Papers by Dragan Stanojevic
Youth Study, Southeast Europe, 2024
What are young people afraid of or hopeful about? In a rapidly changing world that is challenged ... more What are young people afraid of or hopeful about? In a rapidly changing world that is challenged by the climate crisis and inequalities, and in many parts aging societies and democratic decline, FES Youth Studies investigate how young generations perceive the development of their societies and their personal future. Our aim is to foster informed debate about young people's views on politics and democracy against the background of their life circumstances and values. This includes key issues such as education, employment and mobility, family and friends, and their overall attitudes and perceptions. We focus on young people aged 14 to 29 to understand their perspectives on these critical topics. FES has conducted numerous youth studies around the world since 2009. For this report, young people between the ages of 14 and 29
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all domains of human life, including the economic and social f... more The COVID-19 pandemic has affected all domains of human life, including the economic and social fabric of societies. One of the central strategies for managing public health throughout the pandemic has been through persuasive messaging and collective behavior change. To help scholars better understand the social and moral psychology behind public health behavior, we present a dataset comprising of 51,404 individuals from 69 countries. This dataset was collected for the International Collaboration on Social Moral Psychology of COVID-19 project (ICSMP COVID-19). This social science survey invited participants around the world to complete a series of individual differences and public health attitudes about COVID-19 during an early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic (between April and June 2020). The survey included seven broad categories of questions: COVID-19 beliefs and compliance behaviours; identity and social attitudes; ideology; health and well-being; moral beliefs and motivation; pe...
Socioloski pregled
In this paper we deal with the research of the relation between risk behaviour forms among young ... more In this paper we deal with the research of the relation between risk behaviour forms among young people in Serbia and the assumed risk factors. This paper is aimed at using the criminology theory in order to test the effect of environmental factors on more broadly understood risk behaviour of young people. The conceptual framework of the study is founded on the general criminology theory of R. Agnew, while the hypothesis directing our research is: Features of the social environment as well as individual and family characteristics constitute the strain factors pushing a young person into risk behaviour. For the data of the representative study on young people (N=1186) aged between 15 and 29, conducted in 2015, we applied the statistical technique of multilevel modelling which ensures the establishment of relations with risk behaviour forms at individual and contextual levels. The findings of the multilevel analysis indicate that individual and contextual factors are equally important in the understanding of risk behaviour forms. In other words, gender and age, as well as social disorganization and culture of violence constitute a fertile soil for risk occurrence.
The paper is based on the data from a small-scale qualitative research study inspired and informe... more The paper is based on the data from a small-scale qualitative research study inspired and informed by David Morgan?s concept of family practices as ?doing families?. The paper presents exploratory qualitative analysis of ?family stories?, written by the respondents during the two periods of COVID-19 pandemic in Serbia. Our initial intention was to explore changes in family practices and time induced by changed everyday life related to the pandemic within a particular context of Serbian society. From over 130 essays solicited by a public call and snowball sampling in April and May, we selected 28 and asked the respondents to write the second essay in December 2020. Following sections presenting the social context, conceptual framework and method of the study, we introduce qualitative data analysis and interpretation of the two topics. The first deals with family practices that family members do together, which we named ?common family practices? that take place within ?family time?. T...
Sociologija, 2021
The aim of this paper is to analyse housing and family transitions among the young and young adul... more The aim of this paper is to analyse housing and family transitions among the young and young adults in five countries: Sweden, Germany, United Kingdom, Italy and Serbia, representing the Social-democratic, Conservative, Liberal, Mediterranean and (SEE) Post-socialist models of welfare regimes. For the purposes of our analysis, we used round 9 of European Social Survey data. The focus of our analysis was on the rotating module ?Timing of life? which aims to capture the views of European citizens about their life courses and their strategies to plan their own lives, as well as measures the timing of key life events. Variables from this module were used to construct life trajectories of respondents which are statistically modelled as sequences. Interpretation of the obtained results leads to two important conclusions. First, the differences in the types of family transitions of young people between countries are significant. Second, these differences can be explained both by individual...
