

Sensors and indicators

PT101 Fuel oil pressure, engine inlet PT112 Pilot fuel oil pressure, engine inlet

TE101 Fuel oil temperature, engine inlet PS110 FO stand-by pump start

CV10#3A Pilot injection valve, cyl A## TE112 Pilot fuel oil temperature, egnine inlet

LS103-1A Pilot fuel clean leakage, A-bank CV124 Pilot fuel oil pressure control

LS103A Fuel oil leakage, clean primary, A-bank PT125 Pilot fuel oil pressure, pump outlet

LS108A Fuel oil leakage, dirty fuel, A-bank PDS129 Pilot fuel oil filter pressure difference

Pipe connections

101 / 102 Fuel inlet / outlet DN32

1031 / 1033 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel OD28

1041 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD22

1043 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD28

112 / 117 Pilot fuel inlet OD22

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

Fig 6-10 Internal fuel oil system for V-engines (DAAF283159)

System components

01 Injection pump 04 Pilot fuel filter 07 Fuel leakage collector

02 Inj. valve with pilot solenoid and nozzle 05 Pilot fuel pump 08 Pulse damper

03 Pressure control valve 06 Pilot fuel safety valve

Sensors and indicators

PT101 Fuel oil pressure, engine inlet PT110 FO stand-by pump start

TE101 Fuel oil temperature, engine inlet TE112 Pilot fuel oil temperature, engine inlet

CV10#3A Pilot injection valve PT112 Pilot fuel pressure, inlet

LS103-1A/1B Pilot fuel clean leakage, A- / B-bank CV124 Pilot fuel oil pressure control

LS103A/B Fuel oil leakage, clean primary, A- / B-bank PT125 Pilot fuel oil pressure, pump outlet

LS108A/B Fuel oil leakage, dirty fuel, A- / B-bank PDS129 Pilot fuel oil filter pressure difference

Pipe connections 500kW/cyl

101/102 Fuel inlet / outlet DN32

1031 - Leak fuel drain, clean fuel DN20


1041/1042 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD22

1043/1044 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel DN32

112 Pilot fuel inlet OD18

117A/B Pilot fuel outlet, A-/B-bank OD18

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

There are separate pipe connections for the main fuel oil and pilot fuel oil. Main fuel oil can
be Marine Diesel Fuel (MDF) or Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO). Pilot fuel oil is always MDF and the pilot
fuel system is in operation in both gas- and diesel mode operation.
A pressure control valve in the main fuel oil return line on the engine maintains desired pressure
before the injection pumps. Leak fuel system

Clean leak fuel from the injection valves and the injection pumps is collected on the engine
and drained by gravity through a clean leak fuel connection. The clean leak fuel can be re-used
without separation. The quantity of clean leak fuel is given in chapter Technical data.
Other possible leak fuel and spilled water and oil is separately drained from the hot-box through
dirty fuel oil connections and it shall be led to a sludge tank.

6.4.2 External fuel oil system

The design of the external fuel system may vary from ship to ship, but every system should
provide well cleaned fuel of correct viscosity and pressure to each engine. Temperature control
is required to maintain stable and correct viscosity of the fuel before the injection pumps (see
Technical data). Sufficient circulation through every engine connected to the same circuit must
be ensured in all operating conditions.
The fuel treatment system should comprise at least one settling tank and two separators.
Correct dimensioning of HFO separators is of greatest importance, and therefore the
recommendations of the separator manufacturer must be closely followed. Poorly centrifuged
fuel is harmful to the engine and a high content of water may also damage the fuel feed system.
Injection pumps generate pressure pulses into the fuel feed and return piping. The fuel pipes
between the feed unit and the engine must be properly clamped to rigid structures. The
distance between the fixing points should be at close distance next to the engine. See chapter
Piping design, treatment and installation.
A connection for compressed air should be provided before the engine, together with a drain
from the fuel return line to the clean leakage fuel or overflow tank. With this arrangement it is
possible to blow out fuel from the engine prior to maintenance work, to avoid spilling.

In multiple engine installations, where several engines are connected to the same
fuel feed circuit, it must be possible to close the fuel supply and return lines
connected to the engine individually. This is a SOLAS requirement. It is further
stipulated that the means of isolation shall not affect the operation of the other
engines, and it shall be possible to close the fuel lines from a position that is not
rendered inaccessible due to fire on any of the engines. Fuel heating requirements HFO

Heating is required for:
● Bunker tanks, settling tanks, day tanks
● Pipes (trace heating)
● Separators
● Fuel feeder/booster units
To enable pumping the temperature of bunker tanks must always be maintained 5...10°C
above the pour point, typically at 40...50°C. The heating coils can be designed for a temperature
of 60°C.
The tank heating capacity is determined by the heat loss from the bunker tank and the desired
temperature increase rate.

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

Fig 6-11 Fuel oil viscosity-temperature diagram for determining the pre-heating
temperatures of fuel oils (4V92G0071b)

Example 1: A fuel oil with a viscosity of 380 cSt (A) at 50°C (B) or 80 cSt at 80°C (C) must be
pre-heated to 115 - 130°C (D-E) before the fuel injection pumps, to 98°C (F) at the separator
and to minimum 40°C (G) in the bunker tanks. The fuel oil may not be pumpable below 36°C
To obtain temperatures for intermediate viscosities, draw a line from the known
viscosity/temperature point in parallel to the nearest viscosity/temperature line in the diagram.
Example 2: Known viscosity 60 cSt at 50°C (K). The following can be read along the dotted
line: viscosity at 80°C = 20 cSt, temperature at fuel injection pumps 74 - 87°C, separating
temperature 86°C, minimum bunker tank temperature 28°C. Fuel tanks

The fuel oil is first transferred from the bunker tanks to settling tanks for initial separation of
sludge and water. After centrifuging the fuel oil is transferred to day tanks, from which fuel is
supplied to the engines. Settling tank, HFO (1T02) and MDF (1T10)

Separate settling tanks for HFO and MDF are recommended.

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6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

To ensure sufficient time for settling (water and sediment separation), the capacity of each
tank should be sufficient for min. 24 hours operation at maximum fuel consumption.
The tanks should be provided with internal baffles to achieve efficient settling and have a
sloped bottom for proper draining.
The temperature in HFO settling tanks should be maintained between 50°C and 70°C, which
requires heating coils and insulation of the tank. Usuallly MDF settling tanks do not need
heating or insulation, but the tank temperature should be in the range 20...40°C. Day tank, HFO (1T03) and MDF (1T06)

Two day tanks for HFO are to be provided, each with a capacity sufficient for at least 8 hours
operation at maximum fuel consumption.
A separate tank is to be provided for MDF. The capacity of the MDF tank should ensure fuel
supply for 8 hours.
Settling tanks may not be used instead of day tanks.
The day tank must be designed so that accumulation of sludge near the suction pipe is
prevented and the bottom of the tank should be sloped to ensure efficient draining.
HFO day tanks shall be provided with heating coils and insulation. It is recommended that the
viscosity is kept below 140 cSt in the day tanks. Due to risk of wax formation, fuels with a
viscosity lower than 50 cSt at 50°C must be kept at a temperature higher than the viscosity
would require. Continuous separation is nowadays common practice, which means that the
HFO day tank temperature normally remains above 90°C.
The temperature in the MDF day tank should be in the range 20...40°C.
The level of the tank must ensure a positive static pressure on the suction side of the fuel feed
pumps. If black-out starting with MDF from a gravity tank is foreseen, then the tank must be
located at least 15 m above the engine crankshaft. Leak fuel tank, clean fuel (1T04)

Clean leak fuel is drained by gravity from the engine. The fuel should be collected in a separate
clean leak fuel tank, from where it can be pumped to the day tank and reused without
separation. The pipes from the engine to the clean leak fuel tank should be arranged continuosly
sloping. The tank and the pipes must be heated and insulated, unless the installation is designed
for operation on MDF only.
In HFO installations the change over valve for leak fuel (1V13) is needed to avoid mixing of
the MDF and HFO clean leak fuel. When operating the engines in gas mode and MDF is
circulating in the system, the clean MDF leak fuel shall be directed to the MDF clean leak fuel
tank. Thereby the MDF can be pumped back to the MDF day tank (1T06).
When switching over from HFO to MDF the valve 1V13 shall direct the fuel to the HFO leak
fuel tank long time enough to ensure that no HFO is entering the MDF clean leak fuel tank.
Refer to section "Fuel feed system - HFO installations" for an example of the external HFO
fuel oil system.
The leak fuel piping should be fully closed to prevent dirt from entering the system. Leak fuel tank, dirty fuel (1T07)

In normal operation no fuel should leak out from the components of the fuel system. In
connection with maintenance, or due to unforeseen leaks, fuel or water may spill in the hot
box of the engine. The spilled liquids are collected and drained by gravity from the engine
through the dirty fuel connection.
Dirty leak fuel shall be led to a sludge tank. The tank and the pipes must be heated and
insulated, unless the installation is designed for operation exclusively on MDF.

6-24 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System Fuel treatment Separation
Heavy fuel (residual, and mixtures of residuals and distillates) must be cleaned in an efficient
centrifugal separator before it is transferred to the day tank.
Classification rules require the separator arrangement to be redundant so that required capacity
is maintained with any one unit out of operation.
All recommendations from the separator manufacturer must be closely followed.
Centrifugal disc stack separators are recommended also for installations operating on MDF
only, to remove water and possible contaminants. The capacity of MDF separators should be
sufficient to ensure the fuel supply at maximum fuel consumption. Would a centrifugal separator
be considered too expensive for a MDF installation, then it can be accepted to use coalescing
type filters instead. A coalescing filter is usually installed on the suction side of the circulation
pump in the fuel feed system. The filter must have a low pressure drop to avoid pump cavitation. Separator mode of operation

The best separation efficiency is achieved when also the stand-by separator is in operation
all the time, and the throughput is reduced according to actual consumption.
Separators with monitoring of cleaned fuel (without gravity disc) operating on a continuous
basis can handle fuels with densities exceeding 991 kg/m3 at 15°C. In this case the main and
stand-by separators should be run in parallel.
When separators with gravity disc are used, then each stand-by separator should be operated
in series with another separator, so that the first separator acts as a purifier and the second
as clarifier. This arrangement can be used for fuels with a density of max. 991 kg/m3 at 15°C.
The separators must be of the same size. Separation efficiency

The term Certified Flow Rate (CFR) has been introduced to express the performance of
separators according to a common standard. CFR is defined as the flow rate in l/h, 30 minutes
after sludge discharge, at which the separation efficiency of the separator is 85%, when using
defined test oils and test particles. CFR is defined for equivalent fuel oil viscosities of 380 cSt
and 700 cSt at 50°C. More information can be found in the CEN (European Committee for
Standardisation) document CWA 15375:2005 (E).
The separation efficiency is measure of the separator's capability to remove specified test
particles. The separation efficiency is defined as follows:


n = separation efficiency [%]

Cout = number of test particles in cleaned test oil

Cin = number of test particles in test oil before separator Separator unit (1N02/1N05)

Separators are usually supplied as pre-assembled units designed by the separator
Typically separator modules are equipped with:
● Suction strainer (1F02)

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-25

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

● Feed pump (1P02)

● Pre-heater (1E01)
● Sludge tank (1T05)
● Separator (1S01/1S02)
● Sludge pump
● Control cabinets including motor starters and monitoring

Fig 6-12 Fuel transfer and separating system (V76F6626F) Separator feed pumps (1P02)

Feed pumps should be dimensioned for the actual fuel quality and recommended throughput
of the separator. The pump should be protected by a suction strainer (mesh size about 0.5
An approved system for control of the fuel feed rate to the separator is required.

Design data: HFO MDF

Design pressure 0.5 MPa (5 bar) 0.5 MPa (5 bar)

Design temperature 100°C 50°C

Viscosity for dimensioning electric motor 1000 cSt 100 cSt

6-26 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System Separator pre-heater (1E01)

The pre-heater is dimensioned according to the feed pump capacity and a given settling tank
The surface temperature in the heater must not be too high in order to avoid cracking of the
fuel. The temperature control must be able to maintain the fuel temperature within ± 2°C.
Recommended fuel temperature after the heater depends on the viscosity, but it is typically
98°C for HFO and 20...40°C for MDF. The optimum operating temperature is defined by the
sperarator manufacturer.
The required minimum capacity of the heater is:


P = heater capacity [kW]

Q = capacity of the separator feed pump [l/h]

ΔT = temperature rise in heater [°C]

For heavy fuels ΔT = 48°C can be used, i.e. a settling tank temperature of 50°C. Fuels having
a viscosity higher than 5 cSt at 50°C require pre-heating before the separator.
The heaters to be provided with safety valves and drain pipes to a leakage tank (so that the
possible leakage can be detected). Separator (1S01/1S02)

Based on a separation time of 23 or 23.5 h/day, the service throughput Q [l/h] of the separator
can be estimated with the formula:


P = max. continuous rating of the diesel engine(s) [kW]

b = specific fuel consumption + 15% safety margin [g/kWh]

ρ = density of the fuel [kg/m3]

t = daily separating time for self cleaning separator [h] (usually = 23 h or 23.5 h)

The flow rates recommended for the separator and the grade of fuel must not be exceeded.
The lower the flow rate the better the separation efficiency.
Sample valves must be placed before and after the separator. MDF separator in HFO installations (1S02)

A separator for MDF is recommended also for installations operating primarily on HFO. The
MDF separator can be a smaller size dedicated MDF separator, or a stand-by HFO separator
used for MDF.

