Vibroapisonador BELLE RT-50
Vibroapisonador BELLE RT-50
Vibroapisonador BELLE RT-50
La sección “Descripción de la máquina” le permitirá familiarizarse con la disposición y
los comandos de la máquina.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 2 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
APRENDA a emplear con seguridad los comandos de la máquina y lo que se debe hacer
para lograr un mantenimiento seguro.
Uso De Este Manual ............................................................................................................ 2
Aviso .................................................................................................................................. 3
Descripción De La Máquina ................................................................................................ 4
Medioambiente .................................................................................................................... 4
Datos Técnicos .................................................................................................................... 5
Seguridad General .......................................................................................................... 6 - 7
Sanidad Y Seguridad ...................................................................................................... 7 - 8
Uso Previsto ........................................................................................................................ 8
Chequeos De Seguridad Antes Del Arranque .................................................................... 8
Procedimiento De Arranque Y Parada ......................................................................... 9 - 10
Operación .......................................................................................................................... 11
Resolución De Problemas ................................................................................................. 12
Servicio Y Mantenimiento ........................................................................................... 12 - 13
Almacenar Durante Ucho Tiempo ..................................................................................... 14
Piezas De Recambio ......................................................................................................... 14
Garantía ............................................................................................................................. 15
Notas ................................................................................................................................ 30
Certificado De Conformidad .............................................................................................. 31
Belle Group se reserva el derecho de alterar las especificaciones sin previa notificación ni obligación alguna.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 3 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Description De L’appareil
Eliminación apropiada.
Instrucciones para la protección del medioambiente.
La máquina contiene materiales valiosos. Lleve la máquina descartada y sus
accesorios a un taller de reciclado apropiado.
Componente Material
Manillar Acero
Zapata de apisonamiento Contrachapado y Acero
Aislador de caucho Acero y caucho
Fuelles Uretano
Cárter del cigüeñal Aluminio
Tapa del cárter Aluminio
Engranajes Acero
Motor Aluminio y Acero
Piezas varias Acero y aluminio
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 4 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Datos Técnicos
Modelo RT50
Peso de la máquina 54Kg (119.1 lbs)
Dimensiones totales (LxAxAl) 705 x 380 x 990mm
Tamaño zapata de apisonamiento (AnxL) 350 x 332mm
Frecuencia 650 ~ 700 v.p.m.
Nivel de ruido 89 dB(A)
Vibración en 3 planos 5.51 M/Sec2
Tiempo de uso 123 Mins
Tipo y modelo Fuji Heavy Industry Ltd. : Robin EH09D
Tipo 4 Stroke, OHV, Air Cooled Gasoline/Petrol
Potencia del motor 1.4Kw (1.9PS) / 3,600 rpm
Tipo carburante Unleaded Gasoline / Petrol
Capacidad 2.0 Litres
Nivel de ruido : Nivel de presión de sonido medida sobre arena con piedra pequeña, 1,2 m del suelo
y 1 m de distancia de la apisonadora.
Nivel de vibraciones : Valor medio máximo del nivel de vibración en parte alta del manillar al
compactar arena con lodo.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 5 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Seguridad General
Para su propia protección y la de aquellos que le rodean, lea y aprenda bien la siguiente
información relativa a los aspectos de seguridad.
El operador es responsable de asegurar que sabe operar bien, y con toda seguridad, este
Si tiene dudas sobre el uso correcto y seguro de la máquina ´RT´, consulte con su
supervisor o con Belle Group: +44 (0)1246 473232
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 6 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Seguridad General
Seguridad del carburante
Los carburantes son inflamables. Pueden causar lesiones personales y
daños materiales. Apague el motor, extinga todas las llamas desnudas y
no fume mientras llena el tanque de carburante. Elimine siempre todo
AVISO vestigio de carburante derramado.
Sanidad Y Seguridad
Algunas de las vibraciones producidas por la máquina al operar son transmitidas por el
manillar a las manos del operador. La gama RT de Belle Group ha sido diseñada
específicamente para reducir los niveles de vibración a manos/brazos. Véanse las
especificaciones y datos técnicos donde se indican los niveles de vibración y los tiempos
de uso (tiempos máximos recomendados de exposición diaria). NO DEBEN EXCEDERSE
los tiempos máximos de uso recomendados.
