Konsep Biophilic Dalam Perancangan Arsitektur: Ronald Justice
Konsep Biophilic Dalam Perancangan Arsitektur: Ronald Justice
Konsep Biophilic Dalam Perancangan Arsitektur: Ronald Justice
Informasi Naskah: Abstract: Various attempts were made to reconnect humans with the buildings and places they
Diterima: inhabit. Biophilic design, as the newest theory of reconnection, essentially incorporates organic
15 Desember 2020 life into the built environment. This study aims to explore the biophilic concept in architectural
design as a literacy reference in the field of architecture. The research method is through
Direvisi: literature review and interviews with the primary data source of an architect and one other
4 Januari 2021 architect as a secondary data source. The collected data were analyzed using the Biophilia
Disetujui terbit: Architecture theory by Prof. Samalavicius (2020). The analysis showed that the primary source
16 Februari 2021 was not included in the Biophilia category, while the secondary data sources had applied the
Biophilia concept. The study based on the Biophilic Architecture theory concludes that the
Diterbitkan: concept of biophilic design is an architectural approach to solving residential needs problems
Cetak: by bringing the natural atmosphere into space as a therapy for its occupants both
29 Maret 2021 psychologically and physiologically. Meanwhile, understanding the creativity of an architect's
work can be done through Intangible (intangible) and Tangible (real). The architectural design
Online process consists of the analysis stage, the synthesis stage, and the evaluation stage, which
29 Maret 2021 are known as the divergent, transformation, and convergent stages.
2) Tangible Channel
Apresiasi Karya Arsitektur
Merupakan cara mengapresiasi karya arsitektur dari
karya itu sendiri tanpa harus melihat siapa
arsiteknya. Antoniades (1990) menyebut ada lima
hal pada suatu obyek arsitektur untuk dapat dilihat Gambar 6. Desain bangunan rumah dengan konsep
konsep perancangannya melalui: Sejarah / Biophilic. (sumber: https://www.casaindonesia.com/)
historisisme, Mimesis dan interpretasi literal, Era modernisasi seringkali menyebabkan gangguan
Geometri dan Kreativitas, Materialitas, dan Dialog kesehatan fisik dan berbagai gangguan psikologis.
dengan alam. Peran desain biophilic dalam permasalahan di era
Tabel 2. Sinkronisasi tipologi konsep (Tangible modern ini adalah dengan membawa unsur alam
channel) masuk pada ruang. Dengan konsep arsitektur