Psihologija, 2021
There is growing research evidence that political ideology is an important determinant of complyi... more There is growing research evidence that political ideology is an important determinant of complying with the rules and recommendations aimed at fighting the coronavirus. This paper analyses the role of the left-right ideology self-positioning in supporting the government measures in fighting the COVID–19 pandemic and practicing the physical distancing guidelines in Serbia. The study was conducted online on a sample of 656 respondents. Two hierarchical multiple regression models with age, the COVID–19 experience, the perception of risk posed by the coronavirus, and political ideology predicting: (1) policy support and (2) physical distancing were tested. The results show that policy support was predicted by increasing risk perception and the right-leaning ideology. Risk perception predicted physical distancing practices, and so did age and the COVID–19 experience. The results also indicate that the relationship between risk perception and both policy support and physical distancing i...
Revija za sociologiju, 2020
The paper deals with resources available to young parents and the strategies they deploy as a res... more The paper deals with resources available to young parents and the strategies they deploy as a response to various domain-related demands (housing, finance, work, family). First, the structural and cultural features of the social context in Serbia are discussed as the framework for the study. Secondly, the paper analyses young parents’ differences, by socioeconomic status (SES) and gender, regarding their resources, such as housing, finances, and employment, as well as their strategies. The analysis is based on a mixed-methods approach, which brings together the survey results of a sub-sample of 435 parents from a nationally representative survey of young adults aged 18 to 35, and a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with 24 young mothers and fathers. The analyses indicate significant SES and gender differences in young parents’ resources and strategies, which are shaped by the structures and cultures of parenthood specific to the contemporary social context in Serbia.
Journal of Youth Studies, 2016
ABSTRACT Contemporary sociological studies argue that employment and personal life have diversifi... more ABSTRACT Contemporary sociological studies argue that employment and personal life have diversified effects as determinants of life satisfaction (LS) of young adults. We have, therefore, decided to explore the three different aspects of general LS, satisfaction with personal (intimate) domain, satisfaction with family life and satisfaction with occupation (professional domain), by using the survey data on 1627 young adults aged from 19 to 35 from Serbia. The correlations between the three domains are significant, while the strongest tie is between satisfaction with intimate relations and satisfaction with family life. The analysis exposed that social variables (employment, education, housing autonomy and financial autonomy) and personal variables (partnership and parenthood) are in a diverse manner related to the three domains of LS, as well as that their effects are different for young men and women. Taking into account particularities of social context in Serbia, we have introduced functional autonomy (decision-making and acting independent of parents) as mediating variable. The results uncover that functional autonomy has little influence on satisfaction with occupation, while social variables have a strong effect, suggesting that agency in professional domain is significantly socially bound. Regression models reveal divergent and gender-specific relations of variables and three aspects of LS related to particular structural and cultural context in Serbia that sets limits to gender detraditionalization.
Sociologija, 2013
The article proceeds from four different but equally important concepts of scene by the authors J... more The article proceeds from four different but equally important concepts of scene by the authors John Irwin, Barry Shank, Will Straw, and Keith Harris. On the basis of these authors? formulations, some essential elements for conceptualizing scenes are developed - interaction, communication, identity, and local and supralocal spaces. The four authors? definitions are elaborated comparatively, and certain problems in the operationalisation of the concept are discussed. The authors of this article propose their own definition of the concept of scene, which is based on communication around core or important ?things?.
Sociologija, 2012
The aim of this paper is to present how the electronic and print media have been used among the y... more The aim of this paper is to present how the electronic and print media have been used among the youth in Serbia. The analysis aims to show diverse modes of media usage in relation to the demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the youth, on the assumption that age, sex, residence, education, occupation, etc. influence the choice of media, the contents that young people prefer, as well as the amount of time spent on their usage. The issue that prompted our attention most is access to different types of media (print, television and internet) because the media also represent one of the key preconditions of social participation.