Equipos de protección personal (EPP)
Se deben llevar equipos adecuados de protección personal, por ejemplo, gafas de
seguridad, guantes, protectores del oído, caretas antipolvo y calzado con punteras de
Lleve ropa adecuada para el trabajo en curso. Sujete debidamente el cabello largo y
quítese todo artículo de joyería que pudiera agarrarse con las partes móviles de la
El proceso de compactación producirá a veces polvo que puede ser perjudicial para la
salud. Lleve siempre una careta apropiada para el tipo de polvo producido.
El aceite y el combustible usados por esta máquina pueden causar los siguientes riesgos:
• Envenenamiento si se inhalan los vapores del combustible o del aceite.
• Alergias si se derrama combustible o aceite sobre la piel.
• Incendios y explosiones si se manipula el combustible o el aceite cerca de lugares
donde se fume o haya fuego sin protección.
No ingiera carburante ni inhale los vahos del mismo, y evite que entre en contacto con la
pìel. Lave inmediatamente toda salpicadura de carburante. Si le entra carburante en los
ojos, láveselos con abundante agua y consulte un médico lo antes posible.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 7 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Sanidad Y Seguridad
Humos de escape.
Los humos de escape producidos por este equipo son muy tóxicos e
incluso pueden matar.
Uso Previsto
Esta máquina está destinada para la preparación de bancadas, superficies de
aparcamiento, fundaciones, bordillos y calzadas. También se puede emplear para obras
de reparación de calles, carreteras y/o aceras.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 8 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Procedimiento De Arranque Y Parada
1 2 4
5. Agarre bien con una mano el manillar de control, y, con la otra, la palanca del
arranque. Tire de la palanca de arranque hasta sentir la resistencia del motor, luego
6. Tire de la palanca de arranque con fuerza pero sin que se salga completamente la
correa de arranque.
7. Repítalo hasta que se encienda el motor.
8. Una vez encendido el motor, ponga gradualmente la palanca de regulación en la
posición de CIERRE.
9. Deje funcionar el motor en ralentí durante unos minutos para que se caliente.
10. Mueva rápidamente la palanca de aceleramiento a la posición ´H´ - alta velocidad –
para impedir que se averíe el embrague. La posición “Aceleramiento Total” queda
predeterminada en fábrica para alcanzar el rendimiento óptimo de la máquina.
6 8 10
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 9 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Procedimiento De Arranque Y Parada
Las revoluciones máximas óptimas del motor son establecidas en fábrica y son:
Las revoluciones máximas indicadas arriba son el número de encendidos por minuto.El
motor GX120K1 para RT66 y RT74 tiene la relación 17/16 para los engranajes finales, y el
número de encendidos/minuto es diferente del número de rotaciones del eje de toma de
potencia del motor.
NO altere el reglaje, de hacerlo se podrán producir vibraciones irregulares o averías en el
mecanismo de transmisión, lo cual dará lugar a la cancelación automática de las
garantías del motor y de la máquina.
12 14
15 16
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 10 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Cuando sea necesario utilizar equipos de levantamiento para posicionar la RT, verifique y
confirme que no estén dañados o agrietados los aisladores de caucho del manillar de
operación. Si lo están, recámbielos antes de tratar de levantar la máquina. Además,
asegúrese que el equipo de levantamiento tenga un límite de carga de trabajo adecuado
para el peso de la RT (véase el gráfico de especificaciones, página 6, o la placa de
características de la máquina). Coloque cadenas o eslingas adecuadas UNICAMENTE en
el punto de izaje situado en la parte superior del manillar de operación de la apisonadora
• Siempre desconecte el motor antes de transportarlo, moverlo de lugar a lugar o
• La altura del manillar de operación puede ajustarse dentro del rango 850 ~ 880 mm.
Desapriétense los 3 pernos de cada lado de la base del manillar de operación, y
reapriétense a la altura deseada del manillar. Nótese que cuando el manillar está
puesto muy alto, se transmitirán vibraciones excesivas por el manillar.
