Altalbanische Schriftkultur - aus der Perspektive der historischen Lexikographie und der Philologie der Gegenwart - Akten der 6. deutsch-albanischen kulturwissenschaftlichen Tagung (27. September 2019, Buçimas bei Pogradec, Albanien), 2020
The article describes the attempt of the authors to compile an annotated corpus of texts written ... more The article describes the attempt of the authors to compile an annotated corpus of texts written in the Albanian language before 1840's. This corpus makes part of the Albanian National Corpus (ANC). We tell about our practical experience of digitization and morphological annotation of an early Albanian text, "E mbsuame e krështerë" (1592), written by Luca Matranga. We also test and demonstrate the possibilities of the corpus-aided approach to this text, taken as such and in comparison with the contemporary texts of the Corpus written in the modern Standard Albanian, and discuss the usage of this approach for the study of the Albanian historical grammar and lexicon.
Papers by Maria Morozova
Në njërin studim llogaritet kompleksiteti linguistik (angl. linguistic complexity) i nëndialekteve të shqipes dhe tregohet si nivelet e kompleksitetit lidhen me zonat e kontaktit gjuhësor, përkatësisht izolimit. Kompleksiteti konsiderohet si parametër dinamik me tri lloje fenomenesh të lidhura me të: (1) ruajtja e kompleksitetit të trashëguar nga shqipja “e përbashkët” para ndarjes dialektore mes toskërishtes dhe gegërishtes, (2) humbja e kompleksitetit të trashëguar që rezulton në simplifikim, dhe (3) zhvillimi i risive që rezulton në kompleksifikimin relativ të sistemit gjuhësor.
Studimi tjetër lidhet me analizën sasiore të huazimeve leksikore në fjalorin e shqipes. Në këtë artikull paraqiten rezultatet e nxjerra për shpërndarjen e turqizmave dhe sllavizmave, përfshirë këtu numrin e tyre në areale të ndryshme dhe afërsinë linguistike të pikave dialektore, të llogaritur me përdorimin e metodave të dialektometrisë. Rezultatet e studimit nga një anë vërtetojnë mirë mendimet ekzistuese për historinë e kontakteve në disa areale të truallit shqipfolës. Nga ana tjetër, kombinimi i metodave të ndryshme të analizës sasiore ndihmon në nxjerrjen e përfundimeve më konkrete (në krahasim me ato ekzistuese) për proceset e zhvillimit të arealeve dialektore brenda truallit shqipfolës.
The optative mood in Albanian has two tense forms, Present and Perfect, and at least two domains of a rather regular use. The first one is the so-called performative optative, which is dedicated to the expression of different kinds of blessings, curses, and swearings. The second sphere, which is more characteristic of written language, includes conditional and concessive conditional clauses. The data from the Albanian National Corpus show that the optative forms, especially in their performative function, can be found in various types of texts written in the modern Albanian language: prosaic, poetic, religious and, more rarely, journalistic and essayistic texts.
Albanian dialectal varieties spoken in the village of Mandritsa, Bulgaria,
and in the village of Karakurt, Ukraine. The two village communities have
been multiethnic and multilingual for the last several centuries. A brief
description of the sociolinguistic situations shows that the Albanian variety of Mandritsa has been subject to contacts with Bulgarian and, to a lesser extent, Greek and (Ottoman) Turkish, while in Karakurt intimate contact of the Albanian variety with Bulgarian and Gagauz played a major role in the contact-induced change.
Besides the various contact-related structural features and numerous
loanwords, one finds dative pronominal clitics borrowed from Bulgarian in
the Albanian varieties under study. The clitics can be used as nominal possessive modifiers, which is typical for Balkan Slavic and unusual for
Albanian. Further analysis of data from the published dialectal texts and the author’s unpublished fieldwork materials from Karakurt discovers peculiar structural effects, such as the incorporation of the possessive clitics into the Albanian nominal case forms in Mandritsa and the presence of doublemarking in possessive noun phrases in Karakurt.