Sem jednog davnog istraživanja u pedagoškom ključu, u Srbiji nije bilo pokušaja sistematskog istr... more Sem jednog davnog istraživanja u pedagoškom ključu, u Srbiji nije bilo pokušaja sistematskog istraživanja jednoroditeljskih porodica, a da ne govorimo o kontinuitetu takvih istraživanja koji bi bio itekako poželjan, obzirom na burnu istoriju ratnih i drugih kataklizmi koje su pogađale naše porodice. Ova studija je stoga dragocen prilog, kako za upoznavanje sa složenim problemima ovih porodica, tako i kao pionirski uvid za buduća praćenja. ... U celini smatramo da je studija Jednoroditeljske porodice u Srbiji – sociološka studija od jedinstvenog i dugoročnog društvenog i naučnog značaja. To je izuzetno informativna i analitička studija koja nam donosi mnoštvo podataka o ovoj u našoj naučnoj praksi, ali i u javnosti, margina-lizovanoj društvenoj pojavi. " Iz recenzije prof. dr Anđelke Milić " Autori su uložili vanredan napor da fenomen svestrano osvetle, prvo na deskriptivnom nivou, a potom na eksplorativnom. U analitičkom delu bilo je potrebno razviti jedan, u suštini, inte...
Socioloski pregled
In this paper we deal with the research of the relation between risk behaviour forms among young ... more In this paper we deal with the research of the relation between risk behaviour forms among young people in Serbia and the assumed risk factors. This paper is aimed at using the criminology theory in order to test the effect of environmental factors on more broadly understood risk behaviour of young people. The conceptual framework of the study is founded on the general criminology theory of R. Agnew, while the hypothesis directing our research is: Features of the social environment as well as individual and family characteristics constitute the strain factors pushing a young person into risk behaviour. For the data of the representative study on young people (N=1186) aged between 15 and 29, conducted in 2015, we applied the statistical technique of multilevel modelling which ensures the establishment of relations with risk behaviour forms at individual and contextual levels. The findings of the multilevel analysis indicate that individual and contextual factors are equally important in the understanding of risk behaviour forms. In other words, gender and age, as well as social disorganization and culture of violence constitute a fertile soil for risk occurrence.
The aim of this paper is to explore the characteristics and relative importance of civic engageme... more The aim of this paper is to explore the characteristics and relative importance of civic engagement for young members of civil society organisations in Serbia. This article is exploratory in character and is based on qualitative methodology. Youth engagement is observed through the theoretical lens of the life course approach. The questions addressed by the paper are as follows: How do young people perceive their civic engagement? What motivates their participation? How does this engagement relate to other aspects of their life course? The method used here is narrative analysis of 20 semi-structured interviews conducted with young volunteers and members of civil society organisations in Serbia selected through theoretical sampling. The key finding is that there is a range of motivations and accompanying strategies - from the purely idealistic to the highly instrumental. The majority of our respondents displayed a mixed type of motivation, successfully combining activities aimed at p...
Kultura, 2015
Са же так: Ау тор у ра ду по ста вља оп шти оквир со ци о ло шког про у ча ва ња иден ти те та оч... more Са же так: Ау тор у ра ду по ста вља оп шти оквир со ци о ло шког про у ча ва ња иден ти те та оче ва. Има ју ћи у ви ду да се у по пу лар ним дис кур си ма али и у струч ној јав но сти све че шће го во ри о кри зи му шко сти ко ја са со бом но си и пре и спи ти ва ња и но ве об ли ке ро ди тељ ских прак си му шка ра ца, пи та ња очин ства по ста ла су по себ но за ни мљи ва со ци о ло зи ма, пси хо ло зи ма, пе да го зи ма, со ци јал ним рад ни ци ма и дру гим струч ња ци ма за ин те ре со ва ним за по ро дич ни жи вот. Му шки иден ти тет је у про це си ма ко ји ка рак те ри шу ка сно мо дер но дру штво ви ше стру ко ре ви ди ран и у ме ђу вре ме ну је по стао пред мет по себ ног де ла род них сту ди ја-сту ди ја ма ску ли ни те та. Уло га оца је тра ди ци о нал но под ра зу ме ва ла за штит ни ка и хра ни о ца по ро ди це, као и ве зу са спољ ним све том у ко ме за сту па ин те ре се сво је по ро дич не гру пе и бра ни сво ју и част чла но ва по ро ди це. Док су про це си мо дер ни за ци је уло гу оца као за ступ ни ка пред дру ги ма сво ди ли на сим бо лич ку ре пре зен та ци ју или из јед на ча ва ли са мај ком у овој функ ци ји, пи та ње хра ни о ца по ро ди це је и да нас ве о ма зна чај но. Иа ко је из јед на ча ва ње му шка ра ца и же на у јав ној сфе ри до во ди ло по сте пе но до ма ње аси ме три је у при хо ди ма и ве о ма зна чај ног уче шћа же на у кућ ном бу џе ту, уло га му шка ра ца као хра ни о ца се и на ни воу иден ти те та и на ни воу ре ал них прак си спо ри је ме ња. Кључ нере чи: очин ство, ро ди тељ ство, род, ма ску и ли ни тет ДРАГАН СТАНОЈЕВИЋ Џенкс, К. Пост мо дер но де те, у: Со ци о ло ги ја де тињ ства, уре ди ла То ма но вић, С. (2006), Бе о град: ЗУНС.
