- 🌱 I’m currently learning Full Stack Web Development
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HTML, CSS, JS, React, Firebase, Node.js
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An AI powered and individually developed Blog Website MERN Stack project with complete functionalities like posting blogs, likes, comments, follows and user authentication
A beautiful social media platform inspired by twitter website built on Next.js which uses Typescript for type support, prisma with mongoDB and firebase cloudstore for realitime messaging features l…
A complete user specific travel website with beautiful animations, appealing UI and advanced features like maps of places, user specificity and more...
A complete course platform with advanced features like real-time rating changes and real-time progress tracking. Contains personalized course dashboard and beautfiul eye-appealing and responsive UI
An MERN Stack clone of instagram website with functionalities like edit profile, create post, follow/unfollow, like/unlike and comments as well.
A Note and document managenment platform inspired by Notion.com. This was done through help of youtube channel CodeWithAntonio as a part of learning new technologies and exploring the implmentation…
TypeScript 2