This GitHub project shares my 2-week experience learning Elixir and applying what I'd learned on a simple project.
- Read Getting Started, Mix and OTP and Meta Programming. Practiced with the KV example.
- Analyzed manga_downloadr for a real-world example.
- Read threads on Elixir Forum to absorbe best practices.
- Started this project.
- Go to
- select zip code 95051
- download current and forecast pollution level (Air Quality Index / AQI)
- download current and forecast image
- repeat every minute
- do not save duplicate images (sha256 check)
- store AQI history in memory and on file (DETS)
- offer command-line access
- send e-mail when crossing a * 50 threshold
- Use Elixir objects: Supervisors, GenServer, Tasks, Mix Tasks, Agents, escript
- Use erlang storage: :ets, :dets
- Use tests: mix test, doctest
- Use web scrape library (Hound), use email library (Swoosh), use HTML parser library (Floki)
- Use minimal try/rescue, let processes fail
- Use function guards and function captures
- Use string formatting (dates)
How I got started
- installed erlang 21.1 (on windows...)
- installed Elixir
- created project on disk
mix new airnow --module AirNow cd airnow
- added escript to project and deps (HTTPoison, Floki) to mix.exs
mix deps.get mix compile # asked to install "rebar3"
- created cli.ex
mix escript airnow -z 95051
- onwards with development: created workflow.ex, etc.
How to run
Create and configure config/private.exs (check config/config.exs for details)
mix deps.get mix compile
Make sure chromedriver.exe is running in a separate window. Check that it connects successfully
mix hound
Run the AirNow application once for a given zip code
mix && escript airnow -z "95051" -d "d:/Tmp"
Run the AirNow application as a loop, connecting once per minute
mix loop
Query Air Quality Index(AQI) history from the command line (one number every minute)
iex -S mix AirNow.AQI.aqi_history( "95051" )
Run tests in test/ and inline doctests
mix test
Questions / Comments welcome!