Al transportar o almacenar la máquina, colóquese, si es posible, en posición vertical. Si es
necesario colocarla sobre un lado, no debe ponerse NUNCA de manera que el filtro de
aire esté hacia abajo. De lo contrario, el aceite del cilindro podrá entrar en la cámara de
combustión o en el filtro de aire, lo cual producirá dificultades al intentar arrancar la
máquina. Si se deja la máquina inclinada hacia adelante (con la tapa del cárter de la
apisonadora hacia abajo), el aceite del motor no debería derramarse ni en el cilindro ni en
el filtro de aire del motor. Aun así, si el motor todavía está caliente, cualquier derrame de
combustible en el motor podrá causar un incendio. Antes de almacenar la máquina,
espere hasta que esté totalmente fría. La máquina adaptada con un rodillo de transporte
en el manillar de operación puede cargarse y descargarse fácilmente en un vehículo.
Incline la máquina hacia adelante hasta que el rodillo de transporte toque el piso del
vehículo. Levante la parte inferior de la máquina, por medio de la agarradera provista en
la zapata de apisonamiento, y empuje hacia adelante para cargar la máquina en el
vehículo. Durante el transporte, se debe amarrar bien la máquina y colocarse en posición
vertical, si es posible. Para descargar la máquina, incline la máquina hacia adelante hasta
que el rodillo de transporte toque el piso. Luego, levante un poco la parte inferior de la
máquina y sáquela fuera lentamente, tirando de ella.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 11 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Resolución De Problemas
Problema Causa Remedio
Motor no arranca. Sin carburante. Abra el tapón de carburante.
Llene el tanque de
Motor apagado. Encienda el motor.
Bujía sucia. Limpie, verifique y regule la
separación de la bujía.
Elemento del filtro de aire está sucio. Limpie el elemento.
Casquete de bujía está suelto Apriételo firmemente a la
Motor aún no arranca. Avería importante. Contacte agente o Belle
Motor marcha pero no ´salta´. Falta de potencia en el motor. Ver la Tabla
Embrague resbala. Desmonte embrague y limpie
el conjunto con solvente
Zapata de embrague desgastada. Zapata de embrague
Mecanismo cigüeñal está averiado. Contacte agente o Belle
Servicio Y Mantenimiento
Las máquinas de la gama RT de Belle Group están concebidas para proporcionar muchos
años de funcionamiento sin ningún problema. Es importante, sin embargo, realizar
regularmente el simple mantenimiento indicado en esta sección.
Se recomienda que todo el mantenimiento de importancia y las reparaciones sean
encargados a un agente de Belle Group. Se deben utilizar siempre piezas de recambio
Belle Group genuinas, el empleo de piezas espurias podrá dar lugar a la anulación de la
garantía. Antes de llevar a cabo el mantenimiento de la máquina, apague el motor. Si se
trabaja en una máquina con motor de gasolina, desconecte el cable de AT de la bujía.
Coloque siempre la apisonadora sobre terreno plano para poder leer correctamente los
niveles de fluídos. Utilice únicamente los aceites recomendados (véase la tabla
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 12 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Servicio Y Mantenimiento
Mantenimiento : Cada 8 horas o a diario.
1. Compruebe que no hayan pernos y tuercas sueltos. Apriételos bien, si es necesario.
2. Compruebe y limpie el elemento del filtro de aire, lubrique el elemento según las
recomendaciones del fabricante del motor. Si las condiciones de operación son muy
polvorientas y severas, la limpieza del elemento de filtro debería realizarse más
3. Verifique el nivel del aceite del cárter del motor y rellénelo, según sea necesario.
Compruebe el nivel del aceite del cilindro apisonador de conformidad con lo indicado a
- Asegúrese que la máquina no ha funcionado durante los últimos 10 minutos.
- Coloque la máquina sobre superficie nivelada y saque el tapón de aceite.
- La superficie superior del aceite debe verse apenas por debajo del borde inferior del
agujero del tapón de relleno. Rellénelo, si es necesario.
GX120K1AR Motor:
La capacidad de 400 cm3 es la cantidad de aceite después del desmantelamiento. La
cantidad de aceite ordinario es 300 cm3.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 13 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Almacenar Durante Mucho Tiempo
Si se debe almacenar durante mucho tiempo, vacíe el combustible del carburador
haciendo funcionar la máquina con el tapón de combustible en posición cerrada.
Piezas De Recambio
Al ordenar piezas de recambio debe tenerse a mano la siguiente información.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 14 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
La nueva compactadora apisonadora ‘RT’ lleva una garantía para el comprador original
con una validez de un año (12 meses) a partir de la fecha original de compra.
