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image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
3D braided fabrics Q17009613
3D fabric Q10231346
AIDS memorial quilt Q131343359
Abrohany tissu en coton très fin Q12761768
Absaugvlies terme allemand: un tissu non-tissé absorbant, qui reçoit la résine exsudant de l'emboutissage de matériaux composites en fibres à vide Q331851
Acca cloth Q106670080
Adhotar Q106935126
Adinkra cloth Q26208349
Adire Q11684439 300014098
African lace Q15781827
Afrida wax cloth tissu à l'huile d'Inde Q55815717
Ailesham cloth Q106670134
Air-laid paper Q4058965
Airplane Cloth Q18448430
Akita hachijō Q48750525
Akwete cloth Q16002326
Alacha Q105474113
Albert cloth Q107980196
Albumtäcke Q10404413
Altarpäll Q19724752
Annaberg lace Q10412385
Antiworteldoek Q96742340
Antron fleece Q7468459
Antwerp lace Q4777483 300265257
Aquila bobbin lace Q3992641
Armenian needlelace Q4793275 300264694
Arras lace Q4795859
Asmalyk Q4807408 300186007
Auxetické textilie Q65556396
Bafta cloth Q104860522
Baggins Q799896
Balbriggan Q108739462
Balinese batik Q97242112
Baltimore album quilt Q4852945 300198003
Balzarine Q107056261
Bandhani Q806304
Barathea Q4858488
Barège étoffe de laine légère et tissée lâche, originellement fabriquée à Barèges, en France Q808054
Basha Q4866758
Batakari Q112226216
Batavia Q107259783
Batik Belanda Q12475133
Batik Kartini Q12475138
Battenberg lace Q4869715 300256578
Beaver cloth Q106993489
Bedford cord Q4879216 300263387
Bedfordshire lace Q10427629
Belarusian rushnyk Q117075867
Bengkulu batik Q19751357
Bergame tapisserie grossièrement tissée dans des motifs répétitifs Q79908706
Betawi batik Q97232865
Bettzeug Q107573781
Beveren lace Q18649001
Bindgarn Q10429708
Bingo-gasuri Q11387372
Blandgarn Q10430944
Blandväv Q10430948
Blekinge lace Q10431246
Blonde de Caen type de dentelle fabriquée en Normandie Q2906908
Blue tarpaulins in Japan Q11334904
Bobinett Q10431868
Bogolan Q890628 300253152
Bohemian lace Q17166564
Boj (textil) Q10432169
Bordsfilt Q18449674
Borrassa Q47461085
Boutis Q2922612
Branscombe lace Q19903596
Brickband Q10435535
Brider Q56303311
Brugse kant Q106907085
Bucks point lace Q4983487
Buckskin Q21220892
Bugnetz Q1002540
Bulin Q9181940
Bünde (Buchbinderei) Q1020756
Bōkū-zukin Q11657074
Bōsai-zukin Q11657052
Cadis étoffe de laine, grossière mais solide Q2932703
Caffa Q1025520
Caffoy Q107404419
Callawapore Q110324425
Cantu lace Q16590919
Canvas print Q1439663
Care cloth Q117075379
Cargue Q686648
Carrickmacross lace Q5046174
Casement cloth Q106739721
Charmeuse Q60983214
China silk Q118274542 300132896
Chino cloth Q4222398
Chintz Q1074462 300132876
Cirebon batik Q51070661
Clones Crochet Lace Making Q117050878
Coggeshall lace Q98400197
Coptic textile Q27067391
Cordes de sport Q1774271
Corduroy Q18451388
Cottolin Q10460852
Coutil page d'homonymie Q1137901
Coventry blue Q107007037
Crepe lavable Q106704477
Cretonne tissu Q1139778
Csetneki crochet Q872631
Curragh lace Q10463684
Câble de châssis à guillotine Q80777206
Damascene lace Q10466335
Delsbo lace Q10468286
Dentelle de Binche Q4913954 300400582
Dentelle de Cogne dentelle aux fuseaux traditionnelle de la Vallée d'Aoste, en Italie Q18707087
Dentelle de Luxeuil Q3023331
Dentelle de Mirecourt Q3023332
Design textile Q763631
Devon lace Q31883546
Devonshire lace Q10470238
Diaper Q107240893
Domestik Q10475781
Donegal tweed Q4166152
Downton lace Q10476285
Draw sheet Q5305995
Dustcloth Q965844
Enghien lace Q10484179
Epigonation Q763598
Epingline Q107175159
Essuie linge de maison utilisé pour s'essuyer ou essuyer des objets Q3058765
Estor Q5849509
Eyelet Q11985752
Ezo brocade Q11625784
Fabrican Q5428140
Fabrikoid Q5428187
Fanon papal Q430185 300311575
Featherbed Q5439607
Filet Q106258798
FineWoven Q122442066
Flottung Q1430289
Foot towel Q5465768
Foulard glaronnais foulard produit dans le canton suisse de Glaris Q1529294
Foulé Q65235558
Fractional rig Q10621358
Freihanddekoration Q1454242
Fresco Q10498904
Fully fashioned knitting Q5508344
Fälb Q10500687
Förningsduk Q10501415
Galonväv Q10502289
Gant de kessa Q3095195
Gelege (Textiltechnik) Q1499567
Genoese lace Q10503909
Georgette Q368533 300417883
Ghalamkar Q5555253
Ghanaian smock Q5555483
Gorizia lace Q17333226
Gourgouran étoffe Q16639636
Grammont lace Q10507965
Grazalema blanket Q16598004
Greek lace Q19904130
Green textile Q16873043
Grenadine Q60983203
Gros-grain ruban de tissu côtelé Q19970439
Gurrah Q106994143
Gutter (Comic) Q1557355
Haklin Q31930684
Halas lace Q1032864
Harris Tweed Q1306943
Hawaiian quilt Q5684609 300198216
High tensile Q10523929
Hipora Q16964440
Hirose-gasuri Q11485631
Honiton lace Q10525934 300400688
Huckaback fabric Q106796694
Hypocéphale talisman discoïdal placé sous la tête d'un cadavre et servant d'amulette funéraire Q20679073
Igba aka bia inu m Q129083910
Inbetween (Textilie) Q8180136
Indienne textiles de coton imprimés ou peints fabriqués en Europe en imitant des tissus similaires fabriqués à l'origine en Inde Q451218
Indisk bomull (textil) Q10535012
Inlaid patchwork Q1421392
Interlok (pletenina) Q12021734
Iyo Kasuri type de tissu japonais Q11378829
Jean Q25501
Jersey type d’étoffe Q1348773
Jinmaku Q651348
Jujuncha tissu de soie épais et tissé Q12824139
Kalimantan batik Q97242118
Kanavaca tissu grossier avec des fils épais Q13040599
Karkas Q20020663
Kazak textiles Q113510361
Kenmare lace Q6389449
Kennett Q18451291
Kente tissu ghanéen composé de bandes tissées à partir de soie, de coton ou de rayonne à l'aide de métiers à tisser horizontaux Q1428368 300014085
Khaki drill Q6399209
Khayamiya Q6401088
Khādī Q1364455
Korhogo (textile) Q30687000 300014093
Kuba textiles Q17108881
Kurayoshi kasuri Q17222488
Kyo-Kuromontsuki Zome Q130252048
Lan Q115913629
Landscape fabric Q6485096
Lavette Q1370169 300216626
Lavette morceau de tissu servant à faire la vaisselle, ou à nettoyer ou gant de toilette Q46588399
Leavers lace Q54692159
Leuchttextilie Q1821395
Lierse kant Q106906897
Limar Q129811423
Limerick lace Q6549279 300264617
Loretohemdchen Q115620082
Lorraine lace Q99438568
Lumalive Q6703027
Lüster Q1278494
Mackinaw cloth Q6724527
Mackintosh cloth Q107358718 300264071
Maltese lace Q15652198
Man-cheti Q110269676
Manchester Q97374874
Mantelletta Q2572587 300395559
Mantum Q3844923
Mashru Q105686774
Meh dai Q113459508
Melangegarn Q10580362
Meterware Q1331954
Milanese lace Q22340129
Milesian wool Q3826614
Mitra (banda) Q11937098
Molleton horticole Q580053
Molton Q56303203
Momie cloth Q106725907
Märkband Q18452183
Mässkläder Q10593247
Mässkrud Q10593248
Nanjing yunjin brocade Q6963701
Napkin folding Q17141647
Negro cloth Q107016995
Nike Flywire Q7034783
Noren Q1199718
Nun's veiling Q108292996
Oboulícní pletenina Q17444477
Oily rag Q16868011
Orarion Q1115874
Origin of Aso Oke Q124935002
Orleans Q56303122
Oshibori Q1331726
Outlast Technologies entreprise Q3503803
Oxford type de textile Q1646194
Pagne kita type de pagne Q3360447
Papuan batik Q97242129
Paracorde Q830629
Paramentique catholique les textiles utilisés dans l'Église et dans la liturgie Q154262
Pekin Q10622278
Peniche bobbin lace Q123149090
Persenning Q101001337
Petani Batik Q12475144
Plaid Q5508197
Plaid (linge de maison) Q115399004
Plumeau Édredon, couverture de plumes Q3041781
Pocketing Q60983484
Point coupé Q2293681
Point d'argentella Q10417565
Point de Valenciennes Q11872271 300132890
Polaire tissu Q1143415
Predoi bobbin lace Q18397628
Prince de Galles tissu en laine Q154306
Produit long produits semi-finis et alliages métalliques fabriqués par laminage, étirage ou forgeage Q1977587
Pua Kumbu Q4260021
Puttoo Q105905563
Příze z fóliových pásků Q12048352
Quachtli Q105620744
Radzimir Q108695780
Rajshahi silk Q7286431
Ralli quilt Q7287046
Rationale Q1555066
Rauma lace Q67230291
Regalia Q1759554
Regenerated wool Q2142303
Renaissance lace Q25041125
Reposteros Q6105864
Rettungsschnur Q1800768
Rhodes embroidery Q98299785
Ripstop Q937461
Roman shade Q7362330
Roving Q2170650
Ruban engin de gymnastique rythmique Q748773
Ryukyu-tsumugi Q11573689
Saga-nishiki Q3461309
Sakkos Q2213651 300210447
Salamin Q1645957
Salampore Q10660333
Saltillo sarape Q64409981 300197798
Sarape Q2224648 300197435
Saxony tweed Q124335973
Schneeberg lace Q25041259
Seersucker Tissu gaufré d'origine indienne Q1185750
Segeltuch Q1570101
Segovienne Q107121162
Setralit Q2274893
Sheldon tapestries Q18162248
Sherpa fabric Q106696143
Siamoise Tissu Q18229629
Silnylon Q7515479
Siltgardin Q10667870
Sinchaw Q107174682
Situbondo batik Q17999070
Slip sheet Q1726189
Smärting Q10672457
Softshell Q1116564
Soie byzantine Q3488940
Song brocade Q15933378
Songket Minangkabau Q63871897
Spanish lace Q21198072
Splendolin Q31885313
Stoffhandtuchrolle Q118843834
Store Q31890849
Stränggarn Q10682086
Sudare les écrans ou stores japonais traditionnels, constitués de lamelles horizontales de bois décoratif, de bambou ou d'un autre matériau naturel, tissées ensemble à l'aide d'une simple ficelle Q1456160
Swiss Military Tarpaulins Q11722733
Synthetic rope Q48799088
Słowacka koronka klockowa na tiulowym tle Q55120585
Tafelspitz Q56297205
Taklon Q5077853
Tanah Liet Minangkabau Q12475156
Tapis berbère Q124419460
Tapisseries de l’abbaye Saint-Jean Q109045505
Tarp Q5347026
Teinture par nouage Q2569969 300053057
Tenerife lace Q7699717
Termeh Type de tissu, de soie et de laine, tissé à la main, iranien (persan). Q7702584
Textile sanitaire Q112119198
Textilene Q3519377
Textiles d'Afrique Q4690046
Textiles mayas Q3402900
Texturerat garn Q10694591
Thai silk Q6580701
Tibet Q107666090
Tiga Negeri batik Q97349181
Tischläufer Q2033108
Tissu bêta Q16840911
Tissu d'écorce matériau Q4860921 300048116
Tissu d'écorce de cèdre Q5056942
Tissue Q118905760
Toile Q65245979
Toile Aïda Q2247273
Toile de Jouy étoffe imprimée originaire de Jouy-en-Josas Q1422692 300264070
Toile de la Passion Q38248
Toilinet Q107174916
Torchon lace Q2105632 300264700
Trottoir Q18028750
Tunique vêtement liturgique Q528285 300221685
Turbulette Q3542278
Tvinngarn Q10706785
Tybetka Q60861598
Téra-Téra cloth Q107657434
Tønder lace Q7862370
Unna's boot Q204838
Valenciennes de Gand Q10503907
Valsad tråd Q10712439
Vamberk lace Q6455695
Velours d'Utrecht Q2230456
Velours de Gênes Q3555369
Vichy Q2289640
Vila do Conde bobbin lace Q123149091
Voilage Q1761704
Voilegarn Q60983201
Wax textile de coton aux couleurs vives et aux motifs complexes imprimé selon une technique à la cire (teinture à la cire) Q15276542
Worry Worm Q131410449
Yarn bombing type d'art urbain utilisant le tricot Q579816
Youghal lace Q8057746
Yunjin Brocart de soie traditionnel chinois de luxe Q839913
Zardozi type de broderie métallique en Iran, dans le sous-continent indien et en Asie centrale Q8066707
Zeltunterlage Q2426629
Zibeline Q8071445
Zukin casque du Japon Q228694
Zurrgurt Q105750125
aba Q27443373
alamode Q99083369
album quilt Q55590198 300197995
alentours Q79425765 300264735
alpaka Q27479468
alèse Q17068547
amict vêtement liturgique porté dans lesprêtres dans la religion catholique Q471274 300210417
angora yarn Q116240294
antimicrobal fabric Q578000
antique satin Q4775180
aojima Q18224480
aso oke Q4807472 300264048
astrakan Q20755551
atlas Q16354766
atlas Q49173693
attus Q11283800
babiche Q129783
baby lace Q10424028
baby's blanket Q107196849
backing Q55590127 300227764
balanced plain weave Q39048489
bande Q55239425
bandelette Q7322270
basic knitted fabrics Q4867037
bathroom floor Q107194114
batik Banten Q12475132
batik Bekasi Q17999064
batik Cianjur Q97307388
batik Jawa Hokokai Q12475135
batik Jombang Q12475137
batik Lereng Lesung Mandiri Q17999062
batik Maluku Q97242120
batik Minahasa Q17999066
batik Nusa Tenggara Q97242124
batik Plumpungan Q65211432
batik Pringgondani Q12475145
batik Salem Q12475146
batik Sasambo Q56391510
batik Sulawesi Q97242134
batik Tulungagung Q31173109
batik babon angrem Q61363689
batik cap Q12475155
batik cuwiri Q12475134
batik kawung Q12475139
batik keraton Q12475141
batik lukis Q16743163
batik megamendung Q12475143
batik nitik Q65211429
batik nitik Yogyakarta Q65210842
batik parang Q16745562
batik sawat pengantin Q19745565
batik sekar jagad Q12475148
batik semen Kakrasana Q19745566
batik semen Rama Q12475149
batik sida asih Q17999068
batik sida luhur Q12475150
batik sida mukti Q12475151
batik sida mulya Q17999069
batik sudagaran Q12475153
batik sumatera Q97242141
batik tambal Q12475154
batik truntum Q17999072
batiste Q489636 300183634
baudekin Q97139967
bed curtain Q96062001 300204124
belted plaid Q816195 300197424
bengaline Q4887700
bildväv Q10429573
bivouac sack Q352119
bizarre silk Q4919373
björntråd Q10430755
blackout Q4923213
blend Q110608394
block quilt Q107358558 300204989
blonde dentelle au fuseau réalisée de fils de soie Q3816685 300400685
bobbin lace ground Q19903557
bobbin lace of Isernia Q3992643
bobbin tape lace Q19903558
boblestoff Q62589277
boiled wool Q3826612
bokche Q8249809 300186013
bologna Q16627421
bombazine Q4099135
book cloth Q115120968 300262673
bordure Q365980 300010252
bordure de biais Q4902580
borniol Q60689195
botton Q107196313
bougran étoffe de lin Q2921578
bourette Q476147
bourette Q27479470
braid Q2844972
braided cord Q115120809
brassard de détection optique de la fréquence cardiaque Q110504909
brilliantine Q4968065
brocart étoffe de soie rehaussée de dessins brochés d’or et d’argent Q649022 300227779
brocatelle étoffe Q5734146 300133076
broché Q24635645
brodé Q28870412
buckram étoffe rigide fine qui est utilisée en reliure pour couvrir les livres Q2592638 300253474
bure étoffe Q2928327
buriel Q5735758
button blanket Q5003092 300197462
button thread Q62688535
caillebotis enroulé Q2164251
calamacho Q55150794
calmande Q5739687 300411610
calmuc Q181651
cambrai Q63315173 300391384
cameline Q5025899
campfire blanket Q5028342
candlewick Q16851530
candlewick spread Q63346413 300197900
candlewick yarn Q55447927 300227793
canevas toile servant de support à une broderie Q65168846
cappa magna Q2257370 300299300
carded yarn Q31086294
carpeting Q124371860 300227796
carsaye Q6394726
cassinet Q110029439
castor Q15877360
cendal Q33133547
chakin petite serviette utilisée pour sécher la tasse après l'avoir lavée Q3665753
challis Q16858899
chambray tissus Q2948117
chambray Q54800944 300410460
changeant Q7502422 300265783
chantoung Q3959171
chape vêtement liturgique catholique Q849829 300210429
charmeuse Q3505013 300417872
charvet Q5086990
chasuble vêtement sacerdotal à deux pans et sans manche avec une ouverture pour la tête Q215172 300210424
chemin de table type de napperon ou de textile Q67218434
chenille Q1070065 300227801
chenille Un tissu fabriqué à partir de fil chenille Q112651395
chevron Q14271241 300227802
chiengora Q1637422
chiffon textile Q691189 300249449
chiffon Q1567420
cleaning cloth Q2119384
clootie Q123355100
cloqué Q1102329
cloth modeling Q5135546
clothing textiles Q123909421
cloths and fabrics and ritual use of liturgical Q107196317
coa vestis Q1778853
colcha Q63248965 300265758
commemorative quilt Q113509567
cope hood Q21014225
corde engin de gymnastique rythmique Q635343
corde Q1865992
corde cordage, dans le monde maritime Q2997092
corde d'escalade corde utilisée pour sécuriser le grimpeur Q2132909
cordonnet Q12030217
coton hydrophile Q844770
coton à fromage morceau de tissu à mailles assez grossières utilisé en cuisine comme tamis Q2621157 300423038
cotton batiste Q91250622
cotton spinning system yarn Q23712733
cotton tape Q10428046
cotton union Q1570268
cotton yarn Q111973116
couette article de literie sous laquelle le dormeur se glisse et qui le tient au chaud pendant le sommeil Q2021327 300197947
courtepointe couverture isolante faite à la main en utilisant des morceaux de coton et de la bourre de polyester ou de coton Q1064538 300197990
courtepointe souvenir Q65560206 300198087
couverture literie Q5852 300197367
couverture de survie Q1891884
couvre-lit Q52734062 300197889
couvre-lit Q55570182 300197853
couvre-pied Q65199229 300197871
cover chair Q107197039
cover faldstool Q107197040
covert coat Q16959207
crash Q104863258
cravatte Q2126259
crazy quilt Q28893520 300198186
cretonne Q54839105
crewel wool Q96837119 300227812
crimplene Q2079211
crinoline Q97703659
criset Q28823011
crown knot Q63446252
crée toile fine de lin du Pays de Léon Q25665189
crêpe tissu qui a été travaillé pour avoir un aspect ondulé Q181362 300183741
crêpe de Chine Q4240236
crêpe romaine Q60875515
curtain fabric Q131421399
curtain fall Q109981040
cut pile Q64160809 300227817
cuttanee Q5196926
dalmatique Vêtement liturgique Q607913 300210431
damas tissu à figures réversibles de soie, de laine, de lin, de coton ou de fibres synthétiques, dont le dessin est formé par le tissage d'une chaîne et d'une trame Q901382 300163295
damascene Q98837065
damassé Q1985541 300231734
damassé Q98859995 300231742
damassé de soie Q26269029
darned netting Q98928405
dazzle Q5243696
demi-coton Q51905587
denim tissu de coton utilisé pour la confection des jeans Q652698 300014068
dentelle tissu sans trame ni chaîne, exécuté par les dentelliers(ères) Q231250 300132861
dentelle Nottingham Q54689899 300231657
dentelle Renaissance Q113835117
dentelle au crochet Q3182600
dentelle aux fuseaux technique manuelle traditionnelle de la passementerie qui consiste à tisser des pièces délicates Q1412495 300132869
dentelle chimique Q5090475 300264608
dentelle d'Alençon Q2143601 300265243
dentelle d'Argentan Q3023336
dentelle d'Ipswich Q99741225
dentelle d'Irlande Q6071615
dentelle de Bayeux Q3023333
dentelle de Bruges Q19903616 300400708
dentelle de Chantilly dentelle effectuée à la main à l'aide de fuseaux, datant du xviie siècle Q2718962 300264619
dentelle de Cluny Q3143479 300391108
dentelle de Dieppe Q4827949
dentelle de Hinojosa Q64683117
dentelle de Lepoglava Q3855182
dentelle de Lille Q22340111 300264616
dentelle de Malines type de dentelle Q2051949 300390933
dentelle de Vologda en Russie Q4123721 300400583
dentelle de brabant Q10434087
dentelle dite frivolité ouvrage de dentelle Q55343655 300264037
dentelle du Puy Q3023334
dentelle macramé Q55638424 300264035
dentelle mécanique Q29578075 300264607
dentelle oya Q25472274 300411601
dentelle à l'aiguille Q6150593 300231662
dentelle à la main Q47487806
dentelle à l’aiguille de Pag Q253532
dentelles de Bruxelles Q4845699 300231627
destar siga cloth Q111709126
diaper Q98860588 300231169
dimity Q2375192 300132883
dishabille Q107197050
disposable towel Q5282664
diyugi Q107387608 300197774
dobby Q10475085
dornix Q17092710
dotted swiss Q5299491
dowlas Q5302697
drap tissu utilisé en literie pour recouvrir le matelas Q391788 300204598
drap type de tissu Q3715160
drap Q4167726
drap mortuaire pièce d'étoffe jetée sur un cercueil Q803669 300214764
dratev Q11827192
drill Q2788284 300256593
droguet ancienne étoffe grossière de qualité médiocre Q54857816
drugget Q2897292 300186101
dungaree Q5315094
dust cover Q113976577
duvet Q125937529
duvetine Q5317628
déchet de tissage Q10480154
délková textilie Q11862869
earasaid Q24197207
effectgaren Q5212180
eiderdown Q63285162 300197952
eisengarn Q1312873
ekotextilie Q11877146
elastic Q10651359 300404361
electroconductive CNT yarn Q20922570
electroconductive yarn Q5357757
embroidered lace Q19904053
embroidery floss Q24514425
end-on-end Q1412395
entrefenêtre Q83047250 300215091
eolienne Q1346293
essuie-tout papier très absorbant Q1151042
even-weave Q5416493
face towel Q107194118
faille étoffe de soie à gros grains formant des côtes Q3064489 300249448
falda Q3738606
fanon Q50350811 300300034
fausse façade Q125925788
felpa Q117193151
felted yarn Q29960011
ferraiolo Q847973 300300043
ferrandine Q3069639
fetvadd Q10494851
feutre textile non-tissé fait d'un tapis de fibres entremélées et comprimées Q189964 300014107
feutrine Q1464666 300132868
fibre de bambou tissu fabriqué à partir de multiples parties du bambou Q606818
fil tissu de fibres interconnectées / torsadés multiples Q1391831 300014250
fil autotordu Q12050891
fil bouclé Q12055108
fil continu de polymère fondu Q14805975
fil d'acier Q29586604
fil d'aluminium Q29586611
fil d'argent Q29586589 300395639
fil d'effet Q7064612
fil d'or fil composé d’or ou entouré d’or Q29586582 300400561
fil d'écosse page d'homonymie de Wikimedia Q4484365
fil de chaînette Q15304157
fil de coton perlé à broder Q12044633
fil de cuivre Q29586592
fil de déchets de soie Q63854053
fil fausse torsion Q18114167
fil flammé Q54515950
fil jaspé Q4289282
fil mélangé Q12055131
fil métallique Q3510770 300379384
fil textile Q49007 300014252
fil texturé Q55318740
fil texturé par air Q17311894
fil texturé par boîte frisante Q12048350
fil à boyaux Q15457761
fil à broder Q4306883
fil à coudre Q679749
fil à âme Q12027299
filet Q504825 300249438
filoselle tissu obtenu à partir de la bourre de soie Q25384765
filoselle fil fait à partir de bourre de soie pour la broderie Q63852445
filé Q1429223
filé mouliné Q12038934
filé semi-peigné Q1570392
finette Q814654 300227848
firetdoek Q2688177
flammé Q8563625
flanelle tissu doux et duveteux Q58162 300132886
floss silk Q98162188
fly plaid Q5463256
foulard carré de tissu qui se porte, comme accessoire de mode, autour du cou Q1587577
fouta vêtement typique de la culture maghrébine Q3080151
freehand lace Q5500896
friendship quilt Q107416992 300198062
fries Q2511437
frisé Q29586691
functional fabric Q66196590
furnishing textile material Q124371862 300231599
furniture fabric Q110164681
futaine Q603100 300132887
futomono Q11444060
gabardine tissu de coton relativement imperméable Q577237 300403912
gant de toilette Q1937628
gants épiscopaux Q967632
gazar Q5529020
glass cloth Q5567095
gobelin Q25424405
gobelin tapisserie ornementale produite aux Gobelins, ou dans le style Q40337498
gofuku Q11416766
goshikimaku Q11372623
grenadine Q5607438
grenfell cloth Q5607468
grondzeil Q2730232
gros de Naples Q51881540
gros point de Venise Q64780503 300264610
gros-de-Tours étoffe de soie, proche du taffetas Q15972206
grosse toile d'Osnabourg Q7107274
gréement bermudien type de gréement de voilier Q1548312
grémial Q1545627 300266075
guipure d'Irlande au crochet Q55614630
guipure-dentelle Q13420170
habutaï Q3496451
haircloth Q66423136
hairpin lace Q1488231 300132888
half silk Q1570567
hanayome noren Q24886860
hand towel Q107194116
haras Q102468082
haubregé tissu anglais médiéval Q5636719
hedebo embroidery Q10519102
hemp textile Q11239515
hikimaku Q24863860
himroo Q5765482
hodden Q16979295
home textiles Q941811
honan Q30316622
hopsacking Q21685566
horsehair Q25424224
hospital curtain Q115633727
household textile Q15876506
housse de couette Q2397457
industrial fabrics Q25615812
inktlap Q2268964
inktlint Q2395143
inredningstextilier Q10535967
interior textiles Q123908249
invisible thread Q6061269
ipari szalagfüggöny Q1097727
ishikiate Q11465596
jacquard Q78088913 300256616
jamdani Q54901377
jarapa Q5926231
jednolícní pletenina Q17455066
jōfu Q110832932
jōshiki-maku Q11452208
kabeshiro Q1514291
kanaaltuig Q2456687
kapa Q4212817
kapa moe Q6366360
kasha Q65704847
kattun Q844267
kerseymere Q6394729
khaki Q108317304 300266251
khit Q1740643
kichō Q1740803
klot Q11740203
knitted lace Q99539263 300264696
knitted tights Q105488995
kojakin Q11463517
korpe Q12551403
kotzen Q1785521
krytá pletenina Q12031673
kudzu cloth Q11620950
kumach Q4246903
kōhaku maku Q3817845
lace lingerie Q125506919
lace ribbon Q123698304
lace-patterned silk Q97995889
lacet mécanique Q31004548
ladder yarn Q6469333
laid-in knit Q11996274
laine textile Q11547758 300243430
laine peignée fil textile Q572813 300227943
laminated fabric Q6481935
lamé tissu Q1801748 300249446
lang Q10554027
lap Q110162541
laptophoes Q13748015
lasting tissu Q52053360
lawn Q13139736 300249444
lens cloth Q2499198
libri lintei Q3831802
lin textile Q1426327 300014069
lin plissé type de lin Q110639961
linen thread Q10562690
linge de lit ensemble d'articles destinés au lit et au couchage Q1762457
linge de maison article ménager pour une utilisation quotidienne Q796635 300257519
linge de toilette linge de maison utilisé spécifiquement pour la salle de bain Q98792614
linho estopinha Q115185384
lnářská tkanina Q110521658
loden tissu de laine imperméable Q130148 300254125
longcloth Q6673661
looped pile Q124415058
lotus silk Q13641060
lustering Q97856069
madapolam Q917526
madeira Q110029399
maku Q9027039
manta saddle Q107196850
manustérgio Q107196314
manuterge Q1439905 300266076
marceline Q99707145
marengo Q12035329
marquisette Q1356191
matting Q27891371
mattress pad Q6791882
matériaux à voile Q3300040 300014079
medical bedding Q115633796
meisen Q103638112
melange yarn Q1569399
merletto of Burano Q3855181
mesh grounded bobbin lace Q25041176
metal lace Q18344035
mezzolana Q12036600
microfibre cloth Q1933853
military textile Q25615938
minsā Q11343002
mitra preciosa Q2253037
mockado Q6887797 300400594
moire textile Q1752512 300400593
mola rectangles de textile portés traditionnellement sur leurs robes par les femmes du peuple Cuna, Panama Q1893418 300240210
moleskine toile de coton tissé serré Q1943463
molleton Q5630366
molleton Q12036364
moltondeken Q2673833
momi Q11605249
monofilament Q12038588 300014636
mop Q107197046
moquette Q3055724
morceau de tissu de coton Q6544189
morceau de tissu en laine Q1866550 300411398
mosaic quilt Q110629960
mourning ribbon Q101002684
mousseline tissu lâche en coton Q725457 300014087
moustiquaire dispositif contre les moustiques Q696265 300024806
moustiquaire imprégnée Q59178547
mull Q115121021
mérinos textile Q29530715 300380171
métis Q1459589
nabedrennik Q6956793
nansouk tissus léger en coton utilisé par exemple en lingerie Q6959721
nappe de table linge servant à recouvrir une table Q536168 300204969
napperon petit ouvrage de dentelle Q1181895 300204931
narrow cloth Q108030389
natté Q1969849
netting Q114023804
nettle cloth Q1978388
nid d'abeille tissu tissé Q7959434
nid d'ange sac de couchage d'intérieur pour bébé avec une unique ouverture supérieure Q30005025
ninon Q16938867
novelle draperie type de textiles tissés qui ont succédé aux draps médiévaux du nord-ouest de l'Europe Q94444233
nylon pare-balles type de nylon épais et résistant utilisé dans la fabrication des gilets pare-balles Q4851804
obourubní pletenina Q16219218
omophorion Q1283961 300210441
ondée Q12042654
organsin Q12042884
organza Q1683724 300310123
osnovní pletenina Q12043004
ottoman type de tissu tissé Q339805
ouvrage crocheté type d'ouvrage textile Q55645611 300264038
palempore Q3361366 300227861
pallet net Q123287136
pallium vêtement ecclésiastique dans l'Église catholique Q200691 300216947
pano grosso Q115185417
paper yarn Q2050760
paper yarn Q106920268
parachute fabric Q21102576
parokhet Q2053773 300214855
part lace Q25041147
parure de lit ensemble composé de plusieurs pièces de linge de lit Q18415005
patchwork quilt Q17148700
peau de soie Q7123983
peluche textile Q1057522 300227875
peluche de soie Q101095859
penalty flag Q583235
percale Q2347903
percaline tissu léger à base de coton Q6072097
permanent press Q7169288 300379852
perpetuana Q110443231 300451343
peshtamal Q2582991
peşkir Q31191281
pile Q2397733 300227868
pile weave Q7193857 300227872
pile-on-pile velvet Q91805998
pilou tissu de laine ou de coton pelucheux Q18819189
piqué Q1505201 300249568
piqué Q12056388
plantain cloth Q29417641
plated fabric Q107176224
pletenec Q12045590
pletenina micro-mesh Q18042702
poil de chameau textile Q47008525
point Duchesse Q10477440 300231638
point appliqué Q4781616 300400717
point d'Aurilac Q10422741
point de Burano Q66626481 300264697
point de Flandres Q10496305 300400709
point de France Q7208201
point de Paris Q22340120 300400713
point de Venise point de dentelle Q2022619 300264609
point de Venise à rose Q64788367 300264611
point de gaze Q7208203
point de neige Q107387588 300264612
point d’angleterre Q29648034 300264618
point ground Q13434777
point plat de Venise Q64780401 300264613
polemite Q19862816
polyester textile Q49703674
polyester tulle Q4481451
pongee Q3486877
popeline Q1141566
portage d'enfants Q1343262 300400786
portière tenture couvrant un panneau de porte ou fermant l'ouverture Q17075701 300203938
powernet Q12046627
princess lace Q25041114
processional umbel Q107194549
provaz Q12047272
przędza wigoniowa Q123438819
prélart Q1599184
puncetto Q3925577
punto a groppo Q7260607 300234036
punto in aria Q7260611
purifier Q107196479
purple ribbon Q1069342
pékin Q29045268 300400591
quinette Q4242241
raschel Q47038396
ratine Q6100641
ratiné Q21076654
ravensduck Q51954865
rayadillo Q11936779
rašlová pletenina Q13231335
rebozo vêtement mexicain Q655245
reil Q13137570
rep Q55071249
ret fi Q6106610
retors Q66036822
rib knit Q1566586
ribbon award Q107197001
ribbon hair tie Q125421584
ribbon points Q124051688
ribbon tie Q130318679
rickrack Q7331992
rideau pièce de tissu dont le but est de diminuer la présence d'une ouverture Q49005 300203770
rideau d'avant-scène Q2264369
rideau de douche accessoire de la salle de bain Q839818 300203998
rideau de théâtre Grand morceau de tissu conçu pour masquer les coulisses d'un théâtre aux spectateurs Q945148 300203931
rinzu Q11607248
ripstop polyester Q7335759
ritual cloth Q107196175
roller blind Q2045030
romanit Q23656821
rose point Q64787464
rouchnik tissu décoratif slave Q1761133
ruban bande de textile Q6918773 300014668
ruban de couture Q64026143
ruban à cheveux un ruban porté dans les cheveux Q100778282
russel Q54483468
russell cord Q7381892
russet Q7381923 300380102
ryijy Q6305624
réseau Q64160781
sackcloth Q7396816
saddlecloth Q107196320
safety curtain Q1313540
samit Q2217217 300256704
sangle élément souple destiné à maintenir le corps et à transmettre les efforts aux pièces d'ancrage. Q2490558 300204912
sarsenet Q97107503
satin type de tissage des tissus Q14298 300132902
satin duchesse lourd tissu de soie aux couleurs brillantes Q10477439
satinet étoffe Q7426225
saye Q7429143
sayette Q51751513
scarlet Q1220957
schappe déchets de soie Q2231138 300417851
scrim Q1224541
scrim Q55078809 300263577
seam allowance Q1963750
security blanket type de couverture Q1794535
segmentum Q64383243
serge Q1520324 300249437
serge Q10551396 300227915
serpillière morceau de toile grossière et résistante servant à laver les sols à l'eau savonneuse Q1409430
service ribbon décoration Q806373
serviette de bain Q131696 300216632
serviette de bain Q10385865 300216634
serviette de table morceau de papier ou de tissu employé pour s'essuyer le visage ou la peau lorsque l'on mange Q848532 300216644
serviette en papier Q6141171
set de table Q1757989 300204964
shag Q124433134
shalloon Q31896671
shammy Q114707442
sheer fabric Q7492502
sheeting fabric Q10553420
shoulder ribbons Q125446773
shpanyer arbet Q1801744
signature quilt Q55633179 300198281
silk gauze Q51950535
silver-gilt thread Q76170109
sleeved blanket Q1898976
slip Q97609823
slipcover Q7540866 300204915
sluitlaken Q2209481
smocking Q30066504 300264623
sofa cover Q107197042
soie textile Q10475001 300243428
soie chargée Q7979903
soie de mer tissu confectionné depuis l'Antiquité à partir du byssus de certains coquillages Q3243230
soie grège Q63854244 300400827
solitaire Q125466261
sommier literie Q1807059
spacer fabric Q333077
sparterie type de fabrication de certaines fibres Q3492746
spiraalbodem Q4297556
static rope Q7604181
stretch fabric Q7623479
stuff Q7628517
stínicí plachta Q12056912
suodatinkangas Q11894725
surah Q1347198
surgical linen Q56410976
surgical thread Q4497889
suture Q4948587
table linen Q111366781 300216616
taffetas tissu d’armure toile en soie Q909391 300249434
taie linge de maison cousu utilisé pour recouvrir un oreiller ou un traversin Q3513966
tais Q2388788
tambour lace Q7681071
tapa tissu d'écorce fabriqué dans les cultures insulaires de l'océan Pacifique Q972724 300072237
tape inaugural Q107197002
tape lace Q10425925 300312139
tapis de selle Q1423546 300238334
tapisserie de Bruxelles production des nombreux ateliers de tapisserie de haute-lisse actifs à Bruxelles du début du XVe siècle jusqu'à la fin du XVIIIe siècle Q3515521
tarlatane tissu de coton au tissage lâche Q1890858 300183932
tartan Q55404799 300256600
tatami-beri Q119985681
tea towel Q1403426 300216638
telepuk Q129811389
tenture de lit Q99071040 300204122
termalama Q51879350
terry toweling Q111828397
textile tout matériau susceptible d'être tissé Q28823 300231565
textile electronique textiles contenant des composants électroniques Q1097300
textile intelligent Q124934613
textile non-tissé feuille de fibres Q638703 300379480
textile religieux Tissu à connotation religieuse Q76807919
textile rope Q6491894
textile scaffold Q115619382
thermogene watten Q123160714
tie-down straps Q1277336
tin thread Q31889181
tiraz bande de tissu brodée ou tissée Q21551050 300380344
tire warmer Q33035878
tissu n’importe quel textile tissé, feutré, tricoté, ou autre sous forme de toile Q5849500 300162391
tissu coton textile Q8231603 300014067
tissu côtelé Q10422106
tissu de cire d'abeille tissu textile imperméable imprégné de cire d'abeille Q65066315
tissu de laine Q11917845
tissu double pièce Q4357882 300227826
tissu doupion Q1266477
tissu granité Q7489868
tissu matelassé Q6786427 300227854
tissu mélangé Q12055133
tissu pour chemises type de tissu Q2236475
tissu résille tissu en maillage, à large maille Q51079049 300410339
tissu synthétique Q7662752
tissu tissé type de tissu Q1314278
tissu à armure toile tissu Q10572374 300227906
tissu à broder Q948464
tkaná pletenina Q90398763
toile pièce de tissu résistante Q4259259
toile cirée est un tissu, habituellement de coton ou de lin, traité avec du vernis à base d'huile de lin pour le rendre hydrofuge Q362542 300131081
toile cirée Q7975708
toile d'or Q5135545
toile de cambrai Q17103193
toile de jute textile Q911285 300014076
toile grains d'orge Q54878003
toile peinte Q107392663 300231618
toile à bluter Q107407310 300235660
toile à drapeaux Q54800595
toile à matelas Q7800690 300227910
toile à voiles Q1259027 300132884
toilet towel Q107194120
torchon linge de maison servant à essuyer la vaisselle Q72282
towel (leisure) Q107194115
towel end Q96062271
train curtains Q124439405
trame de soie Q12059482
travaux d'aiguille œuvre textile Q28966125 300264072
traversin coussin long et cylindrique Q3057620 300236072
tray cloth Q107196478
tricot Q830128
tricot Q29048022 300264039
tricotine Q12059654
trikooliina Q20921271
tropical Q20755687
trousseau de mariage linge personnel et de maison qu’une jeune fille devait posséder en vue de son mariage Q21372553
tsumugi Q104720212
tsumugi Q107598958
tucuyo Q7851205
tulle bi telli Q7852161
tulle de cheveux Q1566630
tunnel lining Q2459327
turkeywork Q52205625 300227914
tweed tissu en laine cardée, flexible, ressemblant à un tissu filé main Q40601 300132867
twill tape Q7858046
two-ply Q2532789
types of yarn Q23803404
ulster Q21019657
union fabric Q52746845
unwatered silk Q15885662
vegetable flannel Q25040970
velour Q621044 300311594
velours étoffe rase d'un côté et couverte de l'autre de poils dressés Q243519 300133711
velours ciselé Q21550470 300227803
velours coupé Q65962595 300227822
velours d'Amiens Q21426147
velours dit par la chaîne Q47460105 300227932
velours du Kasaï Q4216494
velours frisé Q91132898 300227918
velours gaufré Q90924333
velours par trame Q47460174 300227939
velur šifon Q109924017
velvet rope Q97600234
velveteen Q2914295 300227925
verdure tapisserie Q2010328 300205015
vestment of ambo Q107196318
vestment pulpit Q107196319
vigogne Q2524067
vigoreaux Q1242173
visillo Q9094518
voided velvet Q91132546 300227927
voile huméral Q1849502 300210437
voiles à ailes gonflables Q117673721
warp-knit fabric Q20825828
wash and wear Q3985015
waterproof fabric Q260491
wearing blanket Q50380055 300197421
whipcord Q55111599
wholecloth quilt Q55571318 300198175
wigan Q7999500
wimple Q373531 300212997
windsurfing harness Q2449954
wool blanket Q95939035
wool fiber Q113994000
wool yarn Q10708767
woolen Q1751888
woven coverlet Q8037437 300197954
wrapped yarn Q12043785
yak lace Q8047020
yardage Q66380816 300227944
zaailint Q5016264
zanella Q146778
zefír Q24459671
zejō Q11637491
záclonovina Q10861721
zátažná pletenina Q11081254
zéphir Q8069319
Överdrag (textil) Q10728560
échantillon Q29572182 300249430
échantillon de tissu Q17126091
édredon literie Q5847 300197942
épinglé Q9254324
épinglé Q52637775
éponge textile Q1470617 300227909
étamine Q11882779
étoffe de crin Q9382920 300400793
étoffe de soie Q12019351 300243428
étoffe imprimée Q29639251
étole Q732034 300221756
ñandutí Q292834
Ŝirlano Produit recyclé fabriqué à partir de vieux textiles Q12357424
Καρσάνικο κέντημα Q12878796
Байка (тканіна) Q4075509
Глазет Q51880769
Казінет Q51950956
Мотальскія ручнікі Q22667930
Пецінет Q12044783
Плъсти Q113669511
Пліс Q51879498
Рипс Q65224839
бязь Q4101534
міткаль Q4296691
плед Q12140859
തട്ടം (വസ്ത്രം) Q13112366
ブリューゲルレース Q11334786
台湾花布 Q22078908
川越唐桟 Q116764229
松右衛門帆 Q17232884
柳井縞 Q11534088

Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Chichibu meisen Q96473434 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Echigo-jofu Q11636489 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Kijoka-bashōfu Q11614938 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Kumejima-tsumugi Q6443797 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Kurume kasuri Q11369541 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Miyako jofu Q11453454 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Nibutani attus Q111604856 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Nishijin-ori Q5952107 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Princess Shirataki Q107348908 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Shiozawa tsumugi Q11428769 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Ushikubi tsumugi Q11570254 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Yaeyama jōfu Q85876886 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Yaeyama minsā Q11391785 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Yumihama-gasuri Q11487109 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Yūki-tsumugi Q8062732 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
hakata-ori Q11408964 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
honba kihachijō Q11677722 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Ōmi jōfu Q11358988 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
Ōshima-tsumugi Q11261517 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
伊勢崎絣 Q11379011 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
信州紬 Q11386112 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)
村山大島紬 Q11523107 Traditional Crafts of Japan (as designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry)

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
ABC(African fabric called abc) Q129083509 Wax
Agadagbachili uzo(African fabric) Q129084047 Wax
Agbala otu(African fabric) Q129084367 Wax
Ahwenepa nkasa Q117075154 Wax
Akwụkwọ ukpaka Q129083187 Wax
Aloe vera(African fabric) Q129084662 Wax
Aziza(African fabric) Q129084674 Wax
Biscuit Q129086297 Wax
Broken plate Q129085223 Wax
Deep freezer Q129084778 Wax
Ebge belu ugo belu(African fabric) Q129085047 Wax
English gold Q129086065 Wax
Enugbagidi(African fabric) Q129084524 Wax
Heavy rain Q129084947 Wax
Ikpilikpa azu (African Fabric) Q129084680 Wax
Ile ejuna(African fabric) Q129085140 Wax
J seven(African fabric) Q129084727 Wax
Jumping horse (African fabric) Q129084853 Wax
Okoso (African fabric) Q129084984 Wax
Okpuru anyanwu(African fabric) Q129085018 Wax
One love (African fabric) Q129084817 Wax
Onu neli aku(African fabric) Q129086067 Wax
Santana Q129084989 Wax
Seven candles Q129085055 Wax
Sika Wɔ Ntaban Q117184141 Wax
Step to heaven(African fabric) Q129084909 Wax
Steps(African fabric) Q129084950 Wax
Television (African fabric) Q129085192 Wax
Tomatoes(african fabric) Q129082748 Wax
Touching money Q129085115 Wax
iron gate(african fabric) Q129085525 Wax
Ọchieze (African fabric) Q129084349 Wax

artefact archéologique

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image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Brown Wool Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.489a-c Q100725364 artefact archéologique
Charred Cloth Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1934.471a Q100716001 artefact archéologique
Charred Cloth Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1934.471b Q100717742 artefact archéologique
Child's Tunic, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.489 Q100715922 artefact archéologique
Dark yellow fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5558 Q100726494 artefact archéologique
Fragment (green) with pink band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5559 Q100716082 artefact archéologique
Fragment (patched), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5468 Q100732440 artefact archéologique
Fragment apricot band on brown, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5556 Q100716081 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5456 Q100732377 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5457 Q100732386 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5464 Q100732410 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5465 Q100732418 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5466 Q100732424 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5467 Q100732433 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5503 Q100716020 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 2 red bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5533 Q100716056 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 3 brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5419 Q100726432 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 3 brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5420 Q100732179 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 3 brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5422 Q100732187 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 3 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5446 Q100732305 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 3 purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5450 Q100732328 artefact archéologique
Fragment with 4 red shaded bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5490 Q100732537 artefact archéologique
Fragment with Green Band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.499 Q100731910 artefact archéologique
Fragment with band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5452 Q100732342 artefact archéologique
Fragment with blue and purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5441 Q100732280 artefact archéologique
Fragment with brown and red band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5428 Q100732225 artefact archéologique
Fragment with brown band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5426 Q100732210 artefact archéologique
Fragment with brown band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5427 Q100732219 artefact archéologique
Fragment with brown, tan, red, yellow , red-purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5430 Q100732239 artefact archéologique
Fragment with dark-blue, red and faded blue bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5493 Q100732559 artefact archéologique
Fragment with green and red bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5532 Q100716054 artefact archéologique
Fragment with green, and red bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5494 Q100716011 artefact archéologique
Fragment with light brown band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5514 Q100716035 artefact archéologique
Fragment with one band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5424 Q100732202 artefact archéologique
Fragment with one band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5438 Q100732264 artefact archéologique
Fragment with one band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5454 Q100732365 artefact archéologique
Fragment with one band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5469 Q100732447 artefact archéologique
Fragment with one band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5478 Q100732479 artefact archéologique
Fragment with pink and brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5434 Q100732248 artefact archéologique
Fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5423 Q100732194 artefact archéologique
Fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5453 Q100732353 artefact archéologique
Fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5461 Q100732393 artefact archéologique
Fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5482 Q100732498 artefact archéologique
Fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5515 Q100716037 artefact archéologique
Fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5554 Q100726479 artefact archéologique
Fragment with purple band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5693 Q100716176 artefact archéologique
Fragment with red and blue bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5528 Q100716049 artefact archéologique
Fragment with red and brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5513 Q100716034 artefact archéologique
Fragment with red band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5492 Q100732552 artefact archéologique
Fragment with red band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5510 Q100716031 artefact archéologique
Fragment with red, and pink bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5527 Q100726448 artefact archéologique
Fragment with red, blue, and purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5489 Q100732529 artefact archéologique
Fragment with tan and green bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5546 Q100716071 artefact archéologique
Fragment with yellow, red and brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5431b Q100732243 artefact archéologique
Fragment with yellow, red, brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5511 Q100716033 artefact archéologique
Fragment, green with pink and red bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5698 Q100311309 artefact archéologique
Fragments of Felt, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.483a-b Q100715896 artefact archéologique
Goat's Hair Rope, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.383.2 Q100299123 artefact archéologique
Goat's Hair Tabby Cloth Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5700 Q100311327 artefact archéologique
Green Fragment with red bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5534 Q100716057 artefact archéologique
Green Wool Fragment with Pink Band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.527 Q100725464 artefact archéologique
Green and Red Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5530 Q100716051 artefact archéologique
Green and Red Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5531 Q100716052 artefact archéologique
Green fragment with tan band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5543 Q100716067 artefact archéologique
Knit Textile Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.483 Q100725342 artefact archéologique
Linen Fragment with Blue Band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.520 Q100717878 artefact archéologique
Linen Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.522.1 Q100732077 artefact archéologique
Linen Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.522a-e Q100725455 artefact archéologique
Mantle Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.490 Q100715931 artefact archéologique
Mantle Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.491 Q100715942 artefact archéologique
Mantle Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.496a-b Q100724407 artefact archéologique
Part of Tent, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.504 Q100724416 artefact archéologique
Plain Cloth with Purple Band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5697 Q100716177 artefact archéologique
Plain Green Tapestry Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.526.2 Q100732119 artefact archéologique
Plain Purple Tapestry Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.492 Q100715951 artefact archéologique
Plain Wool Tapestry Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.546 Q100717739 artefact archéologique
Purple Textile Fragment with Pile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.484 Q100715897 artefact archéologique
Purple Wool Fragment with Two Green Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.512 Q100732065 artefact archéologique
Purple Wool Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.526.1 Q100732107 artefact archéologique
Red Crepe Cloth Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.529 Q100732126 artefact archéologique
Red Fragment with 2 blue bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5516 Q100716038 artefact archéologique
Red Fragment with 2 blue bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5520 Q100716043 artefact archéologique
Red Fragment with 2 blue bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5529 Q100716050 artefact archéologique
Red Tapestry Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5687 Q100716172 artefact archéologique
Red Wool Fragment with Brown Band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.492 Q100731946 artefact archéologique
Red Wool Tapestry Weave Fragment with Blue and Tan Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.513 Q100717877 artefact archéologique
Silk Fragment (Knotted Wisp), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.521 Q100715998 artefact archéologique
Silk Fragment with Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.486 Q100725355 artefact archéologique
Tan Wool Tapestry Fragment with Pile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.541 Q100717736 artefact archéologique
Tapestry Weave Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.494 Q100717876 artefact archéologique
Tapestry Weave Pouch, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.516 Q100725446 artefact archéologique
Textile (Brown shaded fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5436 Q100732255 artefact archéologique
Textile (Child's Tunic), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5486 Q100717885 artefact archéologique
Textile (Dalmatic Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5455 Q100726517 artefact archéologique
Textile (Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5448 Q100732312 artefact archéologique
Textile (Garment Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5483 Q100732506 artefact archéologique
Textile (Garment Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5484 Q100732514 artefact archéologique
Textile (Garment fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5429 Q100732232 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1935.554a-c Q100727595 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5442 Q100732291 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5445 Q100310209 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5449 Q100732319 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5460 Q100733185 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5463 Q100726558 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5480 Q100732491 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5670 Q100716136 artefact archéologique
Textile (Mantle fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5500 Q100716017 artefact archéologique
Textile (Scarf Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5462 Q100732402 artefact archéologique
Textile (Tunic Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.497 Q131398187 artefact archéologique
Textile (Tunic Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5425 Q100728636 artefact archéologique
Textile (Tunic Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5451 Q100732335 artefact archéologique
Textile (Tunic Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5470 Q100732458 artefact archéologique
Textile (Tunic Fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5477 Q100728627 artefact archéologique
Textile (Tunic), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5487 Q131307631 artefact archéologique
Textile (cap), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5673 Q100716142 artefact archéologique
Textile (fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5684 Q100717890 artefact archéologique
Textile (green twill fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5688 Q100716175 artefact archéologique
Textile (needle book), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5690 Q100311288 artefact archéologique
Étui à aiguilles
Textile (plain red tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5523 Q100716046 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain red tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5525 Q100716047 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5414 Q100716036 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5415 Q100726425 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5416 Q100732173 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5479 Q100732486 artefact archéologique
poignet mousquetaire
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5491 Q100732545 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5498 Q100716015 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5504 Q100716022 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5505 Q100716023 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5506 Q100716025 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5507 Q100716028 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5508 Q100716029 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5517 Q100716040 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5518 Q100716041 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5522 Q100716045 artefact archéologique
Textile (plain tapestry fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5526 Q100716048 artefact archéologique
Textile (tunic fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5551 Q100726463 artefact archéologique
Textile (tunic fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5553 Q100726471 artefact archéologique
Textile (tunic fragment), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5555 Q100716079 artefact archéologique
Textile Fragment with Pile and Red and Blue Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.487 Q100717734 artefact archéologique
Textile Fragment with Pile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.486 Q100715898 artefact archéologique
Textile Fragment with Three Purple Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.493 Q100715960 artefact archéologique
Textile Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.542a Q100717676 artefact archéologique
Textile Goat's Hair Tapestry, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.488 Q100715899 artefact archéologique
Textile Shin Guard, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.481 Q100725322 artefact archéologique
Textile fragment with yellow, red and brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5431a Q100732242 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2854 Q100348342 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2855 Q100348343 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2856 Q100348345 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2857 Q100348348 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2858 Q100348349 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2859 Q100348350 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2860 Q100348351 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2861 Q100348352 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2862 Q100348354 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2863 Q100348356 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2864 Q100348357 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2865 Q100348358 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2866 Q100348359 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2867 Q100348360 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2868 Q100348361 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2869 Q100348362 artefact archéologique
Textile remnant, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5999.2870 Q100348363 artefact archéologique
Textile with Two Purple Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.494a-b Q100715969 artefact archéologique
Textile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5440 Q100732270 artefact archéologique
Textile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5444 Q100732297 artefact archéologique
Textile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5472 Q100732466 artefact archéologique
Textile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5496 Q100716012 artefact archéologique
Textile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5497 Q100716013 artefact archéologique
Textile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5550 Q100716076 artefact archéologique
Textile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5629 Q100732158 artefact archéologique
Textile, ball of plain thread, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5691 Q100716116 artefact archéologique
Textile, blue felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5663 Q100716105 artefact archéologique
Textile, brown and red tapestry, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5672 Q100716139 artefact archéologique
Textile, felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5665 Q100716108 artefact archéologique
Textile, felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5666 Q100716112 artefact archéologique
Textile, felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5667 Q100716113 artefact archéologique
Textile, felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5694 Q100716123 artefact archéologique
Textile, fr brown and yellow, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5583 Q100716118 artefact archéologique
Textile, fr. with colored pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5476 Q100732473 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of blue crepe cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5573 Q100716096 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of blue twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5590 Q100716130 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of blue twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5591 Q100716131 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of brown plain cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5578 Q100716104 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of brown tape cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5562 Q100716084 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of brown tape cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5575 Q100716098 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of brown tape cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5576 Q100716100 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of green twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5592 Q100716133 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of green twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5593 Q100716134 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of plain brown cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5580 Q100716109 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of plain cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5552 Q100716077 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of plain cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5561 Q100716083 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of plain cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5574 Q100716097 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of plain green cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5571 Q100716093 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of plain purple cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5567 Q100716089 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of purple twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5587 Q100716125 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of red crepe cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5570 Q100716092 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of red felt, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5695 Q100716124 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of red twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5594 Q100716137 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of rep cloth with three purple bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5699 Q100311062 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of rope, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5696 Q100716132 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5579 Q100716107 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5581 Q100716111 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment of twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5582 Q100716114 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment with pile and purple, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5596 Q100716138 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment with pile and purple, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5597 Q100716140 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragment with shaded brown band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5437 Q100733168 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragments of green twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5589 Q100716128 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragments of red twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5588 Q100716126 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragments of twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5584 Q100716121 artefact archéologique
Textile, fragments of twill, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5586 Q100717914 artefact archéologique
Textile, frgs. with colored pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5502 Q100716019 artefact archéologique
Textile, frgs. with red and yellow pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5509 Q100716030 artefact archéologique
Textile, gold thread, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5692 Q100726582 artefact archéologique
Textile, green felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5662 Q100716103 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5608 Q100716150 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5609 Q100716151 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5610 Q100716152 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5611 Q100716154 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5612 Q100716155 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5613 Q100716157 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5615 Q100716160 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5616 Q100716161 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5617 Q100716162 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5618 Q100716164 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5619 Q100716167 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5620 Q100716168 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5621 Q100716169 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5622 Q100716170 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5623 Q100726631 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5627 Q100726413 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5628 Q100726419 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5631 Q100726439 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth with three brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5603 Q100716145 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen cloth with wool bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5630 Q100732165 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen rep cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5624 Q100716174 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen rep cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5625 Q100732151 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen rep cloth with two brown bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5602 Q100716144 artefact archéologique
Textile, linen rep cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5606 Q100716149 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain brown cloth fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5563 Q100716085 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain brown fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5564 Q100733194 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain cloth, dark red fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5568 Q100716090 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain crepe fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5566 Q100726536 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain crepe fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5577 Q100716102 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain green tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5537 Q100716059 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain green tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5538 Q100726455 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain green tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5539 Q100716061 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain green tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5540 Q100716062 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain green tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5541 Q100716064 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain green tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5544 Q100716068 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain green tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5545 Q100716069 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain linen fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5614 Q100716159 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain olive green fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5549 Q100716074 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain red fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5572 Q100716095 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain red linen cloth, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5605 Q100716148 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain red tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5495 Q100732141 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain red tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5521 Q100716044 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain red tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5535 Q100716058 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5542 Q100716066 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5547 Q100716072 artefact archéologique
Textile, plain tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5548 Q100716073 artefact archéologique
Textile, red felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5661 Q100716101 artefact archéologique
Textile, red tapestry fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5686 Q100716146 artefact archéologique
Textile, tape fragments (arabic), Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5565 Q100716087 artefact archéologique
Textile, tapestry with pile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5599 Q100726615 artefact archéologique
Textile, two fragments of knitting, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1935.556 Q100717744 artefact archéologique
Textile, yellow felt fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5664 Q100726575 artefact archéologique
Textile; Goat's Hair Tapestry, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5643 Q100716065 artefact archéologique
Twill Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.525c Q100732093 artefact archéologique
Twill Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.485 Q100724395 artefact archéologique
Twill Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1929.511 Q100299679 artefact archéologique
Undyed and Purple Fragment with Pile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.539 Q100725485 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Bands of Color, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.488 Q100731854 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Bands of Color, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.490a-b Q100725371 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Brown Band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.493 Q100715997 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Brown Band, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.544 Q100717737 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Colored Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.514 Q100725439 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Colored Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.500 Q100731968 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Colorful Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.487 Q100306074 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Purple Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.495 Q100731958 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Red Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.491 Q100725380 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment with Red and Blue Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.542b Q100715999 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragments with Brown Pattern Bands, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.497 Q100725395 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragments with Green and Purple, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.499 Q100725411 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragments with Purple Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.496 Q100725387 artefact archéologique
Wool Fragments with Purple Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.498 Q100725402 artefact archéologique
Wool Mantle Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.507.4 Q100732048 artefact archéologique
patrimoine culturel
Wool Mantle Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.507a Q100725425 artefact archéologique
patrimoine culturel
Wool Mantle Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.507b Q100732029 artefact archéologique
Wool Pile Fragment with Purple, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.537 Q100725473 artefact archéologique
Wool Rug Fragment with Pile, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.482 Q100725333 artefact archéologique
Wool Scarf Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.510a-c Q100725431 artefact archéologique
Wool Tapestry Weave Fragment and wood knife sheath, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.501 Q100725417 artefact archéologique
Wool Tapestry Weave Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.502 Q100306080 artefact archéologique
Wool Tapestry Weave Fragments, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.515a-k Q100306094 artefact archéologique
Wool Textile Fragments with Colored Pattern, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1934.469 Q100306461 artefact archéologique
Wool Tunic Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.503 Q100306086 artefact archéologique
patrimoine culturel
Wool Tunic Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.504 Q100731980 artefact archéologique
patrimoine culturel
Wool Tunic Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.505 Q100731995 artefact archéologique
patrimoine culturel
Wool Tunic Fragment, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1933.506 Q100732011 artefact archéologique
patrimoine culturel
Wrapping of the corpse, Yale University Art Gallery, inv. 1938.5683 Q100732521 artefact archéologique
découverte archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28434 Q106873812 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28435 Q106873919 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28436 Q106873700 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28437 Q106873878 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28438 Q106873735 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28439 Q106873814 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28440 Q106873921 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28441 Q106873701 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28442 1 Q106873741 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28442 2 Q106873872 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28442 3 Q106873873 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 1 Q106873809 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 10 Q106873777 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 11 Q106873720 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 12 Q106873712 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 13 Q106873714 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 14 Q106873723 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 15 Q106873760 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 2 Q106873779 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 3 Q106873719 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 4 Q106873710 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 5 Q106873804 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 6 Q106873757 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 7 Q106873805 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 8 Q106873758 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28443 9 Q106873806 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 1 Q106873781 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 10 Q106873784 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 11 Q106873750 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 12 Q106873726 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 13 Q106873767 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 14 Q106873785 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 15 Q106873769 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 16 Q106873706 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 17 Q106873787 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 18 Q106873751 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 19 Q106873790 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 2 Q106873789 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 20 Q106873754 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 21 Q106873792 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 22 Q106873728 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 23 Q106873793 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 24 Q106873795 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 25 Q106873709 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 26 Q106873796 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 27 Q106873731 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 28 Q106873772 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 29 Q106873797 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 3 Q106873778 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 30 Q106873798 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 31 Q106873803 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 32 Q106873773 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 33 Q106873774 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 34 Q106873799 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 35 Q106873755 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 36 Q106873775 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 37 Q106873802 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 4 Q106873725 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 5 Q106873782 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 6 Q106873765 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 7 Q106873783 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 8 Q106873705 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28444 9 Q106873748 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28445 Q106873715 artefact archéologique
tissu, Musée du Louvre AO 28446 Q106873996 artefact archéologique