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-27

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide Sludge tank (1T05)

The sludge tank should be located directly beneath the separators, or as close as possible
below the separators, unless it is integrated in the separator unit. The sludge pipe must be
continuously falling. Fuel feed system - MDF installations

Fig 6-13 Example of fuel oil system (MDF), single engine installation (DAAE055756C)

System components Pipe connections

1E04 Cooler (MDF) 101 Fuel inlet

1F05 Fine filter (MDF) 102 Fuel outlet

1F07 Suction strainer (MDF) 103# Leak fuel drain, clean fuel

1I03 Flow meter (MDF) 104# Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel

1P03 Circulation pump (MDF) 112 Pilot fuel inlet

1P08 Stand-by pump (MDF) 117 A/B Pilot fuel outlet

1T06 Day tank (MDF)

1V10 Quick closing valve (fuel oil tank)

6-28 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

Fig 6-14 Example of fuel oil system (MDF) multiple engine installation

System components

1E04 Cooler (MDF) 1P03 Circulation pump (MDF) 1V10 Quick closing valve (fuel oil tank)

1F05 Fine filter (MDF) 1P11 Black start pump (MDF)

1F07 Suction strainer (MDF) 1T06 Day tank (MDF)

Pipe connections L34DF V34DF

101 / 102 Fuel inlet / Fuel outlet DN32 DN32

1031 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel OD28 DN20

1032 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel - DN20

1033 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel OD28 DN20

1034 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel - DN20

1041 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD28 OD22

1042 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel - OD22

1043 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD22 DN32

1044 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel - DN32

112 / 117 Pilot fuel inlet / Pilot fuel outlet OD18 OD18

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-29

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

If the engines are to be operated on MDF only, heating of the fuel is normally not necessary.
In such case it is sufficient to install the equipment listed below. Some of the equipment listed
below is also to be installed in the MDF part of a HFO fuel oil system. Circulation pump, MDF (1P03)

The circulation pump maintains the pressure at the injection pumps and circulates the fuel in
the system. It is recommended to use a screw pump as circulation pump. A suction strainer
with a fineness of 0.5 mm should be installed before each pump. There must be a positive
static pressure of about 30 kPa on the suction side of the pump.

Design data:

Capacity 5 x the total consumption of the connected engines

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Max. total pressure (safety valve) 1.0 MPa (10 bar)

Nominal pressure see chapter "Technical Data"

Design temperature 50°C

Viscosity for dimensioning of electric 90 cSt

motor Flow meter, MDF (1I03)

If the return fuel from the engine is conducted to a return fuel tank instead of the day tank,
one consumption meter is sufficient for monitoring of the fuel consumption, provided that the
meter is installed in the feed line from the day tank (before the return fuel tank). A fuel oil cooler
is usually required with a return fuel tank.
The total resistance of the flow meter and the suction strainer must be small enough to ensure
a positive static pressure of about 30 kPa on the suction side of the circulation pump.
There should be a by-pass line around the consumption meter, which opens automatically in
case of excessive pressure drop. Fine filter, MDF (1F05)

The fuel oil fine filter is a full flow duplex type filter with steel net. This filter must be installed
as near the engine as possible.
The diameter of the pipe between the fine filter and the engine should be the same as the
diameter before the filters.

Design data:

Fuel viscosity according to fuel specifications

Design temperature 50°C

Design flow Larger than feed/circulation pump capacity

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Fineness 37 μm (absolute mesh size)

Maximum permitted pressure drops at 14 cSt:

- clean filter 20 kPa (0.2 bar)

- alarm 80 kPa (0.8 bar)

6-30 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System MDF cooler (1E04)

The fuel viscosity may not drop below the minimum value stated in Technical data. When
operating on MDF, the practical consequence is that the fuel oil inlet temperature must be
kept below 45°C. Very light fuel grades may require even lower temperature.
Sustained operation on MDF usually requires a fuel oil cooler. The cooler is to be installed in
the return line after the engine(s). LT-water is normally used as cooling medium.
If MDF viscosity in day tank drops below stated minimum viscosity limit then it is recommended
to install an MDF cooler into the engine fuel supply line in order to have reliable viscosity

Design data:

Heat to be dissipated 2.5 kW/cyl

Max. pressure drop, fuel oil 80 kPa (0.8 bar)

Max. pressure drop, water 60 kPa (0.6 bar)

Margin (heat rate, fouling) min. 15%

Design temperature MDF/HFO installa- 50/150°C

tion Return fuel tank (1T13)

The return fuel tank shall be equipped with a vent valve needed for the vent pipe to the MDF
day tank. The volume of the return fuel tank should be at least 100 l. Black out start

Diesel generators serving as the main source of electrical power must be able to resume their
operation in a black out situation by means of stored energy. Depending on system design
and classification regulations, it may in some cases be permissible to use the emergency
generator. HFO engines without engine driven fuel feed pump can reach sufficient fuel pressure
to enable black out start by means of:
● A gravity tank located min. 15 m above the crankshaft
● A pneumatically driven fuel feed pump (1P11)
● An electrically driven fuel feed pump (1P11) powered by an emergency power source

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-31

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide Fuel feed system - HFO installations

Fig 6-15 Example of FO system (HFO), multiple engine installation (DAAE085365E)

System components:

1E02 Heater (booster unit) 1P06 Circulation pump (booster unit)

1E03 Cooler (booster unit) 1P12 Circulation pump (HFO, MDF)

1E04 Cooler (MDF) 1P13 Pilot fuel feed pump (MDF)

1F03 Safety filter (HFO) 1T03 Day tank (HFO)

1F05 Fine filter (MDF) 1T06 Day tank (MDF)

1F06 Suction filter (booster unit) 1T08 De-aeration tank (booster unit)

1F07 Suction strainer (MDF) 1V01 Changeover valve

1F08 Automatic filter (booster unit) 1V03 Pressure control valve (booster unit)

1I01 Flow meter (booster unit) 1V05 Overflow valve (HFO/MDF)

1I02 Viscosity meter (booster unit) 1V05-1 Overflow valve (HFO/MDF)

1N01 Feeder / Booster unit 1V07 Venting valve (booster unit)

1N03 Pump and filter unit (HFO/MDF) 1V13 Change over valve for leak fuel

1P04 Fuel feed pump (booster unit) 1V10 Quick closing valve (fuel oil tank)

Pipe connections: L34DF L34DF V34DF V34DF

435/450kW/cyl 480/500kW/cyl 435/450kW/cyl 480/500kW/cyl

101 / 102 Fuel inlet / Fuel outlet DN32 DN32 DN32 DN32

1031 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel OD28 OD28 OD28 DN20

1032 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel - - OD28 DN20

1033 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel OD28 OD28 OD28 DN20

1034 Leak fuel drain, clean fuel - - OD28 DN20

1041 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD18 OD28 OD18 OD22

1042 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel - - OD18 OD22

1043 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel OD28 OD22 DN32 DN32

6-32 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

Pipe connections: L34DF L34DF V34DF V34DF

435/450kW/cyl 480/500kW/cyl 435/450kW/cyl 480/500kW/cyl

1044 Leak fuel drain, dirty fuel - - DN32 DN32

112 / Pilot fuel inlet / Pilot fuel outlet OD22 OD18 OD18 OD18

HFO pipes shall be properly insulated. If the viscosity of the fuel is 180 cSt/50°C or higher,
the pipes must be equipped with trace heating. It sha ll be possible to shut off the heating of
the pipes when operating on MDF (trace heating to be grouped logically). Starting and stopping

In diesel mode operation, the engine can be started and stopped on HFO provided that the
engine and the fuel system are pre-heated to operating temperature. The fuel must be
continuously circulated also through a stopped engine in order to maintain the operating
temperature. Changeover to MDF for start and stop is not required.
Prior to overhaul or shutdown of the external system the engine fuel system shall be flushed
and filled with MDF. Changeover from HFO to MDF

The control sequence and the equipment for changing fuel during operation must ensure a
smooth change in fuel temperature and viscosity. When MDF is fed through the HFO
feeder/booster unit, the volume in the system is sufficient to ensure a reasonably smooth
When there are separate circulating pumps for MDF, then the fuel change should be performed
with the HFO feeder/booster unit before switching over to the MDF circulating pumps. As
mentioned earlier, sustained operation on MDF usually requires a fuel oil cooler. The viscosity
at the engine shall not drop below the minimum limit stated in chapter Technical data. Number of engines in the same system

When the fuel feed unit serves Wärtsilä 34DF engines only, maximum one engine should be
connected to the same fuel feed circuit, unless individual circulating pumps before each engine
are installed.
Main engines and auxiliary engines should preferably have separate fuel feed units. Individual
circulating pumps or other special arrangements are often required to have main engines and
auxiliary engines in the same fuel feed circuit. Regardless of special arrangements it is not
recommended to supply more than maximum two main engines and two auxiliary engines, or
one main engine and three auxiliary engines from the same fuel feed unit.
In addition the following guidelines apply:
● Twin screw vessels with two engines should have a separate fuel feed circuit for each
propeller shaft.
● Twin screw vessels with four engines should have the engines on the same shaft connected
to different fuel feed circuits. One engine from each shaft can be connected to the same
circuit. Feeder/booster unit (1N01)

A completely assembled feeder/booster unit can be supplied. This unit comprises the following
● Two suction strainers
● Two fuel feed pumps of screw type, equipped with built-on safety valves and electric motors
● One pressure control/overflow valve
● One pressurized de-aeration tank, equipped with a level switch operated vent valve

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-33

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

● Two circulating pumps, same type as the fuel feed pumps

● Two heaters, steam, electric or thermal oil (one heater in operation, the other as spare)
● One automatic back-flushing filter with by-pass filter
● One viscosimeter for control of the heaters
● One control valve for steam or thermal oil heaters, a control cabinet for electric heaters
● One thermostatic valve for emergency control of the heaters
● One control cabinet including starters for pumps
● One alarm panel
The above equipment is built on a steel frame, which can be welded or bolted to its foundation
in the ship. The unit has all internal wiring and piping fully assembled. All HFO pipes are
insulated and provided with trace heating.

Fig 6-16 Feeder/booster unit, example (DAAE006659) Fuel feed pump, booster unit (1P04)

The feed pump maintains the pressure in the fuel feed system. It is recommended to use a
screw pump as feed pump. The capacity of the feed pump must be sufficient to prevent
pressure drop during flushing of the automatic filter.

6-34 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

A suction strainer with a fineness of 0.5 mm should be installed before each pump. There
must be a positive static pressure of about 30 kPa on the suction side of the pump.

Design data:
Total consumption of the connected engines added with
the flush quantity of the automatic filter (1F08)
Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Max. total pressure (safety valve) 0.7 MPa (7 bar)

Design temperature 100°C

Viscosity for dimensioning of electric motor 1000 cSt Pressure control valve, booster unit (1V03)

The pressure control valve in the feeder/booster unit maintains the pressure in the de-aeration
tank by directing the surplus flow to the suction side of the feed pump.

Design data:

Capacity Equal to feed pump

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Design temperature 100°C

Set-point 0.3...0.5 MPa (3...5 bar) Automatic filter, booster unit (1F08)

It is recommended to select an automatic filter with a manually cleaned filter in the bypass
line. The automatic filter must be installed before the heater, between the feed pump and the
de-aeration tank, and it should be equipped with a heating jacket. Overheating (temperature
exceeding 100°C) is however to be prevented, and it must be possible to switch off the heating
for operation on MDF.

Design data:

Fuel viscosity According to fuel specification

Design temperature 100°C

Preheating If fuel viscosity is higher than 25 cSt/100°C

Design flow Equal to feed pump capacity

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)


- automatic filter 35 μm (absolute mesh size)

- by-pass filter 35 μm (absolute mesh size)

Maximum permitted pressure drops at 14 cSt:

- clean filter 20 kPa (0.2 bar)

- alarm 80 kPa (0.8 bar)

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-35

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide Flow meter, booster unit (1I01)

If a fuel consumption meter is required, it should be fitted between the feed pumps and the
de-aeration tank. When it is desired to monitor the fuel consumption of individual engines in
a multiple engine installation, two flow meters per engine are to be installed: one in the feed
line and one in the return line of each engine.
There should be a by-pass line around the consumption meter, which opens automatically in
case of excessive pressure drop.
If the consumption meter is provided with a prefilter, an alarm for high pressure difference
across the filter is recommended. De-aeration tank, booster unit (1T08)

It shall be equipped with a low level alarm switch and a vent valve. The vent pipe should, if
possible, be led downwards, e.g. to the overflow tank. The tank must be insulated and equipped
with a heating coil. The volume of the tank should be at least 100 l. Circulation pump, booster unit (1P06)

The purpose of this pump is to circulate the fuel in the system and to maintain the required
pressure at the injection pumps, which is stated in the chapter Technical data. By circulating
the fuel in the system it also maintains correct viscosity, and keeps the piping and the injection
pumps at operating temperature.
When more than one engine is connected to the same feeder/booster unit, individual circulation
pumps (1P12) must be installed before each engine.

Design data:


- without circulation pumps (1P12) 5 x the total consumption of the connected engines

- with circulation pumps (1P12) 15% more than total capacity of all circulation pumps

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Max. total pressure (safety valve) 1.0 MPa (10 bar)

Design temperature 150°C

Viscosity for dimensioning of electric motor 500 cSt Heater, booster unit (1E02)

The heater must be able to maintain a fuel viscosity of 14 cSt at maximum fuel consumption,
with fuel of the specified grade and a given day tank temperature (required viscosity at injection
pumps stated in Technical data). When operating on high viscosity fuels, the fuel temperature
at the engine inlet may not exceed 135°C however.
The power of the heater is to be controlled by a viscosimeter. The set-point of the viscosimeter
shall be somewhat lower than the required viscosity at the injection pumps to compensate
for heat losses in the pipes. A thermostat should be fitted as a backup to the viscosity control.
To avoid cracking of the fuel the surface temperature in the heater must not be too high. The
heat transfer rate in relation to the surface area must not exceed 1.5 W/cm2.
The required heater capacity can be estimated with the following formula:


6-36 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 6. Fuel System

P = heater capacity (kW)

Q = total fuel consumption at full output + 15% margin [l/h]

ΔT = temperature rise in heater [°C] Viscosimeter, booster unit (1I02)

The heater is to be controlled by a viscosimeter. The viscosimeter should be of a design that
can withstand the pressure peaks caused by the injection pumps of the diesel engine.

