Paper Dea Deportes
Paper Dea Deportes
Paper Dea Deportes
Cita: Güral, Y.; Gürcan, M.; Devecioğlu, S.; Halisdemir, Talha A. (2022). Investigation of the
Performance of Esports Games with Data Envelopment Analysis. Cuadernos de Psicología del
Deporte, 22(2), 258-267
Hoy en día, los torneos de deportes electrónicos como el Juego Cibernético Mundial, se organizan el Campeonato
de las Naciones Europeas, la serie Internacional de Premiership y la Serie ESL Pro. Estos torneos incluyen juegos
populares como contraataque, Dota 2, League of Legends, Starcraft 2, Super Smash Bros y Street Fighter. En este
estudio, las actuaciones de los juegos de eSports se analizarán con el Análisis Envolvente de Datos (DEA). En
consecuencia, está dirigido a ayudar a las empresas de eSports a que sean efectivas determinando las eficiencias
relativas de los Juegos de ESPort, unidades de toma de decisiones efectivas e ineficaces (unidades de producción de
DMU que producen resultados similares utilizando insumos similares). Para este propósito determinando los juegos
efectivos y comparando los otros juegos según ellos permite la optimización de los valores de las variables de salida
según la variable de entrada.
La DEA es un método no paramétrico utilizado para estudiar la efectividad relativa de las Unidades de Toma de
Decisiones cuando hay múltiples entradas y múltiples salidas. El Análisis de la Envolvente de Datos (DEA) es un
método no paramétrico utilizado para examinar la eficiencia relativa de las Unidades de Toma de Decisiones
(unidades de producción de DMUs que producen salidas similares utilizando entradas similares) cuando hay entradas
múltiples y múltiples salidas. La medición de la eficiencia de las empresas y conocer la fuente de su ineficiencia es
un tema importante para los ESPorts como en todos los sectores. El análisis de envolvimiento de datos se usa
frecuentemente para medir la eficiencia de DMU.
En este estudio, el análisis de eficiencia se realizó teniendo en cuenta los 27 juegos en los primeros 200 juegos en el
sitio web de e-charts en 2018. Con este análisis, se intentó obtener las eficiencias y los cambios de eficiencias de los
juegos en 2018. Según los resultados de la investigación: Counter-Strike y Minecraft se determinó que eran juegos
eficaces. Dado que los otros 25 juegos son eficientes, los valores objetivo para estos juegos se dan en el estudio.
Today, electronic sports tournaments such as the World Cyber Game, European Nations Championship, International
Premiership Series and Esl Pro Series are organized. These tournaments include popular games such as Counter-
Strike, Dota 2, League of Legends, StarCraft 2, Super Smash Bros and Street Fighter. In this study, the performances
of eSports games will be analyzed with Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA). Accordingly, it is aimed to help eSports
companies to be effective by determining the relative efficiencies of eSport games, effective and ineffective Decision-
Making Units (DMUs production units that produce similar outputs using similar inputs). For this purpose,
determining the effective games and comparing the other games according to them enables the optimization of the
values of the output variables according to the input variable.
DEA is a non-parametric method used to study the relative effectiveness of Decision Making Units when there are
multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is a non-parametric method used to examine
the relative efficiency of Decision Making Units (DMUs production units that produce similar outputs using similar
inputs) when there are multiple inputs and multiple outputs. Measuring the efficiency of businesses and knowing the
source of their inefficiency is an important issue for eSports as in every sector. Data Envelopment Analysis is
frequently used for measuring the efficiency of DMU.
In this study, efficiency analysis was performed by taking into consideration the 27 games in the first 200 games on
the e-charts website in 2018. With this analysis, the efficiencies and changes of efficiencies of the games in 2018
were tried to be obtained. According to the results of the research: Counter-Strike and Minecraft were determined to
be effective games. Since the other 25 games are inefficient, target values for these games are given in the study.
Keywords: eSports, Digital Games, DEA, Efficiency.
Hoje em dia, os torneios esportivos eletrônicos, como o World Cyber Game, são organizados pelo Campeonato
Europeu das Nações, a série internacional de Premiership e a série ESL Pro. Esses torneios incluem jogos populares
como contra-ataque, DotA 2, League of Legends, Starcraft 2, Super Smash Bros e Street Fighter. Neste estudo, os
desempenhos dos jogos eSports serão analisados com análise de envelope de dados (DEA). Consequentemente, visa
ajudar as empresas de espantar a serem eficazes determinando as eficiências relativas de jogos de esportes, unidades
de decisão eficazes e ineficazes (unidades de produção DMU que produzem resultados semelhantes com insumos
semelhantes). Para este propósito determinar os jogos eficazes e comparando os outros jogos de acordo com eles
permite a optimização dos valores das variáveis de saida de acordo com a variável de entrada.