Sociologija, 2016
Main objective in this article is to describe in more details specific interlinkages and exchange... more Main objective in this article is to describe in more details specific interlinkages and exchange that is unfolding between political elite and entrepreneurs as key actors that possess, manage and deploy economic resources in the private sector of the economy. The focus is on the specific mechanisms through which the exchange has been unfolding, as well as on the perception of the functionality of the exchange for the position and interests of both type of actors. The analysis is conducted using empirical findings from the qualitative, in-depth research on political clientelism and party patronage implemented in the spring 2015 upon sample of 55 representatives of political elite, 26 economic actors, 9 interlocking broker and 8 experts. From the research, it is clear that economic actors have, to put it mildly, ambivalent attitude towards this way of functioning of the market. On the one hand, they feel all the risks they are exposed to: additional expenditure, unforeseen requiremen...
Filozofija i drustvo, 2014
Je li sa ve ta Vu ke lić So ci o logy Re se arch In sti tu te Uni ver sity of Bel gra de Dra gan ... more Je li sa ve ta Vu ke lić So ci o logy Re se arch In sti tu te Uni ver sity of Bel gra de Dra gan Sta no je vić De part ment of So ci o logy Fa culty of Phi lo sophy Uni ver sity of Bel gra de Who sho uld ta ke ca re of the po or? Re li gion and so cial wel fa re in Ame ri ca Ab stract The pur po se of this study is to exa mi ne the church-sta te re la ti ons in the Uni ted Sta tes from the per spec ti ve of the so cial wel fa re system. Mo re pre ci sely, we are qu e sti o ning the way the con cep tual fo un da ti ons and prac ti cal ac ti vi ti es of re li gi o us or ga ni za ti ons in flu en ce the di rec ti ons of so cial po licy and sha pe the way of de a ling with the po or. The first part of the text outli nes the main fe a tu res of re li gi o us li fe and so cial wel fa re system in Ame ri ca, whi le the se cond con ta ins an analysis of the im pact of ba sic mo ral and re li gi o us prin ci ples of the Re for med Pro te stan tism and Ro man Cat ho li cism (the two most wi de spre ad re li gi o us tra di ti ons) and the ways in which re li gi o us or gani za ti ons are ta king part in the mo dern so cial wel fa re system in Ame ri ca.
Revija za sociologiju, 2020
The paper deals with resources available to young parents and the strategies they deploy as a res... more The paper deals with resources available to young parents and the strategies they deploy as a response to various domain-related demands (housing, finance, work, family). First, the structural and cultural features of the social context in Serbia are discussed as the framework for the study. Secondly, the paper analyses young parents' differences, by socioeconomic status (SES) and gender, regarding their resources, such as housing, finances, and employment, as well as their strategies. The analysis is based on a mixed-methods approach, which brings together the survey results of a sub-sample of 435 parents from a nationally representative survey of young adults aged 18 to 35, and a qualitative analysis of semi-structured interviews with 24 young mothers and fathers. The analyses indicate significant SES and gender differences in young parents' resources and strategies, which are shaped by the structures and cultures of parenthood specific to the contemporary social context i...
Informal Power Networks, Political Patronage and Clientelism in Serbia and Kosovo, 2016
T he Republic of Serbia is one of the few countries in which all five rounds of the Multiple Indi... more T he Republic of Serbia is one of the few countries in which all five rounds of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey (MICS) have been implemented. The third (2005), fourth (2010) and fifth round (2014) of the MICS included two surveys: a standard one, representative at the national level; and another representative of the population from Roma settlements -with the aim to close the data gap for this very vulnerable population group. Implementation of all rounds of the MICS has allowed for observation of trends in the selected areas. The latest 2014 Serbia MICS and 2014 Serbia Roma Settlements MICS were carried out by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia with technical and financial support provided by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). In addition to the traditional MICS indicators, country-specific indicators were included. The standard outputs of the 2014 surveys include a key findings report and the final MICS report. Both reports are of a descriptive nature and present important social and development indicators by selected background characteristics of the households and individuals.
