Add new classes to the style sheets so that the developed form matches the style of your website.
Using JavaScript and regular expressions, validate the form according to the following requirements.
All fields marked as mandatory must be non-empty.
The Surname, First Name, Patronymic fields can contain only Russian and English alphabet characters, dot, hyphen and space.
The Year field may contain only four digits and display the years from 1900 to 2007.
The Month field can only contain month values in MM format: 01, 02, 03, 04, 04, 05, 05, 06, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11 or 12.
The day field can only contain day values in DD format. Validate for invalid values of type 30 or 31 in February, 31 in April, June, September, November, 29 in February of a non-leap year.
The Passport Number field contains nine characters of which the first two are Latin letters and the next seven are digits.
The Login field may contain from 6 to 20 characters and consist only of Latin letters, dot, underscore and hyphen.
The Password field may contain from 6 to 20 characters and consist only of Latin letters, dot, underscore and hyphen and not coincide with the login.
The Password Confirmation field must coincide with the Password field.
The E-mail field must meet all the requirements for an e-mail address. User name and mail server name are separated by @ sign, and can contain only la