O DEA é um método não paramétrico usado para estudar a eficácia relativa das unidades de decisão quando existem
várias entradas e várias saídas. A análise do envelope de dados (DEA) é um método não paramétrico usado para
examinar a eficiência relativa das unidades de decisão (unidades de produção DMU que produzem saídas semelhantes
usando entradas semelhantes) quando várias entradas e várias saídas. A medição da eficiência das empresas e
conhecer a fonte de sua ineficiência é uma questão importante para o eSports como em todos os setores. A análise de
envolvimento de dados é freqüentemente usada para medir a eficiência do DMU.
Neste estudo, a análise de eficiência foi realizada levando em conta os 27 jogos nos primeiros 200 jogos no site do
E-Charts em 2018. Com esta análise, foi tentada obter eficiências e mudanças de eficiências de jogos em 2018. De
acordo com os resultados da investigação: Contra-ataque e minecraft foi determinado que eles eram jogos eficazes.
Como os outros 25 jogos são eficientes, os valores alvo para esses jogos são dados no estudo.
Palavras chave eSportes, Jogos digitais, DEA, eficiência.
tournament. Considering such factors, it is a Wagner defined eSports as sports activities that
preliminary information for inactive tournaments by develop and train mental and physical abilities using
determining the most active games in tournaments. people's information and communication technologies
When the literature is examined from this point of (Wagner, 2006). Hamari and Sjöblom (2015) defined
view, very few studies can be found. Just at this stage, eSports as the simplified form of primary aspects of
it is possible to use many possibilities that today's sport by electronic systems. Electronic sport is a sport
technology gives us. In particular, DEA is an that has both physical and mental features. eSports
important tool in determining the most effective differ from traditional sports due to its ability to be
games according to the factors determined within the applied individually and as a team, to require tools and
games. In this way, by identifying the games with high equipment specific to its nature, to be performed from
efficiency, suggestions can be made to increase the all ages, genders, climatic conditions, and to
effectiveness of other games according to these games. participate in more than one game (Argan et al., 2006).
For this reason, it is important to examine the digital
games that date back to the 1940s, which have turned Today, many eSports tournaments are organized all
into eSports tournaments today, from this point of over the world. The best known are the World Cyber
view, in order to increase the effectiveness of the Game, the European Nations Championship, the
tournaments. International Premiership Series, and the Esl Pro
Series. In these tournaments, there are subcategories
The history of digital games called computer games or such as adventure, role play, FSP, sports, war, action,
video games dates back to the 1940s. The first simulation, and strategy (Argan et al., 2006). Among
interactive game ‘Spacewar’ was developed in 1962 the most popular eSports games are Counter-Strike,
by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology). In Dota 2, League of Legends, StarCraft 2, Super Smash
1972, the ‘Pong’ game that could be connected to TV, Bros and Street Fighter (Çolak et al., 2018; Parshakov
was put on the market and opened the way for people et al., 2015).
from all walks of life to access digital games. In 1992,
the first 3D game ‘Wolfenstein’ was introduced to the It is very important to evaluate the competition
gaming market, followed by the ‘Doom’ game, so FSP between the games statistically by evaluating the
(first-person shot) games entered our lives and earnings offered by the eSports games to the
computer sales increased considerably (Yılmaz et al., participants and to eliminate the deficiencies of the
2004). With the Internet, games around the world have games based on the defined variables. At this stage,
become online. As a result, games have ceased to be many factors need to be taken into account in ranking
single-player and have become multiplayer. The the games from the best to the worst. In this respect,
resulting competition elements and the reward the games examined in this study were subjected to a
platform led players to gather in various game groups multi-factor ranking by defining the input and output
(Coşkun et al., 2016). In 1993, with the FSP game variables, and the factors that needed improvement of
called Doom, teams started to compete in online the inefficient ones according to the efficient games
tournaments. In 1997, the Cyberathlete Professional were determined. It is important to improve these
League was established in the United States. In 1999, factors in increasing the success ranking of the games.
Counter-Strike introduced a new era of competitive
games. With the developments in the West, real-time Types of eSports
strategy games and MMORPG (massively online role-
playing games) began to develop in South Korea in the • MOBA (Massively Online Battle Arena): Two
90s (Wagner, 2006). Electronic Sports (eSports) can competing teams, usually five people, try to destroy
be defined as a field played by various modes of each other's energy resources on a map.
competitive multiplayer digital games, which are
introduced as a new form of sport and played online or • FPS (First Person Shot): The player sees the digital
offline, individually and/or as a team via Computer / game environment through the eyes of the virtual
Console / Mobile platforms. Each country classifies character. Features such as reflex, quick decision
eSports differently as a sport, a game, or an making, team management are essential for success in
intelligence sport (Youth research newsletter, 2018). this type of game.
