Papers by Santra Jantunen
Pro gradu –työni tutkimuskohteena ovat liivin kielen ajan adverbiaalit, jotka on muodostettu ajan... more Pro gradu –työni tutkimuskohteena ovat liivin kielen ajan adverbiaalit, jotka on muodostettu ajan perusyksiköiden pohjalta. Tutkimus on aineistolähtöinen ja perustuu 563:een esimerkkilauseeseen. Ne on koottu kolmesta kielennäytekokoelmasta: E. N. Setälän ja Väinö Kyrölän kokoelmasta Näytteitä liivin kielestä (1953), Seppo Suhosen kokoelmasta Liivin kielen näytteitä (1975) sekä Julius Mägisten kokoelmasta Muistoja Liivinrannasta (2006). Lisäksi esimerkkejä on Lauri Kettusen liivin sanakirjasta Livisches Wörterbuch (1938). Käsittelemäni ajan perusyksiköt ovat aikaa nimeäviä substantiiveja, kuten vuorokaudenaikojen, viikonpäivien, kuukausien ja vuodenaikojen nimitykset sekä merkitykset ’vuosi’, ’kuukausi’, ’viikko’, ’tunti’, ’minuutti’ ja ’sekunti’. Liivin kielessä näistä muodostetaan ajan adverbiaaleja leksikaalisin ja syntaktisin keinoin. Leksikaaliset ajan adverbiaalit rajautuvat semanttisin perustein: ne ovat sijamuodoissa taivutettuja substantiiveja. Syntaktiset ajan adverbiaalit ...
Eesti ja soome-ugri keeleteaduse ajakiri. Journal of Estonian and Finno-Ugric Linguistics, 2014
This paper takes a look at productive part of derivation of verbs in Finnic languages, frequentat... more This paper takes a look at productive part of derivation of verbs in Finnic languages, frequentative verbs that have an l-derivational suffix in Livonian and how they occur and are constructed. The research is based on data of 15 different l-suffix verbs. The paper investigates how formally frequentative verbs are constructed in Livonian and if they are frequentative in their meaning. An essential criterion to interpret a verb as a derivative is that it has a derivational base, typically an underived word stem, and the paper attempts to find out if Livonian l-suffix verbs have one. Additionally, the paper aims to study if frequentative derivation is still productive in Livonian and to what degree frequentative l-derivatives have been lexicalised. Also other Finnic languages are taken into consideration when examining the derivational base and distribution for Livonian l-suffix verbs.Kokkuvõte. Santra Jantunen: Piir produktiivsuse ja mitteproduktiivsuse vahel – kas liivi keele frekve...
Suomalais-Ugrilainen Seura, Dec 31, 2019
Most of the peer-reviewd articles in this publication are based on presentations given at the sym... more Most of the peer-reviewd articles in this publication are based on presentations given at the symposium "Change of Finnic languages in a multilinguistic environment", held at Congressus Duodecimus Inter nationalis Fenno-Ugristarum at the
Uralica Helsingiensia
This paper presents an analysis of an assumed contact-induced change in the Livonian modes of exp... more This paper presents an analysis of an assumed contact-induced change in the Livonian modes of expressing perfective aspect: the adoption of Latvian-origin verbal prefixes expressing perfective aspect. The main objective of this article is to determine whether long-standing contact between Livonian and Latvian has led to the introduction of verbal prefixes as both pure lexical elements and, in parallel, as markers of grammatical functions that distinguish Livonian from its closest cognate languages. The current study is based on the data derived from unpublished recordings and published written material representing spoken Livonian, already extinct as a first language in the traditional speech area. There are a total of eleven Latvian-origin verbal prefixes in Livonian, a language which usually does not display this category. The prefixes are as follows: aiz-, ap-, at-, ie-, iz-, nuo-, pa-, pie-, pōr-, sa-, and uz-. In Latvian, most of these items can be used as bound verbal prefixes...
Multilingual Finnic. Language contact and change. Sofia Björklöf & Santra Jantunen (eds). [Uralica Helsingiensia 14.] Helsinki: Finno-Ugrian Society. 7-12., 2019
This paper takes a look at productive part of derivation of verbs in Finnic
languages, frequentat... more This paper takes a look at productive part of derivation of verbs in Finnic
languages, frequentative verbs that have an l-derivational suffix in Livonian and how
they occur and are constructed. The research is based on data of 15 different l-suffix
verbs. The paper investigates how formally frequentative verbs are constructed in
Livonian and if they are frequentative in their meaning. An essential criterion to interpret
a verb as a derivative is that it has a derivational base, typically an underived
word stem, and the paper attempts to find out if Livonian l-suffix verbs have one.
Additionally, the paper aims to study if frequentative derivation is still productive in
Livonian and to what degree frequentative l-derivatives have been lexicalised. Also
other Finnic languages are taken into consideration when examining the derivational
base and distribution for Livonian l-suffix verbs.
Keywords: Livonian, Finnic languages, verbal derivation, frequentative derivatives,
productivity, lexicalisation
Papers by Santra Jantunen
languages, frequentative verbs that have an l-derivational suffix in Livonian and how
they occur and are constructed. The research is based on data of 15 different l-suffix
verbs. The paper investigates how formally frequentative verbs are constructed in
Livonian and if they are frequentative in their meaning. An essential criterion to interpret
a verb as a derivative is that it has a derivational base, typically an underived
word stem, and the paper attempts to find out if Livonian l-suffix verbs have one.
Additionally, the paper aims to study if frequentative derivation is still productive in
Livonian and to what degree frequentative l-derivatives have been lexicalised. Also
other Finnic languages are taken into consideration when examining the derivational
base and distribution for Livonian l-suffix verbs.
Keywords: Livonian, Finnic languages, verbal derivation, frequentative derivatives,
productivity, lexicalisation
languages, frequentative verbs that have an l-derivational suffix in Livonian and how
they occur and are constructed. The research is based on data of 15 different l-suffix
verbs. The paper investigates how formally frequentative verbs are constructed in
Livonian and if they are frequentative in their meaning. An essential criterion to interpret
a verb as a derivative is that it has a derivational base, typically an underived
word stem, and the paper attempts to find out if Livonian l-suffix verbs have one.
Additionally, the paper aims to study if frequentative derivation is still productive in
Livonian and to what degree frequentative l-derivatives have been lexicalised. Also
other Finnic languages are taken into consideration when examining the derivational
base and distribution for Livonian l-suffix verbs.
Keywords: Livonian, Finnic languages, verbal derivation, frequentative derivatives,
productivity, lexicalisation