The official implementation of LIO-SEGMOT (LiDAR-Inertial Odometry via Simultaneous Ego-motion Estimation and Multiple Object Tracking), an optimization-based odometry approach targeted for dynamic environments. LIO-SEGMOT can provide continuous object tracking results while preserving the keyframe selection mechanism in the odometry system. This work is accepted for publication in ICRA 2023.
You can check out our video to understand the main idea of LIO-SEGMOT. For more, please refer to our paper:
- Yu-Kai Lin, Wen-Chieh Lin, Chieh-Chih Wang, Asynchronous State Estimation of Simultaneous Ego-motion Estimation and Multiple Object Tracking for LiDAR-Inertial Odometry. 2023 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 10616--10622, May 2023. (paper) (preprint) (code) (video)
If you use this project in your research, please cite:
title={Asynchronous State Estimation of Simultaneous Ego-motion Estimation and Multiple Object Tracking for LiDAR-Inertial Odometry},
author={Lin, Yu-Kai and Lin, Wen-Chieh and Wang, Chieh-Chih},
booktitle = {2023 International Conference on Robotics and Automation, {ICRA} 2023,
London, UK, May 2023},
pages = {10616--10622},
year = {2023},
- π° Poster
- βοΈ Installation
- ποΈ Sample Datasets
- πββοΈ Run
- βΏ Services of LIO-SEGMOT
- π Remarks
- π Acknowledgement
The project is originally developed in Ubuntu 18.04, and the following instruction supposes that you are using Ubuntu 18.04 as well. I am not sure if it also works with other Ubuntu versions or other Linux distributions, but maybe you can give it a try π
Also, please feel free to open an issue if you encounter any problems of the following instruction.
Please prepare the following packages or libraries used in LIO-SEGMOT:
- ROS Melodic (w/ Desktop-Full
Install) and the following dependencies:
#!/bin/bash sudo apt update sudo apt install -y "ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-navigation" \ "ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-robot-localization" \ "ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-robot-state-publisher" \ "ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-jsk-recognition-msgs" \ "ros-${ROS_DISTRO}-jsk-rviz-plugins"
- gtsam 4.0.3
#!/bin/bash cd ~ git clone -b 4.0.3 && cd gtsam mkdir build && cd build cmake .. sudo make install
You can use the following command to build the project:
source "/opt/ros/${ROS_DISTRO}/setup.bash"
mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
We provide two object detection services for LIO-SEGMOT:
- StephLin/SE-SSD-ROS (Apache-2.0 license) (based on Vegeta2020/SE-SSD)
- StephLin/livox_detection_lio_segmot (GPL-3.0 license) (based on Livox-SDK/livox_detection)
Please refer to their installation instructions accordingly.
We provide the following pre-built bag files for KITTI raw sequences and the Hsinchu dataset (GuangfuRoad sequence):
Dataset | Sequence | Bag File | Ground Truth Trajectory |
KITTI | 0926-0009 | bag | tum |
KITTI | 0926-0013 | bag | tum |
KITTI | 0926-0014 | bag | tum |
KITTI | 0926-0015 | bag | tum |
KITTI | 0926-0032 | bag | tum |
KITTI | 0926-0051 | bag | tum |
KITTI | 0926-0101 | bag | tum |
Hsinchu | GuangfuRoad | bag | tum |
If you cannot download sample datasets from above links, please refer to this alternative link (Google Drive).
Ground truth robot trajectories (based on GPS data provided by KITTI) are stored as the TUM format. Each row has 8 components containing timestamps (sec), xyz-position (meter), and xyzw-orientation (quaternion):
timestamp x y z qx qy qz qw
Please follow the steps to execute LIO-SEGMOT properly:
(Optional) Launch the ROS core:
Launch the core LIO-SEGMOT service:
#!/bin/bash # Please select one of the following configs to launch the service properly: # 1. With KITTI configuration roslaunch lio_segmot run_kitti.launch # 2. With Hsinchu configuration roslaunch lio_segmot run_hsinchu.launch # 3. Undefined (same as KITTI configuration) roslaunch lio_segmot run.launch
Launch the selected object detection service:
#!/bin/bash # SE-SSD-ROS & livox_detection_lio_segmot # Please check their documentation to see how they are launched
Start the customized ROS bag player:
#!/bin/bash rosrun lio_segmot lio_segmot_offlineBagPlayer _bag_filename:="path/to/your/sequence.bag"
The default registered LiDAR and IMU topics are
, respectively. If you want to register other LiDAR/IMU topics, please add additional options_lidar_topic
. For example, if you are using the GuangfuRoad sequence (/velodyne_points
for LiDAR and IMU topics, respectively):rosrun lio_segmot lio_segmot_offlineBagPlayer _bag_filename:="GuangfuRoad-06-13.bag" \ _lidar_topic:="/velodyne_points" \ _imu_topic:="/imu/data"
Usage: rosservice call /lio_segmot/save_map [RESOLUTION] [OUTPUT_DIR]
Example: rosservice call /lio_segmot/save_map 0.2 /path/to/a/directory/
This service saves LiDAR map to the local machine.
