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Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan :  3x01 - Falcon



The launch vehicle test was a setback, but we have identified the issue, a simple manufacturing defect. Once the components are reengineered, the project can proceed on schedule.


- How long?


- Six weeks, no more. I apologize, sir. We need more time.


Yes, yes, of course. You must take all the time you need. Best to be precise in this line of work, is it not?

Your government is very proud of the work you are doing. This has not been an easy assignment, and you have proven more than capable. Thank you, everyone.

We live in complicated times.


Is there a problem?


The old ways are dying, Luka. The leader of our great Republic humiliated on the world stage, met without rebuke.

- We've lost our nerve.


- Yes, sir.


- You have children?


- No.


When you do, you will understand. Sacrifices must be made, or we will be as expendable as they are.


- Sokol?


- It's become a noose around our necks. Too dangerous to be allowed to continue. You will take care of this, won't you, Luka?


Yes, sir.

Egorov! Lebedev!


Yes, sir.


The general has given orders. Sokol is over. It is to be shut down. Completely.


Excuse me, sir. Are you saying...


You know what he's saying.


Yes, sir.


Most completely, Sergeant Lebedev.


Yes, sir.

Let's go!




You're up.


- How far out is she?


- Five minutes.


Don't stay out too late, dear.




Firebird has landed. She's got company.




Ambassador, a pleasure to see you, and thank you so much for everything.


- Hi.


- Hi.








You're investigating the Sokol Project, yes?




Sokol was founded during the fall of the USSR to develop a small-yield battlefield nuclear weapon invisible to all radar, undetectable. You can imagine the repercussions of such technology.


Well, they were trying to start a war.


Well... now the program's been reactivated, and they seem to have finally developed a weapon.


Where is it?


All I know is that they're moving it.


Where are you getting your information from?


Let's just say it's someone who shares your concern. My apologies.


For what?


The fuck do I pay you for? So you can let any asshole in off the street?


Fucking mama's boys can't wipe your own asses!


Was getting kicked out part of the plan?


It was, actually. Fastest way out.


Was getting thrown out on your ass part of the plan, too?




I see you took the early flight.


Oh, yeah. I wasn't gonna miss this shit. How'd it go?


Not great.


- Project's active?


- Way worse than that. The weapon's been built.




If NATO is really moving missiles into the Czech Republic, we must respond.


Is this the defense minister's opinion or yours?


Minister Popov and I are in agreement on this. He's already on his way to Prague to meet with the Czech president. I'll be joining him there.


Those antiaircraft missiles don't pose a serious threat.


No, but the message they send does.


It is a bargaining chip. President Kovac wants something from us. That is why she leaked the information before the summit.


And what does she want?


You would have to ask her.


And play her game? I suggest we move troops into the region and show the Czechs that hostility will be met with force.


What do we know about President Kovac?


She's pragmatic, which shows she can be persuaded.


And what do you recommend?


I provide intelligence. I'm not a politician.


Which is why I'm asking you.


I will keep our enemies close. Easier to slip in the Knife, if necessary.


What do I need to know about Popov?


This will be his first visit since you were elected president. Before he was made Russian minister of defense, Dmitry Popov served in Ukraine and Afghanistan. Held the position of Marshall of the Russian Federation.


I know his résumé. What about the man?


Old-school Russian hardliner, soaked in vodka, and a black belt chauvinist. He's not a man comfortable with powerful women.


What man is?


Make sure we have reporters at the castle. From Mladá fronta, Blesk, Právo, all the outlets.


Madam, Russians requested no media presence.


A lot of reporters, David.


Will do.


Mm. LeLe. Radek. Alert as always.


Yes, sir.


Away with you now. Enough lurking.


Are they biting?


Not today. They know I'm hungry. It's no coincidence that Popov's visit comes as NATO has asked to put missile in our country. The Russians view the move as bold aggression.


I come here to relax, sit with my dad, not talk politics.


Oh, you never cast a line without something on your mind.


What was our internal polling on NATO?


The cities and universities are supportive, but the rural areas view it with suspicion. Half view you as deep in the pocket of NATO, the other half see you as a Russian puppet gone soft. You are caught between two worlds, LeLe. The next days with Popov will be fraught, a high-wire act. One thing is certain. They will underestimate you.


I'm counting on it.

Good morning.

Rough night?

No, actually. As rough nights go, I've had worse. Productive. We got the most concrete evidence we've had in years.

Did I ever tell you about my first job with the Agency?

I don't think you have, no.

Started out in the Directorate of Support, actually. Nearly went blind reading cables, studying after-action reports, requisitions, anything I could get my hands on.

Oh, that sounds... thrilling.

No, it was actually how I learned every facet of our work, just through reading documentation. I never received an action report for your meet last night. You went solo?

