Jewish Studies Winter School in Dubrovnik by Michal Brandl
Inter University Centre Dubrovnik
Jewish Studies Winter School will enable students (graduate and postgraduate alike) to convene on... more Jewish Studies Winter School will enable students (graduate and postgraduate alike) to convene once a year and exchange their knowledge, research experieances and ideas on different topics in the history, religion, literature, philosophy, languages and politics of the Jews. Chronologically it will encompas Medieval, Early Modern to Contemporary period. It is our intention to offer a forum to discuss in a comparative perspective Jewish history and culture in Europe and beyond.
We would like to design it as an interdisciplinary course, that will prepare participants for discussion and research broadly defined Jewish history and culture. We intend to offer our participants with a wide scope of interests, a place where they will be encouraged to test their ideas and discuss their findings.
In this meeting we are discussing the final program proposal for 2019.
Books by Michal Brandl
This book is the result of work on a doctoral dissertation that, after being defended at the Univ... more This book is the result of work on a doctoral dissertation that, after being defended at the University of Zagreb, was enhanced by additional insights into archival documentation on the history of Jews after the Holocaust in Croatia (Yugoslavia), i.e. in the period from the end of 1944 to 1952. It is the one of the first books that deals with the hitherto unexplained fate of Jews who survived the Second World War and the Holocaust, and which examines their experience of life in communist Yugoslavia and their departure to Israel during the post-war aliyot. The scientific contribution of this book is reflected in a thorough and verifiable insight into the existing archival material, which in itself speaks of the specific position of Jews in Croatia and Yugoslavia after the experience of war and the Holocaust. The author presented new knowledge about this serious, so far unexplored problem. This book represents a fundamental contribution to the history of the Jewish community in Croatia, and any subsequent attempt at a historiographical as well as social discussion of their experience will necessarily have to take into account the author's interpretation and the conclusions she reached. (Andrea Feldman)
This book is crucial for understanding the large and to this day underexplored problem of the app... more This book is crucial for understanding the large and to this day underexplored problem of the appropriation of Jewish property from the beginning of the Second World War to the post-war years. The author has researched the topic well and thoroughly and presented it in a clear and comprehensible manner, without any ideological bias. General readers in Croatia and other Southeast European countries, but also globally, will learn a lot about this long-term injustice, which is a consequence not only of the Holocaust in Croatia but also of the revolutionary power takeover by the communists in Yugoslavia after the Second World War.
Providing systematic and accurate information about the problem of the restitution of private property to (Jewish and non-Jewish) owners in Croatia, this book will also be useful to decision-makers, media representatives, non-governmental organisations, and lawyers.
Andrea Feldman, University of Zagreb
Published Papers by Michal Brandl
Liber amicorum. Zbornik radova u čast profesora Iva Banca., 2021
This article is a kind of puzzle from the mosaic of materials available about Karla Duhar, from a... more This article is a kind of puzzle from the mosaic of materials available about Karla Duhar, from a Croatian Communist immigrant family to the USA from her correspondence, as well as information about the contemporaries she mentions in her letters. She reveals to us the peculiar world of American communist circles, Hollywood producers and young communist Yugoslavian diplomacy, some of whom are still active in the Croatian present and politics, either in front of or behind the spotlight. This is perhaps its greatest value.
Problemi sjevernog Jadrana, Vol. 19, p. 11-44., 2021
Il saggio analizza la presenza ebraica nel commercio di granaglie nel Settecento in base ai 16.00... more Il saggio analizza la presenza ebraica nel commercio di granaglie nel Settecento in base ai 16.000 documenti dei Regesti marittimi croati vol. I-III di Nikola Čolak. Dall’analisi risulta che i mercanti, negozianti, parcenevoli e spedizionieri ebrei erano attivi nel commercio di frumento, granoturco, orzo e segale in numero molto ridotto rispetto al totale delle presenze nei documenti citati. Li troviamo in questo ramo menzionati non più di ventisei volte, perlopiù riguardanti i porti adriatico-settentrionali di Trieste, Duino, l’Istria con Pazin (Pisino), il Litorale croato - ovvero austriaco - con Rijeka (Fiume), Senj (Segna) e la Dalmazia, Dubrovnik e Durrës (Durazzo) al sud. Gli ebrei vendono le granaglie anche da Venezia, comprano da Rimini e Senigallia e soprattutto da Ancona per rivenderlo da lì anche in porti extra-adriatici quali Genova e Barcellona dove avevano propri contatti commerciali. Le famiglie ovvero ditte più presenti ed attive si dimostrano gli anconetani Morpurgo (Eredi, Fratelli, Eredi Sanson Morpurgo o Marpurgo), Consolo, Rosolem, Pacifico, Treves, Levi del Banco Ebreo e Vitali. Interessanti si mostrano le provenienze dei paroni e capitani con cui collaborano: dall’Istria ovvero Rovinj (Rovigno) sette, dal Kvarner (Quarnero) e precisamente da Lošinj (Lussino) e Cres (Cherso) cinque, da Dubrovnik uno, da Palazzolo del Friuli uno, da Venezia quattro (dalle isole di Giudecca e Pellestrina), da Loreo tre, un capitano dalla Francia e due dall’Olanda, il che ci permette di tracciare uno scorcio delle reti commerciali dell’epoca.
Parole chiave: Ebrei, Morpurgo, cereali, commercio, Adriatico settentrionale, Ancona, Settecento, Regesti marittimi croati, Codex Maritimus Diplomaticus Croatiae
Kroatologija : časopis za hrvatsku kulturu, 2021
This paper analyzes all the names and characteristics of ships registered in the Croatian Maritim... more This paper analyzes all the names and characteristics of ships registered in the Croatian Maritime Regesta v. I, which represent 4,890 documents with 18 th c. information on the entries and exits of ships from several Adriatic ports. A total of 6,479 sailing ships have been found under 55 different terms. A comparative analysis of their characteristics and specific features has proven that in the 18 th c., between the ports of Adriatic coasts, intensive trading was taking place on a daily basis. From the analysis it is evident that the merchants and small paroni preferred to use smaller ships, with a deadweight tonnage of between 20 and 300 t, which were faster and easier to manage, with good sailing properties. These were primarily trabaccolos (accounting for 22.7% of trade), then pielegos (21%) and tartanes (15.4%), brazzeras (5.2%), marcilianas (2.7%), polacres (2.4%), barche (1.6%) and grippos (1.4%). Smaller ships under 300 t of deadweight tonnage accounted for as much as 76% of the total sailers listed, while the larger ships, with over 300 t of deadweight tonnage, among which were frigatoons (5.3%) and huge navas i.e. vessels (5.2%), accounted for 14% of the total, predominantly extra-Adriatic and extra-Mediterranean traffic. From the average size of the ships it was concluded that the 18 th c. in the Adriatic was characterized by sailing within its confines and by highly dynamic small and medium
Historijski zbornik, 2020
Židovi trgovci, parcenevoli i špediteri na Jadranu u 18. stoljeću iz Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta,... more Židovi trgovci, parcenevoli i špediteri na Jadranu u 18. stoljeću iz Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta, I-II sv.
U članku se analiziraju prva dva sveska Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nell’Adriatico. Fonti / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela (RMC I-II) Nikole Čolaka u mapiranju židovske prisutnosti na Jadranu tijekom tog stoljeća. Primijenjena je novoosmišljena metodologija koja omogućuje brzo izdvajanje traženih pojmova iz tako velike i sustavne baze podataka od oko 12.000 dokumenata, kao što su sami RMC I-II te izgrađena dodatna specifična baza za potrebe židovske tematike. Dobivena je vrlo živa slika o 359 spomena pripadnika židovskih zajednica obiju obala Jadrana, koji predstavljaju važan korpus tadašnje dnevne i tjedne unutar-jadranske te višetjedne izvan-jadranske plovidbe i trgovine prema ostalim mediteranskim i sjevernim morima. Rad je tek početni doprinos vrlo širokoj tematici koja iziskuje nastavak izdavanja dokumentarnih vrela Hrvatskog diplomatičkog pomorskog zbornika.
