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Awesome Game Remakes Awesome

Actively maintained open-source game remakes.

Most games require original asssets. The ones not requiring paid assets are marked with 🎴.

If you are also interested in clones and similar games (0 A.D. etc.), take a look at Open Source Game Clones.



  • Carnage3D - Reimplementation of Grand Theft Auto.
  • donut - Reimplementation of The Simpsons: Hit & Run in modern C++ and modern OpenGL.
  • OpenJK - Community effort to maintain and improve Jedi Academy and Jedi Outcast by Raven Software.
  • OpenLara - Classic Tomb Raider open-source engine.
  • OpenMB - Role-playing game engine for Taleworlds' Mount&Blade Series.
  • OpenRW - A cross-platform, open source re-implementation of Rockstar Games' Grand Theft Auto III.
  • OpenTomb - Original Tomb Raider 1-5 experience with contemporary updates, features and additions.
  • re3 - Reversed source code for GTA III and GTA: Vice City.
  • remc2 - Reverse engineering of Magic Carpet 2 from Assembler.
  • Rigel Engine - Modern reimplementation of the classic DOS game Duke Nukem II in C++.
  • San Andreas Unity - Reimplementation of GTA: San Andreas game engine in Unity.
  • TOMB5 - Tomb Raider: Chronicles disassembly translated to C source code.
  • TR1X - Open source implementation of the classic Tomb Raider I game.


  • ScummVM - Allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games such Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island.


  • Barbarian - Open-source clone of Barbarian: The Ultimate Warrior.
  • C-Dogs SDL - Classic overhead run-and-gun game. 🎴
  • Mr.Boom - 8 player Bomberman clone for RetroArch/Libretro.
  • OpenClonk - Multiplayer action game where you control small and nimble humanoids.
  • OpenJazz - Free, open-source version of the classic Jazz Jackrabbitβ„’ games.
  • Open Kick-Off - Rewriting attempt of the cult football game Kick Off 2. 🎴
  • OpenTyrian - An open-source port of Tyrian from Turbo Pascal to C. 🎴
  • Taisei - Fan-made, open-source clone of the Touhou series. 🎴
  • The Great Escape in C - Classic ZX Spectrum game The Great Escape in portable C. 🎴
  • Zelda Classic - A game and editing tool that lets you create custom Legend of Zelda quests.


  • Allegiance - Allegiance is RTS and FPS Space Combat game.
  • BetterSpades - Ace Of Spades open source implementation that runs on older machines.
  • BStone - A source port of Blake Stone: Aliens Of Gold and Blake Stone: Planet Strike.
  • CatacombGL - Windows source port of Catacomb 3D and the Catacomb Adventure series.
  • Chocolate Doom - Source port that is minimalist, historically accurate and includes ports of Heretic and Hexen, and Strife. 🎴
  • ClassiCube - Minecraft Classic compatible client written in C from scratch. 🎴
  • Doom Legacy - One of the most popular DOOM source ports, which enhances it with things like TCP/IP networking, OpenGL renderer etc. 🎴
  • DoomRetro - Classic, refined DOOM source port for Windows PC. 🎴
  • Doomsday Engine - Source port of id Software's DOOM I/II and Raven Software's Heretic and Hexen. 🎴
  • DukeGDX - Duke Nukem 3D port.
  • ECWolf - Port of Wolfenstein 3D based on Wolf4SDL.
  • ezQuake - Combining the features of all modern QuakeWorld clients, ezQuake makes QuakeWorld easier to start and play.
  • FreeCS - Free-software re-implementation of Counter-Strike 1.5 running on the FTEQW engine. 🎴
  • Freedoom - Free software FPS based on the classic DOOM engine. 🎴
  • FTEQW - FPS Engine for Quake 1, QuakeWorld, Quake 2, Hexen II & Quake III Arena.
  • GZDoom - Modder-friendly OpenGL and Vulkan source port based on the DOOM engine. 🎴
  • Hexen II: Hammer of Thyrion - Cross-platform port of the Hexen II game.
  • ioquake3 - The free software FPS engine that can be used to play Quake 3, or make your own game.
  • NBlood - Port of the classic FPS Blood.
  • Odamex - Online multiplayer DOOM port with a strong focus on the original gameplay while providing a breadth of enhancements. 🎴
  • OpenSpades - Compatible client of Ace of Spades, a voxel FPS.
  • QuakeSpasm - A modern, cross-platform Quake game engine.
  • RBDOOM-3-BFG - Doom 3 BFG Edition with soft shadows, cleaned up source, Linux and 64 bit Support.
  • RedneckGDX - Port of Redneck Rampage.
  • SurrealEngine - The goal of this project is to reimplement enough of the original Unreal Engine to make the Unreal Tournament (UT99) maps playable.
  • The Eternity Engine - Advanced DOOM source port. 🎴
  • The Force Engine - Jedi Engine for modern systems and the games that used that engine - Dark Forces and Outlaws.
  • Tyrquake - Libretro port of Tyrquake.
  • Yamagi Quake II - Enhanced client for id Software's Quake II with focus on offline and coop gameplay.
  • Zandronum - Multiplayer oriented port, based off Skulltag, for Doom and Doom II. Also runs Heretic, Hexen and Strife. 🎴


