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Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, India
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different groups and organisations. A frame work released in the same year spell out guidelines for the establishment,
operations, shari’ah governance and supervision of Islamic banks which can be standalone full-fledged institutions,
subsidiaries or widows in this paper and attempts is made to discuss “Islamic Banking as a viable alternative to
Conventional Banking in Nigeria. Methodology relied on biography appraisal of such studies that ate related to the study.
The paper begin with a short background of Islamic Banking in Nigeria and follows with the basis for the introduction of
Central Bank of Nigeria and Non interest financial institutions, Central Bank of Nigeria model, different between Islamic
banking, challenges and prospect of Islamic banking and ends with suggestion that there should be a sharia supervisory
board for any Islamic bank and that board should consists of trust worthy scholars who are highly qualified to issue
fatawa on financial transactions.
students achievement in science. In order to ensure wider applicability of findings, the total sample of 831 students
(408boys and 423 girls) of IX class was drawn from government, private as well as private unaided managed 39 secondary
schools of Tumakur district. Personal wellbeing scale and Achievement test in science were the tools developed by
researcher and Dr. Haseen Taj for the study. The findings shows that there is significant positive correlation between
personal wellbeing and achievement in science of secondary school students. There is significant main effect of Personal
well-being with sex, Type of the family, Type of School Management, Medium of instruction and Locality of secondary
school students. There was no significant interaction effect of Personal well-being and other moderator variables sex, Type
of the family, Type of School Management, Medium of instruction and Locality of secondary school students.
contacts in the classroom but also outside the classroom like free-time activities that use English. With the exposure to
kinds of media, students get more varied and unique contacts with English. From this case, the different exposures of
English might influence students’ competencies in learning the language. Identifying these English contacts in their leisure
activities and the effects toward TOEFL scores were the objectives of this research. In other words, this research was
aimed to answer these research questions: (1) how often and what kinds of English contacts students majoring in English
had in leisure activities; and (2) the effects of English contacts to students’ TOEFL score. This research is in the form of
quantitative and descriptive statistic which includes 66 students as participants. Based on the study, the leisure activities
which students most frequently did were listening to music, reading e-mail, messages, or Internet web pages in English,
and writing social media caption, comments, or status update. It emphasized that technology had significant roles in
students’ society today. The result of this study also showed that higher exposures of English contacts had effects on the
students’ TOEFL scores. Meanwhile, instead of learning English in a classroom, students in this 21st century have more
access to gain information they want to improve four English skills.
present everywhere; both in nature and culture. Nature has the infinite life cycle going on forever through the process of
substitution but all living species leave their progeny in this world. This progeny carries the energy of the past generation.
In this process, the most crucial point or truth that is fixed is the finiteness or death. This chain of substitution of finite
contributes to the infinite.
Sacrifice is a cultural feature of substitution as Wendy Doniger attempts to define it as, “the act of giving up
something in order to receive something of greater worth.” (207, On Hinduism). In this minimal definition, we see two
crucial elements: priority and hierarchy. Something has to be given up for the sake of something else that may or may not
be present in front of us. The desire to possess absent things is prioritized over the present or accessible possessions over
that which is present or accessible. It is the natural behavior of valuing the absent over the present that colors our priority.
The natural behavior of human beings tends to value the absent rather than the present. The whole cycle of life is a series
of giving up the present for a (probably) better future. The present comes to us a binary of the absent but the absent
presents a much more complex and incomplete study. Understanding the absent because it does not exist, it is an abstract
idea. Complex arouses the curiosity and vice-versa, thus succeeding in occupying the higher position in the binary
experience. The aim of this epistemology has been twofold; to justify and deduce the truth of nature from sensory evidence
and to define those truths in terms of observation and logical mathematical auxiliaries. The chief aim of which is to attain
absolute certainty in our knowledge of the world. However, Ouine observes that this attempt of normative or traditional
epistemology to provide a foundation of science has failed because all efforts of the empiricist philosophers have not been
productive. Quine concludes on this basis that traditional epistemology can never produce knowledge or criterion of
knowing. He therefore, calls for the abandonment of traditional epistemology on the basis that it cannot produce
knowledge. This paper examines his arguments for the claim that traditional epistemology is unproductive and can never
produce knowledge. The paper reveals that the call is untenable as his leap from "It has not" to ' 'it cannot" is unjustifiable.
