Van Haaren Investigation Cementeries
Van Haaren Investigation Cementeries
Van Haaren Investigation Cementeries
5.1 Aims of the Investigation 8
5.2 Exhumation 8
5.3 Drilling and Core Sampling 8
5.4 Groundwater Sampling and On-Site Chemical Analysis 9
5.5 Pore-water extraction Extraction by Centrifugation 10
5.6 Moisture Contents 10
5.7 Chemical Analysis 11
5.8 Microbial Analysis 11
6.1 Summary of Samples Obtained and Analyses Performed 12
6.2 Analysis of Grave Cuts 13
6.3 Pore-water Chemistry in Core Samples 14
6.3.1 Analytical results 14
6.3.2 Inorganic components and TOC 15
6.3.3 Organic Constituents 21
6.4 Groundwater Chemistry 22
6.4.1 Analytical results 22
6.4.2 Major components 22
6.4.3 Trace Components 23
6.4.4 Organic compounds 23
6.5 Microbiology 23
6.6 Summary of Results 24
7.1 Flow in the Unsaturated Zone 24
7.2 Major Components in the Unsaturated Zone 25
7.2.1 Geochemical modelling 26
7.2.2 Source of the inorganic species 26
7.2.3 Redox sensitive species 26
7.3 Composition of Pore-water and Groundwater 27
7.3.1 Major inorganic components 27
7.3.2 Trace components 27
7.3.3 Organics 28
7.3.4 Microbiology 28
1. Composition of 70 kg adult male (after Forbes, 1978)
2. Composition of groundwater beneath a cemetery in the Netherlands (after van Haaren
3. Results of soil analysis from site investigation reports.
4. Groundwater preservation and analysis scheme
5. Gravimetric moisture content of core samples (% wt/wt)
6. Summary of samples obtained and analyses performed.
7. Summary of analysis performed on grave cut samples.
8. Results of organic analysis of pore-water
9. Results of GCMS analysis of groundwater samples
10. Results of microbiological analysis on pore-water samples.
11. Sequence of redox reactions in a closed system(after Stumm and Morgan, 1981)
1. Location map showing position of Carter Gate Cemetery and investigation boreholes
2. Geological map of Nottingham with rest water levels in m AOD (after Charsley 1990).
3. Volumetric moisture content in cores from boreholes
4. Piper diagram for pore-water from cores from borehole NIR1
5. Stiff plot comparing pore-water and groundwater samples
6. Pore-water profiles for NH4, NO3, TOC & Mn in cores from borehole NIR1
7. Pore-water profiles for Ca, Mg, Na, K, SO4 & Cl in cores from borehole NIR1
8. Piper diagram for pore-water from cores from borehole NIR2
9. Pore-water profiles for Ca, Na, Mg, K, SO4 & Cl in cores from borehole NIR2
10. Pore-water profiles for NH4, NO3, TOC & Mn in cores from borehole NIR2
11. Piper diagram for pore-water from cores from borehole NIR3
12. Pore-water profiles for Ca, Na, Mg, K, SO4 & Cl in cores from borehole NIR3
13. Piper diagram for groundwater from boreholes NIR1, NIR2 and NIR 3
14. Solutes and VFAs released from a 75 Kg body normalised to NH4 (after Vass 1992)
compared with unsaturated zone pore-water from borehole NIR1normalisd to SO4.
15. Model of NH4 transport in the unsaturated zone.
16. Model of conservative species transport in the unsaturated zone.
1. Dando drilling rig
2. Comparison of the material from the grave cut (right) and core material from the
unsaturated zone (left) in borehole NIR1
1a. Inorganic pore-water composition of grave cut material
1b Solid phase analysis of grave cut material
2a Results of pore-water analysis of core from borehole NIR1
2b Results of pore-water analysis of core from borehole NIR2
2c Results of pore-water analysis of core from borehole NIR3
3a Results of analysis of groundwater from borehole NIR1,NIR2 and NIR3.
3b. Results of organic analysis of groundwater from borehole NIR1,NIR2 and NIR3.
The co-operation of Nottingham City Council and the considerable help provided by Mr Nick
Brown of Gleeds Management Services, Mr Gordon Young, Nottingham City Archaeologist
and by Mr Forbes Marston and colleagues of John Samuels Archaeological Consultants, are
gratefully acknowledged. Thanks are extended to several colleagues at BGS including Dr
Ben Klinck and Pat Coombs, and to Dr Rob Ward of the Environment Agency’s National
Groundwater and Contaminated Land Centre for helpful discussions
The impact of a 19th century cemetery called "Carter Gate" on groundwater in the underlying
Triassic Sandstones aquifer has been determined directly by drilling three boreholes after
exhumation of the graves. Pore-water in the unsaturated zone beneath the graves contains
high concentrations of Calcium (Ca), Sodium (Na), Magnesium (Mg) and Potassium (K) with
Sulphate (SO4) and Chloride (Cl), in ratios which are inconsistent with the known
composition of a human body and solutes released from graves. The inorganic solutes are
probably derived from contaminated material deposited, or effluents discharged, above the
graves. Despite this extraneous contamination, the pore-water profiles are thought to provide
evidence of migration of grave derived material. Immediately below the graves a dark-
coloured zone (called the “grave cut”) occurs containing elevated concentrations of
phosphorous, calcium, copper and zinc. The unsaturated pore-water profiles in one borehole
contains peaks of Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Manganese (Mn) and Ammonium (NH4) up
to 2–3 m below the grave level. The Mn is thought to result from reductive dissolution of the
Triassic Sandstones due to biodegradation of organic material leached from the graves, and is
coincident with the TOC peak. The NH4 is reported to be a major solute from graves and is
thought to be retarded in its migration relative to conservative species such Na, Cl, SO4.
These are also likely to have been released from the graves but probably migrated through
the unsaturated zone within a period of 20 years.
Anthropogenic organic compounds which were not available industrially when the cemetery
was in use, are found in the unsaturated and saturated zones. Coliform bacteria were found at
the water table but the associated concentrations of Boron (B) and Phosphorous (P) suggests
that they could be from a leaking sewer. Because of time constraints, it was not possible to
carry out a detailed microbiological study, but all boreholes contained microbial numbers
similar to those in uncontaminated groundwater.
