Often used functions in vladimirs-git projects.
Python >=3.8
Install the package from pypi.org release
pip install vhelpers
or install the package from github.com release
pip install https://github.com/vladimirs-git/vhelpers/archive/refs/tags/0.3.1.tar.gz
or install the package from github.com repository
pip install git+https://github.com/vladimirs-git/vhelpers
For easy navigation, functions are grouped by some key concept, mostly based on their return data type. For more details, please refer to the ./examples directory where you will find numerous examples.
Calculate the elapsed days, hours, minutes and seconds between two datetime objects.
Parameter | Type | Description |
start | datetime | The starting datetime object. |
end | datetime | The ending datetime object. If None, the current datetime is used. |
- Return
- DInt A dictionary containing the elapsed hours, minutes, and seconds. If end is None, update data in object.
from datetime import datetime
from vhelpers import vdate
start = datetime.strptime("2001-01-02 2:3:4", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end = datetime.strptime("2002-02-03 3:4:5", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print(vdate.delta(start, end)) # {'hours': 9529, 'minutes': 1, 'seconds': 1}
Calculate the elapsed time in the format %H:%M:%S.
Parameter | Type | Description |
args | The arguments for calculating the time delta. | |
kwargs | The keyword arguments for calculating the time delta. |
- Return
- str The elapsed time in the format %H:%M:%S.
from datetime import datetime
from vhelpers import vdate
start = datetime.strptime("2001-01-02 2:3:4", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
end = datetime.strptime("2002-02-03 3:4:5", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
print(vdate.delta_s(start, end)) # 9529:01:01
Helpers for dictionary processing.
Filter the data to only required keys by include/exclude parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | dict | Dictionary to be filtered. |
include | list | Keys that should be present in the filtered dictionary. |
exclude | list | Keys that should not be present in the filtered dictionary. |
- Return
- dict New dictionary containing only the required keys.
from vhelpers import vdict
assert vdict.filter_keys(data={"a": "A", "b": "B"}, include=["a"]) == {"a": "A"}
assert vdict.filter_keys(data={"a": "A", "b": "B"}, exclude=["a"]) == {"b": "B"}
Invert keys and values.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | dict | Dictionary to invert. |
- Return
- dict Dictionary with keys and values inverted.
from vhelpers import vdict
assert vdict.invert(data={1: 2}) == {2: 1}
Create MD5 hash of a dictionary.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | dict | Dictionary to be hashed. |
- Return
- str String representing the MD5 hash of the dictionary.
Pop the specified item from the data by key. If key is absent in data, do nothing and return None.
Parameter | Type | Description |
data | dict | The dictionary from which the key is to be popped. |
key | str | The key to be popped from the data. |
- Return
- str The popped item if key is present in data, otherwise None.
from vhelpers import vdict
data = {1: "a", 2: "b"}
assert vdict.pop(data=data, key=3) is None
assert vdict.pop(key=1, data=data) == "a"
assert data == {2: "b"}
Convert pyproject.toml to a dictionary.
Parameter | Type | Description |
root | Union[Path, str] | The root directory or path to the pyproject.toml file. |
- Return
- Dict[str, Any] A dictionary containing the data from pyproject.toml.
from vhelpers import vdict
from pathlib import Path
root = Path(__file__).parent.parent
data = vdict.pyproject_d(root)
assert data["tool"]["poetry"]["name"] == "vhelpers"
Create SHA-256 hash of a dictionary.
Parameter | Type | Description |
root | dict | Dictionary to be hashed. |
- Return
- int Integer representing the SHA-256 hash of the dictionary.
Helpers for int processing.
Convert string digit to integer.
Parameter | Type | Description |
digit | Union[int, str] | Digit, string ot integer. |
- Return
- int Integer or 0 if value is not digit.
from vhelpers import vint
assert vint.to_int(digit="1") == 1
assert vint.to_int(digit="a") == 0
Helpers for ip addresses processing.
Convert IPv4 address with mask to address with prefix length.