No, I had Braeden on recon. It was public. Easy.

Okay. I've never really liked heroes, Jack. They tend to think more of their actions than they do the repercussions.

Yes, ma'am.

Hey. I could use your help.

- You need a cell phone?

- Nope. I just need to know what's on that card.

It's probably a Java card platform.

- Probably.

- Looks like a GSM.


Where'd you get it?

From the bad guys.

Cool. Um... Well, well, well. It's an encrypted app with a triple redundancy and a single-source send and receive. In layman's terms...


It's another way to send tracking information. What's the location?

Uh, right now? Nothing.

- What do you mean nothing?

- Well, it's Crimean Peninsula, but there's nothing pinpointed yet.

- Yet?

Well, I-I-I once heard about a guy who used a program like this to send hotel locations to his girlfriend.

- Mm-hmm.

- But his wife was a computer scientist at NYU. Nailed his ass.

Wait, are you saying that whosever on the other end of this is gonna drop a pin that
only that SIM card can read?

- Yeah.

- Now I'm gonna need a phone.

Well, you're in luck.
- Welcome to Burners 'R' Us.


- Oh. This one feels lucky.

During the Cold war, a small group of hardline Russians formed a plan to preserve the USSR. They called it the Sokol Project. Now, that name actually comes directly from a Russian war game called Sem' dney do reki Reyn, or "Seven Days to the Rhine." Now, that plan was based on a small wars doctrine. You sow unrest inside your Eastern Bloc neighbors through assassinations and misinformation in order to destabilize those governments. Then, use a limited nuclear strike to create chaos, that would allow for a land invasion into these countries, otherwise known as the Rhine.

The goal was to hold and expand the USSR's borders. To pull this off, they needed to engineer a nuclear weapon to be used without attribution, and they did, code name Sokol, or "Falcon." At the time, the technology was too advanced, and the weapon was never made, so the project was shuttered, or so we thought.

Until last night, I have confirmation from an asset that the Sokol Project is active. The weapon has been built, and it is on the move.

- Confirmed by who?

- Zoya Ivanova, a minister-counsellor with the Russian Embassy, Rome. SVR connections. I've crossed paths with her during my time at Moscow Station.

We believe that she has delivered to us a mapping program that will locate the actual nuclear material they intend to use inside the new Sokol missile.


I mean, best-case scenario, they've built a weapon that we can locate and destroy. Worst case, they've already started the implementation of Seven Days to the Rhine, in which case, we can all expect a lot of dominoes to fall, leading to what they hope to be a new world conflict.

Where does Zoya's intel originate?

That, I'm still trying to track.

Zoya was trained as a swallow, so she still has contacts inside that organization. She is a... notorious self-serving bullshitter, but when she isn't lying, she has good intel.


Problem is, swallows are almost always lying.

No. She's not lying. She's scared.

Where is this weapon?

The map says Crimea, although, a pin hasn't actually been dropped yet.

And what if one is?

Well, when a pin is dropped, I think it would be irresponsible, if not negligent, to ignore it.


Meaning, if confirmed, I would expect a SOG team to be sent in to deal with it immediately.

First, the U.S. can't officially go anywhere near Crimea. Russia is already screaming NATO aggression, and we don't have any wiggle room to make a mistake in that theater. Second...

- Uh...

you have a thesis, but it's not proven out. If something concrete comes out of Zoya's SIM card, we assess. If not, we move on. Good to see you, James.

I see Elizabeth is still busting your ass.

I'm starting to think it's her favorite part of the day.

Be careful with that one. She's smooth, but...she keeps her knives sharp.

As long as we are all friends here, I'd like to know your intentions regarding NATO and their desire to use your country as yet another launching station for their missile.

It's true that NATO has offered to outfit our Czech base with surface-to-air missiles. An offer I am considering. offer I will refuse or postpone if the minister and his government would agree to cease all further incursions into Ukraine. Incursions that destabilize the region far more than a few missiles, and ones that cause Czechs to feel the need for NATO protection.

We need a moment.


A bold offer and ask. And made publicly. Quite the ambush. It was my understanding today was for discussion, the football match tomorrow was the photo op. I should have been advised there would be journalists here.

You could've just sat and smiled for the cameras. You chose not to.

Tread lightly, Madam President. long are you going to give it?

I gave up on him a while ago.'s his loss.

I was going to surprise him. I bought tickets to the Russia match.

Sounds like you need someone to go with.


Not a chance, slick. New valve, new rules.

Ah, rules.- Is that why you're looking so good?


- Damn right. Gave up booze, bread, dairy, even took up meditation.

- Really?


- Mm-hmm.

How's that work? So, for every pound you lose, you get another gray hair?

