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Reference Frame

Celestial Sphere

Reference Frame Committee

Established: 1999

Chair: Paul Rebischung

Mailing List:  IGS Reference Frame Committee Mailing List

Charter:  Reference Frame Committee Charter

The IGS Reference Frame Coordinator forms the IGS station position and velocity products, and earth rotation parameters, by combining the IGS Analysis Centers’ SINEX solutions. Solutions of the GNAACs (see below) contribute quality control to the process. The RFWG also selects and maintains the list of stations whose positions and velocities are included in the IGS realization of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF).



The collective effort of the working group participants is to generate the official IGS station coordinates and velocities, Earth Rotation Parameters (ERP) and geocenter estimates along with the appropriate covariance information. The estimated parameters are aligned to the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The group strives for consistency, reliability, accuracy and timeliness of the above products.

Besides operational products, the RFWG also generates station coordinates and ERP solutions on the occasion of each IGS reprocessing campaign. The reprocessed products constitute the IGS contribution to the successive ITRF releases.

The RFWG finally specifies and selects globally distributed sets of GNSS stations from the ITRF solutions to realize the successive IGS Reference Frames (RF). New RF realizations are issued at irregular intervals, usually synchronized to new ITRF releases. The reliability and consistency of individual RF stations must be continuously monitored and occasional updates announced to users.

The RFWG is composed of one coordinator, the Director of the IGS Central Bureau, the IGS Analysis Center Coordinator, the IGS Network Coordinator, the chair of the IGS Infrastructure Committee, the chair of the IGS Antenna Working Group, one representative from each AC, GNAAC and RNAAC, one from the ITRF/IERS section, and the members of the IGS RF team at IGN, France. Other members may be added as required. The RFWG reports to the IGS Governing Board. Modifications to the goals and working plan will be done through consultation among the working group.


Operational Activities

The final daily station coordinates and ERP solutions from the Analysis Centers (ACs) are combined to generate the IGS official products. Solutions from the Global Network Associate Analysis Centers (GNAAC) are used to validate the combination. The daily combined IGS solutions are made available on a weekly basis, by each Friday, with a delay up to 13 (for the last day of the week) to 19 (for the first day of the week) days. They include station coordinates, ERPs and geocenter estimates and are aligned in origin and orientation to the current IGS RF. A weekly combined solution is also produced by stacking the daily combined solutions.

The daily combined station position time series are monitored and occasional discontinuities caused by equipment changes, earthquakes or other causes are reported in the IGS discontinuity list (

The weekly station coordinate solutions are added to a cumulative solution to form a continuously evolving secular GNSS RF with linear station velocities. This cumulative solution contains successive sets of positions and velocities for each station, each set being valid over the time period between two discontinuities.

An accumulated series of daily ERP is also updated weekly. It includes the pole coordinates, their rates and the excess length of day. While other ERP files are also generated by the Analysis Center Coordinator from the various IGS orbit combination processes, the weekly final ERPs from the RF combination are the definitive IGS products.


Occasional Activities

Reprocessing campaigns are occasionally organized by the IGS with the purpose of providing improved consistent sets of GNSS geodetic products based on the latest available models and methodology. One major goal of the reprocessing campaigns is to provide the IGS inputs to the successive ITRF releases. For that purpose, the Reference Frame Working Group combines, compares and validates the station coordinates and ERP solutions provided by the ACs in the course of the reprocessing campaigns. The combined solutions from the IGS 2nd reprocessing campaign were the IGS input to ITRF2014. The ongoing 3rd reprocessing campaign will provide the IGS input to ITRF2020.

After each new version of the ITRF is released, the Reference Frame Working Group works in close co-operation with the Antenna Working Group to define of a new framework for the IGS products based on the latest ITRF release. The procedure involves the following steps:

  • selection of globally distributed, stable IGS stations from the latest ITRF solution to realize the new IGS RF,
  • re-evaluation of the GNSS satellite radial phase center offsets (z-PCOs) based on the scale of the latest ITRF solution,
  • update of the ground antenna calibrations in the IGS ANTEX file based on newly available measurements,
  • computation of the expected impact of the ground antenna calibration updates on station positions.

This procedure leads to the publication of a new RF and ANTEX file (e.g., IGS14 and igs14.atx), which become the IGS standards until the next ITRF version.

Between ITRF releases, new discontinuities inevitably make the number of available RF stations decrease. When the situation becomes such that a precise and stable alignment of the IGS products to the RF is jeopardized, an update to the IGS RF is published. The latest such update and current IGS RF is IGb14.