The study confirms that this cemetery no longer presents a source of contamination, but
suggests that, by comparison with the ammonium peak, the maximum impact of inorganic
solutes and volatile fatty acids on groundwater was probably minimal.
In order to provide guidance on the risks to groundwater from the burial of humans or animal
carcasses, the Environment Agency commissioned a study of the pollution potential of
cemeteries, initially through a review of the literature. While this review was underway, a
19th century cemetery called "Carter Gate" was exposed during building development in the
centre of Nottingham, and has provided an opportunity to determine directly the impact of an
old cemetery on groundwater quality in the underlying Triassic Sandstones aquifer.
Jointly funded by the British Geological Survey and the Environment Agency, this
investigation took place within two weeks in August 1998 when access was possible after the
graves had been exhumed, and before building commenced.
The investigation entailed drilling three boreholes in the area cleared of graves, to obtain
cores of the underlying strata and samples of groundwater from the aquifer. Pore-water
obtained by centrifuging the cores, and groundwater samples were analysed for inorganic
and, in selected samples, for organic constituents. Because of time constraints, limited
microbiological characterisation was carried out only on the groundwater samples. The
material immediately surrounding the skeletal remains (referred to as the "grave cut") was
also collected for solid phase and pore-water analysis.
A review of the literature dealing with the pollution potential of cemeteries has recently been
carried out on behalf of the Environment Agency (Young et al., 1998). In general there have
been very few published investigations into the hydrogeological impact of graveyards and no
UK studies are known.
The composition of the human body and its fate when buried has been described by a number
of researchers e.g. van Haaran (1951) and, more recently, by Forbes (1987) who quotes the
elemental composition of an average human body (Table 1).
The decay of a corpse has been reported by Reed (1958) who classified four stages of
decomposition - fresh, bloated, decay and dry - although the decay stage is often sub-divided
to active and advanced. While the rate of decay will be affected by various factors such as
temperature, depth of burial and rainfall, complete decay after burial at depth commonly
occurs within twelve years.
Table 1. Composition of 70 kg adult male (after Forbes, 1978)
Polson and Marshall, (1975) reported that while body tissues begin to decompose within a
few hours after death an adult body takes ten to twelve years to decay fully when buried in
ordinary soil, leaving just the skeleton which comprises 10 – 20 % of the original body
weight. Putrefaction occurs due to bacterial action and autolysis (the destruction of body
cells by their own enzymes). Evidence is given by Corry (1978) that putrefaction occurs
progressively due to the presence of a number of different organisms. The majority of these
organisms are found in the intestine, and many are pathogenic and associated with water-
borne diseases. Pathogenic viruses and protozoa have also been found in corpses.
Pacheco et al., (1991) investigating the bacteriological quality of groundwater in the vicinity
of graveyards reported proteolytic and lipolytic bacteria, (which are associated with the
process of decomposition), faecal streptococci, sulphate reducing clostridia and in one case
salmonella in samples from three cemeteries. Dent and Knight, (1998) reported pathogenic
bacteria in groundwater at a number of Australian cemeteries.
Van Haaran (1951) described a high salinity plume in shallow groundwater below a
graveyard in the Netherlands (Table 2), while Knight and Dent (1995) identified a high
salinity leachate plume containing elevated concentrations of chloride, nitrate, nitrite,
ammonium, orthophosphate, iron, sodium, potassium and magnesium near active cemeteries
in Australia. They detected elevated concentrations of these species in pore-waters from the
unsaturated zone and reported slightly elevated concentrations of copper and zinc close to the
Apart from the human remains, an additional source of contamination arises from the use of
embalming fluids to preserve corpses. Embalming originated in Egypt in about 3200 BC, but
modern day embalming developed from the need to preserve bodies for anatomical dissection
(Mayer, 1996). Preservatives, including saltpetre, pitch or resin, camphor, cinnamon,
alcohol, arsenous oxide and mercuric chloride, have been in use since the 17th century, but
current embalming practice uses formaldehyde.
3.1 Location
The cemetery covers an area of 3500 m2, and is situated in the grounds of the Nottingham Ice
Centre, to the east side of the Lace Market area in the City of Nottingham. It lies between
Lower Parliament Street and Bellar Gate, National Grid Reference SK 579 398 (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Location map showing position of Carter Gate Cemetery and investigation
Crown copyright. All rights reserved
The site lies in an historically important area of the City, where remains of defences dating
from an early Anglian settlement (c. AD 650-850), surround a sandstone hill later to become
known as St Mary's Hill (John Samuels Archaeological Consultants, 1998). The area under-
went three periods of occupation prior to the Norman Conquest, including that of the Late
Saxon borough recorded in the Doomsday Book. Following the Norman Conquest, a French
community developed around Nottingham Castle built by William the Conqueror in 1067 to
the west of the borough. Nottingham thus became a town of two boroughs. The English
borough was centred around St Mary's Church which, founded in Saxon times, was rebuilt in
1175 and again between 1375 and 1475.
In 1155 Nottingham was granted a Charter by Henry II which recognised it as an ancient
borough and granted it the privilege of holding a market on Fridays and Saturdays. In 1449
Nottingham's population had risen to some 3000 and Henry VI granted the city its Great
Charter. By the early 19th century many of the town houses on St Mary's Hill were replaced
by factories associated with the lace trade, and the area subsequently became known as the
Lace Market, which at one time, was the largest lace-making centre in the world.
Prior to 1850 most large lace manufacturers did not own their own machines and were not in
reality lace makers. The Lace Market was simply used for warehousing, finishing and sales.
Textiles were primarily a "cottage industry" in which workers owned or hired their machines
and worked at home in living rooms and bedrooms. Later they rented "standings" in large
factory premises. However, with the development of lace making machines Nottingham's
lace industry expanded in the second half of the 19th century. In 1890 about 17,000 people
were employed in 500 lace factories and massive ornate warehouses were built often with
impressive centrally-placed entrances that resembled huge town houses.
The lace industry eventually declined after the First World War and many of the warehouses
were subdivided and let to small textile firms paying minimal rents. Lack of maintenance led
to very run down conditions by the 1960s. The present day Lace Market is a thriving retail,
leisure and residential area although many of the original warehouses remain, some still
involved in the textile industry. Industries close to the Carter Gate at the present time include
Transport (Bartons Bus depot); Chemical and pharmaceutical production, (The Boots
Company, Knoll Pharmaceuticals) and Energy Production (Energy Centre, Yorkshire
Environmental Solutions Ltd, Eastcroft Incinerator).
