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I am a Bachelor of Data Science student at Telkom University Surabaya, where I focus on data exploration and analysis. As someone involved in data science, I have a particular interest in developing data-driven solutions and applying data analysis techniques to generate valuable insights. Especially in the fields of Machine Learning and Deep Neural Networks
- π‘ Visit my LinkedIn Profile for more information and to get in touch.
- βοΈ Follow me on Instagram.
class DataScientist:
def __init__(self, full_name="Rendika Nurhartanto Suharto", nickname="Rendika", role="Data Scientist", languages_spoken=["id_ID", "en_US"], university="Telkom University Surabaya", status="Undergraduate Student"):
self.full_name = full_name
self.nickname = nickname
self.role = role
self.languages_spoken = languages_spoken
self.university = university
self.status = status
def say_hi(self):
print(f"Hi! I'm {self.nickname} ({self.full_name}), a {self.role}.")
print(f"I can engage in a conversation with you using these languages: {', '.join(self.languages_spoken)}")
print(f"I am currently studying at {self.university} as an {self.status}.")
print("Hope you find something interesting here!")
def main():
me = DataScientist()
if __name__ == "__main__":