This is a Python dev container meant to be run on Azure Container Instances
- Dependencies pre-pulled into the image in a virtual environment
- Azure CLI + Managed Identity w/ automatic login
- Configured for VS Code SSH Remote Development
- Clones a repo on startup
One-time steps
# Build a container with your dependencies that should be baked in
docker build --build-arg REQ=
# Push to Docker Hub
docker push acanthamoeba/hackbox
# Set up some one-time Azure resources
az group create -n hackbox -l westus
az identity create -n hackbox -g hackbox
PRINCIPAL_ID=`az identity show -n hackbox -g hackbox --query principalId -o tsv`
az role assignment create --role Contributor --assignee $PRINCIPAL_ID
az keyvault secret create -n noelhackbox -g hackbox
az keyvault set-policy -n noelhackbox --object-id $PRINCIPAL_ID --secret-permissions 'get'
az keyvault secret set --vault-name noelhackbox -n foo --value bar
az keyvault secret set --vault-name noelhackbox -n baz --value secret
# Create an Azure Container Instance
SSHPUBLIC=`cat ~/.ssh/`
IDENTITY_ID=`az identity show -n hackbox -g hackbox --query id -o tsv`
az container create -g hackbox -n hackbox --image acanthamoeba/hackbox:latest -e "REPO_URL=$REPO_URL" "REPO_BRANCH=$REPO_BRANCH" "SSH_PUBLIC_KEY=$SSHPUBLIC" "KEY_VAULT=$KEY_VAULT" "KEY_VAULT_SECRETS=$KEY_VAULT_SECRETS" "AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID=$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID" --ports 22 --dns-name-label noelhackbox --cpu 2 --memory 2 --assign-identity $IDENTITY_ID
In Visual Studio Code:
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Get the Remote Development Extension Pack
Add an entry to your SSH config
Host hackbox
User root
IdentityFile C:\users\noel\.ssh\id_rsa