One-time end-to-end encrypted file transfer.
Transfer files (of virtually unlimited size) asynchronously and in the most secure way possible.
Learn more about the technical implementation. See how sharrr compares to other services.
Help keep this project running: Make a donation
Before you start, add an .env
file at the root of the project. See below.
# Initial installation
pnpm i
# Run dev server
pnpm run dev
# or start the server and open the app in a new browser tab
pnpm run dev -- --open
# Init primsa
npx prisma init
# Push schema to Postgres
npx prisma db push
# Open prisma studio locally
npx prisma studio
# After changes in DB are made. Should not be necessary.
npx prisma generate
Using Vercel Postgres Database currently, but can be done with any Prisma compatible database.
# Run unit tests with vitest
# Important: Node 19+ is required (Support for crypto modules)
pnpm run test:unit
# E2E tests with playwright
pnpm run test
To create a production version of your app:
pnpm run build
You can preview the production build with pnpm run preview
There is a Github workflow cron-cleanup-files.yml
that runs every day to cleanup old files.
See src/routes/api/v1/cron/+server.ts
for more info.
You can trigger the cron job locally with:
curl --request POST \
--url 'http://localhost:3000/api/v1/cron' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer API_SECRET_KEY'
Note The project currently runs un Vercel, uses S3 for storage and Vercel Postgres DB. Self-hosting requires you to replace those 3rd party solutions.
# Postgres
POSTGRES_URL_NON_POOLING='postgres://' # Direct Connection
# S3 compatible object storage e.g. AWS
# Vercel specific, but can be easily replaced.
PUBLIC_ENV='development' # preview/production
# Only used for cron jobs that run using Github Actions.
You'll need to edit the environment variables within the .env
Note To run the app in Docker you still need to connect your own DB. Same goes if you want to run your own S3 storage solution. This part is not covered yet.
Once you've done that, you can do the following:
# to start the docker container
sudo docker compose up -d
# to stop the docker container
sudo docker compose down
# to check logs
sudo docker logs sharrr
About the author:
- SvelteKit
- Tailwind CSS
- PostgreSQL (Database)
- Prisma (ORM)
- Doppler (For env handling)
- Website and Postgres on Vercel
- S3 Object Storage with
MIT (Code)
CC BY-NC-ND (Creatives)