Ključne riječi: Hrvatski pomorski regesti; Jadran; 18. stoljeće; Židovi; onomastika; trgovci; parcenevoli; špediteri; trgovina; Mediteran; Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik
Jewish merchants, shipowners and forwarders in the Adriatic in the 18th Century from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. I-II
The article analyzes the first two volumes of Nikola Čolak’s Croatian Maritime Regesta. The eighteenth century. Sailing within the Adriatic. Sources (RMC I-II), mapping Jewish presence in the Adriatic during the 18th century. A newly designed methodology was applied to quickly extract required data from such a large and systematic database, i. e. ca. 12,000 documents of the RMC I-II, and to build an additional, more specific database for Jewish topics. The result was 359 mentions of members of 18th century Jewish communities on both Adriatic shores, which represented an imtegral part in navigation and commerce of the time. Their names, for the first time published in such systematic way, are: Coen, Morpurgo, Vitali, Baraffael, Consolo, Jacur, Baroni, Cagli, Mondolfo, Bemporad, Sonnino, Vivante, Danon, Campos, Levi, Pardo, Viterbo, Costantini, Fermi, Lucerna, Coen Tanugi, Ditallevo, Pacifico, Raffael, Treves, Volterra and Zenon. Here, there are many old families which are mentioned for the first time in these areas. There are also some new surnames that arouse the interest of experts, not only because of newly analyzed documents, but because of further plans to continue publishing Croatian Maritime Regesta, revealing new information in many areas, not only in Judaic studies. This article represents an initial contribution to the very broad subject matter that needs the continuation of further publishing of documentary sources of the Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Corpus / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae, important not only for Croatian but for international historiography as well.
Keywords: Croatian Maritime Regesta; Adriatic; 18th century; Jews; onomastics; merchants; shipowners; forwarders; trade; Mediterranean; Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae
Problemi sjevernog Jadrana, Zagreb - Rijeka, vol.18 - 2020, Dec 2020
Ovaj osvrt odnosi se na 22. konferenciju „European Business History Association”, održanoj na Sve... more Ovaj osvrt odnosi se na 22. konferenciju „European Business History Association”, održanoj na Sveučilištu u Anconi od 6. do 8. rujna 2018. godine te o suradnji tri istraživača Podhraški Čizmek, Brandl i Mancuso na panelu A Maritime Market: Jewish Enterprises and Grain Trade in Early Modern Europe s radom „Jewish Presence in the Maritime Trade of Grain during the 18th Century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vols. I-III.” Naš je doprinos polazio od analize dokumenata iz tri sveska Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta/Regesti marittimi croati (RMC) Nikole Čolaka: prvi svezak s oko 5.000 regesta tiskan u Padovi 1985. godine ; drugi svezak s oko 7.000 regesta tiskan također u Padovi 1993., a treći svezak sa cca 4.000 regesta uredila je Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, a objavilo Sveučilište u Splitu 2017. godine. Dokumenti u skraćenom obliku regesta obuhvaćaju razdoblje od 1700. do 1799. godine te potječu iz Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Archivio di Stato di Ancona i Archivio di Stato di Fano. Svih oko 16.000 dokumenata govore o intenzivnom dnevnom i tjednom prometu ne samo unutar Jadranskog mora, već i s mediteranskim trgovačkim lukama, pa čak i s trgovačkim lukama i trgovcima iz sjevernih mora i Atlantika. Panel na kojem smo sudjelovali bio je usredotočen isključivo na promet granaglia: pšenice, ječma, raži i drugih vrsta žitarica, u kojoj su Židovi sudjelovali u 18. stoljeću u različitim ulogama. Rezultati pokazuju 29 dokumenata koji upućuju poglavito na Istru i sjevernojadranske luke.
This article offers a report on the panel session “A Maritime Market: Jewish Enterprises and Grain Trade in Early Modern Europe” of the 22nd Annual Congress of the European Business History Association (University of Ancona, 6-8 September 2018), and more specifically on the paper “Jewish Presence in the Maritime Trade of Grain during the 18th Century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vols. I-III.” that Dr. Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, Dr. Michal Brandl and Dr. Piergabriele Mancuso presented.
Our contribution was based on the analysis of documents from three volumes of the “Croatian Maritime Regesta” / “Regesti marittimi croati” (RMC) edited by Nikola Čolak: the first volume with almost 5,000 regesta, printed in Padua in 1985; the second volume with about 7,000 regesta, also printed in Padua, in 1993, and the third volume with about 4,000 regesta, edited by Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek and published by the University of Split in 2017. The regesta – whose original documents are stored in the National Archives of Venice, Ancona and Fano - cover the entire 18th century, and on the whole, they amount to more than 16,000 documentary units. These documents offer brand new information about the mercantile-trading activities in the Adriatic, but also the Mediterranean, the North Sea, and the Atlantic.
The panel’s main focus mainly, but not exclusively, on “granaglia”, that is wheat, barley, rye, and other grains, and on the various roles played by Jewish traders and dealers in the 18th century. The paper includes twenty-nine unpublished documents dealing mostly Istria and the northern Adriatic ports.
Pomorski zbornik – Journal of Maritime and Transportation Sciences, 2020
This paper presents an outline and announces the continuation of the Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus... more This paper presents an outline and announces the continuation of the Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae (Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Codex), consisting of a total of 100,000 documents on Croatia’s presence in the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. Nikola Čolak had started this project in 1956 in Zadar and was developing it for the next 40 years, exploring all the relevant archives on both coasts of the Adriatic that were relevant for not only Croatian history but for everyone else participating in this trade (Italians, Jews, and many others). After the 3rd volume of the Croatian Maritime Regesta was published in 2017, two historians decided to continue, in collaboration with other Croatian and foreign researchers, the publication of the aforementioned series by publishing the 4th volume of this series. The project introduces, as the innovation to the original project, the use of modern technologies related to the processing of digitized data as to allow everyone free access to hitherto unpublished archival sources in regesto as well as in extenso, depending on the importance of the document.
Key words: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae/Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Codex; Croatian Maritime Regesta, 18th century; the Adriatic; the Mediterranean; Levante; Ponente; Trade; Sources; Dalmatia; Ottoman-Venetian relations; Ships; Ports; Jewish-Cristian contacts; Pilgrimages; Multireligiosity; Multiculturalism.
Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik i Hrvatski pomorski regesti IV. sv.: projekt u nastajanju
Ovaj rad ocrtava i najavljuje nastavak projekta Hrvatskog diplomatičkog pomorskog zbornika / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae koji se sastoji od sveukupno 100.000 dokumenata o hrvatskoj prisutnosti na Jadranu i Mediteranu. Projekt je započeo 1956. prof. Nikola Čolak u Zadru te ga nastavio kroz narednih 40 godina istražujući po svim arhivima dviju jadranskih obala, relevantnim ne samo za hrvatsku povijest nego i za sve ostale sudionike u toj razmjeni (Talijane, Židove i mnoge druge). Nakon što je 2017. objavljen III. svezak Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta. 18. stoljeće / Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento dvije povjesničarke su zajedno, u suradnji s drugim hrvatskim i inozemnim istraživačima, pokrenule nastavak izdavanja gore spomenute serije pripremajući IV. svezak. Projekt, kao inovaciju izvornom projektu, uvodi korištenje suvremenih tehnologija vezano uz obradu digitaliziranih podataka kako bi se svima omogućio slobodan pristup do sada neobjavljenim vrelima in regesto i također in extenso, ovisno o važnosti dokumenta.
Ključne riječi: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato; Hrvatski pomorski regesti / Regesti Marittimi
Il Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato ed i Regesti marittimi croati IV vol.: un progetto in fieri
L’articolo delinea ed assieme annuncia la continuazione del progetto del Codice Marittimo Diplomatico Croato / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae che raccoglie in tutto circa 100.000 documenti riguardanti la presenza croata nell’Adriatico e nel Mediterraneo. Il progetto ha avuto il suo incipit nel 1956 a Zara grazie all’opera del prof. Nikola Čolak che ha lo ha portato avanti per quarant’anni con un immenso lavoro archivistico di ricerca nei vari archivi di ambo le coste adriatiche rilevanti non solo per la storia croata, ma anche per tutti i partecipanti ai detti traffici (Italiani, Ebrei e molti altri). Dopo che nel 2017 è stato pubblicato il III volume dei Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. 18. stoljeće, due storiche hanno avviato la continuazione della pubblicazione della sopracitata collana curando il IV volume in collaborazione con altri ricercatori croati ed internazionali. Il progetto introduce, come innovazione rispetto al progetto iniziale, l’uso di tecnologie contemporanee riguardo all’elaborazione dei dati digitalizzati per consentire a tutti libero accesso a fonti finora inedite sia in regesto che in extenso, a seconda dell’importanza e della tipologia dei documenti.
Parole chiave: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato; Regesti Marittimi Croati / Hrvatski pomorski regesti; Settecento; Adriatico; Mediterraneo; Levante; Ponente; commercio; fonti; Dalmazia; relazioni ottomano-veneziane; navi; porti; contatti ebreo-cristiani; pellegrinaggi; multireligiosità; multiculturalismo.