Parameter | Type | Description |
address | str | IP addresses with mask. |
- Return
- str IP addresses with prefix length.
from vhelpers import vip
assert vip.ip_prefixlen(address="") == ""
Convert IPv4 addresses with mask to addresses with prefix length.
Parameter | Type | Description |
addresses | List[str] | A list of IP addresses with mask. |
- Return
- List[str] A list of IP addresses with prefix length.
from vhelpers import vip
assert vip.ips_prefixlen(addresses=[""]) == [""]
Helpers for list processing.
Find duplicates of the items.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | list | A list of items where need to find duplicates. |
- Return
- list A list of items with duplicates.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.dupl([1, 2, 1]) == [1]
assert vlist.dupl([{1}, {2}, {1}]) == [{1}]
Convert a multidimensional list to a flattened list.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | Sequence | The list to be flattened. |
ignore_types | Tuple[Type] | Types to be ignored during flattening, defaults to (str, bytes) |
- Return
- Generator A generator that yields the flattened list.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.flatten([1, [2, [3]], 4, [5, [6]]]) == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Check if any item in items1 is present in items2.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items1 | list | A list of items. |
items2 | list | A list of items. |
- Return
- bool True if any item in items1 is present in items2, False otherwise.
Remove duplicates from a list of items.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | list | A list of items. |
- Return
- list A list of items without duplicates.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.no_dupl(items=[1, 2, 1]) == [1, 2]
Replace one item with another.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | list | The list of items where need replace item. |
old | Any | The item to be replaced. |
new | Any | The item to replace with. |
- Return
- None Update items.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.replace(items=[1, 2, 3], old=2, new=4) == [1, 4, 3]
Split string by punctuation chars.
Parameter | Type | Description |
text | str | Text to split by punctuation. |
chars | str | Extra punctuation chars. |
ignore | str | Ignore punctuation chars. |
- Return
- List[str] Values without punctuation.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.split(text="1; 2_3-4X5,6", chars="_X", ignore=",") == ["1", "2", "3", "4", "5,6"]
Convert the input items from any into a list. If items is a list, set or tuple, simply change its type to list. Otherwise, create a list with the value as its first item. If items is None return an empty list.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | list | The items to be converted into a list. |
- Return
- list The converted list.
from vhelpers import vlist
# Convert the input items into a list.
# If items is a list, set or tuple, simply change its type to list
assert vlist.to_list(items=(1, 2)) == [1, 2]
# Otherwise, create a list with the value as its first item.
assert vlist.to_list(items=1) == [1]
# If items is None return an empty list.
assert vlist.to_list(items=None) == []
Convert a flat list into a multidimensional list with a fixed number of inner lists.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | list | The flat list to convert. |
count | int | The number of inner lists. |
- Return
- List[List[Any] A multidimensional list.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.to_lists(items=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], count=2) == [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5]]
assert vlist.to_lists(items=(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), count=3) == [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
Convert the input items from any into a list of string. If items is a list, set or tuple, simply change its type to list. If items is None or empty string return an empty list.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | Any | The items to be converted into a list of string. |
- Return
- list The converted list.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.to_lstr(items=[1, "2"]) == ["1", "2"]
assert vlist.to_lstr(1) == ["1"]
assert vlist.to_lstr("") == []
Convert a flat list into a multidimensional list. Convert a list with the specified number of items in each inner list.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | list | The flat list to convert. |
count | int | The number of items to include in each inner list. |
- Return
- LLAny A multidimensional list with the specified number of items in each inner list.
from vhelpers import vlist
assert vlist.to_multi(items=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5], count=2) == [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
Helpers for parameters processing. Parameters are typically included in the query string of a URL, which is the part of a URL that comes after the question mark "?" character.
Convert a dictionary to a list of parameters.
Parameter | Type | Description |
params_d | dict | A dictionary with keys and values. |
- Return
- list[tuple[str, Any]] A list of parameters. If params_d is empty, returns an empty list.
from vhelpers import vparam
assert vparam.from_dict(params_d={"a": [1, 1]}) == [("a", 1), ("a", 1)]
Convert a list of parameters to a dictionary.
