Tags: JuliaCI/PkgTemplates.jl
[Diff since v0.7.52](v0.7.52...v0.7.53) **Merged pull requests:** - support JULIA_REFERENCETESTS_UPDATE env var in tests (#486) (@simeonschaub) - GH Actions: remove event_name from job name (#487) (@simeonschaub) - add Runic plugin (#488) (@simeonschaub) - release 0.7.53 (#489) (@simeonschaub) - Delete Slack Notifier (#490) (@oxinabox)
[Diff since v0.7.51](v0.7.51...v0.7.52) **Merged pull requests:** - Underscore was forgotten in variable name (#479) (@Eben60) - Use .jlt instead of .jl for template files (#481) (@fredrikekre)
[Diff since v0.7.48](v0.7.48...v0.7.49) **Merged pull requests:** - Run reference tests on 1.10 instead of 1.7 (#453) (@gdalle) - Switch default julia compat to 1.6.7 (#454) (@gdalle) - Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#455) (@dependabot[bot]) - Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 (#456) (@dependabot[bot]) - Update CI.yml to use CODECOV_TOKEN (#457) (@ViralBShah) - Add codecov secret token to CI template (#458) (@gdalle) - Add Documenter key and warning about SSH setup (#460) (@gdalle) - README.md: Travis -> GHA (#464) (@timholy) - Bump julia-actions/setup-julia from 1 to 2 (#468) (@dependabot[bot]) - Update TagBot.yml (#469) (@EarlMilktea) **Closed issues:** - Update reference tests to the latest stable version? (#442) - Set Julia compat bound to latest stable version (#452) - Add Documenter key (#459)
[Diff since v0.7.46](v0.7.46...v0.7.47) **Merged pull requests:** - Show the value that will be used if not customized (#177) (@rapus95) - add a template and plugin for PkgBenchmarks (#261) (@anandijain) - Return the package directory (#262) (@kskyten) - Set a default time-out of 60 min for GitHub CI (#272) (@thchr) - changed link for Travis CI badge (#337) (@YanniPapandreou) - saving template to file doc fix (#342) (@anandijain) - Interactive mode bugfix for a single customizable option (#346) (@rossviljoen) - make Dependabot a default plugin (#396) (@ranocha) - Use CI caching for documentation job and add newly required perms (#441) (@IanButterworth) - Add permissions to fixture CI files (#443) (@gdalle) - Mark broken interactive test as broken (#444) (@gdalle) - Move PkgEvalBadge and PkgBenchmark from WackyOptions to AllPlugins fixture (#445) (@gdalle) - Actually apply the GNU licenses (#447) (@LilithHafner) - Bump version to 0.7.47 (#449) (@gdalle) **Closed issues:** - Suggestion: Create files for use with PkgBenchmark.jl (#86) - Fixing link for Travis CI badge (#338)
[Diff since v0.7.45](v0.7.45...v0.7.46) **Merged pull requests:** - Update README.md (#271) (@scls19fr) - Rename register.yml to Register.yml (#336) (@rikhuijzer) - Disallow invalid pkg names (#360) (@hyrodium) - Use Julia shell in GitHub actions (#429) (@omus) - update to actions/checkout@v4 (#431) (@visr) - Add JET to Test plugin (#432) (@gdalle) - Upgrade to Documenter v1 for the PkgTemplates repo itself (#435) (@gdalle) - Fix CI badge (#436) (@gdalle) - Update template.jl (#438) (@ValentinKaisermayer) - Bump to v0.7.46 (#439) (@gdalle) - Add stdlib compat bounds (#440) (@gdalle) **Closed issues:** - Disallow package names starting with numbers (#311) - Add Aqua to tests (#411) - Add JET to tests (#416) - Test coverage does not include reference tests in 1.7.2 (#433) - Switch default Git setup to `ssh=true`? (#437)
[Diff since v0.7.44](v0.7.44...v0.7.45) **Merged pull requests:** - Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#427) (@dependabot[bot]) - Add workflow_dispatch trigger to CI template (#428) (@gerlero)