Diagnostic and Raw Data Displays
SUV-100 Instrument LogsView the electronic log entries generated by the SUV-100 system, and comments made by users during monitoring, maintenance, and calibrations. The text-based display displays all SUV events and user comments and is more suited for daily or weekly observations. The graphical display groups events into generic categories, and is more suited for analyzing long durations of log events ranging from months to years. |
SUV-100 Raw Scan ViewerView scan data generated by atmospheric samples and calibration scans used to monitor the health and status of the SUV-100 Spectroradiometer. Data Scans are atmospheric samples generated on the quarter-hour while the sun it above the horizon. Absolute Scans use external 200W Quartz-Tungsten-Halogen (QTH) lamps to calibrate the instrument's responsivity, these scan are performed by Research Associates every one-two weeks. Response Scans use an internal 45W QTH lamps to monitor drift in the instrument's responsivity calibration, and are run automatically once a day. Multi-Wavelength Scans use the instrument's internal 45W Mercury (Hg) lamp to calibrate the wavelength registration of the instrument, these scans are run automatically once per day. Short-Wavelength Scans are similar to the Multi-Wavelength Scans, but only sample the 250-350 nanometer range, these scans are run manually to apply corrections to the instrument's wavelength registration. |
Data Scans | Absolute Scans | Response Scans | Multi-Wavelength Scans | Short-Wavelength Scans |
Wavelength Registration Time Series PlotsMercury Lamp (Hg) scans are automatically performed by the SUV on a daily basis. This time series displays how close the SUV wavelength registration is tracking the spectral peak generated by the Hg Lamp at 253.652 nm. |
Wavelength Registration Time Series Plot |
Responsivity Scan Comparison ToolResponsivity scans using THQ (Tungsten-Halogen Quartz) lamps are used to calibrate the SUV-100. Response scans using the instrument's internal 45W lamp are automatically performed by the SUV once per day. Absolute response scans using several external 200W reference lamps are performed approximately once every two weeks. This tool allows selection of two or more scans for comparison. The average PMT currents of all the user-selected scans are computed for each wavelength. This averaged spectra is then ratioed against each individual scan. |
Responsivity Scan Ratio Plot |
Absolute Responsivity Scan Ratio Plot |
Data File and Database Population StatusView real-time and historical status of data file ingest, database population, and generated products. |
Data File Status |
Database Status |