Design data:

Operating range 0...50 cSt

Design temperature 180°C

Design pressure 4 MPa (40 bar) Pump and filter unit (1N03)

When more than one engine is connected to the same feeder/booster unit, a circulation pump
(1P12) must be installed before each engine. The circulation pump (1P12) and the safety filter
(1F03) can be combined in a pump and filter unit (1N03). A safety filter is always required.
There must be a by-pass line over the pump to permit circulation of fuel through the engine
also in case the pump is stopped. The diameter of the pipe between the filter and the engine
should be the same size as between the feeder/booster unit and the pump and filter unit. Circulation pump (1P12)

The purpose of the circulation pump is to ensure equal circulation through all engines. With
a common circulation pump for several engines, the fuel flow will be divided according to the
pressure distribution in the system (which also tends to change over time) and the control
valve on the engine has a very flat pressure versus flow curve.
In installations where MDF is fed directly from the MDF tank (1T06) to the circulation pump,
a suction strainer (1F07) with a fineness of 0.5 mm shall be installed to protect the circulation
pump. The suction strainer can be common for all circulation pumps.

Design data:

Capacity 5 x the fuel consumption of the engine

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Max. total pressure (safety valve) 1.0 MPa (10 bar)

Design temperature 150°C

Pressure for dimensioning of electric motor
- if MDF is fed directly from day tank 0.7 MPa (7 bar)

- if all fuel is fed through feeder/booster unit 0.3 MPa (3 bar)

Viscosity for dimensioning of electric motor 500 cSt Safety filter (1F03)

The safety filter is a full flow duplex type filter with steel net. The filter should be equipped with
a heating jacket. The safety filter or pump and filter unit shall be installed as close as possible
to the engine.

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 6-37

6. Fuel System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Design data:

Fuel viscosity according to fuel specification

Design temperature 150°C

Design flow Equal to circulation pump capacity

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Filter fineness 37 μm (absolute mesh size)

Maximum permitted pressure drops at 14 cSt:

- clean filter 20 kPa (0.2 bar)

- alarm 80 kPa (0.8 bar) Overflow valve, HFO (1V05)

When several engines are connected to the same feeder/booster unit an overflow valve is
needed between the feed line and the return line. The overflow valve limits the maximum
pressure in the feed line, when the fuel lines to a parallel engine are closed for maintenance
The overflow valve should be dimensioned to secure a stable pressure over the whole operating

Design data:

Capacity Equal to circulation pump (1P06)

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Design temperature 150°C

Set-point (Δp) 0.2...0.7 MPa (2...7 bar) Pilot fuel feed pump, MDF (1P13)

The pilot fuel feed pump is needed in HFO installations. The pump feed the engine with MDF
fuel to the pilot fuel system. No HFO is allowed to enter the pilot fuel system.
It is recommended to use a screw pump as circulation pump. A suction strainer with a fineness
of 0.5 mm should be installed before each pump. There must be a positive static pressure of
about 30 kPa on the suction side of the pump.

Design data:

Capacity 1 m3/h per engine

Design pressure 1.6 MPa (16 bar)

Max. total pressure (safety valve) 1.0 MPa (10 bar)

Nominal pressure see chapter "Technical Data"

Design temperature 50°C

Viscosity for dimensioning of electric 90 cSt


6-38 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

7. Lubricating Oil System

7.1 Lubricating oil requirements

7.1.1 Engine lubricating oil
The lubricating oil must be of viscosity class SAE 40 and have a viscosity index (VI) of minimum
95. The lubricating oil alkalinity (BN) is tied to the fuel grade, as shown in the table below. BN
is an abbreviation of Base Number. The value indicates milligrams KOH per gram of oil.

Table 7-1 Fuel standards and lubricating oil requirements, gas and MDF operation

Category Fuel standard Lubricating oil BN Fuel S content, [% m/m]

ASTM D 975-01, GRADE 1-D, 2-D, 4-D

BS MA 100: 1996 DMX, DMA, DMB
A 10...20 0.4
ISO 8217: 2012(E) ISO-F-DMX - DMB

ASTM D 975-01 GRADE 1-D, 2-D, 4-D

BS MA 100: 1996 DMX, DMA, DMB
B 15...20 0.4 - 2.0
ISO 8217: 2012(E) ISO-F-DMX - DMB

C LIQUID BIO FUEL (LBF) 10...20 0.05

If gas oil or MDF is continuously used as fuel, lubricating oil with a BN of 10-20 is recommended
to be used. In periodic operation with natural gas and MDF, lubricating oil with a BN of 10-15
is recommended.
The required lubricating oil alkalinity in HFO operation is tied to the fuel specified for the engine,
which is shown in the following table.

Table 7-2 Fuel standards and lubricating oil requirements, HFO operation

Category Fuel standard Lubricating oil BN Fuel S content, [% m/m]

ASTM D 975-01 GRADE NO. 4D

ASTM D 396-04, GRADE NO. 5-6
C BS MA 100: 1996 DMC, RMA10-RMK55 30...55 4.5
CIMAC 2003, DC, A30-K700
ISO 8217: 2012 (E) RMA10-RMK700

In installation where engines are running periodically with different fuel qualities, i.e. natural
gas, MDF and HFO, lubricating oil quality must be chosen based on HFO requirements. BN
50-55 lubricants are to be selected in the first place for operation on HFO. BN 40 lubricants
can also be used with HFO provided that the sulphur content of the fuel is relatively low, and
the BN remains above the condemning limit for acceptable oil change intervals. BN 30
lubricating oils should be used together with HFO only in special cases; for example in SCR
(Selective Catalyctic Reduction) installations, if better total economy can be achieved despite
shorter oil change intervals. Lower BN may have a positive influence on the lifetime of the
SCR catalyst.
It is not harmful to the engine to use a higher BN than recommended for the fuel grade.
Different oil brands may not be blended, unless it is approved by the oil suppliers. Blending
of different oils must also be approved by Wärtsilä, if the engine still under warranty.
An updated list of approved lubricating oils is supplied for every installation.

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7. Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

7.1.2 Oil in speed governor or actuator

An oil of viscosity class SAE 30 or SAE 40 is acceptable in normal operating conditions. Usually
the same oil as in the engine can be used. At low ambient temperatures it may be necessary
to use a multigrade oil (e.g. SAE 5W-40) to ensure proper operation during start-up with cold

7.1.3 Oil in turning device

It is recommended to use EP-gear oils, viscosity 400-500 cSt at 40°C = ISO VG 460.
An updated list of approved oils is supplied for every installation.

7.1.4 Pilot fuel pump

It is recommended to use lithium soap based EP-greases having a penetration of 300...350
when measured according to ASTM D 217 standard and being classed as NLGI Grade 1 at
30...70°C operating temperature.
An updated list of approved oils is supplied for every installation. The oils are valid for pumps
with electrical motor only.

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

7.2 Internal lubricating oil system

Fig 7-1 Internal LO system for L-engines, dry sump (DAAF291395)

System components

01 Lubricating oil main pump 06 Centrifugal filter 11 On/Off control valve for VIC

02 Prelubricating oil pump 07 Pressure control valve 12 Oil mist detector NS700

03 Lubricating oil cooler 08 Turbocharger 13 Oil sample

04 Thermostatic valve 09 Inj pump, camshaft bearings, cyl

head lube

05 Automatic filter 10 Guide block for VIC

Sensors and indicators

PT201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet PT271 Lubricating oil pressure, TC A inlet

PTZ201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet TE272 Lubricating oil temperature, TC A inlet

TE201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet PT291A Control oil pressure after VIC valve A-bank

TI201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet CV381 VIC control valve, A-bank

PS210 Lubricating oil stand by pump, start PT700 Crankcase pressure

PT241 Lube oil pressure, filter inlet TE7## Main bearing temperature

PDY243 Lubricating oil filter pressure difference TE7##6A Big end bearing temp, cyl ##A

Pipe connections Size

202 Lube oil outlet DN150

203 Lube oil to engine driven pump DN200

205 Lube oil to priming pump DN80

208 Lube oil from el. driven pump DN100

701 Crankcase air vent DN100

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

Fig 7-2 Internal LO system for L-engines, wet sump (DAAF290118)

System components

01 Lubricating oil main pump 06 Centrifugal filter 11 On/Off control valve for VIC CV381

02 Prelubricating oil pump (M201 07 Pressure control valve 12 Oil mist detector NS700

03 Lubricating oil cooler 08 Turbocharger 13 Oil sample

04 Thermostatic valve 09 Inj pump, camshaft bearings, cyl

head lube

05 Automatic filter 10 Guide block for VIC

Sensors and indicators

PT201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet PT271 Lubricating oil pressure, TC A inlet

PTZ201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet TE272 Lubricating oil temperature, TC A inlet

TE201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet PT291A Control oil pressure after VIC valve A-bank

TI201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet CV381 VIC control valve, A-bank

LS204 LO low level, wet sump PT700 Crankcase pressure

PS210 Lubricating oil stand by pump, start TE7## Main bearing temperature

PT241 Lube oil pressure, filter inlet TE7##6A Big end bearing temp, cyl ##A

PDY243 Lubricating oil filter pressure difference

Pipe connections Size

207 Lube oil to el. driven pump DN150

208 Lube oil from el. driven pump DN100

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

Fig 7-3 Internal LO system for V-engines, wet sump (DAAF290119)

System components

01 Lubricating oil main pump 06 Centrifugal filter 11 On/Off control valve for VIC CV381

02 Prelubricating oil pump 07 Pressure control valve 12 Oil mist detector NS700

03 Lubricating oil cooler 08 Turbocharger 13 Oil sample

04 Thermostatic valve 09 Inj pump, camshaft bearings, cyl

head lube

05 Automatic filter 10 Guide block for VIC

Sensors and indicators

PT201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet TE272 Lubricating oil temperature, TC A outlet

PTZ201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet PT281 Lubricating oil pressure, TC B inlet

TE201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet TE282 Lubricating oil temperature, TC B outlet

TI201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet PT291A Control oil pressure after VIC valve A-bank

LS204 Lubricating oil low level (wet sump) CV381 VIC control valve, A-bank

PS210 Lub. oil stand-by pump start (if stand-by pump) PT700 Crankcase pressure

PT241 Lube oil pressure, filter inlet TE7## Main bearing temperature

PDY243 Lubricating oil filter pressure difference TE7##6A/B Big end bearing temp, cyl ##A

PT271 Lubricating oil pressure, TC A inlet

Pipe connections Size

207 Lubricating oil to el.driven pump DN200

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

Fig 7-4 Internal LO system for V-engines, dry sump (DAAF291394)

System components

01 Lubricating oil main pump 06 Centrifugal filter 11 On/Off control valve for VIC CV381

02 Prelubricating oil pump 07 Pressure control valve 12 Oil mist detector NS700

03 Lubricating oil cooler 08 Turbocharger 13 Oil sample

04 Thermostatic valve 09 Inj pump, camshaft bearings, cyl

head lube

05 Automatic filter 10 Guide block for VIC

Sensors and indicators

PT201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet TE272 Lubricating oil temperature, TC A inlet

PTZ201 Lubricating oil pressure, engine inlet PT281 Lube oil pressure, TC B inlet

TE201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet TE282 Lube oil temperature, TC B outlet

TI201 Lubricating oil temperature, engine inlet PT291A Control oil pressure after VIC valve A-bank

PS210 Lubricating oil stand by pump, start CV381 VIC control valve, A-bank

PT241 Lube oil pressure, filter inlet PT700 Crankcase pressure

PDY243 Lubricating oil filter pressure difference TE70# Main bearing temperature

PT271 Lubricating oil pressure, TC A inlet TE7##6A/B Big end bearing temp, cyl ##A

Pipe connections Size

202 Lube oil outlet DN150

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

The lubricating oil sump is of wet sump type. Dry sump is an option for main engines.
The direct driven lubricating oil pump is of gear type and equipped with a pressure control
valve. The pump is dimensioned to provide sufficient flow even at low speeds. A stand-by
pump connection is available as option. Concerning flow rate and pressure of the engine
driven pump, see Technical data.
The pre-lubricating oil pump is an electric motor driven gear pump equipped with a safety
valve. The pump should always be running, when the engine is stopped. Concerning flow rate
and pressure of the pre-lubricating oil pump, see Technical data.
The lubricating oil module built on the engine consists of the lubricating oil cooler, thermostatic
valve and automatic filter.
The centrifugal filter is installed to clean the back-flushing oil from the automatic filter.
All dry sump engines are delivered with a running-in filter before each main bearing. These
filters are to be removed after commissioning.