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Exotex Q57873715 brand name
Irish linen Q17143424 brand name
Kasha Q65704526 brand name

catégorie de produits

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
bath towels & washcloth Q117208178 catégorie de produits
beach towel Q117208179 catégorie de produits
bed canopy Q117208173 catégorie de produits
burp cloth Q116961427 catégorie de produits
crafting canva Q116960486 catégorie de produits
decorative tapestry Q117207590 catégorie de produits
drop cloth Q117207424 catégorie de produits
mèche à feu ficelle ou corde de fibres tordues destinée à accueillir une flamme Q849004 catégorie de produits
équipement d’éclairage
needlecraft canva Q116960487 catégorie de produits
pillowcases & sham Q117208174 catégorie de produits
plaster gauze Q116960483 catégorie de produits
printable fabric Q116960488 catégorie de produits
quilts & comforter Q117208175 catégorie de produits
ruban ruban offert comme distinction pour souligner une réalisation Q7322255 catégorie de produits
sac de couchage Q214638 catégorie de produits 300259712
small animal bedding Q116958212 catégorie de produits
table skirt Q117208177 catégorie de produits

culture indonésienne

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Songket Q589421 culture indonésienne
batik technique d'impression des étoffes, à l'origine essentiellement produit sur l'île de Java Q635427 culture indonésienne
ikat Technique de teinture dans laquelle des faisceaux de fils sont teints avant le tissage Q140101 culture indonésienne 300249861

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Cordeo Appareil d'entraînement pour chevaux Q12306702 dispositif
Piernat type de matelas Q11816614 dispositif
Tendă Protection contre le soleil ou la pluie sous la forme d'un toit en toile Q12742040 dispositif

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Santista têxtil Q108758025 entreprise
Theodore Bloch de Tecidos S.A Q108758027 entreprise

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Foulé Type de tissu en laine Q10498353 fibre
mungo Q24639799 fibre
shoddy Q19388602 fibre

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Aertex Q4688512 firme
brand name
Mudathir brothers Q119020398 firme
industrie de l'habillement

flour sack fabric

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
meelzak Citoyens de Valleyfield (Eerste Wereldoorlog) Q72170210 flour sack fabric
meelzak Union Mills, Bakkerijmuseum Veurne, 23038 Q75715295 flour sack fabric

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Fragment de bande de tapisserie pièce textile Q113294456 fragment
Fragment de l’aube de l’abbé Biure pièce de textile Q113293040 fragment
Fragment de samit aux oiseaux affrontés pièce de textile Q113294711 fragment
Fragment de taffetas pièce de textile Q113295590 fragment
Fragment de taffetas avec sphinges et paons affrontés pièce de textile Q113295956 fragment
Fragment à inscription coufique de l’abbaye de Saint-Martin-du-Canigou pièce de textile Q113292920 fragment
Fragments de taffetas pièces de textile Q113295410 fragment
Inscribed Mummy Bandage Q116275564 fragment
Inscribed Mummy Bandage Q116427926 fragment
Linen Mark Q116427918 fragment
Linen Mark Q116427935 fragment
Mummy Cloth Q116415688 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116415680 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116415687 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116427548 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116427848 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116427944 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116430669 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116430708 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116430716 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116430720 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116430754 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116430757 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116432845 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116432846 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116432847 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116436704 fragment
Mummy Cloth Fragment Q116438243 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116415672 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116415673 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116415674 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116415677 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116427839 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116430701 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116430722 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116430730 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116430781 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116430784 fragment
Piece of cloth Q116430786 fragment
Roll of cloth Q116430756 fragment

geographical indications in India

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Assam silk Q2008397 geographical indications in India
gamosa Q1531220 geographical indications in India


[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
chabraque tapis de selle carrée Q544215 harnachement
voilock Q12010044 harnachement

linge de lit

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
couverture lestée type de couverture remplie de fibres ou de billes de verre exerçant un poids sur le corps Q66305802 linge de lit
Literie pendant la période de Heian Q11626490 linge de lit

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Alcantara Tissu synthétique semblable au suède Q583479 marque
Ban-Lon textile Q4853564 marque
Bounty marque américaine de papier essuie-tout Q4950050 marque
Dacron textile artificiel (nom déposé) Q911613 marque
Dunova Q18193479 marque
Estremadura Q11882380 marque
Everglaze Q57956130 marque
Fresco Q3753072 marque
bien manufacturé
Gore-Tex Q867068 marque
Helanca Q1313512 marque
Homespun Q18346826 marque
Lurex Q1877666 marque 300264267
Lutradur Q64159611 marque
Metlon Q20851270 marque
Naugahyde Q13548323 marque 300179374
Plauener Spitze Q2098931 marque
Qiana Q7267622 marque
Reemay Q29888935 marque
Trevira CS Q108929410 marque
Ventile Q7920256 marque
Viyella Q55097814 marque

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Baxya Mot ouzbek pour un textile Q12819504 matériau
Bryt Type de textile Q9180794 matériau
Felbel textile velouté Q1402193 matériau
Fisto Type de textile Q6000059 matériau
Flachgewebe Q1426146 matériau
Gazlama type de textile Q12822068 matériau
Piket Type de textile Q12773864 matériau
film base Q5449002 matériau
film d'acétate de cellulose Q481840 matériau 300127384
non-safety base Q105755527 matériau
Көк Type de textile Q12550880 matériau

métier manuel

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
ala kiyiz Q4705114 métier manuel
clothweaving Q47012164 métier manuel
double ikat Q55459938 métier manuel
rya tradition in Vesilahti Q113044206 métier manuel

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Apple Polishing Cloth Q109535545 produit
Becik Nom polonais pour la literie pour les bébés Q11687651 produit
Bård Nom suédois pour un type de tissu Q10438612 produit
Gravity Blanket Q126265158 produit
Hotzen mot allemand pour un drap de laine grossier Q1561096 produit
Zetix Textile, inventé par Auxetics Technologies Q8069755 produit
falbala Type de textile Q1393898 produit

style artistique

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image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Opus Anglicanum Q3884257 style artistique 300298452
appliqué inversé Q621642 style artistique 300264062
burato Q4998130 style artistique 300264693

style de tapis

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Fabrication traditionnelle de tapis tibétain Q2516194 style de tapis
alpujarra Q98756516 style de tapis 300245524

symbole religieux

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
mitre couvre-chef réservé aux évêques Q193888 symbole religieux 300212995
tiare papale triple couronne des papes Q1063103 symbole religieux 300403904

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Shibori Q2520047 technique
fransu Q11859981 technique

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Bul Nom des tissus épais et coûteux Q12536956 terme
Kabloshi Type de laine Q13040463 terme
Outlines (Graffiti) Q2042039 terme
Pezza Nom d'un textile Q13197201 terme
interfacing Q1020499 terme

