.+. Dream Horses .+.

ELLTYR 11824 SE 23-06-5001 – Avelsföreningen Svenska Ardennerhästen
Swedish Ardennes stallion Elltyr
Orion 2298 G Bł POL
Polish Draft stallion Orion. Polish draft has been developed since 19th century in Poland. As usual, its ancestors were local horses which were crossed with imported drafts like Ardenners and Brabants. Polish draft is a quite small horse with strong body and short legs. Usually there are only little or none feathering on legs. There are several slightly different types in the breed: Sztum, Sokolsky, Lidzbark and Lowicz. The common colors are chestnut, bay and gray.
Frisac 11886 SE 23-10-5087 – Avelsföreningen Svenska Ardennerhästen
Swedish Ardennes stallion Frisac