1. Daños causados por el abuso, mal uso, caída u otros daños similares causados por o
como resultado del incumplimiento de las instrucciones de ensamblaje, operación o
mantenimiento por parte del usuario.
2. Las alteraciones, adiciones o reparaciones efectuadas por personas ajenas a Belle
Group o a sus agentes reconocidos.
3. Los costos de transporte o embarque a y de Belle Group o sus agentes reconocidos,
para la reparación o evaluación de una máquina al amparo de una reclamación contra
la garantía.
4. Los costos de materiales y mano de obra relacionados con la renovación, reparación
o recambio de componentes por desgaste normal.
Escriban a:
Belle Group Chesterfield Warranty Department,
Speedwell Industrial Estate,
Derbyshire S43 3PG,
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 15 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
How To Use This Manual
This manual has been written to help you operate and service the RT safely. This manual
is intended for dealers and operators of the RT.
The ‘Machine Description’ section helps you to familiarise yourself with the machine’s
layout and controls.
The ‘Environment’ section gives instructions on how to handle the recycling of discarded
apparatus in an environmentally friendly way.
The ‘General Safety’ and ‘Health and Safety’ sections explain how to use the machine to
ensure your safety and the safety of the general public.
The ‘Start and Stop Procedure’ helps you with starting and stopping the machine.
The ‘Trouble Shooting’ guide helps you if you have a problem with your machine.
The ‘Service & Maintenance’ section is to help you with the general maintenance and
servicing of your machine.
The ‘Replacement Parts’ section shows you the detailed components of your machine
and the relevant part numbers if the need arises to replace any parts.
The ‘Warranty’ Section details the nature of the warranty cover and the claims procedure.
The ‘Declaration of Conformity’ section shows the standards that the machine has been
built to.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 16 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Before you operate or carry out any maintenance on this machine YOU
MUST READ and STUDY this manual.
KNOW how to safely use the unit’s controls and what you must do for safe maintenance.
(NB Be sure that you know how to switch the machine off before you switch on, in case
you get into difficulty.)
ALWAYS wear or use the proper safety items required for your personal protection.
If you have ANY QUESTIONS about the safe use or maintenance of this unit,
How to use this manual ..................................................................................................... 16
Warning ............................................................................................................................. 17
Machine Description .......................................................................................................... 18
Environment ....................................................................................................................... 18
Technical Data ................................................................................................................... 19
General Safety ............................................................................................................ 20 - 21
Health and Safety ....................................................................................................... 21 - 22
Intended Use ..................................................................................................................... 22
Pre-Start Safety Checks .................................................................................................... 22
Start & Stop Procedure ............................................................................................... 23 - 24
Operation ........................................................................................................................... 25
Trouble Shooting Guide ..................................................................................................... 26
Service & Maintenance ............................................................................................... 26 - 27
Long Term Storage ............................................................................................................ 28
Replacement Parts ............................................................................................................ 28
Warranty ............................................................................................................................ 29
Notes ................................................................................................................................ 30
Declaration of Conformity .................................................................................................. 31
Belle Group reserves the right to change machine specification without prior notice or obligation.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 17 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Machine Description
Safe Disposal
Instructions for the protection of the environment.
The machine contains valuable materials. Take the discarded apparatus and
accessories to the relevant recycling facilities.
Component Material
Handle Steel
Ramming Shoe Plywood and Steel
Rubber Isolators Rubber and Steel
Bellows Urethane
Crankcase Aluminium
Crankcase Cover Aluminium
Gears Steel
Engine Steel and Aluminium
Various Parts Steel and Aluminium
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 18 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Technical Data
Model RT50
Machine Weight 54Kg (119.1 lbs)
Overall Dimensions (LxWxH) 705 x 380 x 990mm
Ramming Shoe Size (WxL) 350 x 332mm
Frequency 650 ~ 700 v.p.m.
Noise Level 89 dB(A)
3 Axis Vibration 5.51 M/Sec2
Usage Time 123 Mins
Make and model Fuji Heavy Industry Ltd. : Robin EH09D
Type 4 Stroke, OHV, Air Cooled Gasoline/Petrol
Rated Output 1.4Kw (1.9PS) / 3,600 rpm
Fuel Unleaded Gasoline / Petrol
Fuel Tank Capacity 2.0 Litres
Starting Recoil Starter
Noise Level : Measured sound pressure level on sand with small stone, 1.2m from ground
and 1m distance from the tamper.