Apart from St Mary's Churchyard, the parish had three supplementary burial grounds before
the cholera epidemic of 1832, all situated in the Barker Gate area. The Nottingham cholera
epidemic was the worst outbreak in the East Midlands with 930 cases and 330 deaths and
there is a report that cholera victims were buried at Carter Gate. Walker, (1991) describes a
large pit in the centre of a cemetery where uncoffined bodies were interred in heaps.
However, there is some confusion over the names of the cemeteries at this time and during
exhumation no evidence for mass graves was found. A fourth burial ground was established
during this period outside the town limits and it is likely that this was used for the majority of
cholera victims. Opened in 1813, Carter Gate was used until 1875 by which time the area
had become extensively developed with back-to-back housing, leaving Carter Gate the only
substantial open area within the conurbation. Some time after the cemetery closed, the grave
stones were removed and the site landscaped with trees and paths (Kinsley et al., 1996). In
1938 the Nottingham Ice Rink was built, and some time between 1952 and 1962 Carter Gate
Cemetery was covered over and used as a car park.
4.1 Geology
The geology and hydrogeology of Nottingham are described by Charsley et al., (1990).
Carter Gate Cemetery site lies on the Sherwood Sandstone Group of the Triassic, which is
made up of the Lenton Sandstone Formation overlain by the Nottingham Castle Sandstone
Formation. The latter formation is well exposed in the crag below Nottingham Castle (NGR
SK 569 394) and is composed of buff to pale red brown sandstone with subordinate
conglomerate, siltstone and mudstone. Situated just north of the alluvial tract of the River
Trent, the site does not contain drift deposits. A variable layer of top soil (made ground) up
to 1 m thick overlies unconsolidated sands which extend to about 4 m bgl and grade into
harder sandstone below. The unconsolidated sands probably represent the weathered surface
of the Nottingham Castle Formation.
Because of the relative ease by which the Triassic Sandstones can be excavated, there are
numerous man-made caves beneath Nottingham (Owen and Walsby, 1989). Over 400 have
been identified. Many date back to medieval times, and have been used for a variety of
purposes including water wells, cess-pits, storage areas, hiding places, breweries, tanneries,
underground passageways and bomb shelters. Several exist in the vicinity of the Carter Gate
cemetery (Figure 1).
4.2 Previous Investigations at Carter Gate
Prior to the demolition and rebuilding of the Nottingham Ice Rink in 1998, geotechnical
investigations and an archaeological study of the site were commissioned by Nottingham
City Council.
Mini Soil Surveys (MSS) carried out geotechnical investigations in August 1996, and Allied
Exploration and Geotechnics Ltd (AEG) extended these in April and May 1998. Mini Soil
Surveys drilled 14 boreholes to depths of up to 4.6 m bgl to evaluate the thickness of made
ground and to probe for contamination. Allied Exploration and Geotechnics Ltd excavated
two trial pits and drilled three boreholes by percussion and rotary methods to intercept the
water table.
The boreholes and trial pits revealed a variable thickness of made ground consisting of brown
gravelly sand, the gravel containing ash, sandstone, foundry slag and brick. The Sherwood
Sandstone was found to be weathered to depths of 5.5 m. Soil samples were analysed and
results are given in Table 3.
John Samuels Archaeological Consultants undertook a desk survey and were subsequently
responsible for the systematic recording and exhumation of about 1,100 graves (John
Samuels Archaeological Consultants, 1999).
4.3 Hydrology and Hydrogeology
Hydrogeologically, the Sherwood Sandstone forms a major aquifer in the area and has been
extensively developed for public and private water supply. Rainfall in Nottingham amounts
to about 635 mm a-1 and actual evaporation averaged over the Trent Basin is approximately
482 mm a-1 (Downing et al., 1970). Thus infiltration is likely to be about 153 mm a-1.
Figure 2. Geological map of Nottingham with rest water levels in m AOD (after Charsley et
al 1990). Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.
The Nottingham Groundwater Unit (Charsley op. cit.) has an estimated resource of 19 Ml/d.
In 1989, licensed abstractions amounted to 22 Ml/d but actual abstractions were only 14
Ml/d. Rest water level contours within Nottingham (Figure 2) show that the water table
beneath the site is around 25 m above ordnance datum (AOD) with a hydraulic gradient of
0.004 to the south-south-east. Based on a porosity of about 24% and a hydraulic conductivity
of 0.5 m.d-1 for the Triassic Sandstones (Young et al., 1994), this would give an average flow
rate in the sandstone of about 0.008 m.d-1 (or 3 m.a-1). However, local pumping may have a
profound effect on these rest water conditions and the rate and direction of groundwater
movement could be significantly different from those suggested by the rest water contours.
Groundwater quality in the Sherwood Sandstone Group is generally good but high nitrate
concentrations occur beneath Nottingham as a result of leaking sewers (Barrett et al., 1997).
5.1 Aims of the Investigation
The investigation focused on obtaining core material from the unsaturated and saturated
zones beneath the graves, from which pore-water could be obtained and analysed to produce
geochemical depth profiles. These, and analysis of groundwater taken directly from the
boreholes, would be used to assess the degree of contamination from the cemetery. Drilling
only took place after exhumation of the graves. The original intention was to obtain a
background "uncontaminated" profile through the unsaturated zone outside the cemetery, but
this was not possible due to access restrictions and the danger posed by man-made caves
5.2 Exhumation
Three boreholes were drilled at the locations shown in Figure 1. Boreholes NIR1 and NIR3
were in areas of high grave density while borehole NIR2 was located where the grave density
was relatively low. BB Drilling of Nottingham were contracted to drill and core three
boreholes to obtain continuous samples to approximate 3 m below the water table. A tractor
mounted rotary rig (Dando 250) with integral air compressor, was used (Plate 1). To avoid
contaminating the cores during drilling, no fluids apart from air were introduced into the
borehole unless unavoidable for progress. In the unconsolidated sand (to depths of between 6
and 7 m bgl), samples were collected using a 15 cm diameter dry sampler. The more
consolidated sandstone below was collected in rigid plastic core liners. All core liners were
sealed immediately upon collection and, each night, were transferred into cold storage at 4°C.