Plans and Future Developments

Website. To facilitate dissemination and use of the IGS Reference Frame products, a dedicated website had been set up to include all necessary documentation and results and to illustrate the IGS RF combination results ( The information on this website has however not been updated for years due to lack of human resources and is now largely outdated. We will therefore thrive to update the whole website as soon as possible.

Characterization and mitigation of systematic errors. Noting the tremendous progress achieved by the IGS Analysis Centers (ACs) over the past decades, we believe that there are still areas where progress could be made to improve the accuracy of the IGS products. Systematic errors, such as spurious periodic signals in station position time series, imprecise geocenter estimates or LOD biases, indeed still affect the IGS station position and ERP products. The RFWG will work in collaboration with the ACs and the ACC to characterize these systematic errors and their differences among ACs, with the aim of identifying and mitigating their sources.

Densified combination. The daily combinations of the IGS AC solutions only include stations processed by the ACs and do usually not cover the whole IGS network. In order to provide daily coordinates for all IGS stations, but also for regional densification stations, the project of daily densified IGS combinations will be studied. The project would involve regional IAG sub-commissions such as EUREF, SIRGAS, APREF…, some of which already contribute to the IGS as Regional Network Associate Analysis Centers (RNAACs). Daily regional solutions provided by the contributing RNAACs would be combined with the legacy daily IGS solutions to form densified IGS solutions.

Combination of satellite PCOs. The feasibility of rigorously combining the daily satellite PCO estimates provided by the ACs as part of their final solutions, simultaneously with station positions and ERPs, will be studied.

Galileo-based terrestrial scale. The release of the Galileo satellite antenna phase center offsets (PCOs) by the European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency (GSA) opens the way, for the first time in GNSS history, to an independent determination of the terrestrial scale with GNSS. Based on the AC solutions from the 3rd IGS reprocessing campaign which make use of Galileo, the Reference Frame Working Group will carefully study the terrestrial scale information implied by the Galileo satellite PCOs, how it compares with other techniques (SLR, VLBI) and how precisely it can be propagated to the pre-Galileo era.

Monitoring of RF stations. Interaction and communication with the IGS Network Coordinator and Infrastructure Committee will be enforced in order to follow the performance and behaviour of the IGS stations over time, and in particular the RF stations that are crucial for the stability of the IGS RF. In coordination with the IGS Network Coordinator and Infrastructure Committee, communication with station operators will be established to inform of possible abnormal station behaviours that could be detected in time series analysis.


Download Reference Frame Working Group Charter

[Revised Oct 2020]







Coordinator: Paul Rebischung IGN / IPGP France
IGS CB Director: Allison Craddock JPL USA
IGS ACC: Salim Masoumi Geoscience Australia Australia
IGS Network Coordinator: David Maggert UNAVCO USA
IGS IC Chair: Markus Bradke GFZ Germany
CODE AC Representative: Stefan Schaer AIUB Switzerland
ESA AC Representative: Tim Springer PosiTim (@ESA/ESOC) Germany
GFZ AC Representative: Benjamin Männel GFZ Germany
GRGS AC Representative: Sylvain Loyer CLS France
JPL AC Representative: David Murphy JPL USA
MIT AC Representative: Tom Herring MIT USA
NGS AC Representative: Phillip McFarland NOAA / NGS USA
NRCan AC Representative: Thalia Nikolaidou NRCan Canada
SIO AC Representative: Peng Fang UCSD USA
TUG AC Representative: Torsten Mayer-Guerr TU Graz Austria
ULR AC Representative: Guy Wöppelmann La Rochelle Université France
WHU AC Representative: Jing Guo Wuhan University China
MIT GNAAC Representative: Tom Herring MIT USA
NCL GNAAC Representative: Peter Clarke Newcastle University United Kingdom
APREF RNAAC Representative: Guorong Hu Geoscience Australia Australia
EUREF RNAAC Representative: Juliette Legrand ORB Belgium
SIRGAS RNAAC Representative: Laura Sanchez DGFI-TUM Germany
IGN IGS-RF Team Member: Bruno Garayt IGN France
IGN IGS-RF Team Member: Anne Duret IGN France
IGN IGS-RF Team Member: Samuel Branchu IGN France
IGN IGS-RF Team Member: Julien Gazeaux IGN France


[Revised Feb 2023]

Supporting the ITRF

To learn more, please visit Supporting the ITRF.