Vibration Level : Maximum mean value of vibration level in upper part of handle when
compacting sand with mud.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 19 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
General Safety
For your own personal protection and for the safety of those around you, please read and
ensure you fully understand the following safety information. It is the responsibility of the
operator to ensure that he/she fully understands how to operate this equipment safely. If
you are unsure about the safe and correct use of your RT, consult your supervisor or Belle
Group of companies.: +44 (0)1246 473232
• This machine must only be used for its intended purpose. This machine must be
operated only by well trained personnel.
• The owner of this machine must observe, and train the user of the machine to observe,
the effective Labour Protection Regulation in the country of application.
• This equipment is heavy and must not be lifted single-handedly, either GET HELP or
use suitable lifting equipment.
• This machine must be operated on ground where stability is guaranteed. When
working near the rim of excavated trenches, use the machine properly so that the
machine may not collapse or fall down.
• Cordon off the work area and keep members of the public and unauthorised personnel
at a safe distance.
• Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn by the operator whenever this
equipment is being used (see Health & Safety).
• Make sure you know how to safely switch this machine OFF before you switch it ON in
case you get into difficulty.
• Always switch OFF the engine before transporting, moving it around the site or
servicing it.
• During use the engine becomes very hot, allow the engine to cool before touching it.
• Never leave the engine running and unattended.
• Never remove or tamper with any guards fitted, they are there for your protection.
Always check guards for condition and security, if any are damaged or missing, DO
NOT USE THE RT until the guard has been replaced or repaired.
• Do not operate the RT when you are ill, feeling tired, or when under the influence of
alcohol or drugs.
• This machine is designed to eliminate th epossible risks arasing from its use. However,
risks DO reside, and these residual risks are not clearly recognisable and may cause
personal injury, property damage and possible death. If such unpredictable and
unrecognisable risks become apparent, the machine must be stopped immediately,
and the operator or his supervisor must take the appropriate measures to eliminate
such risks. It is sometimes necessary for the manufacturer to be informed of such an
event for future counter measuring.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 20 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
General Safety
Fuel Safety
Fuel is flammable. It may cause injury and property damage. Shut down
the engine, extinguish all open flames and do not smoke while filling the
WARNING fuel tank. Always wipe up any spilled fuel.
Suitable PPE must be worn when using this equipment i.e. Safety Goggles, Gloves, Ear
Defenders, Dust Mask and Steel Toe capped footwear.
Wear clothing suitable for the work you are doing. Tie back long hair and remove any
jewellery which may catch in the equipment’s moving parts.
The compaction process can produce dust, which may be hazardous to your health.
Always wear a mask that is suited to the type of dust being produced.
Oil and fuel used in this machine may cause the following hazards.
• Poisoning if the fuel or oil vapour is inhaled.
• Allergies if the fuel or oil spills on the skin.
• Fire and explosion if the fuel and oil is handled near smoking or open fires.
Do not ingest fuel or inhale fuel vapours and avoid contact with your skin. Wash fuel
splashes immediately. If you get fuel in your eyes, irrigate with copious amounts of water
and seek medical attention as soon as possible.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 21 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Health & Safety
Exhaust Fumes
The exhaust fumes produced by this equipment are highly toxic and can
Do not operate the compactor indoors or in a confined space, make sure the work area is
adequately ventilated.
Intended Use
This machine is intended for base preperation, driveways, foundations, curbs, and
footings. It can also be used for repair work on streets, highways and/or sidewalks/
Pre-start Checks
Pre start-up inspection
The following Pre-start-up inspection must be performed before the start of each work
session or after every four hours of use, whichever is first. Please refer to the service
section for detailed guidance. If any fault is discovered, the RT must not be used until the
fault is rectified.
5. Check that the air filter is clean. Excessive dust/dirt accumulation within the filter
element will cause erratic engine operation. Clean the air filter element when it is
contaminated (See Maintenance section).
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 22 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Start & Stop Procedure
3. Set the speed control lever to the STARTING position (Halfway between HIGH and
LOW position).