The paper describes and compares the possible mechanisms and factors
of grammatical borrowing in the two Albanian varieties, and tests the
hypothesis of a possible correlation between the linguistic consequences of language contact and the types of contact situations. It is suggested that grammatical borrowing in Mandritsa is related mainly to the Albanian-
Bulgarian bilingualism, and the main factors were the incomplete L2
acquisition of Albanian by Bulgarian speakers and the different degrees of
L2 acquisition of Bulgarian by early and late Albanian bilinguals. In
Karakurt, multilingualism and the relatively balanced nature of the contact
situation could contribute to the borrowing of Bulgarian pronominal clitics
and the adoption of the model with double-marking of possessor due to the interlingual identification of Albanian, Bulgarian and Gagauz possessive constructions. In general, the studied case shows that considering contact situations as (non-)balanced and taking into account their internal heterogeneity makes it possible to shed some light on the mechanisms of the emergence of similar, but, upon closer examination, not identical linguistic consequences of language contact.
As the study showed, the diaspora varieties are characterized by a low complexity and a significant number of simplifying innovations. The Tosk (Southern Albanian) diaspora varieties almost do not differ in this respect from the Tosk of the main area. Most probably a significant part of their simplifying innovations was acquired by them before the beginning of migrations. The only Gheg (Northern Albanian) diaspora variety, the Arbnesh of Zadar, which is subject to an intensive contact with Croatian, demonstrates a strong simplification compared to the highly complex Gheg varieties of its source area in the south-east of Montenegro. Such differences can be explained by different types of contact situations: dominant bilingualism and a tendency to language decay in the case of Arbnesh and relatively balanced and stable bilingualism in its source area. In the second part of the study, we use the dialectometric method to determine and compare the levels of linguistic closeness of the studied idioms based on a list of 150 phonetic and grammatical features from DAAL. Their values are characterized as archaisms or innovations. Using R, the degree of linguistic closeness between varieties is determined by two types of distances, calculated on the basis of all values and only innovations. The results are visualized using hierarchical clustering (complete linkage, or the farthest neighbour method). The clustering based on all values shows that the diaspora varieties, as a rule, do not cluster immediately with the dialect subgroup of their source area, but with some higher unit in the Albanian dialectal classification. Apparently, a significant number of specific (mainly contact) innovations “blur” the connections of the diasporic varieties with their source areas, though the basic dialect relationships are preserved. The clustering made by innovations gives similar results, but also emphasizes the closeness between the diaspora varieties of Greece and Southern Italy, which is historically confirmed in data on the history of Albanian migrations from Greece to Italy.
блемы на материале албанских диалектов. Мы опираемся на материалы наших исследований, использовавших данные Диалектологического
атласа албанского языка. Для исследования были выбраны пять сравнительно крупных албаноязычных городских центров ― Улцинь (пункт № 64
по ДААЯ), Шкодра (№ 17), Тирана (№ 77А), Эльбасан (№ 99), Влёра
(№ 116) ― и окружающие их сельские пункты.
Në njërin studim llogaritet kompleksiteti linguistik (angl. linguistic complexity) i nëndialekteve të shqipes dhe tregohet si nivelet e kompleksitetit lidhen me zonat e kontaktit gjuhësor, përkatësisht izolimit. Kompleksiteti konsiderohet si parametër dinamik me tri lloje fenomenesh të lidhura me të: (1) ruajtja e kompleksitetit të trashëguar nga shqipja “e përbashkët” para ndarjes dialektore mes toskërishtes dhe gegërishtes, (2) humbja e kompleksitetit të trashëguar që rezulton në simplifikim, dhe (3) zhvillimi i risive që rezulton në kompleksifikimin relativ të sistemit gjuhësor.