  • 2006rebotted - A 2006 RuneScape 2 Emulation Server. 🎴
  • 2004scape - A free & open-source remake of 2004 era RuneScape 2. 🎴
  • 2009scape - A free & open-source remake of 2009 era RuneScape 2. 🎴
  • ACEmulator - A custom, completely from-scratch open source server emulator for Asheron’s Call built on C#. 🎴
  • FreeSO - Reimplementation of The Sims Online, targetted mainly at mobile devices. 🎴
  • Meridian 59 - The first 3D MMORPG, released in 1996 and open sourced in 2012. The original codebase for Meridian 59.
  • MineClone2 - Stable, moddable & free/libre clone of Minecraft based on the Minetest engine. 🎴
  • Opengate - Remake of Jumpgate.
  • OpenRSC - Open source accurate RuneScape Classic (2001-2003) game server in Java, based on recorded data and videos. 🎴
  • RSC-C - Rewrite of the RuneScape Classic (2001-2003) game client in portable C. 🎴
  • RuneLite - Open source Old School RuneScape (OSRS) client. 🎴
  • Ryzom Core - Ryzom Core contains the whole code (client, server, tools) used to make the commercial MMORPG Ryzom. 🎴
  • Space Station 14 - Space Station 14 is a revived attempt at a Space Station 13 remake.


  • Abyss Engine - Abyss Engine is a game engine designed to run games similar to 2000's style ARPGs such as Diablo II.
  • Arx Libertatis - Cross-platform port of Arx Fatalis, a first-person role-playing game.
  • Barony - Open source release of Barony.
  • BtBuilder - An open source implementation of the Bard's Tale Construction Set.
  • Daggerfall Unity - Recreation of Daggerfall in the Unity engine.
  • Devilution - Reconstructed form of Diablo's original source code.
  • DevilutionX - Diablo build for modern operating systems.
  • DGEngine - Implementation of the Diablo game engine.
  • Exult - Project to recreate Ultima 7 for modern operating systems.
  • Falltergeist - Crossplatform Fallout 2 game engine writen in C++ and SDL.
  • Freeablo - Open-source implementation of the Diablo engine.
  • FreeFT - Real-time, isometric action game engine inspired by Fallout Tactics.
  • GemRB - Portable open-source reimplementation of the Infinity Engine (used by Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale and more).
  • OpenEnroth - Might and Magic VI-VIII engine remake using original data & code.
  • OpenGothic - Reimplementation of Gothic 2: Night of the Raven.
  • OpenMW - Reimplementation of the Morrowind game engine.
  • OpenNox - Collaboration project extending the Nox engine.
  • OpenTESArena - Modern engine reimplementation of The Elder Scrolls: Arena by Bethesda Softworks.
  • OpenVIII - Final Fantasy VIII engine implementation in C#.
  • REGoth - An open source reimplementation of zEngine the engine behind Gothic and Gothic II.
  • Riiablo - Diablo II remade using Java and LibGDX.
  • sfall - A set of engine modifications for the classic game Fallout 2.
  • Shockolate - Same great System Shock, new great taste.
  • UAlbion - Remake of 1995 Albion.
  • WitchavenGDX - Witchaven Java port.
  • xoreos - Implementation of BioWare's Aurora engine and its derivatives (used by Neverwinter Nights, The Witcher and more).
  • Zelda3 - This is a reverse engineered clone of Zelda 3 - A Link to the Past.
  • zorkClone - Reimplementation of the original Zork game developed by Infocom.


  • Alive Reversing - Reimplementation of Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus.
  • Commander Genius - Modern Interpreter for the Commander Keen Games. 🎴
  • JazzΒ² Resurrection - Reimplementation of Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
  • Lionheart Remake - Java remake of Lionheart Amiga game.
  • NXEngine-evo - Rewrite of the masterpiece jump-and-run platformer Doukutsu Monogatari (also known as Cave Story).
  • Omnispeak - Reimplementation of Commander Keen in Goodbye Galaxy.
  • Prince-Monogame - Monogame implementation of Prince of Persia 2.
  • SDLPoP - Port of Prince of Persia, based on the disassembly of the DOS version.
  • sm64js - Super Mario 64 reimplementation in JavaScript.
  • The Secret Chronicles of Dr. M - Adaptation of Secret Mario Chronicles. 🎴
  • VVVVV - The source code to VVVVVV.