Zbornik Drage Roksandića / Agičić, Damir ; Petrić, Hrvoje ; Šimetin Šegvić, Filip (ur.)., 2019
The article presents a pioneering project within Croatian historiography: the compilation of the ... more The article presents a pioneering project within Croatian historiography: the compilation of the Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae planned in 20 volumes of about 100,000 documents/regesta already mapped and microfilmed. So far only 3 volumes of the Croatian Maritime Regesta have been published (with about 16,000 regesta) and the 4 th has already been edited with another 4,000 sources to be published. The transcribed documents will also be digitized and merged with those previously transcribed, placing them all together on an online platform with a specially designed computer search program. Thanks to this system, it will be possible to quickly search for any topic in the total of 20,000 digitized documents and 4 volumes of maritime history of the 18 th century which this project offers to the academic community in Croatia and abroad for further processing and research-and unification in future different maritime international databases. The innovative methodology and collaborations with Italian researchers are shown as well as the perspectives for funding the rest of the project for the transcribing of approx. 75,000 already mapped and microfilmed documents.
Key words: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae, Croatian Maritime Regesta, Adriatic, Mediterranean, 18th century, Archival sources, Nikola Čolak, Database, Maritime history, Jewish history
Elity i przedstawiciele społeczności żydowskiej podczas II wojny światowej, eds. Martyna Grądzka-Rejak ; Aleksandra Namysło, Katowice–Kraków–Warszawa: Instytutu Pamięci Narodowej, 2017
Historijski zbornik 69:1, 2016
The article deals with complex issues of Jewish owned property before the Second World War, and i... more The article deals with complex issues of Jewish owned property before the Second World War, and its destiny in the post-war period. e goal of this research is to identify and to log all the Jewish owned property, either personal or communal. In this way, it is possible to reconstruct, at least virtually, the world that was destroyed in this period. Once a list of the Jewish cultural heritage in Zagreb that is gone has been compiled, intangible Jewish cultural heritage will be revealed and reconstructed.
Keywords: Jews, Zagreb, Shoah, Holocaust, con scation, nationalization, topography of Jewish cultural heritage.
Review of Croatian history XII, 2016
This article is a presentation of the general condition of Jews in Croatia after World War II in ... more This article is a presentation of the general condition of Jews in Croatia after World War II in the crucial post-war period, 1945 (with reference to previous developments) until the beginning of 1948. The main characteristic of the position of Jews in Croatia was the restoration of the Federation of Jewish communities in Belgrade and Jewish communities in Croatia, renewal of their membership in international Jewish organizations, as well at the assistance and relief provided by international Jewish organizations to the few surviving Jews in Croatia. Particular attention is given to property issues, relating both to personal property and the property of Jewish communities and organizations in Croatia. This article shows the direct link between repatriation/citizenship with the right of property restitution, as well as the series of laws which, together with penalty clauses, mandated consequential measures involving the seizure of property. Having first identified the pre-war ownership of the property, the new Yugoslav legal system created a framework to nationalize Jewish property, thus changing the property structure of the new Yugoslavia.
Radovi - Zavod za hrvatsku povijest 47:2, 2015
The Jewish community in Croatia was almost destroyed in the period of the Shoah. Between 70 and 8... more The Jewish community in Croatia was almost destroyed in the period of the Shoah. Between 70 and 80 percent of Croatian Jews were killed and their property was looted or destroyed. The largest number of prewar Jewish communities after World War II as well as Jewish societies was not renewed. Their property was also looted and destroyed. Similar was the case with cemeteries and other tangible and intangible cultural heritage.
However, despite the very adverse conditions, the fact that the Jewish religious community functioned for the entire war period, not in the form of pre-war communities in this part of Europe, but with a completely new, imposed functions: care for deported Jews in concentration camps, and for the few who remained in the territory of the ISC protected on various grounds, and to do it with its own funds (raised from mainly international Jewish organizations), helped prompt the organization to help the survivors, which started to return to Zagreb and Croatia after the liberation. The leadership of the Community since May of 1943 had contacts with international Jewish organizations and was accustomed to working in abnormal conditions so they very quickly organized themselves, in much the same way as during the war.
This article analyzes the activities of the Zagreb Jewish community in the immediate post-war period, from the summer of 1945 until 1946 based on the archives of the community from the Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade. Its activities consist of the administrative assistance for baptized Jews to return to Judaism, the care of a nursing home, of helping survivors in the form of accommodation, food and health care, searching for the hidden children, as well as providing assistance to members and other Croatian Jews in search for their family members as well as for their movable and immovable property. The community was also taking care of registrars books, as well as cataloging assets destroyed in the war and was involved in the revival of the religious life.
Nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj i Hrvati kao manjina - europski izazovi, Dobrovšak, Ljiljana i Žebec Šilj, Ivana (eds.), Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, 2015
This article deals with the process of rebuilding Jewish communities after the Shoah/Holocaust in... more This article deals with the process of rebuilding Jewish communities after the Shoah/Holocaust in Croatia. Examining history from the perspective of its Jewish protagonists and in a broader Jewish context the relationship between Jewish identity, politics and ideology, in the context of the Socialist State and the changes in the (self)definition of Croatian Jews, stratification within the community and the opting of most survivors to leave Yugoslavia will be investigated.
Nacionalne manjine u Hrvatskoj i Hrvati kao manjina - europski izazovi, Dobrovšak, Ljiljana i Žebec Šilj, Ivana (ur.), Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, 2015
Drugi svjetski rat i neposredno poraće iz temelja su izmijenili sliku židovskih zajednica u Hrvat... more Drugi svjetski rat i neposredno poraće iz temelja su izmijenili sliku židovskih zajednica u Hrvatskoj, odnosno poslijeratnoj Jugoslaviji. Između 75 i 80 posto hrvatskog židovskog stanovništva stradalo je u Šoi. Krovna jugoslavenska židovska organizacija, Savez jevrejskih veroispovednih opština Jugoslavije, obnovljena je još potkraj 1944. godine, odmah nakon oslobođenja Beograda, u vrlo složenim političkim okolnostima. Godinu dana poslije privremeno je obnovljeno i Udruženje ortodoksnih jevrejskih veroispovednih opština. Većina prijeratnih židovskih organizacija nije poslije rata nastavila s radom: u Jugoslaviji, za razliku od ostalih istočnoeuropskih zemalja, nakon rata nije obnovljena ni cionistička organizacija. 1 Za razliku od ostalih istočnoeuropskih zemalja, gdje su židovski komunisti funkciju židovskih zajednica nastojali ograničiti na religiju osnivajući razne paralelne udruge, židovska zajednica u Jugoslaviji zadržala je većinu židovskih aktivnosti u sklopu postojećih općina. Istodobno su prestale postojati posebne aškenaske i sefardske zajednice, ali brakovi između pripadnika tih dviju skupina u neposrednom poraću bili su vrlo rijetki. Za različite židovske politike, međutim, nije bilo mjesta. Neposredno poraće obilježeno je povratkom preživjelih, ali ne nužno u prijeratna prebivališta. To je za povratnike bilo traumatično razdoblje jer su se morali suočiti s činjenicom da većina članova njihovih obitelji nije preživjela Šou te da se nemaju kamo vratiti. Takve okolnosti, kao i imovinska situacija malobrojnih preživjelih Židova, kojima imovina oduzeta 1941. u pravilu nije bila vraćena ili je vrlo brzo ponovno nacionalizirana, uvjetovali su odlazak većine preživjelih. 3 Život poslijeratne židovske zajednice 1 Ari Kerkkänen, Yugoslav Jewry: Aspects of Post-World War II and Post-Yugoslav Developments, Helsinki: Studia Orientalia, 2001, 43-44. Autor navodi anticionističku tradiciju među jugoslavenskim komunistima, naročito jaku među židovskim komunistima. I u Istočnoj Europi nakon potpunog komunističkog preuzimanja (1948.) te su organizacije dragovoljno raspuštene. 2 Prema Ari Kerkkänen, Yugoslav Jewry, 39-44. 3 Od 1944. smjerovi emigracije uglavnom su okrenuti prema Zapadnoj Europi, američkom kontinentu i Australiji, a od 1948. godine oko polovina onih koji su ostali optira za odlazak u Izrael. Niz zakona koji nisu poznavali instituciju dvojnog državljanstva ili nisu omogućivali stranim državljanima posjedovanje nekretnina na području poslijeratne Jugoslavije, ostavio je židovske iseljenike bez državljanstva i imovine (ili mogućnosti traženja povrata), no povrat su Židovi dio. Počinje 1770-ih u Pruskoj, do 1810. se širi na Galiciju, od 1830. dolazi do Ruskog Carstva. Uglavnom završava emancipacijom Židova, osim u Ruskom Carstvu gdje se taj proces naprasno prekida pogromima 1881. godine, koji opet, između ostalog, dovode do nastanka protocionizma. Više o haskali općenito: Cemah Camrion, Moše Mendelson vehaide'ologija šel haHaskala, Tel Aviv: Mif 'alim universitaim le-hoca'a, 1984, a o njezinim istočnoeuropskim specifičnostima: Rafael Maler, Ha-Hasidut veha-Haskala be Galicija uve-Polin ha-kongresa 'it be-mahacit ha-rišona šel ha-,e'a ha-t'šae'sreh, ha-jesodot ha-socijalistim veha-medinim, Merhavija: Sifrijat Po'alim, 1961. 6 Izraelski Zakon o povratku השבות( )חוק donesen je 5. srpnja 1950. godine, a omogućava svakom Židovu pravo na useljenje u Izrael i izraelsko državljanstvo. S godinama je doživio brojne izmjene, pa su tako od 1970. godine u njega uključeni rođeni Židovi, kao i osobe
Internationales Kulturhistorisches Symposium Mogersdorf: Das Judentum im pannonischen Raum vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zum Jahr 1914, Kaposvár: Somogy Megyei Közgyűlés, 2009
Dieser Vortrag bietet eine interne jüdische Perspektive auf die jüdischen Gemeinden. Sie konzentr... more Dieser Vortrag bietet eine interne jüdische Perspektive auf die jüdischen Gemeinden. Sie konzentriert sich auf die Vielfältigkeit jüdischer Identitäten in der Habsburgischen Monarchie, später Österreich-Ungarischen Monarchie. Die Struktur dieses Vielvölkerstaates ermöglichte Juden, ihre jüdische Identität zu bewahren. Die Juden in Kroatien waren keine homogene Gruppe. Nach dem Jahr 1867 die Mehrheit der kroatischen Juden lebte im ungarischen Teil der Monarchie und sie waren aschkenasische Juden, die gewöhnlich zu einer Art des reformierten/ liberalen Judentums gehörten, während die sephardischen Juden im österreichischen Teil der Monarchie lebten. Der Vortrag analysiert die Integrationsprozesse und Statusmobilität, Sprachwechsel, Namensänderung, die Probleme der Assimilation und die Reaktionen darauf, wobei im Fall der aschkenasichen Juden sowohl die neologischen als auch die orthodoxen Gemeinden berücksichtigt werden.