Because of the weathered nature of the sandstone, full core recovery was not always
achieved, particularly in borehole NIR2 where no samples were collected from the saturated
Plate 1. Dando Drilling Rig
Groundwater samples were collected on intercepting the water table and after reaching total
depth in boreholes NIR1 and NIR3. Groundwater was collected using a Teflon bailer
cleaned with Decon 90 and rinsed with de-ionised water between sampling to avoid cross-
contamination. Temperature, pH, electrical conductivity (EC), redox potential (Eh) and
dissolved oxygen concentration (DO2) were determined on the unfiltered bulk sample using
calibrated ion selective electrodes and colorimetric field techniques. Alkalinity was
determined using a 25 ml filtered aliquot of sample titrated with 0.1 M H2SO4 to the
bromocresol green end-point using a Hach portable titrator. Ammonium was determined on-
site using Quantofix ammonium test sticks. Samples for laboratory determinations were
filtered through 0.45 µm cellulose acetate membrane filters prior to preservation. The
samples were kept in a cold box in the field and transferred each evening to cold storage.
The methods of sample preservation and analysis are given in Table 4.
Blank samples were also collected. These included a sample blank, consisting of laboratory
deionised water collected in the bailer, filtered and preserved in the same way as the other
samples, and a deionised water blank analysed without any handling, filtration or
Table 4. Groundwater preservation and analysis scheme
5.5 Pore-water extraction Extraction by Centrifugation
Pore-water from cores recovered from the unsaturated and saturated zones was obtained by
drainage centrifugation, a technique which has been widely applied to the extraction of pore-
waters from unsaturated materials (Edmunds and Bath, 1976). The core material was crushed
to approximately pea-sized fragments and transferred immediately to a previously weighed
centrifuge bucket consisting of an upper sample holder above a detachable collecting cup
separated by a glass-fibre filter mounted on a perforated titanium disk. The buckets were
capped to prevent evaporative loss during centrifugation and balanced to a tolerance of ±0.1
g. Samples were spun at 14,000 rpm for 30 minutes at 10°C using a MSE High Speed 25
centrifuge. Pore-water was collected from the sampling cup and filtered through a 0.45 µm
membrane prior to preservation for chemical analysis as in Table 4. Because of the small
volumes of pore-water collected, it was not always possible to carry out a complete chemical
5.6 Moisture Contents
Moisture contents were determined by drying the core samples at 105°C to constant weight
(Table 5). The gravimetric water content was converted to a volumetric water content
assuming an average porosity of 0.24 and a grain density of 2,650 kg m-3 for the sandstone
using the formula:
volumetric moisture content = gravimetric moisture content (1-θ) ρg
where θ = porosity
ρg = grain density
5.7 Chemical Analysis
Groundwater and pore-water samples were analysed for major and trace inorganic
constituents. Major cations (Ca, Na, Mg, K), trace metals (Ba, Sr, Mn, Fe, Al, Co, Ni, Cu,
Zn, Cr, Mo, Cd, Pb, V, Li), total P, total S, Si and B were determined by inductively coupled
plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Major and trace anions (Cl, SO4, NO3,
NO2, Br, HPO4) were determined by ion chromatography. pH and alkalinity were
determined by automated titrimetry. Ammonium was determined by flow injection
colorimetry. TOC and TIC were determined by automated combustion with non-dispersive
infra-red detection. Reduced sulphur was determined by hydride generation ICP-AES.
Reduced iron was determined by colorimetry. Arsenic and selenium speciation and total
mercury were determined by hydride and vapour generation atomic fluorescence
respectively. All chemical analysis was carried out using quality assured methods compliant
with the International Standard BS EN ISO 9001: 1994. Groundwater and selected pore-
water samples were analysed by GC-MS for a range of organic compounds by SAC
Scientific and M-Scan Ltd operating to UKAS Standards. Samples were extracted with 2 x
10 mL of dichloromethane (DCM) after the addition of known amounts of internal standards.
Each DCM extract was concentrated by rotary evaporation and dry-nitrogen blow down and
a 1 µL aliquot analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS).
A small number of solid samples, including samples from the grave cuts, were analysed for
total major and trace element content by x-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRFS).
Bacteriological analysis for total and thermo-tolerant (faecal) coliforms was carried out on-
site using an Oxfam-Delagua portable water testing kit (Robens Institute). A measured
quantity of water was passed through a sterile filter to trap bacteria. The filter was placed
onto a paper pad soaked in liquid growth medium, which supports coliform bacteria but
inhibits others. Two filters were prepared for each sample by incubating at 44°C and 37°C
for 16 to 18 hours, to allow colonies of bacteria to form.
6.1 Summary of Samples Obtained and Analyses Performed
A summary of the samples obtained and the analysis performed is given in Tables 6 and 7.
Grave Cut 1 Grave Cut 2 Under Gave Cut 1 Under Gave Cut 2
Type Analysis Type Analysis Type Analysis Type Analysis
6.2 Analysis of Grave Cuts
Results of inorganic analysis of the pore-water from Grave Cut 2 are presented in Appendix
1a. Solid analysis data for grave cuts and selected core samples are presented in Appendix
1b. Organic analysis data of the pore-water from Grave Cut 2 are presented in Table 8.
The grave cuts were visibly different from the underlying sandstone (Plate 2), being much
darker in colour, and believed to be due to organic residue derived from the breakdown of
body fat. Organic analysis of the solid grave cut material was not undertaken. X-Ray
Fluorescence Spectrometry analyses of solid material from the two grave cut samples and on
one solid sample from each borehole (Appendix 1b) show the grave cuts to contain higher
concentrations of phosphorous, calcium, copper and zinc than the cores
Pore-water from the grave cuts contain elevated concentrations of Ca, Na, Mg and K with
SO4 and Cl at concentrations typically double those found in the pore-waters in cores below
the grave cut (see Section 6.3). TOC was up to 13.8 mg L-1 and Mn was less than 0.43 mg L-
. NH4 was low at < 2.5 mg L-1 but 39.1 mg L-1 of NO3 was present in pore-water from Grave
Cut 2.
Trace element concentrations in the grave cut pore-water are similar to those in the cores
with the exception of strontium, aluminium and boron, which again are typically double.
Grave Cut 1 contained 103 µg L-1 selenium but arsenic was below the limit of detection.