Usage: rosservice call /lio_segmot/save_estimation_result
This service outputs current estimation results including
nav_msgs::Path robotTrajectory
: The robot trajectory -
$\color{gray}\textsf{(INTERNAL USE)}$ nav_msgs::Path[] objectTrajectories
: Trajectories for each object (indexed by the factor graph) -
$\color{gray}\textsf{(INTERNAL USE)}$ nav_msgs::Path[] objectVelocities
: Linear and angular velocities for each object (indexed by the factor graph) -
nav_msgs::Path[] trackingObjectTrajectories
: Trajectories for each object (indexed by LIO-SEGMOT) -
nav_msgs::Path[] trackingObjectVelocities
: Linear and angular velocities for each object (indexed by LIO-SEGMOT) -
lio_segmot::ObjectStateArray[] trackingObjectStates
: States for each object during its lifetime (indexed by LIO-SEGMOT) -
$\color{gray}\textsf{(INTERNAL USE)}$ lio_segmot::flags[] objectFlags
: Flags for each object during its lifetime (indexed by the factor graph) -
lio_segmot::flags[] trackingObjectFlags
: Flags for each object during its lifetime (indexed by LIO-SEGMOT)
in which custom types lio_segmot::ObjectStateArray
(underlying lio_segmot::ObjectState
) and lio_segmot::flags
are given by
Header header lio_segmot::ObjectState[] objects
Header header // The corresponding detection (measurement) jsk_recognition_msgs::BoundingBox detection // States of object pose and velocity in the factor graph geometry_msgs::Pose pose geometry_msgs::Pose velocity // Residual and innovation of the tightly-coupled detection factor bool hasTightlyCoupledDetectionError float64 tightlyCoupledDetectionError // Residual float64 initialTightlyCoupledDetectionError // Innovation // Residual and innovation of the loosely-coupled detection factor bool hasLooselyCoupledDetectionError float64 looselyCoupledDetectionError // Residual float64 initialLooselyCoupledDetectionError // Innovation // Residual and innovation of the smooth movement factor bool hasMotionError float64 motionError // Residual float64 initialMotionError // Innovation int32 index // Object index int32 lostCount // Counter of losing detections float64 confidence // Detection's confidence score (given by detection methods) bool isTightlyCoupled // Is the object tightly-coupled at this moment? bool isFirst // Is the object just initialized at this moment?
// Flags of the object in its lifetime int32[] flags // 1: the object is tightly-coupled // 0: the object is loosely-coupled
There are various covariance matrices designed for the hirarchical criterion (innovation filtering) and factor graph optimization (increments of LIO-SEGMOT w.r.t. LIO-SAM) in LIO-SEGMOT. This section is going to explain them.
All covariance matrices in settings are expressed as diagonal vectors.
Taking the KITTI configuration for example, we have the following settings:
This section collects settings for the hierarchical criterion. It can be viewed
as a kind of innovation filtering. In brief, the criterion is designed to
progressively make the following decisions when a new detection
ID | Description |
(Q1) | Does the detection belong to any existing object |
(Q2) | If Q1 holds, does |
(Q3) | If Q1 and Q2 holds, should the tightly-coupled detection factor be applied? |
The first two questions (Q1) and (Q2) are determined by using the Mahalanobis distance of the error vector,
$$ \Big\Vert\text{ detection error of }\boldsymbol{z}\text{ and the }i\text{-th object } \boldsymbol{x}{t,i} \text{ }\Big\Vert{\Sigma} \leq \varepsilon, $$
with given covariance with given covariance matrices
Two spatial information-based tests are conducted to determine (Q3), which are the detection constraint and the velocity constraint:
(Detection Constraint) The above equation holds with another given covariance matrix
$\Sigma_ {\text{Q}_ {3,1}}$ that satisfies$\Sigma_ {\text{Q}_ {3,1}}-\Sigma_ {\text{Q}_ {2}} \succeq 0$ . -
(Velocity constraint) The variance of velocities in previous steps is small enough. That is,
$$\frac{1}{N}\sum_ {s=1}^{N} \Big\Vert \text{Log}(\boldsymbol{v}_ {t-s,i}) - \text{Log}(\bar{\boldsymbol{v}}_ {t,i}) \Big\Vert_ {\Sigma_{Q_ {3,2}}}^2 \leq \varepsilon$$ with a given covariance matrix
$\Sigma_{Q_{3,2}}$ , where$N$ is the fixed number of previous velocities of object states and$\bar{\boldsymbol{v}}_{t,i}\in SE(3)$ is the mean of the$N$ previous velocities.
