This repo is a collection of things to work with Taiyi gateway in Golang.
This repo, consists of several go modules:
- module with types used by client
- for interacting with gateway. Simplest way to interact is like this:
import (
cl := client.NewClient(gatewayUrl, privateKey)
slots, _ := cl.GetSlots(ctx)
slot := slots[0].Slot
gasFee, blobFee, _ := cl.GetPreconfFee(ctx)
id, _ := cl.ReserveBlockspace(ctx, types.ReserveBlockSpaceRequest{
GasLimit: tx.Gas(),
BlobCount: 0,
TargetSlot: slot,
Deposit: /* SNIP, basically { gas_limit * gas_fee + blob_count * blob_gas_fee } * 0.5 */
Tip: /* SNIP, basically { gas_limit * gas_fee + blob_count * blob_gas_fee } * 0.5 */
cl.SubmitTransaction(ctx, id, tx)
- module for interacting with Escrow contact of Taiyi
import (
escrow := escrow.NewEscrow(escrowAddr, rpc)
balance, _ := escrow.BalanceOf(&bind.CallOpts{Context: t.ctx}, ourAddr)
opts, _ := bind.NewKeyedTransactorWithChainID(privateKey, chainId)
opts.Value = 1000000000000000000 // 1 Eth
deposit, _ := escrow.Deposit(opts)
rpc.SendTransaction(ctx, deposit)
- module for synchronous transaction sending, in similar fashion to regular, but mainly for OP stack drop-in replacement for TransactionManager API.
import (
preconfer := client.NewClient(...)
cfg := &txmgr.Config{
From: addr,
NetworkTimeout: time.Second,
Signer: /*SNIP*/,
txmgr := txmgr.NewPreconfTxMgr(logger, rpc, cfg, preconfer)
cand := txmgr.TxCandidate{/*SNIP*/}
receipt, _ := txmanager.Send(ctx, cand)