Revista Maestro de Rubielos by Maestro de Rubielos
Maestro de Rubielos, 2025
Maestro de Rubielos, 2023
Con la tesis del autor expuesta en el artículo y las patentes similitudes del ídolo referido con ... more Con la tesis del autor expuesta en el artículo y las patentes similitudes del ídolo referido con las piedras mágicas conservadas en las colecciones del British Museum, cabe la posibilidad de una nueva identidad para el ídolo de Peñalba de Villastar, que lejos del dios celta Lug como se defiende hasta ahora, se trate de un Pantheos cuya naturaleza fuera un sincretismo de Hécate, elaborado en base a diferentes creencias y realizado en base al conocimiento de los rituales de magia y elaboración de amuletos y talismanes descritos en los PGM. Es fácil que este camino ayude a explicar las cazoletas existentes como altares rituales y de sacrificio, así como la intención de las grafías halladas
Maestro de Rubielos, 2022
Maestro de Rubielos, 2022
El detallado testamento de un soldado francés, procedente de la villa bretona de Quimper, sirve p... more El detallado testamento de un soldado francés, procedente de la villa bretona de Quimper, sirve para documentar, de manera directa, no sólo la Guerra de Secesión en la zona Segorbina (Reino de Valencia) sino la vida, pensamiento, costumbres y pertenencias de un soldado del nuevo ejército borbónico, en plena transformación militar del monarca tras su ascenso al trono de la Corona Española.
Maestro de Rubielos, 2019
Uno de los epicentros religisosos, históricos, culturales y artísticos del sur de Aragón, limítro... more Uno de los epicentros religisosos, históricos, culturales y artísticos del sur de Aragón, limítrofe con el Reino de Valencia, fue la antigua e insigne Colegiata de Mora de Rubielos. Maltratada por el paso de los siglos y de los conflictos bélicos, el magnífico texto del doctor Raúl Francisco Solanes, bellamente ilustrado con imágenes antiguas, nos ayuda a entender y conocer todo ese pasado, tanto perdido como recuperado en los últimos años con la colaboración de la incipiente Asociación Patrimonial Colegiata de Mora.
El presente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar los relevantes hechos acaecidos en Rubielos de Mo... more El presente artículo tiene por objetivo mostrar los relevantes hechos acaecidos en Rubielos de Mora a finales de la segunda mitad del siglo XIV, protagonizados por Gonzalvo Pérez de Resa y enmarcados en la llamada «Guerra de los dos Pedros» que por su singular evolución propiciaron el desarrollo de la población. Reuniendo en primicia documentación original que aporta datos relevantes para la propia historia de la villa, no publicados hasta ahora en su conjunto.
The objective of this article is to show the relevant events that occurred in Rubielos de Mora at the end of the second half of the 14th century, starring Gonzalvo Pérez de Resa and framed in the so-called «Guerra de los dos Pedros», which, due to their unique evolution, led to the population development. Originally gathering original documentation that provides relevant data for the history of the town, not published so far as a whole.
Maestro de Rubielos, 2020
Una de las piezas más significativas del patrimonio de la Catedral es un bote eucarístico tardome... more Una de las piezas más significativas del patrimonio de la Catedral es un bote eucarístico tardomedieval que debe ser vinculado a los talleres sículo-normandos o sículo-arábigos del siglo XII. Unos talleres y una producción vinculada al trabajo de artesanos islámicos que, entre los siglos XII y XIII. alcanzó una gran popularidad en todo el mundo europeo occidental cristiano, tanto como piezas de lujo privado, souvenir de peregrinos y, en muchos casos, destinadas a la liturgia cristiana.
Maestro de Rubielos, 2019
La exposición Internacional de Barcelona de 1929 fue la primera gran ocasión de dar a conocer al ... more La exposición Internacional de Barcelona de 1929 fue la primera gran ocasión de dar a conocer al mundo el patrimonio de la sede episcopal de Segorbe, a través de la cesión de un conjunto de sus mejores obras de arte. Tras la guerra civil española y noventa años después del acontecimiento recordamos con este ensayo aquel evento que permitió difundir y dar visibilidad a todas esas obras, algunas de ellas perdidas para siempre.