The paper reveals further that it is the aim of traditional epistemology to justify science from sense experience and so far it
is in the business of doing this, one can say it is productive.
to achieve goals. Nowadays, universities develop and implement mentoring programs in line with their goals of the
professional development of staff. Mentoring provides benefits for not only the mentees, but also for the mentors and the
university as a whole. Mentors are usually leaders in their fields and mentoring enhances a more collaborative atmosphere
in higher education and is a highly effective way to help the mentees to use the full range of their abilities. Teaching staff
mentoring has been recognized as an ever more important function within the area of human resources as it helps staff to
grow, develop and learn new skills from the guidance and direction of an expert.
Community gains a wide range of benefits through their productive interaction with universities. These includes
enhanced human and social capital development, accelerated economic growth, professional and intellectual
infrastructure in communities. Universities also benefit from effective engagement with their communities, as their
reputation can be significantly improved through effective engagement.
Therefore, in this paper, we have used a comprehensive approach to reflect our experience in higher education
for more than three decades in terms of mentoring and development of others and leading community engagement. The
significance of this paper can be recognized through concentrating on the important roles of both mentoring and
community engagement in Higher Education.
volcanic activities of Hasan Dağı and Melendiz Mountain in Central Anatolia and used by people for the purpose of
sheltering and worshiping from the early days of Christianity was selected as the study area. In this study, it is aimed to
determine the cultural landscape values in the area and their characteristics and to evaluate its state of protection and to
compare it with the World Heritage Site of Göreme National Park andCappadociaRockySites in terms of protection and
Field studies were carried out in the Ihlara Valley and in its settlement areas in order to determine the cultural
landscape values in the research area. In the study area, in compliance with the fossil landscape definition of UNESCO,
there are some of the elements of the cultural landscape such as rock churches, cave paintings (frescoes), caves,
underground caves, and cathedrals.
achievement of secondary school students in Edo State of Nigeria. To accomplish this objective, one research question and
one hypothesis were formulated and investigated in the study. The study employed the quasi-experimental design.
Participant from three public secondary schools in the Edo Central senatorial district comprising 450 S.S 11 students were
used for the study. 20 test items in mathematics and English language was the instrument used in the study to pre-test the
participants. All the participant were exposed to teaching in English language and Mathematics from their scheme of work
for six weeks and tested before being moved to different classroom conditions to be taught for another six weeks in the
same subjects. Participants thereafter were post- tested to know the effect of classroom conditions on each group of
participants. The result of the study revealed that good classroom conditions enhance the academic achievement of
students. Based this finding, it is recommended that students should be taught under good classroom conditions to
enhance their academic achievement.
Dirofilariasis belongs to the group of parasitic vector-borne zoo-noses. These systemic helmintiases have been
widespread distributed in the world, with over 50 million registered cases. Two main filarial species (spp.) have adapted to
canine, feline and human hosts: Dirofilaria repens and Dirofilaria immitis. Human dirofiariases caused inflammatory
changes in lymph nodes, lung, irregular and prolonged fever. Different species of infected animals and humans are
reservoirs of microfilariae, for blood-sucking arthropod (mosquitoes, flies, ticks). In the vector phase (6 – 10 days),
through the process of metamorphosis microfilariae become invasive. In the next phases, feeding arthropods are donors of
the microfilariae to sensitive individuals of the humans. The geographical distribution and infectiveness of these vectorborne
parasites undergone modifications influenced by global environment and climate changes. Mediterranean area is an
endemic region for filarial diseases. Montenegro is a small country in the Balkan region. First three cases of
autochthonous dirofilariasis were registered in 2014 / 2015. In Montenegro, there are not data of dirofilariasis in
veterinary pathology. In our cases, identification of causes based on surgical extirpation of granulomas and
morphologically identification the worms has been performed in three cases.