Studimi tjetër lidhet me analizën sasiore të huazimeve leksikore në fjalorin e shqipes. Në këtë artikull paraqiten rezultatet e nxjerra për shpërndarjen e turqizmave dhe sllavizmave, përfshirë këtu numrin e tyre në areale të ndryshme dhe afërsinë linguistike të pikave dialektore, të llogaritur me përdorimin e metodave të dialektometrisë. Rezultatet e studimit nga një anë vërtetojnë mirë mendimet ekzistuese për historinë e kontakteve në disa areale të truallit shqipfolës. Nga ana tjetër, kombinimi i metodave të ndryshme të analizës sasiore ndihmon në nxjerrjen e përfundimeve më konkrete (në krahasim me ato ekzistuese) për proceset e zhvillimit të arealeve dialektore brenda truallit shqipfolës.
The optative mood in Albanian has two tense forms, Present and Perfect, and at least two domains of a rather regular use. The first one is the so-called performative optative, which is dedicated to the expression of different kinds of blessings, curses, and swearings. The second sphere, which is more characteristic of written language, includes conditional and concessive conditional clauses. The data from the Albanian National Corpus show that the optative forms, especially in their performative function, can be found in various types of texts written in the modern Albanian language: prosaic, poetic, religious and, more rarely, journalistic and essayistic texts.
Albanian dialectal varieties spoken in the village of Mandritsa, Bulgaria,
and in the village of Karakurt, Ukraine. The two village communities have
been multiethnic and multilingual for the last several centuries. A brief
description of the sociolinguistic situations shows that the Albanian variety of Mandritsa has been subject to contacts with Bulgarian and, to a lesser extent, Greek and (Ottoman) Turkish, while in Karakurt intimate contact of the Albanian variety with Bulgarian and Gagauz played a major role in the contact-induced change.
Besides the various contact-related structural features and numerous
loanwords, one finds dative pronominal clitics borrowed from Bulgarian in
the Albanian varieties under study. The clitics can be used as nominal possessive modifiers, which is typical for Balkan Slavic and unusual for
Albanian. Further analysis of data from the published dialectal texts and the author’s unpublished fieldwork materials from Karakurt discovers peculiar structural effects, such as the incorporation of the possessive clitics into the Albanian nominal case forms in Mandritsa and the presence of doublemarking in possessive noun phrases in Karakurt.
The paper describes and compares the possible mechanisms and factors
of grammatical borrowing in the two Albanian varieties, and tests the
hypothesis of a possible correlation between the linguistic consequences of language contact and the types of contact situations. It is suggested that grammatical borrowing in Mandritsa is related mainly to the Albanian-
Bulgarian bilingualism, and the main factors were the incomplete L2
acquisition of Albanian by Bulgarian speakers and the different degrees of
L2 acquisition of Bulgarian by early and late Albanian bilinguals. In
Karakurt, multilingualism and the relatively balanced nature of the contact
situation could contribute to the borrowing of Bulgarian pronominal clitics
and the adoption of the model with double-marking of possessor due to the interlingual identification of Albanian, Bulgarian and Gagauz possessive constructions. In general, the studied case shows that considering contact situations as (non-)balanced and taking into account their internal heterogeneity makes it possible to shed some light on the mechanisms of the emergence of similar, but, upon closer examination, not identical linguistic consequences of language contact.