Plate 2. Comparison of the material from the grave cut (right) and core material from the
unsaturated zone (left) in borehole NIR1.
6.3 Pore-water Chemistry in Core Samples
6.3.2 Inorganic components and TOC
(a). Borehole NIR1
The moisture content profile (Figure 3) suggests a perched water table at 4.40 m bgl where
the moisture content approaches 33.3 % similar to the expected porosity of the sand.
MC % Vol/Vol
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
2 Depth of grave
depth mbgl
8 NIR 3
water level
The Piper diagram for NIR1 (Figure 4) shows distinct clusters for the compositions of the
unsaturated zone pore-water and the groundwater (discussed in Section 6.4), with pore-water
samples centrifuged from the saturated zone (below 9.5 m bgl) clustered with an intermediate
Figure 4. Piper diagram for pore-water from cores from borehole NIR1
The Stiff diagram (Figure 5) shows that the unsaturated zone is dominated by relatively high
concentrations of Ca, Na, Mg and K, with SO4 and Cl as the major anions.
Figure 5. Stiff plot comparing pore-water and groundwater samples
Solute profiles within the unsaturated zone are given in Figures 6 and 7. TOC peaks at 25
mgL-1 at a depth of 4.25 m bgl but is generally below 10 mg L-1. Mn forms two peaks of 11.3
and 10.2 mg L-1 at 3.56 m bgl and 4.75 m bgl respectively, the latter coinciding with the TOC
peak and a small NH4 peak of 2.68 mg L-1 at 4.75 m bgl. Nitrate does not exceed 12.4 mg L-1
to a depth of 4.75 m bgl, but below 5.8 m increases to over 60 mg L-1 in the unsaturated zone
and up to 97 mg L-1 in the saturated zone. Sr mirrors the Ca concentration (not shown).
Figure 6. Pore-water profiles for NH4, NO3, TOC & Mn in cores from borehole NIR1
mg L-1
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800
depth of grave
6.0 NIR1 Ca
7.0 NIR1 Mg
depth mbgl
9.0 NIR1 K
10.0 NIR1 SO4
11.0 NIR1 Cl
Figure 7. Pore-water profiles for Ca, Mg, Na, K, SO4 & Cl in cores from borehole NIR1
(b). Borehole NIR2
The moisture content peaks at 38% by volume at 4.95 m bgl suggesting that there is a
perched water table at this depth (Figure 3). The Piper diagram and depth profiles for
borehole NIR2 show the unsaturated zone pore-water to be dominated by Na, Ca, Mg and K
with SO4 and Cl very similar to that found in borehole NIR1, but again distinctly different in
character from the groundwater (Figures 8 and 9).
Figure 8. Piper diagram for pore-water from cores from borehole NIR2
mg L
0 500 1000 1500 2000
2.0 depth of grave
7.0 NIR2 Ca
8.0 NIR2 Mg
depth mbgl
10.0 NIR2 K
11.0 NIR2 SO4
12.0 NIR2 Cl
Figure 9. Pore-water profiles for Ca, Na, Mg, K, SO4 & Cl in cores from borehole NIR2
TOC shows a peak of 17.6 mg L-1 at 2.59 m bgl and a second peak of 16.5 mg L-1 at 6.25 m
bgl (Figure 10). NH4 concentrations are low throughout the profile at <2.5 mg L-1 but NO3
peaks at 38.5 mg L-1 at 5.3 m bgl. Mn is elevated with a peak of 13.6 mg L-1 at 5.95 m bgl
and a smaller peak at 4.6 m bgl. Al and Si concentrations reduce slightly with depth but
other trace elements (Zn, B, Fe) have no apparent trends.
0.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 35.0 40.0 45.0
1.0 depth of grave
7.0 NIR2 NH4
depth mbgl
Figure 10. Pore-water profiles for NH4, NO3, TOC & Mn in cores from borehole NIR2
(c) Borehole NIR3
The moisture content varies between 12 - 26% by volume and probably approaches
saturation (Figure 3).
Figure 11. Piper diagram for pore-water from cores from borehole NIR3
As with the other profiles, the unsaturated zone pore-water is dominated by Na, Ca, Mg and
K with SO4 and Cl (Figures 11 and 12). TOC is low at 10 mg L-1 and both NH4 and NO3 are
< 2.5 mg L-1. However, NO3 reaches 159 mg L-1 in the groundwater below
mg L
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
2 depth of grave
depth mbgl
10 NIR3 SO4
Figure 12. Pore-water profiles for Ca, Na, Mg, K, SO4 & Cl in cores from borehole NIR3
6.3.3 Organic Constituents
Because of the low sample volume obtained, organic analysis was only carried out on
selected pore-waters from the unsaturated zone (Table 8). All samples are dominated by
phthalates particularly boreholes NIR2 and NIR3, however, concentrations in the grave cuts
were substantially lower. Phthalates particularly the dioctyl phthalates, are common
plasticisers but dibutyl phthalate is used as a textile lubricant and is impregnated into clothing
as an insect repellent. Other industrial compounds include tetrachloroethane and 2-
ethylhexanol used for dry cleaning and cotton strengthening respectively.
Alkyl cyclohexanediol/benzophenone is present in all samples including the grave cut but its
significance is not known. Pentanoic acid and esters of propionic acid which could be a
breakdown product of body derived organics is found in some unsaturated zone samples but
not in the grave cut (Vass et al., 1992).
The results of the inorganic, and organic analyses of the groundwater samples are presented
in Appendices 3a, and 3b. Results of microbiological tests are given in Table 10.
Figure 13. Piper diagram for groundwater from boreholes NIR1, NIR2 and NIR3
6.4.3 Trace Components
Most of the trace elements present in the groundwater are below the analytical limit of
detection, although elevated concentrations of manganese (3.5 mg L-1 in NIR1), iron (9.8 mg
L-1 in NIR3), aluminium (4.57 mg L-1 in NIR3), boron (0.85 mg L-1 in borehole NIR3),
arsenic (23.9 mg L-1 in borehole NIR3) and selenium (6.56 mg L-1 in borehole NIR3) were
detected. All of these values exceed WHO (1993) guide concentrations for drinking water.
Trace concentrations of mercury were detected in boreholes NIR2 and 3. Total organic
carbon in the groundwater is generally low (4.55 mg L-1 in borehole NIR2).