1 2 4
5. Taking a firm hold of the Operating handle with one hand, grasp the recoil starter
handle with the other, Pull the recoil starter handle until engine resistance is felt, then
let starter return.
6. Taking care not to pull the starters rope fully out, pull the starter handle briskly.
8. Once the engine fires gradually set the choke lever to the OPEN position.
9. Let the engine run at idle for a few minutes to warm up.
10. After the engine has warmed up, the machine is ready for operation.
11. Move the throttle lever to the high speed ‘H’ position quickly to prevent damage from
occuring to the clutch. The ‘Full Throttle’ position of this machine has been preset at
the factory to achieve optimum machine performance.
6 8 10
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 23 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Start & Stop Procedure
NOTICE: The optimum maximum engine revolution has been set at the factory as follows:
The Max rpm as shown above is the number of ignitions per minute. GX120K1 engine for
RT66 and RT74 have the final gears at the ration of 17/16, and the number of ignitions per
minute is different from the number of rotations of the engines Power Take-Off Shaft.
DO NOT alter this setting since irregular vibration or damage to the gear
transmission mechanism can result, and both engine and machine
CAUTION warranties will be automatically voided.
12. With the engine running in the full throttle position, the machine will move forward and
compact loose ‘lifts’
13. In preparation for stopping the engine, move the throttle lever to the LOW position.
12 14
15. Set the engine switch to the OFF position. Do not touch the HOT engine part at this
17. Pull the recoil starter slowly until you feel resistance. Then release your hand from the
starter knob to set it back to its original position. This will prevent any air or humidity
from entering into the cylinder.
15 16
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 24 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Where it is necessary to use lifting equipemnt to position the RT, check and confirm that
the rubber isolators on the operation handle is not damaged or cracked. If they are
cracked or damaged, replace the rubber isolators before attempting to lift the machine.
Also make sure that the lifting equipment has a WLL (Working Load Limit) suitable for the
RT’s weight (See specification chart on page 5 or the machine number plate). Attach
suitable chains or slings ONLY to the lifting point on top of the RT’s operating handle.
• NEVER leave the engine running whilst transporting or moving the RT, even if it is only
a short distance.
• The height of the operating handle can be adjusted within the range of 850 ~ 880 mm.
Loosen three bolts at each side of the operating handles base, and retighten them at
the desired handle height. Note, that when the handle is set too high, excessive
vibration may be transmitted through the handle.
Having carried out the checks listed in the ‘pre-start’ section, you may start the
The Belle Group RT range of tampers are fitted with a centrifugal clutch, thisallows the
engine to run at idle without driving the crank mechanism. As the engine speed is
increased the clutch will engage and the engine will drive the crank mechanism.
• To avoid damage to the centrifugal clutch, move the throttle lever quickly from the L to
H position. For correct operation, the engine speed should be set to maximum.
• Avoid operating the machine on a fully compacted, hard, or non-yielding surface.
Otherwise, the gear transmission mechanism will be damaged, and the life of the
machine will be greatly reduced.
• When working in a narrow trench, if the ramming shoe should get caught between the
walls of the trench, the rammer may miss-strike and can be severly damaged. The
ramming shoe may especially be damaged severely.
• Make certain that the rammer is steered only by using the handle grip. It should only
be pushed. The rammer must not be pressed into the materials being compacted.
Excessive pressure on the operating handle will lead to the unsatisfactory compaction
due to the fact that the jumping action is hindered.
When transporting or storing the machine, place the machine in an upright position if at all
possible. Should the machine be required to be laiod down, NEVER attempt to lay the
machine in a manner that the air cleaner faces downwards. Otherwise, the oil in the
cylinder may get into the combustion chamber or in the air cleaner, which may result in
starting difficulties. Laying the machien forwards (The crankcase cover of the rammer
facing downwards) may not cause any spill of the engine oil into the cylinder or air cleaner
of the engine. However, if the engine is still hot, spilt fuel on the engine may cause fire.
Lay the machine after the machine is completely cooled.
The machine fitted with the transporting roller on the operating handle may be easily
loaded to and unloaded from a vehicle. Tilt the machien forwards until the transporting
roller touches the floor of the vehicle. Lift the lower part of the machine using the grab
handle provided at the ramming shoe, and push forward to load the machine. During
transportation, the machine should be tied firmly, and placed in an upright position if at all
possible. To unload the machine, tilt the machine forward, until the roller touches the floor.
