This repository contains an implementation in Pytorch of conditional normalizing flows applied to super-resolution. This master thesis project was conducted at the Amsterdam Machine Learning Lab 2019.
This Code corresponds to the pre-print: Likelihood Learning with Conditional Normalizing Flows.
Results of the conditional normalizing flow model compared to a factorized likelihood baseline:
The requirements for the conda environment in which we have tested this code are started in environment_nfsr.yaml
The main dependencies are:
python 3.8.3
pytorch 1.8.0
The conda environment can be installed via
conda env create -f environment_nfsr.yaml
And used by running
source activate cnf-sr
title={Learning Likelihoods with Conditional Normalizing Flows},
author={Christina Winkler and Daniel Worrall and Emiel Hoogeboom and Max Welling},