  • Reburn 3 - A work-in-progress open source reimplementation of Burnout 3: Takedown.
  • DreeRally - Death Rally engine reimplementation.
  • OpenNFS - Attempt to recreate the classic Need for Speed Games (1-6).
  • Vangers - Racing/RPG hybrid made open-source by its creators, written in C++.
  • Vange-rs - The idea of this project is to replicate the old look and behavior of Vangers, but with native hardware acceleration for the graphics.
  • wipEout Rewrite - This is a re-implementation of the 1995 PSX game wipEout. 🎴



  • Ancient Beast - Spiritual successor to Heroes of Might and Magic III focusing on combat; matched based eSport.
  • Antares - Remake of Ares, a tactical space combat game.
  • CivOne - Implementation of Sid Meier's Civilization.
  • CorsixTH - Clone of Theme Hospital with support for modern operating systems, high resolutions and much more.
  • Cortex Command Community Project Source - Community-driven effort to continue the development of Cortex Command.
  • fheroes2 - Free implementation of Heroes of Might and Magic II game engine.
  • FreeCol - Turn-based strategy game based on the old game Colonization.
  • GLSMAC - Unofficial open-source OpenGL/SDL2 reimplementation of Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri ( + Alien Crossfire ).
  • Jagged Alliance Stracciatella - Makes Jagged Alliance 2 available on a wide range of platforms.
  • Julius - Reimplementation of Caesar III.
  • KaM Remake - RTS game remake of Knights and Merchants written in Delphi from scratch.
  • KeeperFX - Open source remake and Fan Expansion of Dungeon Keeper.
  • KeeperRL - Roguelike dungeon builder inspired by Dwarf Fortress.
  • openage - Clone of the Age of Empires II engine.
  • OpenApocalypse - Rebuild of the X-COM: Apocalypse engine.
  • openblack - Reimplementation of Black & White.
  • OpenE2140 - Remake of Earth 2140 based on the OpenRA engine
  • OpenDUNE - Recreation of the popular game Dune II.
  • Open Fodder - Open-source implementation of Cannon Fodder.
  • OpenHV - Open-source implementation of Hard Vacuum. 🎴
  • OpenKrush - Remake of KKnD (Krush, Kill 'n' Destroy) and KKnD2 based on the OpenRA engine
  • OpenLoco - Reimplementation of Chris Sawyer's Locomotion.
  • Open Panzer - HTML5 Panzer General 2. 🎴
  • OpenRA - Implementation of the Red Alert engine using .NET/mono and OpenGL. Runs on Windows, Linux and macOS.
  • OpenRCT2 - Recreation of RollerCoaster Tycoon 2.
  • OpenSA - Remake of Swarm Assault based on the OpenRA engine
  • OpenSAGE - C# reimplementation of SAGE, the game engine used by a bunch of EA Pacific games, including Command & Conquer: Generals and Battle for Middle Earth.
  • OpenSC2K - Remake of SimCity 2000 by Maxis.
  • OpenTTD - OpenTTD is a transport simulation game based upon the popular game Transport Tycoon Deluxe, written by Chris Sawyer. 🎴
  • OpenXcom - Clone of UFO: Enemy Unknown and X-COM: Terror From the Deep.
  • OutpostHD - Remake of Sierra On-Line's Outpost.
  • Ozymandias - An open source re-implementation of Pharaoh in the Julius/Augustus engine.
  • Race into Space - Version of Interplay's Buzz Aldrin's Race into Space.
  • Return To The Roots - Settlers II remake written in C++.
  • Shattered Paradise - Remake of C&C Tiberian Sun based on the OpenRA engine
  • Romanov's Vengeance - Remake of C&C Red Alert 2 based on the OpenRA engine
  • Sourcehold - Implementation of Stronghold by Firefly Studios.
  • Stone Kingdoms - A real-time strategy game made with LΓ–VE based on the original Stronghold by Firefly studios.
  • VanillaConquer - Command and Conquer and Red Alert original release source port based on the remaster source code drop.
  • VCMI - Engine for Heroes of Might and Magic III.
  • Wargus - Warcraft 2 Mod that allows you to play Warcraft 2 with the Stratagus engine.
  • Warzone 2100 - Free and open-source real time strategy game. 🎴
  • Zed Online - Remake of the 1996 classic game Z.


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