ITRF coordinates of IGS tracking stations can be found on the IGN website:

Coordinates of the IGS Reference Frame stations

The latest IGS reference frame, called IGS20, is an extract of stable IGS station coordinates from the latest ITRF release, ITRF2020, some of which were corrected for consistency with the new ground antenna calibrations in igs20.atx. Information about IGS20 and links to the related files can be found here:

The IGS SINEX combination website can be used to:
  – visualize and obtain IGS combined station position time series,
  – extract station coordinates from the IGS cumulative solution, as well as the latest IGS reference frames (IGS20, IGb14, IGS14),
  – visualize statistics from the daily IGS SINEX combinations

Chronology of IGS Reference Frame Usage

From time to time, the IGS has changed the terrestrial reference frame that is used to express its products, usually related to updates of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). The chronology of the IGS changes is tabulated below.

  • ITRF92
    • 1994-01-02 thru 1994-12-31
    • GPS wks 0730 thru 0781
    • up to 13 reference stations colocated with SLR and/or VLBI
  • ITRF93
    • 1995-01-01 thru 1996-06-29
    • GPS wks 0782 thru 0859
    • ITRF93 was artificially rotated with respect to earlier and later ITRFs so that the global no-net-rotation condition was not respected
    • up to 13 reference stations colocated with SLR and/or VLBI
  • ITRF94
    • 1996-06-30 thru 1998-02-28
    • GPS wks 0860 thru 0946
    • ITRF94 datum reset to enforce global no-net-rotation condition
    • up to 13 reference stations colocated with SLR and/or VLBI
  • ITRF96
    • 1998-03-01 thru 1999-07-31
    • GPS wks 0947 thru 1020
    • ITRF94 datum retained
    • up to 47 reference stations
    • see Kouba et al. (1998)
  • ITRF97
    • 1999-08-01 thru 2000-02-26
    • GPS wks 1020 thru 1050
    • ITRF94 datum retained
    • up to 51 reference stations
    • see IGS Mail #2432
  • ITRF97 with consistent orbit rotational alignment
    • 2000-02-27 thru 2000-06-03
    • GPS wks 1051 thru 1064
    • ITRF94 datum retained
    • up to 51 reference stations
    • quasi-rigorous combination methodology of Kouba et al. (1998) implemented in IGS Final products
    • see IGS Mails #2740#2750, and #2751
  • IGS97
    • 2000-06-04 thru 2001-12-01
    • GPS wks 1065 thru 1142
    • aligned to ITRF97 (and hence ITRF94) datum
    • up to 51 reference stations
    • see IGS Mail #2899
  • IGS00
    • 2001-12-02 thru 2004-01-10
    • GPS wks 1143 thru 1252
    • aligned to ITRF2000 datum, which was updated from prior realizations
    • up to 54 reference stations
    • see IGS Mail #3605
  • IGb00
    • 2004-01-11 thru 2006-11-04
    • GPS wks 1253 thru 1399
    • aligned to ITRF2000 datum, which was updated from prior realizations
    • up to 99 reference stations
    • see IGS Mails #4642#4643#4652#4666, and #4748
    • until and during this frame only relative antenna phase calibrations were applied for ground stations and no calibrations used for satellite antennas; see IGS Mail #5189
  • IGS05
    • 2006-11-05 thru 2011-04-16
    • GPS wks 1400 thru 1631
    • aligned to ITRF2005 datum, which was updated from ITRF2000
    • up to 132 reference stations
    • see IGS Mails #5447#5455, and #5438
    • starting with this frame absolute antenna phase calibrations were applied both for ground stations and satellite antennas; see IGS Mail #5189
    • this frame was also used for the IGS 1st reprocessing campaign, the products of which are available back to 1994 as described in IGS Mail #6136
  •  IGS08
  • IGb08
    • 2012-10-07 thru 2017-01-28
    • GPS wks 1709 thru 1933
    • aligned to ITRF2008 datum
    • an update to IGS08, designed mostly to recover unuseable RF and core sites
    • see IGS Mail #6663
    • accompanied by an update to antenna calibrations, including new estimates for Block IIF satellites
    • see IGS Mail #6662
    • this frame will also be used for the IGS 2nd reprocessing campaign
  • IGS14
    • 2017-01-29 thru 2020-05-16
    • GPS wks 1934 thru 2105
    • aligned to ITRF2014 datum
    • up to 252 reference stations
    • see IGS MAIL #7399
  • IGb14
    • 2020-05-17 thru 2022-11-26
    • GPS wks 2106 thru 2237
    • aligned to ITRF2014 datum
    • an update to IGS14, designed mostly to recover unusable RF stations
    • see IGS MAIL #7921
  • IGS20
    • 2022-11-27 thru 2025-02-01
    • GPS wks 2238 thru 2351
    • aligned to ITRF2020 datum
    • up to 332 reference stations
    • accompanied by new ground and satellite antenna phase center corrections (igs20.atx)
    • see IGS MAIL #8238
  • IGb20

Last Updated on 9 Dec 2024 16:55 UTC

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