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7. Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

7.3 External lubricating oil system

Fig 7-5 Example of lubricating oil system, wet oil sump (DAAE055757C)

System components Pipe connections L34DF V34DF

2E02 Heater (separator unit) 207 Lubricating oil to el.driven pump DN150 DN200

2F03 Suction filter (separator unit) 208 Lubricating oil from el. driven pump DN100 DN125

2F06 Suction strainer (stand-by pump) 213 Lubricating oil from separator and DN40

2N01 Separator unit 214 Lubricating oil to separator and drain DN40

2P03 Separator pump (separator unit) 215 Lubricating oil filling DN40

2P04 Stand-by pump 216 Lubricating oil drain M22*1.5

2S01 Separator 701 Crankcase air vent DN100 DN125

2S02 Condensate trap 723 Inert gas inlet DN50

2T03 New oil tank

2T04 Renovating oil tank

2T05 Renovated oil tank

2T06 Sludge tank

7-12 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

Fig 7-6 Example of lubricating oil system, dry oil sump (DAAE055758C)

System components Pipe connections L34DF V34DF

2E02 Heater (separator unit) 202 Lube oil outlet DN150

2F01 Suction strainer (main lube oil pump) 203 Lube oil to engine driven pump DN200

2F03 Suction filter (separator unit) 205 Lube oil to priming pump DN80 DN125

2F04 Suction strainer (prelubricating oil 208 Lube oil from el.driven pump DN100 DN125

2F06 Suction strainer (stand-by pump) 701 Crankcase air vent DN100 DN125

2N01 Separator unit 723 Inert gas inlet DN50 DN50

2P03 Separator pump (separator unit)

2P04 Stand-by pump

2S01 Separator

2S02 Condensate trap

2T01 System oil tank

2T06 Sludge tank

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7. Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

7.3.1 Separation system Separator unit (2N01)
Each main engine must have a dedicated lubricating oil separator and the separators shall be
dimensioned for continuous separating. If the installation is designed to operate on gas/MDF
only, then intermittent separating might be sufficient.
Auxiliary engines operating on HFO having a viscosity of max. 380 cSt / 50°C may have a
common lubricating oil separator unit. Two engines may have a common lubricating oil
separator unit. In installations with four or more engines two lubricating oil separator units
should be installed.
Separators are usually supplied as pre-assembled units.
Typically lubricating oil separator units are equipped with:
● Feed pump with suction strainer and safety valve
● Preheater
● Separator
● Control cabinet
The lubricating oil separator unit may also be equipped with an intermediate sludge tank and
a sludge pump, which offers flexibility in placement of the separator since it is not necessary
to have a sludge tank directly beneath the separator. Separator feed pump (2P03)

The feed pump must be selected to match the recommended throughput of the separator.
Normally the pump is supplied and matched to the separator by the separator manufacturer.
The lowest foreseen temperature in the system oil tank (after a long stop) must be taken into
account when dimensioning the electric motor. Separator preheater (2E02)

The preheater is to be dimensioned according to the feed pump capacity and the temperature
in the system oil tank. When the engine is running, the temperature in the system oil tank
located in the ship's bottom is normally 65...75°C. To enable separation with a stopped engine
the heater capacity must be sufficient to maintain the required temperature without heat supply
from the engine.
Recommended oil temperature after the heater is 95°C.
The surface temperature of the heater must not exceed 150°C in order to avoid cooking of
the oil.
The heaters should be provided with safety valves and drain pipes to a leakage tank (so that
possible leakage can be detected). Separator (2S01)

The separators should preferably be of a type with controlled discharge of the bowl to minimize
the lubricating oil losses.
The service throughput Q [l/h] of the separator can be estimated with the formula:


Q = volume flow [l/h]

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

P = engine output [kW]

n = number of through-flows of tank volume per day: 5 for HFO, 4 for MDF

t = operating time [h/day]: 24 for continuous separator operation, 23 for normal dimensioning Sludge tank (2T06)

The sludge tank should be located directly beneath the separators, or as close as possible
below the separators, unless it is integrated in the separator unit. The sludge pipe must be
continuously falling. Renovating oil tank (2T04)

In case of wet sump engines the oil sump content can be drained to this tank prior to separation. Renovated oil tank (2T05)

This tank contains renovated oil ready to be used as a replacement of the oil drained for

7.3.2 System oil tank (2T01)

Recommended oil tank volume is stated in chapter Technical data.
The system oil tank is usually located beneath the engine foundation. The tank may not protrude
under the reduction gear or generator, and it must also be symmetrical in transverse direction
under the engine. The location must further be such that the lubricating oil is not cooled down
below normal operating temperature. Suction height is especially important with engine driven
lubricating oil pump. Losses in strainers etc. add to the geometric suction height. Maximum
suction ability of the pump is stated in chapter Technical data.
The pipe connection between the engine oil sump and the system oil tank must be flexible to
prevent damages due to thermal expansion. The return pipes from the engine oil sump must
end beneath the minimum oil level in the tank. Further on the return pipes must not be located
in the same corner of the tank as the suction pipe of the pump.
The suction pipe of the pump should have a trumpet shaped or conical inlet to minimise the
pressure loss. For the same reason the suction pipe shall be as short and straight as possible
and have a sufficient diameter. A pressure gauge shall be installed close to the inlet of the
lubricating oil pump. The suction pipe shall further be equipped with a non-return valve of flap
type without spring. The non-return valve is particularly important with engine driven pump
and it must be installed in such a position that self-closing is ensured.
Suction and return pipes of the separator must not be located close to each other in the tank.
The ventilation pipe from the system oil tank may not be combined with crankcase ventilation
It must be possible to raise the oil temperature in the tank after a long stop. In cold conditions
it can be necessary to have heating coils in the oil tank in order to ensure pumpability. The
separator heater can normally be used to raise the oil temperature once the oil is pumpable.
Further heat can be transferred to the oil from the preheated engine, provided that the oil
viscosity and thus the power consumption of the pre-lubricating oil pump does not exceed
the capacity of the electric motor.
Fuel gas in the crankcase is soluble in very small portions into lubricating oil. Therefore, it is
possible that small amounts of fuel gas may be carried with lubricating oil into the DF-engine
system oil tank and evaporate there in the free space above the oil level. Therefore, the system
oil tank has to be of the closed-top type. The DF-engine system oil tank has to be treated
similarly to the gas pipe ventilation or crankcase ventilation. Openings into open air from the
system oil tank other than the breather pipe have to be either closed or of a type that does

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 7-15

7. Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

not allow fuel gas to exit the tank (e.g. overflow pipe arrangement with water lock). The system
oil tank breathing pipes of engines located in the same engine room must not be combined.
The structure and the arrangement of the system oil tank may need to be approved by a
Classification Society project-specifically. Any instrumentation installed in the system oil tank
has to be certified Ex apparatus.

Fig 7-7 Example of system oil tank arrangement (DAAE007020e)

Design data:

Oil tank volume 1.2...1.5 l/kW, see also Technical data

Oil level at service 75...80% of tank volume

Oil level alarm 60% of tank volume

7.3.3 New oil tank (2T03)

In engines with wet sump, the lubricating oil may be filled into the engine, using a hose or an
oil can, through the dedicated lubricating oil filling connection (215). Alternatively, trough the
crankcase cover or through the separator pipe. The system should be arranged so that it is
possible to measure the filled oil volume.

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

7.3.4 Suction strainers (2F01, 2F04, 2F06)

It is recommended to install a suction strainer before each pump to protect the pump from
damage. The suction strainer and the suction pipe must be amply dimensioned to minimize
pressure losses. The suction strainer should always be provided with alarm for high differential

Design data:

Fineness 0.5...1.0 mm

7.3.5 Lubricating oil pump, stand-by (2P04)

The stand-by lubricating oil pump is normally of screw type and should be provided with an
overflow valve.

Design data:

Capacity see Technical data

Design pressure, max 0.8 MPa (8 bar)

Design temperature, max. 100°C

Lubricating oil viscosity SAE 40

Viscosity for dimensioning the electric 500 mm2/s (cSt)


7.4 Crankcase ventilation system

The purpose of the crankcase ventilation is to evacuate gases from the crankcase in order to
keep the pressure in the crankcase within acceptable limits.
Each engine must have its own vent pipe into open air. The crankcase ventilation pipes may
not be combined with other ventilation pipes, e.g. vent pipes from the system oil tank.
The diameter of the pipe shall be large enough to avoid excessive back pressure. Other possible
equipment in the piping must also be designed and dimensioned to avoid excessive flow
A condensate trap must be fitted on the vent pipe near the engine.
The connection between engine and pipe is to be flexible.

Design data:

Flow see Technical data

Backpressure, max. see Technical data

Temperature 80°C

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7. Lubricating Oil System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

The size of the ventilation pipe (D2) out

from the condensate trap should be
bigger than the ventilation pipe (D) com-
ing from the engine.
For more information about ventilation
pipe (D) size, see the external lubricating
oil system drawing.

The max. back-pressure must also be

considered when selecting the ventilation
pipe size.
Fig 7-8 Condensate trap

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 7. Lubricating Oil System

7.5 Flushing instructions

Flushing instructions in this Product Guide are for guidance only. For contracted projects,
read the specific instructions included in the installation planning instructions (IPI).

7.5.1 Piping and equipment built on the engine

Flushing of the piping and equipment built on the engine is not required and flushing oil shall
not be pumped through the engine oil system (which is flushed and clean from the factory).
It is however acceptable to circulate the flushing oil via the engine sump if this is advantageous.
Cleanliness of the oil sump shall be verified after completed flushing.

7.5.2 External oil system

Refer to the system diagram(s) in section External lubricating oil system for location/description
of the components mentioned below.
If the engine is equipped with a wet oil sump the external oil tanks, new oil tank (2T03),
renovating oil tank (2T04) and renovated oil tank (2T05) shall be verified to be clean before
bunkering oil. Especially pipes leading from the separator unit (2N01) directly to the engine
shall be ensured to be clean for instance by disconnecting from engine and blowing with
compressed air.
If the engine is equipped with a dry oil sump the external oil tanks, new oil tank and the system
oil tank (2T01) shall be verified to be clean before bunkering oil.
Operate the separator unit continuously during the flushing (not less than 24 hours). Leave
the separator running also after the flushing procedure, this to ensure that any remaining
contaminants are removed.
If an electric motor driven stand-by pump (2P04) is installed then piping shall be flushed running
the pump circulating engine oil through a temporary external oil filter (recommended mesh 34
microns) into the engine oil sump through a hose and a crankcase door. The pump shall be
protected by a suction strainer (2F06).
Whenever possible the separator unit shall be in operation during the flushing to remove dirt.
The separator unit is to be left running also after the flushing procedure, this to ensure that
any remaining contaminants are removed.

7.5.3 Type of flushing oil Viscosity
In order for the flushing oil to be able to remove dirt and transport it with the flow, ideal viscosity
is 10...50 cSt. The correct viscosity can be achieved by heating engine oil to about 65°C or
by using a separate flushing oil which has an ideal viscosity in ambient temperature. Flushing with engine oil

The ideal is to use engine oil for flushing. This requires however that the separator unit is in
operation to heat the oil. Engine oil used for flushing can be reused as engine oil provided that
no debris or other contamination is present in the oil at the end of flushing. Flushing with low viscosity flushing oil

If no separator heating is available during the flushing procedure it is possible to use a low
viscosity flushing oil instead of engine oil. In such a case the low viscosity flushing oil must
be disposed of after completed flushing. Great care must be taken to drain all flushing oil from
pockets and bottom of tanks so that flushing oil remaining in the system will not compromise
the viscosity of the actual engine oil.

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 7-19

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 8. Compressed Air System

8. Compressed Air System

Compressed air is used to start engines and to provide actuating energy for safety and control
devices. The use of starting air for other purposes is limited by the classification regulations.
To ensure the functionality of the components in the compressed air system, the compressed
air has to be free from solid particles and oil.

8.1 Instrument air quality

The quality of instrument air, from the ships instrument air system, for safety and control
devices must fulfill the following requirements.

Instrument air specification:

Design pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)
Nominal pressure 0.7 MPa (7 bar)
Dew point temperature +3°C
Max. oil content 1 mg/m3

Max. particle size 3 µm

Consumption Approx. 5.5 Nm3/h (running engine)

If engine is ATEX Zone 2 classified, the additional air consumption will be max.
0.33 Nm3/h.

If the engine is specified to run in arctic conditions, an air waste gate is installed
with an additional air consumption of 2.5 Nm3/h.

8.2 Internal compressed air system

All engines, independent of cylinder number, are started by means of compressed air with a
nominal pressure of 3 MPa (30 bar). The start is performed by direct injection of air into the
cylinders through the starting air valves in the cylinder heads. The main starting valve, built
on the engine, can be operated both manually and electrically.
The starting air system is equipped with a slow turning valve, which rotates the engine slowly
without fuel injection for a few turns before start. Slow turning is not performed if the engine
has been running max. 30 minutes earlier, or if slow turning is automatically performed every
30 minutes.
All engines have built-on non-return valves and flame arrestors. The engine can not be started
when the turning gear is engaged.

