Search for Lantmäteriet Direct services via Origoserver API
Requires Origo 2.1.1 or later and a Origoserver
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<title>Origo exempel</title>
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//Init origo
var origo = Origo('index.json');
origo.on('load', function (viewer) {
var lmsearch = Lmsearch({
"geometryAttribute": "st_astext",
"layerNameAttribute": "layer",
"searchAttribute": "NAMN",
"titleAttribute": "layer",
"contentAttribute": "NAMN",
"title": "Sökresultat",
"hintText": "Sök adress, fastigheter...",
"estateLookup": true,
"estateLookupInitialState": "initial",
"minLength": 4,
"limit": 10,
"maxZoomLevel": 10,
"municipalities": "Sundsvall,Hudiksvall",
"statusAddress": "Gällande",
"showFeature": "geometryOnly",
"featureStyles": {
"stroke": {
"color": [100, 149, 237, 1],
"width": 4,
"lineDash": null
"fill": {
"color": [100, 149, 237, 0.2]
"circle": {
"radius": 7,
stroke": {
"color": [100, 149, 237, 1],
"width": 2
"fill": {
"color": [255, 255, 255, 1]
"labelFont": '7pt sans-serif',
"labelFontColor": [100, 149, 237, 0.3],
"labelBackgroundColor": [255, 255, 255, 0.5],
"url_fastighet": "",
"url_adress": "",
"url_ort": "",
"url_yta": "",
"urlYtaKordinat": "",
"elasticSearch": {
"url": "",
"name": "Example",
"text": "",
"searchIn": ["",""],
"id": "",
"geometry": "_source.geometry"
"pageEstateReportWidth": "700px",
"pageEstateReportHeight": "500px",
"pageEstateReportUrl": "",
"pageEstateIconText": '<text font-size="1em" font-family="Arial" font-weight="bold" fill="black"><tspan x="5" dy="1.2em">Fastighets-</tspan><tspan x="5" dy="1.2em">rapport</tspan></text>',
"pageEstateIconSize": [96, 48]
The configuration options explained:
geometryAttribute - the attribute in search json that holds the geometry.
layerNameAttribute - the attribute in search json that specify which type the match is.
searchAttribute - the attribute in search json that contains the name that should be shown.
searchLabelText - the label for search input field, defualt is 'Sök'.
titleAttribute - the attribute in search json that specify the title of the type.
contentAttribute - the attribute in search json that contains the content for the search.
title - the hint text shown in the search box.
hintText - the hint text shown in the search box.
estateLookup - sets if the estate lookup by click in map should be turned on, defualt is false.
estateLookupInitialState - sets the initial state of the 'estate lookup by click function' choices are 'active' or 'initial', defualt is 'initial'.
minLength - specifies the minimum length of how many characters should be entered before search, defualt is 4.
limit - specifies how many matches should be shown. defualt is 9.
maxZoomLevel - specifies which zoom level should be used when zooming in to when clicking on search hits. default is lowest resolution specified in config.
municipalities - sets in which municipalities the search should be limited to. The value is a string delimited with comma sign.
statusAddress - specifies which status the address to be searched for should have. The options are 'Gällande' or 'Reserverad', defualt is 'Gällande'.
showFeature - specifies how matches should be shown. The options are 'geometryOnly' or 'popup', defualt is 'geometryOnly'.
featureStyles - a object for the style when 'geometryOnly' is selected.
labelFont - the font that should be used for the label on the estate in the estate click function, default is '7pt sans-serif'.
labelFontColor - the font color that should be used for the label on the estate in the estate click function, default is '[100, 149, 237, 0.3]'.
labelBackgroundColor - the background color that should be used for the label on the estate in the estate click function, default is '[255, 255, 255, 0.5]'.
url_fastighet - the url to search for estates. If not set estate lookup will not be include in the searches.
url_adress - the url to search for addresses. If not set address lookup will not be include in the searches.
url_ort - the url to search for places. If not set placenames lookup will not be include in the searches.
url_yta - the url to retrieve the geometry for a estate.
urlYtaKordinat - the url to retrieve the estate for a coordinate.
elasticSearch - a object for the configuration of searching a ElasticSearch index.
url - the url to the ElasticSearch index endpoint. name - the name of the search, it's used as header in the search result. text - the property which is to be used as text shown in the search result. searchIn - a array of the property which should be searched in to find a match. id - the property which is to be used as a id to be able to exclude duplicates in the search result. geometry - the property which holds the geometry.
pageEstateReportWidth - the width of the page for the estate report, default is '700px'
pageEstateReportHeight - the height of the page for the estate report, default is '500px'
pageEstateReportUrl - the URL to the page for the estate report, default is empty string.
pageEstateIconText - the text which should be displayed withen estate report icon, default is
<text x="5" y="40" font-size="45" font-family="Arial" fill="black">FI</text>
. -
pageEstateIconSize - an array with the width and height, in pixels, to use for the estate icon rectangle, default is
[50, 50]
. -
searchEnabled - sets if the search input should be turned on, makes it possible only to use the estate lookup without the search function, default is true.
hideWhenEmbedded - sets if the search input and estate lookup button should be hidden when map is embedded, default is false.
The default coordinate reference system is SWEREF99 TM (EPSG:3006).
If your map uses a different coordinate reference systems you must specify which is used in the calls to the Origoserver search API. Add a query parameter srid and the EPSG number in the URL
For example if SWEREF99 17 15 (EPSG:3014) is used:
Valid coordinate reference systems are
- SWEREF99 12 00 EPSG:3007
- SWEREF99 13 30 EPSG:3008
- SWEREF99 15 00 EPSG:3009
- SWEREF99 16 30 EPSG:3010
- SWEREF99 18 00 EPSG:3011
- SWEREF99 14 15 EPSG:3012
- SWEREF99 15 45 EPSG:3013
- SWEREF99 17 15 EPSG:3014
- SWEREF99 18 45 EPSG:3015
- SWEREF99 20 15 EPSG:3016
- SWEREF99 21 45 EPSG:3017
- SWEREF99 23 15 EPSG:3018
- WGS 84 / Pseudo-Mercator -- Spherical Mercator EPSG:3857
- WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984, used in GPS EPSG:4326
If others are need please update Origoserver.