• RTS (Real-Time Strategy): In this type of game, the analysts, human resources, organizers, event
player manages the resources correctly and establishes managers, financing, and lawyers (Youth research
an army and tries to defeat the opponent's armies. newsletter, 2018).
• Fighter: The player tries to defeat the virtual In 1962, the first analog game was accepted as
characters chosen by other players, representing a Spacewar by Steve Russel and colleagues at the
certain martial discipline. It is commonly played as a Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Akbulut,
player versus a player. 2009).
• Sports: It is a form of traditional sports adapted to The presence of digital games in different
virtual environment. environments increases diversity. Digital games are a
kind of game that derives from the differentiation of
• MMORPG (Massively Multiplayer Online Role- the environment. It includes Atari games, computer
Playing Game): They are role-playing games played games, console games, mobile games, and all different
by connecting to any server. genres. In this context, digital gaming has become an
individual communication environment that
incorporates features such as digitality, interactivity,
virtuality, variability, and modularity (Coşkun et al.,
Some disadvantages of the DEA method can be listed In the first step, the dual of the CCR-I model is solved
as follows (Perman, 1991), to find the best value 𝛷∗ of the objective function. In
the second step, using 𝛷∗ , we get the values of dual
- DEA is very sensitive to measurement errors since it variables 𝜆∗ , 𝑆&∗ , 𝑆"∗ .
is based on the maximum frontier technique,
' #
- Does not allow the use of statistical test tools as a 𝑆&+ + 2 𝜆(! 𝑋&( − 𝛷! 𝑋&! = 0
non-parametric technique, ($%
Input Output
GAMES Awarding Watched Hours Peak Viewers Avg. Viewers Peak Channels Avg. Channels Players
Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff. Diff.
DMU Data (%) Data (%) Data (%) Data (%) Data (%) Data (%) Data (%)
In Table 2, the comparisons of the other 25 games findings: the top five games include Counter-Strike,
against the two efficient games are given. The outputs Minecraft, Warcraft III, Hearthstone, and Osu! games.
obtained in response to the awarding prize selected as For Warcraft III to be effective, it should reduce the
input are shown in Table 2. According to the results of awarding price by 14%; it should increase watched
the research: CS and Minecraft were determined to be hours by 40.4%, average viewers by 27.4%, peak
effective games (Efficiency score = 1). Since the other channels by 423.7%, average channels by 394.3%. For
25 games are inefficient, the target values for these Hearthstone to be effective, it should reduce the
games are shown in Table 1. According to the awarding price by %47.2 %; it should increase
watched hours by 0.17%, peak viewers by 70.6%, the tournament. This important factor can reduce the
peak channels by 515.1%, average channels by participation of amateur participants in tournaments
810.2%, players by 10.5%. For Osu! to be effective, it where prize money is very high. Therefore, due to the
should reduce the awarding price by 53.1%; it should lack of amateur participants in eSports games, factors
increase watched hours by 264.7%, peak viewers by such as the time of watching the tournament, the
198.1%, average viewers by 230.49, peak channels by number of viewers, the number of channels watched,
12.7%. Improvements for other ineffective games to and the number of players affect the decrease. This
be effective are given in Table 2. fact can be observed in the study. Some numerical
values given in the results of the study emphasize that
DISCUSSION the prize money of the eSports games that were
effective in the 27 eSports tournaments discussed in
In this study, 27 games in the eSports game sector the study is less than the other 27 tournaments. In
were evaluated by using DEA. The results of the addition, the conclusion that the prize money should
efficiency analysis were obtained using CCR-I. Many be reduced in order to increase the efficiency of the
researchers have studied the performance of players other teams participating in the tournament is an
(both professional and non-professional players) in the important finding obtained from the research. One of
field of eSports (Khromov et al., 2019), the effect of the important factors in eSports games is the high
country levels for a single game (Parshakov, 2018). participation rate. In particular, according to the
However, eSports games are quite complex today and information presented in reference (Parshakov, 2018),
many variables affect game performance. In this it is said that “a 1% increase in prize money causes an
respect, when we consider the e-sports games as a increase of 2.2% per player”. In such a case, the
whole, we see a complex structure. Analysis of this increase in the prize money does not cause an increase
structure is possible by comparing the performance of in the participant, on the contrary, it causes a decrease
the game by properly defining the relevant variables. in the participant and an increase in the prize money
In this respect, the study is completely different from per capita. In this case, the effectiveness of the eSports
other studies in the literature. In this study, we have game decreases. Evaluation of eSports games in terms
obtained striking results by considering popular of effectiveness is not common in other studies on this
eSports games and important variables. As a result, subject. In the studies on the subject in the literature,
when eSports games are compared with each other, it the characteristics that affect the success of the players
is focused on which variables of other games should in eSports tournaments were examined, as in the
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