- Oh, fuck you.


- Ah, meditation's working.

Give me one. Damn it.

You know, there's a chance she could be fucking with us.

Zoya? No. Why would she go through all that trouble?

Embarrass the Agency. You know, burn through our resources, - send us on a wild-goose chase.


- Or I'm right. And if they're building a new weapon, then that justifies the risk, right?

Does me good to see that you took so naturally to the field as a case officer.

No. I don't accept this new Greer. All right? Take a look around. Look at your eye twitching. You want in the field so bad.

No, no, no. Those days are over.

Ah, you know, I'm just gonna keep my head down.

- Yup.


- You know, nice and easy, cozy in my office, earn out and retire. All wisdom comes from memory.

Did you just quote Aeschylus? 'Cause I'm gonna be really honest with you right now, okay? I'm cool with the dieting. I'm cool with the meditation. You start quoting philosophy, I have to worry.
No. You can't cheers with water.

Director Miller, Chief of Station Rome is on the line. She says it's urgent.

You'll have to excuse me.
You pulled me out of an NSA meeting, Elizabeth. This better be important.

We're talking a potential nuclear weapon. - It qualifies.

- I read the report. - It's a dead end.

- Hear it out. Jack.

Sir, we've received intel that a cargo ship built for refrigerated transport left the port of Sevastopol, Crimea yesterday. We believe that in the hold of that ship there is nuclear material, but we'd have to get on board to confirm.

Is this based on the information you received from Zoya Ivanova?

It is.

Former SVR agents don't often prove out legitimate. Sounds like white noise.

Well, in all my research, it turns out that everything she's provided is true. Look, the ocean's the Wild West, and the Russians know it. If they were going to
move a nuclear weapon, a cargo vessel would be the way to do it.

It's not exactly novel thinking.

Sir, how would history view us if we knew about a sophisticated weapon being moved and did nothing to interdict?

Use a four-man team, SOG, sheep-dipped, recon only. You find anything, JSOC takes over.

- Yes, sir.

- See it, confirm it, and get the fuck off, Jack.

Looks like you're a go.

Dr. Ryan, welcome aboard.

Oh, I appreciate the lift.

Do you also appreciate what a pain in my ass this whole operation is?

Yes, sir, I do.

Well, then we'll get along just fine. Launch is at 2000 sharp. You'll have no contact with us after you've left.


Only way all this stays quiet is if you do.

All of what?

That's good.

Greer said you had a brain on you.

Aw. I didn't even know he cared.

He also said your guts got him in a world of bullshit. This op based on something like that?

Something like that.

Best of luck, Doc.

Hey. McAuliffe.

- Ryan.

- You clean?

- No I.D.s, no insignia?


- No, I'm good.

Let's roll out!


I have eyes on the minister and his entourage.

Popov is still in the hotel, but his plane is being prepped at Havel Airport. Looks like he might be leaving.

I pushed him into a corner. Made him an offer publicly he can't ignore.

Then let him leave.

They control the spigot to our entire energy supply. Turn it off, and the Czech Republic will grind to a halt.
I need a bottle of vodka sent to the minister's hotel. Make sure it's the brand name Soyuznik. It's Russian for "ally."



Clear! Looking for two digits! 6-B!


Got it!


Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Please! Please! - Don't shoot. Don't shoot.


- Get him up.

- I got him.

- You're American? - You're Americans! - Listen to me!

- Who are you?

- Y-Yuri Bashkin. I-I want U.S. asylum.

What were you doing in the box?

I'm a scientist. I-I had to leave Russia.

- A scientist? Scientist?


- Yes.

- We got to go.


- Sokol?

Yeah, Sokol, yes, yes. I help built it.

- We got to go.


- I was told the Americans would pick me up.

- We got to go now!


- Go. I got him. I got him. I got him. Go.


Let's go.

Last man.


Jack, was the package in house?

No nuke.

The package was a man.

A what?

His name's Yuri Bashkin. A Russian scientist on the current Sokol Project. He just confirmed there is a weapon.

Is he talking location?

No, but he was told that the Americans would pick him up before the ship made Greece. This is confirmation of all our intel. Someone has sent him to us for a reason.

Your S.R. operation is now an extraction of a Russian asset? There's no way we get the green light on that.

If you pass this up the ladder to Miller, he's either gonna blow it out or play wait and see. Either way, this asset goes dark, and the trail ends.

We'll send coordinates for a drop on the coast of Greece. Transpo will be waiting on the beach to take you to a safe house. Jack, I need you to play this by the book.

Jesus. Two PhDs in nuclear physics, the lead researcher of a Russian energy collective, and then they made him a colonel. They've been grooming this guy since junior high to work a black-box nuke program. It's better to ask forgiveness than permission.