The International Exhibition of Barcelona in 1929 was the first great opportunity to make known to the world the heritage of the Episcopal see of Segorbe, through the transfer of a set of its best works of art. After the Spanish Civil War and ninety years after the event we remember with this essay that event that allowed to disseminate and give visibility to all those works, some of them lost forever.
Maestro de Rubielos, 2016
Maestro de Rubielos (MdR),-revista digital de arte y ensayo-, es un es un proyecto interdisciplin... more Maestro de Rubielos (MdR),-revista digital de arte y ensayo-, es un es un proyecto interdisciplinar creado con la voluntad de dinamizar el patrimonio histórico y el legado artístico a través de la investigación científica y el ensayo, con estudios serios y fundamentados. Sus líneas de trabajo se basan en ofrecer información, difusión y opinión sobre el patrimonio cultural, proponer actividades para la mejora de su conocimiento, así como generar conciencia de la necesidad de su conservación y mantenimiento.
Maestro de Rubielos (MdR), - digital magazine of art and essay, is an interdisciplinary project created with the aim of invigorating the historical heritage and the artistic legacy through scientific research and essay, with serious and well-founded studies . Its lines of work are based on offering information, dissemination and opinion on cultural heritage, proposing activities to improve their knowledge, as well as raising awareness of the need for its conservation and maintenance.
Estudio acerca de una de las obras más importantes del patrimonio pictórico valenciano, la Longit... more Estudio acerca de una de las obras más importantes del patrimonio pictórico valenciano, la Longitud de Cristo de Rubielos de Mora, y sus vicisitudes históricas desde su generación hasta su expolio en el siglo XX.
Study about one of the most important works of Valencian pictorial heritage, the Length of Christ of Rubielos de Mora, and its historical vicissitudes from his generation to his pillage in the twentieth century.
Maestro de Rubielos, 2018
El presente artículo tiene por objeto dar a conocer una pieza recientemente donada al Museo Cated... more El presente artículo tiene por objeto dar a conocer una pieza recientemente donada al Museo Catedralicio de Segorbe que se había venido dando por perdida desde hace ya más de 80 años, en los primeros meses de la guerra civil de 1936-1939. La pieza, una imagen en relieve de la Verónica de Cristo en madera dorada y policromada, conocida popularmente como “Cabecica de Nuestro Señor”, formaba parte del acervo patrimonial segorbino y era recordada con nostalgia por su ubicación histórica en un lugar muy transitado por todos los ciudadanos de Segorbe, el Portal de la Verónica, que habría recibido tal denominación precisamente desde la colocación de la misma sobre su arco interior.
The purpose of this article is to make known a recently donated piece to the Cathedral Museum of Segorbe that had been lost for more than 80 years, in the first months of the 1936-1939 civil war. The piece, an image in relief of the Veronica of Christ in gilded and polychrome wood, popularly known as "Cabecica de Nuestro Señor", was part of the segorbino patrimonial heritage and was remembered with nostalgia for its historical location in a place well traveled by all the citizens of Segorbe, the Portal de la Verónica, which would have received such a name precisely from the placement of the same on its inner arch.
Investigación acerca de la imagen medieval de Santa María de Cabanes. Historia, vicisitudes, desa... more Investigación acerca de la imagen medieval de Santa María de Cabanes. Historia, vicisitudes, desaparición en la posguerra y posible redescubrimiento de la obra, conservada en una colección particular.
Research about the medieval image of Santa María de Cabanes. History, vicissitudes, disappearance in the postwar period and possible rediscovery of the work, preserved in a private collection.
Ensayo sobre la pintura del retablo de la Santísima Trinidad de Rubielos de Mora y su propia sing... more Ensayo sobre la pintura del retablo de la Santísima Trinidad de Rubielos de Mora y su propia singularidad dentro del legado medieval artístico de la villa, de la pintura valenciana medieval y de la obra de uno de los más importantes maestros del gótico internacional, recogiendo el estado de la cuestión sobre el tema y su fortuna historiográfica.