A broad scan was carried out on the groundwater samples for haloforms and chlorinated
solvents, PCBs as congeners, PAHs, BTEX and VFAs. Oils and toluene extractable material
were also analysed (Table 9). There was no evidence of groundwater pollution by specific
organic compounds. A low concentration of acetic acid at 6.3 mg L-1 was found in borehole
NIR2, but BTEX compounds were all below the limit of detection. PAHs were also below
detection limits in all samples except for acenaphthylene at 1.3 µg L-1 in borehole NIR1.
Haloforms and chlorinated solvents were detected in some of the groundwater samples.
None of the concentrations obtained exceeded WHO guide levels (WHO 1993). All of the
compounds detected are thought to be used in the textile industry.
6.5 Microbiology
Groundwater samples were analysed for total and thermo-tolerant (faecal) coliforms in the
field and results are given in Table 10. Only borehole NIR2 produced a positive total
coliform result of 46 colonies in 100 ml of filtered groundwater incubated at 37°C for 16
hours. All groundwater samples were analysed for total bacterial counts using
epifluorescence microscopy. Results indicate average background concentrations of 1.38 x
105 bacteria mL-1.
Table 10. Results of microbiological analysis on pore-water samples.
7.1 Flow in the Unsaturated Zone
The rate of flow of solutes in the unsaturated zone is related to the moisture content,
infiltration rate and sorption between the solute and the aquifer minerals. For conservative
species, migration rates of between 1-2 m.a-1 have been reported for the Sherwood Sandstone
beneath a landfill site (Young et al., 1994). If the cemetery closed in 1875, at this rate of
migration, conservative species would be expected to have migrated through the 7 m
unsaturated zone over a hundred years ago. However, if infiltration was lower or sorption
significant, solutes from the graves could migrate at much slower velocities and might still be
detectable in the unsaturated zone profiles. This is discussed further in Section 8.
The high moisture contents in boreholes NIR1 and NIR3 may also reflect very thin perched
water tables (Figure 3). The possibility that the profile encountered is not completely due to
vertical migration but could be affected by a lateral input is always a problem in interpreting
vertical unsaturated zone profiles and this should be kept in mind.
Chlorinated hydrocarbons such as TCE came into widespread use in the 1930s as industrial
solvents particularly in dry cleaning, and are now ubiquitous in urban aquifers. The
existence in the unsaturated zone of chlorinated hydrocarbons and phthalates (which were not
available when the cemetery was in use) to depths of 6.55 m bgl, in the unsaturated zone
profiles indicates that solutes are moving at a rate in excess of 0.1 m a-1.
7.2 Major Components in the Unsaturated Zone
The most obvious feature of the unsaturated zone pore-water is the high concentrations of
inorganic constituents Ca, Na, Mg, and K together with SO4 and Cl. If these were derived
from the graves, they should by now have migrated through the unsaturated zone, and their
existence suggests that they are from another source.
The ratios of major elements in the pore-water are also dissimilar from those expected from a
grave. The elemental composition of a body in percent is given in Table 1. Not all these
elements are leachable from a body since the bones remaining in the grave will still contain
significant Ca, P and K. Carbon will contribute to insoluble and slowly degradable grave
wax. Nitrogen is a dominant element in the body particularly in protein, and this degrades to
produce NH4. This, and other elements such as Na, Cl and S (as SO4), are likely to be
leached from a corpse and as a first approximation they might be expected to be present in
leachate in the same ratios as they occur in a body. Vass et al., (1998), reported pore-water
compositions in soils beneath a corpse which supports this assumption, and shows NH4 to be
by far the dominant solute. The obvious dissimilarity between this and the pore water
(Figure 14) suggests that the major solutes in the unsaturated zone are not from the graves.
However, the NH4 peak in borehole NIR1 may represent leaching of the graves and this is
discussed in more detail in Section 8. Vass (op. cit.) also states that volatile fatty acids
representing the degradation of original organic carbon compounds, are present in the
leached water at much lower concentrations than NH4. Thus, if the concentration of NH4 can
be determined, then the expected concentration of other species in the body leachate may be
100 100
60 57
% 50
44 44 V ass 1 9 9 2
N IR 1
30 28
19 20
10 7
5 6
3 2
0 1 1 1 1
S p ecies
Figure 14. Solutes and VFAs released from a 75 Kg body normalised to NH4 (after Vass
1992) compared with unsaturated zone pore-water from borehole NIR1 normalised to SO4.
The presence of inorganic species with highest concentrations just below the graves suggest a
nearby source. It is not clear whether the source is in the graves or material deposited above
them. The bones remaining in the graves were reported by the archaeologists to be in a poor
leached state, however, the top-soil and made ground above had already been excavated
before this study took place. Previous site investigation (Mini Soil Surveys, 1996) indicated
high sulphate concentrations within the top 4 m of made ground (Table 3). Lime, which was
commonly placed in plague pits, was not encountered in any of the graves (pers. comm.
Forbes Marsden) and there is no evidence of any other deposit in the graves. The pore-water
is near neutral pH and not alkaline as would be expected if lime had been used.
An alternative source of contamination may be the chemicals used in the ice rink. However,
the ice was made up of mains water only and when allowed to melt was discharged to sewer
(pers. comm. Mr Norman Beck, Chief Engineer at Nottingham Ice Rink). The refrigeration
system in the Ice Rink did contain a mixture of calcium chloride and ammonia in a sealed
system but according to Mr Beck (who has worked at the rink for 40 years), no leaks have
ever occurred and the system contents were always tankered away if replaced.
The possibility that chemicals were used in some other manufacturing process nearby or that
they had been stored in caves cannot be discounted. The high concentrations of solutes in
pore-water relatively near to the surface and their absence in the groundwater would
however, reduce the likelihood of the source being a cave.
The source of the Ca and Mg sulphate is not clear; but it could be from plaster rubble
utilising gypsum, although the Mg content is unusually high. The source of the sodium
chloride may have been road salt used to de-ice the car park above the graves. In the UK
most road salt comes from Triassic deposits in Cheshire and like gypsum contains little Mg.
Electron acceptors which can be chemically reduced (such as O2, NO3, Mn2+, Fe3+, and SO4)
are required in the microbial oxidation of organic carbon. The order in which electron
acceptors are used follows a thermodynamic sequence based on the energy released by the
process (Stumm and Morgan, 1981; Table 11). Free oxygen is used initially for aerobic
respiration. After this oxygen is depleted, microbes use NO3, Mn, Fe, SO4 and CO2 in that
order, so that a set pattern of redox zones may be found in aquifers receiving biodegradable
organic materials (Williams, 1998).