Journal of Youth Studies, 2016
Contemporary sociological studies argue that employment and
personal life have diversified effec... more Contemporary sociological studies argue that employment and
personal life have diversified effects as determinants of life
satisfaction (LS) of young adults. We have, therefore, decided to
explore the three different aspects of general LS, satisfaction with
personal (intimate) domain, satisfaction with family life and
satisfaction with occupation (professional domain), by using the
survey data on 1627 young adults aged from 19 to 35 from
Serbia. The correlations between the three domains are
significant, while the strongest tie is between satisfaction with
intimate relations and satisfaction with family life. The analysis
exposed that social variables (employment, education, housing
autonomy and financial autonomy) and personal variables
(partnership and parenthood) are in a diverse manner related to
the three domains of LS, as well as that their effects are different
for young men and women. Taking into account particularities of
social context in Serbia, we have introduced functional autonomy
(decision-making and acting independent of parents) as
mediating variable. The results uncover that functional autonomy
has little influence on satisfaction with occupation, while social
variables have a strong effect, suggesting that agency in
professional domain is significantly socially bound. Regression
models reveal divergent and gender-specific relations of variables
and three aspects of LS related to particular structural and cultural
context in Serbia that sets limits to gender detraditionalization.
Papers by Dragan Stanojevic
personal life have diversified effects as determinants of life
satisfaction (LS) of young adults. We have, therefore, decided to
explore the three different aspects of general LS, satisfaction with
personal (intimate) domain, satisfaction with family life and
satisfaction with occupation (professional domain), by using the
survey data on 1627 young adults aged from 19 to 35 from
Serbia. The correlations between the three domains are
significant, while the strongest tie is between satisfaction with
intimate relations and satisfaction with family life. The analysis
exposed that social variables (employment, education, housing
autonomy and financial autonomy) and personal variables
(partnership and parenthood) are in a diverse manner related to
the three domains of LS, as well as that their effects are different
for young men and women. Taking into account particularities of
social context in Serbia, we have introduced functional autonomy
(decision-making and acting independent of parents) as
mediating variable. The results uncover that functional autonomy
has little influence on satisfaction with occupation, while social
variables have a strong effect, suggesting that agency in
professional domain is significantly socially bound. Regression
models reveal divergent and gender-specific relations of variables
and three aspects of LS related to particular structural and cultural
context in Serbia that sets limits to gender detraditionalization.
personal life have diversified effects as determinants of life
satisfaction (LS) of young adults. We have, therefore, decided to
explore the three different aspects of general LS, satisfaction with
personal (intimate) domain, satisfaction with family life and
satisfaction with occupation (professional domain), by using the
survey data on 1627 young adults aged from 19 to 35 from
Serbia. The correlations between the three domains are
significant, while the strongest tie is between satisfaction with
intimate relations and satisfaction with family life. The analysis
exposed that social variables (employment, education, housing
autonomy and financial autonomy) and personal variables
(partnership and parenthood) are in a diverse manner related to
the three domains of LS, as well as that their effects are different
for young men and women. Taking into account particularities of
social context in Serbia, we have introduced functional autonomy
(decision-making and acting independent of parents) as
mediating variable. The results uncover that functional autonomy
has little influence on satisfaction with occupation, while social
variables have a strong effect, suggesting that agency in
professional domain is significantly socially bound. Regression
models reveal divergent and gender-specific relations of variables
and three aspects of LS related to particular structural and cultural
context in Serbia that sets limits to gender detraditionalization.
Studija pred vama predstavlja u maloj meri prerađen doktorat koji je rađen pod mentorstvom prof. dr Smiljke Tomanović i koji je odbranjen na Odeljenju za sociologiju Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, oktobra 2015. godine, pred komisijom: prof. dr Mina Petrović, prof. dr Mirjana Bobić, prof. dr Dragan Popadić i prof. dr Smiljka Tomanović.