Work on the painting of the altarpiece of the Holy Trinity by Rubielos de Mora and its own singularity within the medieval artistic legacy of the town, the medieval Valencian painting and the work of one of the most important masters of international Gothic, collecting the state of the question on the subject and its historiographical fortune.
Artículo que investiga sobre diversos trabajos del pintor segorbino José Camarón a lo largo del c... more Artículo que investiga sobre diversos trabajos del pintor segorbino José Camarón a lo largo del camino de Aragón, así como diversas nuevas atribuciones al maestro, desde la pintura de San Juan Bautista de la Catedral de Teruel, un dibujo de la Biblioteca Nacional de España o el Capitulario de la Seo. Recoge también los últimos trabajos vinculados al artista en los últimos años desde el Museo Catedralicio de Segorbe, como la Santa Teresa del convento de madres agustinas de Caudiel, una Sagrada Familia en Egipto de propiedad particular, o diversas piezas de la catedral del Obispado de Segorbe-Castellón.
Article investigating various works of segorbino painter José Camarón along the way to Aragón, as well as various new attributions to the master, from the painting of Saint John the Baptist of the Cathedral of Teruel, a drawing of the National Library of Spain or the Caption of the Seo. It also includes the latest works linked to the artist in recent years from the Cathedral Museum of Segorbe, as the Saint Teresa of the Convent of Augustinian mothers of Caudiel, a Sagrada Familia in Egypt of private property, or various pieces of the Cathedral of the Bishopric of Segorbe -Castellón.
Maestro de Rubielos, 2017
El presente artículo intenta aportar nuevas líneas de investigación a la escultura religiosa en l... more El presente artículo intenta aportar nuevas líneas de investigación a la escultura religiosa en la diócesis de Segorbe y áreas limítrofes en Albarracín y Teruel a lo largo de los siglos XVI y XVII, con la gran influencia de sus dos escultores más destacados y representativos en cada centuria. Por un lado Damián Forment, del que se intenta exponer un perfil de su presencia en la sede episcopal y diversas atribuciones en tierras castellonenses, y Juan Miguel Orliens, con nuevos planteamientos acerca de su figura, incluido el descubrimiento de las trazas del retablo mayor de la parroquial de Rubielos de Mora.
The present article tries to contribute new lines of investigation to the religious sculpture in the diocese of Segorbe and bordering areas in Albarracín and Teruel throughout the XVI and XVII centuries, with the great influence of its two most outstanding and representative sculptors in each century . On the one hand, Damián Forment, who is trying to present a profile of his presence in the episcopal see and various attributions in Castellón, and Juan Miguel Orliens, with new ideas about his figure, including the discovery of the traces of the main altarpiece of the parish church of Rubielos de Mora.
Maestro de Rubielos, Oct 2017
El pintor valenciano Luis Antonio Planes (Valencia, 1742-1821), uno de los artistas españoles más... more El pintor valenciano Luis Antonio Planes (Valencia, 1742-1821), uno de los artistas españoles más importantes del academicismo, todavía continua siendo un desconocido, en gran medida, para la historiografía. El presente artículo quiere devolverle, de algún modo, su importante valor dentro de la particular historia del arte español, analizando, en especial, su importante actividad renovadora y creativa en el camino de Aragón, entre Valencia y Teruel, a caballo entre dos diócesis, teniendo como epicentros culturales la Catedral de Segorbe y la Colegiata de Rubielos de Mora.
The Valencian painter Luis Antonio Planes (Valencia, 1742-1821), one of the most important Spanish artists of academicism, still remains largely unknown to historiography. This article aims to give it back its important value in the particular history of Spanish art, in particular by analyzing its important creative and renewal activity on the Aragon road between Valencia and Teruel, between two dioceses, having as cultural centers the Cathedral of Segorbe and the Colegiata of Rubielos de Mora.
José Esteve Bonet, escultor, Apr 2017
Que José Esteve Bonet (Valencia, 1741-1802) fue una de las grandes personalidades artísticas de l... more Que José Esteve Bonet (Valencia, 1741-1802) fue una de las grandes personalidades artísticas de la escultura española del siglo XVIII es una realidad bien constatada por la historia del arte. El presente artículo ahonda en la figura del maestro y el conocimiento de su actividad en la diócesis de Segorbe a través de noticias documentales, fuentes antiguas y obras conservadas e inéditas.