Internationales Kulturhistorisches Symposium Mogersdorf: Das Judentum im pannonischen Raum vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zum Jahr 1914, Kaposvár: Somogy Megyei Közgyűlés, 2009
Conference Presentations by Michal Brandl
This paper will focus on two parallel processes: repatriation and restitution. It will explore co... more This paper will focus on two parallel processes: repatriation and restitution. It will explore correlation between citizenship and the possibility of restitution and different reactions of survivors coping with the new political system in Yugoslavia, affected, among other things, by their experiences during the war and political orientation.
Jewish Studies Winter School in Dubrovnik by Michal Brandl
We would like to design it as an interdisciplinary course, that will prepare participants for discussion and research broadly defined Jewish history and culture. We intend to offer our participants with a wide scope of interests, a place where they will be encouraged to test their ideas and discuss their findings.
In this meeting we are discussing the final program proposal for 2019.
Books by Michal Brandl
Providing systematic and accurate information about the problem of the restitution of private property to (Jewish and non-Jewish) owners in Croatia, this book will also be useful to decision-makers, media representatives, non-governmental organisations, and lawyers.
Andrea Feldman, University of Zagreb
Published Papers by Michal Brandl
Parole chiave: Ebrei, Morpurgo, cereali, commercio, Adriatico settentrionale, Ancona, Settecento, Regesti marittimi croati, Codex Maritimus Diplomaticus Croatiae
U članku se analiziraju prva dva sveska Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nell’Adriatico. Fonti / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela (RMC I-II) Nikole Čolaka u mapiranju židovske prisutnosti na Jadranu tijekom tog stoljeća. Primijenjena je novoosmišljena metodologija koja omogućuje brzo izdvajanje traženih pojmova iz tako velike i sustavne baze podataka od oko 12.000 dokumenata, kao što su sami RMC I-II te izgrađena dodatna specifična baza za potrebe židovske tematike. Dobivena je vrlo živa slika o 359 spomena pripadnika židovskih zajednica obiju obala Jadrana, koji predstavljaju važan korpus tadašnje dnevne i tjedne unutar-jadranske te višetjedne izvan-jadranske plovidbe i trgovine prema ostalim mediteranskim i sjevernim morima. Rad je tek početni doprinos vrlo širokoj tematici koja iziskuje nastavak izdavanja dokumentarnih vrela Hrvatskog diplomatičkog pomorskog zbornika.
Ključne riječi: Hrvatski pomorski regesti; Jadran; 18. stoljeće; Židovi; onomastika; trgovci; parcenevoli; špediteri; trgovina; Mediteran; Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik
Jewish merchants, shipowners and forwarders in the Adriatic in the 18th Century from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. I-II
The article analyzes the first two volumes of Nikola Čolak’s Croatian Maritime Regesta. The eighteenth century. Sailing within the Adriatic. Sources (RMC I-II), mapping Jewish presence in the Adriatic during the 18th century. A newly designed methodology was applied to quickly extract required data from such a large and systematic database, i. e. ca. 12,000 documents of the RMC I-II, and to build an additional, more specific database for Jewish topics. The result was 359 mentions of members of 18th century Jewish communities on both Adriatic shores, which represented an imtegral part in navigation and commerce of the time. Their names, for the first time published in such systematic way, are: Coen, Morpurgo, Vitali, Baraffael, Consolo, Jacur, Baroni, Cagli, Mondolfo, Bemporad, Sonnino, Vivante, Danon, Campos, Levi, Pardo, Viterbo, Costantini, Fermi, Lucerna, Coen Tanugi, Ditallevo, Pacifico, Raffael, Treves, Volterra and Zenon. Here, there are many old families which are mentioned for the first time in these areas. There are also some new surnames that arouse the interest of experts, not only because of newly analyzed documents, but because of further plans to continue publishing Croatian Maritime Regesta, revealing new information in many areas, not only in Judaic studies. This article represents an initial contribution to the very broad subject matter that needs the continuation of further publishing of documentary sources of the Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Corpus / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae, important not only for Croatian but for international historiography as well.
Keywords: Croatian Maritime Regesta; Adriatic; 18th century; Jews; onomastics; merchants; shipowners; forwarders; trade; Mediterranean; Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae
This article offers a report on the panel session “A Maritime Market: Jewish Enterprises and Grain Trade in Early Modern Europe” of the 22nd Annual Congress of the European Business History Association (University of Ancona, 6-8 September 2018), and more specifically on the paper “Jewish Presence in the Maritime Trade of Grain during the 18th Century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vols. I-III.” that Dr. Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, Dr. Michal Brandl and Dr. Piergabriele Mancuso presented.
Our contribution was based on the analysis of documents from three volumes of the “Croatian Maritime Regesta” / “Regesti marittimi croati” (RMC) edited by Nikola Čolak: the first volume with almost 5,000 regesta, printed in Padua in 1985; the second volume with about 7,000 regesta, also printed in Padua, in 1993, and the third volume with about 4,000 regesta, edited by Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek and published by the University of Split in 2017. The regesta – whose original documents are stored in the National Archives of Venice, Ancona and Fano - cover the entire 18th century, and on the whole, they amount to more than 16,000 documentary units. These documents offer brand new information about the mercantile-trading activities in the Adriatic, but also the Mediterranean, the North Sea, and the Atlantic.
The panel’s main focus mainly, but not exclusively, on “granaglia”, that is wheat, barley, rye, and other grains, and on the various roles played by Jewish traders and dealers in the 18th century. The paper includes twenty-nine unpublished documents dealing mostly Istria and the northern Adriatic ports.
Key words: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae/Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Codex; Croatian Maritime Regesta, 18th century; the Adriatic; the Mediterranean; Levante; Ponente; Trade; Sources; Dalmatia; Ottoman-Venetian relations; Ships; Ports; Jewish-Cristian contacts; Pilgrimages; Multireligiosity; Multiculturalism.
Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik i Hrvatski pomorski regesti IV. sv.: projekt u nastajanju
Ovaj rad ocrtava i najavljuje nastavak projekta Hrvatskog diplomatičkog pomorskog zbornika / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae koji se sastoji od sveukupno 100.000 dokumenata o hrvatskoj prisutnosti na Jadranu i Mediteranu. Projekt je započeo 1956. prof. Nikola Čolak u Zadru te ga nastavio kroz narednih 40 godina istražujući po svim arhivima dviju jadranskih obala, relevantnim ne samo za hrvatsku povijest nego i za sve ostale sudionike u toj razmjeni (Talijane, Židove i mnoge druge). Nakon što je 2017. objavljen III. svezak Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta. 18. stoljeće / Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento dvije povjesničarke su zajedno, u suradnji s drugim hrvatskim i inozemnim istraživačima, pokrenule nastavak izdavanja gore spomenute serije pripremajući IV. svezak. Projekt, kao inovaciju izvornom projektu, uvodi korištenje suvremenih tehnologija vezano uz obradu digitaliziranih podataka kako bi se svima omogućio slobodan pristup do sada neobjavljenim vrelima in regesto i također in extenso, ovisno o važnosti dokumenta.
