Twikkle smart contracts consist of User-content Flaging and Restriction smart contracts. The contracts implement the EIP-2535 Diamonds standard, which allows for modular upgradeability.
Twikkle is a decentralized video sharing app with social services and more.
We also have one of the frenliest communities in crypto, so don't hesitate to hop in!
Twikkle Discord:
- Clone this repo
- Install dependencies
$ yarn && forge update
$ npx hardhat compile
$ npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
$ npx hardhat verify --network netwokName diamond_contract_address contract_owner_address diamondcut_facet_address
$ npx hardhat verify --network netwokName contract_address
$ forge t
Twikkle smart contract was deployed on the Sepolia blockchain. Below are the deployed Diamond addresses:
TwikklNFT was deployed to 0x3267ea8b87988cB53F43F790F54FA302DEe23395
TwikklToken was deployed to 0x5B932aeb47f5a02881cD31ff44157E6902Ec6cE4
VoteContent Contract was deployed to 0xc6d5FC4d0d055812b072e5527Cd3caA6D2F5F67C
// Zora
ZoraNft was deployed to 0x27Bf0f8ecAB278e4EDAE5eE193D37Db511F624D9
Zora SingleEditionMintableCreator contract is 0x4500590AfC7f12575d613457aF01F06b1eEE57a3
For more info: check here or here
TwikklNFT was deployed to
TwikklToken was deployed to
VoteContent Contract was deployed to
// SEPOLIA TESTNET TwikklToken deployed to Sepolia: 0x50886AB774220706744394F351ee468952eC6112
TwikklNFT deployed to:
// Sepolia Testnet Contract Address
DiamondCutFacet deployed: 0xcB1b2130E0069384C187c2D11325B91D1da608Ae
Diamond deployed: 0x6b9C0b9287bF15a88492A9f3D9C48E538fE7Ca37
DiamondInit deployed: 0x6d62169396b00e4a59350689db105aeF8fd05605
DiamondLoupeFacet deployed: 0xaF2c01DA73FD81ea010f167B71668941cD6A9782
OwnershipFacet deployed: 0xd3BE7B5c2246de2Ee62fbBb171212818BE15B9b2
VoteContentFacet deployed: 0xF555c624CC0B78A84dbf94777B965414BCdeE581
// Mumbai Testnet Contract Address
DiamondCutFacet deployed: 0xcB1b2130E0069384C187c2D11325B91D1da608Ae
Diamond deployed: 0x6b9C0b9287bF15a88492A9f3D9C48E538fE7Ca37
DiamondInit deployed: 0x6d62169396b00e4a59350689db105aeF8fd05605
DiamondLoupeFacet deployed: 0xaF2c01DA73FD81ea010f167B71668941cD6A9782
OwnershipFacet deployed: 0xd3BE7B5c2246de2Ee62fbBb171212818BE15B9b2
VoteContentFacet deployed: 0xF555c624CC0B78A84dbf94777B965414BCdeE581
// Georli Testnet Contract Address
DiamondCutFacet deployed: 0xF555c624CC0B78A84dbf94777B965414BCdeE581
Diamond deployed: 0x1C80420A98C72b4D697fB659C9BBF15fe39EBb4F
DiamondInit deployed: 0x9Be59BEd24E6D75dFBb0a194096DbE0e797Ea49c
DiamondLoupeFacet deployed: 0x5149f0F28572E1a7cE8Cfe8a7dCb79356064f6C0
OwnershipFacet deployed: 0xC3c1d8061d4B0f1399F4baA5F058b544eA6CAb26
VoteContentFacet deployed: 0xAFc5d8C7Fb1a254dd9AF68b1cDAd34a12E6ac6eB
Official docs: Coming soon!
Louper Dev Diamond Explorer:
Official Subgraph: Coming soon!
EIP2535 Primer:
: A lot of improvements are still needed so contributions are welcome!!
Bonus: The DiamondLoupefacet uses an updated LibDiamond which utilises solidity custom errors to make debugging easier especially when upgrading diamonds. Take it for a spin!!