That José Esteve Bonet (Valencia, 1741-1802) was one of the great artistic personalities of 18th-century Spanish sculpture is a well-established reality in the history of art. This article explores the figure of the master and the knowledge of his activity in the diocese of Segorbe through documentary news, ancient sources and works preserved and unpublished.
Revista Maestro de Rubielos by Maestro de Rubielos
The objective of this article is to show the relevant events that occurred in Rubielos de Mora at the end of the second half of the 14th century, starring Gonzalvo Pérez de Resa and framed in the so-called «Guerra de los dos Pedros», which, due to their unique evolution, led to the population development. Originally gathering original documentation that provides relevant data for the history of the town, not published so far as a whole.
The International Exhibition of Barcelona in 1929 was the first great opportunity to make known to the world the heritage of the Episcopal see of Segorbe, through the transfer of a set of its best works of art. After the Spanish Civil War and ninety years after the event we remember with this essay that event that allowed to disseminate and give visibility to all those works, some of them lost forever.
Maestro de Rubielos (MdR), - digital magazine of art and essay, is an interdisciplinary project created with the aim of invigorating the historical heritage and the artistic legacy through scientific research and essay, with serious and well-founded studies . Its lines of work are based on offering information, dissemination and opinion on cultural heritage, proposing activities to improve their knowledge, as well as raising awareness of the need for its conservation and maintenance.
Study about one of the most important works of Valencian pictorial heritage, the Length of Christ of Rubielos de Mora, and its historical vicissitudes from his generation to his pillage in the twentieth century.
The purpose of this article is to make known a recently donated piece to the Cathedral Museum of Segorbe that had been lost for more than 80 years, in the first months of the 1936-1939 civil war. The piece, an image in relief of the Veronica of Christ in gilded and polychrome wood, popularly known as "Cabecica de Nuestro Señor", was part of the segorbino patrimonial heritage and was remembered with nostalgia for its historical location in a place well traveled by all the citizens of Segorbe, the Portal de la Verónica, which would have received such a name precisely from the placement of the same on its inner arch.
Research about the medieval image of Santa María de Cabanes. History, vicissitudes, disappearance in the postwar period and possible rediscovery of the work, preserved in a private collection.
Work on the painting of the altarpiece of the Holy Trinity by Rubielos de Mora and its own singularity within the medieval artistic legacy of the town, the medieval Valencian painting and the work of one of the most important masters of international Gothic, collecting the state of the question on the subject and its historiographical fortune.
Article investigating various works of segorbino painter José Camarón along the way to Aragón, as well as various new attributions to the master, from the painting of Saint John the Baptist of the Cathedral of Teruel, a drawing of the National Library of Spain or the Caption of the Seo. It also includes the latest works linked to the artist in recent years from the Cathedral Museum of Segorbe, as the Saint Teresa of the Convent of Augustinian mothers of Caudiel, a Sagrada Familia in Egypt of private property, or various pieces of the Cathedral of the Bishopric of Segorbe -Castellón.
The present article tries to contribute new lines of investigation to the religious sculpture in the diocese of Segorbe and bordering areas in Albarracín and Teruel throughout the XVI and XVII centuries, with the great influence of its two most outstanding and representative sculptors in each century . On the one hand, Damián Forment, who is trying to present a profile of his presence in the episcopal see and various attributions in Castellón, and Juan Miguel Orliens, with new ideas about his figure, including the discovery of the traces of the main altarpiece of the parish church of Rubielos de Mora.
The Valencian painter Luis Antonio Planes (Valencia, 1742-1821), one of the most important Spanish artists of academicism, still remains largely unknown to historiography. This article aims to give it back its important value in the particular history of Spanish art, in particular by analyzing its important creative and renewal activity on the Aragon road between Valencia and Teruel, between two dioceses, having as cultural centers the Cathedral of Segorbe and the Colegiata of Rubielos de Mora.