Ključne riječi: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato; Hrvatski pomorski regesti / Regesti Marittimi
Il Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato ed i Regesti marittimi croati IV vol.: un progetto in fieri
L’articolo delinea ed assieme annuncia la continuazione del progetto del Codice Marittimo Diplomatico Croato / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae che raccoglie in tutto circa 100.000 documenti riguardanti la presenza croata nell’Adriatico e nel Mediterraneo. Il progetto ha avuto il suo incipit nel 1956 a Zara grazie all’opera del prof. Nikola Čolak che ha lo ha portato avanti per quarant’anni con un immenso lavoro archivistico di ricerca nei vari archivi di ambo le coste adriatiche rilevanti non solo per la storia croata, ma anche per tutti i partecipanti ai detti traffici (Italiani, Ebrei e molti altri). Dopo che nel 2017 è stato pubblicato il III volume dei Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. 18. stoljeće, due storiche hanno avviato la continuazione della pubblicazione della sopracitata collana curando il IV volume in collaborazione con altri ricercatori croati ed internazionali. Il progetto introduce, come innovazione rispetto al progetto iniziale, l’uso di tecnologie contemporanee riguardo all’elaborazione dei dati digitalizzati per consentire a tutti libero accesso a fonti finora inedite sia in regesto che in extenso, a seconda dell’importanza e della tipologia dei documenti.
Parole chiave: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato; Regesti Marittimi Croati / Hrvatski pomorski regesti; Settecento; Adriatico; Mediterraneo; Levante; Ponente; commercio; fonti; Dalmazia; relazioni ottomano-veneziane; navi; porti; contatti ebreo-cristiani; pellegrinaggi; multireligiosità; multiculturalismo.
Key words: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae, Croatian Maritime Regesta, Adriatic, Mediterranean, 18th century, Archival sources, Nikola Čolak, Database, Maritime history, Jewish history
Keywords: Jews, Zagreb, Shoah, Holocaust, con scation, nationalization, topography of Jewish cultural heritage.
However, despite the very adverse conditions, the fact that the Jewish religious community functioned for the entire war period, not in the form of pre-war communities in this part of Europe, but with a completely new, imposed functions: care for deported Jews in concentration camps, and for the few who remained in the territory of the ISC protected on various grounds, and to do it with its own funds (raised from mainly international Jewish organizations), helped prompt the organization to help the survivors, which started to return to Zagreb and Croatia after the liberation. The leadership of the Community since May of 1943 had contacts with international Jewish organizations and was accustomed to working in abnormal conditions so they very quickly organized themselves, in much the same way as during the war.
This article analyzes the activities of the Zagreb Jewish community in the immediate post-war period, from the summer of 1945 until 1946 based on the archives of the community from the Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade. Its activities consist of the administrative assistance for baptized Jews to return to Judaism, the care of a nursing home, of helping survivors in the form of accommodation, food and health care, searching for the hidden children, as well as providing assistance to members and other Croatian Jews in search for their family members as well as for their movable and immovable property. The community was also taking care of registrars books, as well as cataloging assets destroyed in the war and was involved in the revival of the religious life.
Conference Presentations by Michal Brandl
We would like to design it as an interdisciplinary course, that will prepare participants for discussion and research broadly defined Jewish history and culture. We intend to offer our participants with a wide scope of interests, a place where they will be encouraged to test their ideas and discuss their findings.
In this meeting we are discussing the final program proposal for 2019.
Providing systematic and accurate information about the problem of the restitution of private property to (Jewish and non-Jewish) owners in Croatia, this book will also be useful to decision-makers, media representatives, non-governmental organisations, and lawyers.
Andrea Feldman, University of Zagreb
Parole chiave: Ebrei, Morpurgo, cereali, commercio, Adriatico settentrionale, Ancona, Settecento, Regesti marittimi croati, Codex Maritimus Diplomaticus Croatiae
U članku se analiziraju prva dva sveska Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento. Navigazione nell’Adriatico. Fonti / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. Osamnaesto stoljeće. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela (RMC I-II) Nikole Čolaka u mapiranju židovske prisutnosti na Jadranu tijekom tog stoljeća. Primijenjena je novoosmišljena metodologija koja omogućuje brzo izdvajanje traženih pojmova iz tako velike i sustavne baze podataka od oko 12.000 dokumenata, kao što su sami RMC I-II te izgrađena dodatna specifična baza za potrebe židovske tematike. Dobivena je vrlo živa slika o 359 spomena pripadnika židovskih zajednica obiju obala Jadrana, koji predstavljaju važan korpus tadašnje dnevne i tjedne unutar-jadranske te višetjedne izvan-jadranske plovidbe i trgovine prema ostalim mediteranskim i sjevernim morima. Rad je tek početni doprinos vrlo širokoj tematici koja iziskuje nastavak izdavanja dokumentarnih vrela Hrvatskog diplomatičkog pomorskog zbornika.
Ključne riječi: Hrvatski pomorski regesti; Jadran; 18. stoljeće; Židovi; onomastika; trgovci; parcenevoli; špediteri; trgovina; Mediteran; Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik
Jewish merchants, shipowners and forwarders in the Adriatic in the 18th Century from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vol. I-II
The article analyzes the first two volumes of Nikola Čolak’s Croatian Maritime Regesta. The eighteenth century. Sailing within the Adriatic. Sources (RMC I-II), mapping Jewish presence in the Adriatic during the 18th century. A newly designed methodology was applied to quickly extract required data from such a large and systematic database, i. e. ca. 12,000 documents of the RMC I-II, and to build an additional, more specific database for Jewish topics. The result was 359 mentions of members of 18th century Jewish communities on both Adriatic shores, which represented an imtegral part in navigation and commerce of the time. Their names, for the first time published in such systematic way, are: Coen, Morpurgo, Vitali, Baraffael, Consolo, Jacur, Baroni, Cagli, Mondolfo, Bemporad, Sonnino, Vivante, Danon, Campos, Levi, Pardo, Viterbo, Costantini, Fermi, Lucerna, Coen Tanugi, Ditallevo, Pacifico, Raffael, Treves, Volterra and Zenon. Here, there are many old families which are mentioned for the first time in these areas. There are also some new surnames that arouse the interest of experts, not only because of newly analyzed documents, but because of further plans to continue publishing Croatian Maritime Regesta, revealing new information in many areas, not only in Judaic studies. This article represents an initial contribution to the very broad subject matter that needs the continuation of further publishing of documentary sources of the Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Corpus / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae, important not only for Croatian but for international historiography as well.
Keywords: Croatian Maritime Regesta; Adriatic; 18th century; Jews; onomastics; merchants; shipowners; forwarders; trade; Mediterranean; Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae
This article offers a report on the panel session “A Maritime Market: Jewish Enterprises and Grain Trade in Early Modern Europe” of the 22nd Annual Congress of the European Business History Association (University of Ancona, 6-8 September 2018), and more specifically on the paper “Jewish Presence in the Maritime Trade of Grain during the 18th Century in the Adriatic Sea from the Croatian Maritime Regesta, vols. I-III.” that Dr. Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, Dr. Michal Brandl and Dr. Piergabriele Mancuso presented.
Our contribution was based on the analysis of documents from three volumes of the “Croatian Maritime Regesta” / “Regesti marittimi croati” (RMC) edited by Nikola Čolak: the first volume with almost 5,000 regesta, printed in Padua in 1985; the second volume with about 7,000 regesta, also printed in Padua, in 1993, and the third volume with about 4,000 regesta, edited by Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek and published by the University of Split in 2017. The regesta – whose original documents are stored in the National Archives of Venice, Ancona and Fano - cover the entire 18th century, and on the whole, they amount to more than 16,000 documentary units. These documents offer brand new information about the mercantile-trading activities in the Adriatic, but also the Mediterranean, the North Sea, and the Atlantic.
The panel’s main focus mainly, but not exclusively, on “granaglia”, that is wheat, barley, rye, and other grains, and on the various roles played by Jewish traders and dealers in the 18th century. The paper includes twenty-nine unpublished documents dealing mostly Istria and the northern Adriatic ports.
Key words: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae/Croatian Diplomatic Maritime Codex; Croatian Maritime Regesta, 18th century; the Adriatic; the Mediterranean; Levante; Ponente; Trade; Sources; Dalmatia; Ottoman-Venetian relations; Ships; Ports; Jewish-Cristian contacts; Pilgrimages; Multireligiosity; Multiculturalism.
Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik i Hrvatski pomorski regesti IV. sv.: projekt u nastajanju
Ovaj rad ocrtava i najavljuje nastavak projekta Hrvatskog diplomatičkog pomorskog zbornika / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae koji se sastoji od sveukupno 100.000 dokumenata o hrvatskoj prisutnosti na Jadranu i Mediteranu. Projekt je započeo 1956. prof. Nikola Čolak u Zadru te ga nastavio kroz narednih 40 godina istražujući po svim arhivima dviju jadranskih obala, relevantnim ne samo za hrvatsku povijest nego i za sve ostale sudionike u toj razmjeni (Talijane, Židove i mnoge druge). Nakon što je 2017. objavljen III. svezak Hrvatskih pomorskih regesta. 18. stoljeće / Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento dvije povjesničarke su zajedno, u suradnji s drugim hrvatskim i inozemnim istraživačima, pokrenule nastavak izdavanja gore spomenute serije pripremajući IV. svezak. Projekt, kao inovaciju izvornom projektu, uvodi korištenje suvremenih tehnologija vezano uz obradu digitaliziranih podataka kako bi se svima omogućio slobodan pristup do sada neobjavljenim vrelima in regesto i također in extenso, ovisno o važnosti dokumenta.
Ključne riječi: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Hrvatski diplomatički pomorski zbornik / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato; Hrvatski pomorski regesti / Regesti Marittimi
Il Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato ed i Regesti marittimi croati IV vol.: un progetto in fieri
L’articolo delinea ed assieme annuncia la continuazione del progetto del Codice Marittimo Diplomatico Croato / Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae che raccoglie in tutto circa 100.000 documenti riguardanti la presenza croata nell’Adriatico e nel Mediterraneo. Il progetto ha avuto il suo incipit nel 1956 a Zara grazie all’opera del prof. Nikola Čolak che ha lo ha portato avanti per quarant’anni con un immenso lavoro archivistico di ricerca nei vari archivi di ambo le coste adriatiche rilevanti non solo per la storia croata, ma anche per tutti i partecipanti ai detti traffici (Italiani, Ebrei e molti altri). Dopo che nel 2017 è stato pubblicato il III volume dei Regesti Marittimi Croati. Settecento / Hrvatski pomorski regesti. 18. stoljeće, due storiche hanno avviato la continuazione della pubblicazione della sopracitata collana curando il IV volume in collaborazione con altri ricercatori croati ed internazionali. Il progetto introduce, come innovazione rispetto al progetto iniziale, l’uso di tecnologie contemporanee riguardo all’elaborazione dei dati digitalizzati per consentire a tutti libero accesso a fonti finora inedite sia in regesto che in extenso, a seconda dell’importanza e della tipologia dei documenti.
Parole chiave: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae / Codice Diplomatico Marittimo Croato; Regesti Marittimi Croati / Hrvatski pomorski regesti; Settecento; Adriatico; Mediterraneo; Levante; Ponente; commercio; fonti; Dalmazia; relazioni ottomano-veneziane; navi; porti; contatti ebreo-cristiani; pellegrinaggi; multireligiosità; multiculturalismo.
Key words: Codex Diplomaticus Maritimus Croatiae, Croatian Maritime Regesta, Adriatic, Mediterranean, 18th century, Archival sources, Nikola Čolak, Database, Maritime history, Jewish history
Keywords: Jews, Zagreb, Shoah, Holocaust, con scation, nationalization, topography of Jewish cultural heritage.
However, despite the very adverse conditions, the fact that the Jewish religious community functioned for the entire war period, not in the form of pre-war communities in this part of Europe, but with a completely new, imposed functions: care for deported Jews in concentration camps, and for the few who remained in the territory of the ISC protected on various grounds, and to do it with its own funds (raised from mainly international Jewish organizations), helped prompt the organization to help the survivors, which started to return to Zagreb and Croatia after the liberation. The leadership of the Community since May of 1943 had contacts with international Jewish organizations and was accustomed to working in abnormal conditions so they very quickly organized themselves, in much the same way as during the war.
This article analyzes the activities of the Zagreb Jewish community in the immediate post-war period, from the summer of 1945 until 1946 based on the archives of the community from the Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade. Its activities consist of the administrative assistance for baptized Jews to return to Judaism, the care of a nursing home, of helping survivors in the form of accommodation, food and health care, searching for the hidden children, as well as providing assistance to members and other Croatian Jews in search for their family members as well as for their movable and immovable property. The community was also taking care of registrars books, as well as cataloging assets destroyed in the war and was involved in the revival of the religious life.
Among different researches planned in the project, this one analyzes Jewish role in the 18th century maritime trade. Analyzing these documents, we were able to find 544 documents that mention Jews of different origin and in different roles. The real life of factual 18th century Jews emerges with their names and surnames, often also with their fathers’ names. Sometimes they are specifically Jewish, sometimes not. They are subjects of Republic of Venice, the Papal State, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Republic of Dubrovnik. They can be merchants, agents, owners of merchandize or ships (parcenevoli and paroni), bankers, public figures (sensali), sometimes even captains. When they own ships, these ships have very recognizable names.
There are several levels of analysis that we applied to this data: starting, transit and final destination ports (ex, in, and versus), types and quantities of merchandise, types of ships, names of captains, and role Jews had in these enterprises.
We reconstructed specific roles Jews had in the maritime trade, trade routes, trade and family networks and connections. They travel and trade within the Adriatic itself, as well as Mediterranean and in Northern seas as far as Norway or Russia.
We can see that 544 new mentions of the Jews in the Regesta, add a lot of new data, therefore this project adds to our understanding of Jewish involvement in the Maritime trade.
The research question for this paper was if in the 16,000 documents of the State archives of Venice, Ancona, and Fano from the 18th century collected in the Croatian Maritime Regesta vols. I-III, among the other Jewish trade and connections in the Adriatic and Mediterranean seas it is possible to find grain trade. In 544 documents about Jews, we found expressly 30 sources that refer to the grain trade. We analyzed dates, ports of import or export, type, size and capacity of ships, Jewish family names, their political subjection, their role in the grain trade (owners, merchants, forwarders), types of grain etc. The results of these crisscrossing analysis prove that in the 18th century grain trade wasn’t the main business Jews were involved in. The project of transcribing and editing further 80,000 documents (15 volumes) of the Croatian Maritime Regesta will show us more complete picture of relations between two Adriatic coasts.
Major research areas - Keywords: Jews; Maritime Trade; Grains; 18th Century; Adriatic Sea; Mediterranean Sea; Croatian Maritime Regesta.
Theoretical/conceptual framework: Maritime Jewish Trade History, 18th century. Analysis of primary sources - 16,000 documents from State Archives of Venice, Ancona, Fano.
The panel proposes a new study project that starts from the 16,000 documentary sources of the "Croatian Maritime Regesta, 18th century" by Nikola Čolak published in three volumes (Padova 1985 and 1993, Split 2017) and outlines the main lines for the transcription and publication of further 80,000 maritime archival documents already identified and marked, from which we can deduce a new perspective on the history of Jews during the eighteenth century, starting from the Adriatic to map the most varied routes across the Mediterranean.
- Kevin Spicer, Stonehill College, Chair
- Michaela Raggam-Blesch, University of Vienna, “A Coerced Community: Jews and ‘non-Aryans’ in Vienna 1938-1945”
- Naida-Michal Brandl, University of Zagreb, “Relationships between Jews and ‘non-Aryans’ in Zagreb”
- Katarzyna Person, Jewish Historical Institute, “Jews from Poland Liberated in Germany: Questions of Identity”
- Tatjana Lichtenstein, University of Texas at Austin, Discussant
- Participants: Samuel Barnai, Jerusalem; Stefano Bottoni, Budapest; Naida-Michal Brandl, Zagreb; Kateřina Čapková, Prague; Diana Dumitru, Chișinău; Konstanty Gebert, Warsaw; Zvi Gitelman, Ann Arbor; Jan T. Gross, Berlin; Pavel Kolář, Konstanz; Ilse Josepha Lazaroms, Frankfurt am Main/Utrecht; Joanna Nalewajko-Kulikov, Warsaw; Pól Ó Dochartaigh, Galway; Andrea Pető, Budapest; Iryna Ramanava, Vilnius; Joshua Rubenstein, Cambridge, Mass.; Dariusz Stola, Warsaw
Focusing on Berlin’s Jewish community as still the largest in Germany, I will follow those less than a thousand “last Jewish youngsters”, who – under the persisting threat of deportation – struggled for physical and spiritual survival.
New research on German late-war Jewish communities generally focuses on the experience of Jews in hiding or mixed marriage families such as Beate Meyer’s magisterial work on Mischlinge as well as Susanna Schrafstetter’s and Max Strnad’s work on Munich. This paper examines the connections between ongoing deportations, a fluid Jewish identity and the coexistence of their in- and exclusion within the remaining Jewish community. At the same time, Geltungsjuden experienced everyday persecution, denunciations as well as occasional solidarity and help by Berlin’s non-Jewish population.