If (Q1) holds for the detection
Furthermore, if (Q2) holds, a constant velocity factor and a smooth movement factor would be also added to the factor graph.
Finally, if (Q3) holds, the loosely-coupled
detection factor would be replaced with a tightly-coupled detection factor. It
means that the
Notation | Setting | Description | Default Value |
detectionMatchThreshold |
The threshold to classify all Mahalanobis distances in the hirarchical criterion (except for the tightly-coupled detection factor). | 19.5 | |
dataAssociationVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix to determine if a detection belongs to a given object. This covariance is used to maintain tracking ID. | [3.0e-4, 3.0e-4, 3.0e-4, 5.0e-2, 3.0e-2, 3.0e-2] |
looselyCoupledMatchingVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix to determine if a detection follows the object's motion. | [1.0e-4, 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4, 2.0e-3, 2.0e-3, 2.0e-3] |
tightCouplingDetectionErrorThreshold |
The threshold to classify the Mahalanobis distance in the detection constraint of the tightly-coupled detection factor checks. | 26.0 | |
tightlyCoupledMatchingVarianceVector |
The covariance to determine if a detection satisfies the detection constraint in the tightly-coupled detection factor checks. | [8.0e-6, 8.0e-6, 8.0e-6, 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4, 1.0e-4] |
numberOfVelocityConsistencySteps |
The number of samples used in velocity constraint of the tightly-coupled detection checks. | 4 | |
numberOfPreLooseCouplingSteps |
The number of steps that objects should only use loosely-coupled detection factors (due to velocity constraint of the tightly-coupled detection checks, see below for more information). | 6 | |
objectAngularVelocityConsistencyVarianceThreshold |
The angular part of the covariance matrix to determine if the object satisfies the velocity constraint in the tightly-coupled detection factor checks. | 1.0e-5 | |
objectLinearVelocityConsistencyVarianceThreshold |
The linear part of the covariance matrix to determine if the object satisfies the velocity constraint in the tightly-coupled detection factor checks. | 1.0e-2 |
For engineering purposes, we use two thresholds
$$ \begin{aligned} \displaystyle\Sigma_{\text{Q}{3,1}} &= \left(\frac{\varepsilon^\prime}{\varepsilon}\right)^2 \cdot \displaystyle\Sigma{\text{Q}{3,1}}^\prime, \ \displaystyle\Sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}}^\prime &= \begin{bmatrix}\sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}}^\text{A} \ & \sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}}^\text{A} \ && \sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}}^\text{A} \ &&& \sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}}^\text{L} \ &&&& \sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}}^\text{L} \ &&&&& \sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}}^\text{L} \end{bmatrix}, \ \displaystyle\Sigma{\text{Q}{3,2}} &= \frac{1}{\varepsilon^2} \cdot \displaystyle\Sigma{\text{Q}_{3,2}}^\prime. \end{aligned} $$
Covariance matrices used in factor graph optimization. Different from the above section, they are essential to "balance" different types of measurements in a unified factor graph. Those matrices are relatively rare to be modified.