During the 1980s the first cases of leishmaniasis/HIV co-infection have been registered in the world. In coinfection
it is registered the negative effect of the participants: patients infected with HIV are particularly sensitive to
leishmaniasis, and leishmaniasis itself accelerates replication of HIV and its progression into AIDS. In Montenegro, coinfection
visceral leishmaniasis VL/HIV was diagnosed for the first time during 1914/15 in 5 cases (within a total
population of 640,000 inhabitants). For the purpose of examinations, there were used epidemiological, clinical,
hematological, pathological and serological methods (IIF, ELISA), PCR, Ultrasound and x-ray diagnostics.
In patients with co-infections VL / HIV, clinical characteristics were presented difficult-generalized infective
syndrome in all the patients − 100%, with enlarged spleen in 87%, with pancitopenia in 55%, icterus in 37%. Respiratory
syndrome – pneumonia in all the cases, and in 2 cases neurological syndromes were registered.
An analysis of HIV infection in patients with co-infection has shown the reduction of the number of CD4 Tlymphocytes
to the level below ˂200 mm3 in 3 cases and in 2 cases ˂90 mm3.
Analysis of the effects of classical therapy (Glucantime, Miltefosine) in combination with HART has shown its
failure because recidives VL was registered in all 5 treated cases. The further treatment of this cases with HART and
Amfotericine B (AMb), present good results. After a year of their monitoring, there were not registered recidives or disease
progression, non-resistance to the applied medicine. It is though necessary to emphasize that a long-term monitoring of
these patients is required in order to obtain valid conclusions.
the remote tribal areas. There are many plants grown near the temples, which are regarded as the sacred plants by
different ethnic groups of the country. Sacred groves are not only the sacred ecosystems functioning as a rich repository of
nature’s unique biodiversity but also a product of the socio- ecological philosophy that our forefathers have been
cherishing since days. In India, from time immemorial, the concept of conservation of nature has been carefully woven into
the various religious beliefs and customs. Tribal folklore is rich in Magico-religious beliefs and taboos. Sacred groves are
ancient natural sanctuaries that have supported the growth of several interesting and rare species of flora and fauna of the
past. In the district, many centers are considered under sacred grove category. For example the temple area of Jainath,
situated in Jainath, a small village 21 Kms from AdiIabad, the temple area of Basara-Saraswati, Ginnedhari of Tiryani
Mandal, Keslapur a remote village of Indervelli Mandal, the area of Kunthala Waterfalls, the area of Pochara waterfalls,
Mahagoan of Bhainsa mandal, Narnoor of Narnoor Mandal, Dankanapally of Tiryani Mandal, the temple area of
Sadalpur, an ancient Temples of Lord Bhirava and Mahadeva located at just 37 kms away from Adilabad and Sirichelma
of Ichoda Mandal are known as places of sacred groves.