That José Esteve Bonet (Valencia, 1741-1802) was one of the great artistic personalities of 18th-century Spanish sculpture is a well-established reality in the history of art. This article explores the figure of the master and the knowledge of his activity in the diocese of Segorbe through documentary news, ancient sources and works preserved and unpublished.
The objective of this article is to show the relevant events that occurred in Rubielos de Mora at the end of the second half of the 14th century, starring Gonzalvo Pérez de Resa and framed in the so-called «Guerra de los dos Pedros», which, due to their unique evolution, led to the population development. Originally gathering original documentation that provides relevant data for the history of the town, not published so far as a whole.
The International Exhibition of Barcelona in 1929 was the first great opportunity to make known to the world the heritage of the Episcopal see of Segorbe, through the transfer of a set of its best works of art. After the Spanish Civil War and ninety years after the event we remember with this essay that event that allowed to disseminate and give visibility to all those works, some of them lost forever.
Maestro de Rubielos (MdR), - digital magazine of art and essay, is an interdisciplinary project created with the aim of invigorating the historical heritage and the artistic legacy through scientific research and essay, with serious and well-founded studies . Its lines of work are based on offering information, dissemination and opinion on cultural heritage, proposing activities to improve their knowledge, as well as raising awareness of the need for its conservation and maintenance.
Study about one of the most important works of Valencian pictorial heritage, the Length of Christ of Rubielos de Mora, and its historical vicissitudes from his generation to his pillage in the twentieth century.
The purpose of this article is to make known a recently donated piece to the Cathedral Museum of Segorbe that had been lost for more than 80 years, in the first months of the 1936-1939 civil war. The piece, an image in relief of the Veronica of Christ in gilded and polychrome wood, popularly known as "Cabecica de Nuestro Señor", was part of the segorbino patrimonial heritage and was remembered with nostalgia for its historical location in a place well traveled by all the citizens of Segorbe, the Portal de la Verónica, which would have received such a name precisely from the placement of the same on its inner arch.
Research about the medieval image of Santa María de Cabanes. History, vicissitudes, disappearance in the postwar period and possible rediscovery of the work, preserved in a private collection.
Work on the painting of the altarpiece of the Holy Trinity by Rubielos de Mora and its own singularity within the medieval artistic legacy of the town, the medieval Valencian painting and the work of one of the most important masters of international Gothic, collecting the state of the question on the subject and its historiographical fortune.
Article investigating various works of segorbino painter José Camarón along the way to Aragón, as well as various new attributions to the master, from the painting of Saint John the Baptist of the Cathedral of Teruel, a drawing of the National Library of Spain or the Caption of the Seo. It also includes the latest works linked to the artist in recent years from the Cathedral Museum of Segorbe, as the Saint Teresa of the Convent of Augustinian mothers of Caudiel, a Sagrada Familia in Egypt of private property, or various pieces of the Cathedral of the Bishopric of Segorbe -Castellón.
The present article tries to contribute new lines of investigation to the religious sculpture in the diocese of Segorbe and bordering areas in Albarracín and Teruel throughout the XVI and XVII centuries, with the great influence of its two most outstanding and representative sculptors in each century . On the one hand, Damián Forment, who is trying to present a profile of his presence in the episcopal see and various attributions in Castellón, and Juan Miguel Orliens, with new ideas about his figure, including the discovery of the traces of the main altarpiece of the parish church of Rubielos de Mora.
The Valencian painter Luis Antonio Planes (Valencia, 1742-1821), one of the most important Spanish artists of academicism, still remains largely unknown to historiography. This article aims to give it back its important value in the particular history of Spanish art, in particular by analyzing its important creative and renewal activity on the Aragon road between Valencia and Teruel, between two dioceses, having as cultural centers the Cathedral of Segorbe and the Colegiata of Rubielos de Mora.
That José Esteve Bonet (Valencia, 1741-1802) was one of the great artistic personalities of 18th-century Spanish sculpture is a well-established reality in the history of art. This article explores the figure of the master and the knowledge of his activity in the diocese of Segorbe through documentary news, ancient sources and works preserved and unpublished.