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
"Elephant Tamer" Textile Q110640096 textile
"Ganymede" Silk Q111969241 textile
"Ganymede" Silk Q111969243 textile
"Hero and Lion" Silk Q111970893 textile
"Hopi Brocade" Style Dance Sash Q79483358 textile
"Hopi Brocade" Style Dance Sash Q79483362 textile
"Hopi Brocade" Style Dance Sash Q79483367 textile
"Hopi Brocade" Style Dance Sash Q80002086 textile
"Hopi Brocade" Style Dance Sash Q80002087 textile
"Hopi Brocade" Style Dance Sash Q80002089 textile
"Hopi Brocade" style Dance Sash Q80011769 textile
"Hopi Brocade" style Dance Sash Q80011772 textile
"Hopi Brocade" style Dance Sash Q80011775 textile
"La Treve de Dieu" (The Truce of God) Q80016965 textile
"Navajo Style" Belt/ Sash Q80011665 textile
"Navajo Style" Belt/ Sash Q80011670 textile
"Navajo Style" Belt/ Sash Q80011764 textile
"Navajo Style" Belt/ Sash Q80011767 textile
"Navajo Style" Belt/Sash Q79483385 textile
"Penelope Unraveling Her Work at Night" Q98224639 textile
#644 Q79988348 textile
2,5D textilie Q107679905 textile
A Drop Of Cosmos '95 - 2 Q96748835 textile
A Fish is a Fish Q80021667 textile
A Garden Q79978852 textile
A Pair of Rank Badges with Single Crane Motif Q79877636 textile
A fragment from a gauzy material Q116433878 textile
Abstract Design Q80000858 textile
Abstract Flower and Leaf Q80012444 textile
Aka nà Sheltox Q129084899 textile
Akwete head wrapper Q117247095 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79482103 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79483592 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79483597 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79483601 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79483607 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79483612 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79496367 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q79496374 textile
Album of Textile Samples Q80023934 textile
Alexander the Great on Horseback Q80028964 textile
Alhambra Palace Silk Curtain Q79933418 textile
Alhambra Palace Silk Curtain Q79933422 textile
Alhambra hanging fragment with decorated bands Q80001476 textile
All T'oqapu Tunic Q110640110 textile
Almofada (Cobertura De) objeto de la colección del Museu Paulista (1-06-01-000-07986-00-00) Q106206314 textile
Almost Roman Glass Q79996804 textile
Alquimia Verde LV Q80084153 textile
Altar Frontal Q56684622 textile
Altar Frontal Q79477881 textile
Amate (fabric no. 9-345) Q96748842 textile
Amorous Scenes Q80016967 textile
Ananas (Pineapples) Q80000842 textile
Ancient Chinese Bronzes Q117237383 textile
Anepigraphic Tiraz Q111969301 textile
Animals in Squares Q80003330 textile
Animals in Squares Q80004448 textile
Antependium or Altar Frontal Q56683725 textile
Antscha - Pink and Blue Q80010864 textile
Antscha - Yellow and Green Q80010858 textile
Apricot Long Shawl Q79996769 textile
April (Americana Series No. 706) Q80002265 textile
Aralia (Seerose) Q80007322 textile
Arch Q79923531 textile
Arched Values Q80023165 textile
Armak weaving Q5690896 textile
Armazine Q106706300 textile
Atanoq type de fil Q12818769 textile
Atmospheric No. I Q79905579 textile
Available Forms Q79929831 textile
Available Forms Q79929834 textile
Available Forms Q79929836 textile
Available Forms Q79929838 textile
Available Forms Q79929840 textile
Available Forms Q79929843 textile
Available Forms Q79929845 textile
Available Forms Q79929847 textile
Back of a tunic with lion killing khilin in octagonal medallions Q79933682 textile
Backyard Gardens Q80074137 textile
Bag Q79483425 textile
Bag Q79947401 textile
Bananatex Q107550049 textile
Band Q80014783 textile
Band Q80076134 textile
Band Q111970710 textile
Band (Headband?) Q80082265 textile
Band for Dalmatic Q79487141 textile
Band with Flora and Fauna Motifs Q79934938 textile
Band with Trophy Heads Q80021730 textile
Band, MET 46.156.40 Q131454268 textile
Banded Eyedazzler Style Rug Q80011806 textile
Banded Rug Q80011808 textile
Banded Wearing Blanket (Diyugi) Q79508150 textile
Banner Q79478100 textile
Banner Q79478103 textile
Banner Q79478171 textile
Banner Q79478175 textile
Banner Q79478443 textile
Banner Q79478448 textile
Banner With the Lion of St. Mark Q79478484 textile
Banner With the Lion of St. Mark (banner) Q79478492 textile
Banner with Medallions of Christ's Passion Q79478457 textile
Banner with Medallions of Christ's Passion (banner) Q79478462 textile
Banner with Royal Coat of Arms of Great Britain Q79478126 textile
Banner with Royal Coat of Arms of Great Britain Q79861102 textile
Barak (cloth) Q5950042 textile
Baranquilla Q80023043 textile
Bark Cloth Q80002978 textile
Bark-Cloth Mask Q80043886 textile
Basilisk Q79927943 textile
Basket Q79862312 textile
Basket Mola Panel (Garba Mor) Q79924030 textile
Basket Mola Panel (Garba Sor Mor) Q117054184 textile
Batik Jepara Q12475136 textile
Batten Q80008699 textile
Beadwork (for Hanging over Doorways) Q80055896 textile
No. 719 Q80002119 textile
Bedcover Q79947429 textile
Bedspread Q79477957 textile
Bedspread Q79927102 textile
Belt (Hizam) Q79983165 textile
Belt/ Sash Q80011624 textile
Belt/ Sash Q80011630 textile
Belt/ Sash Q80011633 textile
Berkan tissu Q10428647 textile
Betsy Ross Making the First United States Flag Q79940300 textile
Bible and Star (African fabric) Q129086229 textile
Big star(African Fabrics) Q129085054 textile
Birds and Flowers Textile Q80000851 textile
Birds in a Tree tableau de anonyme Q60476300 textile
Bitter Kola (African Fabrics) Q129085166 textile
Black Box Q79978803 textile
Black and white detail Q114950078 textile
Blanket Q79484195 textile
Blanket Q79484251 textile
Blanket Q80012503 textile
Blanket Q80041409 textile
Blanket strip Q104413115 textile
Blanket/ Sarape Q79508202 textile
Blue And Yellow Panel Q111365972 textile
Bonad (Hanging Tapestry): copy of “Carl Hanson Q80023078 textile
Bonad Q80023081 textile
Book Cover Q79495300 textile
Book Cover Q79495316 textile
Book Cover Q79495429 textile
Book Cover Q79499886 textile
Book Cover Q80056269 textile
Boot Q79947151 textile
Boot Q79947153 textile
Border Q79495977 textile
Border Q79495997 textile
Border Q79496004 textile
Border Fragment Q111273626 textile
Border Fragment of a Shawl Q80007342 textile
Border Fragment of a Shawl Q80055895 textile
Border Strip Q79511606 textile
Border of a Shawl Q80055795 textile
Border of a Shawl Q80055796 textile
Border of a Shawl Q80055798 textile
Border of a Shawl Q80055875 textile
Border with Peacock Design Q80056437 textile
Boryabaf Q5828187 textile
Boston (fabric) Q4095048 textile
Bow tie (African Fabrics) Q129082632 textile
Box Q79978767 textile
Box for the tapestry scroll Mingling of Clear and Muddy Water at the Junction of the Jing and Wei Rivers Q79873304 textile
Brocade Q79477803 textile
Brocade Q79484388 textile
Brocade Q79484393 textile
Brocade Q79892137 textile
Brocade Q80029382 textile
Brocade Q80055807 textile
Brocade Q80055850 textile
Brocade Q80055883 textile
Brocade Q80055919 textile
Brocade Q80055924 textile
Brocade Q80055936 textile
Brocade Q80055943 textile
Brocade Q80055945 textile
Brocade Q80055947 textile
Brocade Q80055951 textile
Brocade Q80055953 textile
Brocade Q80056315 textile
Brocade Q80056316 textile
Brocade Q80056319 textile
Brocade Q80056321 textile
Brocade Q80056327 textile
Brocade Q80056336 textile
Brocade Q80056346 textile
Brocade Q80056426 textile
Brocade Fragment Q79487618 textile
Brocade Fragment Q79891393 textile
Brocade Textile Q79484413 textile
Brocade Textile Q79487044 textile
Brocade Textile Q79487049 textile
Brocade Textile Q79487059 textile
Brocade Textile Q79487071 textile
Brocade Textile Q80023194 textile
Brocade on Tabby Q79491697 textile
Brocade with Design of Fruit Sprays and Leafy Scrolls Q80001670 textile
Brocade with Phoenixes Q79973667 textile
Brocade with Swan Hunt Q79944035 textile
Brocaded Book Cover Q80055885 textile
Brocaded Book Cover Q80055889 textile
Brocaded Book Cover Q80055891 textile
Brocaded Damask Q80014741 textile
Brocaded Fukusa Q79477442 textile
Brocaded Satin Q80014751 textile
Brocaded Satin Textile Q79903199 textile
Brocaded Silk Q79487648 textile
Brocaded Silk Q79902772 textile
Brocaded Silk Q80006411 textile
Brocaded Silk Q80011413 textile
Brocaded Silk Q80014183 textile
Brocaded Silk Q80014985 textile
Brocaded Silk Q80014995 textile
Brocaded Silk Cover Q80004992 textile
Brocaded Silk Cushion Cover & Iranian Striped Silk Surround Q79993556 textile
Brocaded Silk Fragment Q79488490 textile
Brocaded Silk Ribbon Q79903223 textile
Brocaded Silk Textile Q80012219 textile
Brocaded Strip, known as "Imperial Tribute Brocade" Q80003120 textile
Brocaded Taffeta with Lily of the Valley Design Q80011397 textile
Brocaded Textile Q79487108 textile
Brocaded Textile Q79487117 textile
Brocaded Textile Q79487163 textile
Brocaded Textile Q79487179 textile
Brocaded Textile Q79491687 textile
Brocaded Textile Q79904955 textile
Brocaded Textile Fragment Q79903165 textile
Brocaded silk with foliate medallions from a kaftan Q79893669 textile
Brocaded velvet cover with sunbursts Q79996140 textile
Brocatelle Textile Q79487123 textile
Brocatille Textile Fragment Q79487074 textile
Broken Tiles (African Fabrics) Q129085131 textile
Broken plate(African fabrics) Q129085240 textile
Brown Box Q79978801 textile
Bullets(African Fabrics) Q129083864 textile
Bunch of Keys (African Fabrics) Q129085016 textile
Burner Dye (fabric no. 9-361) Q96748894 textile
Burse (Corporal Case) Q79502095 textile
Busts and Animals Under Tree of Life Q79933815 textile
Butterfly (African Fabrics) Q129085063 textile
Caftan Q79938186 textile
Cajg Tissu en coton ou en laine Q9184242 textile
Canopy with Dragon among Flowers Q79974085 textile
Carrousel Q79903404 textile
Cassa Q89210389 textile
Cat Q80005026 textile
Celestial banquet hanging, from the tomb of Bishop Gurb Q80042533 textile
Ceremonial Cloth Q79945337 textile
Ceremonial Cloth (Kampo) Q80055840 textile
Ceremonial Dance Kilt Q80002092 textile
Ceremonial Garment (Naaxein) (Chilkat Blanket) Q79933079 textile
Ceremonial Manta Q79890079 textile
Chair cover with a crane, lions, dragons, auspicious symbols and floral patterns Q110621864 textile
Chaparral Q80072421 textile
Chaperon (Hood) Q79477666 textile
Chasuble Q79477841 textile
Chasuble Q79477907 textile
Chasuble Q79939051 textile
Cherry Blossom Q80043894 textile
Chicken Q80005021 textile
Chief Judge (African Fabrics) Q129084695 textile
Child's Tunic Q111970053 textile
Childhood Home (Grandma Moses Design) Q79908832 textile
Chinoiserie Design Q80002040 textile
Chintz Bed Cover or Hanging with a Japanese-inspired Pattern, Right Half Q79988365 textile
Chintz door curtain Q80081709 textile
Chiné Textile au motif irrégulier formé par la juxtaposition aléatoire de deux couleurs différentes Q2963797 textile
Chiné textile Q5693696 textile
Christ and the Virgin Q111844349 textile
Chrysanthemums Q79988337 textile
Chuspas Q18164476 textile
Ciborium Veil Q79502895 textile
Ciborium Veil Q79902290 textile
Circle Q80042412 textile
Circular Evidence Q79985273 textile
Circular Evidence Q79985276 textile
Circular Evidence Q79985278 textile
Circular Evidence Q79985281 textile
Circular Evidence Q79985283 textile
Circular Evidence Q79985286 textile
Circular Segmentum with Eight-Pointed Star and Bird Q79934050 textile
Classical Turkish Carpet with the Lotto Pattern Q80084716 textile
Clavi (Decorative Band) Q79933219 textile
Clavi (Decorative Band) Q79933222 textile
Clavus Fragment Q111970212 textile
Clavus Fragment Q111970857 textile
Clavus Fragment Q111970860 textile
Clavus with Linked Roundels Q79934061 textile
Cleveland Q79908600 textile
Cloth Q79504084 textile
Cloth for furniture with geometric red pattern and an Arabic inscription Linen Q117429278 textile
œuvre d’art
Cloth of Gold with Rabbit Wheels Q79947105 textile
Cloth of Twill Weave Q80012530 textile
artefact archéologique
Cloth with Floral Sea Design Q79907852 textile
Cloth with Rooster and Hen Design Q79907855 textile
Cockatoos Q79900102 textile
Color Square Q79985650 textile
Compound Weave Textile Q79477503 textile
Concord (African fabric) Q129084998 textile
Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80002297 textile
Copperplate Printed Cotton Fragment with American Eagle Q80004203 textile
Copperplate Printed Linen Q80014463 textile
Copperplate Printed Textile Q80014609 textile
Copperplate Printed Textile Q80014610 textile
Copperplate Printed Textile Fragment Q79906962 textile
Copperplate-Printed Cotton Q80014592 textile
Copperplate-Printed Cotton Q80014594 textile
Copperplate-Printed Cotton Q80014598 textile
Coptic Textile Fragment Q116242660 textile
Coptic Textile Fragment with Image of a Goddess Q116242637 textile
Copy of a Persian Textile Q80011420 textile
Copy of a Zandaniji Silk Q79927386 textile
Coquillages (Shells) Q80000838 textile
Corn Foliage Q79903414 textile
Corner Fragment of a Shawl Q80056432 textile
Corner of Fragment of a Shawl Q80055776 textile
Costume Q79929198 textile
Costume Q79929201 textile
Cotim Tissu de coton Q10261246 textile
Court Lady's Coat: ballet costume for Le chant du rossignol Q91922703 textile
Cover Q79477274 textile
Cover Q79477766 textile
Cover Q80012752 textile
Cover Q80055904 textile
Covered Wagons Oregon Trail Q79994078 textile
Coverlet Q79477123 textile
Coverlet Q79477983 textile
Coverlet Q79501844 textile
Coverlet Q79512092 textile
Coverlet Q79910075 textile
Coverlet Q79923778 textile
Coverlet Q79947222 textile
Coverlet Q79984762 textile
Coverlet Q80005003 textile
Coverlet Q80022630 textile
Coverlet Q80026168 textile
Coverlet Q80079083 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80007774 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022631 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022634 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022636 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022638 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022641 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022644 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022645 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022648 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022653 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022656 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022657 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022659 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022662 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022664 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022669 textile
Coverlet Fragment Q80022671 textile
Coverlet and Fragments Q80022628 textile
Crazy Quilt Q79984759 textile
Crepe/Rep Cloth Fragment Q80012540 textile
artefact archéologique
Crosses on a Textile Fragment Q111969267 textile
Cual Q12488486 textile
Cube, Promissory Note Q79988359 textile
Cubes for M.C. 2004 Q79989089 textile
Curtain Fragment with Panthers Q79932232 textile
Curtain Panel with Scenes of Merrymaking Q79984721 textile
Cushion Cover Q80007354 textile
Cushion Cover Q80007357 textile
Cushion Cover Q80007363 textile
Cushion Cover Q80007366 textile
Cushion Cover Q80007369 textile
Cushion Cover Q80007370 textile
Cushion Cover Q123096889 textile
Cushion Cover (one of a set of four) Q122870876 textile
Cushion or Divan Cover Q79477376 textile
Cwelich tissu simple en lin ou en chanvre Q9197216 textile
Dagir textile Q12820936 textile
Damask Fragment Q79484938 textile
Damask with Leaf and Floral Design Q80012494 textile
Dance of Rainbow Light Q80079281 textile
Dance of Rainbow Light Q80079284 textile
Dance of Rainbow Light Q80079287 textile
Dance of Rainbow Light Q80079289 textile
Dance of Rainbow Light Q80079290 textile
Daphne and Apollo Q80012441 textile
Decorated ends of a shawl Q80026177 textile
Decorations and Sleeve from a Tunic Q79933217 textile
Decorative cloth for furniture graced with fringes and with two purple orbiculi graced with geometric motifs Linen, wool Q117429272 textile
découverte archéologique
Cut Q79988354 textile
Faded Q79988356 textile
Desert Cloth 506 Upholstery Fabric Q80025674 textile
Design 101 Q80025465 textile
Design 103 Q80025461 textile
Design 705 Casement Cloth Q80025439 textile
Design 705 Casement Cloth Q80025466 textile
Design 705 Casement Cloth Q80025678 textile
Design 706 Drapery Fabric Q80025442 textile
Desserto cuir végétal à base de nopal Q107379591 textile
cactus leather
Deësis Q111969788 textile
Diamond Network Style Rug Q80011756 textile
Diamond Weave Q80025666 textile
Diamond Weave Q80025676 textile
Diasper Type de textile tissé Q10470767 textile
Display Cloth Q79860219 textile
Dodot Lampong Q79984638 textile
Doroyi Fabrique de soie Q12821605 textile
Double Band Tiraz with Kufic Inscriptions Q111968854 textile
Double Cloth Q79947425 textile
Double Headed Dragon Mola Panel Q79923967 textile
Double Womb Mola Panel Q79923972 textile
Dove Q80012437 textile
Drawn with the Wind Q79999265 textile
Dress Q80014790 textile
Duck's Head from a Large Curtain Q79908227 textile
Duvor (Doves) Q80026297 textile
Early Springtime on the Farm (Grandma Moses Design) Q80021726 textile
Eccentric Chamber Q79978839 textile
Echo II Q79978812 textile
Electric bulb (African Fabrics) Q129083859 textile
Electrical Fountains (Century of Progress Prints) Q80006789 textile
Elements (mustard/black) Q80079293 textile
Elements (mustard/green) Q80079300 textile
Elements (mustard/green/black) Q80079296 textile
Elliptical Orbit-"Zodiac" Q80082245 textile
Elpek cloth Q107424472 textile
Embroidered Armenian liturgical curtain Q80081495 textile
Embroidered Fragments Mounted as One Q80024054 textile
Embroidered Mantle Q111273624 textile
Embroidered Picture Q111844357 textile
Embroidered Pillows Q23015846 textile
Embroidered Raffia Pile Cloth Q79944598 textile
Embroidered Raffia Pile Cloth Q79944599 textile
Embroidered Shirt Front Q111969797 textile
Embroidered Sleeve from a Dalmatic Q79982312 textile
Embroidered Strip Q80003378 textile
Embroidered Table Cover Q79477650 textile
Embroidered border and field of animals in large roundels Q79911348 textile
Embroidered fragment with bird among vines Q79908281 textile
Emiane Type de textile Q3724153 textile
Enclosed Bird Mola Panel Q79924014 textile
Ensemble Q29383499 textile
Enthroned King Flanked by Griffins Q79924115 textile
Ephemera Bundle Q79946020 textile
Epic of Rama Q79905346 textile
Epitaphion Q111969789 textile
Equilibrio en Rojo y Azul Q79930473 textile
Escargots (1) Q80079089 textile
Escargots (10) Q80079092 textile
Escargots (11) Q80079094 textile
Escargots (12) Q80079096 textile
Escargots (13) Q80079097 textile
Escargots (14) Q80079100 textile
Escargots (15) Q80079102 textile
Escargots (16) Q80079105 textile
Escargots (17) Q80079108 textile
Escargots (2) Q80079110 textile
Escargots (3) Q80079112 textile
Escargots (4) Q80079114 textile
Escargots (5) Q80079117 textile
Escargots (6) Q80079119 textile
Escargots (7) Q80079121 textile
Escargots (8) Q80079124 textile
Escargots (9) Q80079126 textile
Escargots (group) Q80079086 textile
Essay #2 Q79978770 textile
Estor Q23015848 textile
Eton Rural Cretonne (No. 172135) Q80025681 textile
Eugenie and Napoleon Q79940302 textile
Exotic Gold-patterned Silk Q80023895 textile
Eyedazzler Style Rug Q80011752 textile
Fabric Q79477466 textile
Fabric with embroidered leaf pattern Linen Q117429277 textile
œuvre d’art
Facets of Red Q79983151 textile
Failete Q89211839 textile
Fairy Tale Design Q80002205 textile
Family Secrets Q79982813 textile
Family Secrets Q79982816 textile
Fatima Q80010883 textile
Feathered Panel Q79986552 textile
Feathered Panel Q80014781 textile
Feathered Tabard or Tunic Q79945329 textile
Feathered Tabard or Tunic Q79945334 textile
Feathered Tabard or Tunic Q80028615 textile
Fiber Form Q79984963 textile
Fiber Frieze Q79984965 textile
Field Q79988351 textile
Figures in Boat Mola Panel Q79923998 textile
Fire Screen Panel Q80018929 textile
Fire Screen Panel Q106745421 textile
Fire Screen Panel and Frame Q80018927 textile
Fire of Love Q79943944 textile
Firefighter's Suit (Kaji shōzoku) Q117246631 textile
Fish School Q79909996 textile
Fish in Net Q79903407 textile
Fisherman Spearing Fish Mola Panel Q79924046 textile
Five Round Segmenta Q79933899 textile
Five Round Segmenta Q79933900 textile
Five Round Segmenta Q79933903 textile
Five Round Segmenta Q79933906 textile
Five Round Segmenta Q79933907 textile
Five Round Segmenta Q79933909 textile
Flight and Escape Q79911569 textile
Float Q79985665 textile
Floor Covering Q79908477 textile
Floor Covering Q79908479 textile
[[Flora [II]]] Q80010872 textile
Floral Panel Q80014968 textile
Floral Textile Q80000848 textile
Floral striped silk on a golden ground Q79988604 textile
No. C761 Q80002116 textile
Flying Buttresses (Century of Progress Prints no. 1003) Q80006685 textile
Forty Five Divided by Nine Q79936139 textile
Four Boats Mola Panel Q79923981 textile
Four Border Strips Q79511616 textile
Four Border Strips Q79511623 textile
Four Border Strips Q79511633 textile
Four Border Strips Q79511641 textile
Four Border Strips Q79511648 textile
Athena Partheneon Q79934465 textile
Four Fragments of the Clavi of a Tunic Q80056728 textile
Four Fragments of the Gammadion Border of a Tunic Q80002626 textile
Four Monsters Mola Panel Q79924001 textile
Four Segmenta from a Tunic Q79934437 textile
Four Segmenta from a Tunic Q79934439 textile
Four Segmenta from a Tunic Q79934440 textile
Four Segmenta from a Tunic Q79934442 textile
Four Segmenta from a Tunic Q79934445 textile
Four Tunic Fragments Q111970826 textile
Four-Cornered Hat Q79906415 textile
Four-Cornered Hat Q79906417 textile
Four-Cornered Hat Q79980092 textile
Four-Cornered Hat with Geometric Designs Q111365968 textile
Four-Cornered Hat with Geometric Designs Q111365977 textile
Four-Cornered Hat with Long-Legged Birds Q111365975 textile
Four-Cornered Hat with Winged Staff-Bearing Figures Q111365976 textile
Fourth-Phase Chief Blanket Style Rug Q80011812 textile
Fox and Grapes Q80004446 textile
Fragment Q79473751 textile
Fragment Q79473767 textile
Fragment Q79473772 textile
Fragment Q79476227 textile
Fragment Q79477994 textile
Fragment Q79479003 textile
Fragment Q79479257 textile
Fragment Q79481351 textile
Fragment Q79482596 textile
Fragment Q79482639 textile
Fragment Q79484302 textile
Fragment Q79484307 textile
Fragment Q79484347 textile
Fragment Q79484351 textile
Fragment Q79484864 textile
Fragment Q79484881 textile
Fragment Q79484887 textile
Fragment Q79484968 textile
Fragment Q79485000 textile
Fragment Q79485062 textile
Fragment Q79487435 textile
Fragment Q79491693 textile
Fragment Q79495331 textile
Fragment Q79495356 textile
Fragment Q79495361 textile
Fragment Q79495377 textile
Fragment Q79495384 textile
Fragment Q79495403 textile
Fragment Q79495420 textile
Fragment Q79495453 textile
Fragment Q79495469 textile
Fragment Q79495481 textile
Fragment Q79495518 textile
Fragment Q79495572 textile
Fragment Q79495579 textile
Fragment Q79495593 textile
Fragment Q79495606 textile
Fragment Q79495619 textile
Fragment Q79495626 textile
Fragment Q79495631 textile
Fragment Q79495638 textile
Fragment Q79495644 textile
Fragment Q79495650 textile
Fragment Q79495675 textile
Fragment Q79495692 textile
Fragment Q79495696 textile
Fragment Q79495702 textile
Fragment Q79495708 textile
Fragment Q79495713 textile
Fragment Q79495718 textile
Fragment Q79495723 textile
Fragment Q79495734 textile
Fragment Q79495740 textile
Fragment Q79495756 textile
Fragment Q79495763 textile
Fragment Q79495766 textile
Fragment Q79495794 textile
Fragment Q79495808 textile
Fragment Q79495813 textile
Fragment Q79495826 textile
Fragment Q79495831 textile
Fragment Q79495838 textile
Fragment Q79495845 textile
Fragment Q79495858 textile
Fragment Q79495864 textile
Fragment Q79495891 textile
Fragment Q79495898 textile
Fragment Q79495905 textile
Fragment Q79495927 textile
Fragment Q79495948 textile
Fragment Q79495965 textile
Fragment Q79495971 textile
Fragment Q79495984 textile
Fragment Q79495990 textile
Fragment Q79496021 textile
Fragment Q79496041 textile
Fragment Q79496061 textile
Fragment Q79496075 textile
Fragment Q79496090 textile
Fragment Q79496243 textile
Fragment Q79496249 textile
Fragment Q79496253 textile
Fragment Q79496259 textile
Fragment Q79496268 textile
Fragment Q79496275 textile
Fragment Q79496288 textile
Fragment Q79496303 textile
Fragment Q79496335 textile
Fragment Q79496340 textile
Fragment Q79496347 textile
Fragment Q79496354 textile
Fragment Q79499836 textile
Fragment Q79499861 textile
Fragment Q79499870 textile
Fragment Q79499876 textile
Fragment Q79499904 textile
Fragment Q79499924 textile
Fragment Q79499961 textile
Fragment Q79499966 textile
Fragment Q79499971 textile
Fragment Q79499996 textile
Fragment Q79500005 textile
Fragment Q79502682 textile
Fragment Q79504539 textile
Fragment Q79511598 textile
Fragment Q79521568 textile
Fragment Q79892131 textile
Fragment Q79892134 textile
Fragment Q79892136 textile
Fragment Q79893690 textile
Fragment Q79893694 textile
Fragment Q79902203 textile
Fragment Q79903170 textile
Fragment Q79905562 textile
Fragment Q79905581 textile
Fragment Q79905589 textile
Fragment Q79907203 textile
Fragment Q79908299 textile
Fragment Q79909452 textile
Fragment Q79909455 textile
Fragment Q79909457 textile
Fragment Q79909464 textile
Fragment Q79909468 textile
Fragment Q79909471 textile
Fragment Q79909476 textile
Fragment Q79909478 textile
Fragment Q79909481 textile
Fragment Q79909484 textile
Fragment Q79909487 textile
Fragment Q79909490 textile
Fragment Q79909491 textile
Fragment Q79909494 textile
Fragment Q79909496 textile
Fragment Q79909501 textile
Fragment Q79909504 textile
Fragment Q79909505 textile
Fragment Q79909511 textile
Fragment Q79909513 textile
Fragment Q79909515 textile
Fragment Q79909517 textile
Fragment Q79909521 textile
Fragment Q79909524 textile
Fragment Q79909526 textile
Fragment Q79909530 textile
Fragment Q79909533 textile
Fragment Q79909535 textile
Fragment Q79909538 textile
Fragment Q79909540 textile
Fragment Q79909544 textile
Fragment Q79909546 textile
Fragment Q79909548 textile
Fragment Q79909550 textile
Fragment Q79909553 textile
Fragment Q79909558 textile
Fragment Q79909559 textile
Fragment Q79909561 textile
Fragment Q79909563 textile
Fragment Q79909565 textile
Fragment Q79910092 textile
Fragment Q79910093 textile
Fragment Q79910099 textile
Fragment Q79910111 textile
Fragment Q79910113 textile
Fragment Q79912053 textile
Fragment Q79926713 textile
Fragment Q79928589 textile
Fragment Q79929855 textile
Fragment Q79932883 textile
Fragment Q79933857 textile
Fragment Q79933859 textile
Fragment Q79934417 textile
Fragment Q79934420 textile
Fragment Q79934449 textile
Fragment Q79934526 textile
Fragment Q79934529 textile
Fragment Q79934932 textile
Fragment Q79935881 textile
Fragment Q79936698 textile
Fragment Q80000114 textile
Fragment Q80000149 textile
Fragment Q80001449 textile
Fragment Q80001451 textile
Fragment Q80001455 textile
Fragment Q80002627 textile
Fragment Q80003379 textile
Fragment Q80003407 textile
Fragment Q80004996 textile
Fragment Q80006856 textile
Fragment Q80007160 textile
Fragment Q80008491 textile
Fragment Q80009433 textile
Fragment Q80009443 textile
Fragment Q80009448 textile
Fragment Q80009449 textile
Fragment Q80009460 textile
Fragment Q80012435 textile
Fragment Q80012489 textile
Fragment Q80013294 textile
Fragment Q80014560 textile
Fragment Q80014764 textile
Fragment Q80021736 textile
Fragment Q80023937 textile
Fragment Q80023938 textile
Fragment Q80023941 textile
Fragment Q80023943 textile
Fragment Q80023945 textile
Fragment Q80023946 textile
Fragment Q80023948 textile
Fragment Q80023951 textile
Fragment Q80023953 textile
Fragment Q80023954 textile
Fragment Q80023958 textile
Fragment Q80023960 textile
Fragment Q80023962 textile
Fragment Q80023966 textile
Fragment Q80023968 textile
Fragment Q80023970 textile
Fragment Q80023972 textile
Fragment Q80023974 textile
Fragment Q80023977 textile
Fragment Q80023979 textile
Fragment Q80023982 textile
Fragment Q80023983 textile
Fragment Q80023985 textile
Fragment Q80023988 textile
Fragment Q80023989 textile
Fragment Q80023992 textile
Fragment Q80023994 textile
Fragment Q80023995 textile
Fragment Q80023997 textile
Fragment Q80023999 textile
Fragment Q80024003 textile
Fragment Q80024010 textile
Fragment Q80024014 textile
Fragment Q80024017 textile
Fragment Q80024019 textile
Fragment Q80024021 textile
Fragment Q80024023 textile
Fragment Q80024026 textile
Fragment Q80024029 textile
Fragment Q80024032 textile
Fragment Q80024034 textile
Fragment Q80024037 textile
Fragment Q80024038 textile
Fragment Q80024040 textile
Fragment Q80024042 textile
Fragment Q80024045 textile
Fragment Q80024046 textile
Fragment Q80024048 textile
Fragment Q80024050 textile
Fragment Q80024053 textile
Fragment Q80027104 textile
Fragment Q80027435 textile
Fragment Q80031068 textile
Fragment Q80031554 textile
Fragment Q80041783 textile
Fragment Q80044172 textile
Fragment Q80044175 textile
Fragment Q80044176 textile
Fragment Q80044178 textile
Fragment Q80044182 textile
Fragment Q80044184 textile
Fragment Q80044186 textile
Fragment Q80044189 textile
Fragment Q80044215 textile
Fragment Q80055781 textile
Fragment Q80055846 textile
Fragment Q80055899 textile
Fragment Q80055939 textile
Fragment Q80055958 textile
Fragment Q80055961 textile
Fragment Q80056203 textile
Fragment Q80056249 textile
Fragment Q80056252 textile
Fragment Q80056257 textile
Fragment Q80056262 textile
Fragment Q80056264 textile
Fragment Q80056267 textile
Fragment Q80056271 textile
Fragment Q80056273 textile
Fragment Q80056275 textile
Fragment Q80056279 textile
Fragment Q80056281 textile
Fragment Q80056283 textile
Fragment Q80056285 textile
Fragment Q80056288 textile
Fragment Q80056291 textile
Fragment Q80056293 textile
Fragment Q80056295 textile
Fragment Q80056296 textile
Fragment Q80056297 textile
Fragment Q80056302 textile
Fragment Q80056304 textile
Fragment Q80056305 textile
Fragment Q80056307 textile
Fragment Q80056309 textile
Fragment Q80056311 textile
Fragment Q80056313 textile
Fragment Q80056323 textile
Fragment Q80056324 textile
Fragment Q80056325 textile
Fragment Q80056326 textile
Fragment Q80056329 textile
Fragment Q80056331 textile
Fragment Q80056333 textile
Fragment Q80056339 textile
Fragment Q80056341 textile
Fragment Q80056345 textile
Fragment Q80056424 textile
Fragment Q80056584 textile
Fragment Q80056786 textile
Fragment Q80056832 textile
Fragment Q80056856 textile
Fragment Q80056894 textile
Fragment Q80056918 textile
Fragment Q106745331 textile
Fragment Q111274780 textile
Fragment Q111968884 textile
Fragment Q111968885 textile
Fragment Q111968886 textile
Fragment Q111968887 textile
Fragment Q111968888 textile
Fragment Q111968889 textile
Fragment Q111968890 textile
Fragment Q111968891 textile
Fragment Q111968893 textile
Fragment Q111969255 textile
Fragment Q111969308 textile
Fragment Q111969739 textile
Fragment Q111969741 textile
Fragment Q111969742 textile
Fragment Q111969743 textile
Fragment Q111969754 textile
Fragment Q111969755 textile
Fragment Q111969765 textile
Fragment Q111970010 textile
Fragment Q111970034 textile
Fragment Q111970055 textile
Fragment Q111970142 textile
Fragment Q111970150 textile
Fragment Q111970156 textile
Fragment Q111970253 textile
Fragment Q111970266 textile
Fragment Q111970267 textile
Fragment Q111970280 textile
Fragment Q111970339 textile
Fragment Q111970794 textile
Fragment Q111970800 textile
Fragment Q111970802 textile
Fragment Q111970856 textile
Fragment Q111970864 textile
Fragment Q111970881 textile
Fragment Q111970896 textile
Fragment Q111970900 textile
Fragment Q111970902 textile
Fragment Q111970912 textile
Fragment Q111970982 textile
Fragment Q111970986 textile
Fragment Q111971011 textile
Fragment of a Vestment with Figures of Christ Q111969778 textile
Fragment Q80055862 textile
Fragment (Mounted with 1919.544a) Q79490132 textile
Fragment (Mounted with 1919.544b) Q79490125 textile
Fragment (Originally Piece of Felt) Q80023964 textile
Fragment (Reconstructed from a Number of Smaller Fragments) Q79908214 textile
Fragment (Tabula of a Hanging or Cover with Gemmed Cross Q111970149 textile
Fragment (Tabula) of a Hanging or Cover with Basket Q111970129 textile
Fragment (Tabula) of a Hanging or Cover with Basket Q111970130 textile
Fragment (Xilins in Bulb Palmettes) Q79908212 textile
Fragment (from a Garment ?) Q79908235 textile
Fragment (from a Garment?) Q79908237 textile
Fragment (from a Tunic?) Q80021732 textile
Fragment (of a Shroud?) with Inscription Q79933851 textile
Fragment Composed of Parts of Three Tiraz-Style Textiles Q79908304 textile
Fragment Composed of Two Fabrics Joined Q79511578 textile
Fragment Of Tunic with Felines and Festival Goers Q111365966 textile
Fragment Repeating "Allah" Q111969226 textile
Fragment de soie Oriental Q60614457 textile
Fragment de tapisserie aux armes Roger de Beaufort, Turenne et Comminges fragment de tapisserie conservé au Rhode Island School of Design Museum (29.278) Q117038788 textile
Fragment de tissus MNB 636 MNB 637 objets conservés au musée du Louvre Q44738871 textile
artefact archéologique
Fragment formed of Four Separate Fabrics Joined Q79511590 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496381 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496389 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496398 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496407 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496414 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496421 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496427 textile
Fragment from Book of Textiles Q79496432 textile
Fragment from Funeral Garment or Pall Q80028014 textile
Fragment from Funeral Garment or Pall Q80041947 textile
Fragment from a Child's Tunic: Clavus Q79934286 textile
Fragment from a Child's Tunic: Clavus I Q79934553 textile
Fragment from a Child's Tunic: Clavus II Q79934557 textile
Fragment from a Child's Tunic: Neck Opening Q79934545 textile
Fragment from a Child's Tunic: Right Corner Band Q79934555 textile
Fragment from a Child's Tunic: Sleeveband I Q79934551 textile
Fragment from a Child's Tunic: Sleeveband II Q79934549 textile
Fragment from a Curtain (?) Q79934933 textile
Fragment from a Garment (larger fragment) Q79945357 textile
Fragment from a Garment (smaller fragment, batting) Q79945361 textile
Fragment from a Garment (smaller fragment, lining) Q79945364 textile
Fragment from a Garment (smaller fragment, outer layer) Q79945358 textile
Neck Edge Q79938753 textile
Sleeve Q79938755 textile
Fragment from a Hanging Q79934467 textile
Fragment from a Hanging (?) with Roundel and Border Q79933804 textile
Fragment from a Large Hanging Q79934423 textile
Fragment from a Mantle Q79512577 textile
Fragment from a Segmentum Q79934522 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873456 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873458 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873460 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873464 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873466 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873471 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873473 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Q79873479 textile
Fragment from a Tunic Clavus Q111970132 textile
Clavi Q79934508 textile
Clavi Q79934510 textile
Neck Opening Q79934507 textile
Fragment from a funeral garment or pall Q80044191 textile
Fragment of "Harpy Silk" Q111968880 textile
Fragment of A Hanging Q111273625 textile
Fragment of Band Showing Resurrection Q79487233 textile