The profile in borehole NIR1 shows that immediately below the grave, the pore-water
contains relatively high concentrations of Mn which persist down to about 4.5m bgl. This
suggests that Mn4+ in the solid phase has been reduced to Mn2+ which is much more soluble
and enters solution. TOC at 18 mg L-1 occurs down to 4.5 m bgl, but below this level
decreases along with Mn to very low concentrations. Ammonia and nitrate at this depth
show an inverse relationship although the decrease in nitrate is not in stoichiometric
proportion to the increase in ammonia. This may indicate the preferential denitrification of
nitrate to nitrogen gas rather than reduction of nitrate to ammonia, or may reflect a pulse of
ammonia rather than nitrate moving down in the profile. The inverse relationship between
nitrate and ammonia in borehole NIR1 could also reflect a zone of denitrification/nitrate
reduction which only occurs where there is an organic substrate and where the moisture
content is high enough to sustain anaerobic decomposition.
Table 11. Sequence of redox reactions in a closed system (after Stumm and Morgan, 1981)
(Organic material is represented as a simplified form)
Aerobic respiration
CH2O + O2 6 CO2 + H2O
CH2O + 4/5 NO3- + 4/5 H+ 6 CO2 + 7/5 H2O + 2/5 N2
Mn(IV) reduction
CH2O + 2 MnO2 + 4 H+ 6 CO2 + H2O + 2 Mn2+
Nitrate reduction
CH2O + 1/2 NO3- + H+ 6 CO2 + 1/2 H2O + 1/2 NH4+
Fe(III) reduction
CH2O + 4 Fe(OH)3 + 8 H+ 6 CO2 + 11 H2O + 4 Fe2+
Sulphate reduction
CH2O + 1/2 SO42- + 1/2 H+ 6 CO2 + H2O + 1/2 HS-
CH2O + 1/2 CO2 6 1
/2 CH4 + CO2
Compared with the unsaturated zone pore-water the groundwater samples contain more
nitrate (up to 159 mg L-1), iron (9.82 mg L-1) and aluminium (4.57 mg L-1) which are
probably derived from other sources. The Sherwood Sandstone aquifer is known to contain
high concentrations of nitrate from leaking sewers in urban areas (Barrett et al., 1997).
Boron and HPO4 are also good indicators of sewer leakage with up to 0.85 mg L-1 and 10.9
mg L-1 respectively in borehole NIR3.
7.3.2 Trace components
There is no indication of pollution by trace elements. However, Se in the grave cut pore-
water (108 µg L-1) was very much higher than in the groundwater at 4 µg L-1 (although
sample volume meant that not all pore waters could be analysed for Se, As, and Hg).
Arsenic was found in the groundwater but was below detection in the pore-water from the
unsaturated zone. This could mean the bodies were not embalmed at least near where the
boreholes were drilled. Enhanced concentrations of Cu and Zn were found in the solid
material from the grave cuts, similar to the findings of Knight and Dent (1996) at the Botany
Bay Cemetery, Australia, close to recent graves. These elements are commonly complexed
with organic compounds, which allows them to be mobilised in solution. The strontium
profile in borehole NIR1 is related in concentration to Ca suggesting that they are probably
derived from the same source.
7.3.3 Organics
The pore-water in the grave cuts and underlying cores contain relatively low concentrations
of TOC. Pore-water, which has been characterised by GCMS (Table 8), contains trace
concentrations of anthropogenic compounds that are all used in the textile industry. The area
up-gradient of the cemetery has been the main area of textile manufacture in Nottingham for
over one hundred years and is a likely source of these. The groundwater samples contained
more anthropogenic organic compounds, again reflecting the industrial/commercial nature of
the area where chemical reagents are used in quantity and have direct access to the aquifer.
7.3.4 Microbiology
Total bacteria counts were similar in number to uncontaminated groundwater and no faecal
coliforms were identified. Total coliforms were detected in borehole NIR2 but at
concentrations below WHO (1993) limits for drinking water. With the limited sampling it is
not possible to be definitive about the source of these bacteria. However, the concentrations
of B, NO3 and PO4 suggest that it may be from a leaking sewer. Bitton et al., (1983)
observed that micro-organisms are generally stable in groundwater but degrade over time, so
a modern day source rather than the cemetery is favoured.
An attempt was made to simulate the solute profiles in borehole NIR1 using analytical one-
dimensional solute transport solutions as given in van Genuchten and Alves (1982).
The expected percolation rate through the unsaturated zone can be estimated knowing the
average moisture content (approx. 20% by volume) and the infiltration rate (0.153 m.a-1),
assuming that flow occurs by piston displacement. Thus the depth of penetration of the
annual infiltration into the sandstone gives the downward percolation rate in m.a-1 (i.e. 0.2 m
of infiltration would produce a percolation rate of 1 m.a-1). An infiltration of 0.153 m.a-1 will
give a percolation rate of 0.76 m.a-1. Any reduction in the infiltration rate due to local
conditions e.g. trees and/or a surface covering which favours run-off would reduce this
percolation rate.
The percolation rate can also be estimated from the NH4 peak at about 4.75 m bgl in the
unsaturated zone profile in borehole NIR1 if it is assumed that this represents a retarded pulse
released from the graves. This assumption is tenuous at present and additional evidence in
support of its origin would be preferred. Possible identification methods would include
determination of stable nitrogen isotope ratios which could be compared with typical values
from animal sources.
Assuming the distribution coefficient (Kd) for NH4 in Triassic Sandstones to be in the range
1.0 – 1.5 ml g-1 (Higgo et al., 1999), a retardation factor can be calculated. Using a grain
density of 2,650 kg m-3 and a moisture content (porosity) of 20%, a retardation factor of
between 11.6 and 16.9 (average of 14.25) can be calculated from the following:
Retardation factor = 1 + [(1-θ)/ θ)] ρg. Kd
where θ = effective porosity
Kd = distribution coefficient
ρg = grain density
The depth of the graves adjacent to borehole NIR1 are not known precisely, although they
would probably have been shallower than 2.61 m bgl where bedrock was intercepted. Many
of the graves exposed at the time of this investigation were at, or just above, the bedrock
surface. Thus the base of the grave in borehole NIR 1 for the sake of these calculations is
taken as around 2.3 m bgl.
