Human Resources Management

Human Resources pins. HR tips, training, ideas and corporate training.
90 Pins
15 Tips on How to Retain Employees and Retention Stategies
The cost of rehiring and retraining employees is a significant cost so staff retenation and keeping employees is an essential strategic issue for every company. learn more about employee retention. #employeeretention #staffretention
How to Measure Workplace Training ROI (Return on Investment)
Learn how to measure the ROI for workplace training. What is is the best way to work out what training gets results and the best return on investment in the workplace?
15 Business Etiquette Tips for an Unreal Professional Image
What are the different types of business etiquette that you need to understand by as an employee and manager in a company?
12 Ways for Measuring Training Effectiveness Metrics
Calculating training return on investment and training ROI metrics for ensuring you choose the training that make a real impact on managers and employees.
4 Steps to Skills Gap Planning to Choose What Training Employees Need
What are the stages and step to do skill sgap analysis and skill sgap planning?
How to Make Workplace Training Fun
How can you make employee and staff training workshops fun, enjoyable, and engaging for good team building? #workshops #businesstrainer #corporatetraining
7 Work Training Day Mistakes Trainers Make
Try to make sure you avoid these common errors and mistakes as a corporate trainer providing training. Whether you are a freelance or in-house trainer, these training errors mistakes can easily be avoided. #corporatetraining #training #trainingtips
10 Stages of Accountability Framework
Accountability Framework diagram detailing the 10 stages to instill accountability inthe workplace for employees and managers. #accountability
7 Benefits of Performance Appraisals at Work
If you are a manager, providing your team with performance appraisals offers many great benefits to you the manager and here we explain why. #performanceappraisals
9 Employee Benefits Ideas to Improve Motivation and Loyalty
9 Employee Benefits you can provide to increase staff loyalty and motivation to get employees to stay longer. #employeebenefits #employeeloyalty
6 Benefits of Hybrid Teams
Here are 6 Benefits of Hybrid teams and why having a mix of remote employees in addition to in-person employees can benefit your company. #hybridteams #remoteteams
What is Human Capital Management?
Learn about HCM and human capital management and why it is so important for companies. Managing the most valuable resource in a company.
Human Resources Workplace Trainer Guides
Corporate training and classroom training guides, tips and tricks for running business training as a self-employed professional trainer. How to run your own workshops and manage adult learners. #corporatetrainer #corporatetraining #classroomteacher
What Is Reverse Mentoring - 3 Best Benefits for Your Company
How can you benefit from introducing reverse mentoring into your workplace and what exactly is reverse mentoring?
Beginners Intro to EDI for Employees (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)
All employees should have an understanding of EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion) and these training materials can be used for training employees in EDI.