There is a narrative in many testimonies of survivors who were deported in the years up to 1943, that Jewish life in Berlin ended with the dissolution of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden on June 10th, 1943. But actually, the Reichsvereinigung was never formally dissolved, as the Reichssicherheitshauptamt was interested in keeping the remainder of Jewish assets under their control, instead of handing everything over to the Oberfinanzpräsident - and thus, a letter dated August 1943 states, that the Reichsvereinigung in fact continued to exist beyond the deportation of its full-jewish members in early summer 1943. Parallel to that and equally lesser-known, the Jewish community of Berlin did not „collapse“ (as a Berlin survivor then in Theresienstadt expressed it) but continued to exist - a pale, absurd, yet quite real existence.
When in May 1945 Geltungsjuden became the “first Jewish youth” of the post-war community, most of them had survived by Jewish as well as non-Jewish assistance. Thus, Geltungsjuden invite us to re-examine the complexity of Jewish and non-Jewish relations. This will contribute to our understanding of the last stage of the Holocaust, but will also help us understand how after the war, some of these survivors could call Berlin, of all places, their home.
The Independent State of Croatia (NDH) was proclaimed on April 10, 1941. The anti-Jewish measures were implemented swiftly and on April 30, the Racial laws were proclaimed (of 35,000 Jews in the NDH, around 12,000 were in Zagreb). Deportations to Croatian camps started in May 1941. Until the beginning of 1942 around half of the remaining Jews in Zagreb were deported. From August 1942 the Germans were included in the deportation process, and in the next and last mass deportation in May 1943, Jews were deported mainly to Auschwitz.
The Jewish Community in Zagreb was closed in April and reopened in May 1941, now in charge of all racially defined Jews. It was under direct control of pro-Nazi regime, and responsible for Jews imprisoned in concentration camps in the NDH, remaining Jews in Zagreb, the old people’s home(s), school, and registrar books. There was an acting synagogue as well. The community was financed by member fees and international Jewish organizations.
After the last big German-Croatian deportations of May 1943, only Jews in mixed marriages or honorary Aryans remained. They took over the leadership of the community, which continued to care about Jews in camps as well as the old people’s home. After liberation, they were still community leaders and took over new tasks following the same logic of the war-time period. The school as well as synagogue ceased to exist after May of 1943. There were still funerals in the Jewish section of the public cemetery, which survived the War intact.
The main basis of the analysis are 16.000 maritime documents of the Regesti Marittimi Croati – Settecento / Croatian Maritime Regesta – the 18th Century, Nikola Čolak, Padova 1985 and 1993 (12.000 published and 4.000 still unpublished), where the researchers found very interesting trade networks between different Adriatic ports. Jews were agents, merchants, owners in the ports of Trieste, Venice, Senigallia, Ancona, Bari, Trapani, Naples, Livorno, Genoa in Italy and Rovinj, Rijeka, Senj, Zadar, Split, Dubrovnik, Boka Kotorska in Croatia.
In the 18th century those ports were territories of the Republic of Venice, the Papal State, the Kingdom of Naples, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Republic of Dubrovnik. But the frontiers were not a problem for these very inventive entrepreneurs. They found numerous ways to work through different worlds and they themselves became the cultural, economic, and linguistic koiné of the modern Europe.
The result are over 500 documents of real life of factual Jews, with their names, surnames, their ships, the exit and arrival ports, and their different merchandise.
They were: the Coen and Morpurgo, Jacur, Vitali, Baraffael, Consolo, Amadio, Baroni, Uziel, Rossi, Bemporad, Cagli, Mondolfo, Sonino, Vivante, Costantini, Vitale, Baruch, Danon, Penso, Campos, Levi, Pardo, Viterbo, and many others.
They created connections not only between the Northern ports like Amsterdam, Hamburg, London, the Atlantic and Levant ports, but they also built the coordinates of the European “modo di vivere”.
Based on the analysis of 16.000 maritime documents of the Hrvatski pomorski regesti – Osamnaesto stoljeće / Regesti Marittimi Croati – Settecento, Nikola Čolak, Padova 1985 and 1993 (12.000 published and 4.000 still unpublished), we identified very interesting networks of maritime trade involving Jewish merchants, agents, owners of goods and ships in the Adriatic within the Mediterranean context.
The result of research on the documents from different collections of the Archivio di Stato di Venezia, Archivio di Stato di Ancona and Archivio di Stato di Fano are over 500 “bills of lading” where Jews were the main factor. From these documents, it is possible to map not only the routes of different merchandise, but to analyze all the types of goods and their provenance, especially from the hinterland. This research shows a picture of connections between the Republic of Venice, the Austrian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, the Republic of Dubrovnik, the Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Papal State, the Kingdom of Naples, and many others. Through these documents, it’s possible to achieve a completely new knowledge not only about the goods from the Americas that were imported through London, Amsterdam, Livorno, Ancona, Venice to the Eastern Adriatic coast, but also the export from the East through the Ottoman Empire (Levant and the Balkans), Dalmatian cities toward other European centers.
These commercial connections were very intensive bringing not only wealth in goods, but also impulses from different cultures, religions and beliefs in the creation of one communio through the Sea without frontiers where differences didn't necessarily disappeared – rather they were were welcomed.
Surprisingly, we found old Jewish family names in new areas, and in new contexts: the Coen and Morpurgo, Jacur, Vitali, Baraffael, Consolo, Amadio, Baroni, Uziel, Bemporad, Cagli, Mondolfo, Sonino, Vivante, and many others, which give us a real picture of the daily life of these families in so many different contexts. They were merchants, agents, captains, owners and parcenevoli, who brought their inventiveness and skills, spiritual life and religion, working and family Ethics, giving a particular coloring to the Adriatic and the Mediterranean world of the Eighteenth century.
Vid Hai Morpurgo (1838–1911) is an illustrative case of a Jew from Austrian Dalmatia who was one of the leaders of Croatian national revival movement. The Morpurgo family is an Ashkenazi family originally from Maribor (Marburg), whose descendants lived in the Austrian littoral, Venetian Republic, probably even in the Papal State and had an important role in trade networks at least from the 18th century in “the Venetian bay”.
Morpurgo was born in Split into an Ashkenazi merchant family in, at that time, predominantly Sephardic Jewish community of Split. He was an Italian speaking emancipated Jew in the emergence of the race be- tween the two competing nationalisms – Italian and Croatian – in Split and Dalmatia. He started his political life as an anti-Austrian Italian nationalist before he changed his views and got involved in the movement for Croatian national revival, in majority Croatian Dalmatia.
The focus of my paper is on Morpurgo himself as a case study of multiplied Jewish identities in the long 19th century. Although deeply involved in the Croatian national revival movement, he also had excellent religious education and the knowledge of Hebrew, while preferring to speak and write in Italian language.
I nomi delle famiglie che più spesso appaiono dai documenti, che qui riportiamo in ordine di presenza sono: i Raffaeli, i Coen, i Baraffaeli, i Consolo, gli Jacur, gli Eredi Sanson Morpurgo, i Bemporad, i Cagli, gli Amadio, i Danon, i Vitali, i Pardo, i Viterbo, i Sonnino e molti altri ancora.
Vengono nominati più di 400 volte nei documenti con interessantissimi dettagli sulle loro vite, sui modi in cui cercavano, dove possibile, di evitare i dazi alla Dominante, cui apparteneva in questo secolo il “Golfo Adriatico”. Sarà inoltre opportuno notare che appartengono a vari stati: alla Repubblica di Venezia, all’Impero Austriaco, alla Repubblica di Dubrovnik, all’Impero Ottomano, allo Stato Pontificio, al Regno di Napoli. Si tratta di intrecci che molto spesso sorprendono lo storico di oggi, dato che le frontiere, non solo fra i vari stati, ma anche fra i diversi popoli spesso svaniscono creando una situazione di koinè culturale e linguistica. Saranno appunto i contatti commerciali, così vivi e frequenti (a livello settimanale ed anche quotidiano) che daranno il ritmo ad un vivere comunitario dove come per un effetto osmotico il mare non ha rappresentato una barriera impermeabile, bensì un luogo di trasmigrazione di idee, valori, libri e novità, dimostrando appunto che grazie anche al commercio progettato e portato avanti da comunità ebraiche in evoluzione questo è stato a tutti gli effetti un Mare nostrum ed un mare di mezzo.