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 8-1

8. Compressed Air System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Fig 8-1 Internal CA system for in-line engines (DAAF283526)

System components

01 Main starting air valve 12 Stop solenoid valve

02 Starting air distributor 13 Stop solenoid valve

03 Starting air valve in cylinder head 14 Solenoid valve for gas venting valve

04 Blocking valve, when turning gear engaged 15 Drain valve

05 Air container 16 Start solenoid valve

06 Pneumatic stop cylinder at each injection pump 17 Common solenoid valve for instrument air

07 Non-return valve 18 Charge air by-pass valve

08 Starting booster for speed governor 19 Exhaust gas wastegate valve

09 Flame arrestor 20 Air shut off valve

10 Safety valve 21 Solenoid valve for air wastegate valve

11 Slow turning solenoid valve

Sensors and indicators

CV153-1 Stop/shutdown solenoid valve CV331 Slow turning solenoid valve

CV153-2 Stop/shutdown solenoid valve 2 CV519 Exhaust wastegate control

PT301 Starting air pressure, engine inlet CV621 Charge air shut-off valve control

PT311 Control air pressure CV643 Charge air by-pass valve control

PT312 Instrument air pressure CV656 Air wastegate control

CV312 Instrument air valve control CV947 MCC, degasing valve control

CV321 Start solenoid valve

Pipe connections Size

301 Starting air inlet, 3 MPa DN32

320 Instrument air inlet, 0.55 - 0.75 MPa OD12

8-2 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 8. Compressed Air System

Fig 8-2 Internal compressed air system for V-engines (DAAF283527)

System components

01 Main starting air valve 12 Stop solenoid valve

02 Starting air distributor 13 Stop solenoid valve

03 Starting air valve in cylinder head 14 Solenoid valve for gas venting valve

04 Blocking valve, when turning gear engaged 15 Drain valve

05 Air container 16 Start solenoid valve

06 Pneumatic stop cylinder at each injection pump 17 Common solenoid valve for instrument air

07 Non-return valve 18 Charge air by-pass valve

08 Starting booster for speed governor 19 Exhaust gas wastegate valve

09 Flame arrestor 20 Air shut off valve

10 Safety valve 21 Solenoid valve for air wastegate valve

11 Slow turning solenoid valve

Sensors and indicators

CV153-1 Stop/shutdown solenoid valve CV331 Slow turning solenoid valve

CV153-2 Stop/shutdown solenoid valve 2 CV519 Exhaust wastegate control

PT301 Starting air pressure, engine inlet CV621 Charge air shut-off valve control

PT311 Control air pressure CV643 Charge air by-pass valve control

CV312 Instrument air valve control CV656 Air wastegate control

PT312 Instrument air pressure CV947 MCC, degasing valve control

CV321 Start solenoid valve

Pipe connections Size

301 Starting air inlet, 3 MPa DN32

320 Instrument air inlet, 0.55 - 0.75 MPa OD12

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 8-3

8. Compressed Air System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

8.3 External compressed air system

The design of the starting air system is partly determined by classification regulations. Most
classification societies require that the total capacity is divided into two equally sized starting
air receivers and starting air compressors. The requirements concerning multiple engine
installations can be subject to special consideration by the classification society.
The starting air pipes should always be slightly inclined and equipped with manual or automatic
draining at the lowest points.
Instrument air to safety and control devices must be treated in an air dryer.

Fig 8-3 Example of external compressed air system (DAAE055759C)

System components Pipe connections L34DF V34DF

3E01 Cooler (Starting air compressor unit) 301 Starting air inlet DN32

3F02 Air filter (starting air inlet) 320 Instrument air inlet OD12

3N02 Starting air compressor unit

3N06 Air dryer unit

3P01 Compressor (Starting air compressor unit)

3S01 Separator (Starting air compressor unit)

3T01 Starting air vessel

8.3.1 Starting air compressor unit (3N02)

At least two starting air compressors must be installed. It is recommended that the compressors
are capable of filling the starting air vessel from minimum (1.8 MPa) to maximum pressure in
15...30 minutes. For exact determination of the minimum capacity, the rules of the classification
societies must be followed.

8-4 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 8. Compressed Air System

8.3.2 Oil and water separator (3S01)

An oil and water separator should always be installed in the pipe between the compressor
and the air vessel. Depending on the operation conditions of the installation, an oil and water
separator may be needed in the pipe between the air vessel and the engine.

8.3.3 Starting air vessel (3T01)

The starting air vessels should be dimensioned for a nominal pressure of 3 MPa.
The number and the capacity of the air vessels for propulsion engines depend on the
requirements of the classification societies and the type of installation.
It is recommended to use a minimum air pressure of 1.8 MPa, when calculating the required
volume of the vessels.
The starting air vessels are to be equipped with at least a manual valve for condensate drain.
If the air vessels are mounted horizontally, there must be an inclination of 3...5° towards the
drain valve to ensure efficient draining.

Minimum air pressure for slow turning is 1800 kPa

Size Dimensions [mm] Weight

[Litres] [kg]
L1 L2 1) L3 1) D

250 1767 243 110 480 274

500 3204 243 133 480 450

710 2740 255 133 650 625

1000 3560 255 133 650 810

1) Dimensions are approximate.

Fig 8-4 Starting air vessel

The starting air consumption stated in technical data is for a successful start. During start the
main starting valve is kept open until the engine starts, or until the max. time for the starting
attempt has elapsed. A failed start can consume two times the air volume stated in technical
data. If the ship has a class notation for unattended machinery spaces, then the starts are to
be demonstrated.

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 8-5

8. Compressed Air System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

The required total starting air vessel volume can be calculated using the formula:


VR = total starting air vessel volume [m3]

pE = normal barometric pressure (NTP condition) = 0.1 MPa

VE = air consumption per start [Nm3] See Technical data

n = required number of starts according to the classification society

pRmax = maximum starting air pressure = 3 MPa

pRmin = minimum starting air pressure = See Technical data

The total vessel volume shall be divided into at least two equally sized starting air

8.3.4 Air filter, starting air inlet (3F02)

Condense formation after the water separator (between starting air compressor and starting
air vessels) create and loosen abrasive rust from the piping, fittings and receivers. Therefore
it is recommended to install a filter before the starting air inlet on the engine to prevent particles
to enter the starting air equipment.
An Y-type strainer can be used with a stainless steel screen and mesh size 400 µm. The
pressure drop should not exceed 20 kPa (0.2 bar) for the engine specific starting air
consumption under a time span of 4 seconds.

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 9. Cooling Water System

9. Cooling Water System

9.1 Water quality

The fresh water in the cooling water system of the engine must fulfil the following requirements:

p H ............................... min. 6.5...8.5

Hardness ..................... max. 10 °dH

Chlorides ..................... max. 80 mg/l

Sulphates .................... max. 150 mg/l

Good quality tap water can be used, but shore water is not always suitable. It is recommended
to use water produced by an onboard evaporator. Fresh water produced by reverse osmosis
plants often has higher chloride content than permitted. Rain water is unsuitable as cooling
water due to the high content of oxygen and carbon dioxide.
Only treated fresh water containing approved corrosion inhibitors may be circulated through
the engines. It is important that water of acceptable quality and approved corrosion inhibitors
are used directly when the system is filled after completed installation.

9.1.1 Corrosion inhibitors

The use of an approved cooling water additive is mandatory. An updated list of approved
products is supplied for every installation and it can also be found in the Instruction manual
of the engine, together with dosage and further instructions.

9.1.2 Glycol
Use of glycol in the cooling water is not recommended unless it is absolutely necessary. Glycol
raises the charge air temperature, which may require de-rating of the engine depending on
gas properties and glycol content. Max. 60% glycol is permitted.
Corrosion inhibitors shall be used regardless of glycol in the cooling water.

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 9-1

9. Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

9.2 Internal cooling water system

Fig 9-1 Internal CW system for in-line engines (DAAF287663)

System components:

01 HT-cooling water pump 04 Lubricating oil cooler 07 Connection piece

02 LT-cooling water pump 05 HT-thermostatic valve

03 Charge air cooler (LT) 06 Charge air cooler (HT)

Sensors and indicators:

PT401 HT-water pressure before cylinder jackets TE432 HT-water temperature after CAC

TE401 HT-water temperature before cylinder jackets PS460 LT-water stand-by pump start (if stand-by pump)

TE402 HT-water temperature after cylinder jackets PT471 LT-water pressure before CAC

TEZ402 HT-water temperature after cylinder jackets TE471 LT-water temperature before CAC

TEZ402- HT-water temperature after cylinder jackets TE482 LT-water temperature after CAC

PS410 HT-water stand-by pump start (if stand-by pump)

Pipe connections Size

401 HT-water inlet DN100

402 HT-water outlet DN100

404 HT-water air vent OD12

406 Water from preheater to HT-circuit OD28

408 HT-water from stand-by pump DN100

451 LT-water inlet DN100

452 LT-water outlet DN100

454 LT-water air vent from air cooler OD12

457 LT-water from stand-by pump DN100

9-2 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 9. Cooling Water System

Fig 9-2 Internal CW system for V-engines, 2-stage CAC Integrated (DAAF287665)

System components:

01 HT-cooling water pump 04 Lubricating oil cooler 07 HT thermostatic valve

02 LT-cooling water pump 05 Charge air cooler (HT)

03 Charge air cooler (LT) 06 Shut-off valve

Sensors and indicators:

PT401 HT-water pressure, jacket inlet TEZ403- HT-water temp. jacket outlet, B-bank

TE401 HT-water temperature, jacket inlet PS410 HT-water stand by pump start

TE402 HT-water temp. jacket outlet, A-bank TE432 HT-water temperature after CAC

TEZ402 HT-water temp. jacket outlet, A-bank PS460 LT-water stand-by pump start (if used)

TEZ402- HT-water temp. jacket outlet, A-bank PT471 LT-water pressure before CAC

TE403 HT-water temp. jacket outlet, B-bank TE471 LT-water temperature before CAC

TEZ403 HT-water temp. jacket outlet, B-bank TE482 LT-water temperature after CAC

Pipe connections Size

401 HT-water inlet DN125

402 HT-water outlet DN125

404 HT-water air vent OD12

406 Water from preheater to HT-circuit DN32

408 HT-water from stand-by pump DN125

416 HT-water airvent from air cooler OD12

451 LT-water inlet DN125

452 LT-water outlet DN125

454 LT-water air vent OD12

457 LT-water from stand-by pump DN125

483 LT-water air vent OD12

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 9-3

9. Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

The fresh water cooling system is divided into a high temperature (HT) and a low temperature
(LT) circuit. The HT water circulates through cylinder jackets, cylinder heads and the 1st stage
of the charge air cooler, while the LT water circulates through the 2nd stage of the charge air
cooler and through the lubricating oil cooler.
A two-stage charge air cooler enables more efficient heat recovery and heating of cold
combustion air.
Temperature control valves regulate the temperature of the water out from the engine, by
circulating some water back to the cooling water pump inlet. The HT temperature control valve
is mounted on the engine, while the LT temperature control valve is mounted in the external
LT circuit after the engine. The LT temperature control valve (4V09) is electrically controlled
for exact adjustment of the charge air receiver temperature.

9.2.1 Engine driven circulating pumps

The LT and HT cooling water pumps are engine driven. The engine driven pumps are located
at the free end of the engine.
Pump curves for engine driven pumps are shown in the diagrams. The nominal pressure and
capacity can be found in the chapter Technical data.

Fig 9-3 Pump curves for engine driven HT- and LT- water pumps

9-4 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 9. Cooling Water System

9.3 External cooling water system

Fig 9-4 External cooling water system, in-line engines (DAAE055760C)

System components:

1E04 Cooler (MDF) 4P09 Transfer pump

4E05 Heater (preheater) 4P11 Circulating pump (sea water)

4E08 Central cooler 4P15 Circulating pump (LT)

4E10 Cooler (reduction gear) 4S01 Air venting

4F01 Suction strainer (sea water) 4T04 Drain tank

4N01 Preheating unit 4T05 Expansion tank

4N02 Evaporator unit 4V02 Temperature control valve (heat recovery)

4P03 Stand-by pump (HT) 4V08 Temperature control valve (central cooler)

4P04 Circulating pump (preheater) 4V09 Temperature control valve (charge air)

4P05 Stand-by pump (LT)

Pipe connections: L34DF W34DF

401 / 402 HT-water inlet / HT-water outlet DN100 DN125

404 HT-water air vent OD12

406 Water from preheater to HT-circuit DN100 DN125

408 HT-water from stand-by pump DN100 DN125

416 HT-water air vent from air cooler - OD12

451 / 452 LT-water inlet / LT-water outlet DN100 D125

454 LT-water air vent from air cooler OD12

457 LT-water from stand-by pump DN100 DN125

483 LT-water air vent - OD12

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 9-5

9. Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Fig 9-5 External cooling water system, V-engines (DAAE084914B)

System components:

1E04 Cooler (MDF) 4P15 Circulating pump (LT)

4E05 Heater (preheater) 4S01 Air venting

4E08 Central cooler 4T04 Drain tank

4E15 Cooler (generator) 4T05 Expansion tank

4N01 Preheating unit 4V08 Temperature control valve (central cooler)

4P04 Circulating pump (preheater) 4V09 Temperature control valve (charge air)

4P09 Transfer pump

Pipe connections: L34DF V34DF

401 / 402 HT-water inlet / HT-water outlet DN100 DN125

404 HT-water air vent OD12

406 Water from preheater to HT-circuit OD28 DN32

416 HT-water airvent from air cooler - OD12

451 / 452 LT-water inlet / LT-water outlet DN100 DN125

454 LT-water air vent from air cooler OD12

460 LT-water to generator - -

461 LT-water from generator - -

483 LT-water air vent - OD12

9-6 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 9. Cooling Water System

Fig 9-6 External cooling water system, V-engines (DAAE089099B)

System components:

1E04 Cooler (MDF) 4P15 Circulating pump (LT)

1E03 Heat recovery (evaporator) 4P19 Circulating pump (evaporator)

4E05 Heater (preheater) 4S01 Air venting

4E08 Central cooler 4T04 Drain tank

4E15 Cooler (generator) 4T05 Expansion tank

4N01 Preheating unit 4V02 Temperature control valve (heat recovery)

4N02 Evaporator unit 4V08 Temperature control valve (central cooler)

4P04 Circulating pump (preheater) 4V09 Temperature control valve (charge air)

4P09 Transfer pump

Pipe connections: L34DF V34DF

401 / 402 HT-water inlet / HT-water outlet DN100 DN125

404 HT-water air vent OD12

406 Water from preheater to HT-circuit OD28 DN32

416 HT-water airvent from air cooler - OD12

451 / 452 LT-water inlet / LT-water outlet DN100 DN125

454 LT-water air vent from air cooler OD12 OD12

460 LT-water to generator - -

461 LT-water from generator - -

483 LT-water air vent - OD12

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 9-7

9. Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

It is recommended to divide the engines into several circuits in multi-engine installations. One
reason is of course redundancy, but it is also easier to tune the individual flows in a smaller
system. Malfunction due to entrained gases, or loss of cooling water in case of large leaks
can also be limited. In some installations it can be desirable to separate the HT circuit from
the LT circuit with a heat exchanger.
The external system shall be designed so that flows, pressures and temperatures are close
to the nominal values in Technical data and the cooling water is properly de-aerated.
Pipes with galvanized inner surfaces are not allowed in the fresh water cooling system. Some
cooling water additives react with zinc, forming harmful sludge. Zinc also becomes nobler
than iron at elevated temperatures, which causes severe corrosion of engine components.
Ships (with ice class) designed for cold sea-water should have provisions for recirculation
back to the sea chest from the central cooler:
● For melting of ice and slush, to avoid clogging of the sea water strainer
● To enhance the temperature control of the LT water, by increasing the seawater temperature

9.3.1 Stand-by circulation pumps (4P03, 4P05)

Stand-by pumps should be of centrifugal type and electrically driven. Required capacities and
delivery pressures are stated in Technical data.