Fragment of Band or Border Q79932862 textile
Fragment of Block Printed Cotton Q80001987 textile
Fragment of Border Q80003624 textile
Fragment of Brocade Q79487610 textile
Fragment of Brocade Q79893366 textile
Fragment of Brocaded Silk Q80023281 textile
Fragment of Brocaded Silk Q80023285 textile
Fragment of Cloth Q79484336 textile
Fragment of Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80001598 textile
Fragment of Copperplate Printed Cotton with Hunting Scene Design Q80001600 textile
Fragment of Copperplate Printed Linen with "America Doing Homage to France" Design Q80004201 textile
Fragment of Decorative Band Q79934861 textile
Fragment of Draped Apparel Q80056233 textile
Fragment of Draped Apparel Q80056235 textile
Fragment of Draped Apparel Q80056237 textile
Fragment of Draped Apparel Q80056247 textile
Fragment of Draped Court Apparel Q79910097 textile
Fragment of Draped Court Apparel Q79910105 textile
Fragment of Draped Court Apparel Q79910108 textile
Fragment of Embroidered Cloth Q80014860 textile
Fragment of Figured Silk for Upholstery Q79901669 textile
Fragment of Figured Silk for Upholstery Q79901673 textile
Fragment of Figured Silk for Upholstery Q79901674 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116415689 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116430820 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116430829 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116436596 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116436599 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116436602 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116436605 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116436610 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116436613 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116436616 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116438242 textile
Fragment of Funerary Linen Q116442940 textile
Fragment of Gold Cloth Q79476994 textile
Fragment of Gold Cloth Q79476996 textile
Fragment of Inscription Band Q80041953 textile
Fragment of Mulham Tiraz naming al-Qadir bi-Allah Q111969201 textile
Fragment of Orphrey Band Q79495269 textile
Fragment of Painted Taffeta Q80005121 textile
Fragment of Printed Cotton Q80001596 textile
Fragment of Printed Cotton Q80002019 textile
Fragment of Printed Cotton Q80007594 textile
Fragment of Printed Cotton Q80012196 textile
Fragment of Round Segmentum Q79933811 textile
Fragment of Satin Brocade Q79487626 textile
Fragment of Silk Q79490144 textile
Fragment of Silk Q79490150 textile
Fragment of Silk Q80055820 textile
Fragment of Silk Brocade Q79484391 textile
Fragment of Silk Brocade Q80023286 textile
Fragment of Silk Damask Q80001980 textile
Fragment of Silk Damask Textile Q80021739 textile
Fragment of Silk Damask Textile Q80021741 textile
Fragment of Silk Textile Q80023276 textile
Fragment of Silk Textile Q80023279 textile
Fragment of Spitalfields Silk Q79907182 textile
Fragment of Square Ornament with a Bird Q79933834 textile
Fragment of Striped Panel Q80055864 textile
Fragment of Striped Satin Q80055868 textile
Fragment of Tabby Cloth Q80012518 textile
artefact archéologique
Fragment of Textile Q79912516 textile
Fragment of Textile Q80021755 textile
Fragment of Tiraz Naming al-'Aziz bi-Allah Q111968797 textile
Fragment of Tiraz Naming al-Hakim bi-A'mr Allah Q111968897 textile
Fragment of Tiraz Naming al-Mu 'tadid bi-Allah Q111970922 textile
Fragment of Tiraz Naming al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah Q111968811 textile
Fragment of Tiraz naming al-Hakim bi-Amr Allah Q111969200 textile
Fragment of Tiraz naming al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah Q111968796 textile
Fragment of Tiraz naming al-Muqtadir bi-Allah Q111968799 textile
Fragment of Tiraz with Qur'anic Passage Naming al-Mu'izz li-Din Allah Q111968802 textile
Fragment of Tiraz-Style Textile Q79933864 textile
Fragment of Tiraz-Style Textile Q79934303 textile
Fragment of Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003647 textile
Fragment of Tomb Cover Q80025335 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Print on Cotton Q80001538 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001222 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001529 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001532 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001535 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001541 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001544 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001989 textile
Fragment of Woodblock Printed Linen Q80003138 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79487245 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79487252 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79487265 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79933897 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79934274 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79938940 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79938943 textile
Fragment of a Band Q79938946 textile
Fragment of a Band Q80013292 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970035 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970054 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970804 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970832 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970834 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970839 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970840 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970843 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970844 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970845 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970847 textile
Fragment of a Band Q111970849 textile
Fragment of a Band (1 of 2) Q80014771 textile
Fragment of a Band (2 of 2) Q80014773 textile
Fragment of a Band (?) Q79934535 textile
Fragment of a Band or Border Q79933235 textile
Fragment of a Band with Horse Q79933917 textile
Fragment of a Belt Q79979553 textile
Fragment of a Belt Q79979556 textile
Fragment of a Bodice Q80001984 textile
Fragment of a Border Q79504322 textile
Fragment of a Border Q79934047 textile
Fragment of a Border Q79934470 textile
Fragment of a Border of a Shawl Q79476281 textile
Fragment of a Border of a Shawl Q79476286 textile
Fragment of a Caftan Q79934079 textile
Fragment of a Caftan Q79934082 textile
Fragment of a Caftan Q79934084 textile
Fragment of a Chasuble Q79495248 textile
Fragment of a Chasuble Q79495277 textile
Fragment of a Chasuble Orphrey Cross Band Q80005276 textile
Fragment of a Clavus Q79479253 textile
Fragment of a Clavus Q79488116 textile
Fragment of a Clavus Q79934268 textile
Fragment of a Clavus Q79934277 textile
Fragment of a Clavus Q79934425 textile
Fragment of a Clavus from a Tunic Q79934270 textile
Fragment of a Clavus with Man on Horseback Q79934046 textile
Fragment of a Cope Q79477878 textile
Fragment of a Curtain Q79933893 textile
Fragment of a Curtain Q79934237 textile
Fragment of a Curtain Q79934539 textile
Fragment of a Double Cloth Q80056209 textile
Fragment of a Furnishing with Wreathed Roundel Q111970904 textile
Fragment of a Hanging Q111970277 textile
Fragment of a Hanging (?) Q79934459 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover Q111970270 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover Q111970347 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover with Bird Q111970942 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover with Birds in a Roundel Q111970878 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover with Branches and Leaves Q111970077 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover with Eagles Q111970879 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover with Eight-Petal Rosette Q111970592 textile
Fragment of a Hanging or Cover with Head and Duck in Jeweled Lattice Q111970193 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with Bearded Figure Q111970133 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with Flower Buds and Border Q111970206 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with Horse and Lion Q111970290 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with Human Figure Q111970134 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with Two Figures in Arcades Q111970591 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with Two Hunters Q111970894 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with Two Riders Q111970885 textile
Fragment of a Hanging with a Crowned Head Q111970632 textile
Fragment of a Large Cloth, Perhaps a Pallium Q79488165 textile
Fragment of a Large Hanging Q79488041 textile
Fragment of a Large Hanging Q79933797 textile
Fragment of a Large Hanging Q80023587 textile
Fragment of a Large Hanging Q80030758 textile
Fragment of a Mantle Border Q111365785 textile
Fragment of a Mantle with Oculate Being Q79990389 textile
Fragment of a Quilted Skirt Q80002174 textile
Fragment of a Quilted Skirt Q80002177 textile
Fragment of a Quilted Skirt Q80002178 textile
Fragment of a Reliquary Bag Q80013140 textile
Fragment of a Roundel Q79934877 textile
Fragment of a Roundel Q79934936 textile
Fragment of a Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970137 textile
Fragment of a Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970798 textile
Fragment of a Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970799 textile
Fragment of a Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970815 textile
Fragment of a Sari Q79477271 textile
Fragment of a Segmentum with Palmette Tree Q79933886 textile
Fragment of a Segmentum with Palmette Tree Q79934864 textile
Fragment of a Segmentum with Palmette Tree, Lions and Birds Q79934537 textile
Achilles Q79934463 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q79476278 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q80024882 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q80024883 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q80055783 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q80055785 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q80055787 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q80055790 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Q80055792 textile
Fragment of a Shawl Border Q80007587 textile
Fragment of a Sleeve Band with Floating Erotes Q79934054 textile
Fragment of a Sleeveband Q111970859 textile
Fragment of a Tapestry Band with Kufic Inscriptions Q111970918 textile
Fragment of a Textile Q79934849 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q79908338 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q79933863 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q79933867 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80003627 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80003635 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80004998 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80005698 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80005718 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80005785 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80005787 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80005793 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Q80005798 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Associated with Fakhr al-Dawla Q111968794 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz Naming al-Zahir li-Izaz Din Allah Q111969202 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz, Inset from a Sleeve Q79908323 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz, Probably Inset from a Sleeve Q79908327 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz, Probably the End of a Turban Cloth Q79908325 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79488261 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79488314 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79488548 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908270 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908272 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908275 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908284 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908286 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908289 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908294 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908296 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908302 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908309 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908311 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908313 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908315 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908344 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79933175 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79933197 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79933209 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79933881 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79933887 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79934250 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79934305 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79934512 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003630 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003633 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003639 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003642 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003644 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003650 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003652 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003656 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003658 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003662 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003665 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003666 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003669 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q80003677 textile
Fragment of a Tiraz? Q79934301 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Q79474966 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Q79487970 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Q79903177 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Q79907428 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Q79933868 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Q80056710 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Q80056713 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Band Q111970911 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Clavus Q111970031 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Clavus Q111970256 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Clavus Q111970713 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Clavus Q111970715 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Clavus Q111970808 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Clavus Q111970820 textile
Fragment of a Tunic Sleeveband Q111970202 textile
Fragment of a Tunic with Segmentum and Part of a Gammadion Border Q79933872 textile
Fragment of a Turban Cloth Q80003320 textile
Fragment of a Vestment Q111969779 textile
Fragment of a Vestment Q111969780 textile
Fragment of a Woodblock Print on Linen Q80003521 textile
Fragment of a cloth for furniture with pattern of round and lozenge flower design Linen Q117429279 textile
découverte archéologique
Fragment of a red tunic with clavi and orbiculi graced with colorful puttoes, birds, animals and plants Q117261366 textile
découverte archéologique
Fragment of aTunic Q111365964 textile
Fragment of an Ornament Q79934453 textile
Fragment of an Ornament Q79934455 textile
Fragment of an Ornamental Band Q79908291 textile
Fragment of an Ornamental Border of a Tunic Q79478232 textile
Fragment of an Orphrey Band Q79495194 textile
Fragment of an Oval Segmentum Q79934939 textile
Fragment of linen damask with diamond designs in bands Q80005000 textile
Fragment of roundels with single bird Q79933836 textile
Fragment of the Border of a Large Panel Q80056771 textile
Fragment of the Corner of a Tunic Q79934859 textile
Fragment with Griffins in Roundels Q111968856 textile
Fragment with "Petworth" Design Q80028955 textile
Fragment with Abstracted Leaves Q79934890 textile
Fragment with Bearded Face Q111970135 textile
Fragment with Birds and Floral Motif Q79484860 textile
Fragment with Birds and Floral Motif Q79944189 textile
Fragment with Clavus Q111969968 textile
Fragment with Coptic Inscription Q111970906 textile
Fragment with Crosses Q111970855 textile
Fragment with Double-Headed "Simurgh"-Eagles Q80021717 textile
Fragment with Equestrian Falconer King Q79924072 textile
Fragment with Equestrian Falconer King Q79933658 textile
Fragment with Fish and Bird Q79934886 textile
Fragment with Floral Design on a Silver Ground Q79476256 textile
Fragment with Frieze of Birds Q79934904 textile
Fragment with Fruit Basket Design Q80006854 textile
Fragment with Gold Foil and Apotropaic Interlacing Knots Q79934481 textile
Fragment with Gold Foil, from a Furnishing Fabric Q79934476 textile
Fragment with Gold Foil, from a Furnishing Fabric Q79934479 textile
Fragment with Griffins in Roundels Q79933660 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q79930451 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q79933455 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q79933699 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q79939341 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q80031913 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q80044210 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q80044213 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q80044217 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q80044219 textile
Fragment with Inscription Q111968800 textile
Fragment with Inscriptions Q111968853 textile
Fragment with Landscape, Hunters, and Ibexes Q79933670 textile
Fragment with Mounted Hunter Spearing Animals Q79933674 textile
Fragment with Octagons and Four-Pointed Stars Q79906317 textile
Fragment with Octagons and Four-Pointed Stars Q79906319 textile
Fragment with Octagons and Four-Pointed Stars Q79906322 textile
Fragment with Octagons and Four-Pointed Stars Q79933855 textile
Fragment with Pseudo-Inscription Q111968804 textile
Fragment with Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970058 textile
Fragment with Roundel and Decorative Stripes Q79933830 textile
Fragment with Rows of Confronted Rabbits Q80044203 textile
Fragment with Running Figure Q79934899 textile
Fragment with Senmurvs Q79924050 textile
Fragment with Small-Scale Design Q79933055 textile
Fragment with Tulip and Flower Design Q80028950 textile
Fragment with Two Animals (?) Q79934907 textile
Fragment with Two Roundels and a Band Q79934285 textile
Fragment with Vase Shaped Repeat Pattern Q111969677 textile
Fragment with a Garden Scene Q116242679 textile
Fragment with an Ornamental Band Q80002608 textile
Fragment with confronted animal medallions and kufic bands Q79908454 textile
Fragment with confronted sphinxes in roundels from the tomb of Saint Bernard Calvo Q79907968 textile
Fragment with crowned lions, palmettes, and escutcheons Q79901025 textile
Fragment with curving vine and palmette leaves Q79484293 textile
Fragment with decorated bands Q79909518 textile
Fragment with diamond pattern Q79907857 textile
Fragment with falconer riding a bull in a rondel Q80044278 textile
Fragment with geese circling lotus medallions Q79973643 textile
Fragment with gold leaf lions Q79908341 textile
Fragment with headless eagle Q79933800 textile
Fragment with inscriptions Q79933667 textile
Fragment with jewel-like silk Q79908261 textile
Fragment with lions and griffins in combat Q80044169 textile
Fragment with maritime scene Q80002381 textile
Fragment with peacocks Q80044199 textile
Fragment with peacocks and inscriptions Q80044196 textile
Fragment with peacocks and inscriptions Q80044201 textile
Fragment with peacocks in ogival pattern Q80013306 textile
Fragment with running animal roundels and kufic inscriptions Q79912540 textile
Fragment with seated prince holding falcons in kufic medallions Q80042340 textile
Fragment with star and cross design from the tomb of Don Felipe Q80013230 textile
Fragment with tripartite band Q79908322 textile
Fragment, Neck Band of a Tunic Q80002623 textile
Fragment, Ornamental Neck Band from a Tunic Q79479248 textile
Fragment, Part of an Ornament from a Garment Q79473736 textile
Fragment, Part of an Ornament from a Garment Q79473739 textile
Fragment, Part of an Ornament from a Garment Q79908429 textile
Fragment, Part of the Neck Ornament of a Tunic Q79473740 textile
Fragment, Part of the Neck Ornament of a Tunic Q79473768 textile
Fragment, Probably Part of a Clavus Q79488057 textile
Fragment, Probably Part of a Clavus Q79903173 textile
Fragment, Probably Part of an Ornament of a Tunic Q79473748 textile
Fragment, Probably a Border from a Large Panel Q80002604 textile
Fragment, Probably a Border from the Hem of a Tunic Q79900682 textile
Fragment, Probably a Scarf Q79934252 textile
Fragment, Probably an Ornament from a Large Curtain Q80056703 textile
Fragment, Probably an Ornament from a Large Curtain Q80056705 textile
Fragment, Probably an Ornament from a Large Curtain Q80056707 textile
Fragment, Probably from a Hanging Q79934457 textile
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament from a Tunic Q80056721 textile
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament from a Tunic Q80056741 textile
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament from a Tunic Q80056747 textile
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament from a Tunic Q80056751 textile
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament from a Tunic Q80056753 textile
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament from a Tunic Q80056775 textile
Fragment, Sleeve Ornament of a Tunic Q80002617 textile
Fragment, Snakes and Flowers Q80073921 textile
Fragment, an Ornamental Band Q80003736 textile
Fragment, probably from a large hanging Q80028961 textile
Fragment, with Part of a Clavus Q80002614 textile
Fragment, with Part of a Clavus, from a Tunic Q79473699 textile
Fragment, with Part of a Clavus, from a Tunic Q79473703 textile
Fragment, with Part of a Clavus, from a Tunic Q79473711 textile
Fragment, with Part of a Clavus, from a Tunic Q79473734 textile
Fragment, with Part of a Clavus, from a Tunic Q80002621 textile
Fragment, with Segmentum, from a Tunic Q79473713 textile
Fragment, with Sleeve Band, from a Tunic Q79473695 textile
Fragment, with a Segmentum, from a Tunic Q79473729 textile
Fragment, with a Segmentum, from a Tunic Q79473731 textile
Fragment, with a Segmentum, from a Tunic Q80002618 textile
Fragment, with a Sleeve Band, from a Tunic Q79473707 textile
Back of a Coat Q79479273 textile
Fragmentary Band, Probably Part of a Clavus Q79908229 textile
Fragmentary Band, Probably Part of a Clavus Q79908264 textile
Fragmentary Mantle Q80014786 textile
Fragmentary Ornament from a Tunic with Lozenges and Medallions Q80002611 textile
Fragmentary Ornament from a Tunic with Lozenges and Medallions Q80003764 textile
Fragmentary Roundel, Ornament from a Large Cloth Q79908240 textile
Fragmentary Roundel, Segmentum from a Tunic Q79909933 textile
Fragmentary Segmentum from a Tunic Q79908243 textile
Fragmentary Segmentum from a Tunic Q80056742 textile
Fragmentary Segmentum from a Tunic Q80056756 textile
Fragmentary roundel with eagle in gold ground Q79902804 textile
Fragments Q79476194 textile
Fragments Q79476198 textile
Fragments Q79476203 textile
Fragments Q79476207 textile
Fragments Q79484326 textile
Fragments Q79490118 textile
Fragments Q79495368 textile
Fragments Q79495885 textile
Fragments Q79499866 textile
Fragments Q79499990 textile
Fragments Q79909467 textile
Fragments Q79909474 textile
Fragments Q79909507 textile
Fragments Q79933856 textile
Fragments Q79934523 textile
Fragments Q80000623 textile
Fragments Q80044174 textile
Fragments Q80044180 textile
Fragments Q111969731 textile
Fragments Q111970057 textile
Fragments Q111970258 textile
Fragments Q111970346 textile
Fragments Q111970841 textile
Fragments Q111970858 textile
Fragments Q111970863 textile
Fragments Q111970945 textile
Fragments Pieced Together Q79478997 textile
Fragments from a Chasuble Q79484963 textile
Fragments from a Child's Tunic Q79934542 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934484 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934486 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934490 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934492 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934494 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934496 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934499 textile
Fragments from a Curtain Q79934501 textile
Fragments from a Garment Q79945355 textile
Fragments from a Garment with Inscription Q79938749 textile
Fragments from a Hanging (?) Q79933803 textile
Fragments from a Tunic Q79933860 textile
Fragments from a Tunic Q79934503 textile
Fragments of Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80001767 textile
Fragments of Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80001769 textile
Fragments of Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80001773 textile
Fragments of Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80001776 textile
Fragments of Draped Court Apparel Q79910103 textile
Fragments of Egyptian Mummy Wrappings fround in Senbi Coffin Q79474264 textile
Fragments of Inscription Bands Q79933911 textile
Fragments of Silk Q79490138 textile
Fragments of Silk Textile Q80023275 textile
Fragments of Tunic Clavi Q111970884 textile
Fragments of Tunic Clavid Q111970848 textile
Fragments of Two Circular Segmenta Q79934922 textile
Fragments of Two Circular Segmenta Q79934925 textile
Fragments of Two Circular Segmenta Q79934927 textile
Fragments of Two Circular Segmenta Q79934929 textile
Fragments of a Band Q111970810 textile
Fragments of a Belt Q79979549 textile
Fragments of a Caftan Q79934076 textile
Fragments of a Hanging with Nereid Q111970230 textile
Fragments of a Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970795 textile
Fragments of a Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970805 textile
Fragments of a Shawl Q79476273 textile
Fragments of a Tunic Q80056739 textile
Fragments of the funerary cloth of princess Ahmose, inscribed with spells from the Book of the Dead Linen Q117429038 textile
découverte archéologique
Fragments with Eight-Pointed Star (Two Pieces) Q80041961 textile
Fragments with Gold Foil Q79934474 textile
Fragments with Griffins in Roundels Q80041955 textile
Fragments with Griffins in Roundels Q80041957 textile
Fragments with Griffins in Roundels Q80041959 textile
Fragments with Ibexes in Roundels Q111970240 textile
Fragments with Women in Roundels Q111970698 textile
Fragments with peacocks and inscriptions Q80044194 textile
Fragments with winged lions in roundels Q79928607 textile
Fragments, Sleeve Ornament from a Tunic Q80056744 textile
President of the United States Q79923355 textile
French Rayon Textile Q80016172 textile
Friendly Fences Q79983153 textile
Fringed Garment with Inscription Q111969271 textile
Fringed cloth Linen Q117424931 textile
découverte archéologique
Fringed cloth Linen Q117424932 textile
découverte archéologique
Fringed cloth, possibly found on the chair from Kha's tomb Linen Q117424381 textile
découverte archéologique
Fringed cloths, maybe found on the chair from Kha's tomb Linen Q117424383 textile
découverte archéologique
From the First Person-Number II Q116412397 textile
Front of a tunic with lion killing khilin in octagonal medallions Q79933680 textile
Fruktlåda (Case of Fruit) Q79911555 textile
Fun to Run Q79905574 textile
Fundes de cadira Q23015851 textile
Fungus Fold #5 Q79985656 textile
Garn Q19373276 textile
Gazelles Q80023167 textile
Geflecht Q110849147 textile
Gemini Q79929828 textile
General Guo Ziyi’s Birthday Banquet Q117237389 textile
Geometric Forms Q80074143 textile
Geometric Pattern Q80079303 textile
George Washington Q79927114 textile
Germantown Eyedazzler Saddle Throw Q80003595 textile
Ghelimche Q5728784 textile
Giselle Q79903410 textile
Glazed Chintz Fragment Q80002038 textile
Glazed Chintz Fragment Q80002043 textile
Glazed Chintz Fragment Q80002046 textile
Glazed Chintz with Pheasant and Flower Design Q80012187 textile
Glen Plaid Q80079306 textile
Gobelin Q79910078 textile
Gold Brocade Q79476977 textile
Gold Brocade Q79477901 textile
Gold Brocade Q79484404 textile
Gold Cloth Garment Q79485600 textile
Gold and Silver Cloth Q79484904 textile
Gold-patterned Silk with Falcons and Heraldry Q79899938 textile
Golden Bird Q79908602 textile
Golden penny (African Fabrics) Q129082702 textile
Gonfalon of Saint Gregory the Illuminator Q56677989 textile
Grape Leaf from a Curtain Q79934914 textile
Grape Leaf from a Curtain Q79934917 textile
Grape Leaves from a Curtain Q79934912 textile
Groundnut (African fabric) Q129086817 textile
HRH Prince Albert Q79940188 textile
Half Chasuble Q79906967 textile
Half of a "Sampot" (Skirt Cloth) Q79894731 textile
Half of a Chasuble Q79482634 textile
Half of a Sleeved Tunic Q79992011 textile
Half of a Sleeved Tunic Q79992013 textile
Hand Q79978771 textile
"Pastoral" Q79905564 textile
Hand-Woven Textile Q80012432 textile
Handwoven Linen Q80041831 textile
Handwoven Textile Q80041828 textile
Hanging Q80031555 textile
Hanging Dome (Century of Progress Prints) Q80006746 textile
Hanging of Absalom Q111821873 textile
Hanging with birds in roundels Q79933921 textile
Hanging with foliate roundel and rider Q79909935 textile
Hanging with niche design Q79476242 textile
Harvest Time Q79987986 textile
Head Q79946022 textile
Head Cloth Q80055817 textile
Head Cloth Q80055832 textile
Headcloth Q80014862 textile
Headdress Tassel with Birds Q111274773 textile
Headdress Tassel with Composite Creature Q111274772 textile
Heart Motif Mola Panel Q79924025 textile
Hearts of Gold, Female #3 Q79992345 textile
Hearts of Gold, Male #3 Q79992343 textile
Hearts of Gold, Male #3 and Hearts of Gold, Female #3 Q79992341 textile
Heavenly Maze Mola Panel Q79923970 textile
Heavy Gold Brocade Q79484419 textile
Hellbrunn Q80010865 textile
Herbarium Q79903605 textile
Hide Shirt Q79935277 textile
Hinggi Q79931873 textile
Hinggi Q79931879 textile
Hinggi Q79932876 textile
Hinggi Q80055844 textile
Hip Wrapper (tapis) Q79984644 textile
Hip Wrapper (tapis) Q79984651 textile
Hip Wrapper (tapis) Q79984654 textile
Hip Wrapper (tapis) Q79984656 textile
Hip Wrapper (tapis) Q79984658 textile
Honey Comb Q80079322 textile
Hood from a Cope Q79487174 textile
Hood of a Cape Q79484877 textile
Horse Q80005017 textile
Hubbell Revival-style Rug with Moki (Moqui) Stripes Q79482934 textile
Huipil Q79901904 textile
Human Head from a Large Curtain Q79933919 textile
Hunters on Horseback Q79933204 textile
Hunting Scene Q80016963 textile
Hurdles Q80024808 textile
Hålkrus type de textile Q10532039 textile
Iguana Mola Panel Q79924003 textile
Iguana Mola Panel Q79924044 textile
Ikat Fragments with Inscription Q111968801 textile
Ikat Shadow Box Q96748836 textile
Ikat Textile Fragment Q116242703 textile
Ikat tiraz Q79907862 textile
Ikat tiraz Q79908255 textile
Incense Braziers Mola Panel Q79924039 textile
India, Surat Q80056343 textile
Indian Nobility Q79905317 textile
Indian Textile Q79476971 textile
Infant's Carrying Cloth, or Man's Ceremonial Headgear Q80055825 textile
Intaglio Q80079329 textile
Interpolation X Q79982807 textile
Irregular Checkerboard Q80042413 textile
Ishidoro Q79990011 textile
Itjorholo/ijogolo (married woman’s apron) Q117247710 textile
Jacket (Haori) Q117246635 textile
Jacket with Octopus Q117244310 textile
Jarik Q56392540 textile
Je T'aime: No. 632 Q80002110 textile
Kain Beragi Q109329209 textile
Kain Bulung Q109329208 textile
costume traditionnel
Kain Curak Q109329215 textile
Kain Cutar Q109329226 textile
Kain Deragam Q109329336 textile
costume traditionnel
Kain Dugan Q109329337 textile
costume traditionnel
Kain Dugan Hitam Q109329382 textile
costume traditionnel
Kain Panjan (Skirt) Q79482212 textile
Kain Putungan Q56243993 textile
Kain Ragi Manis Q109329408 textile
costume traditionnel
Kain Tapis Krui Q56243995 textile
Kain Tenun Ikat Tanimbar Q57980858 textile
Kain Tenun Kapal Q109330028 textile
costume traditionnel
Kain Timor Papua Q109329419 textile
costume traditionnel
Kain kampuh Q56243992 textile
Kain tapih Q56243994 textile
Kain wastra Q56243997 textile
Kawabata Evaluation System Q6379416 textile
Kazaguruma (Pinwheel) Q79946643 textile
Kazaguruma (Pinwheel) Q79946645 textile
Kazaguruma (Pinwheel) Q79946648 textile
Kazaguruma (Pinwheel) Q79946650 textile
Kazaguruma (Pinwheels) Q79946642 textile
Kere matière textile Q97368722 textile
Rocks and Chrysanthemums Q79476177 textile
Rocks and Narcissus Q79476182 textile
Key(African fabrics) Q129085137 textile
Kimono Q117246633 textile
Kimono with Diamonds Q117244399 textile
Kimono with Multicolor Lattice Q117244391 textile
Kimono with Scattered Lines and Dots Q117244392 textile
Kirschzweige (Cherry Branches) Q80007345 textile
Kirsey textile Q1743614 textile
Kittens at Play Q79904368 textile
Knickerbocker Q117836200 textile
Knotted Glove Q79973530 textile
Kom textile Q13169854 textile
Konk'er (N 378) Q56696696 textile
Kordonek fil de soie ou de coton décoratif Q11743630 textile
Kota Doria Q6433794 textile
Kpotuba Q129086277 textile
Kufic Writing Q79905429 textile
Kurur Q13189883 textile
Kita-Ku Q79978807 textile
Kịrịkịrị star Q129082511 textile
L'Etoile Q80079305 textile
Labyrinth Q80077059 textile
Lamb Q80005426 textile
Lampas fragment with blossoms in ogival lattice Q79476238 textile
Lampas fragment with foliate medallions Q80001479 textile
Lampas silk cushion cover Q79993557 textile
Lampas with animals in squares Q80003514 textile
Lampas with compressed undulating vines Q79476266 textile
Lampas with double ogival floral pattern on checkered ground Q79484344 textile
Lampas with floral medallions in ogival lattice Q79903194 textile
Lampas with foliate medallions in ogival lattice Q79484318 textile
Lampas with foliate roundels Q80013245 textile
Lampas with hares in ogival pattern Q80013273 textile
Lampas with heraldry of Castile and León, from a royal Christian robe Q80013297 textile
Lampas with phoenixes and palmettes Q79901807 textile
Lampas with rampant lions, palmettes, and escutcheons Q80000627 textile
Lampas with roundels of the image of Christ in benedictory pose Q79477787 textile
Lampas with scenes of wild animals Q80013178 textile
Lampas with scenes of wild animals Q80013181 textile
Lampas with scenes of wild animals Q80013182 textile
Lampas with scenes of wild animals Q80013185 textile
Lampas with scenes of wild animals Q80013187 textile
Lampas with undulating vines and lions Q79491998 textile
Landform Red Q79946014 textile
Langarn type de fil Q10554030 textile
Large Cloth Q79912425 textile
Large Cloth Q80056212 textile
Large Floral Motif Q80001661 textile
Large Floral Motif Q80001665 textile
Large cloth, possibly decorative Linen, wool Q117429007 textile
découverte archéologique
Large deep green cloth, probably a shawl, with a leaves decoration colored red Linen, wool Q117429270 textile