Notation | Setting | Description | Default Value |
constantVelocityDiagonalVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix of constant velocity factors used in factor graph optimization. | [2.0e-4, 2.0e-4, 1.0e-3, 2.0e-1, 1.0e-1, 1.0e-1] |
motionDiagonalVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix of smooth movement factors used in factor graph optimization. | [2.0e-4, 2.0e-4, 1.0e-3, 1.0e-1, 1.0e-2, 1.0e-2] |
looselyCoupledDetectionVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix of loosely-coupled detection factors used in factor graph optimization. | [2.0e-4, 2.0e-4, 2.0e-4, 1.5e-3, 1.5e-3, 1.5e-3] |
tightlyCoupledDetectionVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix of tightly-coupled detection factors used in factor graph optimization. | [2.0e-4, 2.0e-4, 2.0e-4, 1.5e-3, 1.5e-3, 1.5e-3] |
As all tracking objects' velocities are initialized with zero-speed, it may be hard to associate detections in different moments for high-speed moving objects in the early stage. To mitigate this issue, a larger covariance matrix for (Q2) in the hierarchical criterion is used in the first few steps to accommodate objects that are moving fast.
Since those steps are used to figure out the inital speed of an object, we do
not account them for the velocity constraint in the tightly-coupled detection
factor checks. Therefore, we have
Notation | Setting | Description | Default Value |
numberOfEarlySteps |
Number of the first steps to accommodate high-speed moving objects. | 2 | |
earlyLooselyCoupledMatchingVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix to determine if a detection follows the object's motion. | [3.0e-4, 3.0e-4, 3.0e-4, 5.0e-2, 5.0e-3, 5.0e-3] |
earlyConstantVelocityDiagonalVarianceVector |
The covariance matrix of loosely-coupled detection factors used in factor graph optimization. | [2.0e-4, 2.0e-4, 1.0e-3, 2.0e-1, 1.0e-1, 1.0e-1] |
In real world applications, it's likely to lose detections of tracking objects due to occlusion or other complicate environment circumstances. To mitigate frequent ID-switching in multiple object tracking due to the above issue, we still track each object for a little while, even though they do not have any corresponding detections.
Notation | Setting | Description | Default Value |
trackingStepsForLostObject |
Number of steps that LIO-SEGMOT still keeps an object of missing detections in the system. | 3 |
Currently, most state-of-the-art object detection approaches (e.g., SE-SSD, PointPillars, PointRCNN, PV-RCNN, SPG, and ST3D) are constructed under machine learning-based neural network architectures, while the issue of domain adaptation for data-driven object detection approaches still remains a challenging open problem targeted by recent researches (e.g, SPG and ST3D). That is, the performance of object detection models change varying under different geographic appearances or weather conditions.
The model weight of SE-SSD used in
LIO-SEGMOT is trained under a subset of the KITTI dataset, and thus it might
work well in other subsets of the KITTI dataset. However, we can observe that
there are numerous false positive detections in the Hsinchu dataset. Therefore,
it forces us to choose different detection models (i.e.,
PointPillars w/ Livox's model weights)
when experimenting LIO-SEGMOT in different real world datasets. In addition,
since the model still cannot perform as good detection results in the Hsinchu
dataset as SE-SSD does in the KITTI dataset, we need to use a more strict
criterion for the detection constraint in the tightly-coupled detection factor
checks (by decreasing
The second limitation of LIO-SEGMOT is related to the motion model of tracking objects. If an object does not move at constant velocity, LIO-SEGMOT may miscalculate the object velocity, leading to inaccurate predicted object pose in the subsequent state. The main reason is that objects' velocities are supposed to be steady and constant in LIO-SEGMOT. It is possible to be resolved by introducing multiple motion models to LIO-SEGMOT and adaptively selecting proper models during the factor graph optimization, in which the concept is similar to an interacting multiple model (IMM) in filtering-based object tracking approaches.
There are two possible future research directions of LIO-SEGMOT:
- The optimization problem of LIO-SEGMOT produces a multi-robot architecturethat may break the efficiency of maintaining single root Bayes trees in iSAM2. It causes an unignorable computational cost, especially when there are lots of dynamic objects coupled in the system. In forthcoming researches, we would like to overcome the bottleneck by introducing the multi-robot iSAM2 (MR-iSAM2) algorithm.
- In addition, rule-based coupling conditions make the proposed method lack the ability to explore global optimality when considering combinatorial ambiguity as unknown integer variables. It raises a complicated mix-integer programming (MIP) problem, whereas a recent work called multi-hypothesis iSAM (MH-iSAM2) still promotes us to investigate the challenging problem in the future.
The project is mainly developed based on Tixiao Shan's excellent work LIO-SAM, which helps me a lot in constructing LIO-SEGMOT. I would like to express my sincere thanks first. In addition, I would like to thank Wu Zheng and Livox for developing and releasing their awesome object detection modules SE-SSD and Livox Detection respectively.