Some classification societies require that spare pumps are carried onboard even
though the ship has multiple engines. Stand-by pumps can in such case be worth
considering also for this type of application.

9.3.2 Sea water pump (4P11)

The sea water pumps are always separate from the engine and electrically driven.
The capacity of the pumps is determined by the type of coolers and the amount of heat to be
Significant energy savings can be achieved in most installations with frequency control of the
sea water pumps. Minimum flow velocity (fouling) and maximum sea water temperature (salt
deposits) are however issues to consider.

9.3.3 Temperature control valve, HT-system (4V01)

External HT temperature control valve is an option for V-engines.
The temperature control valve is installed directly after the engine. It controls the temperature
of the water out from the engine, by circulating some water back to the HT pump. The control
valve can be either self-actuated or electrically actuated. Each engine must have a dedicated
temperature control valve.

Set point 96°C

9.3.4 Temperature control valve for central cooler (4V08)

When external equipment (e.g. a reduction gear, generator or MDO cooler) are installed in the
same cooling water circuit, there must be a common LT temperature control valve and separate
pump 4P15 in the external system. The common LT temperature control valve is installed after
the central cooler and controls the temperature of the water before the engine and the external
equipment, by partly bypassing the central cooler. The valve can be either direct acting or
electrically actuated.
The recommended set-point of the temperature control valve 4V08 is 35 ºC.

9-8 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 9. Cooling Water System

Max LT cooling water temperature before engine is 38 ºC.

9.3.5 Charge air temperature control valve (4V09)

The temperature of the charge air is maintained on desired level with an electrically actuated
temperature control valve in the external LT circuit. The control valve regulates the water flow
through the LT-stage of the charge air cooler according to the measured temperature in the
charge air receiver.
The charge air temperature is controlled according to engine load.

9.3.6 Temperature control valve for heat recovery (4V02)

The temperature control valve after the heat recovery controls the maximum temperature of
the water that is mixed with HT water from the engine outlet before the HT pump. The control
valve can be either self-actuated or electrically actuated.
Especially in installations with dynamic positioning (DP) feature, installation of valve 4V02 is
strongly recommended in order to avoid HT temperature fluctuations during low load operation.
The set-point is usually somewhere close to 75 ºC.

9.3.7 Coolers for other equipment and MDF coolers

As engine specific LT thermostatic valve is mandatory for DF engines, the engine driven LT
pump cannot be used for cooling of external equipment. Instead, separate cooling water
pumps must be installed for coolers installed in parallel to the engine.
Design guidelines for the MDF cooler are given in chapter Fuel system.

9.3.8 Fresh water central cooler (4E08)

Design data:

Fresh water flow see chapter Technical Data

Heat to be dissipated see chapter Technical Data

Pressure drop on fresh water side max. 60 kPa (0.6 bar)

Sea-water flow acc. to cooler manufacturer, normally 1.2 - 1.5 x the fresh
water flow
Pressure drop on sea-water side, norm. acc. to pump head, normally 80 - 140 kPa (0.8 - 1.4 bar)

Fresh water temperature after cooler max. 38°C

Margin (heat rate, fouling) 15%

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 9-9

9. Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

Fig 9-7 Central cooler main dimensions. Example for guidance only

Number of cylinders A [mm] B [mm] C [mm] D [mm] Weight [kg]

6 720 425 700 2150 1200

9 720 425 700 2150 1230

12 720 425 700 2150 1250

16 720 425 950 2150 1310

As an alternative to central coolers of plate or tube type, a box cooler can be installed. The
principle of box cooling is very simple. Cooling water is forced through a U-tube-bundle, which
is placed in a sea-chest having inlet- and outlet-grids. Cooling effect is reached by natural
circulation of the surrounding water. The outboard water is warmed up and rises by its lower
density, thus causing a natural upward circulation flow which removes the heat.
Box cooling has the advantage that no raw water system is needed, and box coolers are less
sensitive for fouling and therefor well suited for shallow or muddy waters.

9.3.9 Waste heat recovery

The waste heat in the HT cooling water can be used for fresh water production, central heating,
tank heating etc. The system should in such case be provided with a temperature control
valve to avoid unnecessary cooling, as shown in the example diagrams. With this arrangement
the HT water flow through the heat recovery can be increased.
The heat available from HT cooling water is affected by ambient conditions. It should also be
taken into account that the recoverable heat is reduced by circulation to the expansion tank,
radiation from piping and leakages in temperature control valves.

9.3.10 Air venting

Air may be entrained in the system after an overhaul, or a leak may continuously add air or
gas into the system. The engine is equipped with vent pipes to evacuate air from the cooling
water circuits. The vent pipes should be drawn separately to the expansion tank from each
connection on the engine, except for the vent pipes from the charge air cooler on V-engines,
which may be connected to the corresponding line on the opposite cylinder bank.

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Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 9. Cooling Water System

Venting pipes to the expansion tank are to be installed at all high points in the piping system,
where air or gas can accumulate.
The vent pipes must be continuously rising.

9.3.11 Expansion tank (4T05)

The expansion tank compensates for thermal expansion of the coolant, serves for venting of
the circuits and provides a sufficient static pressure for the circulating pumps.

Design data:

Pressure from the expansion tank at pump inlet 70 - 150 kPa (0.7...1.5 bar)

Volume min. 10% of the total system volume

The maximum pressure at the engine must not be exceeded in case an electrically
driven pump is installed significantly higher than the engine.

Concerning the water volume in the engine, see chapter Technical data.
The expansion tank should be equipped with an inspection hatch, a level gauge, a low level
alarm and necessary means for dosing of cooling water additives.
The vent pipes should enter the tank below the water level. The vent pipes must be drawn
separately to the tank (see air venting) and the pipes should be provided with labels at the
expansion tank.
Small amounts of fuel gas may enter the DF-engine cooling water system. The gas (just like
air) is separated in the cooling water system and will finally be released in the cooling water
expansion tank. Therefore, the cooling water expansion tank has to be of closed-top type, to
prevent release of gas into open air.
The DF-engine cooling water expansion tank breathing has to be treated similarly to the gas
pipe ventilation. Openings into open air from the cooling water expansion tank other than the
breather pipe have to be normally either closed or of type that does not allow fuel gas to exit
the tank (e.g. overflow pipe arrangement with water lock). The cooling water expansion tank
breathing pipes of engines located in same engine room can be combined.
The structure and arrangement of cooling water expansion tank may need to be approved by
Classification Society project-specifically.
The balance pipe down from the expansion tank must be dimensioned for a flow velocity not
exceeding 1.0...1.5 m/s in order to ensure the required pressure at the pump inlet with engines
running. The flow through the pipe depends on the number of vent pipes to the tank and the
size of the orifices in the vent pipes. The table below can be used for guidance.

Table 9-1 Minimum diameter of balance pipe

Nominal pipe size Max. flow velocity (m/s) Max. number of vent pipes
with ø 5 mm orifice

DN 32 1.1 3

DN 40 1.2 6

DN 50 1.3 10

DN 65 1.4 17

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 9-11

9. Cooling Water System Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide

9.3.12 Drain tank (4T04)

It is recommended to collect the cooling water with additives in a drain tank, when the system
has to be drained for maintenance work. A pump should be provided so that the cooling water
can be pumped back into the system and reused.
Concerning the water volume in the engine, see chapter Technical data. The water volume in
the LT circuit of the engine is small.

9.3.13 Preheating
The cooling water circulating through the cylinders must be preheated to at least 60 ºC,
preferably 70 ºC. This is an absolute requirement for installations that are designed to operate
on heavy fuel, but strongly recommended also for engines that operate exclusively on marine
diesel fuel.
The energy required for preheating of the HT cooling water can be supplied by a separate
source or by a running engine, often a combination of both. In all cases a separate circulating
pump must be used. It is common to use the heat from running auxiliary engines for preheating
of main engines. In installations with several main engines the capacity of the separate heat
source can be dimensioned for preheating of two engines, provided that this is acceptable
for the operation of the ship. If the cooling water circuits are separated from each other, the
energy is transferred over a heat exchanger. Heater (4E05)

The energy source of the heater can be electric power, steam or thermal oil.
It is recommended to heat the HT water to a temperature near the normal operating
temperature. The heating power determines the required time to heat up the engine from cold
The minimum required heating power is 5 kW/cyl, which makes it possible to warm up the
engine from 20 ºC to 60...70 ºC in 10-15 hours. The required heating power for shorter heating
time can be estimated with the formula below. About 2 kW/cyl is required to keep a hot engine

Design data:
Preheating temperature min. 60°C
Required heating power 5 kW/cyl
Heating power to keep hot engine warm 2 kW/cyl

Required heating power to heat up the engine, see formula below:

P = Preheater output [kW]
T1 = Preheating temperature = 60...70 °C

T0 = Ambient temperature [°C]

meng = Engine weight [ton]

VLO = Lubricating oil volume [m3] (wet sump engines only)

VFW = HT water volume [m3]

t = Preheating time [h]

keng = Engine specific coefficient = 1 kW

ncyl = Number of cylinders

9-12 Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 9. Cooling Water System

The formula above should not be used for P < 3.5 kW/cyl Circulation pump for preheater (4P04)

Design data:
Capacity 0.4 m3/h per cylinder

Delivery pressure 80...100 kPa (0.8...1.0 bar) Preheating unit (4N01)

A complete preheating unit can be supplied. The unit comprises:
● Electric or steam heaters
● Circulating pump
● Control cabinet for heaters and pump
● Set of thermometers
● Non-return valve
● Safety valve

Fig 9-8 Preheating unit, electric (3V60L0562C).

Heater capacity Pump capacity Weight Pipe conn. Dimensions [mm]

[kW] [m³/h] [kg]

50 Hz 60 HZ In/outlet A B C D E

18 11 13 95 DN40 1250 900 660 240 460

22.5 11 13 100 DN40 1050 720 700 290 480

27 12 13 103 DN40 1250 900 700 290 480

30 12 13 105 DN40 1050 720 700 290 480

36 12 13 125 DN40 1250 900 700 290 480

45 12 13 145 DN40 1250 720 755 350 510

54 12 13 150 DN40 1250 900 755 350 510

72 12 13 187 DN40 1260 900 805 400 550

81 12 13 190 DN40 1260 900 805 400 550

108 12 13 215 DN40 1260 900 855 450 575

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 9-13

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide 10. Combustion Air System

10. Combustion Air System

10.1 Engine room ventilation

To maintain acceptable operating conditions for the engines and to ensure trouble free operation
of all equipment, attention to shall be paid to the engine room ventilation and the supply of
combustion air.
The air intakes to the engine room must be located and designed so that water spray, rain
water, dust and exhaust gases cannot enter the ventilation ducts and the engine room. For
the minimum requirements concerning the engine room ventilation and more details, see the
Dual Fuel Safety Concept and applicable standards.
The amount of air required for ventilation is calculated from the total heat emission Φ to
evacuate. To determine Φ, all heat sources shall be considered, e.g.:
● Main and auxiliary diesel engines
● Exhaust gas piping
● Generators
● Electric appliances and lighting
● Boilers
● Steam and condensate piping
● Tanks
It is recommended to consider an outside air temperature of no less than 35°C and a
temperature rise of 11°C for the ventilation air.
The amount of air required for ventilation (note also that the earlier mentioned demand on 30
air exchanges/hour has to be fulfilled) is then calculated using the formula:


qv = air flow [m³/s]

Φ = total heat emission to be evacuated [kW]

ρ = air density 1.13 kg/m³

c = specific heat capacity of the ventilation air 1.01 kJ/kgK

ΔT = temperature rise in the engine room [°C]

The heat emitted by the engine is listed in chapter Technical data.

The engine room ventilation air has to be provided by separate ventilation fans. These fans
should preferably have two-speed electric motors (or variable speed). The ventilation can then
be reduced according to outside air temperature and heat generation in the engine room, for
example during overhaul of the main engine when it is not preheated (and therefore not heating
the room).
The ventilation air is to be equally distributed in the engine room considering air flows from
points of delivery towards the exits. This is usually done so that the funnel serves as exit for
most of the air. To avoid stagnant air, extractors can be used.

