The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
"Dialogue is a key element in narration: be it a fairy tale, a short story or a novel, the characters usually speak. In literary text, dialogue and narrative are closely interwoven. Some syntactical features of the interface between... more
"In 1588 William Morgan published his monumental Welsh translation of the Bible. This impressive work is quite atypical of the contemporary Bible translations, as the Old Testament was translated directly from the original Hebrew. This... more
In 1588 William Morgan published his monumental Welsh translation of the Bible. This work is notable, among other aspects, in that it has the Old Testament translated directly from the original Hebrew. This fact invites comparative study... more
Description of the syntactical structures in Old English, in which the demonstrative pronouns (se, seo, þæt and þes, þeos, þis) occur independently of a following nominal phrase: structural classification, characterization and analysis of... more
Most languages of Europe, either within the Standard Average European Sprachbund or not, have a T-V distinction (Brown and Gilman 1960; Helmbrecht 2013). This means that when addressing an allocutor, the speaker has to choose between a... more
In recent years, as the question of the nature of Case assignment has come into focus, the question of Case typology in general, and ergative Case marking (and agreement) systems in particular, has come to be seen as very important. The... more
- by Yehuda Falk
Case and agreement are typically modeled in LFG as f-structure phenomena. Inadequacies of this account suggest an alternative, in which grammatical marking is modeled as a separate projection from f-structure, called g-structure.
- by Yehuda Falk
Despite my disagreement with his conclusions, this paper has benefitted greatly from Chris Manning's study of ergativity . I would like to thank Joan Bresnan for comments on an earlier version of this paper. All the usual disclaimers... more
- by Yehuda Falk
January 2002 draft. Thanks to Edit Doron for comments on an earlier version. Comments welcome. 1 We use the term "nominal phrase" as a pretheoretical term which is neutral with respect to the formal categorial analysis as NP or DP. We... more
- by Yehuda Falk
I will use the term wh construction in this paper for this family of constructions, and, to remain theory-neutral, I will use the expression "involved in a wh dependency" in place of such expressions as "undergoing wh movement" or the... more
- by Yehuda Falk