relationship in making the project management and job preference of the employees of the Arab Potash Company, which
were (111) employees chosen for this study. The SPSS (version 16) was used to analyze the data, using different statistical
methods (percentages, frequencies, arithmetic mean, standard deviation, chi-square value based on the fit of goodness, ttest,
and Pearson correlation coefficient). The main results analysis showed that the prevalence of single dominance
among employees was (62.2%), with (28.8%) in type (A) followed by double dominance (32.4%) in the styles of (AB) and,
finally the triple dominance (5.4%) specifically in the (ABC) pattern. The statistical analysis showed that the significant
differences between the power preference of thinking styles and type of job in type (A), while the absence of differences in
the rest of the styles, and the existence of statistically significant differences at the same level type (A) according to the
work department. Also a negative correlation between some types of thinking styles pairs that were not favored in the type
of such a company. Finally, the results revealed that the possibility of increasing and decreasing the negative correlation
between thinking styles in stressful work situations under high pressure. In the light of these results, some important points
were recommended for motivating the employees of the potash company to identify the subject of thinking styles to know
their strengths and weaknesses in work and the impact on dealing with the rest of the employees and its reflection on the
productivity of the company and reducing the conflicts among them, through training courses in order to encourage each
employee to increase the use of a quarter of his/her brain in accordance with. Also its required function, also
recommended that the Herrmann scale may be used as a tool for recruiting and setting up teams work from the principle of
"the right man in the right place" and to renew the HBDI database for employees for each period.
unfavorable navigation conditions in high latitudes and northern latitudes, including very low temperatures, ice-covered
coasts, which are difficult to distinguish coastal marks, and the inability to cope with the dangers caused by polar nature,
And the movement of shipping in the high latitude area is relatively small, and the main reason can be found in the lack of
population and the lack of major ports in this area, and the inability to use certain methods because of the ice covering
large areas. However, significant changes have occurred in the past few years, and these changes have resulted in a new
role in the Polar Regions in terms of the new major routes of commercial vessels, especially in the Arctic, which will save
time and expenditure.
These changes have occurred as a result of a number of reasons, including the increased exploitation of mineral
resources in Polar Regions, the development of tourism, etc., including the development of new technologies that enable us
to use them. All this encourages global warming and the accompanying melting of ice. Specifically, thawing has opened the
possibility of using new ship routes, which today represent entirely new challenges for the global shipping industry. And the
opening of the Arctic route as an alternative route for the transport of goods between the Far East and Europe. It seems
that shipping companies are very likely to use these roads because of the enormous fuel consumption, fuel cost, operating
cost, emissions and time of the cruise. This transformation will not only affect the maritime business activity in the Suez
Canal but will also affect the Egyptian economy in many respects as the number of vessels passing through the Suez Canal
and the Indian Ocean decreases.
for unitary wheel used with Ground Service Support Equipment such as trolleys, container dollies, luggage trailers. The
workwas carried out paying special attention to the optimization of the wheel structural architecture for load bearing
Modeling and simulation work was carried out by considering thermoplastic material namely polyamide 6 filled
with 30% short glass fibers. The selection of plastic material was based on several factors, including mechanical strength
under static and dynamic load, resistance to prolonged action of elevated temperatures, cost and ability to be molded with
conventional techniques.
A plastic model of the steel rim was developed based on general plastic product design standards. The model was
simulated in order to identify areas of possible potential failure. After that model was optimized by changing and rearranging
its structural elements for further reduction of stresses in the identified potential failure areas. Final
modification of the proposed model was carried out for product mold ability to ensure its manufacture with conventional
molding technique. The finite element analysis showed that the stresses generated in the optimized model components were
well below the actual yield stress of the plastic. The destructive load ofthe plastic wheel model estimated under static
radial load condition with finite element analysis agreed well with the results obtained by physical testing the molded
prototype samples under the same loading conditions. This fact affirmed suitability of the Solidwork design and Simulation
packages for plastic part design. The application of this techniques lead to the reduction of prolonged product
implementation period and significant cost saving due to reduced reproduction number of prototypes to bemade for
evaluation of the product suitability, thereby making design successful and efficient.