Wärtsilä 34DF Product Guide - a16 - 23 September 2016 10-1

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

ANEXO II: Carácterísticas de las bombas de los sistemas

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David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

ANEXO III: Características del compresor de aire de


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ese motivo, Atlas Copco nunca deja de buscar
nuevas formas de innovación, impulsado por
su afán de satisfacer y superar las expectativas
de los clientes. Trabajando siempre con usted,
nos comprometemos a proporcionarle la solución
de aire personalizada que sea el motor impulsor
de su negocio.

Nuestro compromiso es mejorar su

productividad a través de la interacción
y la innovación.

First in Mind—First in Choice®

Rendimiento fiable de alta calidad
¿Busca una solución de aire comprimido de alto rendimiento y duradera
para su aplicación industrial específica? Diseñados cuidando hasta el mínimo
detalle, los compresores de aire de la serie L de Atlas Copco destacan por
su fiabilidad excepcional y mantenimiento mínimo. Al incorporar tecnología
de última generación, la serie L genera las temperaturas de funcionamiento
más bajas de la industria a la vez que ofrece aire de calidad extraordinaria.


• Diseño de automoción y materiales de alta Al ser uno de los primeros diseños, los compresores
calidad para un rendimiento y una vida útil de pistón se encuentran entre los más versátiles y
extraordinariamente larga. de mayor rendimiento. Puntos fuertes:

• Fiabilidad excepcional para aplicaciones • Gracias a su diseño sencillo y robusto y al

industriales de trabajos pesados. principio de funcionamiento, los compresores de
pistón son la mejor solución cuando se necesita
• Tiempo de inactividad reducido gracias
aire comprimido en las más duras condiciones.
a un servicio rápido y sencillo.
• Mantenimiento sencillo gracias a piezas fácilmente
• Amplio alcance de producto para adaptarse
accesibles para realizar el servicio.
a sus necesidades exactas.
• Sin necesidad de un tratamiento especial
• Caudal fiable de aire comprimido directamente
(separación de aceite) ni filtrado de aceite
al punto de uso.
ya que no hay contacto directo con éste.
• Instalaciones compactas gracias a la
• Mayor fiabilidad y vida útil gracias al menor riesgo
refrigeración óptima, el diseño de aluminio
de formación de condensado.
y el accionamiento directo.
• Los compresores de pistón pueden funcionar
• Uso independiente o fácil integración en su
en un amplio rango de presiones de trabajo.
producto OEM (Fabricante de equipo original).
La presión máxima de trabajo de la serie L
de Atlas Copco es de 30 bar (435 psi).
Alcance de suministro estándar
La serie L es el mejor producto de la amplia gama de compresores
de pistón Atlas Copco. La gama L tiene los mejores pistones del
mercado debido a la combinación exclusiva de larga vida útil,
fiabilidad y rendimiento en una unidad compacta y ligera.

4 3 12


1 Cilindros de estilo automovilístico de aleación de aluminio con alto

contenido de silicio y un acabado de bajas tolerancias que permite una
lubricación extraordinaria, unas holguras extremadamente bajas y un 8
arrastre de aceite mínimo.
2 Accionamiento directo: sin pérdidas por transmisión.

3 Válvulas de disco de entrada/salida: exclusivas y de fácil servicio,

las válvulas son discos anulares flexibles de acero inoxidable.


4 Ventilador de refrigeración: ventilador de alta capacidad en una

cubierta de protección, que proporciona una refrigeración directa óptima
de los cilindros y de los refrigeradores posterior e intermedio.


5 Refrigerador posterior/refrigerador intermedio: refrigerador

combinado de salida de aleación de aluminio y tubería del refrigerador
posterior de cobre aleteado para unidades de una etapa, y refrigerador
intermedio adicional para unidades de dos etapas.

Larga vida útil del compresor

6 Filtro de aspiración de aire: filtro de entrada de aire de gran superficie y

fácil de sustituir, reduce los contaminantes y prolonga la vida del compresor.

7 Rodamientos de bolas para trabajos pesados: seleccionados para

servicio intenso y una larga vida útil.
8 Cárter y culatas con aletas de aleación de aluminio: poseen unas
excelentes características de refrigeración, el cárter y las culatas
proporcionan una larga vida útil y un funcionamiento eficaz.

9 Válvula antirretorno o válvula de descarga industrial: diseñadas

para resistir condiciones extremas y altas presiones de trabajo.
La válvula de descarga se utiliza junto con un arrancador Y/D y un motor
especial para reducir el par de arranque. El resultado es una mayor vida
del compresor y del motor así como un esfuerzo limitado de su
suministro eléctrico.

10 Silenciador de aspiración del tipo Venturi: bajo nivel sonoro garantizado.

11 Silenciador: utilizado en unidades con válvula de descarga. El nivel

sonoro se mantiene bajo en todo momento.

12 Diseño en V del bloque compresor: el cigüeñal equilibrado
dinámicamente y el robusto ventilador de fundición reducen la vibración.


 Respiradero del cárter en LE y LT

 LF: la solución definitiva de pistón exento de aceite

Principio de funcionamiento
El compresor mueve un pistón en el interior de un cilindro a través de una biela y un cigüeñal.

Compresión en 1 etapa (LE y LF): Regulación eléctrica:

El aire filtrado se introduce en ambos cilindros a través de La regulación eléctrica estándar tiene lugar por medio de un
la válvula de aspiración. El pistón es impulsado a través de presostato que arranca/para el compresor a las presiones
la biela fijada al cigüeñal equilibrado. El aire se comprime en preajustadas. Todas las unidades también se suministran
el cilindro que sale a través de la válvula de salida cuando con un relé de sobrecarga. En los modelos estándar, las
se alcanza la presión requerida de 10 bar (145 psi). culatas se despresurizan siempre si la unidad se detiene a
través del presostato. En las unidades con arranque directo,
Compresión en 2 etapas (LT): esto se realiza a través de la válvula de descarga neumática
El aire filtrado se introduce en un solo cilindro. Este cilindro situada en el interior de la caja del presostato. Las unidades
de baja presión alimenta al segundo cilindro (de alta presión) con arranque Y/D se suministran con válvula de descarga
que aumenta la presión hasta alcanzar el nivel requerido de 15, industrial y válvula solenoide para despresurizar las culatas
20 ó 30 bar (218, 290 ó 435 psi). Entre las 2 etapas, un tanto en la parada como en el arranque de la unidad. El
refrigerador intermedio reduce la temperatura de compresión, arranque del compresor sin contrapresión, junto con el
dando como resultado una mayor eficiencia de compresión. motor especial Y/D, reduce drásticamente la intensidad de
arranque. Es necesario un armario eléctrico para gestionar el
Disposición de accionamiento: funcionamiento del motor entre estrella y triángulo a fin
La disposición estándar es el accionamiento directo con motor de controlar la válvula de descarga industrial. Para más
eléctrico. Sin embargo, el bloque compresor también detalles, consulte la información general del modelo.
puede ser accionado directamente por un motor hidráulico,
un motor diesel o de gasolina, y se encuentra disponible un
kit para disposición de accionamiento por correa.

Función Función de Regulación de Interruptor Protección Relé con Indicador del

CV kW antirretorno descarga presión On/off contra temporizador Y/D temporizador
DOL 2-7,5 1,5-5,5 CV Presostato N/A N/A

Y/D 5,5-20 4-15 UV Presostato Armario eléctrico

Aire versátil para numerosas aplicaciones
Tanto si elige una unidad estándar o una diseñada específicamente para
las necesidades de su OEM, la gama L de Atlas Copco ofrece la solución
más compacta y fiable para una gran variedad de aplicaciones. Desde
cañones de nieve, aire de arranque para embarcaciones hasta aplicaciones
ferroviarias, los compresores de la serie L le ofrecen una flexibilidad
excepcional, el mayor alcance de productos y una duración máxima.


El bloque compresor que está acoplado directamente al motor
se fabrica utilizando materiales ligeros de la industria automovi-
lística que proporcionan unas excelentes características de
refrigeración: ideal para integración cuando el espacio es limita-
do. Todos los compresores de la serie L tienen una configuración
de 2 cilindros en V que proporciona unos bajos niveles de
vibración en todos los tamaños, mientras que el respiradero
del cárter (tanto en LE como en LT) garantiza que en el cárter
no se genere aire que contenga aceite.

Con el respaldo de décadas de experiencia en una gran
variedad de industrias específicas como la naval o la ferroviaria,
Atlas Copco puede ofrecer soluciones de aire comprimido
como la gama L de compresores que incluye la certificación de
los organismos de clasificación oficiales.


En casi todas las aplicaciones, la contaminación del suministro para proporcionar un aire de la mejor calidad y satisfacer
de aire puede ocasionar una merma seria del rendimiento las crecientes demandas de calidad, con un coste razonable
y aumentar los costes de mantenimiento en términos de para aquellas aplicaciones que no permiten la presencia
reparaciones y pérdida de productividad. El innovador de aceite.
compresor LF exento de aceite de Atlas Copco está concebido
Diseñada para soportar un uso continuo en entornos industriales de trabajos pesados,
la gama L de Atlas Copco incluye todo lo que necesita para dotar a su sistema de
una fuente fiable de aire comprimido de alta calidad. Gracias a la prolongada vida útil
y el bajo mantenimiento, los costes de funcionamiento y el tiempo de parada se
reducen al mínimo absoluto.


Gracias a su diseño único y robusto y a la combinación de • Diseñado empleando herramientas e instalaciones de
materiales de la industria automovilística, el compresor L tecnología punta.
ofrece un mayor rendimiento y una vida más prolongada. El
• Basado en años de extensa labor de investigación y desarrollo.
mantenimiento es sencillo y los componentes y puntos de
servicio son fácilmente accesibles. Los costes operativos son • Fabricado con los métodos de producción más avanzados de
limitados y las averías prácticamente se han eliminado, la industria.
garantizando la continuidad de su producción. La gama de
compresores de pistón L se prueba empleando los métodos
más rigurosos de la industria. Puede sentirse tranquilo en todo
momento: se llevan a cabo estrictos procedimientos de
certificación y prueba para garantizar que el aire suministrado
cumpla las normas más exigentes de control de calidad. Para
reducir aún más cualquier tipo de contaminación dentro de
su proceso y proteger sus equipos, Atlas Copco presenta una
gama completa de filtros y secadores de aire comprimido.


Como proveedor de soluciones, Atlas Copco está comprometido con usted como cliente OEM
y con su cliente final. Garantizamos la calidad de sus soluciones de aire comprimido a través
de la interacción e innovación en cualquier parte del mundo. Nuestra presencia en el mercado
postventa y nuestra gama de productos está diseñada para añadir el máximo valor para nuestros
clientes, garantizando una disponibilidad y fiabilidad óptimas de sus equipos de aire comprimido
con los costes de explotación más bajos posibles. Ofrecemos esta garantía de servicio completa
a través de nuestra extensa organización postventa, en línea con nuestra filosofía de líder
mundial en aire comprimido.
Satisfacemos sus necesidades específicas
En Atlas Copco ofrecemos la gama de productos más amplia gama completa de compresores L entre los que elegir, podrá
de la industria para ayudarle a conseguir el sistema más satisfacer sus necesidades específicas y optimizar al mismo
eficiente de aire comprimido. Tanto si trabaja en una gran tiempo su proceso de producción.
planta de producción o en un entorno pequeño, con una


Compresor alternativo lubricado con aceite de una sola etapa diseñado funcionar a una presión
máxima de 10 bar (145 psi) y con capacidades de 3,4 a 31,7 l/s a 50 Hz; 8,3 a 78,8 cfm a 60 Hz.


Compresor alternativo lubricado con aceite de dos etapas diseñado para funcionar a una presión
máxima de 15, 20 ó 30 bar (218, 290 o 435 psi) y con las siguientes capacidades:
15 bar (218 psi): de 3,1 a 11,7 l/s a 50 Hz; 7,6 a 23,1 cfm a 60 Hz.
20 bar (290 psi): de 2,1 a 18,0 l/s a 50 Hz; 5,7 a 44,3 cfm a 60 Hz.
30 bar (435 psi): de 2,5 a 17 l/s a 50 Hz;e 6,6 a 41,7 cfm a 60 Hz.

Compresores alternativos de una etapa exentos de aceite, diseñados para funcionar a una presión de
trabajo máxima de 10 bar (145 psi) y con capacidades de 3,1 a 15,5 l/s a 50 Hz; 7,6 a 38,6 cfm a 60 Hz.

Versatilidad óptima
Los compresores de la gama L exentos de aceite y lubricados usuarios finales. Están disponibles como unidades “base”,
están disponibles en diferentes variantes para satisfacer con la posibilidad de añadir numerosas opciones estándar,
las necesidades específicas de un amplio abanico de para adaptarse a los requisitos de cada aplicación.

 L Bloque
El corazón del compresor L es un bloque compresor de aluminio al estilo de la
industria automovilística, ligero y compacto, diseñado para ofrecer el mejor
rendimiento. Junto con la disposición de accionamiento directo, convierte al
bloque compresor L en la solución perfecta para aplicaciones OEM. Siguiendo el
arrancador recomendado y la regulación de arranque/parada*, el bloque L está
disponible con conexión simple, válvula antirretorno o válvula de descarga
industrial conectada a la tubería del refrigerador posterior del bloque.