œuvre d’art
Leaf Motif Mola Panel Q79924006 textile
Lego Q96756912 textile
Length of Brocade Q79477763 textile
Length of Brocade Q79477875 textile
Length of Brocade Textile Q80023223 textile
Length of Brocaded Satin Q80005969 textile
Length of Brocaded Satin Q80005971 textile
Length of Brocaded Satin Q80005973 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk Q79911932 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk Q79911935 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk Q80010897 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk Q80010914 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk Q80023202 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk Q80023204 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk Q80026375 textile
Length of Brocaded Silk and Chenille Q80014743 textile
Length of Brocaded Textile Q79502958 textile
Length of Brocatelle Textile Q80023268 textile
Length of Chinoiserie Chintz Q80012191 textile
Length of Cloth Q80023244 textile
Length of Cotton Q79476919 textile
Length of Cotton Q79477009 textile
Length of Damask Q79901028 textile
Length of Fabric Q79912447 textile
Length of Fabric Q80023263 textile
Length of Fabric Q80023265 textile
Length of Silk Q79502765 textile
Length of Silk Q80021745 textile
Length of Silk Q80021748 textile
Length of Silk Q80021771 textile
Length of Silk Brocade Q79477775 textile
Length of Silk Brocade Q79911924 textile
Length of Silk Brocade Q79911926 textile
Length of Silk Brocade Q79911979 textile
Length of Silk Brocade Q79929305 textile
Length of Silk Brocade Q80023233 textile
Length of Silk Brocade Q80023235 textile
Length of Silk Cloth Q79479269 textile
Length of Silk Damask Q79912427 textile
Length of Silk Damask Q79912429 textile
Length of Silk Damask Q79912439 textile
Length of Silk Damask Q79912443 textile
Length of Silk Damask Q80023172 textile
Length of Silk Damask Q80023192 textile
Length of Silk Damask Q80023221 textile
Length of Silk Damask Textile Q79912469 textile
Length of Silk Damask Textile Q80021759 textile
Length of Silk Textile Q79911963 textile
Length of Silk Textile Q79911965 textile
Length of Silk Textile Q79911969 textile
Length of Silk Textile Q79911975 textile
Length of Silk Textile Q79912450 textile
Length of Silk Textile Q80003523 textile
Length of Silk Textile Q80021750 textile
Length of Taffeta Q80014710 textile
Length of Textile Q79911930 textile
Length of Textile Q79911953 textile
Length of Textile Q79911957 textile
Length of Textile Q79911973 textile
Length of Textile Q79911981 textile
Length of Textile Q79912441 textile
Length of Textile Q79912457 textile
Length of Textile Q79912466 textile
Length of Textile Q79912467 textile
Length of Textile Q79912477 textile
Length of Textile Q79912479 textile
Length of Textile Q79912481 textile
Length of Textile Q79912484 textile
Length of Textile Q79912486 textile
Length of Textile Q79912488 textile
Length of Textile Q79912491 textile
Length of Textile Q79912492 textile
Length of Textile Q79912497 textile
Length of Textile Q79912499 textile
Length of Textile Q79912518 textile
Length of Textile Q79912526 textile
Length of Textile Q80021757 textile
Length of Textile Q80021762 textile
Length of Textile Q80021769 textile
Length of Textile Q80021774 textile
Length of Textile Q80023198 textile
Length of Textile Q80023200 textile
Length of Textile Q80023209 textile
Length of Textile Q80023211 textile
Length of Textile Q80023217 textile
Length of Textile Q80023220 textile
Length of Textile Q80023225 textile
Length of Textile Q80023229 textile
Length of Textile Q80023237 textile
Length of Textile Q80023241 textile
Length of Textile Q80023246 textile
Length of Textile Q80023252 textile
Length of Textile Q80023257 textile
Length of Textile Q80023270 textile
Length of Textile Q80026112 textile
Length of Textile Q80026126 textile
Length of Textile Q80026128 textile
Length of Textile Q80026131 textile
Length of Textile Q80026132 textile
Length of Textile with Classical Ruin in a Landscape Design Q79911938 textile
Length of silk velvet ikat Q79992517 textile
Lengths of Fabric Q80023259 textile
Lengths of Silk Brocade Q79911920 textile
Lengths of Silk Textile Q79911958 textile
Lengths of Textile Q79911951 textile
Lengths of Textile Q79912473 textile
Lengths of Textile Q79912494 textile
Lengths of Textile Q80023196 textile
Lengths of Textile Q80023206 textile
Les Travaux de la Manufacture Q79902611 textile
Letters Mola Panel Q80003830 textile
Liana's lullaby Q96756930 textile
Liberty Printed Silk Q80006416 textile
Liklina Q11756773 textile
Linen Fragment with three selvedges Q116438245 textile
Linen Mark Q116438622 textile
Linen Mark (Type II) Q116275418 textile
Linen Mark (Type IV) Q116275422 textile
Linen Mark on the Corner of a Sheet Q116442585 textile
Linen Mark on the Corner of a Sheet Q116442586 textile
"Borodale" Q79905566 textile
Linen fragment Q116273734 textile
Linen fragment Q116273737 textile
Linen fragment Q116280302 textile
Linen fragment Q116420086 textile
Linen fragment Q116430704 textile
Linen fragment Q116430705 textile
Linen fragment Q116430707 textile
Linen fragment Q116430711 textile
Linen fragment Q116430712 textile
Linen fragment Q116430758 textile
Linen fragment Q116430768 textile
Linen fragment Q116430787 textile
Linen fragment Q116430796 textile
Linen fragment Q116430805 textile
Linen fragment Q116430813 textile
Linen fragment Q116433886 textile
Linen fragment Q116433892 textile
Linen fragment Q116433896 textile
Linen fragment Q116433901 textile
Linen fragment Q116433904 textile
Linen fragment Q116433909 textile
Linen fragment Q116433913 textile
Linen fragment Q116433918 textile
Linen fragment Q116433923 textile
Linen fragment Q116436588 textile
Linen fragment Q116436593 textile
Linen fragment Q116437330 textile
Linen fragment Q116437331 textile
Linen mark Q116276806 textile
Linen mark Q116276808 textile
Linen mark Q116432285 textile
Linen mark Q116432382 textile
Linen mark Q116432384 textile
Linen mark Q116432386 textile
Linen mark Q116438584 textile
Linen mark Q116438621 textile
Linen mark Q116443545 textile
Linen mark (Type XXIX) Q116275359 textile
Linen mark (Type XXVI) Q116275363 textile
Linen mark (Type XXVIII) Q116438573 textile
Linen mark (Type I) Q116275420 textile
Linen mark (Type I) Q116438566 textile
Linen mark (Type II) Q116275415 textile
Linen mark (Type II) Q116275419 textile
Linen mark (Type II) Q116438567 textile
Linen mark (Type III) Q116275414 textile
Linen mark (Type III) Q116275416 textile
Linen mark (Type IV) Q116274478 textile
Linen mark (Type IV) Q116275388 textile
Linen mark (Type IV) Q116275397 textile
Linen mark (Type IV) Q116275398 textile
Linen mark (Type IV) Q116275410 textile
Linen mark (Type IX) Q116438568 textile
Linen mark (Type V) Q116275374 textile
Linen mark (Type V) Q116275391 textile
Linen mark (Type V) Q116275392 textile
Linen mark (Type V) Q116275395 textile
Linen mark (Type VI) Q116275396 textile
Linen mark (Type VII) Q116275382 textile
Linen mark (Type VIII) Q116275389 textile
Linen mark (Type VIII) Q116275390 textile
Linen mark (Type X) Q116275385 textile
Linen mark (Type XI) Q116275383 textile
Linen mark (Type XII) Q116275380 textile
Linen mark (Type XIII) Q116275371 textile
Linen mark (Type XIII) Q116275372 textile
Linen mark (Type XIII) Q116275377 textile
Linen mark (Type XIV) Q116275321 textile
Linen mark (Type XIV) Q116275373 textile
Linen mark (Type XIX) Q116275369 textile
Linen mark (Type XV) Q116438569 textile
Linen mark (Type XVII) Q116438570 textile
Linen mark (Type XVIII) Q116438571 textile
Linen mark (Type XX) Q116275366 textile
Linen mark (Type XXI) Q116275365 textile
Linen mark (Type XXIII) Q116438572 textile
Linen mark (Type XXIV) Q116275360 textile
Linen mark (Type XXV) Q116275361 textile
Linen mark (Type XXX) Q116275356 textile
Linen mark (Type XXXI) Q116275358 textile
Linen mark (Type XXXII) Q116275353 textile
Linen mark (Type XXXIV) Q116275355 textile
Linen mark (Type XXXV) Q116275354 textile
Linen mark (Type XXXVI) Q116275350 textile
Linen mark (Type XXXVII) Q116275352 textile
Linen mark, inscribed for Senwosret Q116432412 textile
Lining from Silk Textile with Goatherds in a Landscape Q79930681 textile
Lion with Many Tails Mola Panel Q79923990 textile
Lions from a Tunic Q79934262 textile
Lions from a Tunic Q79934264 textile
Lions from a Tunic Q79934266 textile
Liteau Tissu en gastronomie Q5977202 textile
Little Train (Country Squire Collection) Q79923351 textile
Liturgical Curtain Q56684639 textile
Loin Cloth "Pha nung" or Cloth for Wrapped Garment Q79894702 textile
Loincloth with Feather(?) Motifs Q79997459 textile
Lona Q3774554 textile
Lona impermeable Q21573308 textile
Long Shawl Q79996772 textile
Long Shawl Q79996774 textile
Long Shawl Q79996782 textile
Long Shawl Q79996786 textile
Long Shawl Q79996791 textile
Long Shawl Q79996796 textile
Long Shawl Fragment Q79996793 textile
Long Shawl in a Vegetal Style with Coral Center Q80073915 textile
Long Shawl with Black Center and Exotic Four-Sided Gallery in Chinoiserie Style Q80073916 textile
Long Shawl with Botehs, Black Center, and Lobed Arcades Q80073925 textile
Long Shawl with Galleries Q80073929 textile
Long Shawl with Large Symmetrical Botehs and Small Black Center Q80073895 textile
Long Stole with Botehs and Orange Center Q80073888 textile
Long shawl with woven figures and animals Q79992931 textile
Longchamp Q80000828 textile
Loom Piece Q79929758 textile
Loom Width of Silk Velvet with 'Pinecone' Pattern Q116276450 textile
Loom width with Stylized Leaf Design Q80007779 textile
Loose Textile Fragments Q79993997 textile
Lotus-blossom petal canopy Q79992408 textile
Louisiana Purchase Exposition St. Louis 1904 Q79940296 textile
Lower Section of a Tunic Q79947225 textile
Luna Lumiere Q80074156 textile
Madeleine Q80003844 textile
Madonna with Christ Child and Saint John the Baptist Q79927355 textile
Madurese batik Q12475142 textile
Maguey Cloth Q80003038 textile
Makaras, Phoenixes and Flowers Q79945108 textile
Man's Garment Q79988546 textile
Man's Shirt Q80011614 textile
Man's Shirt Q80011659 textile
Man's Shirt Q80011818 textile
Man's Tunic (Cushma) Q79946591 textile
Man's Wearing Cloth Q80055823 textile
Mandarin Square Q111844353 textile
Mandarin’s Robe and Hat; Costume for Le chant du rossignol (“The Song of the Nightingale”) Q92017086 textile
Mandela (African fabrics) Q129083681 textile
Mantle Q79902745 textile
Mantle Q80014829 textile
Mantle Q111365969 textile
Mantle Q111365971 textile
Mantle Corner Fragment Q79902297 textile
Mantle Corner Fragment Q79903351 textile
Mantle Fragment Q111273601 textile
Mantle Fragment Q111273603 textile
Mantle for a Statue of the Virgin with Lotus Blossoms and Medallions Q106745318 textile
Mantle for a statue of the Virgin Q80003716 textile
Mantle or Hanging Q79991989 textile
Mantle with Embroidered Figures Q111365784 textile
Margaret Thacher(Africa fabrics) Q129083519 textile
Markelius Q79905570 textile
Mask Q79945010 textile
Mask Q79993954 textile
Masks Q79905573 textile
Medallion Q111969770 textile
Medallion (Orbiculus) Q111970836 textile
Medallion (Orbiculus) with Cross Q111970140 textile
Medallions with confronting peacocks Q79921157 textile
Medicine Man Mola Panel Q79923974 textile
Medicine Men Curing the Sick Mola Panel Q79924032 textile
Melodi (Melody) Q79903603 textile
Men's Under-Kimono (Nagajuban) Q117246636 textile
Metropolis (Americana Series) Q80002267 textile
Mgbọlọdị Q129084435 textile
Mickey Mouse Q79946011 textile
Micro Hafiz Q79978796 textile
Microchip Mss. Q79978774 textile
Midas' Other Glove Q79973527 textile
Miller's Family Q80016969 textile
Mingling of Clear and Muddy Water at the Junction of the Jing and Wei Rivers Q79476089 textile
Mingling of Clear and Muddy Water at the Junction of the Jing and Wei Rivers Q79476092 textile
Miniature Feather Tunic Q111274585 textile
Miraculous Draught of Fishes Q111842432 textile
Mirakel (Miracle) Q80010867 textile
Miss Spongeface Q79989673 textile
Miter Lappets Q56678579 textile
Mixteca Series #16 Q79944330 textile
Mkpuluoka (African fabrics) Q129084762 textile
Modern Copy of a Medieval Silk Q111969818 textile
Modern Reproduction of Iranian Brocade Q79891716 textile
Modern Reproduction of the Bahram Gur silk in Berlin Q80027101 textile
Mola Panel Q80028256 textile
Mola Panel Q80041152 textile
Mola Panel Q117047322 textile
Monkey Mola Panel Q79924012 textile
Monkey Motif Mola Panel Q79924037 textile
Monster with Double-Headed Serpent Mola Panel Q79923987 textile
Moon and Star (African fabric) Q129084669 textile
Moon and Star(African fabrics) Q129084672 textile
Moro Cloth Q79483401 textile
Moro Cloth Q79483407 textile
Moro Cloth Q79483414 textile
Moro Cloth Q79483420 textile
Mosaic Elements (black diamond) Q80079313 textile
Mosaic Elements (mustard, brown triangles) Q80079310 textile
Mosaic Fish Q80025768 textile
Mosque Q79905391 textile
Mother Goose (Marionette Print Series) Q80002123 textile
Mrs. God: Batik Q79927675 textile
Mt. St. Helens Q80082249 textile
Multimaterial fabric Linen, wool Q117429273 textile
découverte archéologique
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014831 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014833 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014835 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014838 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014842 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014844 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014846 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014848 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014850 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014853 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014854 textile
Mummy Bundle "Mask" Q80014857 textile
Mummy Bundle Turban Q80014863 textile
Mummy Linen Q79501662 textile
Mummy Linen Q79501668 textile
Mummy Linen Q79501673 textile
Mummy Linen Q79501680 textile
Mummy Linen Q79501685 textile
Mummy Linen Q79512521 textile
Mummy Linen Q79512524 textile
Mummy Linen Q79512531 textile
Mummy Linen Q79512538 textile
Mummy Linen Q79512547 textile
Mummy Linen Q79512555 textile
Mummy Mask Q111365781 textile
Mummy Mask Q111365782 textile
Napkin Q79501883 textile
Napkin Q79922151 textile
Napkin Q79922155 textile
Napkin Q79922156 textile
Narrow Strip Q80056303 textile
Narrow Strip used as Galloon Q79479277 textile
Neck Ornament of a Tunic Q79934258 textile
Neck and Shoulder Decoration from a Tunic Q80056725 textile
Neckband and Clavus from a Tunic Q79934299 textile
Necklace (African Fabrics) Q129085418 textile
Newburgh from the Frederick Delano Garden Q80010892 textile
œuvre créative
Nine Black Boxes with metal leaf Q80084158 textile
Nitel (African Fabrics) Q129084783 textile
Nude Female Dancers from a Tunic Q79912541 textile
Oaxaca Series #17 Q79978836 textile
Oaxaca Series #2 Q79932463 textile
Oaxaca Series #26 Q79944327 textile
Oaxaca Series #9 Q79989997 textile
Obasi Oba(African fabrics) Q129084891 textile
Obi di ya (African Fabrics) Q129085006 textile
Object (Purpose Unknown) Q79974120 textile
Obomma Q129084691 textile
Oche Eze Q129084752 textile
Odhani or Bandhani (Veil worn over Head) Q80055909 textile
Ogival Lattice with Horizontal Design Q79478240 textile
Ogival Lattice with Horizontal Design Q79478245 textile
Ogival Lattice with Horizontal Design Q79478247 textile
Ogival lattice with horizontal design Q79478236 textile
Ogives with Winged Quadrupeds and Peacocks Q80041950 textile
Okpete Q129084862 textile
Olacha tissu à fines rayures Q12829050 textile
Old Glory Q79989989 textile
Omaba(African fabrics) Q129085010 textile
Omophorion Q56684680 textile
Omophorion (N 249) Q56696700 textile
One Million Tiles (African Fabrics) Q129086080 textile
One Piece Q79982799 textile
One thousand blocks (African Fabrics) Q129085079 textile
Opener (African Fabrics) Q129085150 textile
Opus Anglicanum Embroidery Q111844356 textile
Orbace Q3884949 textile
Ornament (Gammadion and Segmentum) from a Tunic Q79926617 textile
Ornament from a Garment Q79488084 textile
Ornament from a Tunic, Two Fragments Joined as One Q80028957 textile
Ornament, Probably from a Tunic Q79934893 textile
Ornamental Shoulder Band from a Tunic Q79488221 textile
Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic Q80056715 textile
Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic Q80056717 textile
Ornamental Shoulder Bands from a Tunic Q80056720 textile
Ornamental Square Q80000870 textile
Ornamental Square from a Tunic Q79934257 textile
Orphrey Band Q79484957 textile
Orphrey Band Q79485024 textile
Orphrey Band Q79485577 textile
Orphrey Band Q79487099 textile
Ovals (black) Q80079324 textile
Ovals (grey) Q80079327 textile
Oversize Hip Wrapper (tapis) Q79984642 textile
Painted Organdy Strip Q79901136 textile
Painted Textile with Cayman Q111273617 textile
Painted Textile with Supernatural Q111273618 textile
Painted Wrapping for Mummy Q80014778 textile
Pair of Boots Q79947149 textile
Pair of Segmenta Q79933839 textile
Palmettes and Birds from a Tunic or Curtain Q79909568 textile
Panekla revêtement textile Q11802607 textile
Panel Q79502467 textile
Panel Q79503026 textile
Panel Q79503095 textile
Panel Q79907140 textile
Panel Q80024885 textile
Panel Q96748813 textile
Panel from a Head Covering (‘Ajar) Q79912524 textile
Panel from a Large Curtain, Overlapping Leaves Q79934514 textile
Panel from a Large Curtain, Overlapping Leaves Q79934517 textile
Panel from a Large Curtain, Overlapping Leaves Q79934519 textile
Panel from the End of a Sash Q79990325 textile
Panel with Falconers Q79941182 textile
Panel with Hunters and Camel and Inscription Q79941185 textile
Parable of the Prodigal Son, detail Q110561942 textile
Parkum type de textile Q10620471 textile
Part of a Gammadion Border Q79930154 textile
Part of a Sari Q80055851 textile
Part of a Sari Q80056229 textile
Part of a sari Q80056228 textile
Pastiche Q111969854 textile
Patched Paper (Yaburegami) (fabric no. 9-252) Q96748839 textile
Patolu Q79944075 textile
Patterns on Walls (Century of Progress Prints) Q80006841 textile
Paxmoq tissu de fil doux et épais Q12829839 textile
Pazen Tissu de coton Q6024728 textile
Pegs (Americana Series No. 668) Q80002270 textile
Pencil (African Fabrics) Q129084963 textile
Pendant of a Clavus Q79473743 textile
Pendant of a Clavus (?) Q79934901 textile
Peppi's Flowers Q79989092 textile
Mantle or Hanging Q79991987 textile
Pha hom Q2046335 textile
tissu tissé
Phantasus Q80013744 textile
Piece from a gauze-like material Q116418919 textile
Piece of a Turban (Pugri) Q80056242 textile
Piece of cloth Linen Q117429204 textile
découverte archéologique
Piece of cloth Linen Q117429205 textile
découverte archéologique
Piece of cloth Linen Q117429228 textile
découverte archéologique
Pillar Lights (Century of Progress Prints no. 1006) Q80006926 textile
No. C705 Q80002114 textile
Pipe Bag Q79932209 textile
Piña Cloth Q79901139 textile
Piñatex cuir végétal à base d'ananas Q28134933 textile
Plaid (fabric) Q116175464 textile
Plaid tiraz Q79488370 textile
Plain Bark Cloth Q80002923 textile
Plastron or Frontpiece for a Firefighter's Suit (Kaji shōzoku) Q117246647 textile
Playground Q79912222 textile
Pointelle Q104866455 textile
Pondicherry Check Q80079331 textile
Pouch (Bolsa) Q79903577 textile
Pouch (Bolsa) Q79903579 textile
Prayer Mat Q80011407 textile
Presence/Absence: Gather Q80072426 textile
Prestige cloth (kete or kente) Q117274349 textile
Priest's Red Cope, Orphrey and Hood Q79974118 textile
[[Primavera [II]]] Q80010869 textile
Printed Cotton Cloth Q80013332 textile
Printed Cotton with Egyptian Scene Q80012183 textile
Printed Silk Fragment Q79927080 textile
Printed Silk Turnover Shawl Q80078740 textile
Printed Silk with Flower Design Q80001667 textile
ProWeave Q116690295 textile
Provincial Tunic Q111274596 textile
Pua (Ceremonial Blanket or Hanging) Q79931875 textile
Pua (Ceremonial Blanket) Q79934340 textile
Puppets (Marionette Print Series) Q79902396 textile
Päll Nom suédois pour un type de couverture Q10647744 textile
Queen Victoria Q79940189 textile
Quilt Q79927987 textile
Quilt Cover Q80012497 textile
Quilted cap with star-patterned silk Q79908259 textile
Quito Q80003810 textile
Raff Q80023041 textile
Raitra Marosoratra Q117247091 textile
Rampant Lions Mola Panel Q79923986 textile
Rank Badge (buzi) Q79477453 textile
Rank Badge (buzi) Q79477458 textile
Rank Badge (buzi) Q79937282 textile
Rank Badge with Single Crane Motif Q79877670 textile
Rank Badge with Single Crane Motif Q79877672 textile
Rapin Hirik Q115702437 textile
Rare Silk Tunic Fragment with Ornamental Sleeve Band Q79934248 textile
Razor (African Fabrics) Q129085359 textile
Red Diamond Runner Q80084156 textile
Red Poppy Q79903413 textile
Red Riding Hood (Marionette Print Series) Q80002147 textile
Red Shift 2 Q79978856 textile
Refibra Q71125638 textile
Reliquary (?) Bag Q79927084 textile
Reliquary Bag Q79927082 textile
Reliquary bag with lions Q80005358 textile
Rep Cloth Q80012534 textile
artefact archéologique
Replica of a Drypainting (Iikaah) after a drypainting by Tsi-tcaci Q79944002 textile
Reprisage Repertoire Q79989770 textile
Reprisage Repertoire Q79989774 textile
Reprisage Repertoire Q79989776 textile
Three-Part Fabric Hanging Q79989768 textile
Reproduction of a Florentine Velvet Q79923534 textile
Reproduction of a Florentine Velvet Q80010963 textile
Reproduction of a Florentine Velvet Q80010968 textile
Reproduction of a Florentine Velvet Q80010974 textile
Reproduction of a Florentine Velvet Q80043731 textile
Resurrected Christ Appearing to Mary Magdalene in the Garden Q112181543 textile
Ret Hügel (Ret Hill) Q80010875 textile
Return of the Hunt Q79905343 textile
Rhapsody (Americana Series No. 700) Q80002261 textile
Ribbon Q80044685 textile
Ribbon Q80044718 textile
Ribbon Q80044720 textile
Ribbon Q80044722 textile
Ribbon Q80044724 textile
"Allegories of Harvest" Q80001651 textile
"Allegories of Harvest" Q80001654 textile
"Allegories of Harvest" Q80001656 textile
"Allegories of Harvest" Q80001659 textile
Rick Rack, Riff Raff Q79946017 textile
Rockefeller Park Q79906130 textile
Roller Printed Cotton Textile Q79908680 textile
Roller Printed Cotton Textile Q79908682 textile
Roller Printed Cotton Textile Q79908684 textile
Roller Printed Cotton Textile Q79908685 textile
Roller-Printed Cotton with Design of Woman Playing a Lute Q80012199 textile
Roller-Printed Cotton with Heron and Flower Design Q80012179 textile
Roller-Printed Glazed Chintz with Flower and Vase Design Q80014564 textile
Roofs of Akbar Q79905313 textile
Rooster Mola Panel Q117089918 textile
Rooster and Hen Mola Panel Q79924019 textile
Root of Itself Q80084155 textile
Ros och Lilja (Rose and Lily) Q80026293 textile
Round Segmentum from a Tunic Q79933211 textile
Round Segmentum from a Tunic Q79933215 textile
Roundel Q111970862 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970066 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970151 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970255 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970276 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970676 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970793 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970797 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970807 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970813 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970816 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970817 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970827 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970828 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970838 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970897 textile
Roundel (Orbiculus) Q111970899 textile
Roundel (Orbiulus) Q111970803 textile
Speckled-Breasted Bird Q79933226 textile
Roundel Illustrating Episodes from the Biblical Story of Joseph Q111822112 textile
Roundel from a Blanket or Cover Q80056702 textile
Roundel from a Tunic with Palmette Tree Q79909945 textile
Roundel from a Tunic with Palmette Tree Q79933895 textile
Roundel with Amazons, from a tunic Q79909950 textile
Roundel with a Palmette Tree Q79934862 textile
Roundel with an Erote Running with a Bird Q111970886 textile
Roundel with curvilinear palmette tree, from a tunic Q79909946 textile
Roundel with figure Q79911345 textile
Roundels (Orbiculi) Q111970789 textile
Roundels with Hunters Q79933861 textile
Roundels with King Spearing Lion Q79924128 textile
Roundels with camels bearing howdahs Q79939347 textile
Royal Round Tent Made for Muhammad Shah Q80082250 textile
Royal Round Tent made for Muhammad Shah (Roof) Q80082253 textile
Royal Round Tent made for Muhammad Shah (wall panel with one design unit) Q80082259 textile
Royal Round Tent made for Muhammad Shah (wall panel with three design units) Q80082256 textile
Royal Round Tent made for Muhammad Shah (wall panel with three design units) Q80082262 textile
breast cover Q117247288 textile
Royal ceremonial headdress (umnqwazi) Q117247287 textile
Rug Q79508209 textile
Rug (Third-phase Chief Blanket Style, Germantown Weaving) Q79508226 textile
Rug (Woman's Wearing Blanket Style) Q79508164 textile
Rug (banded pound blanket style) Q79508195 textile
Rug Banded with "diamond stripes" Q80011650 textile
Rug on Loom Q80008691 textile
Rug on Loom Q80008695 textile
Rug or Saddle Blanket Q80001638 textile
Rugged Squares Q79905577 textile
Sacred Cows Q79905315 textile
Saddle Blanket Q79923336 textile
Saddle Cloth Q79892949 textile
Saga - Blue Q80038479 textile
Saga - Yellow Q80038481 textile
Saint Francis of Assisi Q111842569 textile
Saltillo Sarape Q79508246 textile
Saltillo Sarape Q79508254 textile
Saltillo Sarape Q79926253 textile
Saltillo Style Blanket/Sarape Q79508171 textile
[[Samara [I]]] Q80010879 textile
Samite fragment with hunters Q79927941 textile
Samite with roundels of rosettes Q79908232 textile
Sample Q98224595 textile
Sample Q98224596 textile
Sample Q98224598 textile
Sample Q98224599 textile
Sand Storm Q79990110 textile
Sand containers Q18354571 textile
Sans titre Q79874494 textile
Sans titre Q79946626 textile
Sans titre Q79946634 textile
Sans titre Q79978759 textile
Sans titre Q79978762 textile
Sans titre Q79978764 textile
Sans titre Q79978776 textile
Sans titre Q79978798 textile
Sans titre Q79978808 textile
Sans titre Q79978814 textile
Sans titre Q79978821 textile
Sans titre Q79978824 textile
Sans titre Q79978826 textile
Sans titre Q79978832 textile
Sans titre Q79978834 textile
Sans titre Q79978858 textile
Sans titre Q79978860 textile
Sans titre Q79982796 textile
Sans titre Q79989675 textile
Sans titre Q80074140 textile
Sans titre Q115702475 textile
Sarape Q79481445 textile
Sarape Q79481450 textile
Sarape Q79508234 textile
Sarape Q79508239 textile
Sari Q79476967 textile
Sari Q79477005 textile
Sari Q79477014 textile
Sari Q79481860 textile
Sari Q79932878 textile
Sari Q80021666 textile
Sari Q80027492 textile
Sari (Fragment) Q79484341 textile
Sarong Q79482153 textile
Sarong Q79482167 textile
Sarong Q79490178 textile
Sarong Q79891761 textile
Sarong Q80002395 textile
Sarong Q80005221 textile
Sarong Q80005225 textile
Sarong Q80024648 textile
Sarong Q80024653 textile
Sarpusu Q103562717 textile
Sash Q79477265 textile
Sash Q79477268 textile
Sash Q79477312 textile
Sash for a Firefighter's Suit (Kaji shōzoku) Q117246648 textile
Sash with flora and banded field Q79477259 textile
Sash with floral field and end panels on a gold ground Q79477371 textile
Sasirangan Q12512287 textile
Satin Fragment Q80014754 textile
Satin Textile Q79904957 textile
Sayal tissu rustique, principalement en laine Q6122252 textile
Scarf Q79477262 textile
Scarf Q79477280 textile
Science Tower (Century of Progress Prints) Q80006610 textile
Science Tower (Century of Progress Prints) Q80006857 textile
Scorpion Mola Q79923522 textile
Scroll Fragment Q79978849 textile
Sea Things Q79912082 textile
Seat cover Linen Q117424930 textile
découverte archéologique
Segmenta (1 of 2) Q79933841 textile
Segmenta (2 of 2) Q79933843 textile
Segmentum Q79933847 textile
Segmentum Q79934239 textile
Segmentum Q79934242 textile
Segmentum Q79934244 textile
Segmentum Q79934428 textile
Segmentum from a Tunic Q79473745 textile
Segmentum from a Tunic Q79922222 textile
Segmentum from a Tunic Q79934295 textile
Segmentum from a Tunic Q80056723 textile
Segmentum from a Tunic Q80056733 textile
Segmentum from a Tunic Q80056736 textile
Segmentum from a Tunic Q80056758 textile
Segmentum with Musicians Q79934427 textile
Self Portrait Q79996811 textile
Self Portrait Q79996813 textile
Self Portrait Q79996815 textile
Self Portrait Q79996817 textile
Selimut (Man's Textile) Q79932873 textile
Serpent Mola Panel Q79924022 textile
Set of Cushion Covers Q80007360 textile
Set of Cushion Covers Q122870881 textile
Set of Four Cushion Covers Q80007352 textile
Seven Figures and Five Animals Mola Panel Q79923984 textile
Several Fragments (Some Sewn Together) Q79934471 textile
Several Fragments Mounted Together Q80024000 textile
Shard Q79978830 textile
Shard Q79990014 textile
Shawl Q79482380 textile
Shawl Q80024833 textile
Shawl ("Cadar") Q80015021 textile
Shawl with Coptic Inscriptions Q116275911 textile
Shawl with Genre Scenes Q80002323 textile
Shawl with boteh Q79910087 textile
Sheet with linen mark, coarse spin, medium weave Q116245207 textile
Sheet with three selvedges and fringe Q116415690 textile
Sheet, linen mark, coarse spin, close weave Q116276617 textile
Sheet, linen mark, coarse spin, irregular weave Q116276615 textile
Sheet, linen mark, coarse spin, irregular weave Q116276616 textile
Sheet, linen mark, coarse spin, irregular weave Q116436537 textile
Sheet, linen mark, coarse spin, loose weave Q116274114 textile
Sheet, linen mark, coarse spin, medium weave Q116274115 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, close weave Q116274162 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, fine weave Q116274158 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, irregular weave Q116274153 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, irregular weave Q116274161 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, irregular weave Q116274163 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, loose weave Q116274148 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, medium weave Q116274154 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, medium weave Q116274155 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, medium weave Q116274157 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, medium weave Q116274164 textile
Sheet, linen mark, fine spin, medium weave Q116274165 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, close weave Q116274126 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, close weave Q116274130 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, close weave Q116274132 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, close weave Q116274134 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, irregular weave Q116274124 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, irregular weave Q116274128 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, irregular weave Q116274133 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, loose weave Q116274127 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, medium weave Q116274116 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, medium weave Q116274123 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, medium weave Q116274136 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, medium weave Q116274147 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, medium weave Q116274151 textile
Sheet, linen mark, medium spin, medium weave Q116274152 textile
Sheet, woven linen mark, medium spin, medium weave Q116274150 textile
Sherwood Forest (Pattern No. 2519) Q79670689 textile
Short Cake (African fabrics) Q129084815 textile
Shoulder Cloth Q79944952 textile
Shoulder Cloth Q79982271 textile
Shoulder Cloth Q79982274 textile
Showroom Sample Q79930805 textile
Shweshwe Q15694161 textile
Blue Horizon Q80077087 textile
Silk "Sampot" (Loin Cloth) Q79894672 textile
Silk Belt Q79974121 textile
Silk Brocade Q80012754 textile
Silk Brocade Q80013058 textile
Silk Brocade Q80023227 textile
Silk Brocaded Textile Q80023239 textile
Silk Brocaded Textile Q80023250 textile
Silk Chenille Q79904952 textile
Silk Cloth Q80021760 textile
Silk Curtain Fabric Depicting Tropical Vegetation Q79982245 textile
Silk Damask Q79484314 textile
Silk Damask Fragment Q79495663 textile
Silk Damask Fragment Q79903157 textile
Silk Damask Fragment Q79903159 textile
Silk Damask Fragments Q79903154 textile
Silk Damask Textile Q80023185 textile
Silk Damask Textile Q80023187 textile
Silk Damask Textiles Q80023183 textile
Silk Decorative Tunic Band with a Hunter Q80013303 textile
Silk Fragment Q79477799 textile
Silk Fragment Q79484296 textile
Silk Fragment Q79487103 textile
Silk Fragment Q79487158 textile
Silk Fragment Q79487169 textile
Silk Fragment Q79495212 textile
Silk Fragment Q79900103 textile
Silk Fragment Q79901809 textile
Silk Fragment Q79903168 textile
Silk Fragment Q79903189 textile
Silk Fragment Q79905587 textile
Silk Fragment Q79908200 textile
Silk Fragment Q79908202 textile
Silk Fragment Q79908241 textile
Silk Fragment Q79908876 textile
Silk Fragment Q79909954 textile
Silk Fragment Q79909956 textile
Silk Fragment Q79909962 textile
Silk Fragment Q79909965 textile
Silk Fragment Q79909968 textile
Silk Fragment Q79911949 textile
Silk Fragment Q79912452 textile
Silk Fragment Q79912455 textile
Silk Fragment Q79912471 textile
Silk Fragment Q79912502 textile
Silk Fragment Q79912514 textile
Silk Fragment Q79924472 textile
Silk Fragment Q79929685 textile
Silk Fragment Q79929709 textile
Silk Fragment Q79929788 textile
Silk Fragment Q79931952 textile
Silk Fragment Q79933307 textile
Silk Fragment Q80001473 textile
Silk Fragment Q80001626 textile
Silk Fragment Q80002375 textile
Silk Fragment Q80003342 textile
Silk Fragment Q80003393 textile
Silk Fragment Q80003395 textile
Silk Fragment Q80004994 textile
Silk Fragment Q80013120 textile
Silk Fragment Q80014186 textile
Silk Fragment Q80016163 textile
Silk Fragment Q80021734 textile
Silk Fragment Q80021738 textile
Silk Fragment Q80021743 textile
Silk Fragment Q80021752 textile
Silk Fragment Q80021764 textile
Silk Fragment Q80023173 textile
Silk Fragment Q80023177 textile
Silk Fragment Q80023179 textile
Silk Fragment Q80023190 textile
Silk Fragment Q80025813 textile
Silk Fragment Q117247195 textile
Silk Fragment in the Shape of the Upper Front of a Garment Q79912510 textile
Silk Fragment with Aligned Parrots, Part of a Tunic Q79908247 textile
Silk Fragment, Part of Panel called "Le panier fleuri" Q80008043 textile
Silk Fragment, Part of Panel called "Le panier fleuri" Q80009437 textile
Silk Fragment, Probably from a Tunic Q80005002 textile
David (or Samson) killing the Lion Q79927938 textile
Silk Fragments Q79908197 textile
Silk Fragments Q79909952 textile
Silk Fragments Q80013236 textile
Silk Fragments Q80013238 textile
Silk Fragments Q80013240 textile
Silk Fragments (pieced together) Q79476252 textile
Silk Fragments with Palmette Blossoms Q79909938 textile
Silk Panel Q79502597 textile
Silk Panel with Dragon and Cloud Motif Q79928935 textile
Silk Patolu Sari Q80015027 textile
Silk Sleeve Decoration with Hunters Q79903582 textile
Silk Square Used in Tea Ceremony Q80004734 textile
Silk Textile Q79487211 textile
Silk Textile Q79904950 textile
Silk Textile Q79904959 textile
