Papers by Elisabeth Behling
Lake Maracaibo is a hypertrophic estuary used for diverse activities, among which are: commercial... more Lake Maracaibo is a hypertrophic estuary used for diverse activities, among which are: commercial and sport fishing, farming of aquatic species, spas, tours and water sports, others. In the present study the sanitary quality of coastal waters of the strait of Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, was analyzed, determining their adequacy for recreational water type (partial and total human contact), established in current legislation. Six samplings were conducted at ten sites (PlayaMiranda, Boulevard de los Puertos de Altagracia, Punta de Leiva, La Rita, Boulevard de Cabimas, Los Coquitos, San Remo, Vereda del Lago, Plaza Bolívar de San Francisco, Cañada de Urdaneta), between November 2011 and April 2012. Physicochemical parameters were measured in situ: temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, redox potential and dissolved oxygen, while in the laboratory were measured (standard methods): turbidity, total alkalinity, total hardness, total and fecal coliforms. The results show high bacterial contamination in the beaches of Lake, whose values were between 40 and ≥1.6x107 MPN/100mL for total coliforms and between <20 and 8.0x105 MPN/100mL for fecal coliform, which can be attributed to the discharge of untreated domestic sewage on the banks of water body. None of the sites monitored met the permissible limits specified in the regulations for human contact partial and/or total. The recreational waters of sampled sites in Lake Maracaibo are not suitable for sports or recreational activities, as they represent a potential health problem.
A phytoremediation system at laboratory scale as alternative treatment for wastewater from the Ri... more A phytoremediation system at laboratory scale as alternative treatment for wastewater from the Riohacha city (Colombia), composed of six tanks operated to semi-continuous flow and hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 7 days, was implemented. Three tanks were provided Eichhornia crassipes plants while the other three served as control (not plants). During tests effluent renewal rates of 25, 50 and 75% were applied, and the following physicochemical and bacteriological parameters were monitored: pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonium, orthophosphate, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen
demand (BOD5), total and fecal coliforms. The results show that treated effluent quality meets mostly with the permissible limits of Colombian legislation, obtaining the best system efficiency´s to renewal rates of 75% in tanks with plants, for removal percentages of 99.9% ammonium, 93.1%, orthophosphate, 93.9% organic matter (COD), 91.6% organic matter (BOD5), 99.9% total and fecal coliforms. Therefore, phytoremediation is an efficient and feasible alternative for treatment of
domestic sewage from the Riohacha city, requiring only disinfection post-treatment to remove remaining pathogens.
Boletin Del Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas, 2003
... De par ta men to de In ge nie ría Sa ni ta ria y Am bien tal (DISA), Es cue la de In ge nie r... more ... De par ta men to de In ge nie ría Sa ni ta ria y Am bien tal (DISA), Es cue la de In ge nie ría Ci vil, Fa cul tad de In ge nie ría, Uni ver si dad ... Cole Par mer, para la ro ta ción de los dis cos, aco pla do a una se rie de en gra na jes y po leas que ayu da ban al re duc tor de vol ta je a ...
Boletin Del Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas, May 23, 2014
Ciencia, Mar 1, 2007
... sealed module type basins planted with various macrophyte species. To overcome the anaerobic ... more ... sealed module type basins planted with various macrophyte species. To overcome the anaerobic septic tank systems she integrated a stage of primary sludge filtration in vertically percolated sandy soils planted with Phragmites australis. ... Perdomo et al. ...
Ingenieria Investigacion Y Tecnologia, Jul 1, 2013
Boletin Del Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas, 2005
... 1985, Ba ner jee 1997, La llai y Mura 1989, Ba ner jee 1997). ... 0,8 cm Velocidad de giro de... more ... 1985, Ba ner jee 1997, La llai y Mura 1989, Ba ner jee 1997). ... 0,8 cm Velocidad de giro del disco 2,5 rpm Page 6. dis cos, aco pla do a una se rie de en gra na jes y po leas que ayu dan al re - duc tor de vol ta je a con tro lar y re gu lar la ve lo ci dad re que ri da (2,5 rpm). ...
Ciencia, 2007
... con efluen te fres co. Las mues tras del efluen te tra ta do fue - ron re co lec ta das en en... more ... con efluen te fres co. Las mues tras del efluen te tra ta do fue - ron re co lec ta das en en va ses plás ti cos de 1,5 L, ob te nién do se ade más una ali cuo ta apro -pia da (0,5 L) para los aná li sis in situ. To das las mues tras ...
Ciencia, 2005
... Re co lec ción de las mues tras de aguas de pro duc ción pe tro le ras Las mues tras de aguas... more ... Re co lec ción de las mues tras de aguas de pro duc ción pe tro le ras Las mues tras de aguas de pro duc ción fue ron co lec ta das en el pa tio de tan ques Ulé, Tía Jua na, es ta do Zu lia, Ve ne zue la, el cual pro du ce unos 305 mil ba rri les dia rios de aguas de pro duc ción ...
Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, Apr 1, 2008
... Carlos Rojas 1 , Nancy Rincón 2 , Altamira Díaz 2 , Gilberto Colina 2 , Elisabeth Behling 2 ,... more ... Carlos Rojas 1 , Nancy Rincón 2 , Altamira Díaz 2 , Gilberto Colina 2 , Elisabeth Behling 2 , Elsa Chacín 2 y Nola Fernández 2. ... The Flotation system was used for the treatment of production oil waters, from a separator API located at the Patio Tanks ULE, in Tía Juana Zulia ...
Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, 2008
The efficiency of an UASB reactor for the removal of phenol, 2-chlorophenol, 2-nitrophenol, 2,4-d... more The efficiency of an UASB reactor for the removal of phenol, 2-chlorophenol, 2-nitrophenol, 2,4-dimethylphenol, hexane and heptane from a wastewater prepared in the laboratory was evaluated, using glucose as co-substrate. The volumetric organic load applied to the UASB reactor varied among 0.90-5.60 kg DQO/m 3 .d, with a TRH of 1 d. With the application of the biological treatment, the following removal percentages were reached, in the evaluated parameters: DQO, 81.54%; phenol, 33.65%; 2-chlorophenol, 76.60%; 2-nitrophenol, 54.81%; 2,4-dimethylphenol, 77.03%; hexane and heptane were not detected in the effluent of the UASB reactor. The biosorption and volatilization of the organic compounds were not evaluated. The investigation allowed demonstrating the applicability of the anaerobic biological system to the treatment of wastewaters containing toxic organic compounds, in the concentrations used in this investigation. Nevertheless, phenol concentration in the effluent was over 0.5 mg/L, value demanded by the Venezuelan norm.
Boletin Del Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas, Dec 3, 2014
Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, Dec 1, 2007
... Tabla 5 Análisis elemental de la muestra de agua de la fosa de una mina carbonífera. Metal. C... more ... Tabla 5 Análisis elemental de la muestra de agua de la fosa de una mina carbonífera. Metal. Concentración (µg/L). LDD (µg/L). ... 1-10. 16. Girgis, B., Khalil, LB, Tawfik, AM Activated Carbon from Sugar Cane Bagasse by Carbonisation in the Presence of Inorganic Acids. J. Chem. ...
Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, Dec 1, 2007
Sugarcane bagasse Saccharum officinarum was used as a precursor on nickel (II) adsorption present... more Sugarcane bagasse Saccharum officinarum was used as a precursor on nickel (II) adsorption present in coal mining effluents. The sample of bagasse was dried, smashed and sieved until obtaining an adequate granulometry, then it was activated with H3PO4 40%p/p during 14 hours, the materials were pyrolized for one hour at 400 and 500°C respectively, obtaining prepared activated coal (PAC-400 y PAC-500). The specific area was determined by using the conventional procedure of Brunauer-Emmen-Teller (BET). The areas (SBET) at CAP-400 and CAP-500 were of 994 and 1344 m 2 /g respectively. Solutions of nitrate of nickel Ni(NO3)2, at initial concentrations (Co) of 50,100 and 150 mg/L, had a treatment with the PAC, in a contact time of 1 hour and 25°C, the operational pH were 5,0; 5,5 and 6,0. The PAC at 500°C can remove 85,66% of nickel with an Co of 50 mg/L at pH 5,5. The essays at pH 5 and 6 presented a nickel removal of 83,87 and 83,65% respectively. For a Co of 100 and 150 mg/L of Ni(NO3)2 the removal percentage lows. This tendency was similar to the ones with the PAC at 400°C. For the industrial effluent the removal percentage was 96,03%.
Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, Aug 1, 2008
Ingenieria Investigacion Y Tecnologia, Sep 1, 2013
Boletin Del Centro De Investigaciones Biologicas, 1996
Papers by Elisabeth Behling
demand (BOD5), total and fecal coliforms. The results show that treated effluent quality meets mostly with the permissible limits of Colombian legislation, obtaining the best system efficiency´s to renewal rates of 75% in tanks with plants, for removal percentages of 99.9% ammonium, 93.1%, orthophosphate, 93.9% organic matter (COD), 91.6% organic matter (BOD5), 99.9% total and fecal coliforms. Therefore, phytoremediation is an efficient and feasible alternative for treatment of
domestic sewage from the Riohacha city, requiring only disinfection post-treatment to remove remaining pathogens.
demand (BOD5), total and fecal coliforms. The results show that treated effluent quality meets mostly with the permissible limits of Colombian legislation, obtaining the best system efficiency´s to renewal rates of 75% in tanks with plants, for removal percentages of 99.9% ammonium, 93.1%, orthophosphate, 93.9% organic matter (COD), 91.6% organic matter (BOD5), 99.9% total and fecal coliforms. Therefore, phytoremediation is an efficient and feasible alternative for treatment of
domestic sewage from the Riohacha city, requiring only disinfection post-treatment to remove remaining pathogens.