- Well, your ass isn't in the chair, is it?


- Oh, come on.

Your boy is carrying an open flame into a part of the world that's already a powder keg, so all I need to know from you is whether or not he's good enough.

He's the right man for this.

You two are close. Been through a lot together?

- Yeah.


- It's funny. In his transfer order, he didn't list you as a reference. Why is that? Two major operations working closely together, his senior officer. It seems odd.

He's a bristly motherfucker when it comes to me being his boss. It doesn't change the fact that he's onto something, and you know it.

He better be.


- Thanks for the ride.


- Thanks for the party. Call anytime.


I just might.

These men, they are your people?

Yes. Calm down.

- Elias.


- Jack.

Let's go.

Wait. I need to know what you know. You said you were scared for your life. Why?

I ask too many questions.

How long have you been working on Sokol?

Four years. I was told we were building an enrichment... How do you say... facility. But then my duties and my focus changed.

Do you know how they're gonna use it?

Nyet. No. My work was only payload. Sokol is-is not high-yield. It's small, only three megatons.

Jesus Christ. Is it invisible to radar? Yuri, is it invisible?

Part of the team, they're working on reflection emission and infrared, yes.

All right, you said you asked too many questions. What kind of questions?

Are you familiar with a Russian war plan called Sem' dney do reki Reyn?


Seven Days, yes.

Those kind.

Yuri, you don't understand. They're gonna want more than that.

No more talk until I have asylum.

Let's go.

Get down!

Yuri, move!

Ready? Move!

Go! Go! Go! Go!

Tight on me.


Get in! Get in! Get in!

Where are you?

They're dead. They're all dead. The entire team. Where am I going?

Can you make it to 524 Zinonos Street in Athens? Get there, and we'll talk.

Hold on.

Watch out!

Thank you for the vodka. An elegant choice. And an apology of sorts.

A truce of sorts.

We'll see how long it lasts. The game may reignite our animosities.

Czechs and Russians love their countries almost as much as they love their teams. Perhaps that's why we argue.

I want to make sure you pay up when you lose.

I appreciate your optimism, but that money will be mine.

Good luck.

It's the VIP parking right here.

Great parking spot.

Look. You can see the players' tunnel from here.

I know. Are you ready?


For a small country, you have quite a team. And passionate supporters, it seems.

That's the fate of our republic: to be a small, proud country caught between two vast powers.

Ah, yes, the Americans.


You know, I was at by the Olympics in 1980. A young hockey fan full of patriotic vigor. What a game it was.

I may be young, but I'm well aware of that match and its outcome.

Who did the Americans defeat before they get to us?

The Czechs.

Why we must stay close, no?

I decided to bring your proposal to the Kremlin. I make no promises, of course.

Thank you.


Police! Put your gun down!

- shit.


What? What is it? Is that them?

Hang on.

- Who sent you?


I cannot tell you that.

Yuri, someone sent you to us for a reason. Who is it?

Yuri, who wants you dead?



I'm the only chance you got. Sokol. How high up does it go?



Hold on.

- What are you doing?



Yuri, hang on.

Watch out.

Get out.

- What?


Get out of the car.

Come on, sit. Easy, easy.



Breathe. You have to breathe. Breathe.

Run. Run.

Who helped you to leave Russia? They want to know how much you told him. Talk.

Fuck you, traitor.

You're bleeding.

It's not mine.

How the hell did this happen?

Stop it.

Madam President, the calls are coming in from foreign leaders, including presidents of France, Germany, the U.S., and the Russian prime minister.

Get me the Russian PM.


All right.

Incoming call via Ops Center. It's Ryan.

Where are you?

I lost Yuri. They killed him.

There's something else, Jack. Dmitry Popov is dead.

What? The defense minister?

Assassination. Soccer arena in Czech Republic.

Jesus Christ. It's started. Seven Days. The assassination would be the first domino. The Sokol nuke will be the last.

Are you at the safe house?


Why? What are you doing, Jack?

Why don't you tell me?

The official line out of the Greek government is that you entered the country illegally to eliminate a Russian national and, in the process, killed one of their own.

Holy shit.

You're looking for a fall guy.

What do you mean?

Ask her.

What the hell did you do?

Jack, if you don't come in, you will be recalled, your embassy cover withdrawn. That means no diplomatic immunity. You will be on your own.

Someone reached out to me directly, which means whoever that is knows that I'm right. You bring me in now, we lose all communication and we're in the dark.

Let me make this more clear. If you run, this is going to get much worse for you.

Jack, listen to me. Don't do it.

Miller told you to burn Jack?

He left it to me. I made a choice. Jack was a resource. Now he's a liability. What the hell did you just say to him?

"Shelter in paradise."

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