Silk Textile Q79938761 textile
Silk Textile Q80012749 textile
Silk Textile Q80012761 textile
Silk Textile Q80014550 textile
Silk Veil Q79476921 textile
Silk and Gold Textile Q80016165 textile
Silk and Gold Textile Q80016975 textile
Silk and Hemp Fragment Q79912506 textile
Silk and Hemp Fragment Q79912508 textile
Silk and Hemp Fragment Q80021772 textile
Silk and Linen Fragment Q79912505 textile
Silk and linen Glasgow University Banner Q104975132 textile
Silk curtain from the Alhambra palace Q79933414 textile
Silk fragment with decorated and inscribed bands, from the tomb of Don Felipe Q80003518 textile
Silk fragment with striped pattern Q79934434 textile
Silk fragments Q79929408 textile
Silk with Art Nouveau Design Q79649236 textile
Silk with Dogs and Arabic Script in Swaying Bands Q79487934 textile
Silk with Dogs and Arabic Script in Swaying Bands Q79487939 textile
Silk with Dogs and Arabic Script in Swaying Bands Q79487944 textile
Silk with Gray and Purple Stripes Q79901144 textile
Silk with lattice of animals in medallions Q79909948 textile
Silver Chrysalis Q79982804 textile
Sky Ride (Century of Progress Prints no. 1005) Q80006764 textile
Sky Ride (Century of Progress Prints no. 1005) Q80006859 textile
Sleeve Band from a Tunic Q79934909 textile
Sleeve Band from a Tunic Q80056772 textile
Sleeve Bands and Segmentum from a Tunic Q79934288 textile
Sleeve Bands from a Tunic Q79934291 textile
Sleeve from a Tunic Q79933224 textile
Sleeve with birds in blossoming bushes Q80014745 textile
Sleeve with rose bushes and butterflies Q79893684 textile
Sleeve with rose bushes and butterflies Q79893687 textile
Sleeve with tiraz Q79927374 textile
Slendang Q80055810 textile
Slendang (Shoulder Cloth or Wearing Cloth) Q80055812 textile
Slendang (Shoulder Cloth) Q79482264 textile
Slendang (Shoulder Cloth) Q80002718 textile
Slendang (Shoulder Cloth) Q80055835 textile
Sofré type de nappe Q3963993 textile
Something I Should Have Known, #29 Q80041476 textile
Sound of Silence Q96756913 textile
Souvenir of the Liberty Bell Q79923357 textile
Space Panel, No. 3 Q79996806 textile
Space Panel, No. ? Q79996809 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980287 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980289 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980292 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980294 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980297 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980299 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980301 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980303 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980305 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980307 textile
Space Windows/Insadong Q79980310 textile
Spade-shaped Ornament Q79934052 textile
Spade-shaped Terminus of a Clavus Q79934894 textile
Spighetta Q3966721 textile
Spritztechnik Q80002208 textile
Square Q79477773 textile
Square Q111970825 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970038 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970139 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970154 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970155 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970257 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970265 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970824 textile
Square (Segmentum) Q111970846 textile
Square Multi-Season Pieced Shawl Q80073898 textile
Square Pieced Shawl with Vase Corners Q80073890 textile
Square Reversible Shawl Q80007348 textile
Square Segmentum Q79934283 textile
Square Segmentum from a Tunic Q79934271 textile
Square Segmentum with Combat Scenes Q79934059 textile
Square Segmentum with Two Birds Q79934055 textile
Square Shawl Q79482540 textile
Square Shawl Q80024835 textile
Square Shawl in Renaissance Style with Black Center and Quarter Shawl Layout Q80073923 textile
Square Shawl with Quarter Shawl Layout Q80073919 textile
Square Textile Cover Q79485618 textile
Square Textile Cover Q123096781 textile
Square of Silk Q80007316 textile
Square of Silk Damask Q80028338 textile
Square shawl with Quarter Shawl Layout and Ivory Center Q80073892 textile
Square, Probably Head Wrapper Q80055826 textile
Square, Probably a Segmentum from a Tunic Q79473763 textile
Stained Glass Q80043899 textile
Stainless (African fabrics) Q129084888 textile
Standing Fan (African Fabrics) Q129086458 textile
Star Fish Q80014322 textile
Star and Cross Pattern from a Tomb Cover(?) Q79929756 textile
Star of Bethlehem with Pomegranate Trees Q111842618 textile
Star of the East Q79905388 textile
Stars and Stripes (Americana Series) Q80002263 textile
Step by Step Q79946025 textile
Still Trees Q80025081 textile
Stratus (fabric no. SS-74) Q96748895 textile
Strip Q80003525 textile
Strip of Border of Sari Q80056241 textile
Strip of Brocade Q80003355 textile
Strip of Brocaded Silk Q80005312 textile
Strip of Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80001546 textile
Strip of Copperplate Printed Cotton Q80002420 textile
Strip of Copperplate Printed Cotton with "L'Oiseleur" Design Q80003310 textile
Strip of Copperplate Printed Cotton with "Les plaisirs de la ferme" Design Q80002215 textile
Strip of Silk Tapestry (Kesi) Q79477463 textile
Strip of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80001602 textile
Strip of Woodblock Printed Cotton Q80002124 textile
Strip of Woodblock Printed Linen Q80001536 textile
Strip of Woodblock Printed Linen Q80001594 textile
Strip with a procession of armed knights on white horses, colored red, green and black Linen, wool Q117429276 textile
œuvre d’art
Striped Brocade Q80055917 textile
Striped Brocade with Flowering Plants Q80055931 textile
Striped Brocade with Flowering Vine Q80056244 textile
Striped Ikat with Inscription Q111968803 textile
Striped Ikat with Inscription Q111968805 textile
Striped Silk from a Garment Q80015032 textile
Striped fragment Q79487440 textile
Striped fragment Q79488427 textile
Striped tiraz Q79908267 textile
Study for Poppies Tapestry Q79999270 textile
Study for the Ford Foundation Installation Q79982810 textile
Sufata Type de tissu Q9347911 textile
Sulam Kalengkang Q56243998 textile
Summer Carpet Q79477158 textile
Summer Kimono with Cherry and Plum Blossoms Q117246640 textile
Summer garden Q114950077 textile
Sun God Mola Panel Q79924048 textile
Surround for Turkish Silk Cushion Cover Q79993559 textile
Surround for Turkish Silk Cushion Cover Q79993562 textile
Surround for Turkish Silk Cushion Cover Q79993565 textile
Surround for Turkish Silk Cushion Cover Q79993568 textile
Swan Point #2 Q79472257 textile
Swatch for 1833-1933 (Century of Progress Prints No. 1012) Q123255600 textile
Swatch for Changing Lights (Century of Progress Prints) Q123255604 textile
Swatch for Electrical Fountains (Century of Progress Prints) Q123255591 textile
Swatch for Flying Buttresses (Century of Progress Prints no. 1003) Q123255585 textile
Swatch for Hanging Dome (Century of Progress Prints) Q123255587 textile
Swatch for Lake and Sky (Century of Progress Prints) Q123255609 textile
Swatch for Patterns on Walls (Century of Progress Prints) Q123255595 textile
Swatch for Pillar Lights (Century of Progress Prints no. 1006) Q123255596 textile
Swatch for Science Tower (Century of Progress Prints) Q123255583 textile
Swatch for Sky Ride (Century of Progress Prints no. 1005) Q123255589 textile
Swatch for Trade Mark (Century of Progress Prints no. 1008) Q123255598 textile
Swatch for Transportation (Century of Progress Prints no. 1010) Q123255602 textile
Sweet mother (African fabric) Q129084961 textile
Table Cover Q80012750 textile
Table Cover Q80012757 textile
Table Hanging Q80031557 textile
Table Runner Q80012743 textile
Table Square Q79476223 textile
Tablecloth Q80012506 textile
Tablecloth Q80012509 textile
Tacheh tissu typique de la région iranienne Chahar Mahal e Bakhtiari Q73252617 textile
Taffeta Q79487606 textile
Taffeta Fragment Q79487652 textile
Taffeta Fragment Q79487663 textile
Taffeta Fragment Q79487668 textile
Taffeta Fragment Q79487726 textile
Taffeta, Brocaded Q79487601 textile
Taffeta, Brocaded Q79487632 textile
Taffeta, Brocaded Q79487636 textile
Taffeta, Brocaded Q79487642 textile
Tampan Pasisir (Ship Cloth) Q79936017 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923828 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923831 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923833 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923861 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923864 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923865 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923867 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79923874 textile
Tapa Cloth Q79930760 textile
Tapestry Fragment Q111365967 textile
Tapestry Fragment Q111365970 textile
Tapestry Fragment with Inscription Q111969237 textile
Tapestry Panel Q79945326 textile
Tapestry Shirt Q111273648 textile
Tapestry with Birds and Greek Letters Q79934433 textile
Tapestry with beheaded bird Q79933795 textile
Tapestry-Woven Fragment Q111273606 textile
Tapestry-Woven Mantle Corner Q111273605 textile
Tapis (Garment) Q79934789 textile
Taqueté fragment with star and cross pattern Q80001482 textile
Tecido (Fragmento De) objeto de la colección del Museu Paulista (1-06-04-000-07987-00-00) Q106210500 textile
Tecido laise Q89210014 textile
Tent Lining Fragment Q116409422 textile
Tenun Belitang Q56243999 textile
Tenun Daerah Songket Sambas Q56244000 textile
Tenun Ensaid Panjang Q56244001 textile
Tenun Ikat Desa Parengan Q56244003 textile
Tenun Ikat Ragi Q57980859 textile
Tenun Kapuas Hulu Q56244004 textile
Tenun Mualang Q56244005 textile
Tenun ikat Troso Q12520865 textile
Texile manufacturing in Nigeria Q130060040 textile
Textile Q79484288 textile
Textile Q79485393 textile
Textile Q79653842 textile
Textile Q79905099 textile
Textile Q79905101 textile
Textile Q79905104 textile
Textile Q79905107 textile
Textile Q79905109 textile
Textile Q79905111 textile
Textile Q79905113 textile
Textile Q79905115 textile
Textile Q79905118 textile
Textile Q79905122 textile
Textile Q79905125 textile
Textile Q79905127 textile
Textile Q79905130 textile
Textile Q79905308 textile
Textile Q79905310 textile
Textile Q79905319 textile
Textile Q79905321 textile
Textile Q79905323 textile
Textile Q79905325 textile
Textile Q79905327 textile
Textile Q79905330 textile
Textile Q79905332 textile
Textile Q79905334 textile
Textile Q79905336 textile
Textile Q79905339 textile
Textile Q79905341 textile
Textile Q79905348 textile
Textile Q79905352 textile
Textile Q79905354 textile
Textile Q79905356 textile
Textile Q79905358 textile
Textile Q79905361 textile
Textile Q79905363 textile
Textile Q79905366 textile
Textile Q79905369 textile
Textile Q79905371 textile
Textile Q79905374 textile
Textile Q79905377 textile
Textile Q79905380 textile
Textile Q79905383 textile
Textile Q79905385 textile
Textile Q79905394 textile
Textile Q79905397 textile
Textile Q79905400 textile
Textile Q79905403 textile
Textile Q79905405 textile
Textile Q79905406 textile
Textile Q79905408 textile
Textile Q79938758 textile
Textile Q79945961 textile
Textile Q79945966 textile
Textile Q79947427 textile
Textile Q80003285 textile
Textile Q80004452 textile
Textile Q80005028 textile
Textile Q80008027 textile
Textile Q80008030 textile
Textile Q80010888 textile
Textile Q80012172 textile
Textile Q80014301 textile
Textile Q80014545 textile
Textile Q80025463 textile
Textile Q80025470 textile
Textile Q80025478 textile
Textile Q80026120 textile
Textile Q80041793 textile
Textile Q80043892 textile
Textile Q80055934 textile
Textile Bag Q80056224 textile
Textile Book Cover Q79495309 textile
Textile Book Cover Q79495324 textile
Textile Book Cover Q79495339 textile
Textile Book Cover Q79499951 textile
Textile Fragment Q79480912 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484311 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484332 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484354 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484367 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484372 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484383 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484396 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484400 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484408 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484659 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484851 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484856 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484872 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484891 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484896 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484900 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484907 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484912 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484934 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484946 textile
Textile Fragment Q79484992 textile
Textile Fragment Q79487065 textile
Textile Fragment Q79487085 textile
Textile Fragment Q79487614 textile
Textile Fragment Q79492002 textile
Textile Fragment Q79492007 textile
Textile Fragment Q79492012 textile
Textile Fragment Q79492019 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495186 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495200 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495207 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495222 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495226 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495234 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495241 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495263 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495397 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495436 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495444 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495475 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495484 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495496 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495504 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495524 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495532 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495538 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495549 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495555 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495561 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495568 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495586 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495613 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495657 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495679 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495685 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495751 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495779 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495786 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495820 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495870 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495879 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495921 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495934 textile
Textile Fragment Q79495939 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496033 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496048 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496102 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496116 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496123 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496128 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496221 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496229 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496237 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496264 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496280 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496284 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496295 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496298 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496308 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496315 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496321 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496325 textile
Textile Fragment Q79496330 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499843 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499856 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499893 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499911 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499931 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499938 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499945 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499976 textile
Textile Fragment Q79499985 textile
Textile Fragment Q79502384 textile
Textile Fragment Q79621549 textile
Textile Fragment Q79622355 textile
Textile Fragment Q79862469 textile
Textile Fragment Q79906178 textile
Textile Fragment Q79907984 textile
Textile Fragment Q79907986 textile
Textile Fragment Q79908593 textile
Textile Fragment Q79908619 textile
Textile Fragment Q79909861 textile
Textile Fragment Q79909913 textile
Textile Fragment Q79909927 textile
Textile Fragment Q79910080 textile
Textile Fragment Q79923592 textile
Textile Fragment Q79926204 textile
Textile Fragment Q79943662 textile
Textile Fragment Q79993984 textile
Textile Fragment Q79993987 textile
Textile Fragment Q79993989 textile
Textile Fragment Q79993991 textile
Textile Fragment Q79993993 textile
Textile Fragment Q79993995 textile
Textile Fragment Q80000686 textile
Textile Fragment Q80001457 textile
Textile Fragment Q80002633 textile
Textile Fragment Q80003328 textile
Textile Fragment Q80003826 textile
Textile Fragment Q80003835 textile
Textile Fragment Q80003839 textile
Textile Fragment Q80003846 textile
Textile Fragment Q80004433 textile
Textile Fragment Q80004438 textile
Textile Fragment Q80004440 textile
Textile Fragment Q80004442 textile
Textile Fragment Q80004444 textile
Textile Fragment Q80006412 textile
Textile Fragment Q80006414 textile
Textile Fragment Q80007591 textile
Textile Fragment Q80009152 textile
Textile Fragment Q80010845 textile
Textile Fragment Q80011416 textile
Textile Fragment Q80013742 textile
Textile Fragment Q80014320 textile
Textile Fragment Q80014331 textile
Textile Fragment Q80014552 textile
Textile Fragment Q80014554 textile
Textile Fragment Q80014556 textile
Textile Fragment Q80014558 textile
Textile Fragment Q80014767 textile
Textile Fragment Q80016170 textile
Textile Fragment Q80016175 textile
Textile Fragment Q80026113 textile
Textile Fragment Q116242670 textile
Textile Fragment Q116242711 textile
Textile Fragment Q116242763 textile
Textile Fragment Q116251859 textile
Textile Fragment Q116252368 textile
Textile Fragment Depicting a Figure in a Landscape Q116242681 textile
Textile Fragment of Painted Linen Q80007776 textile
Textile Fragment with Addorsed Parrots and Griffins Q116242684 textile
Textile Fragment with Cotton Goddess Q79872333 textile
Textile Fragment with Facing Pairs of Birds Flanking a Tree of Life Q116252270 textile
Textile Fragment with Flowers, Birds and Butterflies Q116242794 textile
Textile Fragment with Frontal Deity Heads, Felines, and Interlace Pattern Q79990023 textile
Textile Fragment with Inscription Q116276553 textile
Textile Fragment with Inscription Q116276562 textile
Textile Fragment with Interlace Pattern Q79990117 textile
Textile Fragment with Ogival Pattern Q116251848 textile
Textile Fragment with Portions of Eight-Pointed Star and Birds Q79934430 textile
Textile Fragment with Three Frontal Deities and Interlace Pattern Q79989976 textile
Textile Fragments Q79484361 textile
Textile Fragments Q79487890 textile
Textile Fragments Q79495773 textile
Textile Fragments Q79496214 textile
Textile Fragments Q79907981 textile
Textile Fragments Q79993983 textile
Textile Fragments with Irises Q116242699 textile
Textile Hanging Q79482491 textile
Textile Length Q79477179 textile
Textile Panel Q79502239 textile
Textile Panel Q79502839 textile
Textile Panel for Fire Screen Q79987633 textile
Textile Panel for Fire Screen (replacement) Q79987637 textile
Textile Sample Q79988527 textile
Textile Sample Q79988529 textile
Textile Sample Pair Q79988525 textile
Textile fragment Q79946662 textile
Textile fragment, probably part of a garment Q79908253 textile
Textile sample Q111969793 textile
Textile sample Q111969809 textile
Textile with Animals in a Roundel Q111968852 textile
Textile with Antelope (?) in a Roundel Q111970882 textile
Textile with Birds in Roundels Q111968795 textile
Textile with Coiled Dragons Q83562230 textile
Textile with Diamonds Q79947101 textile
Textile with Fall Leaves Q80022498 textile
Textile with Flora Q80023272 textile
Textile with Foliated Ibexes (possible modern forgery) Q111969820 textile
Textile with Lions and Square Grid Q111969740 textile
Textile with Paired Ducks in Roundels (Copy of a Medieval Silk) Q79927381 textile
Textile with Palmettes Q79947454 textile
Textile with Plants and Birds Q111969798 textile
Textile with Two Sisters Q80022504 textile
Textile with Two-Headed Eagle Q111969242 textile
Textile with field of poppies on a golden ground Q80056951 textile
Textile with the Annunciation, MET 46.156.52 Q131450155 textile
The Beginning and the End Q79982802 textile
The Bridge Q80012056 textile
The Four Continents Q80003276 textile
boat procession Q117429268 textile
œuvre d’art
1932-1945 Q79940298 textile
The Piping Maenad Q79921159 textile
The Principal Wife Q80076843 textile
The Silhouette Bird Q80000854 textile
The Unborn Mola Panel Q79924041 textile
Three Border Fragments Q79511690 textile
Three Border Fragments Q79511697 textile
Three Border Fragments Q79511705 textile
Three Border Fragments Q79511713 textile
Three Figures from a Tunic Q80056760 textile
Three Figures from a Tunic Q80056763 textile
Three Figures from a Tunic Q80056765 textile
Three Fragments from a Border Q79933818 textile
Three Fragments from a Border Q79933821 textile
Three Fragments from a Border Q79933824 textile
Three Fragments from a Border Q79933826 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930743 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930745 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930747 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930749 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930751 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930753 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930755 textile
Three Fragments of Italian Gothic Silk Q79930757 textile
Three Fragments of a Border Q79511655 textile
Three Fragments of a Border Q79511662 textile
Three Fragments of a Border Q79511672 textile
Three Fragments of a Border Q79511680 textile
Three Spade-shaped Trees Q111970926 textile
Three Strips Pieced Together Q79478993 textile
Three Visions of Christ Q79909993 textile
Threefold Promotional Brochure (Silks Beau Monde Series of Century for Progress Prints) Q123255634 textile
Threefold Promotional Brochure and 13 Swatches (Silks Beau Monde Series of Century for Progress Prints) Q123255646 textile
Tie-Dyed Fragment Q80006771 textile
Tiraz Fragment Q116276056 textile
Tiraz with animated band Q79934281 textile
Tiraz with dense guilloche bands Q79934533 textile
Tiraz with foliate band Q79934297 textile
Tiraz with gold Q79908319 textile
Tiraz with gold Q79908329 textile
Tiraz with gold Q79908336 textile
Tiraz with gold Q79923908 textile
Tiraz with gold Q79933206 textile
Tiraz with gold Q79933228 textile
Tiraz with gold Q80044281 textile
Tiraz with gold, probably from a wide sleeve Q79908317 textile
Tiraz with guilloche bands Q79933884 textile
Tiraz with guilloche bands Q80016766 textile
Tiraz with guilloche bands and fringe Q79933924 textile
Tobacco Leaves Q80013319 textile
Toghu étoffe traditionnelle camerounaise Q109623968 textile
Tomb Cover Q80024224 textile
Totems Q80013316 textile
Towel Q79482219 textile
Towel Q79912533 textile
Towel Q80004265 textile
Towel Q80024959 textile
Towel Q80026142 textile
Towel Q80026144 textile
Towel Q80026145 textile
Trace Indigo Q80078011 textile
Trade Mark (Century of Progress Prints no. 1008) Q80006936 textile
Trapezoidal Bag Q79982314 textile
Trapezoidal Bag Q79982315 textile
Trassel type de fil Q10701442 textile
Treasure Q79978810 textile
Triple Cloth Q79947424 textile
Tsushima –- V Q80082244 textile
Tube Skirt Q79982269 textile
Tube Skirt Q79982277 textile
No. 722 Q80002112 textile
Tunic Q80027099 textile
Tunic Q80076132 textile
Tunic Q111274781 textile
Tunic Q111365961 textile
Tunic Q111365962 textile
Tunic Q111365963 textile
Tunic Q111365965 textile
Tunic Clavi Q111970835 textile
Tunic Clavi Q111970837 textile
Tunic Clavi Q111970853 textile
Tunic Clavi Q111970877 textile
Tunic Clavus Q111970126 textile
Tunic Clavus Q111970203 textile
Tunic Clavus Q111970275 textile
Tunic Clavus Q111970812 textile
Tunic Cuffbands with Beribboned Birds Q111970342 textile
Tunic Fragment Q111968870 textile
Tunic Fragment Q111970012 textile
Tunic Fragment Q111970032 textile
Tunic Fragment Q111970714 textile
Tunic Fragment Q111970814 textile
Tunic Fragment Q111970865 textile
Tunic Fragment with Segmentum Q79933808 textile
Tunic Fragments Q111970029 textile
Tunic Fragments Q111970030 textile
Tunic Fragments Q111970033 textile
Tunic Fragments Q111970127 textile
Tunic Fragments Q111970833 textile
Tunic Fragments with Bird-Headed Creature Q79992008 textile
Tunic Neck Panel Q111970141 textile
Tunic Ornament with Part of a Saint Q79934920 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970056 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970138 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970818 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970819 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970821 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970822 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970829 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970830 textile
Tunic Sleeveband Q111970842 textile
Tunic and Band Q80076127 textile
Tunic fragment with lion killing khilin in octagonal medallions Q79933676 textile
Tunic or Shawl Ornament Q79933828 textile
Tunic with Double-headed Serpents Q79990227 textile
Tunic with Ornamental Inscription Q80044208 textile
Tunic with Profile Animals and Checkerboards Q79990186 textile
Tunic with Sacrificer Q79993762 textile
Turban "Patka" Q80055877 textile
Turban Band (Llauto) Q79902747 textile
Turban end with tiraz Q79907865 textile
Turban end with tiraz Q79908307 textile
Turkmen Bag Face Q79996799 textile
Twilight Q80025082 textile
Two Birds Mola Panel Q79924034 textile
Two Brocaded Fragments Q79487189 textile
Two Brocaded Fragments Q79487193 textile
Two Brocaded Fragments Q79487197 textile
Two Confronted Animals from a Tunic Q79934896 textile
Two Crabs Mola Panel Q79924028 textile
Two Fragments Mounted as One Q80024006 textile
Two Fragments Mounted as One Q80024011 textile
Dolphins Q79934260 textile
Two Fragments of Large Scale Roundel Q79908218 textile
Two Fragments of Large Scale Roundel Q79908221 textile
Two Fragments of Large Scale Roundel Q79908225 textile
Two Fragments of a Band Q80014769 textile
Two Fragments of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908331 textile
Two Fragments of a Tiraz-Style Textile Q79908334 textile
Two Fragments with Indistinguishable Design Q79934879 textile
Two Fragments with Indistinguishable Design Q79934881 textile
Two Fragments with Indistinguishable Design Q79934883 textile
Two Joined Fragments of Figured Silk Q80005123 textile
Two Joined Panels of Figured Silk Q80021767 textile
Two Large Damask Cloths Q79911336 textile
Two Large Damask Cloths Q79911339 textile
Two Large Damask Cloths Q79911342 textile
Two Lengths of Silk Damask Q79912432 textile
Two Lengths of Silk Damask Q79912434 textile
Two Lengths of Silk Damask Q79912437 textile
Two Lengths of Textile Q79911986 textile
Two Lengths of Textile Q79911988 textile
Two Lengths of Textile Q79911991 textile
Two Loom Widths Sewn Together Q79476190 textile
Two Medicine Men Mola Panel Q79924009 textile
Two Mounted Fragments of a Border (from a Garment ?) Q79908251 textile
Two Pieces from a Scarf Q79477808 textile
Two Pieces from a Scarf Q79477813 textile
Two Pieces from a Scarf Q79477818 textile
Two Textile Fragment with Fanged Heads Q79936412 textile
Two-faced Carpet Fragment Q80041944 textile
Ulap Doyo Q16859842 textile
Umbrella and Shoes (African Fabrics) Q129082673 textile
Under Ekvatorn (Beneath the Equator) Q80023045 textile
Unfinished Cloth Q80056207 textile
Unlined Kimono (Hitoe) Q117246641 textile
Untiitled Q79978829 textile
Untitled Noren Partition (23) Q80079129 textile
Untitled Paper No. 2 Q79932467 textile
Upholstery Fabric Q80025444 textile
Upholstery for a Chair Seat Q79905583 textile
Vadd matériau textile Q10711939 textile
Vakas Q56683524 textile
Vakas (N 238) Q56696622 textile
Vakas (N 603) Q56696581 textile
Velvet Fragment with Bird and Flower Design Q116280998 textile
Velvet Fragment with Floral Pattern Q116242700 textile
Velvet fragment from a palace curtain Q79476245 textile
Vepa tissu fin, textile Q10714088 textile
Verdura Q84218085 textile
Vertebrates Q79911537 textile
Vestment fragment with stars in staggered squares Q80002373 textile
View of Coventry Q79940305 textile
Voile de Sainte-Anne Q16511738 textile
œuvre d’art
Voilokki Q65246570 textile
Vågorna (Waves) Q80022497 textile
Vêtements en soie type de Vêtements Q10467378 textile
WCT Q105146905 textile
Waist Cloth Q80055829 textile
Waist Cloth (Kain Panjeng) Q80055837 textile
Wall Hanging Q79483617 textile
Wall Hanging Q80041479 textile
Wall Hanging (msimsim) Q79988531 textile
Wall Hanging (pardah) Q79992509 textile
Wall Hanging or Ceiling Canopy Q79894674 textile
Wall cover with flora, peacocks, and portrait medallions Q79478006 textile
Wall hanging (pardah) Q79992512 textile
Wall hanging (pardah) Q79992514 textile
Waltz Q80082247 textile
Warp Patterned Cloth Q79903572 textile
Wearing Blanket Q79508187 textile
Wearing Blanket Q79509207 textile
Wearing Blanket Q79890081 textile
Wearing Blanket with Moki (Moqui) Stripes Q79508219 textile
Wearing Cloth Q79482255 textile
Wearing Cloth Q79485323 textile
Wearing Cloth Q80024890 textile
Wearing Cloth Q80055806 textile
Wearing Cloth (Kain Pajang) Q80026380 textile
Wedding Obi Q122922124 textile
Wedding Veil Q79477071 textile
Weft-Patterned Fragment Q111273607 textile
Wekko Bird Killing Snake Mola Panel Q79923978 textile
Wheels Q79908597 textile
When it Was Roots Q79985653 textile
White Fungus Three Q79996801 textile
White Linen Piece Q80007762 textile
White Linen Textile Q80007770 textile
White Maize Glove Q79978805 textile
White On White Q79978818 textile
White Sphere no. 1 Q79999268 textile
Confined 1 Q80084639 textile
Winter Windows Q79944307 textile
Winter Windows Q79944310 textile
Winter Windows Q79944312 textile
Winter Windows Q79944314 textile
Winter Windows Q79944317 textile
Winter Windows Q79944319 textile
Winter Windows Q79944322 textile
Winter Windows Q79944324 textile
Wojłok Type de feutre Q9377555 textile
Woman's "Fancy Manta" Q79892210 textile
Woman's Dress (One Panel) Q79509201 textile
Woman's Dress (one panel) Q79892206 textile
Woman’s Two-Piece Dress (Biil’éé) Q80003591 textile
Woodblock Printed Chintz Fragment Q80002041 textile
Woodblock Printed Cotton Fragment Q80001986 textile
Woodblock Printed Textile Fragments Q80014571 textile
Woodblock Printed Textile Fragments Q80014573 textile
Woodblock Printed Textile Fragments Q80014575 textile
Wool Damask Q79484952 textile
Wool Fragment Q80012512 textile
artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment Q80012515 textile
artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment Q80012521 textile
artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment Q80012523 textile
artefact archéologique
Wool Fragment Q80012537 textile
artefact archéologique
Wool Tapestry Fragment Q80012527 textile
artefact archéologique
découverte archéologique
Wool and Linen Compound Textile Q79903162 textile
World of Space Q80041798 textile
Woven Band Q80003671 textile
Woven Bed or Chest Cover Q80000770 textile
Woven Chest or Bed Cover Q80000845 textile
Woven Coverlet Q80012166 textile
Woven Loom Piece Q79928605 textile
Woven Strip for Ecclesiastical Parameters Q79477760 textile
Woven Textile Q80015175 textile
Woven Textile Fragment Q80055941 textile
Woven Towel Q79477735 textile
Woven Wool Textile Q80004724 textile
Wrapper (Furoshiki) Q79496359 textile
Wrapper for the Tapestry Scroll Mingling of Clear and Muddy Water at the Junction of the Jing and Wei Rivers Q79476097 textile
Wyandra Q80003841 textile
Xeyl Vêtement des Kurdes Q13176229 textile
Yardage for Bedspread Q79912211 textile
Yellow Long Shawl Q80031334 textile
Zambezi Q80003832 textile
Zephyr type de textile Q12525450 textile
accoppiato Q117192917 textile
banner fabric Q118875881 textile
batik gedog Q17999063 textile
batik tulis Sumenep Q17999075 textile
batting Q4869920 textile 300227771
bed skirt Q4878968 textile
bottonato Q117192859 textile
calicot Type de textile Q1132695 textile 300132872
cannellato Q117192379 textile
casentino wool Q3893358 textile
cavalry Q117191750 textile
chamalote Q89209609 textile
chanel Q117192943 textile
cheviotte Q4521974 textile
deshilado of Aguascalientes Q115799611 textile
domestique Q131421418 textile
double face Q117193235 textile
drap Q27992567 textile
drill Q117836171 textile
fiammato Q117836242 textile
fil coupé Q117836297 textile
filet guipure Q1412659 textile 300264085
filó tecido Q89204955 textile
flour sack fabric Q28407920 textile
fragment of a coverlet or wall hanging with a rider and a medallion Q63884020 textile
fragment of a wall hanging with a female figure Q63884334 textile
gaze Q618710 textile 300014083
geringsing Q5550863 textile
costume traditionnel
gorgurão Q89180840 textile
grisaille Q117193261 textile
inlet type de coton Q11712601 textile
interlock Q117836317 textile
jajim Q6415061 textile
kain Timor Q56243996 textile
lampas étoffe Q2269650 textile 300254861
leopard print Q98137741 textile
lliklla Q11330487 textile
lustrina Q67206689 textile
maglia a intarsio Q117836388 textile
mast hoop Type de corde en voile Q9334897 textile
mosque, textile Q79905393 textile
panu di pinti Q116785631 textile
pièce de tissu à Apt pièce de tissu monument historique (PM84001063) située à Apt (Vaucluse, France) Q29327425 textile
point d'esprit Q88036376 textile
polypyrrole fiber Q24237166 textile
profil de la grande Catherine à Ferney-Voltaire pièce de tissu monument historique (PM01000215) située à Ferney-Voltaire (Ain, France) Q29328700 textile
right side (textile) Q10658496 textile
sadria Type de vêtement Q3461198 textile
tapis tissu traditionnel d'Indonésie Q3515476 textile
ulos Q1282423 textile
untitled Q66765245 textile
wax textile en étoffe de coton ciré Q15806889 textile
Étamine Q8960402 textile
Кѳк Type de textile Q13170663 textile
Плат Q58230809 textile
Գործվածքի կտոր Q77351839 textile
œuvre d’art
ผ้าซิ่นทิวมุก Q16304553 textile
Ọgwụ azu Q129084388 textile
十日町友禅 Q113067305 textile
小倉織 Q11459018 textile
traditional handicraft of Japan
雲斎織り Q109359766 textile

