Papers by elangbam hemanta singh
Journal of Literature, Culture and Media Studies, 2011
... Elangbam Hemanta Singh* ... The episode is a startling one in the novel because of its dramat... more ... Elangbam Hemanta Singh* ... The episode is a startling one in the novel because of its dramatic ingenuity and symbolic invention, but its point is sharpened only after we have apprehended the preceding drama of communication between the two lovers. ...
Abstract: Confession is not at all a new genre in literature. As it is the disclosure of some sor... more Abstract: Confession is not at all a new genre in literature. As it is the disclosure of some sort, a writer reveals private or clinical matters about herself or himself of art. As a matter of fact, confessional poetry has a very long tradition that begins from the poets like Sappho and Catullus to Jean-Jacques Rousseau's The Confessions (1764-70) based on religious confessions in the lineage of St. Augustine's Confessions (C. 400 AD) establishing the impression on the history of literature for the psychological outlets of personal feelings. In fact the term “Confessional Poetry ” comes from “Confessional Properly ” first coined by M.L. Rosenthal in reviewing Robert Lowell's Life Studies (1959).
hmu civilisttioo ird culrurc, $ ir baib€€n hc fouhii or"ry ii "ft Function of CritisD rt. thc Ptp... more hmu civilisttioo ird culrurc, $ ir baib€€n hc fouhii or"ry ii "ft Function of CritisD rt. thc Ptpsnl r"intcd of tllcrrrv ctirUt' ' .,;;t .. Timc' (iroD' ird tht tcnD''Prcdql 9tig9ull.1.itb."-"ua orurcrury criiltft' ' -.' , i:t iioc' 1iroztr Ard tbt tcnD''Prctiql criticirml-iatro-Ulcnry sitici;m. hs. arrbti$cd iridtf ir rtr mdn duccd iy dr; :ftl fattJry li]6rty. critic'.{ds' jvirv xcciaki yirfi |h. rrddid mrhv of lita-hemc i tatid. fta$rc of Enflir! tMicr. FrotDisdl rctivity rssociatcd with &c rcrdcrnic uri'y .of litcnbouo rccohl hrc Ocncnlly tpc&iag, ooc cra try th.t it iovolvs tbo . sitis.nrcl rr'Fl .r'ff.Iieri* to"rdt to bo id€ctificd rttllc 'ian of cdricisa. ll ir oo.ticcrblo $|l,q9Pt
il\rPr IAL WEDNESDAYIT rgrTlllllx ?!rtr'prrA'. iyEuNEsDAy \d ,r r.o"rrto -| -ffi | The Sangai BrP... more il\rPr IAL WEDNESDAYIT rgrTlllllx ?!rtr'prrA'. iyEuNEsDAy \d ,r r.o"rrto -| -ffi | The Sangai BrPrcs t .. Todoyls Th?yght Ther. ls nothlng morclmPudent thal exsasllvc lmPrudonce; :. , Colton' John Steinbeck ffiryAmerican Novelist Joho Stcinbc! it | -fmout sd-populsr Amcncsn *;s of runl rnd tmlll-towo Crlifomiu oriqlns rnd irlii iiliii.e..tsn vrircr notcd for his ecisl cntF ;ffi:fiii;;;lfficricr'r bcst lovcd ruthon of thc ;il'.;;;rv. iho h$ writtcn.novcls, rhorl-slorics' rlevr. non-fictioq c3sy! rnd d€litiltul. Poil8 ot rostr iufim. Hc. ia.bir life Ume' ha3 Publlshco lwctrryryor'
The history of drama and the art of dramaturgy are as old as human beings themselves.
Wrestrum in the novel, is just concerned with its own prosperity and welfare neglecting the wider... more Wrestrum in the novel, is just concerned with its own prosperity and welfare neglecting the wider interests of its race. The educated elites work in association with the post colonial powers to dislocate and dispossess the people of their own community, the nameless narrator in order to please their ex-masters and to maintain their own hold upon their status and position.
Papers by elangbam hemanta singh