Parameter | Type | Description |
params | list[tuple[str, Any]] | A list of parameters. |
- Return
- dict A dictionary where key is param name.
Helpers for path processing.
Get paths to directories that match required regex pattern in root directory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
root | str | Root directory to search for files with required pattern. |
pattern | str | Regex pattern to match directory path. |
- Return
- List[str] Paths to directories that match regex pattern.
Get paths to files that match required regex pattern in root directory.
Parameter | Type | Description |
root | str | Root directory to search for files with required pattern. |
pattern | str | Regex pattern to match file path. |
- Return
- List[str] Paths to files that match regex pattern.
Convert a dictionary to a list of parameters.
Helpers for regex processing.
Find all substrings between the start and end regexes.
Parameter | Type | Description |
text | str | Text where need to find start and end. |
start | str | Regex of start. |
end | str | Regex of end. |
w_start | bool | True - Returns text with matched start text, False - (default) Returns text without matched start text. |
w_end | bool | True - Returns text with matched end text, False - (default) Returns text without matched end text. |
strict | bool | True - Raises ValueError if absent start or end, False - Returns empty string if absent start or end. |
- Return
- str Text between start and end.
from vhelpers import vre
TEXT = "a1\nb2\nc3\nd4"
assert vre.between(text=TEXT, start="b2", end="c3", w_start=True, w_end=True) == "b2\nc3"
Parse 1 item using findall. 1 group with parentheses in pattern is required. If nothing is found, return 1 empty string.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pattern | str | The regular expression pattern to search for. |
string | str | The string to search within. |
flags | int | Optional flags to modify the behavior of the search. |
- Return
- str The interested substring, or an empty string if nothing is found.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.find1(pattern="a(b)cde", string="abcde") == "b"
assert vre.find1(pattern="a(b)cde", string="acde") == ""
Parse 2 items using findall. 2 groups with parentheses in pattern is required. If nothing is found, return 2 empty strings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pattern | str | The regular expression pattern. |
string | str | The string to search within. |
flags | int | Optional flags to modify the behavior of the search. |
- Return
- Tuple[str, str] A tuple with two interested substrings, or empty strings if nothing is found.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.find2(pattern="a(b)(c)de", string="abcde") == ("b", "c")
assert vre.find2(pattern="a(b)(c)de", string="acde") == ("", "")
Parse 3 items using findall. 3 groups with parentheses in pattern is required. If nothing is found, returns 3 empty strings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pattern | str | The regular expression pattern. |
string | str | The string to search within. |
flags | int | Optional flags to modify the behavior of the search. |
- Return
- Tuple[str, str, str] A tuple with three interested substrings, or empty strings if nothing is found.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.find3(pattern="a(b)(c)(d)e", string="abcde") == ("b", "c", "d")
assert vre.find3(pattern="a(b)(c)(d)e", string="acde") == ("", "", "")
Parse 4 items using findall. 4 groups with parentheses in pattern is required. If nothing is found, return 4 empty strings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pattern | str | The regular expression pattern. |
string | str | The string to search within. |
flags | int | Optional flags to modify the behavior of the search. |
- Return
- Tuple[str, str, str, str] A tuple with three interested substrings, or empty strings if nothing is found.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.find4(pattern="a(b)(c)(d)(e)", string="abcde") == ("b", "c", "d", "e")
assert vre.find4(pattern="a(b)(c)(d)(e)", string="acde") == ("", "", "", "")
Parse 1 digit using findall. 1 group with parentheses in pattern is required. If nothing is found, return 0.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pattern | str | The regular expression pattern to search for. |
string | str | The string to search within. |
flags | int | Optional flags to modify the behavior of the search. |
- Return
- int The interested integer, or 0 if nothing is found.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.find1i(pattern="a([0-9]+)b", string="a123b") == 123
assert vre.find1i(pattern="a([0-9]+)b", string="ab") == 0
Parse 2 digits using findall. 2 groups with parentheses in pattern is required. If nothing is found, return tuple of 0.