For these calculations it was also assumed that the input pulse of NH4 just lasted for the
length of time that the cemetery was in use (from 1813 to 1875). Also, in the absence of
definite information, an arbitrary small value of 0.01 m has been assigned to the dispersivity.
The result (Figure 15) suggests that the NH4 pulse is migrating with a velocity of 0.0175 m.a-
and has migrated 2.45 m in 140 years. The average percolation rate of water through the
unsaturated zone would then be 0.19 – 0.28 m.a-1 (average 0.25 m.a-1).
2.5 t = 1999
t0 = 1813
2.0 groundwater velocity = 0.25 m.a-1
dispersivity = 0.01 m
NH4(mg L-1) pulse duration = 62 yr.
retardation = 14.25
1.5 input concentration = 3.2 mg/l
Red line = modelled
1.0 • = actual measured concentration
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Distance below graves
Finally, it is of interest to note how quickly conservative species are removed from the
system. Figure 16 shows the movement of an unretarded solute pulse. The initial pulse was
arbitrarily set to a five year duration and it is seen that all solute has passed down to the water
table within 50 years.
groundwater velocity = 0.25 m.a-1
t = 10 yr. dispersivity = 0.01 m
0.9 pulse duration = 5 yr.
t = 20 yr. retardation = 1
0.8 input concentration = 1.0
0.7 t = 30 yr.
C/C0 t = 40 yr.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
The calculations described here all assume that the unsaturated zone is essentially
homogeneous and the infiltration rate constant. The moisture content profiles show that this
is only a first approximation and that there are significant variations in both infiltration rate
and soil properties which at this stage are not possible to evaluate.
The Carter Gate cemetery operated between 1813 and 1875 and contained up to 1100 graves.
Drilling three boreholes after the graves had been exhumed allowed pore-water geochemical
profiles in the unsaturated zone and saturated zone to be determined.
Pore-water in the unsaturated zone contains inorganic solutes, principally Ca, Na, Mg and K
with SO4 and Cl, in ratios which are inconsistent with the known composition of a body and
solutes released from graves. The actual source of these solutes has not been confirmed but
may relate to de-icing of the car park which once covered the graves, and/or made-ground
containing gypsum waste recorded in the preliminary site investigation report, but removed
before the present investigation took place.
Despite the presence of these solutes, the profiles are thought to provide evidence of
migration of grave derived material. Immediately below the graves a dark coloured zone
(called the “grave cut”) occurs containing elevated concentrations of phosphorous, calcium,
copper and zinc. The unsaturated zone pore-water profile in borehole NIR1 contains slightly
elevated concentrations of TOC, Mn and NH4 in pore-water up to 2–3 m below the grave cut.
The Mn in the pore-water may well represent reductive dissolution of the Triassic Sandstones
due to biodegradation of organic material leached from the graves and is coincident with the
TOC peak. Ammonium is also a dominant solute from graves and is known to be sorbed on
Triassic Sandstone (published Kd in the range 1-1.5 mL g-1), giving a retardation factor of
between 11.6 –16.9. This explains its occurrence in the unsaturated zone but further support
that it is derived from the graves could be obtained by nitrogen isotope ratio analysis.
Conservative species such Na, Cl, SO4 potentially released from the graves would have
migrated through the unsaturated zone within a period of 20 years after the cemetery closed.
Pore-water in the unsaturated and saturated zones contains anthropogenic organic compounds
which were not used industrially when the cemetery was in use, and their source is probably
from nearby 20th century industrial activity. Coliform bacteria were found at the water table
in borehole NIR2 but the associated concentrations of boron (0.49 mg L-1) and phosphorous
(3.06 mg L-1) suggests that it could be due to a leaking sewer. Because of time constraints, it
was not possible to carry out a detailed microbiological study, but all boreholes contained
microbial numbers similar to those in uncontaminated groundwater.
The study confirms that the Carter Gate Cemetery no longer presents a source of
contamination, but suggests that, by comparison with the ammonium peak, the maximum
impact of inorganic solutes and volatile fatty acids on groundwater in the past was probably
For any risk assessment to be undertaken from whatever potentially polluting activity, the
actual source composition of contaminants and their fate in the subsurface need to be
addressed. The source term defines the range of contaminants and how their flux into the
natural environment varies in terms of time and concentration. Their fate in the subsurface
depends on the nature of the contaminant and the hydrogeological environment in which they
are released. In order to study these aspects a combination of laboratory and controlled field
experiments could be considered in conjunction with field investigations of a range of
cemeteries in hydrogeologically representative situations within UK (e.g. Williams and
Higgo, 1994).
In terms of the actual and perceived risk from cemeteries it not only the release of inorganic
species (for which limits can be set knowing the composition of a human body) but rather the
organic material, pathogenic organisms, viruses and other biologically harmful organic
materials which could adversely affect human health if consumed in drinking water, that
needs to be addressed more fully. Knowing how a body decomposes in a grave and what
contaminants (organic/inorganic, micro-organisms, viruses etc.) are produced will allow the
source term to be quantified. Definition of the source term is presently poor and any
proposal to study it directly would not be appropriate although experiments could be
contemplated using animal surrogates. A literature review of the movement of bacteria,
viruses and colloids in aquifers would obviously be a starting point for developing specific
advice relating to cemeteries, as would a review of genetic methods for identifying human
related material leached from the graves.
10.3 The fate of Contaminants in the Subsurface
The fate of the specific contaminants released from a grave can be assessed by understanding
the processes controlling their movement in different hydrogeological situations. The nature
of the contaminant is of fundamental importance and should be defined under the source
term. However, assessing the migration of these could be carried out at least partly using
surrogates. For particulate materials e.g. bacteria, or viruses, similarly shaped but inactive
forms such as latex microspheres or bacteriophages could be developed as tracers (Ward et
al., 1997, Harrison and Higgo, 1994, Higgo et al., 1993). These could be used in a series of
experiments in representative unsaturated or saturated formations on which cemeteries are
typically located but not necessarily at cemetery sites. The fundamental knowledge provided
by these experiments would provide quantitative data for describing contaminant movement
at specific sites for assessing the groundwater vulnerability.
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