Odmah nakon kodifikacije Mišne pojavljuje se responsa literatura, a njeni su tragovi sačuvani u Talmudu. Najčešće su pitanja bila rješavana jednim pismom i odgovori su bili potpisivani od učenika i njihovih kolega – moglo bi se reći neke vrste odbora. Početkom trećeg stoljeća pisma najčešće izmjenjuju Babilon i Izrael i čini se da su odluke izraelskih rabina bile smatrane autoritativnima. Za vrijeme razdoblja Geonim, koje je slijedilo nakon kodifikacije Talmuda, babilonske su ješive bile glavni centri židovskog učenja te su gaoni, kao poglavari tih ješiva, bili priznati kao najveći autoriteti u poznavanju židovskog Zakona. Od 10. stoljeća razvijaju se ješive i u drugim zemljama pa se židovsko stanovništvo počinje obraćati svojoj najbližoj ješivi.
Jezici responsa su različiti i mijenjaju se ovisno o kontekstu određenog povijesnog razdoblja. Najranije su pisane aramejskim, sredinom 9. stoljeća uz njega se javlja i hebrejski te arapski.
Ovaj rad predstavit će nekoliko primjera kasnijih responsa u kojima se spominju istočnojadranski gradovi, kako bi ilustrirao postojanje jedinstvenog židovskog prostora, koji je bio organski vezan za Mediteran, s obzirom da je većina tadašnjeg židovskog stanovništva živjela na području Mediterana.
The term responsa comes from the Latin responsum (pl. responsa) and it is defined as written decisions and judgments by legal scholars. Responsa in a Jewish context (שאלות ותשובות) is a special kind of rabbinic literature, which covers the period of 1,700 years. Content rabbinic responsa includes areas of ethics, business ethics, philosophy of religion, astronomy, mathematics, history, geography, as well as interpretations of passages from the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible), Mishnah, Talmud, Midrash etc. The responsa literature is a good historical source, as early Jewish post-Biblical literature is ahistorical. Responsa gives us important information about the Jewish people and their culture as well as information about peoples among whom they lived. It is a good source for moral and social relationships, occupations, lifestyle / household organization, customs, expressions of happiness and sadness, the way of recreation, games etc. Older responsa facilitates reading of the Mishnah and Talmud.
Responsa appears immediately after the codification of the Mishnah, and its traces are preserved in the Talmud. The most common questions were dealt in a letter and the responsa were subscribed by the scholars and their colleagues - one might say some kind of committee. At the beginning of the third century letters are usually exchanged between Babylon and Israel, and it seems that the decisions of Israeli rabbis were considered authoritative. During the period of the Gaonim, which followed the codification of the Talmud, Babylonian yeshivot were the main centers of Jewish learning and the Gaon, as leaders of yeshivot were recognized as the highest authority in the Jewish law. From the 10th century on Yeshivot in other countries were developed and the Jewish population began to ask questions to their nearby yeshiva.
Languages of responsa are different and change depending on the context of a particular historical period. The earliest are written in Aramaic, Hebrew occured in the 9th century, and later Arabic as well.
This article will present a few examples of later responsa, which mention the cities on the East ern Adriatic coast. Its goal is to illustrate the existence of a single Jewish community, which was organically linked to the Mediterranean, given that most of the Jewish population was living in the Mediterranean region.
Zato se većina prijeratnih zajednica i ne obnavlja, nego se preživjeli koncentriraju u Zagrebu, Osijeku, Splitu, Rijeci i Čakovcu. Posebno je teška situacija Židova pripadnika predratne građanske klase. U vrijeme Nezavisne Države Hrvatske opljačkani i odvedeni u logore / skrili se / pobjegli, u novom sustavu postaju sumnjivi klasni neprijatelj. I unutar same zajednice dolazi do raslojavan- ja prema različitim kriterijima. Kroz arhivsku građu Židovske općine u Zagrebu (građa Jevrejskog istorijskog muzeja i arhiv Židovske općine u Zagrebu), Zemaljske komisije za utvrđivanje zločina okupatora i njihovih pomagača Hrvatske (fond HR-HDA-306), arhiva Odjeljenja za zaštitu naroda (OZNA, fond HR-HDA-1491), kotarskih sudova (Državni ar- hivi u Zagrebu, Splitu, Osijeku i Rijeci) i drugoga sa jedne strane te autobiografija preživje- lih sa druge cilj mi je prikazati složenu situaciju u kojoj su se u neposrednom poraću našli Židovi na području Hrvatske, odnos vlasti prema Židovima i Židova prema vlasti.
Nakon kratkog pregleda predratne i ratne povijesti hrvatskih Židova, rad se fokusira na opis situacije neposredno nakon završetka Drugog svjetskog rata, zatim na položaj Židova u širem društvu, odnos vlasti prema Židovima i Židova prema vlasti, te vidljivost Židova u širem društvu, naročito kroz njihov angažman u društvu (od partijske nomenklature do javnih djelat-nika). Analizira se položaj preživjelih, odnos vlasti prema slobodnim zanimanjima, s obzirom na broj Židova koji posjeduju upravo takvo obrazovanje, odnosno vještine, te proces oduzimanja imovine, kao i izostanak povrata imovine, oduzete 1941. godine, što rezultira procesom pauper-izacije pripadnika prijeratnog srednjeg i višeg sloja.
U radu se analizira uloga međunarodnih židovskih organizacija, koje imaju važnu ulogu u obnavljanju poslijeratnih jugoslavenskih židovskih zajednica, čija je uloga ograničena na pružan-je materijalne pomoći, razlozi čega su u radu posebno obrađeni. Novi režim jugoslavenskim Ži-dovima zabranjuje obnovu cionističkih organizacija, što se na istoku Europe događa nešto kas-nije, sukladno s vremenom u kojem komunisti preuzimaju apsolutnu vlast u određenoj državi.
Posljedice ovakve situacije unutar zajednice su dvojake, ne nužno uslijed vlastitog izbora: ostanak u Jugoslaviji odnosno Hrvatskoj ili odlazak. Prije 1948. godine Židovi odlaze uglavnom prema Zapadu (naročito SAD-u) te, u relativno manjem broju, u Mandatnu Palestinu. Osnivanjem Države Izrael 1948., oko polovine hrvatskih Židova optira za odlazak te se iseljava, većinom u razdoblju do 1952. Pri dolasku, morali su se odreći državljanstva te prava na povrat nekretnina. Ovaj odlazak stavljen je i u širi konteks odlaska ostalh neslavenskih manjina.
Ključne riječi: Židovi, židovske zajednice/općine, Šoa, Drugi svjetski rat, poraće, međunarodne židovske organizacije, komunizam, imovinska pitanja, Hrvatska, Jugoslavija, Izrael.
Nikola Čolak, Regesti Marittimi Croati, Settecento. Navigazione nell'Adriatico. Fonti. III vol. / Hrvatski pomorski regesti, 18. st. Plovidba na Jadranu. Vrela. 3. sv., uredila Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, 688 str., Odsjek za povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta u Splitu, Split 2017.
Promocija SE NEĆE održati u četvrtak 19.03.2020. godine u 19 h ZBOG ŠIRENJA KORONAVIRUSA. Postponirana dodaljnjega!
O knjigama će govoriti:
• Danijela Nikčević, viša bibliotekarka
• doc. dr. sc. Naida-Mihal Brandl s Katedre za judaistiku na Odsjeku za hungarologiju,
turkologiju i judaistiku s Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
• dr. sc. Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek, urednica III. sveska
Suurednice će ovom prilikom najaviti izlazak IV. sveska krajem 2020. godine, kao i analizu objavljenih i neobjavljenih vrela (sveukupno oko 20.000) vezano za prisutnost kapetana, paruna i mornara iz Boke Kotorske.
Odsjek za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu
imaju čast pozvati Vas
na predstavljanje knjige
Nikola Čolak
a cura di/uredila Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek
III. svezak, Split 2017.
Petak, 17. studenog 2017. godine u 12 sati
Hrvatsko katoličko sveučilište,
Dvorana „Blaženi Alojzije kard Stepinac“
Ilica 242, Zagreb
prof. dr. sc. Stjepan Ćosić,
Odsjek za povijest Filozofskoga fakulteta u Splitu
doc. dr. sc. Naida-Mihal Brandl,
Katedra za judaistiku na Odsjeku za hungarologiju turkologiju i judaistiku,
Filozofski fakultet u Zagrebu
Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek,
urednica knjige
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L'Università Cattolica Croata
il Dipartimento di Storia della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Spalato
hanno l'onore
di invitarvi alla presentazione del libro
Nikola Čolak
III vol, Spalato 2017.
Venerdì 17 novembre alle ore 12:00
Università Cattolica Croata,
Sala “Beato Alojzije card. Stepinac”
Ilica 242, Zagabria
prof. dr. sc. Stjepan Ćosić,
Dipartimento di Storia della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Spalato
doc. dr. sc. Naida-Mihal Brandl,
Cattedra di Studi Ebraici, Dipartimento di Studi di Ungarologia, Turcologia ed Ebraici
Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia di Zagabria
Zrinka Podhraški Čizmek,
curatrice del libro
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