Parameter | Type | Description |
pattern | str | The regular expression pattern to search for. |
string | str | The string to search within. |
flags | int | Optional flags to modify the behavior of the search. |
- Return
- T2Int The interested integers, or tuple of 0 if nothing is found.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.find2i(pattern="a([0-9])b([0-9])c", string="a1b2c") == (1, 2)
assert vre.find2i(pattern="a([0-9])b([0-9])c", string="a1bc") == (0, 0)
Parse 1st item that match one of regex in patterns. 1 group with parentheses in pattern is required. If nothing is found, return 1 empty string.
Parameter | Type | Description |
patterns | SeqStr | The list of regular expression patterns to search for. |
string | str | The string to search within. |
flags | int | Optional flags to modify the behavior of the search. |
- Return
- str The interested substring, or an empty string if nothing is found.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.find1s(patterns=["a(a)cde", "a(b)cde"], string="abcde") == "b"
Parse 1st IP address from string. If nothing is found, returns an empty string.
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | str | String where need to find IP address. |
- Return
- str IP address.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.ip("text text") == ""
Parse 1st prefix from string. If nothing is found, returns an empty string.
Parameter | Type | Description |
string | str | String where need to find prefix. |
- Return
- str Prefix.
from vhelpers import vre
assert vre.prefix("text text") == ""
Join args by delimiter that is first argument, skipping empty strings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
args | list | Items that need to be joined. |
- Return
- str Joined line.
from vhelpers import vstr
assert vstr.join(",", " a ", " ", 0, 1) == "a,0,1"
Join args by 'n' character, skipping empty strings.
Parameter | Type | Description |
args | list | Items that need to be joined. |
- Return
- str Joined line.
from vhelpers import vstr
assert vstr.join_lines(" a ", " ", 0, 1) == "a\n0\n1"
Create info without qutes for the __repr__() method.
Parameter | Type | Description |
args | The positional arguments. | |
kwargs | The keyword arguments. |
- Return
- str A string representation of the parameters.
from vhelpers import vstr
assert vstr.repr_params("a", "b", c="c", d="d") == "a, b, c=c, d=d"
Create parameters for the __repr__() method.
Parameter | Type | Description |
args | The positional arguments. | |
kwargs | The keyword arguments. |
- Return
- str A string representation of the parameters.
from vhelpers import vstr
assert vstr.repr_params("a", "b", c="c", d="d") == "'a', 'b', c='c', d='d'"
Reverse the characters in a string.
Parameter | Type | Description |
line | str | The input string. |
- Return
- str The reversed string.
from vhelpers import vstr
assert vstr.reverse("abc") == "cba"
Split the text at the specified index.
Parameter | Type | Description |
text | str | Text to split. |
idx | int | Index at which to split the text. |
- Return
- Tuple[str, str] Tuple containing the text before the index and the text after the index.
from vhelpers import vstr
assert vstr.split_idx(text="before_after", idx=7) == ("before_", "after")
Helpers for YAML processing.
Create commands in YAML format. Where the hostname is the key and the list of commands is the value.
Parameter | Type | Description |
items | List[Tuple[str, str, Union[str, List] | List of tuples that contain: hostname, parent command, children commands. |
- Return
- str YAML formatted commands.
from vhelpers import vyml
items = [("router1", "interface Ethernet1/1", ["description text", "shutdown"])]
result = """
router1: |
interface Ethernet1/1
description text
assert vyml.host_cmds(items) == result
Join parent command and children commands using indentation.
Parameter | Type | Description |
cmd | str | Parent command. |
cmds | Union[str, List] | Children commands. |
- Return
- str YAML formatted commands with indentation.
from vhelpers import vyml
result = """ interface Ethernet1/1\n description text\n shutdown"""
assert vyml.cmd_cmds(cmd="interface Ethernet1/1", cmds=["description text", "shutdown"]) == result