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Melton Q12036365 tissu
Pheichom vêtement Q108460216 tissu
grass cloth Q63313768 tissu
needle looping Q97621292 tissu

tissu tissé

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Fragment Q29385134 tissu tissé
Safavid Courtiers Leading Georgian Captives Q29385128 tissu tissé
œuvre textile
Textile Fragment Q29385066 tissu tissé
œuvre textile
Voile Q2143346 tissu tissé
double cloth from Bohuslän Q123909942 tissu tissé
organdi Q2029789 tissu tissé 300310128
sermyaga Q15696253 tissu tissé
tulle tissu transparent et vaporeux Q646051 tissu tissé 300256611
tulle-bobin Q888765 tissu tissé

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Kain Bebat DImpo Q109329187 vêtement
haillon vêtement usé Q97836892 vêtement
phelonion Q1255957 vêtement 300210445

vêtement liturgique

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Ornements sacerdotaux du Trésor de la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris Q94244084 vêtement liturgique
Pianeta plicata Q3901939 vêtement liturgique
Skouphos Q2620212 vêtement liturgique
corona pontifical Q3693971 vêtement liturgique
planeta española Q94243838 vêtement liturgique
planeta germana Q94243966 vêtement liturgique
surplis vêtement liturgique catholique Q745332 vêtement liturgique 300210448

élément de bateau

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Balancine Cordage d'un voilier Q607634 élément de bateau
terme nautique
Bastaque Q798507 élément de bateau
terme nautique
Branda Nom italien pour un type de toile Q3643640 élément de bateau
Brandal Q56353372 élément de bateau
Cap de mouton Q1713425 élément de bateau
terme nautique
Cargue Q5132354 élément de bateau
terme nautique
Cunningham (nautisme) dispositif de réglage de voile Q1144060 élément de bateau
terme nautique
Faleń Terme polonais pour gréement Q9257817 élément de bateau
Hauban Q9370917 élément de bateau
terme nautique
Padun Terme issu de la voile Q4491832 élément de bateau
Stensztag Elément de gréement dormant sur un yacht ou autre voilier Q9345659 élément de bateau
bobstay Q20642239 élément de bateau
terme nautique
boomkicker Q4943529 élément de bateau
terme nautique
bras sur un voilier, le cordage situé au vent qui permet de régler l'écartement d'une voile d'avant Q1004296 élément de bateau
terme nautique
bridle Q56297650 élément de bateau
cordage filin utilisé pour les manœuvres des bateaux Q14523736 élément de bateau
terme nautique
drisse cordage servant à hisser une vergue, une voile, un pavillon ou un signal flottant sur un navire à voile Q1394451 élément de bateau
terme nautique
enfléchure élément du gréement Q1348359 élément de bateau
terme nautique
gréement partie importante d'un voilier Q942890 élément de bateau
terme nautique
guy Q340936 élément de bateau
terme nautique
hale-dehors Q2257753 élément de bateau
terme nautique
jib sheet Q2194565 élément de bateau
terme nautique
lazy jack Q634051 élément de bateau
terme nautique
mainsheet Q1922393 élément de bateau
terme nautique
manœuvre courante sur un navire à voile, cordage dont on peut faire à volonté varier la longueur Q1362925 élément de bateau
manœuvre dormante sur un navire, cordage restant immobile une fois mis en place Q1334055 élément de bateau
terme nautique
masthead rig Q1569818 élément de bateau
terme nautique
peak halyard Q7157858 élément de bateau
terme nautique
pommes de racage Q7139767 élément de bateau
terme nautique
spreader Q4239799 élément de bateau
terme nautique
stay mouse Q7605084 élément de bateau
terme nautique
throat halyard Q7798314 élément de bateau
terme nautique
trapèze câble utilisé en voile Q510369 élément de bateau
terme nautique
écoute cordage sur un voilier servant, sur un voilier, à régler l'angle d'une voile par rapport à l'axe longitudinal du voilier Q477494 élément de bateau
terme nautique
étai Q1798276 élément de bateau
terme nautique

équipement d’éclairage

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
cotton wick Q118978208 équipement d’éclairage
lamp wick Q118978203 équipement d’éclairage
wick Q118978194 équipement d’éclairage

œuvre textile

[modifier | modifier le code]
image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Achala, King of the Wrathful Ones, as Vighnantaka Q60754231 œuvre textile
Bag Q60753882 œuvre textile
Bandolier (Shoulder) Bag Q60746810 œuvre textile
sac à bandoulière
Beaded Panel Q60755327 œuvre textile
Beaded Panel Q60779539 œuvre textile
Border of Heads and Palmettes from a Large Hanging Q60820008 œuvre textile
Brocade with Djeiran Gazing at the Moon Q60741491 œuvre textile
Brocade with Hares Q60820004 œuvre textile
Brocade with Lotus Flowers Q60760485 œuvre textile
Brocade with Soaring Phoenixes among Clouds Q60820018 œuvre textile
Cap Q60763546 œuvre textile
Cap with Striped Inscribed Silk Q60780057 œuvre textile
Chasuble Fragment with Realistic Animals Q60763085 œuvre textile
Displayed Falcons Q60755734 œuvre textile
toile d'or
Cloth of gold with felines and eagles Q60761823 œuvre textile
toile d'or
Cloth of gold with winged lions and griffins Q60754491 œuvre textile
toile d'or
Cloth with Procession of Figures Q60740770 œuvre textile
Complete Fragment #9 Q60781250 œuvre textile
Curtain Fragment with Galloping Horse Q60762930 œuvre textile
Decorated Band from a Tunic or Curtain Q60757065 œuvre textile
Dragons Chasing Flaming Pearls Q60757003 œuvre textile
Elephants Q60781270 œuvre textile
étoffe de soie
Fish-Shaped Applique Q60756941 œuvre textile
appliqué inversé
Four-Cornered Hat Q60756432 œuvre textile
four-cornered hat
Four-Cornered Hat Q60779463 œuvre textile
four-cornered hat
Fragment Q60755219 œuvre textile
Fragment de soie Q60779982 œuvre textile
Fragment of Silk Taffeta with “Rose and Nightingale” Motif Q60756657 œuvre textile
Fragment with Lion Strangler from a Dalmatic of Saint Bernard Calvo Q60755259 œuvre textile
Fragment with Satyr and Maenad Q60761607 œuvre textile
Fragment with arcade and palmettes Q60759650 œuvre textile
Fragment with eagles in roundels from the Reliquary of Saint Librada in Siguenza Cathedral Q60749065 œuvre textile
Fragment with musicians Q60756295 œuvre textile
Fragment with palmette arches with Alhambra wall pattern Q60757227 œuvre textile
Fragment with star pattern and griffins Q60759972 œuvre textile
Fragment with stars in stacked squares, from a dalmatic of San Valero Q60762176 œuvre textile
Fragmentary Chasuble with Woven Orphrey Band Q60759992 œuvre textile
Fragmentary Icon Panel, Christ in Glory (?) and Evangelists Q60763623 œuvre textile
Guilloche band, from a dalmatic of San Valero Q60752541 œuvre textile
Half Tunic Q60747794 œuvre textile
Hanging fragment with boar head Q60746435 œuvre textile
Hanging with Christian Images Q60752348 œuvre textile
Head Cloth Q60746956 œuvre textile
Honeysuckle Q60741181 œuvre textile
étoffe imprimée
Icon of the Virgin and Child Q60745622 œuvre textile
Coptic textile
In Blue Q60781245 œuvre textile
Kennet Q60746207 œuvre textile
étoffe imprimée
Lampas with dancers and musicians Q60758201 œuvre textile
Lampas with griffins in roundels, from the Reliquary of Saint Librada in Siguenza Cathedral Q60750154 œuvre textile
Lampas with phoenixes amid undulating vines Q60746381 œuvre textile
Lampas with scrolling vines and grape leaves Q60756579 œuvre textile
Lower Border of a Garment Q60745967 œuvre textile
Luxurious Woolen Tunic with Decorated Bands and Roundels Q60820000 œuvre textile
Mantle for a Statue of the Virgin with Lotus Blossoms and Medallions Q60756988 œuvre textile
Marigold Q60740862 œuvre textile
étoffe imprimée
Mixteca Series #12 Q60757425 œuvre textile
M’hamid Q60780854 œuvre textile
Nereid (Sea-Nymph) from a Hanging Q60757500 œuvre textile
Ornamental Square from a Tunic Q60761529 œuvre textile
Parrots and Animals Q60756332 œuvre textile
Peacock and Dragon Q60781124 œuvre textile
tissu tissé
Pelerine (Collar or Cape) Q60759977 œuvre textile
Peony Q60781208 œuvre textile
étoffe imprimée
Pillow cover with Arabic inscription Q60752193 œuvre textile
Resist-Dyed Hanging with Biblical Scenes Q60762722 œuvre textile
Roundel from a Curtain Q60757766 œuvre textile
Roundel with seated prince Q60751740 œuvre textile
Roundel, Segmentum from a Tunic Q60761481 œuvre textile
Roundels with Hunters Q60757919 œuvre textile
Saltillo Style Blanket/ Sarape Q60741591 œuvre textile
Saltillo sarape
Samite fragments with double-headed eagles, from the tomb of Saint Bernard Calvo Q60750099 œuvre textile
Sans titre Q60781089 œuvre textile
Section of Silk Fabric with Falconers Amid Rose Bushes Q60757462 œuvre textile
Silk Fragment Q60745750 œuvre textile
Silk Fragment Q60778604 œuvre textile
Silk Textile Q60756001 œuvre textile
Silk Textile with Goatherds in a Landscape Q60756732 œuvre textile
Silk fragment Q60748384 œuvre textile
Silk fragment with roundels of ducks Q60751924 œuvre textile
Silk fragment with scrolling vines, grape leaves, grapes, and birds Q60755673 œuvre textile
Silk with Dogs and Birds amid Vines Q60746201 œuvre textile
Sleeved Tunic Q60746494 œuvre textile
Smoke Q60780932 œuvre textile
Snakeshead Q60757799 œuvre textile
étoffe imprimée
Square Ornament from a Tunic Q60758945 œuvre textile
Strawberry Thief (Cleveland Art Museum) Q60745767 œuvre textile
étoffe imprimée
Taffeta Q60757971 œuvre textile
Tapestry Border Q60752994 œuvre textile
Tapestry Fragment Q60740248 œuvre textile
Tapestry Square Panel Q60753301 œuvre textile
Tapestry with golden lions and palmettes Q60741327 œuvre textile
Tapestry with lattice of animals in medallions Q60753991 œuvre textile
Tapestry-woven Yoke from a Tunic Q60758762 œuvre textile
Tent Hanging (Part of a Larger Piece) Q60746157 œuvre textile
Textile Fragment with the Annunciation Q60744547 œuvre textile
Textile with Phoenixes and Dragons Q60759538 œuvre textile
Textile with Tiny Leaves Q60761059 œuvre textile
Tigers Chasing Deer, with Dragon Q60761641 œuvre textile
Tulip Q60780876 œuvre textile
étoffe imprimée
Tunic Q60747645 œuvre textile
Tunic Q60778475 œuvre textile
Tunic Q60778853 œuvre textile
Tunic (Shirt) with Tapestry-woven Yoke Q60759575 œuvre textile
Tunic with Frontal Figures Q60756150 œuvre textile
Tunic with Profile Animal and Human Heads Q60778288 œuvre textile
Turban or shawl end with tiraz and gold Q60780785 œuvre textile
Two Beaded Panels Q60741552 œuvre textile
Two Figures Framed by a Jeweled Border Q60758872 œuvre textile
Two Tapestry-woven Panel Fragments Q60758878 œuvre textile
Violet and Columbine Q60780879 œuvre textile
tissu double pièce
Violet and Columbine Q60780892 œuvre textile
tissu double pièce
Wall Covering with Classical Figure Q60759616 œuvre textile
wall covering
Wall Covering, "The Pheasants" from the "Vatican Verdures" Series Q60739987 œuvre textile
wall covering
Wine bearers in landscape, from a robe Q60740441 œuvre textile

image artikel description item nature de l’élément identifiant Art & Architecture Thesaurus
Antoinette-Emilienne Grossé Q1841018 atelier d'artiste
Caftan Q29384537 Caftan
Capa de Daroca Q106804965 vêtement d'extérieur
Chinese silk brocade Q97621275 brocart
étoffe de soie
Three Famous Brocades
Cordonnet Q5562784 page d'homonymie de Wikimédia 300264614
Courtepointe de Gee's Bend Q7759116 collectif
mouvement artistique
Dupion Fabrique de soie Q10477657 tissu biologique
Forgurt Type d'accessoires d'équitation Q9261356 articles de sport
Grelin Type de cordage Q3116398 corde
Géotextile tissus Q1048148 branche économique 300178913
Hestia Tapestry Q1616056 tapisserie
Kasuri type de tissu japonais Q3081545 processus textile
Khamen Chatpa vêtement Q108200583 pagne
culture du peuple Meitei
Lizhnyk Q12119615 traditional craft
Nankin (tissu) Q1228380 tissu à armure toile
Ntonso Adinkra Village Q106962977 village
office de tourisme
Panel of lace-patterned silk Q97996564 lace-patterned silk
Pièce de tissu Q29385132 lampas
Ruban rose Q1139632 symbole
Tent Type de bâche sur les navires Q9356723 textile technique
Three Famous Brocades Q41514314 groupe
Tissu stratifié multi-couches de matériaux en feuille souple comprenant au moins une surface textile est reliée à d'autres couches Q1280313 combinaison
Vaðmál Q1861737 moyen d'échange
Weighted Blanket Q59694735 couverture
Zeugdruckerei terme allemand: processus de génération de modèles (modèles de couleur) sur les tissus de l'impression textile Q196930 procédé
ajiro Q131375030 planche de bois
panneau de bois
arraiolos rug Q4795826 patrimoine culturel immatériel 300188009
catharpin Q5052121 terme nautique
couverture électrique Q1601471 appareil ménager 300197370
fujiori Q55063747 technique de tissage
ink cloth Q110619718 outil de cuisine
insecticide-treated net Q107570220 moustiquaire
kenjō hakata-ori Q108564405 genre artistique
madras tissu traditionnel à carreaux, de couleurs vives Q3276218 mode
moustiquaire de fenêtre écran antiparasitaire Q910768 insect protection 300265160
paulat Q31886101 composant de chaussure
planeta romana Q94243687 costume ecclésiastique
vêtement liturgique
pointe folle variante de courtepointe à Mascouche au Québec (Canada) Q116733916 savoir-faire
reinforcement fabric Q686922 matériau de construction
ribbon hair accessory Q102248528 accessoire de coiffure
ribbon loop trim Q123772625 garniture
ro Q11606994 crêpe
ruban de l'ordre de Saint-André distinction russe Q4065707 grade d'un ordre
shaped canvas Q1287518 matériel de peinture
genre pictural
tapis Lampung Timur Q108808127 tapis
tapisserie forme d'art textile, traditionnellement tissé sur un métier vertical Q184296 forme d'art
style artistique
tissu d'écorce ougandais tissus fabriqués à partir du figuier, selon une technique traditionnelle, par les artisans du clan Ngonge du peuple Baganda (dans le sud de l'Ouganda) Q112633680 clothmaking
toile tissu sur lequel on peint Q12321255 support de peinture 300014078
velours côtelé velours Q1132110 pile 300014080
voile rigide Q8025330 propulsion maritime
vêtement liturgique Q6501052 aspect de l'histoire 300210450
window valance Q4409891 window treatment 300204891
épissure connexion des extrémités de deux câbles en tressant leurs fils Q1515065 Begriff der Knotenkunde
Štapini Type d'élément combustible Q12646191 outil
Үзүк plafond volumineux Q13175262 covering
ဇာ type de dentelle Q13065857 système de classification
Fin de la liste générée automatiquement.
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