were sourced from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical Bulletins and analyzed using the Ordinary Least Square
Multiple Regression estimation techniques, the Johansen Co-integration technique, the Granger Causality test, and the
Error Correction Model. The Error Correction Model outcome reveals that despite the reforms and the variations in all
tax receipts between 1981 and 2016, only Company income Tax, Personal Income Tax and Value Added Tax significantly
impacted on Nigerians’ standard of living level (proxied by the Per Capita Income) in the long run which shows that the
main reason for tax revenue in spurring standard of living to a reasonable extent has been achieved, while no significant
relationship exists between tax revenues and unemployment rate in Nigeria. There is a need for the reduction in tax burden
in order to raise the economic standard of living in Nigeria. There is a negative relationship between tax reforms
(using Petroleum Profit Tax) and living standard. To ensure proper communication to the general public by setting up a
separate body for the inspection and maintenance of the funds to ensure they are disbursed to the various level of
government that fails to utilize such taxes should be fully booked and charged to court. We conclude that the against
apriori expectations that more tax reforms, aimed at generating more revenue and large-scale economic growth, does not
depress living standard.
record every bitcoin activities that have been done from the launch of bitcoin. This systems ensure traceability and security
of every transaction, making any hacking attempt impossible. Calculating every new “block” requires a huge amount of
processing resources, and so it is the role of the “mining” system. The mining system is the system in charge of generating
the blockchain’s blocks, and at the same time creating (mining) new units of bitcoin. Bitcoin is limited in its amount with a
maximum of 21 million units, that are progressively released in its system through mining and estimated being all released
by 2033. The process idea is the following: some bitcoin users are also bitcoin miners: they allocated their
computers/servers to feed the processing system of block-chain that is creating the blocks. In exchange for furnishing their
personal devices’ processing capacities, the miners get a reward in bitcoin that is added to their personal bitcoin wallet.
This system provides to the Bitcoin system boththe required processing resources to aliment blockchain and the
progressive production (or release) of bitcoin units. The present paper gives an overview of cryptography enabled
financial products like crypto-currencies, Bitcoin and the Blockchain system for its accounting
data analytics and gaming. It is the future of every industry and market because every enterprise needs intelligence.
Modern High Performance Computers (HPC) data centers are the key to solving some of the world’s most important
scientific and engineering challenges. NVidia Tesla V100 GPU accelerated computing platform powers these data centers,
with industry leading applications to accelerate HPC and AI workloads.[8] The features of the V100 GPU are,
· New Streaming Multiprocessor (SM) Architecture optimized for deep learning.
· NVidiaNVLink fabric.
· 150 Teraflop per second.
· 640 Tensor cores.
· Paired NVidia CUDA and Tensor cores to deliver high performance.
The main objective of this paper is to study NVidiaNVLink fabric and Tensor cores, which are used for transfer of
data from CPU and GPU, and Streaming Multiprocessors Architecture optimization for deep learning.
The rapid growth in deep learning workloads has driven the need for a faster and more scalable interconnect, as
PCIe bandwidth increasingly becomes the bottleneck at the multi-GPU system level. NVidiaNVLink technology addresses
the interconnect issues by providing higher bandwidth, more links and improvises stability for multi- GPU and multi GPUCPU
system configurations. A single NVidia tesla V100 GPU supports up to 6 NVLink connections with a total bandwidth
of 300GB/sec, which is 10x the bandwidth of PCIe gen 3.[11]
a System Generator and Simulink model. The entire system will be applied to a ground station with an ad-hoc telemetric data
acquisition system to be applied in unmanned aerial vehicles, atmospheric sounding rockets and nano-satellites monitoring.
Based on this information, the ground station will be able to compute navigation parameters trajectories, velocities and
attitudes. In particular, this PCM module was built to be used in atmospheric sounding vector evaluations by the Instituto de
Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas para la Defensa of Argentina.
ultrasonic rangefinders along with a microcontroller are used to measure the distance to obstacles and if they are close
enough to provide feedback to the user in form of beeps or vibrations.
The project is made on a small single layer PCB. It is a portable project which is mounted on a metal plate such
that it can be fixed on any belt type structure. The sensors are not mounted on the PCB but they are mounted in the front
of the plate and connected to the main board using wires. It’s designed exactly like a mobile carrying case used on belts.