Slightly lift the lower part of the machine, and pull the machine out.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 25 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Trouble Shooting Guide
Problem Cause Remedy
Engine will not start No fuel Fill Fuel Tank
Fuel Tap has been closed Open fuel tap.
Engine turned OFF Turn engine ON
Spark Plug contaminated / Damaged Replace spark plug.
Faulty Carburettor Service the Carburettor
Engine stops suddenly, See Above See Above
or stops when the engine
rpm is increased.
Main jet of the Carburettor being Take out the main jet of the
clogged with dirt Carburettor and clean with
Compressed air.
Air filter element dirty Clean the element.
Spark plug cap is loose Tightly fit cap to plug.
Engine runs, but machine Lack of engine power See above.
does not produce impact.
Clutch is slipping Dismantle clutch assembly,
Clean shoe and drum with
proper solvent. Replace
clutch shoe if necessary.
Crank mechanism is damaged Contact Dealer.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 26 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Service & Maintenance
Maintenance : Every 8 hours or daily.
1. Check for loose bolt and nuts, retighten if necessary.
2. Check and clean air filter element, re-lube the element according to the engine
manufacturer’s recommendations. If operating conditions are unusually dusty and
severe, filter element cleaning should be done more frequently.
3. Check oil level in crankcase of engine and replenish as necessary. Check oil level in
the ramming cylinder as per following procedures.
- Make sure that the machine has not been run in the last 10 minutes.
- Set the machine on a level surface and remove the oil plug.
- The top surface of the oil must be seen just below the lower rim of the hole for oil plug.
Replenish as necessary.rpm is increased.
NOTICE: Care should be taken not to overfill the ramming cylinder with oil. Overfilling will
cause excessive load on the engine, which may result in poor or irregular vibration.
GX120K1AR Engine:
Capacity of 400cm3 is the quantity of oil after dismantling. Quantity of ordinary oil change
is 300cm3.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 27 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Long Term Storage
For long term storage, empty the fuel in the carburettor by running the engine with the fuel
tap being closed.
Clean the base plate and apply a light coating of oil to prevent
rust formation.
Replacement Parts
When ordering replacement parts please make sure you have the following information
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 28 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Your new Belle Group Rammer Tamper is warranted to the original purchaser for a period
of one-year (12 months) from the original date of purchase.
The following are not covered under the Belle Group warranty:
1. Damage caused by abuse, misuse, dropping or other similar damage caused by or as
a result of failure to follow assembly, operation or user maintenance instructions.
2. Alterations, additions or repairs carried out by persons other than Belle Group or their
recognised agents.
3. Transportation or shipment costs to and from Belle Group or their recognised agents,
for repair or assessment against a warranty claim, on any machine.
4. Materials and/or labour costs to renew, repair or replace components due to fair wear
and tear.
Belle Group and/or their recognised agents, directors, employees or insurers will not be
held liable for consequential or other damages, losses or expenses in connection with or
by reason of or the inability to use the machine for any purpose.
Warranty Claims
All warranty claims should firstly be directed to Belle Group, either by telephone, by Fax,
by Email, or in writing.
Write to:
Belle Group Chesterfield Warranty Department,
Speedwell Industrial Estate,
S43 3PG.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 29 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Notas / Notes
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 30 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Directiva sobre maquinaría de la C.E
EC Machinery Directive
Por la presente certificamos que la maquinaria relacionada a continuación cumple con todas las
estipulaciones correspondientes de la Directiva sobre Maquinaría de la C.E. y de las leyes y
reglamentos nacionales que amparan la adopción de esta Directiva. Las modificaciones realizadas
en la maquinaría sin la previa aprobación del suscritor anularán esta declaración.
We hereby certify that the machinery stipulated below complies with all the relevant provisions of the
EC Machinery Directive and the National Laws and Regulations adopting this Directive. Modifications
to the machine without prior approval from the undersigned will render this declaration null and void.
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 31 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual
Belle Group Chesterfield UK
Speedwell Industrial Estate
Staveley, Chesterfield
Derbyshire. S43 3PG GB
+44(0)1246 473232
+44(0)1246 474296
RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Manual Del Operario 32 RT50 / RT66 / RT74 Operators Manual