 L Unidad moto-compresor
En una unidad moto-compresor, el bloque compresor L se acciona directamente
con un motor eléctrico IP55/aislamiento clase F. Hay disponibles varios motores
tanto para arranque directo como para arranque Y/D. El arranque directo se puede
combinar con una válvula antirretorno simple (S) o con una válvula antirretorno
industrial (CV). El arranque Y/D es habitual en unidades de 4 kW (5,5 CV) y siempre
se combina con una válvula de descarga industrial (UV). En las versiones con
unidad moto-compresor el alcance de suministro para unidades de arranque
directo contiene un presostato (con interruptor on/off, protección contra sobrecarga
y válvula de descarga), suministrados por separado. En las versiones con unidad
moto-compresor Y/D, sólo se incluye la válvula solenoide, no el presostato ni el
armario eléctrico.
 L montado sobre bancada
Con variante montada sobre bancada, la unidad moto-compresor L está disponible
montada sobre bastidor con regulación de conexiones para el arranque/parada
de la unidad. Además, se montan una manguera flexible y un manómetro para
conectar la unidad montada sobre bancada al consumidor o a la red de aire.
Las unidades montadas sobre bancada siempre se suministran con válvula
antirretorno industrial o válvula de descarga, no con la válvula antirretorno simple.
Las unidades con arranque Y/D se suministran con armario eléctrico. Éste contiene
un transformador para la tensión de mando de 230/1 si el voltaje de la unidad
<> 230/1, 230/3 o 400/3/50. Para 400/3/50 se supone que hay disponible una línea
neutra de la red eléctrica.

 Unidad completa L
En el modelo de unidad completa L, se monta sobre el depósito una unidad
de potencia.
Los tamaños de depósito estándar son:
1,5 - 4 kW (2 - 5,5 CV): 90 litros
4 - 15 kW (5,5 - 20 CV): 250 litros
Opciones: 250 - 475 litros

Los depósitos están disponibles con diferentes homologaciones: CE, ASME, SQL,
MOM, AS1210. Diríjase a la persona de contacto para obtener más información
acerca de las homologaciones que están disponibles para cada depósito.

 L Full Feature
En la versión Full Feature, se monta sobre el depósito un secador frigorífico de
Atlas Copco.

Tamaños del depósito:

1,5 - 4 kW (2 - 5,5 CV): 250 litros
4 - 7,5 kW (5,5 - 10 CV): 475 litros

Las versiones Full Feature están disponibles de 1,5 a 7,5 kW (de 2 a 10 CV).

 L Transportable
Se trata de unidades de potencia montadas sobre un bastidor especial con 2 depósitos
integrados de 10 litros, ruedas y barra elevadora. Debido al reducido volumen del
depósito, las unidades transportables pueden funcionar en modo de descarga
utilizando una válvula de pilotaje especial.

Las unidades L transportables están disponibles con motor eléctrico

(1,5 - 15 kW / 2 - 20 CV) y con motor de gasolina
(2,2 - 7,5 kW / 3 - 10 CV).

* Arrancador recomendado y regulación de arranque/parada:

DOL + válvula antirretorno simple 1,5 - 2,2 kW / 2 - 3 CV Máximo 15 bar (218 psi)
DOL + válvula antirretorno industrial 4 - 5,5 kW / 5,5 - 7,5 CV
Y/D + válvula de descarga industrial 4 - 15 kW / 5,5 - 20 CV
Moto- Sobre Unidad Full Transpor-
LF LE LT Bloque
compresor bancada completa Feature table

Cubierta insonorizada
(no se puede combinar con un filtro de • • • • •
aspiración para trabajos pesados)

El interruptor de nivel de aceite bajo cierra

• • • • • • • •
el contacto (NA) / abre el contacto (NC)

Filtro de aspiración para trabajos pesados • • • • • • •

Secador de adsorción CD de Atlas Copco • • • •

Purga de drenaje neumática • • • • •

Purgador electrónico con temporizador • • • • •

Drenaje interetapas • • • • • • •

Elemento calentador + termistores en

• • • • • • • •
bobinados del motor

Kit de ruedas (en depósito de 90/250 litros) • • • •

Actualización del depósito de 250-475 litros • • • • •

Depósito vertical de 250 litros (LE 2-5) • • • • •

Cubierta insonorizada
 Filtro de aspiración para trabajos pesados
 Purgador electrónico con temporizador

Están disponibles kits de servicio y aceite Atlas Copco para mantenimiento específico en compresores alternativos.
Deben respetarse los intervalos de servicio predefinidos para lograr un funcionamiento continuo sin problemas y una prolongada vida útil.
Especificaciones técnicas
Fad a presión de trabajo Fad a presión de trabajo
Presión máxima de Potencia instalada
normal y 1500 rpm normal y 1800 rpm Nivel sonoro dB(A)**
trabajo* recomendada
(50 Hz) (60 Hz)
Tipo de
compresor Montado
Sin insono-
bar(e) psig l/s m3/min cfm l/s m3/min cfm kW CV sobre bancada,
10 Bar Lf
LF 2-10 10 145 3,1 0,19 6,6 3,6 0,22 7,6 1,5 2 82/84 67/69
LF 3-10 10 145 4 0,24 8,5 4,6 0,28 9,7 2,2 3 83/85 68/70
LF 5-10 10 145 8,2 0,49 17,4 9,1 0,55 19,3 4 5,5 83/85 68/70
LF 7-10 10 145 11 0,66 23,3 12 0,72 25,4 5,5 7,5 84/86 72/74
LF 10-10 10 145 15,5 0,93 32,8 18,2 1,1 38,9 7,5 10 86/88 74/76
10 Bar Le
LE 2-10 10 145 3,4 0,2 7,2 3,9 0,23 8,3 1,5 2 78/80 63/65
LE 3-10 10 145 4,4 0,26 9,3 5,1 0,31 10,8 2,2 3 79/81 64/66
LE 5-10 10 145 8,4 0,5 17,8 9,7 0,58 20,6 4 5,5 79/81 64/66
LE 7-10 10 145 11,7 0,7 24,8 13,6 0,82 28,2 5,5 7,5 80/82 68/70
LE 10-10 10 145 15,7 0,94 33,3 18,2 1,04 38,6 7,5 10 81/81 68/69
LE 15-10 10 145 23,9 1,43 50,7 28,7 1,70 60,8 7,5 10 89/90 78/78
LE 20-10 10 145 31,7 1,90 67,2 37,2 2,26 78,8 7,5 10 88/89 76/78
15 Bar Lt
LT 2-15 15 218 3,1 0,19 6,6 3,6 0,22 7,6 1,5 2 78/80 63/65
LT 3-15 15 218 4,0 0,25 8,5 4,7 0,28 10 2,2 3 79/81 64/66
LT 5-15 15 218 6,7 0,4 14,2 7,9 0,47 16,7 4 5,5 79/81 64/66
LT 7-15 15 218 9,2 0,56 19,5 10,9 0,65 23,1 5,5 7,5 80/81 68/70
LT 10-15 15 218 11,7 0,7 24,8 - - - 7,5 10 81/-- 68
20 Bar Lt
LT 2-20 20 290 2,1 0,13 4,5 2,7 0,16 5,7 1,5 2 78/80 63/65
LT 3-20 20 290 2,9 0,17 6,1 3,6 0,22 7,6 2,2 3 79/81 64/66
LT 5-20 20 290 5 0,3 10,6 6,3 0,38 13,3 4 5,5 79/81 64/66
LT 7-20 20 290 6,7 0,4 14,2 8,4 0,5 17,8 5,5 7,5 80/82 68/70
LT 10-20 20 290 9,1 0,55 19,3 13,6 0,82 28,8 7,5 10 81/83 68/70
LT 15-20 20 290 15,1 0,91 29,1 17,7 1,06 37,5 11 15 86/89 75/83
LT 20-20 20 290 18 1,08 38,1 20,9 1,25 44,3 15 20 86/88 78/81
30 Bar Lt
LT 3-30 30 435 2,5 0,15 5,3 3,1 0,19 6,6 2,2 3 79/81 64/66
LT 5-30 30 435 4,4 0,26 9,3 5,5 0,33 11,7 4 5,5 79/81 64/66
LT 7-30 30 435 6,4 0,38 13,6 8 0,48 17 5,5 7,5 80/82 68/70
LT 10-30 30 435 8,5 0,51 18 - - - 7,5 10 81/-- 68/--
LT 15-30 30 435 9,3 0,56 19,7 11,1 0,67 23,5 11 15 85/89 76/85
LT 20-30 30 435 17 1,02 36 19,7 1,18 41,7 15 20 86/88 80/83

* Rendimiento de las unidades medido de acuerdo con ISO 1217, Ed. 3, Anexo C-1996.
** Nivel sonoro medio medido a una distancia de 1 m de acuerdo con el código de
prueba ISO 2151/Pneurop/Cagi PN8NTC2; tolerancia 3 dB(A).

Condiciones de referencia:
• Presión absoluta de entrada 1 bar (14,5 psi).
• Temperatura de aire de entrada y de refrigerante 20ºC, 68ºF.

FAD medido a las presiones de trabajo siguientes:

• Versiones de 10 bar a 7 bar.
• Versiones de 15 bar a 12 bar.
• Versiones de 20 bar a 20 bar.
• Versiones de 30 bar a 30 bar.

Tamaño del depósito: versiones de 10, 15 y 20 bar (218, 290 y 435 psi):
90, 250 y 475 litros (24, 66 y 125 galones USA)

Tensiones estándar disponibles:

50 Hz: monofásico 230 V, trifásico 230, 400, 500 V
60 Hz: monofásico 230 V, trifásico 230, 460, 380, 575 V
Para ser su primera opción y elección (First in Mind—
First in Choice®) en todas sus necesidades de aire
comprimido, Atlas Copco le ofrece productos y servicios
que le ayudarán a aumentar la eficacia y rentabilidad de
su negocio.

Atlas Copco nunca deja de buscar nuevas formas de

innovación, pensando en la fiabilidad y eficiencia que
necesitan los clientes. Trabajando siempre con usted, nos
comprometemos a proporcionarle la solución de aire de
calidad personalizada que sea el motor impulsor de
su negocio.

2935 4846 47 – Impreso en Bélgica – Sujeto a modificaciones sin previo aviso.

No utilice nunca el aire comprimido como aire respirable sin purificarlo

previamente, de acuerdo con la legislación y las normas locales.

David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

ANEXO IV: Características del LNGPac.


With LNG becoming increasingly Wärtsilä introduced the LNGPac in is, therefore, required. Furthermore, the
viable and popular as a marine 2010. It comprises a complete system compact design and increased integration
fuel, Wärtsilä continues to develop for LNG fuel handling, including the of components makes installation at the
technical solutions that facilitate bunkering station, the LNG tank and tank shipyard faster and easier.
this trend. The latest Wärtsilä connection space, process equipment, Development of the LNGPac is the result
developments in this field involve the heating media skid, and the control of Wärtsilä’s extensive experience and
an upgraded version of its LNGPac and monitoring system. It is a unique technical leadership in gas propulsion, as
system which features: system, and with more than 20 LNGPac well as its comprehensive in-house know-
systems in operation or on order, it is how concerning all aspects of the vessel’s
• Efficient space utilisation proving to be a valuable enabler for LNG machinery, fuel gas handling system, and
• Fewer interfaces as a marine fuel. By upgrading the system ship design. By removing the intermediate
• Reduced CAPEX & OPEX into a more compact and technically heating media skid and its pumps, and
• Increased reliability advanced version, safety and reliability by directly utilising the engine’s cooling
• Maximised LNG storage volume. will be enhanced, while the capital and water, less interfaces and installation work
operating expenditures (CAPEX & OPEX) is required. With less electrical consumers
will be reduced. The new system has we are making the ship even more
fewer moving parts and less maintenance environmentally friendly.
The Wärtsilä gas valve unit (GVU) is a interfaces since the amount of electrical
module located between the LNG storage cabling from the tank connection space
system and the dual-fuel (DF) engine. to the external switchboards can be
It is used to regulate the gas pressure significantly reduced.
and ensure a safe disconnect of the Wärtsilä’s cold recovery solution,
gas system should that be necessary. which enables the cold energy from the
By combining the LNGPac and the GVU LNG to be utilised by the ship’s HVAC-
into a single, fully integrated system, system, has also been simplified. In the
considerable space can be saved and a new cold recovery system Wärtsilä is able
relatively simple ‘plug and play’ solution to directly connect the ship’s HVAC (or
will save installation time and costs for the other refrigeration systems) to the tank
yard. connection space and thus remove a
The airlock has previously been kept as complete heating media circuit consisting
a separate room allowing passage into the of heat exchangers, valves and pumps.
tank hold space. This setup has taken up Today, Wärtsilä is recognized as a
unnecessary floor space and also caused leader in propulsion solutions for gas
the entire tank hold space to become a fuelled vessels, and has led the way
hazardous area when access to the tank in developing a complete value chain
connection space has been needed. In the of systems, solutions and bunkering
new LNGPac the airlock is integrated into arrangements – both onboard and
the tank connection space. This reduces shore-based – to accelerate the use
the footprint, increases safety, and makes of environmentally sustainable and
the installation for the yard much easier. economically competitive LNG fuel. These
In addition to the airlock, the control latest developments further strengthen
cabinet has also been integrated into the Wärtsilä’s commitment to ensuring better
tank connection space. This innovation economic and environmental performance
The Wärtsilä GVU-EDTM (gas valve unit - enclosed design)
results in a dramatic reduction of for the marine sector.
Printed 08/2014 CA

WÄRTSILÄ® is a registered trademark. Copyright © 2014 Wärtsilä Corporation.

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.


David Dopico Saavedra Remolcador de puerto y de altura. Propulsión dual

ANEXO V: Plano de la cámara de máquinas.


1 : 100 UNE A-3

DIBUJADO David Dopico Saavedra 2015/2016 PROYECTO


Vº Bº

Raul Villa Caro Disposición de la cámara de máquinas
1 DE 1


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