As the study showed, the diaspora varieties are characterized by a low complexity and a significant number of simplifying innovations. The Tosk (Southern Albanian) diaspora varieties almost do not differ in this respect from the Tosk of the main area. Most probably a significant part of their simplifying innovations was acquired by them before the beginning of migrations. The only Gheg (Northern Albanian) diaspora variety, the Arbnesh of Zadar, which is subject to an intensive contact with Croatian, demonstrates a strong simplification compared to the highly complex Gheg varieties of its source area in the south-east of Montenegro. Such differences can be explained by different types of contact situations: dominant bilingualism and a tendency to language decay in the case of Arbnesh and relatively balanced and stable bilingualism in its source area. In the second part of the study, we use the dialectometric method to determine and compare the levels of linguistic closeness of the studied idioms based on a list of 150 phonetic and grammatical features from DAAL. Their values are characterized as archaisms or innovations. Using R, the degree of linguistic closeness between varieties is determined by two types of distances, calculated on the basis of all values and only innovations. The results are visualized using hierarchical clustering (complete linkage, or the farthest neighbour method). The clustering based on all values shows that the diaspora varieties, as a rule, do not cluster immediately with the dialect subgroup of their source area, but with some higher unit in the Albanian dialectal classification. Apparently, a significant number of specific (mainly contact) innovations “blur” the connections of the diasporic varieties with their source areas, though the basic dialect relationships are preserved. The clustering made by innovations gives similar results, but also emphasizes the closeness between the diaspora varieties of Greece and Southern Italy, which is historically confirmed in data on the history of Albanian migrations from Greece to Italy.
блемы на материале албанских диалектов. Мы опираемся на материалы наших исследований, использовавших данные Диалектологического
атласа албанского языка. Для исследования были выбраны пять сравнительно крупных албаноязычных городских центров ― Улцинь (пункт № 64
по ДААЯ), Шкодра (№ 17), Тирана (№ 77А), Эльбасан (№ 99), Влёра
(№ 116) ― и окружающие их сельские пункты.
Книга, являясь результатом многолетних полевых исследований, архивных изысканий и обобщения всего массива накопленных научных знаний об албанцах, проживающих на Украине, затрагивает различные аспекты сохранения языка и традиционной культуры, преемственности различных практик и бытования эт-
нических реалий в контексте разноуровневых межэтнических контактов, происходивших в прошлом и продолжающихся в настоящем как на Балканах, так и в Буджаке и Приазовье. Проживание в поли лингвальных, многоэтничных, поликонфессиональных и мультикультурных регионах способствовало сложению особенностей говора, уникальных черт бытовой культуры и способов ведения хозяйства, религиозных практик, праздничной и семейной обрядности, исключительной знаковости традиционного костюма.
«Приазовский отряд» — проект, имеющий более чем полувековую историю, его начало было положено в 1948 г. стараниями известного этнографа Юлии Владимировны Ивановой (1922–2006). Работа авторов коллективной монографии, коллег и единомышленников по духу и научным интересам, позволила на протяжении последних восемнадцати лет собрать и проанализировать значительный материал по истории, этнографии и лингвистике на юге Украины, на территории Крыма и в балканских странах (Албания, Македония, Косово, Черногория, Сербия, Босния и Герцеговина, Болгария, Греция, Турция), а также в арбрешских поселениях Италии, представляющий безусловный интерес для научного сообщества и позволяющий сделать потенциально важный задел для будущих исследований регионов Балкан и Причерноморья.
В том 1 включены разделы, посвященные истории этнолокальной группы албанцев Украины и ее изучения, а также традициям и практикам в культуре и семейной обрядности.
В том 2 включены разделы, посвященные народной медицине как ресурсу жизнеобеспечения, а также традиционной одежде албанцев Буджака и Приазовья. В издании приводятся грамматический очерк говора албанцев Украины, а также диалектные тексты.
One of our research parameters is linguistic complexity, a variable which has become a center of interest in recent macro-areal typological work (e.g. Sampson, Gil, and Trudgill 2009; Baechler and Seiler 2016). We follow the definition by Johanna Nichols (2009: 111-112) who describes grammatical complexity as “complexity of the strictly linguistic domains of phonology, morphosyntax, lexicon, etc. and their components”.
The data for the study was taken from the Dialectological Atlas of Albanian Language (DAAL 2007; 2008), with 131 villages that represent the varieties spoken in Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, and Montenegro. The data set for the study of linguistic complexity consists of 27 binary features from DAAL 2007, which reflect either the number of phonological or morphological elements, or the number of paradigmatic variants. The lexical data set includes the material from 219 lexical maps (DAAL 2008).