here you can contribute by translating to official Namida
- head over namida weblate
- start translating!
Fork the repoClone to ur device usinggit clone
Open the cloned projectAdd a new entry insidelangs.json
, for example:
"code": "ja_JP", // language code and country code
"name": "Japanese", // language name (displayed inside namida)
"country": "Japan" // country name (displayed inside namida)
create a new file insidetranslations
with the same code namefor example:ja_JP.json
to know your local code, please refer to language codes or languade codes list
Copy the keys fromen_US.json
& start translating🎉 good job ! now commit and push and open a pull request
By translating, you are implying that you are a nice, great and specialito person, this will be helping the project a lot, thank you so much !